Chrono Cross - A Mea Culpa for a Sea of Plot Holes

From Chrono Compendium
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General Information

When we first started the Chrono Compendium, it was 2003, and fan disappointment with Chrono Cross was still very fresh. As someone who only played Chrono Trigger for the first time in 2002, I took an open-minded approach to it, embracing both games from the desire to link them as an established canon, using the Compendium to centralize all the details, lore, and theories that would bridge the gap. There had to be value in this exercise, right? Cross was a beautiful game—the music was sweepingly romantic and poignant; the art style was delicious and popped off the PS1's renderer, and in general, the game's emotional flourishes struck heartfelt and sincere.

To mark the HD remaster of Chrono Cross, Masato Kato and Yasunori Mitsuda began answering fan questions on Square Enix's Twitter account. Fans came out in droves to ask specific plot points about Chrono Cross that the game never explained. Unfortunately, most of the answers were speculative and almost flippant at times, revealing that the development team barely thought through the plot of the game beyond the emotional moments concocted for dramatic effect. We're centralizing all the plot issues brought to light in the Q&A on this page as sort of a capstone to the entire Compendium's encyclopedia.

From: Plot Inconsistencies