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Chrono Cross" is not directly related to "Radical Dreamers -The Unstolen Jewels", so the fact that Serge was a musician in that game is not particularly relevant.
Chrono Cross" is not directly related to "Radical Dreamers -The Unstolen Jewels", so the fact that Serge was a musician in that game is not particularly relevant.
Question Response
-Is it possible for a hydra to reproduce monosexually? Or is it unable to reproduce without a guardian, and the orphaned cubs are left all alone?
Answerer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios
We believe that the orphaned hydra would have continued to live on in some form or another.
Question Response
-How did Spriggan and the fortune teller of Termina meet and become friends?
Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios
I don't know. The fortune teller may have dabbled in witchcraft when she was young, met Spriggan, and trained under her.
Question Response
-Why is Serge's stance and motion in battle different in the demo version and the full version? Also, why can't I use "Chrono" when I change his name?
Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios
The demo version was not completed due to time constraints, so it was a rush job. The reason why we can't use the name "Chrono" is because the name "Chrono Trigger" belongs only to him.
Question Response English
-What lands did you use as references when creating the world of "Chrono Cross"? Is the El Nido Islands in the Philippines involved?
Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios
There is no particular reference. At the time of production, I had no idea that there was a place of the same name in the Philippines. It sounds like a lovely place.
Question Response
-I would like to ask a question that has been bothering me for 22 years. Lynx's neck peeking out from his collar doesn't look like he is wearing anything, but what design of clothing is he wearing under his robe? I am imagining something similar to Serge's innerwear...
Answerer: Nobuteru Yuki (Carata Design)
The overall image is leather armor combined with a cloak, with the hardest leather at the belly, and a metal guard sewn into the leather above that to allow for some movement. The long skirted part with the decorations is the clothing (like a collarless kantou gown with a front opening), only this part is made of fabric.
Question Response
I loved the interaction between the Salton and Shugar duo back in the day.
Please tell us the story of how this duo came to be and if there is anyone who was a model for them!
Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios
I guess this is the image of the bumpy duo of Abbott and Costemiro. They were hard to hate.
Question Response
-Is the substitution talisman a key item from the second week onwards? I would like to use it from the beginning if possible.
Answer: SQUARE ENIX Development
No, you can use the talisman from the second week of the game.
Question Response
-What is the reason for the name "Serge" and where did it come from?
Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios
There is no particular reason. I just thought that the French sound suited the character.
Question Response English
-Is the background music used in Chrono Cross: Radical Dreamers Edition from the revival soundtrack? Are there any new songs? I'm looking forward to it...! I wish you the best of luck and hope to hear from you soon!
Answerer: Yasunori Mitsuda (Composer), Procyon Studio
No, we did not use the soundtrack for the revival. The sound engineer from Square Enix prepared the built-in sound data of the PlayStation at the time, and I refined it with EQ, compressor, noise reduction, etc. The opening song "Chrono Cross - Scars of Time" and the ending song "Radical Dreamers - Unstolen Jewels" were converted to WAV files from tapes I recorded at the time. I like the performance take and mix very much, and I have not made any changes to them because they are complete. There is also one new song and 7 special (but not played) arranged versions of other songs. In all, you will be able to hear about 8 new music tracks. Enjoy!
Question Response
-If you have any stories about how the Draggy egg was with his mother's corpse in the drowned valley, or any episodes of his family or siblings. Also, I would like to hear what Serge's household help does and any spills of Arni village daily life.
Respondent: Masato Kato, Wright Flyer Studios (Original Director)
The episodes of the ancient dragon tribe are not particularly detailed.
Serge's daily life is described at ......, considering that he is usually forced to be Leena's errand boy.
Question Response
-Who's idea was it to make the dialogue so philosophical, from the villagers to the enemies? I personally think it's a lot of work just to come up with long lines for each and every one of them...
Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios
I thought it would be great if players could think of their own ideas by listening to the voices of the people who live in the parallel world. I enjoy writing NPC texts, so it's not hard for me.
Question Response
-What was the most important part of Lynx's design? Also, what is your favorite part of the design?
Answer: Nobuteru Yuki (Carata Design)
I like drawing beastmen, so I think I was able to get into the groove of drawing the design so that it would be unique to me.
I also like to have the face of the beast on the body of the human, but I tried to keep the balance just in between. I tried to keep the balance of the two in the middle, so that it would be impossible to wear a hat. (laugh).
Question Response
-Thank you so much for this wonderful project! I look forward to your answers to all of my questions! I love Tsukuyomi, so I'd love to hear her real face, backstory, etc.!
Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios
If you play the Another Eden cross collaboration, I think you will learn a new aspect of Tsukuyomi. We hope you enjoy it as well.
Question Response
-What is a leopard demon?
Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios
A leopard demon is a demon that looks like a leopard.
It looks like a panther, but it is not just a panther.
Question Response
-Why was Serge chosen as the Arbiter?
Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios
It means that he came into contact with the flame and as a result, he became so.
Question Response
-I was very young, and this was the first game I had ever played. At the time, I used to name the characters that became my allies as I liked. Do you have any stories about the origin of each character's name and the process of deciding on it?
Answerer: Masato Kato (original director), Wright Flyer Studios
I think my favorite name is Lucky Dan. Including the episodes. I tend to be rather straightforward when it comes to character names. Frog, Mushroom, Star Child, Dragon Child, etc.
Question Response
-Did you have an illustration of Tsukuyomi's true face? In the setting material book, there was only the idea of a clown... Considering her true identity, I wonder if that costume was also chosen as part of some encounter or history (not just her preference).
Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios
I have my own image of Tsukuyomi's true face, but I'd like to leave it up to the players to imagine it for themselves. ......
Question Response
-I'm not sure if this is a Chinese (oriental?) style character, but I'm sure it's a character that has not yet appeared in the original character drafts in the setting material book. Were you planning to create a Chinese town and related settings in the early stages of the game? If so, please let me know!
We had a lot of ideas for the characters, with various ethnicities and colors. But I didn't think of an oriental city. The setting was the El Nido Islands.
Question Response
-In one of the endings, it is revealed that Lynx likes to drink.
I think it is Fate's preference now that he has a body.
Response (Original question was deleted?)
It is said that the Einlanzer is a sword made by dragons, but how was it handed down to the human side? I don't understand the meaning of giving a weapon that is effective against dragons to humans. Is there a time when the six dragons and humans interacted? [Thank you in advance]
I believe that the Einlanzer was discovered as an ancient relic and passed down as a holy sword.
Question Response
-How is Serge's bandana tied?
Nobuteru Yuuki:
It's a bandana cap, which is very useful. I think it is what is called a "pirate's roll". You fold a square piece of cloth into a triangle and tie the long side in front of you while twisting both ends.
Fold the remaining tail inside and you're done.
Question Response
-I would like to know the lyrics of the song sung by the wise men of the subhuman tradition!
Maybe someday a Magical Dreamers song will be played. ......
Question Response
-I think the music of Chrono Cross has a unique airy, expansive, and ridiculously pleasant sound. Mitsuda, is that just reverb?
