Chrono Compendium
Kajar Laboratories - Fan Works and Submissions => Chrono Trigger Modification => Topic started by: Mauron on April 14, 2018, 11:11:00 pm
Layer 3 packets can contain both graphics and sound. Here's a list of the packets in the base game.
00 - Screen flashes blue and red from middle vertically, waves and large explosions (Antipode 3)
01 - Screen flashes blue, green lines extend from center, green orb forms and disappears (*Luminaire)
02 - Spinning yellow triangles with lightning effects (*Lightning 2)
03 - Rainbow circle extends outward, party temporarily glows rainbow (Aura Whirl)
04 - Bubble triangles form into star (Hexagon Mist - Zeal)
05 - Dark blue circle appears (Blue Mist attack?)
06 - Tornado effect (Tail Spin)
07 - Circle of alternating green waves (Hypno Wave)
08 - Light circle expands, followed by dark circle, collapses (*Black Hole)
09 - Blue beams appear, rotate (Laser Spin)
0A - Red circle appears (Fire Whirl - Crono and Lucca)
0B - Triangle of light opens from top of screen (unused)
0C - Casters sparkle and screen flickers black (unused)
0D - Multiple red ovals appear on center of screen (*Flare)
0E - Tail appears from top of screen (Dino Tail)
0F - Ice block appears with explosions (Antipode)
10 - Yellow Circle expands outward (Energy Release / Yes Indeed! - Masa & Mune)
11 - Delta Attack (Guardian + Bits)???
12 - Blue Square extends from below target (unused)
13 - Red and green flashing, rotating triangles (Poyozo Dance)
14 - Yellow, blue, and purple lines shoot to upper right from target (unused)
15 - Three red circles expand outward (Fire Zone)
16 - Wide circle expands outward (Rocket Roll)
17 - Spinning blue pillar (Water Rise - Giga Gaia - Right Arm)
18 - Red triangular pillar (Delta Force)
19 - Small red circle (Doom, doom, doom, doom.... - Zombor)
1A - Large blue circle, party sparkles (Cure Touch)
1B - Rotating triangles form pyramid, circle expands (Dreamless - Lavos Core - Center Bit)
1C - Thin red circle expands, explosions (*Fire 2)
1D - Orange spotlight appears on target (*Life)
1E - White rotating triangle inside dark rotating triangle (Dark Matter)
1F - Yellow circle extends, yellow cylindar rises (MP Buster - Sentry)
20 - Red half circle forms and grows (Mega Bomb)
21 - Black half circle forms and grows (*Dark Bomb)
22 - 3D pyramid outline with electricity (Shock)
23 - Blue tinted screen with black circle (Chaotic Zone - Tera Mutant - Top)
24 - Blue circle extends and clears outward (Blue Circle Attack?)
25 - Multiple blue ovals (Blue Circle Attack? - Retinite - Top)
26 - Falling frog with red ovals (Frog Flare)
27 - Blue circle with black waves appears below target (unused)
28 - Blue tinted screen, blue shimmer on party (Double Cure)
29 - Wave lighting effect (Steal Steam / HP Down - Giga Mutant - Bottom)
2A - Triangle of blue light opens from top of screen (unused)
2B - Dark clouds appear on screen (Burp - Dalton)
2C - Circular lightning with screen flash (Electric attack?)
