Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kodokami on June 09, 2018, 02:32:01 pm

Title: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Kodokami on June 09, 2018, 02:32:01 pm
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on June 09, 2018, 02:35:16 pm
Quite effective.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on June 09, 2018, 07:07:01 pm
Ha ha ha!!!
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on June 10, 2018, 12:15:48 am

Seeing spam is like:
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Kodokami on June 15, 2018, 06:30:02 pm
Porn spam now? IN THIS FORUM?? Hell nah ( :x
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on June 15, 2018, 06:57:38 pm
Take that, porn!
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Razig on June 15, 2018, 08:25:10 pm
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on June 15, 2018, 09:30:14 pm
I actually thought about replying that they are at the wrong forum, we like anime.  :lol:
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on June 17, 2018, 11:25:07 pm
I mean, I am 110% sure I've seen some Chrono hentai floating around here in years past.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Lord J Esq on June 30, 2018, 02:19:06 am
I mean, I am 110% sure I've seen some Chrono hentai floating around here in years past.

For whatever reason that reminds me of Cutelucca's doujinshi. I guess because it was raunchy and I was still young enough at the time to be really impressed and intrigued that someone was doing art of, a game I loved, that was raunchy without being straight up porn.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on July 01, 2018, 02:14:28 am
For whatever reason that reminds me of Cutelucca's doujinshi. I guess because it was raunchy and I was still young enough at the time to be really impressed and intrigued that someone was doing art of, a game I loved, that was raunchy without being straight up porn.

Right?!?! I think that's what I was thinking of, too. And even for the same reasons. Her art style was pretty iconic.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Kodokami on October 01, 2018, 07:45:30 pm
19 posts across 3 bots? This calls for some extra fire power. (
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on October 01, 2018, 08:33:10 pm
I saw that flood of spam and thought "Help us Obi Kodokami Kenobi, you're our only hope."
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Kodokami on October 02, 2018, 02:29:23 pm
Ha! That's got a nice ring to it.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Razig on October 02, 2018, 05:49:59 pm
Sweet Jesus. How is there any money in running these spam bots if nobody takes the bait? Has anybody in the whole history of the internet, ever been fooled by such utter nonsense? I know there are some super gullible people out there, but I refuse to believe anybody is THAT dumb.

They're supposedly offering an essay-writing service and can't even form a complete sentence. Even if they were totally legit and the links didn't lead to ransomware or something, is that really who you want doing your homework?

Also, do the people running the bots not realize that flooding boards and pissing off users will make them LESS likely to buy into their scam?

I'm just befuddled by the whole thing. Even if the spam process is 99% automated, there's still that 1% of setup. How is that worth the spammer's time if there's no return on it?
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Kodokami on October 02, 2018, 05:56:43 pm
I don't imagine there's any logic to it, but jeez, that was a lot of posts to delete. I'm not sure there's anything more I can do on my end, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Acacia Sgt on October 02, 2018, 05:58:37 pm
I would certainly think they don't pay that much attention.

Considering this happened just yesterday with the same thing. As if detecting they got stopped prompted them to try again instead of backing off.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: chrono.source on October 04, 2018, 11:43:06 am
But what if I needed some essays written for me?? 8)
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Razig on October 04, 2018, 09:35:31 pm
But what if I needed some essays written for me?? 8)
Head to the nearest zoo and toss a typewriter into the monkey cage. You'd get better results.  :P
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: chrono.source on October 05, 2018, 11:28:33 am

Head to the nearest zoo and toss a typewriter into the monkey cage. You'd get better results.  :P
If I wait long enough, I'll get Shakespeare, and may be accused of plagiarism.... that just won't do. I need another way...
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on October 05, 2018, 02:10:30 pm
Write something, then run it through multiple languages in Google Translate.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Kodokami on July 18, 2019, 05:38:31 pm
Wtf... That one bot made over 70 posts.

Aaaaand, they're gone (
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: PrincessNadia78 on August 13, 2019, 12:37:08 am
Well... nothing like spamming the spam thread!  :picardno
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on August 13, 2019, 01:36:32 am
It'll look better when we see Kodokami's finisher.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Kodokami on August 13, 2019, 02:59:57 am
You called? (

I feel attacked, spammers spamming in my spam thread.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Kodokami on November 16, 2019, 01:23:59 am
Trying to understand all the new spam like...

Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Acacia Sgt on November 16, 2019, 01:55:38 am
Wait, it happened again?
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Kodokami on November 16, 2019, 01:58:56 am
Yeah. It was odd. Seemingly harmless posts, though apparently copied from previous threads or from Reddit, being edited days later by the user to include spams links.

Not sure what to make of Trig's latest posts...

Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Acacia Sgt on November 16, 2019, 02:04:50 am
Ah, sometimes it happens that a user, either newly registered or after a long absence, decides to put input on a bunch of posts at the same time. It's a harmless action, I'd say.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Vehek on November 16, 2019, 03:40:49 am
Well, Google didn't do well for me either in finding old topics with the same text. I mostly used the forum search. Except for one.
Here are the originals from here I've found that got copied by the spammers, and the year they were originally posted.
A couple Chrono ideas ( (2010)
Validity of Crimson Echoes Cart ( (2016)
Lavos Theme Extended? ( (2017)
Original story idea inspired by Chrono Cross ( (2010)
A theory about "Time Counciousness" ( (2007)
I generally haven't been reading everything that's been posted, but recognizing the Lavos theme one was what made me look more closely at the other spam posts.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Acacia Sgt on November 16, 2019, 12:30:07 pm
I supppose as spam goes, it's maybe better than weird ads or just gibberfish.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Kodokami on November 16, 2019, 06:27:49 pm
Thanks for reporting all the spam, y'all. It really helps.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on June 11, 2020, 04:19:42 pm
I wonder how often Kodokami laughs at my weird reports.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Kodokami on June 11, 2020, 07:22:29 pm
Haha, they're great. Keep 'em coming.

I'm still waiting for that fabled yuri...
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on June 11, 2020, 07:51:00 pm
Will do.

BRB, making Lucca Trigger yuri ROM hack... really slowly.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Kodokami on July 13, 2020, 06:58:09 pm

goodbye spam
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Acacia Sgt on July 14, 2020, 01:54:40 am
Oh, that time again huh.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on September 20, 2020, 10:55:08 pm
New spam deletion style:
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on September 21, 2020, 09:56:50 am
They actually based that Gundam series on Kodokami and I deleting spam threads.

As a mod, nothing annoys me more. There are multiple a day over on r/chronotrigger and its exhausting dealing with them, and increasing the spam filter only helps a little, but requires even more work because it catches a ton of non-spam posts that then have to be manually approved.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Kodokami on September 21, 2020, 04:07:15 pm
New spam deletion style:


Sometimes, I'll catch spam before anyone else and hesitate deleting it right away, because Mauron's comments in the reports are so amusing.

But yeah, the spam sucks. Not even sure how they keep getting in. The worst (which we thankfully haven't had in a while), are the ones that create enough spam to fill several pages worth.

I didn't know the subreddit had so much spam, so I guess that shows you're doing a great job, Boo!
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on September 21, 2020, 05:50:20 pm
And here I thought I was helping out! :P

For those not reading the reports, here's the details of the last one:

Spam: garbage text and the word "Luminous"
Report: this spam of mine glows with random characters!
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Acacia Sgt on September 21, 2020, 06:18:26 pm
Too bad it's not something that can be dealt with permanently.

Also, nice, G Gundam reference.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on September 22, 2020, 09:44:56 am
I lol'd at this thread again this morning.

I freaking love you all. If I could collectively marry the Compendium and those in it (well, most of ya'll), I'm pretty sure I would.

Just don't tell my wife.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on September 22, 2020, 09:29:36 pm
That's big of you to say.

No wait... bigamy.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on January 25, 2021, 04:00:06 am
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on January 25, 2021, 11:00:36 am
For real, it's a daily struggle. I'm so over the spam.

<Insert picture of Kirk screaming "Khaaaaaan!" but instead it says "Spaaaam!">
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 25, 2021, 03:06:07 pm
A never-ending work, huh.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on January 25, 2021, 06:02:21 pm
Every spam post I see these days is filled with extra fancy Ds all over the place. I can only make so many stupid comments about spam when it's the same thing every time!
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on October 12, 2021, 07:26:32 pm

And then the spam and I grew up, got married, and adopted a daughter.

Wait, what?
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: trig on October 12, 2021, 07:40:32 pm
Hi guys I am new to the forum it is so great to be here I love everything about the video game Chrono Trigger (U) [!]Chrono Cross Disc 1Radical Dreamers - Le Tresor Interdit (EN hack)
Hi guys Ï äm new to the forum it's is so graet to be here

Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on October 12, 2021, 08:11:57 pm
^ Is that me?
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on December 31, 2021, 05:30:47 pm
Quote from: trig date=1640981893
他の言語で投稿しても、何の役にも立たない w
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: trig on January 01, 2022, 02:47:09 pm
1) windows-1252モードのテキストエディタにコピーして、ファイルを保存する。
2) 再度開いて、エディタに任意のフォーマットで解析させる -- ほら、utf-8だ!
3) ああ、祖国

Quote from: some spammer
Есть кто из модераторов, так как не могу ответить в новую тему?
Что я делаю не так?
Прошу помочь.
 С уважением.