Not only the reverb applied by the PlayStation hardware, but also detailed delays via MIDI (almost audible or inaudible). (It is a very subtle setting that is barely audible.) When using two guitars, the tuning of the two guitars is shifted a little to make them sound wider. Is this a technique that is not used much nowadays?
Question Response
-How long do dragon cubs live? Will they still have that flamboyant pattern when they are as big as their mother?
I don't know how long they will live, but I am sure they will live longer than others and one day grow up to be a big and magnificent looking dragon.
Question Response
-Is there any combination you would have liked to have included more?
There is no end to what I would like to have done. I guess Kid and Tsukuyomi.
Question Response
-I love your childhood friend Leena, she's a reliable housekeeper who fights with a frying pan.
I think Leena is a good cook because she was trained by her mother.
Question Response
-In the remake, will it be possible to change the party freely?
As this is a remastered version, you can change party members only when you touch the Book of Destiny or use the key item "Prototype Tele-Shifter" on the world map, just like in the original version. You cannot change party members during certain scenarios.
Question Response
-I want to make Glenn my friend, but I always end up abandoning Kid.
I hope that the player who makes Serge choose to abandon him will feel the same way as Serge does.
Question Response
Is the Lynx's leg like Janice's or is it more animal-like? She looks more like a human, but I'd like to see her full body setup, including her hair and legs!
Nobuteru Yuuki:
I think Janice's feet are more human-like because she wears shoes, but I think the bobcat wears boots as well, so I think it is more human-like. (I think bobcats wear boots as well, so I think they are more human-like.)
Question Response
-Why is it that Poshul can be a member of both Another and Home?
I think it's because Poshul in both worlds is a nice guy who is friendly and companionable.
Question Response
-Do Thrush and Marcella have strong mermaid genes in their body parts and abilities? Did their mother, Zelbess, have a similar appearance to her sister, Irenes?
The mermaid gene must have influenced both of their abilities. I think Zelbess looked like her sister.
Question Response
-Kato: In the music of "Chrono Cross", when the melody of "Chrono Trigger", the main theme of the previous game, is played, the melody from the beginning to the middle of the original song is often played in the opposite order of the melody from the middle to the end of the song. (e.g., Toki no meadow, Chronomantic) Was there any intention behind this?
I am glad you noticed that. We intentionally reversed the composition. As you know, Chrono Cross is about parallel worlds, and I wanted to express the question of "Home" and "Another" and "What if I had made a different choice..." in the music. I wanted the audience to experience how a change in composition can change the way music is heard.
Question Response
-What do the Four Devas of Acacia do on their days off, hobbies, etc.?
You can imagine from the dialogue and behavior of each character at .......
Question Response
-I know that the remastered version will cut out all of that, and you will be able to continue the story as it is? I was wondering how that would work in the remastered version, since it's unique to the PlayStation!
I miss the disc swapping! This game is only available as a downloadable version, so of course you don't need to swap discs and can continue the story as is.
Question Response
Square-Enix: Will there be any new merchandise?
We would love to have some.... I'll let you know!
Question Response
-I would like to know what the hair would look like if Harle took off her hat.
I'd like to know the color, length, etc.!
That's a secret. In that one, it's actually .......
Question Response
-Kato: Is there any more lineup of Spriggan transformations?
The Spriggan transformation lineup is the same as the original version.
Question Response
Square-Enix: The "Chrono Cross" series is known for its unique characters, but I would like to know what made you decide to use a straw doll (Lucky Dan) and a turnip (Turnip Man) as the motifs of the characters you control. When I read about them in a game magazine at the time, they had a huge impact on me...!
Lucky Dan was the first thing I thought about including. I like horror, so maybe that's why. Kabuo was the staff's idea. Pip was also a female staff member who said she wanted something like this, and we just went with it.
Question Response
-I am very interested in the two animals. Who suggested that they work together? And what kind of conversations do you usually have with them?
I think Harle approached Lynx. Harle speaks to him normally, but Lynx is very blunt and rarely says anything except what is necessary.
Question Response
-Is Colonel Snake Bone's real name in the setting?
Colonel Snakebone. That's all he is, so I don't think he was given any other name.
Question Response
I was wondering if there is a pre-diet version of Skaar? I'm not sure if it was the original idea or if there were any changes, but at what point did it become so airy and...
The skirl was unmistakably a skirl from the beginning. It has not changed since the initial proposal.
Question Response
-Is Poshul the only one in the world? Or is there a companion to her somewhere?
I don't think Poshul is the only one, so I think she has many friends somewhere else.
Question Response
Kato: I know that there are two half-human, half-mermaid creatures, Thrush and Marcella, but are there any other half-human, half-human creatures, or half-human creatures born from subhuman couples based on completely different animals?
I think it would be nice to have such a life form in the world view, even though it was not depicted in the Cross.
Question Response
-I would like to know how the BGM "Chronomantic" is used in the game and where the name of the song comes from. I like this song very much and am curious about it.
The name of the song is a coined word of Chrono + Romantic. The arrangement of the trigger is very unique, so it's a bit difficult to play it all over the place. ......
Question Response
-What did the flame dragon think of the main characters when he first came out in that form? Caught off guard?
They are usually dressed comfortably, or maybe they were just naughtily dressed, probably.
Question Response
-How did The Prophet (Belthasar) get to the El Nido Islands? I think he came in an Epoch, if I'm being honest.
His newly built Neo-Epoch can be seen in one of the places.
Question Response
-I'd like to know how many characters you originally planned to have in the game and how many you honestly thought you would have in the game. Also, was there a plan to make Dario a companion when you were developing the game?
At first, our ambition was to have all NPCs as companions, but that was not possible. I don't think we had any specific plans for Dario.
Question Response
-What was the story of how Toma XIV and his wife met? When did their relationship begin? It is almost impossible now to pick up the answer from the depths of time: ......
I am sure that Toma XIV will have a happy family. Perhaps.
Question Response
-Do the dragon gods have their own gender, or is this a spiritual thing? Or is it a sign of generational change?
This is the image we have of them when they are divided as individuals. There is no generational change.
Question Response
-I wonder if the mushroom man will return to his original human form someday...? He loves mushrooms so much, maybe he will stay that way forever?
Mushrooms will probably stay that way forever. Maybe someday he'll grow up and become a matsutake mushroom.
Question Response
-Kato: I see Glen in the party in the playable part of the demo version and in the demo movie after the OP of the full version.
I don't think Glenn's character or position in the story has changed since the beginning. It was very concrete from the very beginning.
Question Response
-What is the relationship between the ancient and modern (or earlier?) worlds? Dalton is described as having drifted ashore at Palepoli in the early days of the continent, but is he still active on the continent at the time of Chrono Cross? If he is alive, is he acquainted with the bobcat or Colonel Snakebone?
Dalton must be very active on the continent, or rather, in the dark. I believe he was acquainted with Lynx and General Viper.
Question Response
-I would like to know more about Serge's parents, where they are from, how they met, etc., if there are any details. I know this is off the main storyline, but ......
Both parents were born and raised in the village of Arni. I don't think there was anything special about that.
Question Response
-What happened to the families of the Chronopolis staff who remained in the future after the time crash?
I think they continued to live in the future after the crash.
Question Response
-Why is Miguel so strong?
Because he has merged with Chronopolis and become the guardian of the Dead Sea.
Question Response
-What is the life of the children who lived with Kid in Lucca House like in A.D. 1020? Do any of those children know that Kid is a Radical Dreamer?
