Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Jutty on September 11, 2008, 03:14:24 am

Title: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on September 11, 2008, 03:14:24 am
What games are your playing at the moment?
Me I'm playing The World Ends With You and Lunar: Silver Star Story. I really recommend TWEWY if you have a DS the battle system is wicked fun.

And Halo 3 online religiously...

Edit: Felt the topic could use a name change.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on September 11, 2008, 03:15:41 am
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Vampire Masquerade: Bloodlines
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on September 11, 2008, 09:10:54 am
What games are your playing at the moment?
Me I'm playing The World Ends With You and Lunar: Silver Star Story. I really recommend TWEWY if you have a DS the battle system is wicked fun.

TWEwY is amazing.

Faf's currently playing:

- Final Fantasy IV DS
- Final Fantasy V Advance
- Final Fantasy VI Advance
- Tales of Eternia
- Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
- Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on September 11, 2008, 09:17:16 am
I'm currently playing~

Megaman 1, 2, and 3
Summon Knight: Swordcraft Story 1 & 2
Tetris, religiously.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: ONSLAUGHT on September 11, 2008, 04:02:10 pm
Chrono Trigger religiously,
Paper Mario Thousand Year Door.
I'm waiting for my b day til I pick back up.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on September 11, 2008, 05:29:45 pm
I'm currently playing~

Megaman 1, 2, and 3
Summon Knight: Swordcraft Story 1 & 2
Tetris, religiously.

Is Summon Night good? I've never heard of it.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on September 11, 2008, 05:42:41 pm
Let me think,
Chrono trigger
Chrono cross
Megaman 2
Fire emblem the Sacred stones
Phoenix Wright
Shining force
I think that's it.  I just finished Sam and Max Season 1 chapter 4.  When chapter 2 of Strong Bad's cool game for attractive people comes out I'll be playing that.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: teaflower on September 11, 2008, 05:54:39 pm
Chrono Trigger.
Bishojo Senshi Sailormoon Super S Fuwa Fuwa Panic
Bishojo Senshi Sailormoon S 'Heart Game'.

Is fun.

I beat Chrono Trigger. *squee*
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on September 11, 2008, 06:09:04 pm
I beat Chrono Trigger. *squee*

Woo! Congrats! ^^
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: MagilsugaM on September 11, 2008, 06:49:17 pm
I am not playing anything right know because my PS2 and PS1 are broken and my PS3 is from Japan and Psone games are region locked. I only have 4 PS3 games.

Untill then I was playing:


Genji: Days of the Blade

Super Mario XP ( Mario meets Dracula's castle)

Castlevania: Symphony of the night.

Jewel Summoner: Monster Kingdom
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on September 11, 2008, 06:57:24 pm
I'm working through FFTA2 and...oh dammit, I'm stuck on LoZ: PH, I need to go look for a FAQ...stupid ghost ship nonsense...V_V
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: cupn00dles on September 11, 2008, 07:32:55 pm
Call of Duty 4, Unreal Tournament 3 and GRID.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Clovis15 on September 11, 2008, 07:39:12 pm
I am currently playing Final Fantasy VI Advance on my DS. Don't worry, Cryo and I are also working on editing the script for Episode 18 of CTU every night as well. I'll begin animating it as soon as it's finalized.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on September 11, 2008, 07:51:05 pm
I am currently playing Final Fantasy VI Advance on my DS. Don't worry, Cryo and I are also working on editing the script for Episode 18 of CTU every night as well. I'll begin animating it as soon as it's finalized.

I'm playing that too! Love the Masaru avatar, by the way. Looking forward to CTU ep18 also~.

I'm working through FFTA2 and...oh dammit, I'm stuck on LoZ: PH, I need to go look for a FAQ...stupid ghost ship nonsense...V_V

Ugh, I remember hating that place. Say, how does PH hold up on an emulator? Last time I tried it was kinda slow.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Clovis15 on September 11, 2008, 09:48:27 pm
Oh, right, Masaru is what he's called in Japan. As I've been watching it on Toon Disney, I've always been calling him Marcus Damon.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: ONSLAUGHT on September 11, 2008, 10:03:17 pm
I'm working through FFTA2 and...oh dammit, I'm stuck on LoZ: PH, I need to go look for a FAQ...stupid ghost ship nonsense...V_V

That Ghost Ship was an extreme pain, not the dungeon itself, but the boss. They kept going in an order that would make it near impossible for me to beat them. Eventually they made it so that the battle was so easy I laughed and cried at the same time.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on September 11, 2008, 10:59:38 pm
I'm playing through FFX for a second time (the first time was when it first came out)...  As soon as it's over I'm starting FFX-2 (also for the second time).  And don't try to deter me against FFX-2.  I've heard every argument and I still found myself really enjoying the game...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on September 11, 2008, 11:29:05 pm
Actually, I'm not ON the Ghost Ship...I was doing the following it to the next sea chart map and then I didn't know what to do after I got to the map...

As for how it seems good enough to me. I hate the stylus controls though...Minish Cap rulz Phantom Hourglass' face so far.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on September 11, 2008, 11:50:58 pm
I am currently playing Final Fantasy VI Advance on my DS. Don't worry, Cryo and I are also working on editing the script for Episode 18 of CTU every night as well. I'll begin animating it as soon as it's finalized.

I just bought FFVI Advance, I've never really played FFVI at all so I'm kinda looking forward to it. I always end up quitting about 20 mins in and losing interest. This time I'm gonna force myself to play for a while so I can see if the story is as good as people claim.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Clovis15 on September 12, 2008, 01:19:30 am
You won't be dissapointed, I assure you.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on September 12, 2008, 08:58:24 am
Just got Mog and up to the Sealed Cave in FFVI Advance. Currently levelling up my underused party members (Setzer, Terra, Mash/Sabin, Cayenne/Cyan)

I hate the stylus controls though...Minish Cap rulz Phantom Hourglass' face so far.

I like the stylus controls, but I have to agree that The Minish Cap is better. PH is pretty lazy in comparison to most Zelda games, plus that freaking Temple of the Ocean King... I HATE IT. You have to go back and do it all over again after every dungeon but with an extra floor each time, grinding away at your patience like crazy. But of course you already know that.

Oh, right, Masaru is what he's called in Japan. As I've been watching it on Toon Disney, I've always been calling him Marcus Damon.

Ah, nasty. The Savers dub started nicely, then started changing all the 'Marcus is a badass who takes on Yakuza gangs and still wins' themes to 'I wanna be the Hokage lulz'. And then they began cutting religious references like crazy (Yggdrassil is the Digital World's god, I think the dub calls it... 'Master' or something). Oh, and that episode where they changed the giant walking bomb Digimon to a giant orange. Heavens forbid he explode and cover the town in fruit juice!

Worst part was cutting Agumon kicking Marcus in the crotch in the first episode, though. xD
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Lakonthegreat on September 12, 2008, 01:13:26 pm
I just ordered and received Gundam Battle Assault on PS1, IMO, one of the best fighters ever. Been playing that, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Road Rash II on my genesis emulator, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas when I get pissed off, and A few games on my DS, including Final Fantasy IV, Kirby Canvas Curse, and a few others.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Clovis15 on September 12, 2008, 07:24:44 pm
And then they began cutting religious references like crazy (Yggdrassil is the Digital World's god, I think the dub calls it... 'Master' or something).

You mean King Drasil? They've made it pretty clear that he's some kind of God like figure, through all the various dialogue used to describe him over the course of the series, with out flat out calling him God.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on September 23, 2008, 08:11:06 am
Just got my hands on Tenchu: Stealth Assassains for the ps1.  ninja goodness...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on September 23, 2008, 01:50:50 pm
Megaman 9.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on September 23, 2008, 02:04:37 pm
Currently focusing on Final Fantasy V Advance and several Pokemon games.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Thought on September 23, 2008, 02:51:12 pm
Harvest Moon: Island of Happiness (most my solo gaming time is devoted to this currently)
X-Men Legends (2 player = couples time ;) )
Harvest Moon: Rune Factory
Harvest Moon DS

I hope to add Spore and Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility to that list soonish (just as soon as I'm done applying to Ph.D. programs).

I'm a harvest moon fan, incase you didn't notice.

Megaman 9.

Oooo, that's out? Well that will be added to my list by the end of the month, probably.

Is Summon Night good? I've never heard of it.

I liked the first quite a bit, the second... meh, I wasn't able to get into it. But if you like the Tales of series, you should look into it. The battle system is fairly similar, at least so it seems to me.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on September 23, 2008, 02:58:19 pm
At this moment, nothing.

Last night I finished both Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines and Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. I need a new game :(
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on September 23, 2008, 04:33:33 pm
well im playing

infinite undiscovery

and im badly awaiting

disgaea ds and rhapsody ds
eternal sonata
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: teaflower on September 23, 2008, 05:51:45 pm
Currently, I'm playing read-the-fanfic. Other than that, I'm playing Chrono Trigger (deep into the bowels of Lavos we go, screw Magus!) and SoulCal 3 (Xianghua SMASH!!! ... or not. Xianghua... run away screaming at the wrath of Seung Mina. ... Seung Mina SMASH!!!). It's fun!
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on September 23, 2008, 05:52:39 pm
...So I could use some more games. I just finished my library of games, and am looking to expand. To make this easier here are my available systems: PS2, PS1, GBA, GBC, SNES, Genesis, DS, and PC. My computer is not an ubergaming machine. So nothing Taxing.

Oh here some games I do like to help you on the right path:
Fallout 1/2
Planescape: Torment
Monkey Island
Fire Emblem
Sonic Adventure
Doom 1/2/3
System Shock 1/2
Kotor 1/2
Harvest Moon handheld versions and SNES

And some I don't like:
Halo 1/3
GTA 2/3
Harvest Moon console versions

So any recommendations?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: teaflower on September 23, 2008, 08:30:38 pm
You have a Genesis?

Go down to a used games store. GameStop sometimes keeps them around. Buy yourself Sonic the Hedgehog,  StH2, StH3, and Sonic and Knuckles. Knock yourself out.*
Final Fantasy III.
Old Pokemon. (I'll lend you my copy of Blue!)
Fire Emblem (more in the series)
May I suggest KH?
Ristar is a must have.*

*To save space and money, generally, I suggest Sonic Mega Collection Plus. Ristar is unlockable. Takes a while, though. You can't play the lock-on games at first. Those are unlocked. But trust me. It's worth it. (don't go for the Super Emeralds. You'll drive yourself insane. I know. I've tried. (and succeeded.)
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on September 23, 2008, 09:03:31 pm
I found Bomberman 64 at the flea market today! And oh, was it worth the money.

(I can't say the same about "Shining Soul", however. I can't believe I wasted money on something I could've just emulated, and itt's a piece of crap.)
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on September 23, 2008, 10:27:48 pm
Currently playing:

Oblivion: Game of the Year Edition!
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on September 24, 2008, 02:04:10 am
Well I just beat Megaman 2 (Finally) and plan to start 4 tomorrow.  I'm also playing chapter two of Strong bad's cool game for attractive people: Strong badia the free.  Anyone else here played that?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on September 24, 2008, 02:25:34 am
...So I could use some more games. I just finished my library of games, and am looking to expand. To make this easier here are my available systems: PS2, PS1, GBA, GBC, SNES, Genesis, DS, and PC. My computer is not an ubergaming machine. So nothing Taxing.

So any recommendations?

Riviera: The Promised Land is probably my favorite GBA title...Yggdra Union: We'll Never Fight Alone is another part of the same series, but it plays much differently (it's sort of a unique take on SRPGs).

Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis is probably my favorite SRPG GBA title. If you're into either of the FFTactics series (regular or advance), you'll probably enjoy it.

Golden Sun games are good too...I also liked most of the Megaman Battle Network games (they're all mostly the same)...and there's some good ports on GBA as well...Breath of Fire 1 & 2...Phantasy Star 1~3...Shining Force: Resurrection of the Dark Dragon...the various FFs, of course...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on September 24, 2008, 04:05:44 am
Megaman 9.
Oooo, that's out? Well that will be added to my list by the end of the month, probably.

Wii version is. 360 comes out tomorrow; PS3 whenever they update their store. Me and my friends beat it for the first time tonight. It's great.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on September 24, 2008, 09:06:57 am

Pm me for my gamertag anyone. List of games goes as follows:

Call of Duty 3
Frontlines: Fuel of War
Quake 4
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: MagilsugaM on September 26, 2008, 07:57:02 am
Now Ninja GAiden Sigma, Yggdra Union (PSP) and Genji Days of the Blade

Not playing too much. I've benn watching a lot of anime this holidays insteed of playing videogames.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on September 26, 2008, 10:31:42 pm
I've been playin LEGO Batman (DS version) & Kirby Super Star Ultra. Batman's ok, but a lil repetitive...but I still end up wanting to unlock characters & junk because I'm a dork...Kirby is basically a much cleaner looking version of the SNES one, with some new FMV sequences & with mini-games I don't quite like as much as the original's...This is the kind of graphical upgrade Chrono Trigger should get.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: dan_death on September 26, 2008, 11:58:10 pm
Spore and Stalker, but Stalker's on hold until I get a better video card.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Schala Zeal on September 27, 2008, 11:11:41 pm
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King beta

I play a male due to the 9 year olds who are desperate for cyber.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on September 28, 2008, 01:57:54 am
I started to play Disgaea DS and gotta say, it's a pretty cool/insane game...if you like SRPGs at all & haven't played Disgaea before, I highly recommend you put FFTA2 away & play this instead.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on September 28, 2008, 04:51:07 am
yes disgaea ds is really fun but pleinair can sorta solo the whole game lol
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on September 28, 2008, 07:14:00 am
Don't you only get Pleinair in New Game+ though...?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on September 28, 2008, 11:20:10 am
just lose the first vyers fight and then you can get her
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on September 28, 2008, 12:12:13 pm
That doesn't seem to be so with Disgaea DS...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on September 28, 2008, 01:52:20 pm
Is the DS just a remake of the original? If so Pleinair does join you on your first play through.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on September 28, 2008, 03:23:15 pm
Uh...I guess so...? Of the PS2 & PSP one, I guess...I looked around & it looks like I have to lose to Mid-Boss or something? idk if I've gotten to that yet...

EDIT: Yeah, that was it...just had to lose to Mid-Boss (which in the end was looking kinda sketchy with the Counters, Counter-Counters, etc) & get the "Mid-Boss Wins?" it really IS New Game+, it's just that you can get an ending incredibly early on...I LOVE the Prinny Commentary, though. I haven't tried Pleinair yet, but just that Commentary was well worth it.

But I looked it up, and yeah, it's the 2nd remake/port of Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. From what I've heard, it's basically the version you should get if you don't have either of the other ones. The graphics obviously aren't as good (I think they're fine though having not seen the originals), the music is watered down (I have no idea because I play w/o sound), and the voice acting is also cut down a bit in the DS version (again, I have no idea w/o sound)...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on October 02, 2008, 09:44:55 pm
Bleh, so I'm mostly through with LEGO Batman...just a few levels left in villain mode...mostly just unlocking stuff, which I think is really inane once you've already beaten everything...they need to make the balance of unlocking junk & what's actually left to do in the game better...not to mention the game's kind of repetitive at times. I also don't understand why Robin doesn't have a grappling hook...or how Penguin fits in those chutes...>_>

Anyways, I started up MegaMan Star Force 2: Zerker X Ninja...I enjoyed the first Star Force enough to warrant a play of the new one, and it's got a ninja in the version I'm playing (though it' So far, yeah, it looks the same, but that's what I expected...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: RoxSilverFox on October 02, 2008, 10:51:37 pm
-Chrono Trigger (always playing that O_o)
-Halo 3 on Xbox Live
-Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
-Far Cry 2
-Fable 2
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on October 03, 2008, 08:40:43 am
Overlord: Raising Hell.  Pretty fun.

Hey V, you seem to keep up with the DS and its games, would you happen to know the name of a game where you buy up towns or something and eventually become king?  Or maybe it is you are king and you have to buy up towns or please the citizens or something... I vaguely remember reading a review about it and thought it was interesting but now I can't recall it for the life of me.  It might be for the PSP...who knows.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on October 03, 2008, 09:38:02 am
Hey V, you seem to keep up with the DS and its games, would you happen to know the name of a game where you buy up towns or something and eventually become king?  Or maybe it is you are king and you have to buy up towns or please the citizens or something... I vaguely remember reading a review about it and thought it was interesting but now I can't recall it for the life of me.  It might be for the PSP...who knows.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on October 03, 2008, 10:51:32 am
Damn, that is the one.  Thanks Pyt.  And there is why I couldn't find the damn was for the Wii. blergh
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on October 03, 2008, 04:59:30 pm
lol...there's a new Crystal Chronicles for DS coming out soon though, Echoes of Time...Maybe that's why you thought that? Or maybe the former Crystal Chronicles on DS, Ring of Fates...? RoF was an ok action/adventure RPG...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: kritterpher on October 18, 2008, 02:28:28 am
              M.S SAGA ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: RoxSilverFox on October 18, 2008, 04:46:38 am
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King beta

I play a male due to the 9 year olds who are desperate for cyber.

Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on October 18, 2008, 09:07:27 am
- Pokemon Platinum
- Rockman X8
- Mother 3
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on October 18, 2008, 09:45:29 am
Yeah, I suppose it's a given that a lot of us are playing Mother 3 now...damn yous rhythm-based combos~!! Otherwise it seems great...I can kind of see why it didn't come over here must've been hell to try to persuade anyone to pick it up...I mean, it's got the simplistic, cheery look & feel of Earthbound (both original Mothers, really), but it starts out kinda dark (from what I've already heard it continues down this path)...I mean, the market for this is basically the hardcore RPGers. Not exactly for the kiddies & like previous installments, casual RPGers might scoff at it's look...what do I know, though? We've evolved as a gaming community since then, right?

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All - Started this one up a couple days prior to getting M3. I loved him starting out with a head injury that kind of acted as a cheesy, easy-in for them to re-explain everything about gameplay & such...the wacky inner lock addition thing seems a little weird though...I should probably test to see what happens when your hurt bar goes all the way down...

Some others I decided to pick up again before I got Mother 3 were...

Tales of Phantasia - I hadn't gotten very far in it when I first played the SNES version, and now I'm attempting the GBA version and it seems just as if not more unforgiving as I recall (I hear there's not much of a change in it at all though, really)...I ended up restarting like 5 times in the beginning before I realized that I'd just have to run from everything but the bees until I got the hang of things, leveled some & acquired some abilities...It really makes me want to play Star Ocean, though...V_V

Golden Sun - I HAD gotten kind of far when I first played this a WHILE back...I remember being ok with the stupid oldschool targeting system, really enjoying the telepathic stuff, and getting kind of tired as it trudged on because it gets kind of repetitively cliché...I still want to finish this so I can get to the sequel & see if I can carry over this save somehow through the emu...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: teaflower on October 18, 2008, 10:11:58 am
Hey, V? Check this out. (

I'm playing Pokemon Blue. We kick SERIOUS ass. It's kinda funny, though. I started to go to Rock Tunnel after trading stuff away to get HM05, not realizing that I hadn't beaten Surge yet. I almost typed it as Serge. Heheheh...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on October 18, 2008, 03:28:00 pm
Golden Sun - I HAD gotten kind of far when I first played this a WHILE back...I remember being ok with the stupid oldschool targeting system, really enjoying the telepathic stuff, and getting kind of tired as it trudged on because it gets kind of repetitively cliché...I still want to finish this so I can get to the sequel & see if I can carry over this save somehow through the emu...

Don't worry, you can carry your save data over with a password; it's there for people without two GBAs or a link cable, I guess. Only problem is the password can be annoyingly lengthy depending on the amount of stuff you collected.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Lakonthegreat on October 19, 2008, 03:03:41 am
Just wanted to pop in and say that the new Kirby game for the DS is AWESOME. Tons of fun, and they added a ton to the Kirby Super Star roster. One ability I wish they would have kept from that mouse game was Three Star but this game is pretty schweet all the same.

I give it an 8, just because some parts are UNGODLY hard.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on October 19, 2008, 11:58:10 pm
Yeah a friend of mine keeps telling me to get that one.  Recently I started over on Final fantasy tactics again.  I've been playing The Sims 2 a little bit, but not too much.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on October 20, 2008, 08:37:30 am
I wish more sequels would carry over saves.  I always thought that was cool.  That and the sonic & knuckles cartridge for the genesis.  Practically revamped sonic 3 when you popped that sucker on top.

I am catching up on some megaman, specificially the Zero series as well as the new ZX ones.

Also replaying dark cloud on a ps2 emulator.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Lakonthegreat on October 20, 2008, 04:12:00 pm
Which emu are you using? I could free up some space on my entertainment center if I can get rid of my ps2.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: MagilsugaM on October 21, 2008, 02:57:45 am
Which emu are you using? I could free up some space on my entertainment center if I can get rid of my ps2.

You shouldn't get rid of your ps2... The largest copatibility list of ps2 game in pcsx2 is about 800 but lastest games are not supported.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on October 21, 2008, 08:19:02 am

Thats the one.  And yes, the graphics are messed up pretty bad.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on October 22, 2008, 09:30:23 am
I'm playing Fable 2 and it's meh... Anyone else playing?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on October 22, 2008, 09:47:08 am
Why is it meh?  I don't have an xbox, but I played the firs tone on the PC.  It was ok.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on October 22, 2008, 02:36:52 pm
Soul Caliber 2
Disgaea 2
And a campaign in World of Darkness
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Dark Serge on October 22, 2008, 04:22:54 pm
Right now playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on DS, but it gets boring after a while. I'm looking desperately for a good DS RPG, but so far FFIII and The World Ends With You have disappointed me. Really looking for something a little bit like CT, but I guess that's hard to find. Damn, can't wait for CTDS :(
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on October 22, 2008, 08:33:59 pm
Right now playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on DS, but it gets boring after a while. I'm looking desperately for a good DS RPG.
playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on DS, but it gets boring after a while.
Phoenix Wright gets boring
What the hell is with you man!
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on October 23, 2008, 01:32:42 am
Why is it meh?  I don't have an xbox, but I played the firs tone on the PC.  It was ok.

The first one was better and more interesting. It was just so bland. Story was boring, combat is boring, final boss is a joke I would describe how but I don't like posting spoilers. Just really dissapointed after waiting so long for it.

Anyway I'm looking for an rpg with an engrossing story that takes off pretty early in the game. I was thinking Xenogears or something from the Suikoden series since I haven't played any of those yet.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on October 23, 2008, 05:10:42 am
I can understand finding the Phoenix Wright games to become boring...I play them in spits & spats myself inbetween playing an RPG or something to mix it up...I think the actual DS gameplay (the final case in Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney for example) is a little better than the straight GBA remake parts though...But the games just aren't about brilliant gameplay or anything (though who thinks so going in?)...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Dark Serge on October 23, 2008, 09:53:12 am
Well I liked the first four cases of PW and played through it one after another, but I guess then I got kinda bored. Especially with that fifth cases, some of the NPC's were just annoying the shit out of me (that cowboy policeguy for example) and it was like three cases intertwined with each other. Got a bit too confusing to be enjoyable for me.

Haven't started on the sequels yet though, I plan to try those in a while.

Certainly nice games, that require a bit of thinking. But like almost any game (save for Cross and perhaps Trigger) after playing it days it just gets a little boring.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on October 23, 2008, 07:25:41 pm
I've only played the first PW game.  However, once it arrives in the mail I'll be playing Justice for all.  One of the things I love about that game, is the cases are long enough and confusing enough that they could settle as books if they didn't have the trials and stuff.  Although I've only played the first one once, but I loved it.  I think my sister has been on that last case for like a month now.  She keeps on asking me for help.  Other than that, I've been playing my Pokemon Pearl game a lot.  I'm trying to get a Tyranitar up to level 100.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Dunsparce on October 23, 2008, 09:32:49 pm
My Imported Pokemon Platinum(It's currently not released outside of Japan). Cost me 50 bucks, but it was worth it. I'm planning to go to College soon to learn Japanese, so Importing videogames will probably be a common thing for me later on. There's ALOT of good Japan-Only games out there.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on October 23, 2008, 11:06:06 pm
Hey, I'm playing Platinum too! Nearly done with the main story.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Dunsparce on October 23, 2008, 11:12:53 pm
Hey, I'm playing Platinum too! Nearly done with the main story.

I've been done for quite a while. I've tried and loved using Heat/Spin/Cut/Wash/Frost Forme Rotom, Origin Forme Giratina, and Sky Forme Shaymin. all Legit and raised to perfection.

The Chrono Series still holds a higher place in my heart, but Pokemon is a close second. It's what got me into Videogames in the first place, after all.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on October 24, 2008, 02:53:08 pm
My Imported Pokemon Platinum(It's currently not released outside of Japan). Cost me 50 bucks, but it was worth it. I'm planning to go to College soon to learn Japanese, so Importing videogames will probably be a common thing for me later on. There's ALOT of good Japan-Only games out there.

That's true. Have you played the Osu! Tatake! Ouendan! games? Even with my knowledge of Japanese (I'm aware of such a langauge existing) they're still very playable and very fun.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on October 27, 2008, 08:31:54 am
I'm still playing Oblivion...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Thought on October 27, 2008, 10:40:35 am
Mega Man 9.

Damn you, Flying Saucer!
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on October 27, 2008, 12:34:02 pm
I recently starting playing Megaman Battle Network V: Team Protoman again...I put it down a long time ago because Liberation Missions just plain piss me off sometimes...I hope they don't carry over into BNVI...V_V
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Lakonthegreat on October 27, 2008, 12:52:04 pm
I never really liked the Battle Network series.

However I have picked up an older and interesting Mega Man game. Legends. I'm a sucker for a good story, so when I picked this thing up and started playing it, I was enthralled. It's amazing.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on October 27, 2008, 02:07:00 pm
Yeah, the BNs are kinda hit-or-miss...I enjoy the campy story & characters and it appears as though I also just enjoy the action/RPG/card-based battle system (I also liked Chain of Memories' battle system...though that was far too easy, especially in comparison to the BNs, but somewhat more rapid-paced)...

But, yeah Legends was cool. I enjoyed making Dark Mega a lot (though I wish it had done more to the story and looked cooler)...but Legends 2 helped fix some of that flawed battle system (you can pretty much circle everything to kill it)...but the final boss fight in the first one was epic...ARE YOU READY!?? RAAAAAAAAAGH!!! Loved it. I hope Capcom pulls their collective heads out of their asses (collective ass?) and continues with this great series in some way...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on October 27, 2008, 03:01:45 pm
Mega Man 9.

Damn you, Flying Saucer!

Jewel shield will protect you from the little ones. As for Galaxy Man himself, he is weak to concrete.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Thought on October 27, 2008, 04:05:11 pm
Let me rephrase:

"Mega Man 9.

Damn you, Wily's Flying Saucer!"