Any moderators, since I can't reply to a new thread?
What am I doing wrong?
Please help.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on January 03, 2022, 03:36:11 am
Oh hey, that spam can make sense! :O
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: trig on January 03, 2022, 04:44:59 pm
спамеры приберегают свои лучшие продукты для стеганографов.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on January 04, 2022, 05:12:09 pm
Логика проверить
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on January 05, 2022, 09:38:11 am
Ya'll are triggering me. :P
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 05, 2022, 01:12:29 pm
A Trigger so bad it makes you Cross?  :wink:
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on January 05, 2022, 03:19:56 pm
Ya'll are triggering me. :P
Where is administrator on
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on January 05, 2022, 06:06:41 pm
Where is administrator on

I won't lie, the first time we got one of those, I bit, haha... Never again!

спамеры приберегают свои лучшие продукты для стеганографов.

If I could give rewards for reporting spam, trig would get the gold star. Trig is practically a professional spam smasher with his/her spam reporting skills.

A Trigger so bad it makes you Cross?

There's not a RD pun I can use here, so, uh... Now I'm just, uh, Cross with you.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on January 05, 2022, 08:58:19 pm
There's not a RD pun I can use here, so, uh... Now I'm just, uh, Cross with you.
You're just not radical enough.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on January 09, 2022, 02:38:12 pm
Trig, are you suggesting I need money?  :lol:
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: trig on January 09, 2022, 08:18:39 pm
LOL I definitely hit submit before actually translating. Prooooobably should've translated first, you never know.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on February 27, 2024, 06:44:06 pm
Deleting spam for Trig uwu
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: trig on February 29, 2024, 08:43:32 pm
the cool kidz now like to append baby spams to the end of legit links inside quotes,

Quote from: SomeRealPersonEarlier
wow guys check out []this actual interesting thing[/url][tiny][url=some.spamsite]mwahaha[/url][/tiny]
Something That Someone Earlier In The Thread Already Said But I Thesaurused Some Words (, Or Some AirHeaded ChatGPT Garbage (
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on March 01, 2024, 03:00:11 am
Orbital bombardment completed.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on March 02, 2024, 02:53:55 am
Someones been playing Helldivers 2!
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on March 02, 2024, 06:11:17 pm
Someones been playing Helldivers 2!
Wasn't me!
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on March 18, 2024, 06:10:53 pm
Almost nuked that  :lee: :lee: :lee: :lee: :lee: :lee: :lee: :lee: guy too.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on March 20, 2024, 05:09:44 am
hey that was my 1:lee::lee:th post!! :c

...oh, now this is my 100th post.
         (          (
Are you sure about that?
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: trig on March 20, 2024, 11:23:59 am
Fake news... I have zero memory of making any such post as what you've quoted. And as proof, as you can plainly see, THIS post is in fact my actual 100th post. Woohoo, check out my BronzeFist! B-)

I will continue to remove posts in my own history so that every post is my 100th from now on. Infinite celebration! (
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on March 20, 2024, 02:39:21 pm
An inspiring goal. :D
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: EleMesmo on May 31, 2024, 03:53:07 pm
Fake news... I have zero memory of making any such post as what you've quoted. And as proof, as you can plainly see, THIS post is in fact my actual 100th post. Woohoo, check out my BronzeFist! B-)

I will continue to remove posts in my own history so that every post is my 100th from now on. Infinite celebration! (

I have no bussines replying to you, but you haven't posted in 3 months, you can set a goal to reach 1 000 posts, now that will be cool from you, ey?
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on November 16, 2024, 01:16:25 pm
The AI and bots are getting so intelligent.

I'm having a hard time understanding - at a glance - what is real and what isn't when I'm checking in and deleting spam and posts. The accounts with only one posts are the biggest giveaways, but I friggin' hate it.

What's the giveaway? The Russian bots I can understand, because they'll at least edit their post or hide links to scammy websites, but some of these new are literally just engaging, asking questions, and don't seem to have any links or hidden "gotcha's" to them. I don't get it.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on November 16, 2024, 08:46:46 pm
I don't get them either. I've caught a few on the Chrono Trigger Technical Discussion - they add nothing new, just rewording existing information. Sometimes they'll take specific sentences and use them in a new context that doesn't make sense.

My favorite included "try asking a specific forum for this subject." We're on the Compendium.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: trig on November 17, 2024, 07:14:10 pm
My triage is the presence of this lil guy (, especially if it's a link to some-gamelike-thing.two-letter-tld.

This means I instinctively hover over Report for all of Mauron's posts before noticing it's her.
Title: Re: Deleting Spam Like...
Post by: Mauron on November 18, 2024, 03:45:55 pm
I'll keep an eye out for myself in the queue. :P