2D - Rotating blue shaded circle (Water Cyclone - Heckran)
2E - Black wavy orb expands and contracts (Lock All - Boss Orb)
2F - Dark wave moves from bottom of screen to top (Dark Mist)
30 - Double Bomb
31 - Sword Stream
32 - *Water 2
33 - White circle on ground (unused)
34 - Antipode 2
35 - *Life 2
36 - Fire Whirl (Ayla and Lucca)
37 - instant death attack? (Alien)
38 - Flash target and screen (unused)
39 - Lifeline
3A - Poison Beam (Flea)
3B - "1"s in boxes fill screen (unused)
3C - Twister
3D - Lighting Release (Golem)
3E - Triangle of lightning (unused)
3F - Laser Beams / Doors of Doom Open (Lavos - Right Arm)
40 - Fades background, doesn't return (unused)
41 - Frog Squash
42 - FireSword 2
43 - Fire Tackle
44 - *Ice
45 - *Lightning
46 - X Strike
47 - Delta Storm
48 - Super Volt
49 - *Napalm
4A - Fire Punch
4B - Explosion (Ozzie)
4C - Shining Bit (Giga Mutant - Top)
4D - Ice Toss
4E - Blue dome (unused)
4F - Quick red circle (unused)
50 - Area Bomb
51 - Red circle (unused)
52 - Quick blue circle (unused)
53 - blue circle (unused)
54 - large blue circle (unused)
55 - Explosion? (Giga Mutant - Top)
56 - *Haste
57 - *Ice 2
58 - *Heal
59 - Heal Beam
5A - Cure Beam
5B - Lavos's singing attack
5C - Ice Tackle
5D - Point Flare (M. Machine)
5E - Dark cicle (doesn't fade?) (unused)
5F - Multiple Lighting bolts strike (Spire)
60 - Cube Toss
61 - GaiaMagnade (Giga Gaia - Right Arm)
62 - Pair Blaster (Giga Gaia - Right Arm)
63 - 3D Attack
64 - Dark Gear (Zeal)
65 - Shadow Doom Blaze (Lavos - Second Form)
66 - Explosion (Lavos - Second Form)
67 - Invading Light (Lavos Core - Left Bit)
68 - Teleports a Rock (Azala)
69 - Ice Sword 2
6A - Slurp Kiss
6B - Ice Water
6C - GatlingKick
6D - Triple Raid
6E - Telepathy (Azala)
6F - Mutant Gas (Giga Mutant - Top)
70 - Mutant Gas (Giga Mutant - Bottom)
71 - Fire/lighting/ice triple tech effect? (unused)
72 - Dark Plasma (Giga Gaia)
73 - Multiple lightning bolts merge into one large one (Crying Heavens - Lavos Core - Center Bit)
74 - Falcon Hit
75 - Evil Star (Lavos Core - Center Bit)
76 - Arc Impulse
77 - Destruction Rains from the Heavens (Lavos)
78 - Grand Stone (Lavos Core - Center Bit)
79 - Delta Force (Scouter / Red Scout / Blue Scout)
7A - Boogie
7B - Time Warp (Prehistoric)
7C - Time Warp (Leene Square)
7D - Time Warp (Lab 16?)
7E - Time Warp (Magus's Castle)
7F - Time Warp (M. Machine)
80 - Sand Cylcone (Mohavor)
82 - Black/Blue/Red floating triangles on star background (unused)
81 - Omega Flare
82 - Dark Eternal
83 - Spin Strike
84 - Nothing? (unused)
85 - Time Warp (???) (Lavos - Second Form)
86 - Background blurs and fades into nothing, reappears without target (unused)
87 - Background fades to white, doesn't return (unused)
88 - Lavos Core Revives Bits
89 - Layer 2 disappears, reappears (unused)
8A - Layer 2 disappears, reappears (unused)
FF - No Layer 3 Graphics
Each packet contains 2 graphics options and 2 palettes.
Layer 3 Header 00 FF 1 Graphics and Sound 1 2018.04.14
Layer 3 Header 01 FF 1 Graphics and Sound 2 2018.04.14
Layer 3 Header 02 FF 1 Palette 1 2018.04.14
Layer 3 Header 03 FF 1 Palette 2 2018.04.14
This is the currently known data for Layer 3 Packets:
116002 - Layer 3 palettes, 8 bytes each, 2 wasted bytes.
116240 - Layer 3 header, 4 bytes each.
11646C - Local pointers to layer 3 graphics and sound.
Limited information on the Layer 3 animation commands.
00-7E - Value * 0x200 + 0xD000 = Source Address for DMA transfer from bank $7E
7F - Special Command
80 - 2 bytes - Jump to subroutine (29 total)
81 - 2 bytes
82 - 2 bytes - 1F - value - E0 subroutine.
83 - 2 bytes
84 - 2 bytes
85 - 2 bytes
86 - ? bytes - Alters value of current data pointer.
87 - 2 bytes
88 - 2 bytes
89 - 4 bytes
8A - 4 bytes
8B - 2 bytes?
8C - 2 bytes - Jump to subroutine (4 total)
8D - 2 bytes - Jump to subroutine (4 total) (opposite of 8C)
8E - 8 bytes
8F - 4 bytes
90 - 2 bytes
91 - 2 bytes
92 - 2 bytes
93 - 4 bytes
94 - 2 bytes
95 - 2 bytes
96 - 2 bytes
97 - 4 bytes
98 - 2 bytes
99 - 2 bytes
9A - 2 bytes
9B - 2 bytes
9C - 3 bytes
9D - 2 bytes
9E - 3 bytes
9F - 2 bytes
A0 - 2 bytes
A1 - 2 bytes - Prepare $2180 register.
