Chrono Compendium

Kajar Laboratories - Fan Works and Submissions => Kajar Laboratories => Topic started by: Klace on July 29, 2006, 02:57:37 am

Title: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on July 29, 2006, 02:57:37 am
Hey everyone, I'm a proffessional Musician, weather you've heard of me or not, And Taking break from my Paid Jobs and relaxing during the summer, I've decided to do a Chrono Trigger Symphony, Now what Chrono Trigger Symphony, is, Is Me Orchestrating every single Chrono Trigger song I can using my Symphony and Computer, Now I have some examples of my work set up to the game, but the audio quality has suffered, But you can feel free to check it out here, Note I didn't have a clock ticking noise for "A Premonition"

This project will only take a few weeks to complete with Donations and Support from Fans!
And hopefully this can have it's own Fan section.

Here are the tracks that are going to appear so far:

A Premonition   
A Shot of Crisis           
A Strange Happening       
Arris Dome                     
At the Bottom of Night     
Aylas theme               
Bike Chase           
Black Omen           
Boss Battle         
Chrono Trigger     
End of time         
Frogs Theme   
Game Over
Gatos Song
Guardia Castle
Guardia Forest
Jurassic Rythym
Lab 16
Lavos Core
Lavos Theme
Leene Square
Lucca Fanfare
Magus' Lair
Middle Ages
Moonlight Parade
Morning Sunlight
Mystic Mountains
Ocean Palace
Robo's Theme
Schala's Theme
Sealed Chest
Sealed dor
Silent Light
Singing Mountain
The Hidden Truth
The Trial
To Far away Times
Tyrano Lair
Underground Sewer
Zeal Palace

Songs that are Complete:

Chrono Trigger:
Battle 1:
Frog's Theme:

And Donation Link:

Now if this can get it's own Fan section or something as good as that, and all goes as planned, And we get some donations and support, then this
project will only take a week or two at most, so please show us your support in getting us a section, as this Project will be done soon!

Well I'm out, and Hoping for my own fan section to get everything sorted out!
~Klace, Proffessional Musician.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Matt Shadows on July 29, 2006, 03:02:40 am
Dude, all restricted for me. I have parental controls but I've heard your name somewhere before can't remember though. It was on a search for CT music I think.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on July 29, 2006, 03:04:06 am
Well I am a proffessional Musician, so You may have heard some of my Works.
Anyway, If the youtube vids are Restricted, try the Putfile.
And if that doesn't work then I'll try to find a way for you to listen in.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Matt Shadows on July 29, 2006, 03:07:03 am
Ok. Thanks. I see you're on dial-up so it'll take forever to send in e-mail.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on July 29, 2006, 03:08:59 am
I have to sign out for tonight so I will be in tomorrow, Hopefully Have my own section to update in, And by the end of a week or two, you should have a whole Chrono trigger Symphony to listen to!
I might be on time to time until tomorrow but I"ll be posting again tomorrow

Note: This project cannot be completed without Fan Support and Monetary/Webspace Donations!
So please show your support and donate!
I will give you complete information once I get back online!

If the Admin would let me Have Access to the News and Updates Fan Sections whenever a New Piece is completed I could post it there, Or since one or more will be completed every few days In the fans News section I can post every time I finish a set ammount of songs and release them in Packs.
I'll sort something out, and If all goes Well I'll have acess to do so and my own Fan Section.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: justin3009 on July 29, 2006, 10:33:30 am
Matt, if it's parental control, don't go to every forum that has a download link and go "LOL PARENTAL CONTROL lolol!ll!".  Just PM them or something.  And I think we all know you have parental control by now...
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on July 29, 2006, 04:20:59 pm
Stay on topic Now :O
Just to let you know I've finished 13 songs so far.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Romana on July 29, 2006, 04:25:54 pm
Stay on topic Now :O
Just to let you know I've finished 13 songs so far.