The kids who successfully escaped that night must have fallen apart afterwards and gone their separate ways. I don't think anyone knows the Kid as the Radical Dreamers.
Question Response
-How did the Dragon Gods evolve from the Azara and other Dragon People?
Is the Frozen Flame relevant?
Well, since apes evolved into humans, it would not be surprising if there was a future in which dragon people became a more evolved species. I am not sure if Lavos was involved in that.
Question Response
-It says in the source material that Zoa was a prince of a certain country. Every time a continent was mentioned, I was excited to go to the other side of the sea!
We tried to include various continental connections. If the stories were limited to El Nido, it would be too closed and the world would lose its breadth.
Question Response
-I wonder if Miss Liddell was aware of the feelings that Kersh and Glenn had for her. (I know this is a part for each player to imagine and interpret... but I'd like to hear it!)
I don't know. I would like to think that they were not even aware of it. She was a young lady who was insensitive to such things.
Question Response
-Why was Schala drawn to Serge's crying? Why Serge and not someone else?
It was Serge's crying that reached her at that moment. If she had not heard that voice, she might have disappeared, and if it had been someone else instead of Serge, it would have been a different story.
Question Response
-I think the Frozen Flame and the ancient Dreamstone are strictly speaking different things. Are they related in any way?
They are both part of Lavos that fell to the ground.
Question Response
-Why did Masa and Mune turn into a magical sword? What happened during the period between "Chrono Trigger" and "Chrono Cross"?
The various things that Grand and Rion saw and experienced completely changed their perception of human beings.
Question Response
I still don't understand why Kid and Harle's fortune-telling results are the same.
They are not the same person, but rather two sides of the same coin.
Question Response
-I love the tombstone of Serge, "What was given to me by the sea, I simply returned to the sea".
Instinctively, everyone smiles when they come in contact with a baby's smile, and conversely, when a baby cries, you want to do something about it. There is no reason for that.
Question Response
-What kind of event did you have in mind for the "Getz's shirt" that was not implemented?
Getz ......? Ah, Gilberto's old partner. Was he trying to do something about Gilberto's past causal story?
Question Response
-I wonder if Marcella was able to treat Slash and Falga as family in the world after all was said and done?
I think they have started a new path as a family, in their own way.
Question Response
-I know that you were not allowed to take Leena with you in the Miguel fight, but if you had been able to take her...! Since you said you had to cut out some parts, I would love to hear what events you had planned for Lena and Miguel if there were any!
I never thought of a screen where they would meet, because the way the story goes, Lena and Miguel are not in a situation where they can meet. I didn't want to make them fight, and that would have been fine.
Question Response
-I'm wondering why you chose to have Glenn, one of the most powerful characters in the movie, become an ally in the route of abandoning Kid, even though he is a strong part of the story and even has his own events... I'm curious because I was left heartbroken by this a lot in my childhood.
In life, you can't have everything at the same time. Sometimes you have to lose something in order to gain something. That's how it is.
Question Response
-I'm still wondering where Kid and the rest of the characters are after the ending. What happened to Another World? I'm curious about that...that kind of uncertainty was one of the best parts of the games at the time.
I don't think it is necessary to explain everything. As long as the minimum necessary information is clearly explained, I would like to leave the rest to the imagination of the audience.
Question Response
I'm not sure if the half-human, half-beast demons like the Mystics in Trigger can be considered subhuman.
(question is repeated?)
Mystics. I had not thought about that. I guess it would be difficult to treat them as monsters.
Question Response
-I am still traumatized by Miguel. Why is it that Leena, the party character, is an ordinary person, but her father Miguel is an important character in the story? And he didn't even get involved with Leena because of his bobcat status. Seiryuu Ken seems to be the main character in another game.
Miguel seems to be involved in the case because of his friend Wazuki. I like the idea of a seemingly ordinary person who is actually very strong. Like the village chief.
Question Response
-What would be the reaction of Magus in "Chrono Trigger" when he sees the Kid (Another side) in "Chrono Cross"? (Would he realize her true identity?)
I don't think he would be able to tell just by looking at her. It's fun to imagine the encounter between the two.
Question Response
-When the spirits see the Kid in possession of the Grand Dream, they realize that she is Schala's alter ego.
I think it was probably the essence of the soul or something like that.
Question Response
-I love Chrono Cross! I'm a Grobyc guesser and would like to know his background and detailed profile! I'm wondering if he is a complete cyborg and not a human anymore.
Gadaran is casually popular. Unfortunately, I didn't go into detail about him to the specific settings. I hope you can imagine what his life was like.
Question Response
-What is it about Serge that makes Harle like him so much? If Chrono Trigger was not Serge, would he have been a bit more cold towards him?
I think she may have seen herself in Serge, who was at the mercy of fate, and was being pushed around in the best possible way.
Question Response
Kato: I'm not sure which personality is included in Lynx, the one that is Fate or the one that was human (Wazuki) before he became a bobcat. During the production, did you sometimes see a father-like face in front of Serge? I would like to know Serge's feelings when he is told that he is his father.
There seems to be very little Wazuki left in him. I think Serge's shock at learning the truth is, in fact, that he can't believe it. Serge doesn't speak, so he doesn't talk about his inner life.
Question Response
-I think that the Dragon People are the same or similar to the Kid in the Dragon People world, or the Dragon People that she was modeled after, or the Dragon People that Sarah was modeled after.
I envisioned Harle and Kid as opposites. Harle is born as the seventh dragon at the same time as Kid is born.
Question Response
-Why does Harle not look like the other dragons, and why does she have that clownish "human" (humanoid) appearance?
She was created to act as an intermediary between dragons and humans, or to see what is going on in the human world, so she looks like a human. Her clown-like appearance is a sign that she is a trickster who hides her true face.
Question Response
-Sorry for the core question, but who was the talking statue (probably a former human) in the tower of stars? (I like it that much.) Who was the talking statue (probably a former human) in the tower of stars that was built into the building .........? (There was something vaguely significant about it in the setting materials, but maybe it changed as it was incorporated into the game: ......?) And.
I had a lot of ideas for that one in the early stages, but I couldn't draw it. ...... I wasn't strong enough.
Question Response
-I was wondering if there is a message behind the fact that the parent generation repeatedly comes up against the Garai, Miguel, and Wazuki (bobcat) (and they are very strong enemies)?
I wasn't really conscious of that. Well, the conflict between parents and children is a universal theme.
Question Response
-Why is Harle the only one who lives in both worlds? Also, which world's Harle was she in when she merged with the other dragon gods?
Tenryu normally lives in Another and appears in the home only when needed. As the leader of the Dragon Gods, she may have had special abilities.
Question Response
I would like to know how the Vinegars, who were under the control of the Demon King in Trigger, came to go to the interdimensional space and if the Specchio in that place is the same god as the Trigger's Specchio. If it is Trigger's Specchio himself, why doesn't he in that place have a look that reflects the strength of Serge and the others?
The three demon knights seem to have been summoned to appear by someone. Maybe this Specchio, who claims to be the god of battle, is another face or alter ego of the god.
Question Response
-After the battle with Dario, the Masamune is freed from his hatred, but the flow of events in which his liberation seems to be fulfilled just by defeating him is a bit disconcerting considering the development of the ending. Was there some hidden condition?
The cursed Masa and Mune are essentially different from the Time Devourer, so the method of their liberation is also different.
''From'': [[Interviews]]
''From'': [[Interviews]]