I think I've always hated that Flying Saucer in every game (except 8, which I never played).
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: justin3009 on October 28, 2008, 12:39:54 am
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia.  Best thing since sliced bread.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Lakonthegreat on October 28, 2008, 01:17:07 am
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia.  Best thing since sliced bread.

AGREED!! I'm playing the same thing.

And the Korg DS-10 synthesizer.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on October 28, 2008, 03:20:54 am
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia.  Best thing since sliced bread.

AGREED!! I'm playing the same thing.

And the Korg DS-10 synthesizer.

I've heard about the Korg DS-10. What is it?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Lakonthegreat on October 28, 2008, 11:12:21 pm
The DS-10 is basically a synthesizer for your DS. Like a reeeeeally stripped down portable version of FL Studio. Which is exactly what I'm using it for. I can jot down ideas for songs while I'm out and around.

Spaking of which, not spamming or anything but you should check out my music. (
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: MagilsugaM on October 29, 2008, 01:51:26 am
Now I am playing : Kingdom Hearts 1, Parasite Eve 2 and Final Fantasy 9.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Lakonthegreat on October 29, 2008, 02:37:15 am
All three of those are games I never really got into.

I just flat out hated FF9. I couldn't stand the art style. Hated it. Not only that, but nothing really did enough damage besides just throwing dark matter at everyone by the end of the game. It's like you can summon something, cast Ultima, or just throw out some dark matter and do the same amount of damage.

Kingdom Hearts still has me just plain confuzzled and angered at the same time. It's like Square and Disney came together to see how horribly they could rape my childhood.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on October 29, 2008, 08:20:08 am
finally.  someone else who doesn't like FF9!
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on October 29, 2008, 12:44:39 pm
Yeah, I didn't like the supposed oldschool tribute big-head mode style of FF9 either...Amano gave some great designs and they all got morphed to fuck...Very disappointing. In the end, I recall pretty much every character having one ability that did 9999, so I'm not entirely sure what you meant by that...and I enjoyed that a lot more than the ridiculous 9999x24 attacks of some of the other FFs big attacks...But to me, FFIX was best with the character development, which they did wonderfully...Even a pretty much annoying character like Quina had his moments...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on October 29, 2008, 01:24:18 pm
I will tear the limbs off of anyone who disses FFIX.

Currently playing:
Pocket Monsters Platinum
Star Ocean First Departure
Bleach Soul Carnival
Rockman 3
Rockman X8 (I'm more or less hating this at the moment for unfair level layout and the ridiculous amount of spikes, especially ones out of the camera's view)
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on October 29, 2008, 01:44:12 pm
I'm still playing Mega man 4.  I still can't believe that.  I can only get a half hour at a time in video games.  And I have to do two castles without turning the game off.  I'll probably be starting Strong bad's cool game for attractive people chapter 3 today.  And I just got Phoenix Wright Justice for all. 
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Thought on October 29, 2008, 03:34:08 pm
I will tear the limbs off of anyone who disses FFIX.

Come now, it is a simple fact that FFIX is inferior when compared to FFX-2 numerically speaking.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on October 29, 2008, 05:06:34 pm
But ten minus two would be eight...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on October 29, 2008, 05:41:43 pm
I will tear the limbs off of anyone who disses FFIX.

Come now, it is a simple fact that FFIX is inferior when compared to FFX-2 numerically speaking.

Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Thought on October 29, 2008, 06:10:19 pm
But ten minus two would be eight...

blast you and your logic... I mean...
Ah, but eight is closer to one than nine is, yes? Therefore, FFX-2 is closer to being number one than FFIX is. First place is the superior position.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on October 30, 2008, 02:33:19 am
Please, 9 is a waaaaaaaaay bigger number than 1, making IT the superior position! :lol:
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on October 30, 2008, 07:39:39 am
Fallout 3 > Life.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on October 30, 2008, 09:04:12 am
life > Fallout 1 > Fallout 2 > Fallout 3
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Thought on October 30, 2008, 10:11:19 am
Please, 9 is a waaaaaaaaay bigger number than 1, making IT the superior position! :lol:

Pfft, 7 ate 9, so obviously 9 is a weakling.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on October 30, 2008, 01:30:41 pm
Well now you're just being ridiculous...7 isn't superior to anything, no matter how much BS tries to have us eat...

Oh, and Fallout TACTICS rulz. :P
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on October 30, 2008, 01:56:32 pm
2>1>Life>Tactics>3>Misc crap>Brotherhood of Steel
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on October 30, 2008, 02:32:08 pm
Fallout 3 is just as good as 2 in my opinion. I haven't played 1. I actually am more into 3 than 2 just because a nuked Washington D.C. looks amazing.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: MagilsugaM on October 30, 2008, 07:30:30 pm
Please, 9 is a waaaaaaaaay bigger number than 1, making IT the superior position! :lol:

Pfft, 7 ate 9, so obviously 9 is a weakling.

Even 8 is better than it. I do not like the art style. I'm just playing it because of Vivi.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on October 31, 2008, 08:19:35 am
Fallout 3 is just as good as 2 in my opinion. I haven't played 1. I actually am more into 3 than 2 just because a nuked Washington D.C. looks amazing.

If I recall correctly you can nuke L.A. in the first Fallout.  Way to be unoriginal, Beth!
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on October 31, 2008, 09:21:46 am
I think he meant that the environment had been nuked, thus a post-apocalyptic environment akin to previous Fallout games.  Not that you could literally nuke Washington D.C. (then again, I could be totally wrong).
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on October 31, 2008, 09:29:54 am
I think he meant that the environment had been nuked, thus a post-apocalyptic environment akin to previous Fallout games.  Not that you could literally nuke Washington D.C. (then again, I could be totally wrong).

You sir are correct. The visuals are really amazing and you really can lose track of the amount of time you have spent in the game that's how I can tell I really enjoy it.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on October 31, 2008, 11:13:00 am
I think he meant that the environment had been nuked, thus a post-apocalyptic environment akin to previous Fallout games.  Not that you could literally nuke Washington D.C. (then again, I could be totally wrong).

That is one of their selling points...setting off a nuke in D.C., and seeing the mushroom cloud and all that stuff. 4 teh vishooals.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Dunsparce on October 31, 2008, 06:12:04 pm
I'm currently cycling through these three games constantly:

Persona 3: FES (PS2)
Dawn of Mana (PS2)
Sword of Mana (GBA)

All are quite fun in their own right
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: justin3009 on October 31, 2008, 09:00:54 pm
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on November 01, 2008, 02:48:51 am
Playing a lot of Metroid zero mission.  I recently did a speed run on Normal mode.  Now I'm trying to get through hard mode for the first time.  The last time I tryed hard mode I got stuck on Ridley.  Now I'm up to Mother brain.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on November 01, 2008, 08:37:55 am
Zero Mission was such a great remake that it actually made me super pissed that they still haven't remade Return of Samus (my favorite of the 2D Metroid games)...

And thanks a lot Dunsparce, remind me of ANOTHER GBA game, Sword of Mana, I need to play through...I'd end up playing through it both ways too! Must...resist...too many games already...!!

Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on November 01, 2008, 11:54:43 am
That is one of their selling points...setting off a nuke in D.C., and seeing the mushroom cloud and all that stuff. 4 teh vishooals.

Oh.  Didn't know that.

I still can't wait to play it... 

...But you and I have discussed the Fallout series before, placidchap, and I know your opinions towards Fallout 3, hahaha...  But it's okay!  To each his own.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on November 01, 2008, 02:25:03 pm
I think he meant that the environment had been nuked, thus a post-apocalyptic environment akin to previous Fallout games.  Not that you could literally nuke Washington D.C. (then again, I could be totally wrong).

That is one of their selling points...setting off a nuke in D.C., and seeing the mushroom cloud and all that stuff. 4 teh vishooals.

I think your already convinced not to like it, but give it a try it's pretty familiar with the rest of the series.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: BROJ on November 01, 2008, 03:42:42 pm
Currently playing:
Vagrant Story
Really fun, kinda hard─great game.
SaGa Frontier
Good game so far...
Tales of Phantasia(PSX)
I've beaten the SNES version; so far, worth playing again.

Haven't had much time to play games as I've been watching more anime lately.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on November 01, 2008, 04:30:34 pm
God, Vagrant Story, another game I need to get through! I had to completely map out that god forsaken forest by hand, y'know? That was NOT FUN...Way worse area than even the Desert of Death in BoF3...VS is a pain in the butt because I never know what weapons or weapon combinations I need to bring along...not to mention the place becomes a freakin maze after a while...I'm probably going to have to end up FAQing that one...V_V

It already ranks among some of my favorite RPGs of all time too...and I usually put a major hate on most action-oriented RPGs....
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Lakonthegreat on November 02, 2008, 09:51:20 pm
I personally am anticipating the PC versions of both GTA4 and Saints Row 2.

Call me an idiot, but I loooove me some senseless violence and murder.

Plus those games are so open right from the beginning. Just steal a car and you're off on your merry way killing folks.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: BROJ on November 02, 2008, 11:47:42 pm
Call me an idiot, but I loooove me some senseless violence and murder.
I don't mean to get too deep, but isn't that the exemplar of most video games? :wink:
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: MagilsugaM on November 03, 2008, 02:28:16 am
I need to get Vgrant Story too!
That game when it first came out looked so awesome...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on November 03, 2008, 08:38:29 am
...But you and I have discussed the Fallout series before, placidchap, and I know your opinions towards Fallout 3, hahaha...  But it's okay!  To each his own.

I think your already convinced not to like it, but give it a try it's pretty familiar with the rest of the series.

As a Fallout game, yes I am convinced I will not like it.  I am convinced I will not have the same (or anywhere near the same) feelings that I had a decade ago when playing Fallout 1 for the first time.  I am convinced this game is what Beth does best, First-Person Action Games with RPG elements.  However, I will be playing it sometime this month, no doubt, with the expectations of playing an Oblivion mod.  I did enjoy Oblivion for 2 weeks or so before waking up one day and losing complete interest, realizing that after 2 weeks I had no attachment towards the world and no sense of progression, it felt like a waste of time in the end.  Sure there were a few good spots (quests) here and there but just not enough in the end.  Maybe this game will have a better time at that than Oblivion.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on November 03, 2008, 03:49:32 pm
It still has Vats combat as well.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on November 03, 2008, 03:54:58 pm
What do you mean "still has Vats"?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on November 03, 2008, 04:18:31 pm
The combat system where you can target specific body parts.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on November 04, 2008, 02:53:20 am
Still has? Yea it's the same name but its completely redone.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on November 04, 2008, 08:40:42 am
VATS is a Beth creation.  They revamped the entrie combat system, going from turned-based to FPS and threw in a revamped system of targeting called VATS.

It was just "targeted attacks" during the games turn-based combat.  Something you couldn't do if you picked the fast shot trait but... they canned traits.  From what I can tell, yes you can target the body parts, but I don't know if the execution is proper.  I'll have to decide for myself how I feel about it once I play it.  I still have other complaints, like the cutting of the traits and getting a perk every level. 
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on November 04, 2008, 01:37:26 pm
The atmosphere and characters are still pretty faithful to the Fallout setting. The game play mechanics although no longer the original system still work, for the most part. In fact the only beef I have with Fallout 3 is the fact its MUCH more difficult to play a non-combatant then it should be. Still I do like "VATS" just because it pulls away from the FPS/Elderscrolls feel quite well.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Tiammat on November 04, 2008, 01:44:06 pm
Playing 'Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones'.

Now on chapter 15.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on November 05, 2008, 07:16:50 pm
Playing 'Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones'.

Now on chapter 15.
I love that game.  Although it's the only Fire Emblem game I've played.  Ross for the win!
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on November 05, 2008, 08:52:15 pm
So I'm wanting to play something where I can make my own kingdom and expand it. Civilization looks like the answer anyone played it? If so is it extremely challenging for beginners?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on November 06, 2008, 08:17:08 am
So I'm wanting to play something where I can make my own kingdom and expand it. Civilization looks like the answer anyone played it? If so is it extremely challenging for beginners?

no idea on that line of games, but there is also Caesar iii, pharaoh, Zeus, emperor for the old school games, Caesar iv for a newer one...not sure if those are your type, Civilization is a different breed of the same species, one that I never liked.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on November 06, 2008, 09:55:13 am
Isn't Black & White also in that line of thinking? idk as I usually don't go for that genre at all...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on November 06, 2008, 10:41:43 am
yea that has some city building things going on in there.  i prefered the first one over the 2nd one.
but it doesn't feel like you are building a kingdom least to me. 
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on November 06, 2008, 01:14:52 pm
Pocket Monsters Platinum
Rockman 3
Rockman 2
Baten Kaitos Origins

Man, BKO is awesome.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: MagilsugaM on November 08, 2008, 01:50:43 am
Dot Hack Mutation and System Shock 2

EDIT: dot hack games are awesome but I cannot get then anymore. The one I'm playing is part 2 and is from 2003.
I also finish GU series they are the best.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on November 08, 2008, 01:56:06 am
.Hack has games?  I just though it had manga, novels, and maybe an anime.  My sister has read a ton of the novels.  I haven't gotten around to it.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on November 08, 2008, 11:50:26 am
I'm fairly sure there are a shitton of .Hack games...whenever I've seen their boxes & looked at them though I get Phantasy Star Online flashbacks and start to convulse in the stores...

And, really, I think this topic should be more than just popping in to list w/e it is you're playing. Leave some comments or something, dudes. Try not to make it so spammy (I know it's hard with this kind of thread)...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on November 08, 2008, 02:54:57 pm
I'm fairly sure there are a shitton of .Hack games...whenever I've seen their boxes & looked at them though I get Phantasy Star Online flashbacks and start to convulse in the stores...

And, really, I think this topic should be more than just popping in to list w/e it is you're playing. Leave some comments or something, dudes. Try not to make it so spammy (I know it's hard with this kind of thread)...

Yeah I was thinking more of a game suggestion or beware of thread when I made it. If you can think of a better name you can edit the title.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on November 08, 2008, 03:34:56 pm
I think that makes enough sense...people should automatically know not to spam it up, really (the only thing I would add would be "(Just Don't Spam It Up)", really)...

Now that I've derailed conversation...did I mention in this thread that I finally sat down and went through Battle Network V and am working on BNVI? So far there's a lot of playing as other Navis other than Megaman, which kind of breaks up the monotony, but you can't access their NaviCust screen (which is STUPID) and sometimes the Navi just kinda sucks (Dustman), which makes me want to play the other version to see if that have been a better choice...but w/e...too late now...I think this might be the first one where I've gotten Megaman's HP over 1000 legit, too...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on November 08, 2008, 06:20:57 pm
I've been playing the X series again. I seem to suck really bad at the games tho. X3 has induced several instances where I wanted to smack myself with one the large duke xbox controllers. This is kind of off topic but does anyone know any good Megaman communities? I googled for some fan sites but they all sucked.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: teaflower on November 08, 2008, 06:58:20 pm
Super Mario Sunshine is one of the worst games to get a kick on. Some of the shines are really hard to get (WHAT?! I have to clean up this beach in 3 minutes? WHAT?! I have to find a hidden passageway? WHAT?! Red coins on water plus fast moving things equals shine? WHAT?! Impossible secret thing?) and you just need to keep doing it.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on November 08, 2008, 07:00:36 pm
Quote from: Jutty
This is kind of off topic but does anyone know any good Megaman communities? I googled for some fan sites but they all sucked.

I'd hate to say GameFAQs, so I won't.

So, what about Capcom-unity ( (I almost did a spit-take reading that url)?

There are probably tons of crappy fan sites out there to sift through, so why not try out the official?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on November 09, 2008, 01:24:51 pm
I've been playing the X series again. I seem to suck really bad at the games tho. X3 has induced several instances where I wanted to smack myself with one the large duke xbox controllers. This is kind of off topic but does anyone know any good Megaman communities? I googled for some fan sites but they all sucked.

Good lord I'm horrible at the X series. Managed to complete Maverick Hunter X really quickly, but it was still frustrating. X4 is RIDICULOUS. I have no idea how you're expected to even learn to dodge the various shit thrown at you in the levels.

Don't get me started on the non-canon X6 through 8. I still have yet to play 6, but 7 is awful, and 8 is, despite looking absolutely lovely and being presented really well, is evil. Check out the level 'Inferno' sometime on youtube and watch for the room with the spikes. It's laughably hard. The annoying thing is X8 is so cool and fun, yet some levels will really drive you up the wall.

Super Mario Sunshine is one of the worst games to get a kick on. Some of the shines are really hard to get (WHAT?! I have to clean up this beach in 3 minutes? WHAT?! I have to find a hidden passageway? WHAT?! Red coins on water plus fast moving things equals shine? WHAT?! Impossible secret thing?) and you just need to keep doing it.

Agreed. Everything in Sirena Beach exists to claw away at your patience. The thing with the giant manta ray and having to clean the beach in 3 minutes? Nothing compared to the shit you have to do to find a fucking pineapple for Yoshi in a later Shine there. Some of the 'Shadow Mario' FLUDD-less levels had me throwing controllers.

Oh yeah, the blooper surfing, as you mentioned. Ow.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on November 09, 2008, 01:43:47 pm
I beat X1 last night for the first time. I remember when I was younger playing and never being able to beat Sigma. This time I got the Hadoken capsule and killed Sigma's dog and Sigma in 1 shot. It wouldn't work on his 2nd form tho :(. However it was really easy having 4 sub tanks full and all the upgrades I imagine you could only die if you really tried to like standing in the flame blasts or something. I'm starting on x2 now. The only ones I can't play are 7 and 8 because I gave my PS2 to my friend. Anyway maybe I can emulate it I dunno. My pc is not that great :P.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on November 09, 2008, 05:38:03 pm
Im currently playing :

Dream of mirror Online (gametribe version)
Eternal sonata ps3
Valkyria chronicles ps3
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: MagilsugaM on November 16, 2008, 01:32:41 am
I've been playing the X series again. I seem to suck really bad at the games tho. X3 has induced several instances where I wanted to smack myself with one the large duke xbox controllers. This is kind of off topic but does anyone know any good Megaman communities? I googled for some fan sites but they all sucked.

Good lord I'm horrible at the X series. Managed to complete Maverick Hunter X really quickly, but it was still frustrating. X4 is RIDICULOUS. I have no idea how you're expected to even learn to dodge the various shit thrown at you in the levels.

Don't get me started on the non-canon X6 through 8. I still have yet to play 6, but 7 is awful, and 8 is, despite looking absolutely lovely and being presented really well, is evil. Check out the level 'Inferno' sometime on youtube and watch for the room with the spikes. It's laughably hard. The annoying thing is X8 is so cool and fun, yet some levels will really drive you up the wall.

I finished all X series but I really suck at Normal Rockman. I couldn't even finish 1, the only one which I was able to beat was 8 and I was extremely hard. If you get all the armor part in x the game is quite easy.
Yeah I really suck at normal ones I took me ages to finish the demo of 9 xD
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Prince Janus on November 16, 2008, 02:17:53 am
I've been playing Megaman collection for GC. I'm wiiless, so no Megaman 9.   I will pull out Twilight Princess for GC though and screw around with Action Replay. Spinner is much more fun  when you can fly and zoom around like a UFO. or Top Man.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on November 18, 2008, 04:23:58 pm
That's my situation too.  Mega man 1-8 on GC no Wii so no 9.  So far I've BEATEN 1,2,4, AND 8.  I have 8 on PS1 too.  8 was hard at first.  Now I've beaten it liken 6 times.  In comparison to the others it's almost pathetic.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: MagilsugaM on November 18, 2008, 04:45:52 pm
That's my situation too.  Mega man 1-8 on GC no Wii so no 9.  So far I've BEATEN 1,2,4, AND 8.  I have 8 on PS1 too.  8 was hard at first.  Now I've beaten it liken 6 times.  In comparison to the others it's almost pathetic.

That's why is the only one I have beaten.  :lol:
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on November 19, 2008, 06:54:05 am
Maybe I am just a big baby, but Left 4 Dead scares the crap out of me. Also NXE just released :P
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on November 19, 2008, 09:31:27 am
I played Call of Duty: World At War on DS & found it to be pretty good..It would be vastly better if my computer had sound, though...I might even ditch it because of that (I'm also kind of not sure when it saves...)...Some of the mini-game things to do things like disable mines (neat), fire mortar (difficult to judge what's happening at long ranges) & sending morse code (not too hard, kind of neat) were interesting diversions (I guess there are more) from the main action...Mostly though it makes me miss being able to play a real FPS on offense to this version which I would love to carry around if I actually had a DS...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Fireseal on November 20, 2008, 10:41:01 pm
Anyone else here like to play Silent Hill when you are home alone, late at night, the only light source is coming from your screen and taken Red Bull? *twitch*
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: MagilsugaM on November 20, 2008, 11:37:55 pm
Anyone else here like to play Silent Hill when you are home alone, late at night, the only light source is coming from your screen and taken Red Bull? *twitch*
It's been ages since I don't do that. lol I need to get homecoming and 3. And finish 2 yet.
But for now I stick with 4 that the scariest one.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on November 25, 2008, 11:50:09 am
They have announced the Construction Set for Fallout 3...maybe there is hope.

I still refuse to play until some decent mods come out.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on November 25, 2008, 01:56:26 pm
If you have a 360 you should rent it, then decide on whether or not to get it.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on November 25, 2008, 06:04:23 pm
I just finished Megaman Zero, Capcom's demon child. Seriously, this game is one of the most difficult I've ever played. Love the storyline though, and I'm off to look for the second installment now. There's 4 in the series.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on November 26, 2008, 04:29:58 am
I just finished Megaman Zero, Capcom's demon child. Seriously, this game is one of the most difficult I've ever played. Love the storyline though, and I'm off to look for the second installment now. There's 4 in the series.

All good, by the way. Three is my favorite.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: placidchap on November 26, 2008, 08:11:07 am
If you have a 360 you should rent it, then decide on whether or not to get it.

'fraid I don't have a 360, or any console for that matter.

course being the "close minded" person I am, playing fallout on a console or that fact that it can be played on a console says that the game is subpar compared to cRPGs...

meh, whatever.  i am going to go sulk in a corner.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on November 26, 2008, 03:31:08 pm
I'm working through FFTA2 and...oh dammit, I'm stuck on LoZ: PH, I need to go look for a FAQ...stupid ghost ship nonsense...V_V

You still stuck? I have a Player's Guide if you are.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on November 26, 2008, 04:04:13 pm
Actually, I gave up & moved on to newer & better games since then...I may go back to Phantom Hourglass some day, but for now my days are filled with Chrono Trigger & Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff (I just edited all the teams to NFL teams...though not players yet, which I would totally need some kind of FAQ or something to do completely...V_V)...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on November 26, 2008, 07:56:24 pm
I just started playing through Super maria 64 DS again.  And I've also been brushing up on SSBM.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Schala Zeal on November 26, 2008, 07:57:30 pm
Wrath of the Lich King, just got my death knight to 73 last night.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on November 26, 2008, 09:01:50 pm
Actually, I gave up & moved on to newer & better games since then...I may go back to Phantom Hourglass some day, but for now my days are filled with Chrono Trigger & Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff (I just edited all the teams to NFL teams...though not players yet, which I would totally need some kind of FAQ or something to do completely...V_V)...

If you're still stuck in PH, lemme know where you are in the game and what the last objective you completed was.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on November 26, 2008, 10:18:04 pm
Currently playing through Chrono Trigger DS while allowing my Fable 2 character to make lots and lots of monies.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Acacia Sgt on November 26, 2008, 10:40:44 pm
Currently Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger DS, and Ace Combat 04.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on November 27, 2008, 12:29:31 am
If you have a 360 you should rent it, then decide on whether or not to get it.

'fraid I don't have a 360, or any console for that matter.

course being the "close minded" person I am, playing fallout on a console or that fact that it can be played on a console says that the game is subpar compared to cRPGs...

meh, whatever.  i am going to go sulk in a corner.

Clearly nothing good has ever came from consoles  :lol:
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on November 27, 2008, 12:43:55 am
Currently Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger DS, and Ace Combat 04.

Sarge, you are 2/3 lucky.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on November 27, 2008, 06:50:26 am
Chrono Trigger DS
Baten Katios Origins
Persona 3 FES
Valkyrie Profile Covenant of the Plume (Japanese version)

The new VP is surprisingly good, despite being a little bit of a break away from the norm.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on November 27, 2008, 09:11:36 am
Actually, I gave up & moved on to newer & better games since then...I may go back to Phantom Hourglass some day, but for now my days are filled with Chrono Trigger & Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff (I just edited all the teams to NFL teams...though not players yet, which I would totally need some kind of FAQ or something to do completely...V_V)...

If you're still stuck in PH, lemme know where you are in the game and what the last objective you completed was.

I believe I was supposed to follow the ghost ship into the second map and I did, but then after following it for a bit on that map I got sent back...I think I might be supposed to go to some island on the first map (which I had already gone to before I followed the ghost ship) or something, but I'm not sure & didn't care enough to try before...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Acacia Sgt on November 27, 2008, 09:48:36 am
Currently Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger DS, and Ace Combat 04.

Sarge, you are 2/3 lucky.

And why is that?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on November 27, 2008, 10:08:28 am
I would say that Ace Combat is the odd man out, but only because I know its not an RPG and I never played any of the games (is it an RTS series...? I'm not even all that familiar with it)...though personally SD3>SD2, so I'd say you were only 1/3 lucky, myself...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on November 27, 2008, 10:38:39 am
Currently Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger DS, and Ace Combat 04.

Sarge, you are 2/3 lucky.

And why is that?

B/c I like SoM and CT (second one is obvious, seeing as I'm here), duh.

Actually, I gave up & moved on to newer & better games since then...I may go back to Phantom Hourglass some day, but for now my days are filled with Chrono Trigger & Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff (I just edited all the teams to NFL teams...though not players yet, which I would totally need some kind of FAQ or something to do completely...V_V)...

If you're still stuck in PH, lemme know where you are in the game and what the last objective you completed was.

I believe I was supposed to follow the ghost ship into the second map and I did, but then after following it for a bit on that map I got sent back...I think I might be supposed to go to some island on the first map (which I had already gone to before I followed the ghost ship) or something, but I'm not sure & didn't care enough to try before...

After following the Ghost Ship and being sent back, go back to Molida Island and look around. Once you have the shovel, dig near the trees. You'll find a hole that will let you continue.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: teaflower on November 27, 2008, 11:31:37 am
Right now, I've gone on a massive, and I mean MASSIVE, Pokemon Crystal kick. In about two weeks I've gone through the Land of Johto, am training for the Elite Four (or Five, depending on if you count the champion), am trying to get that damn Eevee to turn into an Espeon (not going too well), and have solved the three slidy puzzles of the Ruins of Alph. Now I'm hunting down Raikou and figuring out when the bloody train will be here so I can go to Saffron.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on November 27, 2008, 11:54:53 am
teaflower, you should try out the FireRed hack called ShinyGold, it's a really awesome attempt at remaking the Johto games for the GBA.

