Chrono Compendium
Kajar Laboratories - Fan Works and Submissions => Chrono Trigger Modification => Topic started by: Fauntleroy on October 22, 2018, 07:47:08 pm
So, after many adventures, I'm about ready to release my Schala hack to a small group for play-testing.
But during my current playthrough, something weird happened. Crono learned Wind Slash, but then also immediately learned *Lightning.
This did not happen when Marle learned Provoke, Lucca learned Hypno Wave, or Frog learned Slurp Cut.
Any idea what might have broken?
Techs are locked based on bitflags on 7F01E0. If that got set to 1, Crono would be able to learn *Lightning and higher.
This bug is in effect at the very beginning of the game, before any scenes or events happen whatsoever.
Any suggestions on where to look for the problem?
Possibly the events for the load screen or special purpose area.
You can go to an event page, select Loc Event > Decode All... to dump the events to text files, then do a find in files for 7F01E0.
Awesome. I will try this tonight. Thanks!
EDITED TO ADD: Well, the only place in all that code that this bit is set is during the Spekkio event, as it should be. So unfortunately I'm still stuck.
FURTHER EDIT: Did some experimenting. Here's what happens.
At start, you can get Cyclone and Wind Slash to appear on the Tech menu, when learning or learned, like normal. After you learn Wind Slash, the next Tech does NOT appear grayed-out.
Chrono can then go on to learn *Lightning and Spincut. However, neither of these Techs shows up as grayed out on the menu while you're learning them. So you don't know you're learning them until they're learned. And he won't learn any more after that until Spekkio.
So somehow, the game is letting Chrono learn four Techs before Spekkio instead of two. That's the problem.
Check 0x3FF951 in your ROM. It should be 02.
This appears to be the number of techs that can be learned without getting magic from Spekkio, one byte per PC.
I was so sure that was gonna be it, but... nope. It's already set at 02. And changing it to 00 or 01 had no effect.
Send me a patch of your current ROM.
Happy to oblige!
This is more complex than I though. I'll keep looking into it.
Found it. 0xC1C0C should be set to 0x80. Hi-Tech was erasing this bit if the Control Header was changed.
I'll fix that shortly.
Awesome Thank you so much!