Revision as of 01:40, 20 November 2022

General Information

Chrono Cross

Square held question and answer sessions across April and May 2022 on their Twitter account at this link.

Question Response

-How did the main character, Serge, come to be armed with a swallow?

He is a country fishing boy, so I wanted him to have a boat oar as a weapon. We designed it to be usable as a weapon, and named it the Sea Swallow based on the image we had of it.

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios --Masato Kato

Question Response

I'm really looking forward to it!

Will it be playable on PS5?

Thank you so much for your interest!

You can play the PS4 version on PS5 with backward compatibility.

Response by: SQUARE ENIX Development

Question Response

-What kind of reference book is that under the bed that Karsh is using!

I wonder what this is.

I think it might be something like "How to be a truly good man" or "How to be a truly competitive man".

Answer by: Masato Kato(Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

Question Response English

-I'd like to know more about the battle system in Chrono Cross. Also, the elements are deeply related to the story.

The battle system was newly created for "Chrono Cross". The gimmick of the last battle was invented first, and everything was created from there.

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

Question Response

-Is Orlha's sister Tia doing well in the Another world?

I hope she is doing well somewhere too.

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

Question Response

-I would like to know what the main theme "Scars of Time" means to you and how it relates to this work.

It's a nuance of "Scars of Time" and "Cross of Time" created as a result of the "Trigger of Time".

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

Question Response

-How did Pierre become aware of his heroism?

Pierre was born a brave man. He has been a brave man all his life.

There is no mistake. But, there is a reason why Pierre decided to become a brave man, but he has never told us about it.

Answer by: Masato Kato(Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

Question Response English

-In the "Chrono Cross Ultimania" interview, it is mentioned that Mr. Kato refused to port "Radical Dreamers -The Unstolen Jewel-", but did he accept it this time?

I've always wanted to play Radical, so I'm grateful for this remastering!

Answer: Masato Kato (original director), Wright Flyer Studios

It's been more than 20 years since the last remastering, and the game has been sold at a pre-sale price, so when we heard about it, we thought it was time to let it go.

Question Response English

-I would like to know why the scene in the opening movie where Serge runs with the Mastermune in Termina was cut from the movie, and what kind of story or scene was originally intended for the movie.

That scene was created with the priority of depicting Serge as brave in the OP, so it is not the case that the scene was cut because it was in the story first. It's not surprising to have a scene like that, rather it's like he's always like that.

Answer: Masato Kato(Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

Question Response

-I was crying while watching the 6 colored flying hearts pouring down at the Chrono Cross live performance! I know it's hard to do now, but is there any chance to see such a great live performance again?

Thank you for coming to Chrono Cross 20th Anniversary Live 2019. I am happy to hear that you truly enjoyed the live performance that we paid attention to every detail, and I am happy too. We would love to do the live show again if we have the chance.

Response by Yasunori Mitsuda (Composer) -- Yasunori Mitsuda, Procyon Studio

Question Response

I remember that if I changed my name, I couldn't change my name back to Colonel Snake Bone, which was originally in Kanji characters.

Answer: SQUARE ENIX Development

As with the original version, it is not possible to use Kanji characters.

Question Response

-I would like to ask Masato Kato and Yasunori Mitsuda which event they are most attached to...!

My favorite is the ending sequence, but my personal favorite is the one involving Lucky Dan. It's a bit of a unique story, and the characters themselves are very special.

Respondent: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

For me, the scene where he and Kid talk about the past when the orphanage was burned down while camping out is the best part. I felt that the music fit perfectly with the event.