You can get your Eevee a haircut in the Goldenrod underground path (a salon in a dodgy path under the city is completely logical) every day, which improves its happiness. Also, you can use the weakest healing items (Potions, Berries, etc.) when it's low on health so that you're able to use multiple and get a higher happiness. Don't forgot checking with the Goldenrod woman who tells you how happy your Pokemon are, and make sure to save your game a lot in case Eevee happens to evolve during night instead of day.

Oh, and the train isn't working till you go and solve that sidequest in Kanto.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on November 27, 2008, 12:02:29 pm
Pokemon Crystal was the best in the series. I don't think I ever got more playtime out of a game, save for ToS. Months upon Months of my childhood are now owned by Nintendo.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on November 27, 2008, 12:14:16 pm
Right now, I've gone on a massive, and I mean MASSIVE, Pokemon Crystal kick. In about two weeks I've gone through the Land of Johto, am training for the Elite Four (or Five, depending on if you count the champion), am trying to get that damn Eevee to turn into an Espeon (not going too well), and have solved the three slidy puzzles of the Ruins of Alph. Now I'm hunting down Raikou and figuring out when the bloody train will be here so I can go to Saffron.

You should try and pwn Ash while you're at it. And look it up on GameFAQs for when the Train arrives. More than likely it's there.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on November 27, 2008, 12:24:28 pm
You should try and pwn Ash while you're at it. And look it up on GameFAQs for when the Train arrives. More than likely it's there.

That is not Ash, his name is Red. Ash does not exist.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: teaflower on November 27, 2008, 01:24:31 pm
Hell yeah to the Red. No Ash. He sucks.

I've been going to the salon and only saving until it says, 'Rejoice ((my Eevee)) looks delighted!'.  I don't settle for 'Rejoice looks a little happier' or 'Rejoice looks happy.'. As for the healing items, I've been trying to keep him from fainting. I hear that makes them not happy.

Great. Now I HAVE to defeat the Elite or else I'm screwed and can't get to the heart of the Kanto. As for Red, he's a LONG WAYS away from me. I'm at level 34. I'm pretty sure he's somewhere in the 70s. *cowers in fright*

I probably will have to check out ShinyGold. I'll need my flashdrive for it, as Mouse lacks Internet and I won't play it on my mom's Compie.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on November 27, 2008, 03:23:03 pm
You should try and pwn Ash while you're at it. And look it up on GameFAQs for when the Train arrives. More than likely it's there.

That is not Ash, his name is Red. Ash does not exist.

All right, Raiden, back to MGS with you.

In any case it doesn't matter what you call him.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on November 27, 2008, 03:49:27 pm
Yes it does matter, his name is Red.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on November 27, 2008, 04:16:45 pm
You should try and pwn Ash while you're at it. And look it up on GameFAQs for when the Train arrives. More than likely it's there.

That is not Ash, his name is Red. Ash does not exist.

All right, Raiden, back to MGS with you.

In any case it doesn't matter what you call him.

Too cool, for Pokemon character names ehh?  :lol:

Edit: Jesus 75.667 posts per day Shadow... really come on now.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on November 27, 2008, 06:33:15 pm
You should try and pwn Ash while you're at it. And look it up on GameFAQs for when the Train arrives. More than likely it's there.

That is not Ash, his name is Red. Ash does not exist.

All right, Raiden, back to MGS with you.

In any case it doesn't matter what you call him.

Ash is the anime protagonist's name.

Red is the game's protagonist's name. Also the ongoing manga protagonist's name.

The manga is awesome, far more serious and deep than the anime, and follows the games, by the way, which is neat. Satoshi Tajiri even said the manga is the closest possible story to his actual image when he came up with the game... very cool.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on November 27, 2008, 08:07:21 pm
Edit: Jesus 75.667 posts per day Shadow... really come on now.

If you say it's spamming, I'll say this. I'm not spamming, I'm just seriously active. Hell, I don't even post on all the boards and in all the threads. However, I serious activity once got me the BanHammer on a Yu-Gi-Oh! forum one.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on November 27, 2008, 08:31:52 pm
No, but it's just very surprising. That's hours of browsing a forum.

... I am SO PROUD.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on November 27, 2008, 08:49:20 pm
No, but it's just very surprising. That's hours of browsing a forum.

... I am SO PROUD.

I do other things too.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on November 28, 2008, 01:40:33 am
My hours spent browsing are ridiculous. I always leave this, myspace, and xbox-scene open in tabs and just leave my pc on.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on November 28, 2008, 01:45:33 am
My hours spent browsing are ridiculous. I always leave this, myspace, and xbox-scene open in tabs and just leave my pc on.


Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on November 28, 2008, 04:53:34 am
I've officially hit the 24 hour mark for my total time spent lurking on /b/.

4chan owns one day of my life.

Oh... God.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on November 28, 2008, 10:16:14 am
I've officially hit the 24 hour mark for my total time spent lurking on /b/.

4chan owns one day of my life.

Oh... God.

Ever been to Encyclopedia Dramatica?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on November 28, 2008, 11:48:41 am
I've officially hit the 24 hour mark for my total time spent lurking on /b/.

4chan owns one day of my life.

Oh... God.

Ever been to Encyclopedia Dramatica?

That site is a sickening, racist, biggoted abomination.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on November 28, 2008, 12:59:25 pm
Edit: Jesus 75.667 posts per day Shadow... really come on now.

If you say it's spamming, I'll say this. I'm not spamming, I'm just seriously active. Hell, I don't even post on all the boards and in all the threads. However, I serious activity once got me the BanHammer on a Yu-Gi-Oh! forum one.

Anyway back on topic. I been playing Guitar Hero world tour and am stuck on a song. It's making me want to shatter the guitar and stab myself with the broken pieces.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on November 29, 2008, 12:24:59 am
(Sorry for taking this back off-topic but I needed to mention this.

I've officially hit the 24 hour mark for my total time spent lurking on /b/.

4chan owns one day of my life.

Oh... God.

Ever been to Encyclopedia Dramatica?

That site is a sickening, racist, biggoted abomination.

Agreed. I asked b/c Anon raided a friend of mine's GF. Search "Rememberance-the-fox" on that site for what they say about it. When I saw it, and heard her side, I was pissed, and made the pic below in response. Now I'm waiting for the chance to put it in.


Yeah, it should be obvious by now.


That is all.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on November 29, 2008, 03:58:23 pm
(Sorry for taking this back off-topic but I needed to mention this.

I've officially hit the 24 hour mark for my total time spent lurking on /b/.

4chan owns one day of my life.

Oh... God.

Ever been to Encyclopedia Dramatica?

That site is a sickening, racist, biggoted abomination.

Agreed. I asked b/c Anon raided a friend of mine's GF. Search "Rememberance-the-fox" on that site for what they say about it. When I saw it, and heard her side, I was pissed, and made the pic below in response. Now I'm waiting for the chance to put it in.


Yeah, it should be obvious by now.


That is all.



Quite obviously you don't seem to be aware of the fact that everything on ED is purely satirical. It's not to be taken seriously, we just do it for the lulz. And also, any internet users/regular people who have a page written for them deserved it. Yes, we make many racist jokes and are deemed quite offensive, but we aren't saying them for the sake of insulting a culture (Except Mormons. We hate Mormons.), we're saying them for our own amusement.

Furries suck.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on November 29, 2008, 05:33:02 pm
I know, but she was left very upset when she got raided. Hell, her BF refuses to return to DeviantART out of fear of more flames.

BTW, you forgot something.

THE INTERNET IS SERIOUS BUSINESS. (haha disregard that he sucks COCKS) :lol:

SD: Ugh, finally managed to get it right.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on November 29, 2008, 05:39:46 pm
Just stop with the huge font and pointless posts already.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on November 29, 2008, 06:41:29 pm
Just stop with the huge font and pointless posts already.

I concur. No offense, but there's no need to respnd to every damned post. Most of the posts you make just consist of add-ons to someone else's post, most of them not even over one line. If you don't have anything worthwhile to contribute, you don't need to post.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on November 29, 2008, 07:40:09 pm
I know, but she was left very upset when she got raided. Hell, her BF refuses to return to DeviantART out of fear of more flames.

BTW, you forgot something.

THE INTERNET IS SERIOUS BUSINESS. (haha disregard that he sucks COCKS) :lol:

SD: Ugh, finally managed to get it right.

I'm pretty sure that no one is scared of flames, also stop derailing the topic.

Anyone played Lost Odyssey? I've played about 2 hours so far and I really love it so far. The only gripe about it is you don't use armor in the game. Which is very minor. I love the story so far and the fact that you get to play with Immortals. Immortals will revive themselves with no items when they are ko'd if your humans can survive long enough.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on November 29, 2008, 07:55:18 pm
Qix (old arcade game)
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on November 29, 2008, 08:08:26 pm
I've heard of Lost Odyssey, but I haven't picked it up yet. I'd be excited to get my hands on a new RPG, though.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on November 29, 2008, 08:45:06 pm
I enjoyed Lost Odyssey; I think the equipment, skills, and ring system are all solid systems. I just didn't get very far, since I found so much of it to be too depressing.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on November 29, 2008, 09:09:26 pm
Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles.

Good stuff. I fight Drac in all three games whenever I can. I'd love to play the SNES Dracula X and fight Drac in one of the best Drac fights in all of Castlevania.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Magus22 on December 01, 2008, 07:05:32 pm
Finished playing SoulCalibur IV with all honors...

Currently playing Warriors Orochi 2 to finish that off... and I have several other games that are sealed and never opened that are just waiting to be played, but I have yet the time nor patience to start over 5+ new games at the same time, even a little every day. I like to just play one game and finish it, then move to the next.

And now that CT DS is out, I REALLY want to replay CT and CC ASAP
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 01, 2008, 11:07:08 pm
I just want someone to come to my place, help me set up this PS2 I got from my sis-in-law, and beat the Hi-Ho Tank in CC for me. I could never beat it myself.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 02, 2008, 12:01:37 am
I just want someone to come to my place, help me set up this PS2 I got from my sis-in-law, and beat the Hi-Ho Tank in CC for me. I could never beat it myself.

Plug the PS2 into a power outlet, then connect the Red,White, and Yellow cables to the corresponding ports on the television.

Go grinding/leveling and buy a bunch of green elements, and put a yellow innate and green innate character in your party along with Serge.

Problems solved.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: MagilsugaM on December 02, 2008, 12:02:10 am
    PS2:Warriors Orochi 2-Dream Mode
    PS3: Burnout Paradise
            Ninja Gaide Sigma
    PSx: Resident Evil 2
    PSP: N+

For some reason RE2 won't same the game on my PS2 I checl the memory card but I works fine with other psx games.  :?  
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: justin3009 on December 02, 2008, 12:05:20 am
Actually not playing anything...I need to find a new game ~_~
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 02, 2008, 10:51:22 am
I just want someone to come to my place, help me set up this PS2 I got from my sis-in-law, and beat the Hi-Ho Tank in CC for me. I could never beat it myself.

Plug the PS2 into a power outlet, then connect the Red,White, and Yellow cables to the corresponding ports on the television.

Go grinding/leveling and buy a bunch of green elements, and put a yellow innate and green innate character in your party along with Serge.

Problems solved.

Only problem was that I couldn't leave Water Dragon Isle to get what I might need for it. I'd always get...

Quote from: Random party member (obviously not Serge)
We can't let them do this. We have to save the fairies!

I was stuck there and didn't want to start a new game and undo all that hard work.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: HyperNerd on December 02, 2008, 09:47:56 pm
Mother 3, I am playing.
Sorry Yoda.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 02, 2008, 11:09:23 pm
Friend of mine has the Fan Translation by Mato. I wish I could play it on this laptop.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: HyperNerd on December 02, 2008, 11:29:15 pm
It's good...

But not nearly as good as Chrono Trigger.
actually, My post is inaccurate as I pretty much stopped playing M3 when CTDS came out, so...
I still have an acc. on Starmen. net.
No one liked me though, lol
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on December 03, 2008, 04:52:35 pm
Dammit all, my Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff save got corrupted because I had to restart while it was mid-save...I tried really hard to make all of their uniforms look like the NFL teams, too! Though it was ridiculous with the logos...V_V

I know most of them I didn't do great with, though...Some of them were in Home & some were in Away, anyways...Maybe I'll start over with a better team & edit things by looking up the uniforms on Wikipedia or Google or something...I was playing as "Seattle" for some stupid reason (but still kicking ass because it's so much like original TSB)...*le sigh*

EDIT: The wikipedia entries for all the NFL teams is actually pretty cool and had pictures for several uniforms each. I'm also playing Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon!! It's pretty freakin sweet besides the fact that I can't read the introductory scenes...all those things tell you is where people are going or doing or whatever anyways...I can read all the character interaction regular stuff fine...Hooray Europe, you finally got one early! Have a party.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 04, 2008, 09:43:54 am
I still have an acc. on Starmen. net.

I remember when they sent a video message to Nintendo, using Giygas as a BG and Anon's message to the Church of $cientology's leaders as a template. It was awesome. I'm still a bit sore at Anon for Trisha Aurora, as her grief that they raided her is SERIOUS BUSINESS, but they have their good moments. They need to raid Jack Thompson soon. He's been disbarred already, so he can't do shit to us.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: tripehound on December 04, 2008, 09:19:39 pm
Currently playing, in no particular order:

Tecmo Bowl Kickoff (will eventually re-create the teams as they were in TSB for the NES. Once the game will let me, that is.  :x)
Sid Meier's Civilization IV
Advance Wars (all iterations)
Dragon Ball Origins (a DB game that doesn't totally suck. Woo!)
Red Baron 3D

There are others, but that sums up the last week or so for me.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 04, 2008, 09:41:46 pm
Persona 3 FES
Baten Kaitos Origins
Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Dragon Ball Origins

Advance Wars (all iterations)

I love those games~.

Dragon Ball Origins (a DB game that doesn't totally suck. Woo!)

Advance Adventure was good, too! DBO is awesome, though.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 04, 2008, 09:59:26 pm
Crap, I forgot. Did I mention I'm playing Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin? I know I mentioned DXC. I pwned the Nest Of Evil and got Greatest Five. Now I'm trying to beat Legion as Jonathan on Hard Mode Max LV 01, and as Rich(i)ter on Hard Mode Max LV 50.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: The Entity on December 04, 2008, 10:13:58 pm
Currently playing CTDS, and that's all at the moment.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 04, 2008, 10:17:35 pm
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 04, 2008, 10:39:51 pm
Screw you guys and your new games, I'm playing the SUPER MEGASON IV! (
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: HyperNerd on December 05, 2008, 12:29:55 am
He's lucky for playing CTDS?
I guess I'm lucky too.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 05, 2008, 12:30:49 am
Only because I don't get CTDS until X-Mas.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Fireseal on December 05, 2008, 09:54:40 am
I'm STILL on my first run of Chrono Trigger: DS...

Playing StarOcean: First Departure, it's a bit boring but I'm waiting to play its sequel coming this January.

As well as BioShock... That little girl f**king freaks me out. I always feel better on the inside when I choose to Harvest(kill) her for more ADAM(the equivalent of MP for those who haven't played BioShock).
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Temporal Knight on December 05, 2008, 10:22:28 pm
I'm on my first run on CTDS as well, taking my time to get every item I can and level up for an advantage over Lavos. I'm currently at The Fated Hour.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 06, 2008, 09:13:43 pm
Finally, after who knows how long, I've finally reobtained Ace Combat 5, and now I'm playing it. But I think there is a glitch in Mission 5. Nothing to ruin the game, but it's just weird.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: HyperNerd on December 07, 2008, 12:56:47 am
Nothing, I'm grounded and will get in trouble if caught on computer.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Nast on December 08, 2008, 02:03:07 pm
I'm playing my first run of Chrono Trigger on the PS, as well as Star Ocean First Departure and Twilight Princess.
Chrono Trigger's brilliant. Star Ocean's nothing special. And Twilight Princess is better than I expected.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 08, 2008, 04:00:36 pm
Twilight Princess was an excellent game. All sorts of shit came up in that game that I was not expecting, like the Master Sword minigame, and the Hidden Skills.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 08, 2008, 04:39:05 pm
I started on Mega man 3.  I somehow managed to beat 3 out of 4 of the doc robots without much trouble.  I'm having a hard time with the one on needle man's level where you fight Air man and Crash man.  I keep on forgetting about E tanks.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 08, 2008, 04:40:40 pm
Wait, you fight AirMan and CrashMan on NeedleMan's level? WTF?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on December 08, 2008, 07:48:55 pm
Resident Evil 5 is pretty rad, the realistic reactions from the certain parts of the infected persons body is amazing to watch in motion. It's just a demo but I can't wait for the full release.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: chrono eric on December 08, 2008, 08:17:26 pm
Just finished playing through CT and CC again, trying to decide another RPG to start. Any suggestions?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 08, 2008, 08:20:54 pm
Wait, you fight AirMan and CrashMan on NeedleMan's level? WTF?
You've never heard of the Doc robots?  In MM3, after you beat the first 8 bosses, you have to go through 4 more levels.  Changed versions of Spark man, Gemini man, Needle man, and Shadow man.  In each of them you fight two MM 2 bosses.  Needle man is the hardest one. 
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: HyperNerd on December 08, 2008, 08:55:07 pm
Twilight Princess is very under-rated.
But it is ridiculously easy.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 08, 2008, 09:00:00 pm
Just finished playing through CT and CC again, trying to decide another RPG to start. Any suggestions?

Persona 3 FES, if you have a PS2. The Star Ocean and Tales series are great, too. Check out Baten Kaitos if you want something with a different style.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 08, 2008, 09:06:29 pm
Twilight Princess ... is ridiculously easy.

BLASPHEMER!!! :evil:
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: HyperNerd on December 08, 2008, 09:06:44 pm
Just finished playing through CT and CC again, trying to decide another RPG to start. Any suggestions?

Have you played the Mother series? ( other wise known as Earthbound.)
Earthbound is a SNES game, Mother 1 is a Japanese only game, as with Mother 3. But Mother 1 and 3 were translated, Mother 3 recently. Try for more info

(Starmen pales in comparison to this website though!)
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 08, 2008, 10:50:51 pm
Twilight Princess ... is ridiculously easy.

BLASPHEMER!!! :evil:

He didn't say it was bad or anything... Easy it is, though. I prefer Triforce of the Gods/A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shee on December 08, 2008, 10:51:52 pm
Earthbound was awesome.  Just started up Oblivion again on PC for the whateveritisnowteenth time, alas it's still fun.  I played the original Ninja Gaiden not too long ago, man how you could beat that game in one sitting is crazy to think about now!!
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 08, 2008, 11:06:04 pm
A friend of mine has the Fan Translation of MOTHER 3 that Mato made.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: HyperNerd on December 08, 2008, 11:38:39 pm
(Lol I fail at quotes)

Quote from: Pyt Fumv
I prefer Triforce of the Gods/A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask.

I agree, LTTP is my personal favorite, but really, I love all zelda games.

There ya go, I fixed your quote for ya...Y'know, it's really not difficult, though...there's a lil "Quote" button by each person's post for easy access...If you just wanna know how the tags look, though, now you can just click "Edit" on this post to see what it looks like (in fact, if you hit "Quote" on anyone's post that uses tags you're unfamiliar with, you'll be able to see the tags...quite a useful lil button, really)...

Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on December 09, 2008, 02:25:40 pm
Got my DS back yesterday. I think you all know what that means.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 09, 2008, 02:57:37 pm
Got my DS back yesterday. I think you all know what that means.

sexy time Corno Trigga! Have fun~.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: The Black Wind on December 09, 2008, 04:28:28 pm
HyperNerd is right. Twilight Princess was so easy it was embarrassing, especially the final boss. On my second playthrough I avoided collecting any hearts, and still got to the end of the game without dying. Of course, I can't actually prove this since unlike its predecessors, TP does not keep track of how many times you've died... But still, it's not even difficult. Try it sometime.

And oh yeah, I'm currently playing:

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World
Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: HyperNerd on December 09, 2008, 09:14:22 pm
Oy, I think you guys are taking me the wrong way.
I love Twilight Princess, its just easy.
It's still ridiculously fun, I especially like sniping pigs with my bow and arrow on the Eldin bridge.
But, once again, Chrono Trigger is much, MUCH better.
(But i'm sure we all agree, or we'd be on a different website.)
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 10, 2008, 02:12:37 am
Can't be much easier than Phantom Hourglass.  It's too easy and too short.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 10, 2008, 08:33:42 am
I disagree, Delta. Take into account how much time you spend either in dungeons, or on the high seas. The one place I've spent the most of my gameplay time is the Temple Of The Ocean King, since it's hard to remember what to do next unless you have the guide. I have the guide myself, but I hardly use it, since the next task usually presents itself given enough time.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 10, 2008, 03:07:14 pm
I disagree, Delta. Take into account how much time you spend either in dungeons, or on the high seas. The one place I've spent the most of my gameplay time is the Temple Of The Ocean King, since it's hard to remember what to do next unless you have the guide. I have the guide myself, but I hardly use it, since the next task usually presents itself given enough time.
I don't have the guide.  But I've memorized where to go in there with all the times they make you do it.  And that is like the only place that takes forever to do.  The dungeons are ridiculously short.  I could probably get through the last dungeon in less than half an hour.  And you don't spend very much time at all on the ocean.  Especially if you compare it to Windwaker.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 10, 2008, 03:09:16 pm
As much I like Phantom Hourglass, it felt very watered down from previous installments and... yeah, the Temple of the Ocean King goes without saying.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on December 10, 2008, 08:18:48 pm
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon continues to kick ass...whenever it comes out wherever you are, you had better buy it so that they remake the other hoard of FE games we didn't get in English!!

Anyways, I greatly enjoyed Minish Cap over Phantom Hourglass (which I still haven't picked up again)...Stylus controls is a (mostly) stupid, pointless & overrated gimmick.

A friend of mine has the Fan Translation of MOTHER 3 that Mato made.

Yeah, pretty much everyone here was playing it when it came out a few weeks ago...I think CTDS interrupted most everyone's playthrough, though (it did to mine anyways...along with Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff & the previously mentioned Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon)...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 10, 2008, 08:27:19 pm
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon continues to kick ass...whenever it comes out wherever you are, you had better buy it so that they remake the other hoard of FE games we didn't get in English!!

Europe got it first! before the US ...And it isn't even out here anywhere I've looked. Weird.

Okay, seems it's out of stock in UK Game stores.

Anyway, I tried out the rom, and er, lost a guy in the tutorial and was gonna reset but I might just go out and buy the game.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Umaro on December 10, 2008, 10:32:18 pm
Before CTDS I was playing Fallout, Gothic, and Anachronox. Now, CTDS has been getting most of my attention with some Guitar Hero World Tour on the side. I just went halves with a friend on Left 4 Dead, though. So I'll probably start putting a lot of interest in that.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Feldschlacht IV on December 10, 2008, 10:43:31 pm
Alundra. How many of you have actually played this gem?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on December 11, 2008, 01:14:59 am
Europe got it first! before the US ...And it isn't even out here anywhere I've looked. Weird.

Okay, seems it's out of stock in UK Game stores.

Anyway, I tried out the rom, and er, lost a guy in the tutorial and was gonna reset but I might just go out and buy the game.

This is where I would put an oversized pic of something stupid with the word 'phail' (look at that! it's not spelled right, isn't that hip?) under it and a big black boarder. :) Do you lose leveling at all if you skip the tutorial? I don't think I've ever not (double negative...>_>)...

Alundra. How many of you have actually played this gem?

I've actually barely even heard of it...What system was it on...?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Feldschlacht IV on December 11, 2008, 01:29:21 am
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on December 11, 2008, 02:14:25 am
That's not an answer, that's a hyperlink! Couldn't have just said "Playstation", could you!! Anyways...hey, developed by Matrix Software, the guys behind FFIII DS, FFIV DS & FFIV - The After: Return to the Moon...Gods I hope after FFIV-2 they keep making more FF DS remakes...I needs FFVI DS bad.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 11, 2008, 06:13:18 am
Gods I hope after FFIV-2 they keep making more FF DS remakes...I needs FFVI DS bad.

Same here. The worst part? There's another game to wait for first.

(Not that V's bad or anything, I like it and will love seeing Gilgamesh in 3D, but VI speaks for itself when I say it needs a DS remake)
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 11, 2008, 10:30:52 am
D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: HyperNerd on December 11, 2008, 12:13:46 pm
I doubt it. I was actually hoping they'd rerelease that game on the Virtual Console equivalent on PS3, or PSP. I have neither system, so im not  entirely sure how they work, though.

I'm all retro gamer, and could honestly care less about graphics
(Cross better have understandable graphics, at least.)
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Thought on December 11, 2008, 12:57:29 pm
My newest addiction: Lords of Creation

Its a forum game (on a different forum, obviously), great fun, and utterly addictive (hence why I haven't been around much as of late).
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: The Black Wind on December 11, 2008, 05:50:11 pm
D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?

They could if I was calling the shots. Since that's obviously not going to happen then no, they can't remake FFVII without ruining it.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 11, 2008, 05:53:56 pm
Do you think they ruined CT by making CTDS? My brother thinks so, or used to think so.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on December 11, 2008, 06:01:33 pm
My newest addiction: Lords of Creation

Its a forum game (on a different forum, obviously), great fun, and utterly addictive (hence why I haven't been around much as of late).
The Avalon Hill game? Well if it is you have good taste, they have never made a bad game that I recall.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 11, 2008, 06:14:00 pm
Do you think they ruined CT by making CTDS? My brother thinks so, or used to think so.

The entire original game is kept, the script is polished, and new areas and items are included. Although the Dalton/shade thing could've been executed a little better, I can't see what's wrong with CTDS.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on December 11, 2008, 06:30:03 pm
D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?

I believe it will be done eventually possibly after FFXIII. SE is a sucker for easy money. I don't think that they would ruin it. They know it's a huge franchise and that they would be under scrutiny for any changes they make. That could possibly be the reason why we don't have a remake of it yet.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 11, 2008, 06:32:39 pm
I'd say they'll do it after VI, logically.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on December 11, 2008, 11:27:30 pm
I think they can skip FFV DS & go directly to FFVI DS without too many people complaining...:lol:

D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?

Since I didn't even really like VII, anything they change could only make it better...I enjoyed AC (didn't play BC~DoC though), after all...Anyways, though VII is easily the best candidate for a PS3 remake, being the most popular, I highly doubt even that will happen...I just don't know how cost-effective a current gen home console remake would be...A PSP remake/enhanced port though I could definitely see happening...I think they should do that will a lot of their PSX games, really...Heck, I bet they could even use some of the 3D models & such from Crisis Core in a PSP remake easy peasy...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 12, 2008, 12:10:05 am
D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?


