Chrono Compendium
Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: FaustWolf on November 19, 2015, 10:18:38 pm
I just saw this article ( and thought it would be of interest -- reminds me a lot of Chrono Cross' "Angelus Errare," or the area on Opassa Beach where Serge can cross the dimensions. It's always cool to see a fantastical sci-fi concept come under the scientific lens.
The subject of the multiverse has always interested me, due to the concept of possibilities. Although perhaps too much for my own good.
How does one know if they're in their own world? We don't even have machines that can see the other worlds. Oh man what would be the first thing you do?
Interesting article :D
It got me thinking, if a parallel universe has left their mark on our own, that means "we" could've left our mark on others as well. Even if we can't detect or see them, maybe one of them could.
Also, if they exist, how many of them are there? The obvious answer would be infinite, but what if, for example, there are only two or three? How different would they be?
I can't help but think about Chronopolis. We gotta start somewhere I guess, and this is a good starting point. Even if it leads nowhere, at least it puts the topic on the table. Perhaps one day science will catch up and we will be able to see other universes.
Interesting indeed, but there seem to be a lot of assumptions here where real science is concerned. They speak about cosmic inflation causing multiple universes to form, but wouldn't it be more likely that it just makes the existing universe bigger? It's a pretty big leap to come to any other conclusion from my layman's perspective. Just because something may be mathematically possible in the realm of quantum physics doesn't mean it can actually happen. This sounds like a case of the scientist wanting something to be true instead of coming up with more plausible explanations.
I think the best thing that can come out of this research is the development of the "Primordial Inflation Explorer". More tools with which to learn about the universe is never a bad thing. Remember when people were obsessed with figuring out how to transform lead into gold? It was a preposterous idea at the time, but the effort to find the answer to that riddle lead to the development of modern chemistry, which changed the world forever. Who knows where the quest to prove the existence of parallel universes will lead us?
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Interesting indeed, but there seem to be a lot of assumptions here where real science is concerned. They speak about cosmic inflation causing multiple universes to form, but wouldn't it be more likely that it just makes the existing universe bigger? It's a pretty big leap to come to any other conclusion from my layman's perspective. Just because something may be mathematically possible in the realm of quantum physics doesn't mean it can actually happen. This sounds like a case of the scientist wanting something to be true instead of coming up with more plausible explanations.
I think the best thing that can come out of this research is the development of the "Primordial Inflation Explorer". More tools with which to learn about the universe is never a bad thing. Remember when people were obsessed with figuring out how to transform lead into gold? It was a preposterous idea at the time, but the effort to find the answer to that riddle lead to the development of modern chemistry, which changed the world forever. Who knows where the quest to prove the existence of parallel universes will lead us?
I can't completely reject parallel universes, but the fact that space has been continuously expanding (which we know by redshift) suggests that if there are any, they can't directly interact or "bump against" our universe.
this article seems like cherry picking.
but, more science&research is almost always productive. for example, I have my doubts about SETI and finding alien signals, but the data gathering/analysis is still useful.
hmm... then i have quest that ... oh sorry, i think too much fiction...
Looks like I can only reply, no new topic.
coque galaxy s5 neo ( etui samsung galaxy s5 neo (
Welcome anyway^^
That was an awesome read!! Thanks Faust!
But it was truth?