Answer: Yasunori Mitsuda(Composer), Procyon Studio

Question Response

-How does Serge carry his weapon, the Swallow, around with him?

Answer: Masato Kato(Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

It's on his back.

It is not displayed in the game.

Question Response

-What is Serge's vest made of? Is it metal like chainmail? Or is it fish skin? Or a fishing net? I'm wondering if it's amiami or scales!

Answerer: Nobuteru Yūki (Chakarata Design) -- Nobuteru Yūki

I'm thinking of a chain katabira and a leather shoulder strap (also with a metal insert), but it would be too heavy for the ocean setting, wouldn't it? (Sweat).

So, let's call it "Kodomo Giant Lizard's Leather" even though it shines like metal. (lol).

Question Response

-Why did you choose to have more than 40 friends in Chrono Cross?

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

The original idea was to have all the NPCs become friends, but that became impossible, so I don't remember why we settled on that number. We added more and more characters as we wanted more and more of them, and that's how we ended up with the number we did.

Question Response   -Thank you for remastering "Chrono Cross".

Please tell us what you focused on in the remastering process and what were the difficulties in the development.

Answer: SQUARE ENIX Development

In this work, we were particular about making sure that you can enjoy both the good points of the original version and the remastered version. The hardest part was that we couldn't reproduce the original version on any other console than PlayStation because we didn't have the game's program and graphics data in a complete state when we started development.

Question Response

-What does the term "Chrono Trigger" refer to?

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

As the word implies, it is also a "trigger of time" and sometimes means something that shoots a bullet and changes the world.

Question Response

-Thank you so much for the remaster! I'm so happy because I've played it many times and love it so much! I'm curious to know what kind of person (face and personality) Zelbeth, the mother of Slash and Marcella and wife of Farga, was like! Was she a mermaid like her sister Irenes?

Answerer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

Yes, she was. I think she was a graceful and gentle mermaid, just like Irene. I also think she had a quiet strength as a sister and mother.

Question Response

-I especially like the song "The Girl Who Stole the Stars", which was proposed as the title (logo) of Chrono Cross.

This song was also played in "Radical Dreamers -The Unstolen Jewel", but since you didn't use it as the title, did you bring it into the song title? I'd like to know what you meant and what you really meant by these words!

Answerer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

The girl who stole the star is Kid. It was given as the name of a song during the time of Radical, and it is one of the titles that I have a lot of feelings about.

Question Response

-When composing, which song took you the longest to complete?

Answer: Yasunori Mitsuda (Composer), Procyon Studio

Actually, the music for "Chrono Cross" didn't take very long to complete. The game screens were pretty much done, and a large part of the scenario was also finished. The director, Mr. Kato, and I had a clear idea of the musical direction we wanted to take, so we were able to write every song without hesitation. I think the song that took the longest to write was "Prisoners of Fate".

Question Response

-What do the elements look like and how do you carry and use them? Do you think of them as decks, or are they arranged in a certain way?

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

I was thinking of something like a sphere or orb.

The game system and specifications are also a part of the game, so to a certain extent, we were free to imagine what we wanted.

Question Response

-Will we be able to play all parts of "Radical Dreamers -The Unstolen Jewels" in Satellaview? The Sunflower and Kid version, the Fierce Eradication of Meteor Detectives version, and the other ones that are not in the main game...

Answerer: SQUARE ENIX Development

Yes, you can play all of the games that were distributed at this time!

Question Response

-Is it okay to drink draft beer?

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

He is a bobcat, after all!

Question Response

-Serge plays the melody as a mediator, is this related to the fact that he was a musician in "Radical Dreamers -The Unstolen Jewel-"?

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

Chrono Cross" is not directly related to "Radical Dreamers -The Unstolen Jewels", so the fact that Serge was a musician in that game is not particularly relevant.

Question Response

-Is it possible for a hydra to reproduce monosexually? Or is it unable to reproduce without a guardian, and the orphaned cubs are left all alone?

Answerer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

We believe that the orphaned hydra would have continued to live on in some form or another.

Question Response

-How did Spriggan and the fortune teller of Termina meet and become friends?

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

I don't know. The fortune teller may have dabbled in witchcraft when she was young, met Spriggan, and trained under her.

Question Response

-Why is Serge's stance and motion in battle different in the demo version and the full version? Also, why can't I use "Chrono" when I change his name?

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

The demo version was not completed due to time constraints, so it was a rush job. The reason why we can't use the name "Chrono" is because the name "Chrono Trigger" belongs only to him.

Question Response English

-What lands did you use as references when creating the world of "Chrono Cross"? Is the El Nido Islands in the Philippines involved?

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

There is no particular reference. At the time of production, I had no idea that there was a place of the same name in the Philippines. It sounds like a lovely place.

Question Response

-I would like to ask a question that has been bothering me for 22 years. Lynx's neck peeking out from his collar doesn't look like he is wearing anything, but what design of clothing is he wearing under his robe? I am imagining something similar to Serge's innerwear...

Answerer: Nobuteru Yuki (Carata Design)

The overall image is leather armor combined with a cloak, with the hardest leather at the belly, and a metal guard sewn into the leather above that to allow for some movement. The long skirted part with the decorations is the clothing (like a collarless kantou gown with a front opening), only this part is made of fabric.

Question Response

I loved the interaction between the Salton and Shugar duo back in the day.

Please tell us the story of how this duo came to be and if there is anyone who was a model for them!

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

I guess this is the image of the bumpy duo of Abbott and Costemiro. They were hard to hate.

Question Response

-Is the substitution talisman a key item from the second week onwards? I would like to use it from the beginning if possible.

Answer: SQUARE ENIX Development

No, you can use the talisman from the second week of the game.

Question Response

-What is the reason for the name "Serge" and where did it come from?

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

There is no particular reason. I just thought that the French sound suited the character.

Question Response English

-Is the background music used in Chrono Cross: Radical Dreamers Edition from the revival soundtrack? Are there any new songs? I'm looking forward to it...! I wish you the best of luck and hope to hear from you soon!

Answerer: Yasunori Mitsuda (Composer), Procyon Studio

No, we did not use the soundtrack for the revival. The sound engineer from Square Enix prepared the built-in sound data of the PlayStation at the time, and I refined it with EQ, compressor, noise reduction, etc. The opening song "Chrono Cross - Scars of Time" and the ending song "Radical Dreamers - Unstolen Jewels" were converted to WAV files from tapes I recorded at the time. I like the performance take and mix very much, and I have not made any changes to them because they are complete. There is also one new song and 7 special (but not played) arranged versions of other songs. In all, you will be able to hear about 8 new music tracks. Enjoy!