Cool. Any previews?
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on July 29, 2006, 04:34:54 pm
There is previews in the First Post If you want to check them out.
The Videos lost some audio Quality, But their worth checking out still, and The Trial, as a music sample, lost no quality and is perfect.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on July 29, 2006, 06:57:14 pm
The Chrono Symphony will be released in 7 Packs of 8 Songs.
And as soon as Zeality gets back to me on Making that Fan Section and being able to post fan news.
I'll release the first pack ASAP!
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Chrono'99 on July 30, 2006, 06:05:47 am
You might want to change the project name as there's already the famous and fantastic Chrono Symphonic ( (2 letter difference yeah but...).
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Romana on July 30, 2006, 09:31:59 am
The Chrono Symphony will be released in 7 Packs of 8 Songs.
And as soon as Zeality gets back to me on Making that Fan Section and being able to post fan news.
I'll release the first pack ASAP!

Yay. I'm looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on July 30, 2006, 05:11:27 pm
You might want to change the project name as there's already the famous and fantastic Chrono Symphonic ( (2 letter difference yeah but...).

Well Chrono Symphonic is a Project which envolves Remixing on a Computer.
This Project however is Real instruments playing Real Songs, Thus "Symphony"
Zeality hasn't gotten back to me yet, Maybe I gotta Send another PM :O
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: justin3009 on July 30, 2006, 05:14:35 pm
Nah, don't bother him that much.  Don't wanna annoy him so that'll he'll hate you for the rest of his life =/
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Kae on July 30, 2006, 05:17:28 pm
I'm anxious to see this completed. That being said, is there any chance that you'd consider adding "Singing Mountain" to the song list? It's a favourite of quite a few people, if only because it has the whole "forbidden fruit" ideal, being made for an area that you can't normally access.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on July 30, 2006, 05:17:52 pm
Nah, don't bother him that much.  Don't wanna annoy him so that'll he'll hate you for the rest of his life =/
He probably didn't read it and think it was advertising because the Subject was "Fan Forum"

I'm anxious to see this completed. That being said, is there any chance that you'd consider adding "Singing Mountain" to the song list? It's a favourite of quite a few people, if only because it has the whole "forbidden fruit" ideal, being made for an area that you can't normally access.
I'll see what I can do.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: justin3009 on July 30, 2006, 05:24:24 pm
Singing Mountain was a good track.  They should have kept that =/
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on July 30, 2006, 05:56:52 pm
Singing Mountain has been Added to the Track Listing!
Also I have updated the First post so you can listen to Frog's Theme.
And I updated the First Post with the songs I have completed thus far.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: the guru of cabbages on August 13, 2006, 02:23:50 pm
.... i thouht someone already had made a chrono symphony.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Chrono'99 on August 13, 2006, 03:59:10 pm
You might want to change the project name as there's already the famous and fantastic Chrono Symphonic ( (2 letter difference yeah but...).

Well Chrono Symphonic is a Project which envolves Remixing on a Computer.
This Project however is Real instruments playing Real Songs, Thus "Symphony"
Zeality hasn't gotten back to me yet, Maybe I gotta Send another PM :O
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on August 16, 2006, 07:39:25 pm
Bump From the Grave.
This Project is still going on allthough since the System Restore I have had to start over, Still have many many songs done, so Check this topic for more updates and this should be done before September, Give or Take a Few Days.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on September 06, 2006, 09:55:37 pm
Hey Everyone!
OMG Update!
We have since Overhauled this Entire Project, The Budget is Bigger, this, Incredible Instruments!

Here is our Completely New and Improved "Chrono Trigger"

*Mic cuts out at some points so we have to redo it, not Final, but Still Amazing"
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Cooper on September 07, 2006, 06:17:50 am
Nice work. ^^
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: justin3009 on September 07, 2006, 08:46:04 am
Wow!  That's awesome!!
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Romana on September 07, 2006, 12:54:44 pm
Just listened to it. Fantastic. Well done!  :D
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Bauglir on September 07, 2006, 06:15:01 pm
Pretty darned sweet. There are two things about it that I found odd, but hearing the music on real instruments like that was teh pwnage. It seemed like only the strings were being used (probably intentional, but it seemed like the music didn't have enough layers), and that there were gaps in the music when the strings would stop, and it seemed like some background music should've been playing then. I don't know how many people you've got, though, so it may well be totally unavoidable. Again, great work and keep at it.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on September 07, 2006, 10:43:10 pm
Thanks for all the Coments!
Now let me answer some stuff:
and that there were gaps in the music when the strings would stop, and it seemed like some background music should've been playing then
There is supposed to be Percussion, Allthough we aren't having it, Not at the moment at Least.

Don't listen to the music in the first post, All old and stuff!
The only new one we have done is Chrono Trigger Theme.