Tetsuya Nomura seems to be a whore for his fangirls and Gackt. I don't want to see one of my favorite games turned into a catastrophe like Crisis Core.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 12, 2008, 12:11:37 am
TBH, I think Crisis Core had a good storyline.

1. It shows how Zack got the Buster Sword that he gave Cloud.
2. It shows how Zack met Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Thought on December 12, 2008, 10:59:21 am
The Avalon Hill game? Well if it is you have good taste, they have never made a bad game that I recall.

Maybe. Been playing it on the D&D forums, but both are owned by WotC so I wouldn't be surprised if it was taken from one and adjusted for the other.

D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?

... that just asks for a snarky comment. But resisting that, I don't see why not. Indeed, there are plenty of parts of the game that could use a remake (the Golden Saucer place thingy, the hordes of minigames, Summon times, etc).
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on December 12, 2008, 08:32:11 pm
I started a new game of Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon! I stopped my other playthrough (the save'll still be there though) and in this one I'm going to try to get the x-Chapters (I have to limit myself to 15 party members on 5 separate occasions!? That's gonna be a lot of intentional sacrificing...V_V)...Maybe I shouldn't even be trying this...>_>
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 12, 2008, 09:44:52 pm
Holy fucking shit there's a new FE out?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 12, 2008, 10:08:04 pm
Holy fucking shit there's a new FE out?

Shadow Dragon for the DS, it's a remake of the first game, starring Marth as the protagonist.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 12, 2008, 10:44:15 pm
Yay! Marth will get an English voice come next SSB!
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 12, 2008, 11:35:37 pm
Yay! Marth will get an English voice come next SSB!

Aw, I really like his Japanese voice.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 13, 2008, 12:09:51 am
He talks all fast & purdy.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 13, 2008, 12:46:33 pm
Yeah, but he's such a fuggin' badass, and I can't speak Japanese! Give him an English voice, and it's easier to do an impression of him!
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Insane on December 13, 2008, 12:53:49 pm
I'm currently addicted to this old game I dug up out of a box called I-Ninja. Mainly focused on gameplay (It actually has very little plot) and graphics, it is a great game, abeit childish.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Ramsus on December 13, 2008, 01:37:16 pm
I want to play this:
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: HyperNerd on December 13, 2008, 01:53:34 pm
I'm  FINALLY playing Chrono Cross, for the first time, I might add, and I already love it. The simalarities between it and Trigger are already present, and I love it. It is definitely a Chrono game, no matter what anyone says.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: KebreI on December 13, 2008, 03:31:31 pm
I want to play this:

Damn its a Japanese Xbox exclusive.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shee on December 13, 2008, 09:27:23 pm
Ahhhh...I've been playing Zelda II Adventure of Link...Error may be my homeboy but let's just say it's not going well.  I FINALLY finished the first palace and somehow didn't grab the candle when I was in I need to go  back there again.

Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: The Black Wind on December 14, 2008, 12:43:45 am
D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?


Tetsuya Nomura seems to be a whore for his fangirls and Gackt. I don't want to see one of my favorite games turned into a catastrophe like Crisis Core.

Catastrophe? Hardly. Dirge of Cerberus was a catastrophe. Crisis Core was the best thing to come out of the entire Compilation. Why did you hate it so much?

And Nomura could do an excellent remake if he wanted to. Look at Re: Chain of Memories for PS2 -- perfect update of the original for GBA. Hopefully he realizes that FFVII needs to be remade for PS3 with the exact same treatment -- nothing more, nothing less.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 14, 2008, 12:56:02 am
I get the feeling he'd do his best to have the battle system switched to more of a real-time one...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 14, 2008, 01:21:11 am
D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?


Tetsuya Nomura seems to be a whore for his fangirls and Gackt. I don't want to see one of my favorite games turned into a catastrophe like Crisis Core.

Catastrophe? Hardly. Dirge of Cerberus was a catastrophe. Crisis Core was the best thing to come out of the entire Compilation. Why did you hate it so much?

And Nomura could do an excellent remake if he wanted to. Look at Re: Chain of Memories for PS2 -- perfect update of the original for GBA. Hopefully he realizes that FFVII needs to be remade for PS3 with the exact same treatment -- nothing more, nothing less.

Oh, my mistake, I meant Dirge of Cerberus I get all of the billions of sequels and prequels mixed up...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Umaro on December 14, 2008, 04:38:50 pm
Alundra. How many of you have actually played this gem?

Never heard of it, but after you mentioned it, I looked up some youtube videos. Thank you for introducing me to this game; I must acquire it. To the Amazonmobile!
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: BROJ on December 14, 2008, 04:53:50 pm
Alundra. How many of you have actually played this gem?
Played it and beaten it twice. Good gameplay, good graphics, okay sound, but the storyline leaves something to be desired. Overall, definitely worth playing.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on December 14, 2008, 04:55:23 pm
Alundra was pretty good... Alundra II on the other hand... now that was a horrible horrible sequel...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 14, 2008, 10:17:02 pm
I can't believe how good I got at Ace Combat 5 despite not playing it for years. Before, Mission 13 was a nightmare to me, now, passed it on the first try. I know now what I was doing wrong, I had been using the wrong plane all those tries so long ago.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 15, 2008, 08:23:59 am
I guess you were only a lowly lieutenant then. Now that you're a sergeant, you can make better decisions, amirite? :D
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on December 15, 2008, 08:26:18 am
I had to re-restart Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon because I was killing people off wrong...I had gotten rid of the Paladin in the beginning instead of one of the three Cavaliers (& really, I should have gotten rid of another Cavalier so I could have two Archers, but eff Archers...I'm fine with just the one for now...though I killed the first now so I got the backup...because girl Archers rule! it's been proven scientifically, I think even!)...and in the first restart I had killed off a bunch of people all at once, when I only have to kill off enough people to be under 15 in the actual individual chapters' party prior to the x-Chapters...! I swear this is the last time...! I WILL get through a goddamn FE game finally...and I think my first SRPG in freakin forever fact, FFT might be the only SRPG I've ever actually played all the way through (though to be fair, it was more than once!)...>_<
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 15, 2008, 08:53:06 am
Playing through Persona 3 FES, and I defeated the new boss in CTDS last night. Think I'll finally play through FE Shadow Dragon... Any tips, V_T?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on December 15, 2008, 09:03:55 am
I'm actually not very far now with all these restarts...The furthest I got in the beginning was Chapter 7...the restart I got to Chapter 4...and now I'm on Chapter 2 or 3...If you have less than 4 party members in Prologue IV you get that second Archer I was talking about (it's a Chapter you have to sacrifice one member of three Cavaliers, a Paladin & another Archer you pick up in that Chapter by talking to him)...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on December 16, 2008, 03:07:42 am
I just played Chapter 6 again and it turns out I was totally wrong! It's not dependent upon just your current Chapter team, but your overall party that has to be under troublesome...I'm totally going to forget about the x-Chapters and just play through this time (the Paladin was easily the better choice over the Cavalier, btw)...Keep Cain & Able too since their stat growths should be better than the other Cavalier...I'm not 100% on that, but that seems like how things go in the FE world...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 16, 2008, 02:12:04 pm
Funny, I had thought the missions after the 13 will be hard, but so far the only one that gave me trouble was the 18+.

Although I don't like it when I ran out of missiles. Relying on just the gun is something I'm not good at. I have gotten better though, but not enough to take on small groups of planes with it.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 16, 2008, 02:33:46 pm
I'm actually not very far now with all these restarts...The furthest I got in the beginning was Chapter 7...the restart I got to Chapter 4...and now I'm on Chapter 2 or 3...If you have less than 4 party members in Prologue IV you get that second Archer I was talking about (it's a Chapter you have to sacrifice one member of three Cavaliers, a Paladin & another Archer you pick up in that Chapter by talking to him)...

I just played Chapter 6 again and it turns out I was totally wrong! It's not dependent upon just your current Chapter team, but your overall party that has to be under troublesome...I'm totally going to forget about the x-Chapters and just play through this time (the Paladin was easily the better choice over the Cavalier, btw)...Keep Cain & Able too since their stat growths should be better than the other Cavalier...I'm not 100% on that, but that seems like how things go in the FE world...

Double poster posted twice.

Did they fix Marth's O.A. to match his later appearances? (SSBM and later)
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: chrono eric on December 16, 2008, 05:28:01 pm
Question: I'm thinking about going and getting an RPG I've never played through before since I'm tired of replaying my old games. I've never played Saga Frontier - is it worth it?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: V_Translanka on December 17, 2008, 12:56:14 am
Double poster posted twice.

Did they fix Marth's O.A. to match his later appearances? (SSBM and later)

I usually overlook double posts as long as they aren't, like, minutes apart & actually add something other than a joke or something otherwise redundant...OA...Original Appearance? I'm not really familiar with the series outside of Blazing Sword & Sacred Stones...

Question: I'm thinking about going and getting an RPG I've never played through before since I'm tired of replaying my old games. I've never played Saga Frontier - is it worth it?

SaGa Frontier is...different, certainly...It's a very hit or miss game (VERY miss for me) for most people...I greatly prefer Live-a-Live, which is similar only in that you get to choose multiple characters whose storylines sorta interweave...SaGa Frontier gets kind of repetitive because every character more or less plays through the same worlds (the FMVs for the inter-city ships are awesome, though...I totally wanted them to make models of them)...SaGa Frontier 2 is better (not really related to 1 as far as I remember), but not by a lot...Pick again.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Jutty on December 17, 2008, 04:18:27 pm
Trying to play through Chrono Cross again, but I keep getting distracted and want to play Xenogears because I've never beat it. So I end up playing for a while and switching and not getting very much progress on either. I keep hearing good things about Xenogears so I guess I'm just wondering if it's really as good as everyone makes it out to be? It just can't seem to hold my attention.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: chrono eric on December 17, 2008, 07:06:09 pm
Thanks V_Translanka. I've heard conflicting things about SaGa Frontier. I guess compared to Chrono Trigger (and Xenogears, see below Jutty) many RPG's just pale in comparison. I have many RPG games that I played and beat once but have no intention of playing again. Like Rogue Galaxy. I mean, it was a pretty decent game (despite having a sub-par story) and it was pretty and enormously fun to play - but I play RPG's for the story and it just didn't deliver for me. Now I'm left trying to find an RPG I haven't played but with a great story since I'm bored with all my old ones.

Trying to play through Chrono Cross again, but I keep getting distracted and want to play Xenogears because I've never beat it. So I end up playing for a while and switching and not getting very much progress on either. I keep hearing good things about Xenogears so I guess I'm just wondering if it's really as good as everyone makes it out to be? It just can't seem to hold my attention.

It is my favorite RPG along with Chrono Trigger. Xenogears takes off slowly, but it's well worth it. That is, only if you like story driven RPGs! It is largely regarded as unfinished and the majority of the second disk relegates forward plot movement to narration by the main characters.  The game starts off very slowly but quickly picks up by the time you get to Bledavik. I found the Deathblow battle system and Gear customization to be very fun as well, especially near the end of the game where due to several likely overlooked programming errors you can get uber-awesome customization that far surpass the "ultimate" Gear parts for sale late in the game.

But the story is really where the game shines, as I'm sure you've heard before. Give it a chance. Xenogears has the deepest and most complicated story of any RPG I've ever played.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 17, 2008, 07:08:12 pm
...OA...Original Appearance?

No. O.A. generally means "Official Art"
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 18, 2008, 01:45:35 pm
I just started Strong bad's cool game for attractive people chapter five.  It's by far the best one.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: chrono eric on December 18, 2008, 07:18:06 pm
I've given up on trying to find a new and simultaneously worthy rpg to spend my time playing. I'll just play Lunar 2 again.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 18, 2008, 09:45:57 pm
I've given up on trying to find a new and simultaneously worthy rpg to spend my time playing. I'll just play Lunar 2 again.

I just started Luna 1 for the first time. I was also trying to find a good rpg, and I remembered this series... Good stuff.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Romana on December 18, 2008, 09:50:06 pm
I was playing Dissidia until my PSP's LCD decided to mess up even more...
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Matt72 on December 18, 2008, 09:51:35 pm
I've given up on trying to find a new and simultaneously worthy rpg to spend my time playing. I'll just play Lunar 2 again.

I just started Luna 1 for the first time. I was also trying to find a good rpg, and I remembered this series... Good stuff.

Oh sweet. I love Lunar. The characters are so awesome, especially Royce. <3 I've never played the sequel though.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on December 18, 2008, 10:06:40 pm
Lunar was an awesome series... Well, Lunar: Silver Star Story (Complete) and Lunar: Eternal Blue (Complete) were.  The rest were pretty awful.

Gosh, how I miss Game Arts...  It was such an awesome company.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 18, 2008, 11:00:39 pm
Friend of mine has CT SNES on her emulator.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on December 19, 2008, 07:45:07 pm
Anyone here play WoW?
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: chrono eric on December 19, 2008, 07:49:32 pm
I've given up on trying to find a new and simultaneously worthy rpg to spend my time playing. I'll just play Lunar 2 again.

I just started Luna 1 for the first time. I was also trying to find a good rpg, and I remembered this series... Good stuff.

Yeah Lunar 1 is one of my favorite games ever. Right up there with CT and Xenogears. Many people like Lunar 2 better, but I didn't for some reason. I'm thinking about playing it again though because I've only played Lunar 2 once and Lunar 1 I don't know how many times.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 19, 2008, 08:17:07 pm
Did this thread just have a name change?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 19, 2008, 09:04:31 pm
I think so... *goes off to read page 1*

EDIT: Seems Jutty felt like renaming it. Can't say I blame him.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 19, 2008, 10:35:46 pm
Damn I just figured out that I own a copy of Vagrant Story and that I have never even completed that game! I always somehow get distracted and end up playing another game...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 20, 2008, 12:25:06 am
What games are your playing at the moment?

Edit: Felt the topic could use a name change.

I don't think that was really necessary...I mean, we were always talking about what games whoever was currently playing (or about to play)...Now it's a far too open-ended topic, but w/e I guess...It's your thread...

Damn I just figured out that I own a copy of Vagrant Story and that I have never even completed that game! I always somehow get distracted and end up playing another game...

I get distracted because it's a pain in the ass when I'm constantly rearranging the item box & re- & deconstructing my weapons...V_V I still have my hand-drawn map of that horrible fairy forest (one of the most brutal dungeons in RPG history...though I hear there are worse ones later on...>_>)...Otherwise, though, it's one bitchin game...

Quote from: Ashley Riot
Reinforcements? I am the reinforcements.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 20, 2008, 12:51:33 am
That's actually the main reason I get distracted as well. It's difficult as hell, which gets frustrating, and then I start thinking about how much fun other RPG's are that were much easier and the story moved quicker thing leads to another.

Perhaps I just suck royally at Vagrant Story. I remember when I bought it back in the day after I read a review of it in Electronic Gaming Monthly or something, and I remember thinking "How the hell did they even beat this game to review it in the first place?"
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 20, 2008, 12:56:22 am
I think one of these days I'll look through a FAQ to see what enemy types I should equip for in each subsequent segment of the game...Or maybe just a weapons' forging FAQ...I always feel like I'm missing something (probably something due to me not having the instruction manual, but maybe not...)...Like it took me forever to realize how Scan (or w/e the spell is called) actually worked...>_<
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 20, 2008, 06:07:55 am
It actually took me forever to get the timing right in the attacks the first time to build up combos or whatever. I guess I was under the impression that I could just beat the crap out of anything like other adventure RPG's by button smashing alone.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 20, 2008, 07:59:57 am
System Shock 2 with some high-res textures and newer models from a mod I found.


and CTDS intermittently between the two.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Umaro on December 20, 2008, 06:27:20 pm
*opens thread*

"Wow, there's another topic with these exact same posts."

*looks for "what are you currently playing" thread.*

"... wait a minute."

So it's been retconned to the "Video Game Discussion Thread," and we've always been at war with Oceania.

Anyway, been putting a lot of game time into the GHWT Bass career. I've wanted a bass campaign in the GH games since GHII incorporated bass into co-op play. I've been enjoying it so much I can't seem to bring myself to play guitar anymore.
Anyone here play WoW?

I used to, but I haven't in quite some time. I've kind of fallen out of the MMO scene. I wanted to try Wrath of the Lich King, but I can't bring myself to pay monthly fees. Besides, there's too many other games I want to play.

EDIT: And I REALLY wanted to check out Warhammer Online but again, monthly fees.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 20, 2008, 07:29:11 pm
I just started Final Fantasy V. I love this job system, the monks are kickass in human form.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 20, 2008, 08:04:17 pm
Lately I have been playing SD3. Great game, currently I'm near the end.

And finally finished Ace Combat 5. After my fifth attempt, I hate that tunnel now.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 20, 2008, 08:35:46 pm
Got the Mana Sword yet, Sarge?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 20, 2008, 08:47:17 pm
Got the Mana Sword yet, Sarge?

If it is reobtainable, then no. I have just entered the Dark Castle.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on December 20, 2008, 09:35:55 pm
I love Flammie...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 20, 2008, 09:38:33 pm
Too bad you have to fight Flammie at the end of Secret of Mana.

Does SD3's Flammie and SoM's Flammie are the same one?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: mav on December 20, 2008, 09:43:52 pm
I think so...but I've also read that Flammie refers to the species. I just restarted Legend of Mana myself, undoubtedly one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen, but SD3 is so fuckin' amazing. I'll pick that up right after I re-play Chrono Cross.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 20, 2008, 09:54:53 pm
I think so...but I've also read that Flammie refers to the species.

I don't think so. Flammie is a name the Fairy decided to call her.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 20, 2008, 09:56:22 pm
I just started Final Fantasy V. I love this job system, the monks are kickass in human form.

I REALLY gotta get back to that... I've nearly finished the Advance version. I think I lost most of my motivation after The only party member with any real personality had their place in the party taken by the stupid kid. Just to drive the point home, Dissidia featured Bartz as the FFV hero to square off against the villain instead, despite said other member being the one who fought him alone past 0HP and kept going due to sheer determination. And Gilgamesh was banished to a void (Although he returns, but the last fight with him was the most fun I'd ever had in an RPG battle and he's so damn charasmatic).

Also playing Persona 3 FES and Dragon Ball Origins lately; anyone else played P3?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BROJ on December 20, 2008, 09:58:01 pm
I think so...but I've also read that Flammie refers to the species.

I don't think so. Flammie is a name the Fairy decided to call her.
And in SD2 Flammie was the name the Mushroom King decided to call her... :wink:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 20, 2008, 09:58:59 pm
The only party member with any real personality had their place in the party taken by the stupid kid.

That is usually something I don't like when it happens.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 20, 2008, 10:08:56 pm
Does SD3's Flammie and SoM's Flammie are the same one?

No. SD3's Flammie is a girl and SoM's is a guy. Perhaps SD3's Flammie becomes the Mana Beast that Randi kills at the end of SoM?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 20, 2008, 10:12:09 pm
Does SD3's Flammie and SoM's Flammie are the same one?

No. SD3's Flammie is a girl and SoM's is a guy. Perhaps SD3's Flammie becomes the Mana Beast that Randi kills at the end of SoM?

Isn't the Mana Beast that game's Flammie? Or it just looks similar to him?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 20, 2008, 10:50:53 pm
Honestly, Sarge, IDK. Too complicated.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 21, 2008, 12:13:09 am
SD3 is great except for the randomness with the final class change items & especially the best equip items...Farming for those seeds pissed me off big time...

I just started Final Fantasy V. I love this job system, the monks are kickass in human form.

I REALLY gotta get back to that... I've nearly finished the Advance version. I think I lost most of my motivation after The only party member with any real personality had their place in the party taken by the stupid kid. Just to drive the point home, Dissidia featured Bartz as the FFV hero to square off against the villain instead, despite said other member being the one who fought him alone past 0HP and kept going due to sheer determination. And Gilgamesh was banished to a void (Although he returns, but the last fight with him was the most fun I'd ever had in an RPG battle and he's so damn charasmatic).

Pshhh...He had personality for, like one scene, and it was his death...Though a great death scene, I don't think it really made up for an otherwise lackluster game character-wise...But, yeah, Krylie was stupid...

I bet how Bartz is in Dissidia will lead to rumors about him being Gogo in FFVI...>_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 21, 2008, 12:19:53 am
I bet how Bartz is in Dissidia will lead to rumors about him being Gogo in FFVI...>_>

Oh no, not another 'True Identity of Gogo' theory. Sure, some had enough sanity and facts to be a posibility, but really, some turned to be really random and stupid.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 21, 2008, 12:23:41 am
He truly was the Entity of the FF series...Only they didn't have any further proof of who he actually was, I guess...>_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 21, 2008, 12:29:55 am
Pshhh...He had personality for, like one scene, and it was his death...Though a great death scene, I don't think it really made up for an otherwise lackluster game character-wise...But, yeah, Krylie was stupid...

Well at least he had the whole amnesia thing going for him, and it was sort of somewhat clever how the Siren's mind-fucky spell early in the game didn't affect him because he didn't remember who Krile was.
...I'm out. Still, he was slightly more interesting than Bartz and Reina... Then again, anyone is. I guess I just like him because he's ridiculously brilliant as a Monk.

I bet how Bartz is in Dissidia will lead to rumors about him being Gogo in FFVI...>_>

Nonsense. Gogo is Obama.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 21, 2008, 12:35:09 am
Y'know, thinking about it, I actually DO really want to see a DS remake of FFV now so that they can inject more into those lame characters...Maybe really go into Faris & Reina's relationship more...I always thought that should have been explored more...Maybe add a Star Wars nod where she kisses Faris before they find out Faris' first secret...God I hate talking about FFV because there's so many spoilers...

I'd even be willing to wait longer for FFVI DS so they could do something like that...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 21, 2008, 12:51:36 am








Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 21, 2008, 12:55:43 am
Nonsense. Gogo is Obama.

Obama? WTF?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 21, 2008, 12:57:07 am
Nonsense. Gogo is Obama.


What he should of said in response to finding out the cold hard TRUTH.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 21, 2008, 12:58:30 am
Nonsense. Gogo is Obama.

Obama? WTF?

Reminds me of the theory in which Gogo was Adlai E. Stevenson.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 21, 2008, 01:00:39 am
Nonsense. Gogo is Obama.


What he should of said in response to finding out the cold hard TRUTH.

Brother, I would've voted for Obama if I was a year older!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 21, 2008, 01:01:01 am
Y'know, thinking about it, I actually DO really want to see a DS remake of FFV now so that they can inject more into those lame characters...Maybe really go into Faris & Reina's relationship more...I always thought that should have been explored more...Maybe add a Star Wars nod where she kisses Faris before they find out Faris' first secret...God I hate talking about FFV because there's so many spoilers...

I'd even be willing to wait longer for FFVI DS so they could do something like that...

I see you have a crossdressing lesbian pirate princess incest fetish.
Haha, yeah, there's tons of opportunity for a DS remake to add character development.

I could almost say "screw FFVDS, VI is more important, do that next!", but Gilgamesh and the fact the game is generally fun (mostly because of the job system's flexibility) warrants it for me.

I'm glad to say that Dissidia made Bartz a canonical idiot (I love how the turtle sage in FFV Advance's localization keeps referring to him as stupid and asking too many questions). From what I've played, anyway (he walks into a really obvious trap of Kefka's within the first 5 minutes in Zidane's story, for instance). Oh, and the Japanese version keeps his name spelt as 'Butz'. Plus his gimmick is fairly bizarre... he wields the swords of other FF heroes, although I guess this is keeping with the fact Bare/Freelancer classes in FFV can equip any weapon... Or it's a throwback to Gilgamesh (he made his debut in V, see?) using fake versions of FF hero swords in FFXII!
I would've paid to play as an Ex-death-smashing Monk Galuf instead anyway.

Reminds me of the theory in which Gogo was Adlai E. Stevenson.

Shame that one got proven a joke.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 21, 2008, 01:06:51 am
Y'know, thinking about it, I actually DO really want to see a DS remake of FFV now so that they can inject more into those lame characters...Maybe really go into Faris & Reina's relationship more...I always thought that should have been explored more...Maybe add a Star Wars nod where she kisses Faris before they find out Faris' first secret...God I hate talking about FFV because there's so many spoilers...

I'd even be willing to wait longer for FFVI DS so they could do something like that...

I see you have a crossdressing lesbian pirate princess incest fetish.

Are you kidding? It's the only fiction I read! >_>

I'm glad to say that Dissidia made Bartz a canonical idiot (I love how the turtle sage in FFV Advance's localization keeps referring to him as stupid and asking too many questions). From what I've played, anyway (he walks into a really obvious trap of Kefka's within the first 5 minutes in Zidane's story, for instance). Oh, and the Japanese version keeps his name spelt as 'Butz'. Plus his gimmick is fairly bizarre... he wields the swords of other FF heroes, although I guess this is keeping with the fact Bare/Freelancer classes in FFV can equip any weapon... Or it's a throwback to Gilgamesh (he made his debut in V, see?) using fake versions of FF hero swords in FFXII!
I would've paid to play as an Ex-death-smashing Monk Galuf instead anyway.

Reminds me of the theory in which Gogo was Adlai E. Stevenson.

Shame that one got proven a joke.

Yeah, unfortunately, regardless of who he's around, Adlai is always lame...

Oh, and one thing I dislike about FFV is that when people talk about how they hate it, it sounds like they're insulting me! >_<
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 21, 2008, 01:10:52 am
Never played FF5 so I have no opinion. Sounds like a good game coming from you, Trans.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 21, 2008, 01:14:32 am
FFV is a good game. I liked battling Gilgamesh whenever the chance arrived. Although I didn't liked how the original Warriors of Dawn all died even though they had defeated Exdeath before, making their previous efforts worthless and now having to rely on new heroes. Why they can't be heroes for a second time?

Really, that kind of situations happening to a character is something I don't like in general.

Well, there are exceptions, and I know many have a reasonable excuse but, I still don't like it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: mav on December 21, 2008, 01:37:23 pm
FFV was decent, but they had so much room for character development...and they didn't take any of it. And holy shit, it is full of spoilers...but without spoiling too much (or repeating what's already been spoiled), I can safely say I loved the job system in that game, and the setting. The plot wasn't bad at all, but the plots for FFIV and FFVI definitely outshine FFV. But that job system is just plain great--I'm a sucker for 'em.

You should give it a good play through, Shadow.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 21, 2008, 01:40:07 pm
I'll take a look on YouTube if I ever get the chance.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 21, 2008, 09:17:54 pm
Dude, I LOVE FFV. although the last time I saw it was when I lent it to my freind to get him aquainted to RPG's for when CTDS came out, and he's getting THAT for his birthday. So hopefully soon we will be seeing another Nerd on Compendium...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 21, 2008, 10:24:03 pm
Speaking of FF, I have now started IX. It is good so far.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 21, 2008, 11:40:18 pm
I think the characters & storyline for FFV were kind of on the poor side...By the time FFV came out, they had already played out the crystal storyline three times prior (FFI, FFIII, & FFIV)...Unfortunately, it's not the fourth time's the charm...The Job Class System was good, but I still prefer III & T.