Question Response

-If you have any stories about how the Draggy egg was with his mother's corpse in the drowned valley, or any episodes of his family or siblings. Also, I would like to hear what Serge's household help does and any spills of Arni village daily life.

Respondent: Masato Kato, Wright Flyer Studios (Original Director)

The episodes of the ancient dragon tribe are not particularly detailed.

Serge's daily life is described at ......, considering that he is usually forced to be Leena's errand boy.

Question Response

-Who's idea was it to make the dialogue so philosophical, from the villagers to the enemies? I personally think it's a lot of work just to come up with long lines for each and every one of them...

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

I thought it would be great if players could think of their own ideas by listening to the voices of the people who live in the parallel world. I enjoy writing NPC texts, so it's not hard for me.

Question Response

-What was the most important part of Lynx's design? Also, what is your favorite part of the design?

Answer: Nobuteru Yuki (Carata Design)

I like drawing beastmen, so I think I was able to get into the groove of drawing the design so that it would be unique to me.

I also like to have the face of the beast on the body of the human, but I tried to keep the balance just in between. I tried to keep the balance of the two in the middle, so that it would be impossible to wear a hat. (laugh).

Question Response

-Thank you so much for this wonderful project! I look forward to your answers to all of my questions! I love Tsukuyomi, so I'd love to hear her real face, backstory, etc.!

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

If you play the Another Eden cross collaboration, I think you will learn a new aspect of Tsukuyomi. We hope you enjoy it as well.

Question Response

-What is a leopard demon?

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

A leopard demon is a demon that looks like a leopard.

It looks like a panther, but it is not just a panther.

Question Response

-Why was Serge chosen as the Arbiter?

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

It means that he came into contact with the flame and as a result, he became so.

Question Response

-I was very young, and this was the first game I had ever played. At the time, I used to name the characters that became my allies as I liked. Do you have any stories about the origin of each character's name and the process of deciding on it?

Answerer: Masato Kato (original director), Wright Flyer Studios

I think my favorite name is Lucky Dan. Including the episodes. I tend to be rather straightforward when it comes to character names. Frog, Mushroom, Star Child, Dragon Child, etc.

Question Response

-Did you have an illustration of Tsukuyomi's true face? In the setting material book, there was only the idea of a clown... Considering her true identity, I wonder if that costume was also chosen as part of some encounter or history (not just her preference).

Answer: Masato Kato (Original Director), Wright Flyer Studios

I have my own image of Tsukuyomi's true face, but I'd like to leave it up to the players to imagine it for themselves. ......

Question Response

-I'm not sure if this is a Chinese (oriental?) style character, but I'm sure it's a character that has not yet appeared in the original character drafts in the setting material book. Were you planning to create a Chinese town and related settings in the early stages of the game? If so, please let me know!


We had a lot of ideas for the characters, with various ethnicities and colors. But I didn't think of an oriental city. The setting was the El Nido Islands.

Question Response

-In one of the endings, it is revealed that Lynx likes to drink.

Kato: I think it is Fate's preference now that he has a body.

Response (Original question was deleted?) It is said that the Einlanzer is a sword made by dragons, but how was it handed down to the human side? I don't understand the meaning of giving a weapon that is effective against dragons to humans. Is there a time when the six dragons and humans interacted? [Thank you in advance]

Kato: I believe that the Einlanzer was discovered as an ancient relic and passed down as a holy sword.

Question Response

-How is Serge's bandana tied?

Nobuteru Yuuki:

It's a bandana cap, which is very useful. I think it is what is called a "pirate's roll". You fold a square piece of cloth into a triangle and tie the long side in front of you while twisting both ends.

Fold the remaining tail inside and you're done.

Question Response

-I would like to know the lyrics of the song sung by the wise men of the subhuman tradition!


Maybe someday a Magical Dreamers song will be played. ......

Question Response

-I think the music of Chrono Cross has a unique airy, expansive, and ridiculously pleasant sound. Mitsuda, is that just reverb?


Not only the reverb applied by the PlayStation hardware, but also detailed delays via MIDI (almost audible or inaudible). (It is a very subtle setting that is barely audible.) When using two guitars, the tuning of the two guitars is shifted a little to make them sound wider. Is this a technique that is not used much nowadays?

Question Response

-How long do dragon cubs live? Will they still have that flamboyant pattern when they are as big as their mother?


I don't know how long they will live, but I am sure they will live longer than others and one day grow up to be a big and magnificent looking dragon.

Question Response

-Is there any combination you would have liked to have included more?


There is no end to what I would like to have done. I guess Kid and Tsukuyomi.

Question Response

-I love your childhood friend Leena, she's a reliable housekeeper who fights with a frying pan.

I think Leena is a good cook because she was trained by her mother.

Question Response

-In the remake, will it be possible to change the party freely?


As this is a remastered version, you can change party members only when you touch the Book of Destiny or use the key item "Prototype Tele-Shifter" on the world map, just like in the original version. You cannot change party members during certain scenarios.

Question Response

-I want to make Glenn my friend, but I always end up abandoning Kid.


I hope that the player who makes Serge choose to abandon him will feel the same way as Serge does.

Question Response

Is the Lynx's leg like Janice's or is it more animal-like? She looks more like a human, but I'd like to see her full body setup, including her hair and legs!

Nobuteru Yuuki:

I think Janice's feet are more human-like because she wears shoes, but I think the bobcat wears boots as well, so I think it is more human-like. (I think bobcats wear boots as well, so I think they are more human-like.)

Question Response

-Why is it that Poshul can be a member of both Another and Home?


I think it's because Poshul in both worlds is a nice guy who is friendly and companionable.

Question Response

-Do Thrush and Marcella have strong mermaid genes in their body parts and abilities? Did their mother, Zelbess, have a similar appearance to her sister, Irenes?


The mermaid gene must have influenced both of their abilities. I think Zelbess looked like her sister.

Question Response

-Kato: In the music of "Chrono Cross", when the melody of "Chrono Trigger", the main theme of the previous game, is played, the melody from the beginning to the middle of the original song is often played in the opposite order of the melody from the middle to the end of the song. (e.g., Toki no meadow, Chronomantic) Was there any intention behind this?