A2 - 5 bytes
A3 - 8 bytes
A4 - 8 bytes
A5 - 2 bytes
A6 - 2 bytes - related to A5
A7 - 5 bytes
A8 - 10 bytes
A9 - 3 bytes - might move position backwards.
AA - 2 bytes
AB - 2 bytes
AC - 3 bytes
AD - 2 bytes?
AE - 2 bytes - related to A1
AF - 2 bytes
B0 - 2 bytes
B1 - 3 bytes
B2 - 2 bytes
B3 - 2 bytes
B4 - 2 bytes
B5 - 2 bytes
B6 - 2 bytes (same as B5)
B7 - 2 bytes
B8 - 2 bytes
B9 - 2 bytes - palette related
BA - 2 bytes - runs AE after processing.
BB - 2 bytes - partial overlap with BA, runs AE.
BC - 6 bytes
BD - 2 bytes
BE - 2 bytes - partial overlap with BA, runs AE.
BF - 2 bytes
C0 - 9 bytes
C1 - 2 bytes - wait for vertical scanline XX while in h-blank
C2 - 6 bytes
C3 - 1 byte - Increment $5D8F.
C4 - 2 bytes - Valid values for byte 2 0-1
C5 - 2 bytes - Partial overlap with C4, runs AA. Valid values for byte 2 0-1
C6 - 8 bytes
C7 - 2 bytes
C8 - 2 bytes - Partial overlap with 82 subroutine 7/E0
C9 - 1 byte
CA - 3 bytes - Set address of next command.
CB - 2/3 bytes? - Skip a byte if $7E:99D2 is 1?
CC - 2 bytes
CD - 2 bytes - 0xFFFF / value is stored in some places, 0xFFFF in others.
CE - 2 bytes - byte 2 unused
CF - 2 bytes
D0 - 2 bytes - Modifies current read address.
D1 - 2 bytes - Modifies current read address. Partial overlap with D0.
D2 - 2 bytes - palette related - Partial overlap with B9
D3 - 2 bytes
D4 - 2 bytes
D5 - 3 bytes - Might modify current read address.
D6 - 3 bytes - Might modify current read address. Partial overlap with D6.
D7 - 2 bytes - Might call an 82 subroutine
D8 - 3 bytes
D9 - 3 bytes - Partial overlap with AC.
DA - 3 bytes
DB - 2 bytes - byte 2 unused.
DC - 2 bytes
DD - 2 bytes
DE - 2 bytes
DF - 4 bytes - random values are used.
E0 - 2 bytes
E1 - 2 bytes - byte 2 unused
E2 - 2 bytes
E3 - 2 bytes
E4 - 2 bytes
E5 - 2 bytes
E6 - 2 bytes
E7 - 2 bytes
E8 - 2 bytes
E9 - 2 bytes
EA - 3 bytes - bytes 2 and 3 are one 16-bit value
EB - 2 bytes
EC - 2 bytes - byte 2 unused
ED - 2 bytes
EE - 2 bytes
EF - 1 byte
F0 - 2 bytes
F1 - 2 bytes - subtract byte 2 from current position.
F2 - 2 bytes
F3 - 2 bytes - partial overlap with EB.
F4 - 2 bytes
F5 - 2 bytes
F6 - 2 bytes - alters current position.
F7 - 2 bytes
F8 - 3 bytes
F9 - 3 bytes - reads first byte of next command?
FF - Terminator.
Commands FA-FE do not exist.
More to come later.
Added lengths for commands 80-9F.
This should be pretty helpful in creating techs for the 8th character.
Yeah, definitely.
Added lengths for commands A0-AF.
(attention gotten)
Added lengths for commands B0-BF.
It looks like BA-BE might have to do with positioning.
Added lengths for commands C0-CF.
I'm thinking the Layer 3 packets will be too technical to edit easily.
Edit: Added lengths for commands D0-DF.
Added lengths for commands E0-EF.
Almost done.
Added lengths for commands F0-F9. Commands FA-FE do not exist.
Can you throw this on too?
Will do. I'll stick some extra information in too once it's organized.
There's definitely a large chunk of data we're missing, but I'm not sure what or where. I saw two unrelated packets use the same subpacket with major graphical differences.
I'm doing what I can with this data for now.
Just checking in as part of the update; did this make it into the encyclopedia yet? Can paste it into a new page or something.
Slipped my mind. I started an update on this page (, but didn't get as far as the layer 3 stuff yet.