FFIX on the other hand has great characters...I think it's probably got the most character development of the series. The story's a little on the iffy side...and Kuja is kind of forgettable, but otherwise, it's a great RPG and the best of the PSX numbered series (though I count FFVIII as trailing very closely)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 22, 2008, 03:39:15 am
I loved IX, its possibly my favorite over all.

Right now I playing Civ III and FFX-2. Now before people jump all over me I know the story is more then lacking, but it does have the best combat system out of the whole series I feel(save tactics) and I like the side quest adventure system.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 22, 2008, 03:58:55 am
I think X-2 was fine and I really can't think of X alone because of how much a continuation of the story X-2 was. I was completely fine with the 3-woman team and the Dress Spheres and a lot of that junk people usually say was just horrible in comparison to X...The one thing that bugged me, though was that the New Game+ feature wasn't really utilized as well as I thought it could have...There should have been more branching points to make multiple playthroughs more interesting...As is there's like one branch and since you only have the 3 characters the only real changes you can make is what Dress Spheres you use...and a few slightly varying endings...

Maybe no game's New Game+ will compare to those in the Chrono series...*sigh*
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: mav on December 22, 2008, 12:52:53 pm
FFIX was phenomenal--it's the only FF I got into after the SNES games. I loved how it was a nod to the classics at was fuckin' great. I haven't picked up any FF since then, I've heard good stuff about XII, but I'm not sure I'll bother buying it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: The Black Wind on December 22, 2008, 06:39:26 pm
FFIX was great. It's definitely one of my favorites, trailing not far behind FFVII. The first two discs of the game were among the best in gaming, but everything after getting to Terra just had me scratching my head, like: "...the fuck just happened?" The whole Zidane/Kuja thing was just completely out of left field. From what I remember they were created and they were brothers and Kuja would die if Zidane became too strong, or...something. I never even wondered why Zidane had a tail, I just assumed he was one of those wayward Saiyans from Planet Vegeta that was sent to a weak planet and also suffered from amnesia. I thought his Trance attacks were total DBZ, but then Kuja practically turned SSJ4 shortly before blowing up the planet Terra. And don't even get me started on Necron and his regurgitating of Star Wars dialogue ("fear leads to anger", etc.). Still, there are a lot more good things about FFIX than bad. I thought it was much, much better than FFVIII.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 22, 2008, 06:58:27 pm
As for FF X-2...honestly I didn't really have that much of a problem with it, except that:

(possible spoiler)

They really shouldn't have "reversed" the ending of FF X if you know what I mean.

Tragedy makes for a more beautiful story IMO.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 22, 2008, 08:29:10 pm
I agree with you Eric.

Many times have I tried to get 100% in X-2. The farthest did I reach was 52%. But after Dark Yojimbo, which I could never defeat, I haven't bothered to continue.

I can't believe how many incomplete games I still have. In Tales of Phantasia I'm still in Dhaos's Castle in the future and since then I haven't play it in a long time. In Narikiri Dungeon 3 I have beaten mission 17, and that's as far as I am. And in Summoner's Lineage, I'm still in mission 2. And that's just a few of them.

I really need to play them more often.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on December 24, 2008, 08:12:40 pm
I just found out about this site recently, but I think everyone should check it out. It's a site that does speed runs through video games for various charities They have raised over 15 thousand dollars so far. They just finished a pokemon series speed run and are preparing a Zelda series speed run starting March 13th, so if your a gamer and you like to help then definitely check them out. I really like the idea because it gives gamers a better rep and showing that we care about a good cause.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 24, 2008, 08:48:14 pm
Wow, thats pretty cool.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 24, 2008, 08:57:14 pm
I have heard about them.

It's a site that does speed runs through video games for various charities.

However, not this.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on December 24, 2008, 09:12:26 pm
Yeah I would like to see a Chrono run for a charity, that way the compendium could get involved. Or maybe we could get some community members to do a run of the Chrono series for them.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 24, 2008, 11:05:56 pm
I could speed through Trigger incredibly fast, I lack the means to record such a run though. Also, I'd love to do it for charity, specifically WHAT charity is the question. We should send that retarded guy who thinks Video Games are the source of all wars and evil an email with a link to this in it...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on December 24, 2008, 11:36:42 pm
I could speed through Trigger incredibly fast, I lack the means to record such a run though. Also, I'd love to do it for charity, specifically WHAT charity is the question. We should send that retarded guy who thinks Video Games are the source of all wars and evil an email with a link to this in it...

I think you're referring to Jack Thompson and yes I would love to do a GTA series speed run for charity just to prove what a pompous asshole he is.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 25, 2008, 12:17:11 am
I think we should do a Compendium effort to make a CGI movie in which the CT crew and the Best charecters from Cross (Not just the filler ones) beat the crap out of him. Also, the GTA marathon is quite a good idea, it'll prove him wrong.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 25, 2008, 01:19:25 am
I think the Compendium's time is better spent making a decent fan game...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 25, 2008, 01:28:10 am
I agree, the whole Cross remake to kill the whines fanboys have about it sounds like a wonderful idea. Personally I love it, and I'm only at Viper mansion, the First time, as I assume that they return...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 25, 2008, 04:32:43 am
I agree, the whole Cross remake to kill the whines fanboys have about it sounds like a wonderful idea. Personally I love it, and I'm only at Viper mansion, the First time, as I assume that they return...

Which you choose as the guide?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 25, 2008, 02:26:46 pm
Guile, as at the time I was pretty sure he was Magus. I named him Magil.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 25, 2008, 02:30:04 pm
Bet you were in for a surprise when you discovered the RD easter egg, then?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 25, 2008, 02:33:22 pm
I just got the boat with Karsha or whatever his name is, after seeing Glenn who is most certainly not green haired, dammit, be angsty about the Einlazer, which was in RD. Is that what you mean? Or is there something in Viper Manor?

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 25, 2008, 02:34:48 pm
I just got the boat with Karsha or whatever his name is, after seeing Glenn who is most certainly not green haired, dammit, be angsty about the Einlazer, which was in RD. Is that what you mean? Or is there something in Viper Manor?


No, I think he refers to much later, but I'm not saying so that you find out yourself.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Hammer on December 25, 2008, 10:26:45 pm
So, is anyone into Xenogears? It's a great game for those of you who are tired of predictable shounen-based plots with the same cliché'd characters with no depth. It's also the best game ever made. And Lucca's in it.
I'm sure you all knew that already, I just felt like talking about Xenogears a little. (Which is the best game ever made.)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on December 25, 2008, 10:52:06 pm
So, is anyone into Xenogears? It's a great game for those of you who are tired of predictable shounen-based plots with the same cliché'd characters with no depth. It's also the best game ever made. And Lucca's in it.
I'm sure you all knew that already, I just felt like talking about Xenogears a little. (Which is the best game ever made.)

I did not know Lucca was in Xenogears. I'm just starting my first play through on Xenogears so I'll have to keep my eyes open for that.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 25, 2008, 10:53:31 pm
Yeah, she explains save points in the starting village. Keep your eyes open.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on December 25, 2008, 10:55:20 pm
Yeah, she explains save points in the starting village. Keep your eyes open.

I haven't even made it that far. I just loaded the game decided it looked like crap on the xbox emulator and turned it off after the first cutscene and planned to play it later on the actual ps after I locate the damn thing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 25, 2008, 11:10:26 pm
I haven't even made it that far. I just loaded the game decided it looked like crap on the xbox emulator and turned it off after the first cutscene and planned to play it later on the actual ps after I locate the damn thing.

It probably won't look much better. Despite the graphics, I'll have to agree that it is one of the greatest games ever made. Definitely the greatest intricate RPG story ever made. Seconded only by Chrono Cross in my opinion.

And here's something that I'll probably get royally made fun of for but:

I actually liked Xenosaga 3 as much as if not a tiny bit more than Xenogears.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on December 25, 2008, 11:12:09 pm
I haven't even made it that far. I just loaded the game decided it looked like crap on the xbox emulator and turned it off after the first cutscene and planned to play it later on the actual ps after I locate the damn thing.

It probably won't look much better. Despite the graphics, I'll have to agree that it is one of the greatest games ever made. Definitely the greatest intricate RPG story ever made. Seconded only by Chrono Cross in my opinion.

And here's something that I'll probably get royally made fun of for but:

I actually liked Xenosaga 3 as much as if not a tiny bit more than Xenogears.

It's not that. I seem to remember the game being less blurry and low res. It seems like I'm playing the game on like lower than 800x600 resolution on PCSXbox.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 25, 2008, 11:25:06 pm
Well, that's a bummer alright. But it's not like it will be a dramatic improvement. It might be worth it though if the blurriness is particularly annoying to you.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on December 26, 2008, 04:17:10 am
Xenogears is fantastic, and I recommend it without hesitation to any fan of RPGs.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 26, 2008, 04:19:13 am
I've heard of it... What system? I may buy it with Amazon...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 26, 2008, 04:23:53 am
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 26, 2008, 10:17:30 am
Xenogears is on my long list of RPGs I have to finish somewhere... Currently working on Persona 3 FES.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Hammer on December 26, 2008, 12:10:04 pm
And here's something that I'll probably get royally made fun of for but:

I actually liked Xenosaga 3 as much as if not a tiny bit more than Xenogears.

Actually, that's not the first time I've seen a Xenogears fan say that. I've never played Xenosaga mainly due to lack of time, but the more I read Xenogears fans' opinions about the third game, the more I want to play it.

It's a shame Masato Kato didn't work on the series, though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BROJ on December 26, 2008, 05:28:45 pm
Xenogears was an awesome game -- one of my favorites... [spoiler] it's just a shame that the second disc was rushed so badly at the end of production...

It should be noted, throughout the game, the number of deathblows learned and the game's difficulty is greatly, inversely proportional. So take that into consideration before spamming through and trying to get all of the deathblows. [/spoiler]
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 12:34:57 am

Just bought Dragon Quest IV DS at Best Buy. Await further feedback!!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 27, 2008, 12:36:49 am

I have begun runs on CTDS and Castlevania: Order Of Ecclesia. I'm at the boss at the prison in OoE and I am currently at Dorino in CTDS.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 27, 2008, 12:40:21 am
Finished Lufia II, and now going with I.

I decided to play them in that order.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 12:45:04 am
And I'm Currently at DANCING MAD ROLLED!!!

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 27, 2008, 12:58:06 am
Actually, that's not the first time I've seen a Xenogears fan say that. I've never played Xenosaga mainly due to lack of time, but the more I read Xenogears fans' opinions about the third game, the more I want to play it.

It's a shame Masato Kato didn't work on the series, though.

Really? I thought I was rather alone in that. Here's my rundown for you:

Xenosaga I: Very good and very fun game, but the story cuts off with a "To be continued" right when it is getting good! Left something to be desired. Nowhere near as good as Xenogears.

Xenosaga II: Starts off immediately after Xenosaga I. Because the story is so complex, if you play Xenosaga I, you've gotta play II right after or you'll be hopelessly "WTF?". The game itself largely sucks. The battle system is horrendous and the story is not up to par. But it's a transition between Xenosaga I and III so you've gotta play it if you're a Xeno fan.

and finally Xenosaga III: Awesome. I rarely call a game "perfect" but it's pretty damn close. If you play an RPG for the story, this game's story is magnificent. It draws everything together from the previous games flawlessly and the battle system is fun once more. You never want the game to end.

For a long time Xenogears and Xenosaga III were neck and neck. But over the past year I replayed Xenosaga I-III and Xenogears consecutively and I've gotta say Xenosaga III is a tiny, tiny bit better story wise and gameplay wise than Xenogears. If the second disc of Xenogears wasn't the way that it is (I don't mind it, but still...) Xenogears would probably win.

My advice? Do yourself a favor and start with Xenosaga I and play through the series. While it is not a direct prequel to Xenogears (in a sense at least, they could easily connect the games), you will not be disappointed as a Xenogears fan. I guarantee it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 27, 2008, 01:02:02 am
I've Only played Xenogears I-II and Xenogears. Overall I liked Episode one more then Xenogears. I really want to play Episode III but I can't get myself to finish II its not hard or anything but its so blah. Meanwhile I was one of my Favorite game of all time.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 01:03:17 am
Are those on PSX??
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 27, 2008, 01:04:48 am
Xenogears - PSX
XenoSaga I,II,III - PS2
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 27, 2008, 01:06:23 am
Xenosaga I and III are so good that I would have bought a Playstation 2 just for them.

And I know people hate Star Ocean 3 but I actually enjoyed it quite a lot. It's my favorite Star Ocean next to Star Ocean 1 on the SNES. That's another awesome PS2 RPG. (The plot twist in the game didn't really bother me at all. I don't understand why so many people hate the plot twist)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 01:19:47 am
I gots tons of space for PS2 games. I'm sure I can find all 4 of those games at gamestop in the Rot Rack.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 27, 2008, 01:26:22 am
Go for it man they're worth it. And if you're a CT fan then you've gotta play Xenogears. Play that one first.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Hammer on December 27, 2008, 08:51:40 am
and I've gotta say Xenosaga III is a tiny, tiny bit better story wise and gameplay wise than Xenogears.

This comment made me want to start playing the series immediately.

If the second disc of Xenogears wasn't the way that it is (I don't mind it, but still...) Xenogears would probably win.

Yeah, I know what you mean. On a first playthrough that was kinda weird. I don't mind too, though. The story's more important than anything else to me.

Xenosaga I and III are so good that I would have bought a Playstation 2 just for them.

And I know people hate Star Ocean 3 but I actually enjoyed it quite a lot. It's my favorite Star Ocean next to Star Ocean 1 on the SNES. That's another awesome PS2 RPG. (The plot twist in the game didn't really bother me at all. I don't understand why so many people hate the plot twist)

I've played FFX, FFXII, Grandia 3, Radiata Stories and Nocturne, and I don't know. I feel that these games were lacking something that I can't really define. I just didn't get into them as I used to get into RPGs before. I barely remember their plots' details.

I gots tons of space for PS2 games. I'm sure I can find all 4 of those games at gamestop in the Rot Rack.

You're gonna love Xenogears, man.  :lee:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on December 27, 2008, 01:04:22 pm
Been playing Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 2...  The Red King is a bitch.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 01:27:13 pm
The same with me. Maybe something about more emphasis on graphics did it...
And that the main charecters of X and XII whined like Crazy, more than Luke Skywalker!!

And that they both had terrible direct sequels.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BROJ on December 27, 2008, 01:44:19 pm
The same with me. Maybe something about more emphasis on graphics did it...
And that the main charecters of X and XII whined like Crazy, more than Luke Skywalker!!

And that they both had terrible direct sequels.
Meh... it seems to be the trend(VII-XII; excluding IX) that the protagonists are either whiney or antisocial -- or both.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 01:45:42 pm
What do you consider Antisocial?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BROJ on December 27, 2008, 01:52:14 pm
What do you consider Antisocial?
unfriendly, withdrawn or simply not sociable; Squall's(FF8) inherent withdrawal/aversion from the social structure is a good example.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 02:03:46 pm
I like to ignore my Parents and General Family occasionally when they are annoying me to talk to you guys and play RPGs. What would that be?

I like being friendly, but my friends and I at school and in General are withdrawn from regular society. We have a good reason, and we sort of formed our own little society.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BROJ on December 27, 2008, 02:28:25 pm
I like to ignore my Parents and General Family occasionally when they are annoying me to talk to you guys and play RPGs. What would that be?
(Healthy?) Normal human behavior.

I like being friendly, but my friends and I at school and in General are withdrawn from regular society. We have a good reason, and we sort of formed our own little society.
Then you are not truly anti-social. Counter-culture sounds similar to what you are speaking of.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on December 27, 2008, 03:36:38 pm
What do you consider Antisocial?
unfriendly, withdrawn or simply not sociable; Squall's(FF8) inherent withdrawal/aversion from the social structure is a good example.

I hate Squall.. He's such a cry baby bitch.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 03:38:57 pm
I never actually played VII, VIII, or IX. I really want to get IX though, because I have barely heard anything about it, which means it could be terrible and blocked by VII's shadow, or great and blocked by VII's Shadow.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 27, 2008, 03:51:31 pm
I have played from I to X. And the ones I still need to finish are I, III, and IX.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 27, 2008, 04:02:30 pm
Yesterday was a good day.  I finished the last Mega man game I hadn't completed of the first 8. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 27, 2008, 05:03:13 pm
...blocked by VII's Shadow.

I see what you did there.

Kidding! :)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 27, 2008, 05:25:13 pm
VII... It was good. I see why it is the favorite of many, although to me, VI is my most favorite FF.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 05:26:49 pm
Mine too Sarge.
Dancing Mad is one of the most epic songs in an RPG. Ever.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 27, 2008, 05:27:37 pm
Does that makes Kefka your favorite character then?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BROJ on December 27, 2008, 05:30:03 pm
What do you consider Antisocial?
unfriendly, withdrawn or simply not sociable; Squall's(FF8) inherent withdrawal/aversion from the social structure is a good example.

I hate Squall.. He's such a cry baby bitch.
So was Cloud, Tidus and Vaan -- Tidus most of all. :lol: Although, I would admit Cloud was pretty alright for the majority of the game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 05:34:09 pm
Hmmm.... Definitely my favorite villain. Gau is my favorite hero, I also like Shadow, Locke, Terra and Setzer.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 27, 2008, 05:36:11 pm
My favorite heroes are the Figaro brothers. On the villains, it would be General Leo.

Why did he had to die?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 05:38:03 pm
I like Edgar as a playable charecter, but I can't use Blitzes for crap, so I never use Sabin.
General Leo is more of a Hero than a Villian if you ask me. He doesn't do anything Evil at all.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 27, 2008, 05:39:42 pm
Well, he was still on the Empire's side, and as a whole, they were the villains. I mean, he still attacked Doma.

Anyway, have you ever tried beating the game doing only what you have to do in the WoR?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 27, 2008, 09:36:40 pm
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 27, 2008, 09:43:52 pm
That chick looks like a dude.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 09:48:43 pm
Nope. I might as well sometime...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 27, 2008, 09:51:18 pm
That chick looks like a dude.

... :O
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 27, 2008, 09:57:23 pm
To me it wasn't hard, except Kefka, but I was saved by a miracle.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 10:03:30 pm
Crono hates Competition.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 27, 2008, 11:41:04 pm

Holy shit! Is that you, Tact?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 27, 2008, 11:48:12 pm
Yes, my handsome visage is known to sometimes throw people off however.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 27, 2008, 11:51:10 pm
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 11:52:06 pm
This, friends, is me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 27, 2008, 11:52:06 pm
Are you refering the fact KebreI thought you were a girl?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 27, 2008, 11:54:07 pm


Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 28, 2008, 12:11:39 am
*snort* Nice try.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 28, 2008, 12:13:18 am
" Dear Darkman,

How do you type with Boxing gloves on?

Err... those are Mittens. whatever. OK, I'm REALLY going to show face this time...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 28, 2008, 12:14:39 am
How do you type with Boxing gloves on?

I don't. I just don't want anything identifying showing. Closest you'll get to me is Shadow's face.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 28, 2008, 12:17:03 am
Fucking HELL, bandwagon.

In my defense, I used this photo ages ago the week the game was released.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 28, 2008, 12:26:36 am
Sorry, I didn't know you did that. But this is the REAL Me. Really. Really. SERIOUSLY!!!

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 28, 2008, 12:31:51 am

It hard to make out the details, but that's me!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 28, 2008, 12:37:32 am
Since when does this became the 'hide your face' thread?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 28, 2008, 12:40:11 am
Its not but it was a excuse to get away form Civ III, god that game it addictive.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 28, 2008, 12:43:43 am
Sorry, I didn't know you did that.

If you were directing that at me, I have no idea what you're apologising for. o.o

Wow KebreI, you're quite the looker.

...Video game thread, right. I'm playing Persona 3 and Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon, both are excellent and the former is incredibly addictive.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 28, 2008, 12:46:10 am
Lately, I have been trying on FE hacks. So far the one with Cross characters, and 'Tales of the Emblem' are the ones I hope they are finished soon.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 28, 2008, 01:11:45 am
I was apoligizing for not being original and posting off topic crap.
Anyways, I posted a picture of the game I'm playing currently a few pages back. I'll post it again.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 28, 2008, 12:44:43 pm
Well, I originally posted myself holding CTDS to celebrate the fact I now own it. I also bought FFIII and the first Pheonix Wright.

And I have to say, Capcom pulled an ingenious move by creating the PW series. I'd never played it before trhis one, but it's one of the most addicting, interesting,. and fun games I've ever played.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 28, 2008, 12:54:30 pm
The Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney series is incredible. You'll love all of them.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Hammer on December 28, 2008, 01:56:50 pm
I was apoligizing for not being original and posting off topic crap.
Anyways, I posted a picture of the game I'm playing currently a few pages back. I'll post it again.
Is that game worth buying? I've never played a Dragon Quest before, but I've heard this one's story is actually pretty good.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 28, 2008, 01:59:05 pm
It's pretty good, although it's obnoxious releveling up you charecters every chapter until chapter 5. But the Graphics and enviorments are Awesome, and Battles are cool, and the story is entertaining, and the art is You Know Who. ( Mr. Chrono Trigger art)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 28, 2008, 04:05:02 pm
I've never played any of the Ace Attorney games, but I visit Court Records often and I've seen a multipart vid of Apollo Justice Case 4.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 28, 2008, 05:31:31 pm
I still need to get the 3rd and 4th installment of the ace attorney series.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 28, 2008, 06:24:49 pm
4th one (Apollo Justice) is the best, especially with what happens to one of the characters at the end of the game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 28, 2008, 06:27:56 pm
I still think the final case in the second one is my favorite thus far though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 28, 2008, 07:02:03 pm
Oh, yeah! The one with Matt Engarde. That was pretty neat. Edgeworth reveals why he left, and shocks us all with the results of his transformation.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 28, 2008, 07:06:18 pm
I still think the final case in the second one is my favorite thus far though.

Same here, maybe. 2-4 is just really, really amazing and surprisingly dark. The 3rd case of the 4th game is one I liked, despite the fact introducing another character or two might've made the culprit significantly less obvious. Then again, actually catching out the culprit takes forever...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on December 28, 2008, 07:12:22 pm
Even so, Kristoph going batshit looney won my love for the series.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 28, 2008, 08:58:16 pm
Has anybody played Grandia II? I ask because I've been trying to think of a good rpg that I haven't played, and I remember that I enjoyed Grandia I and completely forgot they made a sequel to it. I've heard mixed things about it though. I'd rather have the opinion of avid RPG players though. I'd take that over general reviews.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 29, 2008, 03:16:06 pm
Grandia II was horrific in my memory. Though I played it at a younger age, so I don't think my opinion is completely correct...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on December 29, 2008, 05:12:38 pm
Grandia II was horrific in my memory. Though I played it at a younger age, so I don't think my opinion is completely correct...

Really? I had a blast with Grandia II. The battle system is fun, and even if the voice acting isn't so great, it had a solid story and characters driving things.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 29, 2008, 06:16:36 pm
Grandia II was horrific in my memory. Though I played it at a younger age, so I don't think my opinion is completely correct...

Really? I had a blast with Grandia II. The battle system is fun, and even if the voice acting isn't so great, it had a solid story and characters driving things.

Voice Acting? The I'm thinking of the wrong game. Nevermind.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 29, 2008, 06:19:10 pm
Grandia II has voice acting and is for the PS2 (and Dreamcast and PC but who cares?). Grandia I, which you may be thinking of, did not have voice acting and was for the PSX. It was 2D sprites on a 3D background. The world map was 2D and static and you moved around on it by pointing and clicking on locations. The story starts off very, very slowly (the slowest of any rpg I've played) but eventually picks up. However the initial drag is a turn off for many.

EDIT: To my genuine surprise, there are apparently two more Grandia games - Grandia Xtreme and Grandia III, both of which I have never even heard of. Which means they probably horrendously suck.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 29, 2008, 09:49:59 pm
Grandia II has voice acting and is for the PS2 (and Dreamcast and PC but who cares?).

Hey! I will de-rail this thread faster then the failure of the 3DO if you bash the Dreamcast.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 29, 2008, 09:55:56 pm
EDIT: To my genuine surprise, there are apparently two more Grandia games - Grandia Xtreme and Grandia III, both of which I have never even heard of. Which means they probably horrendously suck.

Just because you haven't heard of them doesn't mean they suck. Trust me, many games I like were many I didn't heard before but tried anyway. Chrono Trigger is one of them.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 29, 2008, 09:58:30 pm
I loved Grandia II! The battle system is quite possibly my favourite in any RPG ever! Also, there's so much witty dialogue between Ryudo and the NPCs (I found there was even like, 3 different conversations Ryudo could have with each basic town NPC and most were brilliantly funny).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 29, 2008, 10:02:15 pm
Hey! I will de-rail this thread faster then the failure of the 3DO if you bash the Dreamcast.

Haha, naw the Dreamcast ruled - I wasn't bashing it at all. But who buys Dreamcast games nowadays? I don't own one anymore, and if I had the choice of buying Grandia II on the Dreamcast or PS2 - I'd choose the PS2 naturally.

@ Acacia Sgt: Yes, but since pretty much the only games I play are RPG's, and it's been that way since I was a kid, there are very few that I haven't heard of, which was why I was so surprised. I typically go out of my way to look up unheard of or unpopular RPG's since I've found they are typically very good, and in all my searching I never came across Grandia III. That means word that it was good didn't spread via word of mouth on the internet, and that it faded into obscurity shortly after being released.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 29, 2008, 10:05:02 pm
Hah. I have three Dreamcasts and will still buy them or game if I see them, then again I also have an Odyssey2
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 29, 2008, 10:09:38 pm
Yes, it may have been that. Although usually games that I like to play are either out of reach to me in either A) I don't own the console or B) It's only in Japan. To bad, there are many in B that I want to play and/or understand.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 29, 2008, 10:11:57 pm
You know what was an insanely fun Dreamcast RPG? Skies of Arcadia. I miss that game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 29, 2008, 10:14:54 pm
Skies of Arcadia is quite memorable, Evolution was a nice modern take on old Rouge-like dungeon games,  Sonic Adventure the last good Sonic game on a console, Shemue was just badass, etc. etc.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 29, 2008, 10:18:55 pm
Ah I forgot about Sonic Adventure.

Remember all the super weird Dreamcast games that just made you go "WTF?"

Like "Seaman". I remember when that game came out, there were innumerable "Seaman" jokes in every single review I could find. Some of them were quite funny if I remember correctly. Like "everyone knows that girls love Seaman" and "Seaman may be hard to swallow at first, but give it a chance".

Only on Dreamcast. And only Japan would come up with such a crazy game.

EDIT: And Leonard Nimoy voiced the narration for the English version!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 29, 2008, 11:39:36 pm
I remember Sonic Shuffle being a complete, horrendous, terrifying abomination.