This will be for download on once It is done.
And please, I can't stress this enough, Im out Alot of money here! XD
Donate to my Paypal to speed up the Orchestra Process and get the Symphony Faster, Paypal link located Here: (

Thank you for everything, and If you donate, Thank you times a Million! (Just don't donate like one Penny  :|  )
I will keep you updated Frequently and once the project finishes, Hopefully it will be a sucess! (Donations are taken in U.S Dollars)

Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: grey_the_angel on September 07, 2006, 11:01:53 pm
I still find it bs that we don't included Cross in projects like these.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Romana on September 08, 2006, 12:08:17 pm
I still find it bs that we don't included Cross in projects like these.

Scars of Time! Dream of Another World! Hurricane! They'd sound awesome!
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: grey_the_angel on September 08, 2006, 04:39:43 pm
I still find it bs that we don't included Cross in projects like these.

Scars of Time! Dream of Another World! Hurricane! They'd sound awesome!
first of all: time's scar.

second of all: HELL YES THEY WOULD.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: ZeaLitY on September 08, 2006, 04:53:10 pm
Time's Scar is part of the inaccurate translation, which I saved at .
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Romana on September 08, 2006, 05:03:38 pm
Time's Scar is part of the inaccurate translation, which I saved at .

Oh, right, thanks for correcting me on that.  :D
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: ZeaLitY on September 08, 2006, 05:17:17 pm
Wait, I'm not really correcting had it right with Scars of Time.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on September 08, 2006, 06:01:24 pm
On topic Please! :P
Anyway, I'm almost done the Battle Theme, It's sounding Aweseome, So keep your eye out on this thread.
Since the Overhaul of the project it will be a little while till completion, but totally worth it.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on September 08, 2006, 09:25:40 pm
Dun dun dun!
Heres the Sample for the Battle Theme I promised:!.mp3

It wont link the last !.mp3, so just copy and paste that in >_>
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: justin3009 on September 08, 2006, 10:02:09 pm
.........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =O!!!!!!!!!!  Omg this is great!!
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on September 08, 2006, 11:59:38 pm
I'm glad you like the Song. :P
Maybe you could consider donating? XD.
Im working on lots more songs, but really don't expect this in the coming weeks, Maybe near the end of September.
Because we're doing almost every single Chrono Trigger song the exact way it was on the Original Sound Version, Just Orchestrated.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: justin3009 on September 09, 2006, 11:21:35 am
I would but I don't have a paypal acct and I have no money .___. ;__;
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on September 20, 2006, 02:50:16 pm
Good News!
The Chrono Trigger Battle FINAL VERSION Has just been released on the Interwebs.
You can listen to it here:

And I can't stress this Enough, DONATE!
The Stuff used in the making of this soundtrack is NOT Cheap and any donation would be accepted and can be given through paypal at this link:

Enjoy the battle Theme, Donate and the next one up to be finished will probably be Frogs Theme :P
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on September 25, 2006, 04:19:01 pm
I didn't see anyone reply so maybe no One heard it yet :\
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on September 26, 2006, 08:47:16 pm
Frog's Theme:
And Donation Link:
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on October 04, 2006, 03:45:56 pm
Jeeze, this topic is like a Ghost Town, no one ever posts anymore.
Update though, I added links to all completed songs in the First post in the topic so you don't need to look around the topic for links.
Can't believe I never thoght of that before.
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Romana on October 04, 2006, 04:28:19 pm
That music is awesome. Well done, mate!  :D
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Klace on November 07, 2006, 07:41:38 pm
Holy Jeeze! I frogot to update here! :P
We have a new sample up of "World Revolution"
Hope you enjoy, please post what you think of it!

Donations link in the first post of course, enjoy this song, we did a really good job on it!
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: lidek on November 11, 2006, 01:24:24 pm
ohh man, this sounds awesome

keep going!
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: Romana on November 11, 2006, 02:04:05 pm
That was simply fantastic. Well done!
Title: Re: Chrono Symphony.
Post by: justin3009 on November 13, 2006, 11:09:25 am
I've been busy and stuff with school work, so it's kinda hard to look at all the threads being bumped and stuff. >__<  I haven't heard the songs yet as well i'm still at school, and if i try to download anything, i'll get kicked off the computers for the whole school year =/