I am glad you noticed that. We intentionally reversed the composition. As you know, Chrono Cross is about parallel worlds, and I wanted to express the question of "Home" and "Another" and "What if I had made a different choice..." in the music. I wanted the audience to experience how a change in composition can change the way music is heard.

Question Response

-What do the Four Devas of Acacia do on their days off, hobbies, etc.?


You can imagine from the dialogue and behavior of each character at .......

Question Response

-I know that the remastered version will cut out all of that, and you will be able to continue the story as it is? I was wondering how that would work in the remastered version, since it's unique to the PlayStation!


I miss the disc swapping! This game is only available as a downloadable version, so of course you don't need to swap discs and can continue the story as is.

Question Response

Square-Enix: Will there be any new merchandise?


We would love to have some.... I'll let you know!

Question Response

-I would like to know what the hair would look like if Harle took off her hat.

I'd like to know the color, length, etc.!


That's a secret. In that one, it's actually .......

Question Response

-Kato: Is there any more lineup of Spriggan transformations?


The Spriggan transformation lineup is the same as the original version.

Question Response

Square-Enix: The "Chrono Cross" series is known for its unique characters, but I would like to know what made you decide to use a straw doll (Lucky Dan) and a turnip (Turnip Man) as the motifs of the characters you control. When I read about them in a game magazine at the time, they had a huge impact on me...!


Lucky Dan was the first thing I thought about including. I like horror, so maybe that's why. Kabuo was the staff's idea. Pip was also a female staff member who said she wanted something like this, and we just went with it.

Question Response

-I am very interested in the two animals. Who suggested that they work together? And what kind of conversations do you usually have with them?


I think Harle approached Lynx. Harle speaks to him normally, but Lynx is very blunt and rarely says anything except what is necessary.

Question Response

-Is Colonel Snake Bone's real name in the setting?


Colonel Snakebone. That's all he is, so I don't think he was given any other name.

Question Response

I was wondering if there is a pre-diet version of Skaar? I'm not sure if it was the original idea or if there were any changes, but at what point did it become so airy and...


The skirl was unmistakably a skirl from the beginning. It has not changed since the initial proposal.

Question Response

-Is Poshul the only one in the world? Or is there a companion to her somewhere?


I don't think Poshul is the only one, so I think she has many friends somewhere else.

Question Response

Kato: I know that there are two half-human, half-mermaid creatures, Thrush and Marcella, but are there any other half-human, half-human creatures, or half-human creatures born from subhuman couples based on completely different animals?


I think it would be nice to have such a life form in the world view, even though it was not depicted in the Cross.

Question Response

-I would like to know how the BGM "Chronomantic" is used in the game and where the name of the song comes from. I like this song very much and am curious about it.


The name of the song is a coined word of Chrono + Romantic. The arrangement of the trigger is very unique, so it's a bit difficult to play it all over the place. ......

Question Response

-What did the flame dragon think of the main characters when he first came out in that form? Caught off guard?


They are usually dressed comfortably, or maybe they were just naughtily dressed, probably.

Question Response

-How did The Prophet (Belthasar) get to the El Nido Islands? I think he came in an Epoch, if I'm being honest.


His newly built Neo-Epoch can be seen in one of the places.

Question Response

-I'd like to know how many characters you originally planned to have in the game and how many you honestly thought you would have in the game. Also, was there a plan to make Dario a companion when you were developing the game?


At first, our ambition was to have all NPCs as companions, but that was not possible. I don't think we had any specific plans for Dario.

Question Response

-What was the story of how Toma XIV and his wife met? When did their relationship begin? It is almost impossible now to pick up the answer from the depths of time: ......


I am sure that Toma XIV will have a happy family. Perhaps.

Question Response

-Do the dragon gods have their own gender, or is this a spiritual thing? Or is it a sign of generational change?


This is the image we have of them when they are divided as individuals. There is no generational change.

Question Response

-I wonder if the mushroom man will return to his original human form someday...? He loves mushrooms so much, maybe he will stay that way forever?

Kato: Mushrooms will probably stay that way forever. Maybe someday he'll grow up and become a matsutake mushroom.

Question Response

-Kato: I see Glen in the party in the playable part of the demo version and in the demo movie after the OP of the full version.


I don't think Glenn's character or position in the story has changed since the beginning. It was very concrete from the very beginning.

Question Response

-What is the relationship between the ancient and modern (or earlier?) worlds? Dalton is described as having drifted ashore at Palepoli in the early days of the continent, but is he still active on the continent at the time of Chrono Cross? If he is alive, is he acquainted with the bobcat or Colonel Snakebone?


Dalton must be very active on the continent, or rather, in the dark. I believe he was acquainted with Lynx and General Viper.

Question Response

-I would like to know more about Serge's parents, where they are from, how they met, etc., if there are any details. I know this is off the main storyline, but ......


Both parents were born and raised in the village of Arni. I don't think there was anything special about that.

Question Response

-What happened to the families of the Chronopolis staff who remained in the future after the time crash?


I think they continued to live in the future after the crash.

Question Response

-Why is Miguel so strong?


Because he has merged with Chronopolis and become the guardian of the Dead Sea.

Question Response

-What is the life of the children who lived with Kid in Lucca House like in A.D. 1020? Do any of those children know that Kid is a Radical Dreamer?


The kids who successfully escaped that night must have fallen apart afterwards and gone their separate ways. I don't think anyone knows the Kid as the Radical Dreamers.

Question Response

-How did the Dragon Gods evolve from the Azara and other Dragon People?

Is the Frozen Flame relevant?


Well, since apes evolved into humans, it would not be surprising if there was a future in which dragon people became a more evolved species. I am not sure if Lavos was involved in that.

Question Response

-It says in the source material that Zoa was a prince of a certain country. Every time a continent was mentioned, I was excited to go to the other side of the sea!


We tried to include various continental connections. If the stories were limited to El Nido, it would be too closed and the world would lose its breadth.

Question Response

-I wonder if Miss Liddell was aware of the feelings that Kersh and Glenn had for her. (I know this is a part for each player to imagine and interpret... but I'd like to hear it!)


I don't know. I would like to think that they were not even aware of it. She was a young lady who was insensitive to such things.

Question Response

-Why was Schala drawn to Serge's crying? Why Serge and not someone else?