Not much else about the DC I remember, except Shenmue and Seaman. God, I love Seaman.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on December 30, 2008, 12:04:37 am
God, I love Seaman.

Was this a deliberate pun or do you in fact actually love the game? Or both?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 30, 2008, 12:07:24 am
I'm playing Star Ocean, Chrono Cross, and Dragon Quest IV Right now.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 30, 2008, 12:08:32 am
Grandia II was the first and only Dreamcast game I ever bought. Skies of Arcadia was great, though...Shenmue II was ok, for being trapped in mini-game hell (right alongside FFVII)...Otherwise, the DC had some great Fighting games...Marvel vs Capcom 2, Capcom vs SNK 2, Guilty Gear X, Last Blade 2 & Dead or Alive 2 (yay for sequels!)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 30, 2008, 12:12:37 am
Going through Fire Emblem Six, for like the sixth time, but this time, I'll make sure I do finish it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 30, 2008, 12:15:42 am
Heres a question for you Fire emblem players. Do you let people die? Every Fire Emblem I've played I always make sure everyone survives, regardless of their usefulness.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 30, 2008, 12:16:32 am
No, never do I allow that. And also, I make sure to get as anyone as I can. Actually, I decide beforehand who is going to be part of my final team.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 30, 2008, 02:42:37 am
I doubt any of you have heard of it but I recently replayed Freespace 2 the sequel to Descent Freespace.  I forgot how awesome it was.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr. Tuesday on December 30, 2008, 03:32:32 am
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Ramsus on December 30, 2008, 03:37:04 am

Thank you for testing the user group for us, Mr. Tuesday. I'll have you back to admin status so you can resume your automated duties sometime tomorrow.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 30, 2008, 03:51:50 am
I doubt any of you have heard of it but I recently replayed Freespace 2 the sequel to Descent Freespace.  I forgot how awesome it was.

Looks cool. Although I myself prefer the Ace Combat games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on December 30, 2008, 04:02:15 am
Scratch the Star Ocean, and replace it with Seiken Densetsu 3 and you'll have what I'm currently playing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on December 30, 2008, 03:37:23 pm
God, I love Seaman.

Was this a deliberate pun or do you in fact actually love the game? Or both?

Deliberate pun. Though the game itself gave me nightmares.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Olxlinc Twilight on December 30, 2008, 05:32:32 pm
I seem to have had quite some progress in CTDS. I finished it yesterday, though I guess I must've known how to play. *shakes head in confusion* I completed the Black Omen, all three Dimensional Vortex areas, and even took a shot at the Dream Devourer. Dream Devourer really bugged me, though. I can't seem to beat it. I know I will, though. I just don't know how I know.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 30, 2008, 07:54:45 pm
Heres a question for you Fire emblem players. Do you let people die? Every Fire Emblem I've played I always make sure everyone survives, regardless of their usefulness.

First go I'll keep everyone alive, but for the x-chapters you gotta make a core team...which can be less than 'let them die' and more 'put them in disadvantageous positions in order for them to sacrifice themselves for you'...The Fire Emblem gods are harsh mistresses indeed.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 30, 2008, 08:06:25 pm
To this day the only Fire Emblem I've lost people at was Radiant Dawn in which the Goddess was truly was a harsh mistresses.*Sigh* Edward, Harr, and Kurthnaga my three best all in one level.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 30, 2008, 08:09:21 pm
Usually when I lost someone, I just restart the chapter. If it was another game, then I wouldn't mind if I lost someone, but in FE, it's different, I always keep them alive.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Olxlinc Twilight on December 30, 2008, 08:10:28 pm
I read on Fire Emblem Wiki that Ike uses something similar to Great Aether on Ashera in Radiant Dawn. However, I saw no such thing when I saw the vid of the event.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 30, 2008, 08:19:04 pm
In the final fight you must first kill 8 energy field surrounding Ashera, the have about 200 hp and auto counter 50% of the RAW damage dealt to them taken in to account that they have a insanely  high def. this is normally enough to kill yourself. Once they are all dead then you an fight Ashere who has the same ability but with maxed out stats on everything plus higher HP. The trick is the killing blow must be Ike or else it heals her. Another annoying thing she has an attack with a range of the whole field that is close to an instant kill she uses it every third turn in between an attack that on par with lvl 3 thunder but a range of the whole map.

If I remember correctly
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 30, 2008, 08:26:12 pm
Wow, that sounds hard. But I myself prefer to defeat Idoun right now. Currently on Chapter 6.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Olxlinc Twilight on December 30, 2008, 08:26:32 pm
But what about the variant of Great Aether? Did they lie?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 30, 2008, 08:34:44 pm
When you select attack on Ike's Killing blow an FMV starts, that is Great Aether.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Olxlinc Twilight on December 30, 2008, 08:38:13 pm
Didn't see it. I guess they skipped it. The only FMV I saw after the final blow was her dying in the story.

PM a link to me if you find a vid of it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on December 31, 2008, 04:42:28 am
I am currently playing Dead Space right now. Is the best surviaval horror game I ever played!

BTW For some reason I never played Fire Emblen. But the game looks good. Makes me wanna play it now. >.<
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 31, 2008, 05:33:39 pm
I've only played Sacred stones, but I loved it. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 31, 2008, 06:00:06 pm
My favorite is Sealed Sword. I've only played the three GBA ones, plus FE4. Of 4, never made it past the first chapter.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 31, 2008, 09:22:52 pm
You know why I don't like numbers on the FE series? Because people don't do it for the Zeldas (exception being AoL sometimes because it was actually called Zelda II...and maybe a little because of America Online...>_>)! And the FE series is at least as awesome as Link's enormous (-ly entertaining) fetch quests.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 31, 2008, 09:44:16 pm
And does the number makes it sound less awesome? I don't see how that works.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 31, 2008, 10:13:52 pm
Yeah, because it's a numeric system that doesn't exist that's only based on release date. They have names...Why not use them? And if I was going to enforce a numeric system on a series, I probably would not include the Gaiden...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 31, 2008, 10:24:48 pm
If that's how things go, then I'll use the names instead.


Finally got the Durandal in Sealed Sword.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 05, 2009, 02:19:40 pm
PM a link to me if you find a vid of it.

Lost the link when that account got dumped. Can I have it again, KebreI?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 05, 2009, 02:45:17 pm
To anyone who has played Sealed Sword, which path have you taken? Ilia, or Sacae?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 06, 2009, 11:00:38 pm
Just started Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia the other day (though I still haven't gotten through any of the previous ones yet) and am pretty impressed. It's interesting not being in the castle (yet?) and I hope there are more outside areas as well...I'm currently on some bigass skeleton dude, ricocheting myself across the top of the screen...>_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 06, 2009, 11:42:58 pm
Ah, that one's tough. Took me a few tries to beat. Just keep pounding him and flying over him and eventually you'll score one FTW.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on January 07, 2009, 03:13:08 am
I recently dug out Age of Mythology.  My brother got it like last year but we played it very little.  I can't decide if I like it better than Star wars Galactic Battlegrounds or not.  I think they're made by the same company and they're the same kind of game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on January 07, 2009, 09:32:31 pm
I recently dug out Age of Mythology.  My brother got it like last year but we played it very little.  I can't decide if I like it better than Star wars Galactic Battlegrounds or not.  I think they're made by the same company and they're the same kind of game.

I don't know age of mythology was made by Esemble Studios from Microsoft. Same studio that made Age of Empires. So I don't think that miscrosoft made that Star wars Game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 07, 2009, 09:46:34 pm
I like Age of Empires, most in my family too.

To the point, that my dad, brother, uncle, and cousins only play that when we gather at my grandparents' house.

I used to play with them, but I went for other games instead.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 07, 2009, 11:03:58 pm
Decided to play through Grandia again after talking about how fun it was. But then I remembered that my Grandia disc is scratched pretty badly. So I made an iso of it and it seems to be working fine (knock on wood) in ePSXe after trying to hours upon hours to get the Sound settings right with the Eternal plugin.

Now it's playing perfectly. Hell yeah. I love emulation.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on January 07, 2009, 11:52:14 pm
Fable II is really fun.  I don't care what anybody says.

There I said it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 08, 2009, 09:12:18 am
Dissidia! It's awesome. I've finished Zidane and Cloud's story and unlocked a few villains. Finishing off Cecil's story now.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 08, 2009, 11:50:00 am
Hey, Pyt?

Quote from: Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2, when Sora "Approach"es him
What is Cloud doing?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 08, 2009, 12:34:53 pm
Hey, Pyt?

Quote from: Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2, when Sora "Approach"es him
What is Cloud doing?

Um... yes?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 08, 2009, 12:44:32 pm
I'm considering posting a MASSIVE list of Video Games that I own here
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 08, 2009, 12:53:23 pm
I'm close to finish Sealed Sword. After, I think I'll continue with Re:CoM.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on January 08, 2009, 12:56:12 pm
I recently dug out Age of Mythology.  My brother got it like last year but we played it very little.  I can't decide if I like it better than Star wars Galactic Battlegrounds or not.  I think they're made by the same company and they're the same kind of game.

I don't know age of mythology was made by Esemble Studios from Microsoft. Same studio that made Age of Empires. So I don't think that miscrosoft made that Star wars Game.

Age of empires and Age of Mythology were both made by Ensemble.  Star wars was made by Lucas arts but it used the Age of empires engine.  Just looked it up.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 08, 2009, 01:04:51 pm
I'm considering posting a MASSIVE list of Video Games that I own here

Unfortunately the topic says "Video Game Discussion", not "List Video Games You Have!" (do not make this topic now).

I'm close to finish Sealed Sword. After, I think I'll continue with Re:CoM.

How different is Re compared to the original CoM...? I just can't really imagine it being a PS2 title...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 08, 2009, 01:10:01 pm
Hey, Pyt?

Quote from: Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2, when Sora "Approach"es him
What is Cloud doing?

Um... yes?


Read the quote.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 08, 2009, 01:16:35 pm
I'm close to finish Sealed Sword. After, I think I'll continue with Re:CoM.

How different is Re compared to the original CoM...? I just can't really imagine it being a PS2 title...

It's good so far. I find it hard, but only because I have yet to find high value cards, and that the whole 3D thing makes me turn the camera too much in battle. And that Sora sounds like in KHII, despite being the same age as in KH. Well, it was too late for that one.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 08, 2009, 01:23:09 pm
Hey, Pyt?

Quote from: Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2, when Sora "Approach"es him
What is Cloud doing?

Um... yes?


Read the quote.

I did, I have no idea what you meant by quoting it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 08, 2009, 01:25:52 pm
OK, since the reference failed, I'll make it plain and simple. What happens in Cloud's story?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 08, 2009, 01:32:56 pm
A few questions to ask yourself before you post (how I really wanted the Forum etiquette thread. (,6662.0.html) to be):

Is my post clear & concise?
Can others easily understand what I'm trying to communicate?
Am I just being an ass without contributing anything at all?

How different is Re compared to the original CoM...? I just can't really imagine it being a PS2 title...

It's good so far. I find it hard, but only because I have yet to find high value cards, and that the whole 3D thing makes me turn the camera too much in battle. And that Sora sounds like in KHII, despite being the same age as in KH. Well, it was too late for that one.

I thought Haley was a robot! I forget how I played, but I remember that the action was fairly fast-paced (very good for those of us with itchy trigger fingers) for the incredibly few boss battles that actually took your concentration to defeat. I'd call it underrated even though the rest of the game was pretty repetitive & boring...WTF?! A FMV in a GBA game!! Ninny sure knows how to jam pack those carts, don't they?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 08, 2009, 01:34:51 pm
I figured Pyt would get it. I took the hint and dropped the charade.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 08, 2009, 02:00:07 pm
However, a detail I don't like in Re is that the EXP gems no longer jump around the battlefield.

Since battlefields are bigger and in 3D, I have to dodge-roll around to get them, while avoiding the enemy attacks.

Or should I be glad? Since the battlefields are bigger, and don't fit in the entire screen unlike in the GBA version, if they move around, it would be harder to get them.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 08, 2009, 03:05:05 pm
I thought that's what you meant, but then I thought you might've meant some in-joke I wasn't aware of and... y'know.

Anyhoo, Cloud's story's pretty typical stuff from what I can make out, and you've got something pretty similar to his AC story. He wants to know his reason for fighting and between stages asks his companions (Cecil, Tidus and Frionel) what this might be. Sephiroth turns up once or twice telling him he's just a puppet. At one point he argues with Frionel and ends up fighting him, then things get resolved when Frionel shows him the Wild Rose (the symbol of the rebel group in FFII) and inspires him a bit. Cloud then fights Sephiroth in the Northern Crater and the latter leaves after accepting that he's lost and Cloud's mentality is stronger than his.

Oh, and let me just say the team-up of Squall and Tidus is like an oxymoron in visual form and absolutely brilliant.
Tidus: "[...]And that's my story!"
Squall: "...Let's go."
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 08, 2009, 04:19:52 pm
Guess who just indulged in some VERY Expensive games? Me! Anyone want to guess what game that is? Well TOO BAD! I'm telling you anyways. It's... Dun
Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun DUn DDDUUUUUUUUUUNNN!!!

Final Fantasy VII. I've never actually Played it before, and I called it over rated because a game that got 10/10's everywhere... Just no. It cannot POSSIBLY Be that good. I also got Metroid II, Star Ocean: Till the End Of Time, and Legend Of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 08, 2009, 04:31:02 pm
I have only played FFVII once, and it was last summer. It was a good game and all but, FFVI is still Number 1 to me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 08, 2009, 06:53:35 pm
Hear, hear. I think FFVI is much, much better than FFVII.

FFVI, Chrono Trigger, and Star Ocean reign supreme as the three greatest RPG's on the SNES. I honestly can't choose between them. Each is perfect in their own way.

Star Ocean: Till the End Of Time

I love the Star Ocean series, but you will hear from many fans of the series that they hate Star Ocean: TTEOT. Have you played Star Ocean 2 on the PSX and the original Star Ocean (via ROM and Dejap translation) on the SNES? I'd recommend playing those first.

Personally (and this is blasphemous to many Star Ocean fans), I actually liked Star Ocean: TTEOT the best out of all of them. It is an immensely fun game and I really loved the story. Fans of Star Ocean hate the game because there is a particularly unexpected plot twist in the game that many people believe completely and totally ruins the series. I personally really liked it. It was supposed to be a philosophical statement about religion and the nature of existence, not some plot cop-out that was thrown in for no reason whatsoever. I think the point of the "plot twist" is lost on a lot of people that play the game. You'll see what I mean.

Star Ocean: TTEOT is hands down one of my favorite RPG's ever. I place the Star Ocean series in general right up there with the Chrono series. Chrono takes first place, Star Ocean takes second.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 08, 2009, 07:12:58 pm

FFV, FFVIII, FFXI I haven't played yet.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 08, 2009, 07:16:41 pm
Funny, I would equate Tactics with VI and not IX. IX was great, but I wouldn't put it's story equal to Tactic's. Tactic's was a masterpiece.

And both FFV and FFVIII are very good games. FFVIII is extremely tedious because of the battle/stat raising system. In fact it can be downright infuriating at times (especially when you miss a summon spell for good because you forgot to draw it from a boss  :x) You'd probably like it though since you seem to like FF. It's in a very futuristic setting.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 08, 2009, 07:22:11 pm
Cool! I've never played the one on PSX, and probably never will. I tried the SNES one, but my emulater killed it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 08, 2009, 07:31:17 pm
Killed it how? With graphics glitches? Because if that's the case, then it is an easy fix and I can PM you how to get it to start working perfectly.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 08, 2009, 07:50:19 pm
No, music cut out, game stopped moving, I restarted it and tried again, but the data was wiped.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 08, 2009, 07:52:31 pm
I also got Metroid II, Star Ocean: Till the End Of Time, and Legend Of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.

To me, The Return of Samus is simply the best Metroid I've played (I only haven't played the Primes)...Fighting all the forms of the Metroid was awesome. Lots of "holy shit!" moments when I'd come across a newly evolved form...

I love the Star Ocean series, but you will hear from many fans of the series that they hate Star Ocean: TTEOT. Have you played Star Ocean 2 on the PSX and the original Star Ocean (via ROM and Dejap translation) on the SNES? I'd recommend playing those first.

The original Star Ocean is also available via PSP remake titled Star Ocean: First Departure.

I thought TtEoT wasn't that great, but not because of the twist (omg! they're all Tidus!?)...It may have had something to do with me getting the lame characters (Peppita & Roger), I'd suggest not getting those two to HyperNerd...I'm not sure about SO2, but it seemed like SO3 had less character branches than the previous two from what I've heard...The pacing is also just dreadful and I don't remember disliking the battle system like I did in TtEoT....
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 08, 2009, 07:55:43 pm
It may have had something to do with me getting the lame characters (Peppita & Roger), I'd suggest not getting those two to HyperNerd...I'm not sure about SO2, but it seemed like SO3 had less character branches than the previous two from what I've heard...The pacing is also just dreadful and I don't remember disliking the battle system like I did in TtEoT....

Meh, the pacing was perfectly fine for me and the battle system is more or less identical to that in SO2 except updated slightly. Peppita and Roger are truly lame characters, however. I never get them on my play throughs so yeah Hypernerd, I second that suggestion.

Might want to spoiler alert that there in case Hypernerd figures out the reference.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 08, 2009, 07:58:34 pm
The Only reference I get is that They're all from 1000 years past? Or something? Or they're all whiny as hell.
I'm playing FFVII First, so it'll take a while to get to Star Ocean. I'm at the second reactor, trying to figure out what the hell I should do next.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 08, 2009, 08:01:43 pm
What reference?

And, yeah, I didn't play SO2...I generally don't like RPGs where I don't control everyone (I shouldn't have to train the stupid A.I. to not go head on (apply directly to the forehead) into fights they should know they aren't set up for...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 08, 2009, 08:06:54 pm
The plot twist reference. If he's played FFX it wouldn't be so hard to draw some conclusions about it. But he doesn't seem to care, so nevermind. It was just a suggestion is all.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 08, 2009, 08:11:16 pm
I'd advise taking Nel and Albel along.

Oh, and if you run into the scene where Adray (the 50 year old guy thrown in for the director's cut) joins you, RESET. For the love of all that is good, avoid him (it's an optional scene in Aquaria Castle's throne room if you enter at some point between dungeons). He has a buggy AI that stops him from attacking normally or doing anything useful (think the regular party AI stupidity except multiplied by 10), plus he doesn't appear in cutscenes or have any impact or anything. Also he's annoying and disgusting.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 08, 2009, 08:13:27 pm
And don't forget that if you get Adray you are potentially screwed from getting the awesomeness which is Albel.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 08, 2009, 08:17:26 pm
But I did spoiler that FFX reference...>_>

I got Adray too (didn't know he was avoidable...>_>)...he kind of reminded me of Jecht in appearance...a lil...:lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 08, 2009, 08:17:48 pm
I also got ... Legend Of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.

Zelda: Oracle of Seasons/Ages was quite creative for two GBC games. They should have made a third game.

And with that, it should then go in this order...


NOTE: Sorry if this was confusing, but it is very complex.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 08, 2009, 08:19:30 pm
There was going to be a third game, but it got cancelled.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 08, 2009, 08:23:24 pm
In that case, it shouldn't have been canceled. Any idea why they did that?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 08, 2009, 08:27:08 pm
I think they ran out of time, or they had no more stuff to put into the game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 08, 2009, 08:30:08 pm
Were those the ones Ninny gave to Capcom to create? Also, I thought you were anti-Spoiler, Shadow...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 08, 2009, 08:30:51 pm
Nevermind, the answer is probably here: (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 08, 2009, 08:36:36 pm
Yea, those are the Capcom one, as well as my Favorite ones. The third was cut due to a mix of time and Complexity they had the budget, this is Capcom/Nintendo/Zelda were talking about.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 08, 2009, 08:59:36 pm
Also, I thought you were anti-Spoiler, Shadow...

I oppose Spoiler HATERS, not Spoilers themselves, but that's no reason to be discourteous. If he doesn't want it spoiled, then I won't spoil it for the sake of it.

Quote from: Shadow's Motto Concerning Readings People Hate (Like Spoilers)
If you don't like it, then don't read it, but if you're gonna bitch and whine about it, all I can tell you is "Whiny bitch needs to get the fuck out."

Simply because in the end... THE FUTURE REFUSED TO CHANGE...


In the end, it's the whiner's fault for reading it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 08, 2009, 09:05:13 pm
Also, I thought you were anti-Spoiler, Shadow...

I'm not, but that's no reason to be discourteous. If he doesn't want it spoiled, then I won't spoil it for the sake of it.

Quote from: Shadow's Motto Concerning Readings People Hate (Like Spoilers)
If you don't like it, then don't read it, but if you're gonna bitch and whine about it, all I can tell you is "Whiny bitch needs to get the fuck out."

Last time we had a conversation about spoilers, you seemed to say the exact opposite.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 08, 2009, 09:07:58 pm
And don't forget that if you get Adray you are potentially screwed from getting the awesomeness which is Albel.

Ah, that too. He takes up a slot that could be used for someone useful and also stops you getting an 8th member if you wander into that village (that one on Elicoor II where the monsters and fairies live) after the big plot twist.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BROJ on January 09, 2009, 01:03:03 am
And don't forget that if you get Adray you are potentially screwed from getting the awesomeness which is Albel.

Ah, that too. He takes up a slot that could be used for someone useful and also stops you getting an 8th member if you wander into that village (that one on Elicoor II where the monsters and fairies live) after the big plot twist.
In my experience, Fayt, Cliff and Maria make the most destructive combo in the game; all the way to 4-D mode even. Edit: Of course, could just solo in 4-D with just Peppita. She completely owns everything with her dances.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 09, 2009, 01:05:34 am
Yeah, I recall one or two of Maria's moves being an absolute game breaker that I've seen abused in low level solo videos of the game's optional bosses.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BROJ on January 09, 2009, 01:12:34 am
Yeah, I recall one or two of Maria's moves being an absolute game breaker that I've seen abused in low level solo videos of the game's optional bosses.
Energy Burst, I believe.

Here's the setup; check the site for what each build means.
Quote from:
| Angel's Burst  |----------------------------------------------------

1) Archangel Fayt: Excelent damage potential, max HP and very high defence. The
Tank (Damage Dealer)
2) Max Cliff: Magnificent juggling and damage, long ranged. Absolutely amazing,
brilliant and necessary for Freya (Stunlocker/Damage Dealer/Support)
3) Burst Maria: Superb damage potential, durability and support with Healing
and Protection (Damage Dealer/Support)


Loose Line


POWER: *****
SINERGY: *****

OVERALL: *****
One of the best teams, doesn't achieve a perfect score in balance because of
its ultra offensive nature: sometimes you'll miss having a pure Healer. Still,
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 09, 2009, 03:25:31 pm
In Final Fantasy VII, Cloud just embarked on one of the most akward and embarresing Sidequests ever to rescue his girlfriend. I see why he's so Emo. After copying Star Wars Episode Six, the group of Cloud, Aeris( Aerith?) and Tifa Continues on their journey to beat the hell out of an electricity company, which some how leads to fighting a silver haired guy with the Masamune, which he apparently stole from Frog and elongated to massive size. Don't you love Final Fantasy? It's like an episode of the Simpsons, seriously.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 09, 2009, 04:06:00 pm
Are you talking about when he cross-dresses to get into Corneo's Mansion?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 09, 2009, 04:29:35 pm
which he apparently stole from Frog and elongated to massive size.

Swords are phallic enough to begin with without the excess imagery. :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 09, 2009, 04:46:04 pm
Oy! I didn't mean it like that! Anyways, yes I do mean when he CrossDresses. In my springtime of Youth topic I posted an in depth recap that makes fun of it. I love the game, but haven't you made fun of something you like before? Anyways, after getting out of the Graveyard of Phantom Trains that Sabin Blitzed to death, The Intrepid Trio travels to Sector Seven, and attempt to save the town, and more importantly, their Bar. After Failing miserably, Aeris is kidnapped, and taken to Shinra headquarters. The Trio- now Cloud, Tifa, and Barret, travel to Aeris' house to tell her mom that she was kidnapped, and most likely killed. Her mom takes it OK, and starts rambling, while Aeris is probably being tortured. After a couple hours, they decide to go be Solid Snakes and infiltrate Shinra Hideout, probably in a stolen Flying Delorean, or Epoch or something. Or they could walk on foot....
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 09, 2009, 04:58:59 pm
Well, they have the option of just barging in through the front door, or take the stairs on the left.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 09, 2009, 05:00:04 pm

Stupid Aeris... See? She IS Evil!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 09, 2009, 05:01:42 pm
You are calling her Aeris? Well, I go with Aerith.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 09, 2009, 05:09:34 pm
You know what was an awesome game that probably only me and ten other people played?

Panzer Dragoon Saga on the Sega Saturn.

A long time ago I sold it to a friend of mine for 30 bucks. I didn't realize what I was missing until now. You know how much this game is going for now? 500 to 700 dollars. Fuck me. I could have made a killing and still had an awesome game in my possession. It irritates me even more that I've been having a strong desire to play it recently.

Too bad Sega Saturn emulation won't happen for the next thousand years.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 09, 2009, 05:44:22 pm
You could always play one of the other Panzer Dragoon games...?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 09, 2009, 05:58:37 pm
I always thought Aerith was a stupid Mistranslation in Kingdom Hearts... I do think of her as Aerith initially, but I have to force myself to think of her as Aeris. Is Aeris a mistranslation?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 09, 2009, 06:02:28 pm
You could always play one of the other Panzer Dragoon games...?

Panzer Dragoon Saga was an RPG, unlike the other games. Not only an RPG, but it is considered by many (including myself) to be one of the greatest RPG's ever made. Because I haven't played it in such a long time, I can't rightfully judge it with relation to greats like Chrono Trigger/Cross, Star Ocean, or Final Fantasy - but at the time I recall thinking it was better than every one of them except Chrono Trigger.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 09, 2009, 06:22:09 pm
I always thought Aerith was a stupid Mistranslation in Kingdom Hearts... I do think of her as Aerith initially, but I have to force myself to think of her as Aeris. Is Aeris a mistranslation?

Yes, Aeris is the mistranslation. It was actually corrected in Kingdom Hearts.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 09, 2009, 06:41:37 pm
 :picardno once more.

I named her Aeris. Wait... In Kingdom Hearts... AERITH IS A ZOMBIE!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!! CALL GHOSTBUSTERS SORA! DON'T TRUST HER!!! SHE A ZOMBIEEEEE!!!!

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 09, 2009, 06:44:27 pm

Well, in KH, all FF characters, with the exception of Auron, are AU versions of themselves.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 09, 2009, 07:44:25 pm
They're Australian? I only played CoM, so I just figured they were out-of-canon representations, of the characters, like what happens in Dissidia (or with Clod in FFT)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 09, 2009, 08:05:07 pm

Don't you think it's better your out-of-canon representation idea?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 09, 2009, 08:06:57 pm
Auron is the same one as in FFX? Wow I considered him farthest from his original concept.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 09, 2009, 08:09:55 pm
Check the script when Sora recovers the small statue. It's the same lines Auron says before he was defeated by Yunalesca.

That means he is the same as in his FF of origin. Just that it's him after his journey with Braska and Jecht.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 09, 2009, 08:17:01 pm
How does that make it the same him...? And you were the one that said they were Australian...isn't that what AU means...?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 09, 2009, 08:21:10 pm
No, AU means Alternate Universe. Same being, different background/setting.

How does that make it the same him...?


Quote from: KHII Auron
It is not too late! Let us turn back! Yes, but I...I cannot accept it.
Where is the sense in all this? But...there must be another way! Your deaths
will mean nothing! You must live!

Quote from: FFX Auron, in several places around the Zanarkand Dome
"It is not too late! Let us turn back!"

"Yes, but I...I cannot accept it."

"No! Where is the sense in all this? Braska believed in Yevon's
teachings and died for them! Jecht believed in Braska and gave his life
for him!"

"Sin always comes back. It comes back after the Calm every time! The
cycle will continue and your deaths will mean nothing!"

I don't see how he can't be the same individual.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 09, 2009, 08:32:57 pm
yea I would chalk that up to a fanserves. Unlike Yuna, Rikku, and Pain who were so stupid as fairy's.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zergplex on January 09, 2009, 09:20:16 pm
You could always play one of the other Panzer Dragoon games...?

Panzer Dragoon Saga was an RPG, unlike the other games. Not only an RPG, but it is considered by many (including myself) to be one of the greatest RPG's ever made. Because I haven't played it in such a long time, I can't rightfully judge it with relation to greats like Chrono Trigger/Cross, Star Ocean, or Final Fantasy - but at the time I recall thinking it was better than every one of them except Chrono Trigger.

I played Panzer Dragoon Saga, and badass it was. I never finished it though as it belonged to a friend of mine. I would definitely put it up there with the great RPGs, and it might be among my top RPG's if I had the opportunity to finish it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 09, 2009, 09:32:51 pm
all that crap Acacia Sgt quoted & said last

(I didn't want this to look too ugly)

Yeah, I'm sorta with teh Kebster on this one...Just like their looks, what they say are just like throwbacks to the games they came could also chalk it up to lazy writers! :lol:

SE believes strongly in the 3 Rs: Recycle, Reuse, & Remake
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 09, 2009, 09:37:59 pm
And yet, he is the only one whose signs of his FF story are shown.

And besides, Auron not exactly says that in KHII, it's his memories, heard by Sora, Donald, and Goofy.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 09, 2009, 09:53:30 pm
And cloud's constant "I'm looking for someone" doesn't count?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 09, 2009, 09:54:53 pm
Don't remember clearly, who is he talking about?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 09, 2009, 09:56:11 pm
This  (, if I remember correctly. Or Tifa.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 09, 2009, 09:56:30 pm
I really wish Yuffie would've been more of an asshole punk kid like she was in FFVII than some teenybopper flavored jailbait bitch.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 09, 2009, 09:58:34 pm
Sephiroth... Well, although their conflict is still there, it is not for the same reason as in VII, especially considering Sephiroth's position in KH.

About Yuffie, her role was originally Rikku's.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 09, 2009, 09:59:22 pm
Don't remember clearly, who is he talking about?
Depends on which KH. But yes it has been a few years, still they used the EXACT same line as fanservice.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 09, 2009, 09:59:30 pm
I played Panzer Dragoon Saga, and badass it was. I never finished it though as it belonged to a friend of mine. I would definitely put it up there with the great RPGs, and it might be among my top RPG's if I had the opportunity to finish it.

Good to see there's two of us that have played it at least. I had no idea the demand for it was so high that it would be nearly a grand to purchase. That's insane. It was probably the most unique RPG I've ever played, to say the least.

I really hope that Sega decides to make a port of it in the future to a modern console.

teenybopper flavored jailbait bitch.

- is my new favorite phrase.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 09, 2009, 11:09:50 pm
Speaking of, when me and my friend were talking about who might be in KHIII, My Friend (Asafigow) said randomly, "I dunno, maybe someone from Chrono Trigger?" I believe he was joking, but it's always good to hope...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 09, 2009, 11:11:22 pm
I once thought about Crono being in Brawl. Seriously, if SE would have added a character, Crono would have been a good choice.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on January 09, 2009, 11:21:14 pm
SE should make something like Dissidia but with  games form both companies. So we can have many different characters from Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Legend of mana, Chrono games and Enix ones. That sure will be awesome! But with Dissidia gameplay which is WAY better than crappy SSB which I never liked.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 09, 2009, 11:31:22 pm
Aw man, but I love Melee. And Dissidia made Kefka stupid, and made Cloud and Sephiroth the coolest.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 09, 2009, 11:47:22 pm
They should just do a Square-Enix vs Capcom fighting game. If you're going to do a fighting game, you might as well do it right.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zergplex on January 09, 2009, 11:48:44 pm
They should just do a Square-Enix vs Capcom fighting game. If you're going to do a fighting game, you might as well do it right.

Sakura vs Lucca or Harle... my heart might not be able to take that much awesomeness.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 09, 2009, 11:57:56 pm
I don't know who will be added if such idea were true. Maybe Arc from Terranigma or another from those old games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 10, 2009, 03:07:40 am

This is somewhat off topic, but FFVII is the most overrated game ever made. Seriously, Sure, It's good and all, but...  Confused People praise it to no end for all sorts of crap, The "Stunning" Graphics, The "Intuitive" Battle, but no where near as what I expected it to be. If it got a regular FF Score everywhere, then I'd Praise it to no end, but because of how highly people regard it: The "Best" Game ever, it makes me look at it with some contempt. It's still a really good game, but it hasn't aged very well. Chrono Trigger was a billion times better, and Cross was just as good.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 10, 2009, 03:13:46 am
They should just do a Square-Enix vs Capcom fighting game. If you're going to do a fighting game, you might as well do it right.

Sakura vs Lucca or Harle... my heart might not be able to take that much awesomeness.

I think the main reason I'd love a vs Capcom game would be because that way they could do 3-man teams...!! You wouldn't have to choose between Lucca or Harle that way! Maybe the partner helper moves could be Double Techs or something for the Chrono Trigger characters! ^_^
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 10, 2009, 03:15:57 am
I think VII is a good game, among the FF's, it's in 5th place to me on most favorite.

Really, when I saw that spoiler at the end of Disk 1, I thought: 'I see, so that's the event many talked about.'

But when I got to the ending, I thought. 'What? All that talk about it, and in the end was useless?'
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 10, 2009, 03:18:28 am
because of how highly people regard it: The "Best" Game ever, it makes me look at it with some contempt. It's still a really good game, but it hasn't aged very well. Chrono Trigger was a billion times better, and Cross was just as good.

Well, FF VII was certainly hugely ahead of it's time, and I think a lot of people still give it credit for that and consider it the "best game ever" as a result. I would disagree, but I can see where they are coming from. Additionally, for many people FF VII was their first RPG ever and so it has that "nostalgia factor" associated with it. These are both based on biases and shouldn't be used to judge a game, but I'm just saying I can see where people come from and why it is so hyped up.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 10, 2009, 03:19:34 am
Maybe to them, but will it be the same for the ones who wasn't their first RPG?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 10, 2009, 03:23:16 am
In tribute to FFVII, I too (like HyperNerd) shall recycle my post from Zergplex's welcome thread...!

All FFVII pioneered was the use of FMVs...if you look back, the rest of the graphics were by no means any more advanced than other games of its time...

The Materia system was basically just the Esper system for every ability with the added bonus of negative attributes (h-hooray?)...? So much was just recycled FFVI...Materia->Espers...Magitek Knights->SOLDIER...Desperation Attacks->Limit Breaks...Kefka's awesome god of magic seraph form->Ol' Sephy-head's stupid angel missing a wing form...

FFVI did it all better.

Bringing up a game for the sole purpose of bashing it is stupid & kinda spammy, btw.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 10, 2009, 03:33:54 am
I was talking about FFVII before, just giving an opinion. In the other thread I randomly posted in, I mentioned how I was most certainly unbiased. Like I said, FFVII Is a good game, but for people who are expecting OMG HOLY CRAPS THIS ARE LEET like I did, don't. It's good, but...  Then again, I doubt many people here are going to buy it... I just wanted to share my opinion, and feel like I'm being critisized for it. I wasn't bashing, per say, (By my definition of the word) but whatever.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 10, 2009, 05:08:24 am
The Materia system was basically just the Esper system for every ability with the added bonus of negative attributes (h-hooray?)...? So much was just recycled FFVI...Materia->Espers...Magitek Knights->SOLDIER...Desperation Attacks->Limit Breaks...Kefka's awesome god of magic seraph form->Ol' Sephy-head's stupid angel missing a wing form...

But it's better to rehash something that was awesome in FFVI then to replace it with something that utterly sucks like in FFVIII, I suppose.

Chrono Trigger/FF VI/Star Ocean = three way tie for the greatest RPG's on the SNES. FF VI in particular is just so damned good that no FF since has even come close to matching it's badassness. VII was still a really good game, but comparing it to VI is like comparing bronze to gold. It's hard to make games as good as those three. Every now and then a gem will come out nowadays, but that's about it. The SNES was the pinnacle of RPG awesomeness.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 10, 2009, 05:15:28 am
I'd probably add Tales of Phantasia, Breath of Fire II, Seiken Densetsu III, & Live-a-Live to those, but maybe they belong on a step below...*shrugs*

And I was perfectly fine with FFVIII despite the low amount of character development for the main cast...The Laguna storyline was awesome...and I think ZeaLitY might have something to say about liking Zell...:lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on January 10, 2009, 09:26:39 am
I really don't like FFVII that much. 1. Way too long. 2. Hate Randon Encounters ( That's one reason I prefer Cross) and 3. The best FF were X and VIII. And yes FFVII was overrated because of the 'graphics" which were revolutionary in that years. Overall is a good game but I really prefer shorter RPG with lots of replayability like Cross or Trigger.
I played it for about 9 hours an stop playing it but I cannot say anything else because I never beat the game.

FFVIII was the best one I played so far. But I didn't have the opportunity to buy the game.

BTW anyone now a decent PS3 RPG because I cannot find anything good. I heard that Eternal Sonate is a good one but I am not sure.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 10, 2009, 11:13:55 am
They're Australian?

Oh fuck's sake, I was gonna make that joke.


I need to finish VIII sometime...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 10, 2009, 01:07:56 pm
I heard FFVIII Sucks. Care to tell me why it's good? Also- HOW CAN A GAME BE TOO LONG!!!?? It's means you're getting more out of your money! If i spent 60 bucks on FFVII and it was only 30 hours long, I would KILL.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zergplex on January 10, 2009, 01:24:39 pm
I'll preface this with I love all the core Final Fantasy series, yes that includes FFVIII. Overall though FFVIII is my least favorite of them. I never really connected with most of the characters (besides Selphie being a cutie and Irvine being a badass cowboy) emotionally other then Laguna. The junction system seemed to be hit or miss with a lot of people, it was a miss for me but I can understand why other people enjoyed it. And finally the story didn't really draw me in and make me want to find out what happens. At times it just seems to putter along.

These are all just personal preferences and objectively I can see why many people link it to their favorite Final Fantasy. I certainly enjoyed the game and unlike some people do believe it was worthy of the Final Fantasy name, but it ranks low compared to the others for me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 10, 2009, 01:26:16 pm
for many people FF VII was their first RPG ever and so it has that "nostalgia factor" associated with it.
I remember mine well, I jumped right in to shark infested waters. Planescape: Torment was my first RPG. With Phantasy Star 4 being my first JRPG.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zergplex on January 10, 2009, 01:40:44 pm
for many people FF VII was their first RPG ever and so it has that "nostalgia factor" associated with it.
I remember mine well, I jumped right in to shark infested waters. Planescape: Torment was my first RPG. With Phantasy Star 4 being my first JRPG.

Phantasy Star 4? Good man, I personally love that game. The Phantasy Star game series doesn't get enough credit compared to some of the bigger names.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BROJ on January 10, 2009, 02:37:17 pm
for many people FF VII was their first RPG ever and so it has that "nostalgia factor" associated with it.
I remember mine well, I jumped right in to shark infested waters. Planescape: Torment was my first RPG. With Phantasy Star 4 being my first JRPG.
SoM was my first Action-RPG, then came Chrono Trigger as my first RPG. SO:TSS, FFT and PS:T were the three games that I attribute to my addiction to RPGs.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 10, 2009, 03:33:35 pm
I heard FFVIII Sucks.

It doesn't suck. In fact, it's a really, really good RPG. The futuristic setting is unique compared to most RPG's, the character development for most main characters is lacking, but the story really revolves around Squall and Rinoa actually and it's rather touching.

What I did say sucked was the battle system. It's horrid. It basically revolves around you drawing magic spells from enemies and "Draw" points as the primary means with which to increase your stats. And you can't buy weapons in shops but instead create them Star Ocean style, which would have been awesome except that Star Ocean did it about a million times better.

EDIT: And in the spirit of things, my first RPG was Crystalis on the NES, then the first Final Fantasy. I have no idea how young I was back then when I played it. I was born in 1985 so probably around 6 ish I'm guessing. I sucked horribly at both but I still play Crystalis and I still think it's an awesome game.

- Check that, I guess technically my first RPG was this horrible game on the Atari that involved you going around and finding keys to fight dragons or something. I remember it had only two colors per level - the color the level was made out of and the character, and then the floor of each level was a different color. Damn that game sucked. I wish I could remember what it was called.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BROJ on January 10, 2009, 03:54:34 pm
- Check that, I guess technically my first RPG was this horrible game on the Atari that involved you going around and finding keys to fight dragons or something. I remember it had only two colors per level - the color the level was made out of and the character, and then the floor of each level was a different color. Damn that game sucked. I wish I could remember what it was called.
Wasn't it called 'Adventure'; I remember playing it once.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 10, 2009, 04:18:55 pm
Haha that's right! How could I forget such an easy to remember name? Perhaps it's because the game sucked so bad.

Nowadays a 4 yr old could design a better video game than "Adventure".
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zergplex on January 10, 2009, 05:15:12 pm
It was called adventure, I own it but got it years after the fact (around '91 I got given a bunch of old atari stuff). I never did beat that damned game... then again I barely could figure out what I was doing with no instruction booklet.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 10, 2009, 06:29:04 pm

Enjoy FFVII for the game it was, don't hate it because of fans.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 10, 2009, 06:45:41 pm
No one was bashing FF VII really and I don't recall anyone saying they hated it (although I admit I'm too lazy to check), we were just being fair to it. The general consensus is that it is an awesome game, but an over-rated one for the reasons stated above. I added my view that it is still hyped up to this day because for many people it was their first RPG and so it has that "nostalgia factor" associated with it.

Unless by your definition hating involves anything short of saying "FFVII is the greatest game ever made so everyone else STFU"?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 10, 2009, 06:52:21 pm
Not at all. FFVII was by no means, "The Best Game Ever" but saying that it being overrated is a flaw in the game makes absolutely no sense. It'd be a flaw in the fanbase.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 10, 2009, 09:15:45 pm
Oh God No. I was making the point that the fact that Fanboys won't listen to reason pisses me off, and makes me resent the game. I said the game is Flipping awesome, but the point V made is one of the truest I've heard in a while. It really is a recycled FFVI, but that isn't bad. I loved the whole Midgar thing, ecspecially when they climb the Wire, and when they go up the stairs at the Shinra Building. I also love the fact it's so long. If I love anything, it's a staggeringly huge RPG.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 10, 2009, 09:38:39 pm
The Midgar part of the game was so awesome, it's probably my favorite intro sequence of events in any RPG now that I think about it. And then leaving Midgar you get the feeling of the true massiveness of the 3D overworld, which was really unprecedented for its' time.

If I have one major gripe about FF VII it is the ending. It felt incredibly half-assed to me, and I was like "What I played the game for innumerable hours on end for this?"

On a side note, it would be truly awesome if FFXIII has an overworld and lets you fly around in an airship like traditional final fantasies, but then when you land and venture out on foot it is a massively connected expanse like in FF X and XII - ie: A more immersive world. No world map unless you are in an airship, and really even on foot you just see that the world map from the sky is just an expanse of one 3D area after another. Think FF XII but instead of having a static point and click map for airship travel you actually get to fly around.

That would probably be too hard to pull off though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 10, 2009, 09:42:08 pm
If I have one major gripe about FF VII it is the ending. It felt incredibly half-assed to me, and I was like "What I played the game for innumerable hours on end for this?"

The ending I think was fine. Except it made me think that it made the event at the end of disk 1 pointless.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 10, 2009, 09:47:00 pm
The Spoiler aspect really doesn't matter. I knew that before I knew who Cloud was, just from Mass Hysteria. The "Most Surprising" Scene in Video Game History is now one of the most well known, and unsurprising. I have to admit, I thought it was later in the game though...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 10, 2009, 09:50:24 pm
But, I think that action was pointless. Sephiroth could have even realized her action was going to do more good than harm to him had Holy's purpose not being attached to something, like Meteor's.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 10, 2009, 10:00:32 pm
I thought Sephiroth just killed her because he was crazy. If we're thinking that way, there is no reason for him to destroy the world with Meteor either.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 10, 2009, 10:10:10 pm
Aerith was summoning Holy.


Quote from: Bugenhagen
...the ultimate White Magic. Magic that might stand against
Perhaps our last hope to save the planet from Meteor. If a soul seeking
Holy reaches the planet, it will appear. Ho Ho Hoooo. Meteor, Weapon,
everything will disappear. Perhaps, even ourselves.

Aerith is killed, but Holy was called anyway.

So, Sephiroth blocks Holy from emerging, which is why he must be stopped.

But, when Holy arrives, instead of stopping it, ...

Quote from: Red XIII
Holy is
having the opposite effect.

In the end, the Lifestream was the one who stopped Meteor.

(However, it is only my opinion on how her death was pointless, considering Holy ended up helping Meteor in the end. If not to obliterate the planet, but to end humanity instead.)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 10, 2009, 10:13:00 pm
Wow. Then it was pointless, although Lifestream couldn't of stopped it without Aerith dead.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 10, 2009, 10:17:36 pm
Maybe it was her way to correct her mistake.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 10, 2009, 10:34:31 pm
I heard FFVIII Sucks. Care to tell me why it's good? Also- HOW CAN A GAME BE TOO LONG!!!?? It's means you're getting more out of your money! If i spent 60 bucks on FFVII and it was only 30 hours long, I would KILL.

It's a little something called pacing...Just because something is good, there is such thing as too much of a good thing. If you took your favorite movie, for instance and instead of 1 & 1/2 or even 2 (*groan*) hours stretched the fucker out to 4, you'd notice how drawn out & boring everything was getting. Sometimes you just need to get to the gettin' while the gettin's good.

The Phantasy Star game series doesn't get enough credit compared to some of the bigger names.

Probably because all of the newer iterations are lame ass MMO's (the original games being on SMS & Genesis probably didn't help either, with the SNES hoarding the era's best RPGs)...I hope to god Phantasy Star 0 is good...but it's sounding & looking a lot like the Online games...I'm also super pissed that PS4 wasn't included in the GBA PS collection...WTF is up with that shit? They had better port/remake that for DS after 0 or something...That's practically a declaration of war as far as I'm concerned...!

As for FFVIII's "battle" system (it's really the leveling system people whine about, not the actual battle system which didn't really change at all)...I was completely fine with the Draw System...I found it to be no more or less time consuming than regular RPG leveling...The Junctioning System, though, was kind of was way too easy to use to just pwn everything...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 10, 2009, 10:39:54 pm
It's a little something called pacing...Just because something is good, there is such thing as too much of a good thing. If you took your favorite movie, for instance and instead of 1 & 1/2 or even 2 (*groan*) hours stretched the fucker out to 4, you'd notice how drawn out & boring everything was getting.

God, have you seen that movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button?". If you have then you'll understand what I mean by the reference.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 10, 2009, 10:48:59 pm
I haven't, but it does indeed look like one of those long & drawn out "epics"...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 10, 2009, 10:54:13 pm
Basically. It's a movie that would have been great had it lasted for an hour and a half instead of over 3 hours, especially since you already know what the ending is going to be because the beginning of the movie gives it away. It's incredibly predictable, even more so than that "Seven Pounds" movie that's out right now with Will Smith (predictable, but I liked it).

I foresee that The Curious Case will get a huge number of awards though. It's just one of those "artsy" movies that you know will.

EDIT: On a side note, there's an incredibly disturbing sexual tension scene in The Curious Case between a 7 year old girl and an old man (who is supposed to be 7 himself). It's enough to give you nightmares or puke. Or both simultaneously.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 10, 2009, 11:16:25 pm
lol aeris dies

It's funny, though; You ask a fangirl who Aeris is and they're completely stumped. From time to time I'll ask them if they've ever visited the Gold Saucer to bet on Chocobo Races (In-real-life context) and they'll just be flabbergasted.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 10, 2009, 11:48:52 pm
After I beat FFVII I'm going to do a full, humourus Recap for all my freinds here... I wrote part of one...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 11, 2009, 12:08:18 am
I have never seen her death as a big deal. My uncle just said "She dies in the Final Fantasy she appears" when I first played Kingdom Hearts, and that's how I found out.

And I didn't saw the death itself until last summer. In between, to me, she was in the same group as Tellah, Galuf, General Leo, Joseph, Ricard, etc.

Then, I saw it, and I thought her situation was more incredible compared to the others. But then I saw the ending...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 11, 2009, 02:03:41 am
Catch-Up Post!

Speaking of, when me and my friend were talking about who might be in KHIII, My Friend (Asafigow) said randomly, "I dunno, maybe someone from Chrono Trigger?" I believe he was joking, but it's always good to hope...

That reminds me of "Kingdumb Hearts" on NewGrounds. In the parody of KH2, one of the planets on their map is "Chrono Trigger Planet" which I thought was kickass.

...which is WAY better than crappy SSB which I never liked.


Oh fuck's sake, I was gonna make that joke.

Haha, poor Pyt.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on January 11, 2009, 04:47:53 pm
Speaking of Kingdom Hearts, has anyone cared to beat RE: Chain of Memories?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 11, 2009, 04:50:59 pm
Currently on the 6th floor.

I really need more high-value cards.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 11, 2009, 05:00:26 pm
I want to buy it, but I can't find it. Anywheres.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 11, 2009, 05:07:39 pm
Speaking of Re:CoM, has there been any sight of playthroughs of the English version?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on January 11, 2009, 05:17:37 pm
Not that I know of, everyone that I say to them that I bought the game, they're all like 'Oh really? That came out? But wasn't it for the GBA?'.

It was a complete surprise to me, I went to the local video game store, and I bought it right then and there. I'm on the 3rd floor and to Acacia Sgt, yeah getting high value cards are difficult to come by. I had the next floor right after Traverse Town, I made it into Olympus. Hades was soooooo difficult to beat, and annoying(with his high value cards). Stupid ass me is playing the game through Proud Mode, I was all cocky and stuff, until I got 10 minutes into the game, and I'm regretting if every second of it. haha
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 11, 2009, 05:21:17 pm
I'm on Proud Mode too. The bosses aren't hard, actually, it was easier beating Trickmaster here than in KH. I blame it on the table being lower than in KH.

But now, Jaffar, was a different story. Six platforms now, I was constantly moving the camera to get Iago on the screen, then going from one platform to another, then changing when I had catched up to him at last. If it wasn't for the those green cards, it would have been even more annoying.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 13, 2009, 07:21:56 pm
Has anybody played the game Rogue Galaxy on the PS2? It's a goofy, cartoonish RPG about space pirates that fly around in what is literally a normal pirate ship equipped with a rocket engine (why they don't all die from the vacuum of space is anyones guess). The story is rather cliche but the game itself is beautiful and really damn fun. Since I play RPG's for the story, it's not up there as one of my favorite RPG's, but I'd recommend it to anyone who is in an RPG slump and wants something new to play.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 13, 2009, 07:49:58 pm
Has anybody played the game Rogue Galaxy on the PS2? It's a goofy, cartoonish RPG about space pirates that fly around in what is literally a normal pirate ship equipped with a rocket engine (why they don't all die from the vacuum of space is anyones guess). The story is rather cliche but the game itself is beautiful and really damn fun. Since I play RPG's for the story, it's not up there as one of my favorite RPG's, but I'd recommend it to anyone who is in an RPG slump and wants something new to play.

I absolutely DETESTED that game. The battle system was so bland and repetitive I couldn't stand it.

But now that I think about it, I only rented it/played through the first chapter, so I don't really know...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 13, 2009, 08:03:16 pm
Never got in to it, my brother really liked it. My god the DMV quest pissed me off more then the real quests to the DMV does.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 13, 2009, 09:27:13 pm
The battle system was so bland and repetitive I couldn't stand it.

Meh, personal choice I suppose. To me, it was much less bland than the traditional rpg/final fantasy click and choose and watch turn-based battle systems.

Never got in to it, my brother really liked it. My god the DMV quest pissed me off more then the real quests to the DMV does.

And yes, that part nearly ruined the entire game. They should have just cut it out.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 14, 2009, 12:20:31 am
An RPG that really irritates me is Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter. It's a really nice game, but the whole "use D skills too much and you die" thing was an absolute travesty. You can't even lower the percentage, so you have to keep this in check for the entire game. And even using the Dash function in the field fills it up. Worse still, the game encourages it; check this out:

Quote from: Wikipedia
One of these features is the Scenario Overlay (SOL) system. This system encourages the player to return to previous points in the game, restart the game, and/or replay the game in order to unlock hidden areas, view additional story scenes, and make the characters more powerful so that the player can deal with the game's considerable difficulty level.

It's more of a pain in the ass than it sounds.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 14, 2009, 08:46:50 pm
Meh, personal choice I suppose. To me, it was much less bland than the traditional rpg/final fantasy click and choose and watch turn-based battle systems.

You mean the kind of battle engines that are centered around strategy and thought instead of mashing X and O repeatedly?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on January 14, 2009, 10:23:18 pm
An RPG that really irritates me is Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter. It's a really nice game, but the whole "use D skills too much and you die" thing was an absolute travesty. You can't even lower the percentage, so you have to keep this in check for the entire game. And even using the Dash function in the field fills it up. Worse still, the game encourages it; check this out:

Quote from: Wikipedia
One of these features is the Scenario Overlay (SOL) system. This system encourages the player to return to previous points in the game, restart the game, and/or replay the game in order to unlock hidden areas, view additional story scenes, and make the characters more powerful so that the player can deal with the game's considerable difficulty level.

It's more of a pain in the ass than it sounds.