Kato: It was Serge's crying that reached her at that moment. If she had not heard that voice, she might have disappeared, and if it had been someone else instead of Serge, it would have been a different story.

Question Response

-I think the Frozen Flame and the ancient Dreamstone are strictly speaking different things. Are they related in any way?


They are both part of Lavos that fell to the ground.

Question Response

-Why did Masa and Mune turn into a magical sword? What happened during the period between "Chrono Trigger" and "Chrono Cross"?


The various things that Grand and Rion saw and experienced completely changed their perception of human beings.

Question Response

I still don't understand why Kid and Harle's fortune-telling results are the same.


They are not the same person, but rather two sides of the same coin.

Question Response

-I love the tombstone of Serge, "What was given to me by the sea, I simply returned to the sea".


Instinctively, everyone smiles when they come in contact with a baby's smile, and conversely, when a baby cries, you want to do something about it. There is no reason for that.

Question Response

-What kind of event did you have in mind for the "Getz's shirt" that was not implemented?


Getz ......? Ah, Gilberto's old partner. Was he trying to do something about Gilberto's past causal story?

Question Response

-I wonder if Marcella was able to treat Slash and Falga as family in the world after all was said and done?


I think they have started a new path as a family, in their own way.

Question Response

-I know that you were not allowed to take Leena with you in the Miguel fight, but if you had been able to take her...! Since you said you had to cut out some parts, I would love to hear what events you had planned for Lena and Miguel if there were any!

Kato: I never thought of a screen where they would meet, because the way the story goes, Lena and Miguel are not in a situation where they can meet. I didn't want to make them fight, and that would have been fine.

Question Response

-I'm wondering why you chose to have Glenn, one of the most powerful characters in the movie, become an ally in the route of abandoning Kid, even though he is a strong part of the story and even has his own events... I'm curious because I was left heartbroken by this a lot in my childhood.


In life, you can't have everything at the same time. Sometimes you have to lose something in order to gain something. That's how it is.

Question Response

-I'm still wondering where Kid and the rest of the characters are after the ending. What happened to Another World? I'm curious about that...that kind of uncertainty was one of the best parts of the games at the time.


I don't think it is necessary to explain everything. As long as the minimum necessary information is clearly explained, I would like to leave the rest to the imagination of the audience.

Question Response

I'm not sure if the half-human, half-beast demons like the Mystics in Trigger can be considered subhuman. (question is repeated?)


Mystics. I had not thought about that. I guess it would be difficult to treat them as monsters.

Question Response

-I am still traumatized by Miguel. Why is it that Leena, the party character, is an ordinary person, but her father Miguel is an important character in the story? And he didn't even get involved with Leena because of his bobcat status. Seiryuu Ken seems to be the main character in another game.

Miguel seems to be involved in the case because of his friend Wazuki. I like the idea of a seemingly ordinary person who is actually very strong. Like the village chief.

Question Response

-What would be the reaction of Magus in "Chrono Trigger" when he sees the Kid (Another side) in "Chrono Cross"? (Would he realize her true identity?)


I don't think he would be able to tell just by looking at her. It's fun to imagine the encounter between the two.

Question Response

-When the spirits see the Kid in possession of the Grand Dream, they realize that she is Schala's alter ego.


I think it was probably the essence of the soul or something like that.

Question Response

-I love Chrono Cross! I'm a Grobyc guesser and would like to know his background and detailed profile! I'm wondering if he is a complete cyborg and not a human anymore.


Gadaran is casually popular. Unfortunately, I didn't go into detail about him to the specific settings. I hope you can imagine what his life was like.

Question Response

-What is it about Serge that makes Harle like him so much? If Chrono Trigger was not Serge, would he have been a bit more cold towards him?


I think she may have seen herself in Serge, who was at the mercy of fate, and was being pushed around in the best possible way.

Question Response

Kato: I'm not sure which personality is included in Lynx, the one that is Fate or the one that was human (Wazuki) before he became a bobcat. During the production, did you sometimes see a father-like face in front of Serge? I would like to know Serge's feelings when he is told that he is his father.


There seems to be very little Wazuki left in him. I think Serge's shock at learning the truth is, in fact, that he can't believe it. Serge doesn't speak, so he doesn't talk about his inner life.

Question Response

-I think that the Dragon People are the same or similar to the Kid in the Dragon People world, or the Dragon People that she was modeled after, or the Dragon People that Sarah was modeled after.


I envisioned Harle and Kid as opposites. Harle is born as the seventh dragon at the same time as Kid is born.

Question Response

-Why does Harle not look like the other dragons, and why does she have that clownish "human" (humanoid) appearance?


She was created to act as an intermediary between dragons and humans, or to see what is going on in the human world, so she looks like a human. Her clown-like appearance is a sign that she is a trickster who hides her true face.

Question Response

-Sorry for the core question, but who was the talking statue (probably a former human) in the tower of stars? (I like it that much.) Who was the talking statue (probably a former human) in the tower of stars that was built into the building .........? (There was something vaguely significant about it in the setting materials, but maybe it changed as it was incorporated into the game: ......?) And.


I had a lot of ideas for that one in the early stages, but I couldn't draw it. ...... I wasn't strong enough.

Question Response

-I was wondering if there is a message behind the fact that the parent generation repeatedly comes up against the Garai, Miguel, and Wazuki (bobcat) (and they are very strong enemies)?


I wasn't really conscious of that. Well, the conflict between parents and children is a universal theme.

Question Response

-Why is Harle the only one who lives in both worlds? Also, which world's Harle was she in when she merged with the other dragon gods?


Tenryu normally lives in Another and appears in the home only when needed. As the leader of the Dragon Gods, she may have had special abilities.

Question Response

I would like to know how the Vinegars, who were under the control of the Demon King in Trigger, came to go to the interdimensional space and if the Specchio in that place is the same god as the Trigger's Specchio. If it is Trigger's Specchio himself, why doesn't he in that place have a look that reflects the strength of Serge and the others?


The three demon knights seem to have been summoned to appear by someone. Maybe this Specchio, who claims to be the god of battle, is another face or alter ego of the god.

Question Response

-After the battle with Dario, the Masamune is freed from his hatred, but the flow of events in which his liberation seems to be fulfilled just by defeating him is a bit disconcerting considering the development of the ending. Was there some hidden condition?


The cursed Masa and Mune are essentially different from the Time Devourer, so the method of their liberation is also different.

From: Interviews