Indeed it is a pain in the ass. I have yet to see the end of that game. At first I thought it was a very horrible game, but I have come to appreciate it more. Although I do think that it killed the Breath of Fire series.. Such a shame.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 14, 2009, 10:29:04 pm
Meh, personal choice I suppose. To me, it was much less bland than the traditional rpg/final fantasy click and choose and watch turn-based battle systems.

You mean the kind of battle engines that are centered around strategy and thought instead of mashing X and O repeatedly?

Which is why they are my most favorite. I like games like that. Although the category of Action-RPG is good too, since you have to think fast for many of those.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 14, 2009, 11:52:24 pm
Kingdom Hearts Battle System pwns all other kinds, even CT's.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 15, 2009, 05:25:00 am
Kingdom Hearts Battle System pwns all other kinds, even CT's.

Personally, I prefer CT's, Grandia II's, and Crisis Core's. KH's battle system feels too simplistic, whereas Crisis Core's feels like an expansion on it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 15, 2009, 05:29:03 am
What's with the Japanese & their wacky love of slots, though? Leave it to Setzer and maybe a mini game...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 15, 2009, 08:18:40 am
KH's system lets you see the battle as it happened, not like waiting for some invisible meter to fill before you can attack.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 15, 2009, 09:00:20 am
How does it deal with Magic?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 15, 2009, 10:39:17 am
Input commands from the in-game menu. Sadly, no magic combos, though they may pull that in BBS and Days.

The closest they came to Double Techs were the Partner Limits (like Eternal Session with Riku) in KH2 that Sora can do with not only Donald and Goofy, but also with the world's Resident Hero (assuming it has one).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 15, 2009, 12:03:24 pm
So then you have to stop battle to pull up an invisible menu...?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 15, 2009, 12:09:15 pm
No, you have the menu in a corner as you battle. By pressing X you do the command.


Like up above for the first KH. Magic and Item open sub-menus to select the corresponding one.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 15, 2009, 12:53:54 pm
Kingdom Hearts had a very simple combat system, wasn't my favorite at all but I did like. I liked I liked FFX-2 combat the most I think. It was very fast paced for a tradition combat system, plus the class system was like a revamped version of FFIII but more useful classes.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 15, 2009, 02:48:54 pm
I liked KH2's battle system with the Reaction Commands and everything.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 15, 2009, 03:10:52 pm
KHI Battle System: Innovative and enterntaining, while remaining challenging.

KHII Battle System: Press X ten times, press Triangle, watch movie with flashy lights, Cure, Press Triangle/watch movie while pressing triangle a few times, press X again, win battle.

Not to mention it was so simplistic a kindergartner could've easily mastered it, as well as bearing so many useless add-ons (Drives/Summons) that you never use.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 15, 2009, 06:11:14 pm
I guess what I liked about it was the real-time battles.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 15, 2009, 07:27:49 pm
I liked FFX-2 combat the most I think. It was very fast paced for a tradition combat system, plus the class system was like a revamped version of FFIII but more useful classes.

X-2's was a really awesome take on the ATB system. I loved it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 15, 2009, 07:32:00 pm
I prefer ATB over CTB.

X-2 was the first RPG that used the ATB that I played. But I hated trying to get 100%.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 15, 2009, 08:41:16 pm
X-2 was the first RPG that used the ATB that I played. But I hated trying to get 100%.
Because its impossible without a full walkthrough?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 15, 2009, 08:48:50 pm
Not for that reason.

I once copied a walkthrough to Word, and shortened it.

From 100+ pages it ended up with less than 10.

I had no problems following it. Until I arrived to Dark Yojimno at 52%. And that's the farthest I got.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 15, 2009, 08:49:05 pm
X-2 was the first RPG that used the ATB that I played. But I hated trying to get 100%.
Because its impossible without a full walkthrough?

I'm only like 10 percent through my first playthrough and I know I already fucked myself over.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 15, 2009, 08:51:19 pm
Good thing for me I knew who to choose at the start of Chapter 2.

I really can't imagine my reaction of finishing the game, only to discover I ended up with 98% instead.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 15, 2009, 08:56:05 pm
I've done two playthroughs, ~60% and then 78%. I doing a third, taking a break right now, but with a guide 31% so far.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 15, 2009, 09:05:32 pm
I'm also doing one, but haven't play it for days now.

Only 9% though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 15, 2009, 09:40:14 pm
I got it all fairly easily, myself (maybe that's part of the reason why I'm not only completely fine with X-2, but ended up liking it a bit more than X)...The only thing I didn't get was the Mascot Dress Sphere because I kept messing up the who dunnit part...but since that doesn't effect your completion % I never bothered to go back & try for it a 3rd time...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 15, 2009, 09:47:24 pm
Is it when you have to discover the culprit of the Mi'ihen Highroad incident, right?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Nexus on January 15, 2009, 09:50:19 pm
I managed to get 100% on one play through, but I was always double checking my percentages at certain points to make sure I got it fully. Final Fantasy X-2 was quite a surprise since it was more enjoyable than the it's predecessor. Even with trying to get a hundred percent it was still quite enjoyable to play. Overall Final Fantasy X and X-2 where quite enjoyable even with the flaws some saw in it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 15, 2009, 09:52:14 pm
However, I found X better than X-2 in being enjoyable.

Wanting to get 100%, and following a walkthrough on what to do, it took away most of the fun for me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 15, 2009, 09:59:18 pm
Is it when you have to discover the culprit of the Mi'ihen Highroad incident, right?

Yeah, that's the who dunnit part.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on January 15, 2009, 10:01:54 pm
I played it for a bit...but around the same time I lost my addiction? in Iam liable to play for a few days then nothing for months.   Plus I kept dieing in that stupid long 100 level dungeon.  bah
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on January 15, 2009, 10:16:08 pm
FFX-2 kind of killed my love for FF, surprisingly it wasn't FFXI that killed it. lol

Speaking of bland video games, how about that Xenosaga Ep 1 & 2? I still have Ep 3 in its plastic from like almost 2 years ago. Is it better than the first two? Xenosaga 1 & 2 were very boring for me, but I would force myself to complete the games because they both have increadible music and storyline. :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 15, 2009, 10:51:22 pm
Well considering I like FFX-2 and Xenosaga 1&2 you don't want my input.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Nexus on January 16, 2009, 01:53:33 am
Speaking of bland video games, how about that Xenosaga Ep 1 & 2? I still have Ep 3 in its plastic from like almost 2 years ago. Is it better than the first two? Xenosaga 1 & 2 were very boring for me, but I would force myself to complete the games because they both have increadible music and storyline. :D

From my perspective the third game is somewhat more enjoyable than the first two and the battles seem less tedious. Then again it has been a while since I last played it so I may be remembering it incorrectly. Though I do remember the leveling was less annoying than the first with the skill leveling.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 17, 2009, 05:28:50 am
Xenosaga 3 is pure gold. I actually like it better than Xenogears, which I said in an earlier post in this thread. A long time Xeno fan "Hammer" (dunno if he is still around these forums) said that he has heard many Xenogears fans say they actually like Xenosaga 3 better than Xenogears. I would give it a chance if I were you. Have no preconceptions about what you expect from it. Don't expect it to lead directly into Xenogears, just play it to enjoy it.

If you do play it though (and you should), do yourself a favor and read a plot synopsis of the first two games, otherwise you'll be thoroughly confused for the majority of the third.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on January 17, 2009, 02:19:27 pm
I've only played like 2 minutes of a Xenogears Demo way back when.. But I think I will definitely try out Xenosaga 3 tonight, I mean I still have it in the plastic wrap, collecting dust. lol
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 17, 2009, 06:07:10 pm
I'm playing MOTHER 3. Again. Yes, I am playing it again. Why you ask? BECAUSE I FEEL LIKE IT.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 17, 2009, 06:08:18 pm
A good game. Play it three times by now, and only one of them was completed.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 17, 2009, 06:58:19 pm
MOTHER as a series is made of Win. MOTHER 1/EarthBound Zero is good b/c of "Pollyanna" and "Bein Friends" (Catherine Warwick did a stellar job with those two), MOTHER 2/EarthBound rules b/c of the Giygas meme, and MOTHER 3 PWNS ALL with the tragic story, the return of "Pollyanna", and the most kickass Boss Fight BGM ever, "Master Porky's Theme".

EDIT: BTW, Nerd, do you have Mato's Fan Translation?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 17, 2009, 07:02:46 pm
Still haven't finished Mother or Mother 3...Other games came up...It's still on the big fuckall game list in my SoY thread though...>_<
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 17, 2009, 07:05:04 pm
No, I totally know japanese and am just Hiding it from the Compendium so I can't help. Of course! I was waiting for that thing to come out for 2 years when It finally did!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 17, 2009, 07:06:29 pm
Hah, a friend of mine showed that to me. I can't download it onto this laptop b/c the restrictions won't let me install the GBA emulator.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 17, 2009, 07:08:41 pm
I once decided to play it even if japanese. Never got past Mr. Genetor.

For Mother 2, the Mani-Mani Statue was hard to beat. But I manage, but still haven't returned to the desert.

For Mother, got the Third Melody, but right now I'm still in the Zoo. Starman Jr. wasn't harder, but still.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 17, 2009, 07:12:28 pm
The tragic reason I stopped Mother 2 and eliminated all Emulation for a period of time? Savestates. I never used em, exept at the beginning of the game. I was in the Desert, but then I accidentally pressed F2. And, guess what? Oh shit, beginning of the game with no saves and no way to return. God, I was so pissed I killed all emulation on my Compy.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 17, 2009, 07:14:19 pm
I sometimes do that mistake myself, but always have another savestate or normal save.

After happening the first time, I have learned to not just use savestates.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 17, 2009, 07:15:51 pm
The tragic reason I stopped Mother 2 and eliminated all Emulation for a period of time? Savestates. I never used em, exept at the beginning of the game. I was in the Desert, but then I accidentally pressed F2. And, guess what? Oh shit, beginning of the game with no saves and no way to return. God, I was so pissed I killed all emulation on my Compy.

Sounds like a personal problem...How do you accidentally press one of the F# buttons? They're usually way at the friggin top of the keyboard! Did you have your key config set up stupidly or something...??
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 17, 2009, 07:17:53 pm
I was 9.
Of course I was stupid.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 17, 2009, 11:05:50 pm

Okay, so this is how it goes:
(FFI) When Garland was transported into the past by the fiends, the people of that time asked Garland to take them away from the world because of the fiends. Thus with the first killed, Garland was able to find another world (FFIX) that was already habited. With the next fiend killed, Garland created the Lifa Tree to replace the souls, and with the third, he took half the people and hibernated their souls. By the fourth fiend, he knew he posed a threat to the people and went back to the world of FFI. Becoming Chaos, he fought the Warrior of Light. Which upon losing, the fiends go into the future to replace Garland. Garland, who is stranded in the past, dying. Garland heads back to the promise he made on the planet of FFIX. FFI continues into FFV.

(FFV) An ancient evil (from FFI) creates the void, in which they use 12 legendary weapons. Enou is then defeated but the void still continues to exist. They split the crystals which then splits dimensions. Although both worlds are still FFV, one of them grows into FFIV. In which after the events of FFV, the Lunarians debate whether or not they should continue to exist. However, after the events of FFIV, they come to realize they are no better than the humans they were judging over; leaving the world of FFIV to a barren world of FFIII.

Hyne, either created same in power or a Lunarian himself, is entrusted to watch over the hibernating Lunarians. However, every time they have nightmares, monsters become created from it. The first wave of monsters hit the planet below. Hyne takes it upon himself to create people to kill monsters while they entrust another Lunarian, Noah (FFIII), to watch over magic, people and dreams while Hyne slept after the overwhelming task to create people. Hyne becomes notable as the Great Sorcerer Hyne as Noah becomes notable as The Great Arch mage Noah. However, there were too many people when Hyne awoke. The Lunarians didn’t want to repeat FFIV, so the Great Hyne killed the children. The people revolted and defeated Hyne, who split in two to offer his half to the people. This creates a very diluted population of sorceress.

(FFIII) As the people fought over this power, Hein (the stronger half) ends up becoming chancellor in the floating castle of Argus on the floating continent. The whole floating continent was created by Noah for the people that he felt were worthy. Hein is then taken out of Castle Argus for telling people about the crystals that end up disrupting the world. Hein exacts his revenge when he created Castle Hein. Defeated by the Onion Knights, his head vanishes and goes into an abandon shelter that was still in creation. After the events of FFIII, the crystals leave the world and end up on the moon. FFIII continues into FFVIII. Long after the death of Noah (before FFIII), his successor of dreams (Unei) was also dying, but had no one to pass his knowledge to, along with Owen and Desch of the floating continent, which in time sank.

The Lunarians begin a long period of nightmares, which once again started the Lunar Cry, taking down the crystal pillar with it. An unnamed sorceress finds Hein’s head in the shelter and uses his and her power to create Eden. However, Eden was in no match for the crystal pillar, thusly destroying Centra. Long after the events of FFVIII, the people use Eden to travel space to find another habitable planet, away from the Lunar Cry. Taking the name Centra and continue to follow the tradition of sorceress and knight. They finally come to a world of FFX, in which their tradition becomes summoner and guardian. They bring their technology with them, but in the new world, this escalates in a world war. The war ensued and a summoner (sorcerer) named Yu-Yevon creates Sin (Aeon/GF) that he becomes one with (junctions). Yu-Yevon, along with Sin, are defeated and Shinra, an Al Bhed, creates a way to extract life energy by using the Venegun.

In their time, they were unable to create a working process, and take (I’m still showing a map of FFVII and FFX because I don’t think they left) this process with them to another planet. This creates the ShinRa organization in FFVII. After a mistranslation over 2000+ years, the ancients were known later as Cetra. And after a devastating parasitic meteor hit (Jenova), the world regrouped itself afterwards and after the devastation of a later incident. The ShinRa company still looks for a promised land and travel space once again. This time, after/before 3 gods were battling each other, they came across the planet of FFVI. The military force of ShinRa takes control and creates an empire. The military doesn’t understand how to work the mako extractor and aims at a more easier goal of using Espers from that world.

FFII, Tactics,  Tactics Advanced and XII develop on their own.

Enjoy your epiphonies.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on January 17, 2009, 11:11:47 pm
Hah, a friend of mine showed that to me. I can't download it onto this laptop b/c the restrictions won't let me install the GBA emulator.

I don't believe you need to install anything with Visual Boy Advance.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 17, 2009, 11:16:17 pm
Tact, was the whole thing your idea, or you found it somewhere?

All that happening, however, sounds impossible, although it was a good attempt. Yet, I know there are probably many flaws in there.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 17, 2009, 11:16:36 pm
Hah, a friend of mine showed that to me. I can't download it onto this laptop b/c the restrictions won't let me install the GBA emulator.

I don't believe you need to install anything with Visual Boy Advance.

Either it wouldn't let me install it, or it wouldn't let me run it. I forget which.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 17, 2009, 11:17:22 pm
I could just as easily make a case arguing that FFVI came first because Espers still existed in their physical form, or that FF II or I came before that even because Summoned beasts didn't exist then. And I could just as easily make a case saying that FF III preceded FF VIII directly since the name of the very first sorcerer in the legend from VIII was Hyne. Aside from FF X and FF VII which we know are directly connected, you can't really for sure place any of the others.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 17, 2009, 11:25:14 pm
It's pretty easy to connect FFT with various FFs though...even the Revenant Wings world plays a part in FFT...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 17, 2009, 11:27:26 pm

I'm still skeptical about TA, however.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 17, 2009, 11:29:31 pm
Also, have you checked IV's sequel? The main bad guy seems to be a being who devours whole planets that he considers inferior. Interestingly, before him, you fight againts lifeforms of some of those worlds, which are previous bosses of I through VI.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 17, 2009, 11:32:01 pm
... IV has a sequel coming out? Or did I miss something?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 17, 2009, 11:33:15 pm
It's already out...well, in installments...It's an oldschool RPG that's only in Japan for their cool cell phones.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 17, 2009, 11:33:42 pm
Yes, Final Fantasy IV the After: Tsuki no Kikan.

Last chapter was released back in December 24.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 17, 2009, 11:39:15 pm
Holy shit, How'd I miss that??
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 17, 2009, 11:41:37 pm
Fuck that shit. I'm not gonna redo all of that just for some cell phone crap.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 17, 2009, 11:44:09 pm
Honestly, I want to know how much canon the game is. I wouldn't want it that the worlds of FF I through VI except IV no longer exist as being canon.

Although, it does confirms they happen in different planets and such.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 17, 2009, 11:45:47 pm
I just like to think none of them are connected, or they are tales of lore in some unkown world. Probably the Chrono world  :wink:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 17, 2009, 11:48:00 pm
Or, the Chrono world is just another planet.

Now I wonder, would the party have fought someone from there have they been a victim too? Or that they too where a victim in the first place?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 18, 2009, 12:01:21 am
Technically, for thos eof us who play FFXI, you would know that every FF is actually a story in the Windurstian library.

But I refuse to believe that.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on January 18, 2009, 12:05:31 am
I normally don't care for those kind of things; FFT:A annoyed me with the whole "let's get back to the real world" crap...but I do like the idea of something like MYST applied to the FF series.  Something along the lines of powerful Windurstians who write stories that come to life (in the books, like Myst), whether they know it or not.

edit: Probably because I have always wanted some kind of continuity between all of the games, and that would be the one cord linking them, thus achieving my desire.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 18, 2009, 02:00:29 am
I just like to think none of them are connected, or they are tales of lore in some unkown world. Probably the Chrono world  :wink:

Well it has been confirmed (through an Ultimania guide I think?) that FF X and FF VII are directly connected, in that the people of Spira left that world and journeyed through space to VII's world. Also, Final Fantasy XII, Revenant Wings, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Vagrant Story are all chronologically connected - in that order - in the world of Ivalice.

Anything else is speculation until someone says something about it. I personally imagine that they will try to connect all of them in one way or another, especially with all of these re-releases happening.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 18, 2009, 02:06:04 am
I just remembered how sad Mother 3 really is.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 18, 2009, 02:09:45 am
Which part are you, or have you finished it already?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Nexus on January 18, 2009, 08:58:13 am

Well it has been confirmed (through an Ultimania guide I think?) that FF X and FF VII are directly connected, in that the people of Spira left that world and journeyed through space to VII's world. Also, Final Fantasy XII, Revenant Wings, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Vagrant Story are all chronologically connected - in that order - in the world of Ivalice.

Anything else is speculation until someone says something about it. I personally imagine that they will try to connect all of them in one way or another, especially with all of these re-releases happening.

I never heard of that. Though Shinra in FFX-2 does make an interesting observation when he was examining the farplane, but that is supposedly not canon.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 19, 2009, 03:34:51 pm





Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on January 19, 2009, 03:50:35 pm
Menu selecting is gay?  Now all of the pieces are coming together....I always thought I was...different.

Seriously though, someone actually said those exact words?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 19, 2009, 03:55:15 pm
Along those lines. I don't exactly remember, but I totally went off on the guy.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 19, 2009, 03:58:20 pm
Good work, then, Tact.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 19, 2009, 05:52:34 pm
I had just finished Chapter 1. Anyways...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 19, 2009, 05:58:47 pm
And the bad thing about it, is that it only gets worse.

At least, Chapter 2 wasn't that sad.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 19, 2009, 07:59:51 pm
I know, I beat the game. Then decided I had to play it again.
Actually, I think Chapter 2 is my favorite.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 19, 2009, 08:04:40 pm
Mine too, especially with the music, although I always find it a little hard.

Although, Mr. Passion was easy to beat.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 19, 2009, 08:11:36 pm
Duster and Flint are definitely my favorite charecters in the whole game. I also really like how when the main charecter shifts, they become silent. It's a nice touch.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 19, 2009, 08:13:18 pm
By the way, was it hard any battle for you?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 19, 2009, 08:15:02 pm
Nah, battles in that game aren't really tough. Exept for the Masked man fight before Ionia's needle. Ugh, I had to grind for hours to beat that. I'm terrible at the rhythem thing though. Well, I was last time until chapter 5, I believe.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 19, 2009, 08:16:18 pm
You grinded? I only beated the enemies in my way, for the entire game, with maybe one or two exceptions.

Masked Man was hard, but not that hard either.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on January 20, 2009, 02:22:39 pm
So anyone that does a lot of customs on Halo 3, ummm hit me up. GT: The Jutty
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sintu on January 21, 2009, 07:54:20 pm

Well it has been confirmed (through an Ultimania guide I think?) that FF X and FF VII are directly connected, in that the people of Spira left that world and journeyed through space to VII's world. Also, Final Fantasy XII, Revenant Wings, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Vagrant Story are all chronologically connected - in that order - in the world of Ivalice.

Anything else is speculation until someone says something about it. I personally imagine that they will try to connect all of them in one way or another, especially with all of these re-releases happening.

The Ivalice series timeline goes like this:

FFXII --> FFXII:RW --> FFTA2 --> FFT --> VS --> FFTA --> FFTA2

FFTA2 is supposed to be in there twice. 

FFTA takes place in "modern" Ivalice in the beginning.  The stuff after that is apparently not "real" or something (I haven't played much of the FFTA games so I'm not too certain on everything).  FFTA2 is similar, except they actually end up in a "real" moment in Ivalice history.

I never heard of that. Though Shinra in FFX-2 does make an interesting observation when he was examining the farplane, but that is supposedly not canon.

The writer of both FF7 and FF10 said that was the case in the Ultimania that chrono eric was talking about.  There's a few minor connections that can be made.  I haven't looked into it much but apparently the airship from FF7:DoC resembles the ones from FFX and FFX-2 (one of the people aboard the ship even says that it's from "ancient civilization").
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 21, 2009, 08:39:26 pm

I don't see how it resembles either one.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 21, 2009, 08:55:14 pm
I heard that it was the inside of the airship in FF X-2 that resembled it, not the outside. But it doesn't matter as it doesn't make the two games any less connected.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 21, 2009, 09:11:24 pm
Well, the origin of the Shera is told in two different ways. DoC says it was built by an ancient civilization.

Yet, in 'On the Way to a Smile', it was built by Cid. Which one is true?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 21, 2009, 09:13:43 pm
Remember in FFVII:AC Cid mentions he has a new ship, that's the one from an ancient civilization. His older one was one he built.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 21, 2009, 09:15:23 pm
Yet, it was the Shera the one Cid was building in OtWtaS.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 21, 2009, 09:21:24 pm
OtWtaS? "On the Way to a Smile"? I am not familiar with that.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 21, 2009, 09:31:55 pm
Those are short stories happening between VII and AC.

There are six in total, each focusing on a certain character, and named 'Case of [Character's Name]'.

Those are: Denzel, Tifa, Barret, Yuffie, the Turks, and Red XIII.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sintu on January 21, 2009, 09:55:51 pm
I don't know, like I said I didn't really look into the connection too much.

Listen to this:

He mentions Reeve paying for his airship.  Weird.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 21, 2009, 10:02:39 pm
If you ask me, I think it's a mix of both.

They find the airship, but in a very bad state, considering how many years has stayed untouched. And then, Cid repairs and rebuilts the exterior with Reeve suplying the money. That way, both sources are correct.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 21, 2009, 10:07:56 pm
Nintendo Patent Reveals Potential Paradigm Shift in Design (

Wonder how this'll do...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on January 21, 2009, 10:15:19 pm
I think I want to see it a little more first, but it doesn't sound that appealing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on January 22, 2009, 12:21:34 am
I was actually in discussion about what if games were like that, similar to what Shigeru Miyamoto wants, we concluded that it'd be pointless, but now I think that the idea is appealing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: TerraZack on January 22, 2009, 01:30:55 am
im waiting for Dissidia and KH Birth by Sleep for PSP and KH 358/2 days for DS
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 22, 2009, 01:32:19 am
Dissidia is awesome, you'll love it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on January 22, 2009, 08:05:35 pm
Dissidia Squall in action.


Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Nexus on January 22, 2009, 08:48:33 pm
I found an interesting link when searching for a Final Fantasy X and VII connection

****Translations concerning the plot-related connection between FFVII and
FFX/X-2**** (005)
As some fans of Final Fantasy VII, X and X-2 may or may not know, the worlds
of the two games share a plot-related connection. The connection's existance
was established during an interview with Yoshinori Kitase (lead developer of
the Final Fantasy series) and Kazushige Nojima (the scenario writer of Final
Fantasy VII, Before Crisis, Advent Children, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy
X, Final Fantasy X-2 and the Kingdom Hearts series) in 2002, as featured in
the Final Fantasy X Ultimania Omega guidebook, an official Square-Enix

This interview established that there would be a connection between the two
worlds, though it didn't detail it. However, based on what was later revealed
to be the connection, it's clear that it had already been conceived, as
Kitase hints at it with his final word on the subject. In 2003, the exact
nature of the concept was finally revealed in the Final Fantasy X-2 Ultimania,
having been hinted toward by a few elements of the game.

Nojima revealed that Shinra of the Gullwings, an Al Bhed child prodigy and
inventor of various machinery, would attempt using the remains of Vegnagun --
the behemoth machina Shuyin tried to destroy Spira with -- to extract life
energy from the Farplane and use it to power machines. Shinra would attempt
doing this as a result of his analysis of the Farplane late in the game.
During this diagnostic, Shinra concluded that there was a great deal of energy
floating around inside the Farplane, and that it was most likely the life
force of Spira, which could be extracted and used as a power source; however,
he concluded that it would take generations to properly implement the idea.

Further of note is that Nojima explained that the Al Bhed entrepeneur Rin also
was interested in extracting mako from the Farplane, and that he provided
Shinra with the funding to make the attempt. For his part, Rin's desire to do
this is revealed during the game should he be uncovered as the culprit behind
covering up the malfunctioning machina disaster on the Mi'hen Highroad.

Nojima went on to say that Shinra's attempts to use Vegnagun's remains failed
and that he was unable to complete the concept of mako-extraction, just as
Shinra had predicted. However, some 1000 years later, once space travel became
possible, Shinra's descendants would go on a voyage to the world of Final
Fantasy VII. There, at some point in the future, they would be successful in
utilizing the concept, and would provide electricity from the Planet for a
price; these descendants would found the Shin-Ra Company of Final Fantasy VII.

The connection would again be hinted toward in the Final Fantasy X-2:
International+Last Mission (released in 2004) game's Last Mission scenario, in
which Rikku revealed that Rin and Shinra had begun working together. Finally,
the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega guidebook (released in 2005) also brings
forth mention of the concept.

I will here present the dialogue from Final Fantasy X-2 that hints at the
connection, as well as the interviews and other translations that establish
its existance as part of official Final Fantasy continuity.

***Dialogue with Rin from Final Fantasy X-2***
"You are suggesting that my decision to upgrade the machina resulted in a
number of casualties... ... and that I tried to cover it up?"

"You put the investigation in our hands because we were amateurs. You hoped we
would botch the case."

"And then, I kept calling you even though I didn't have any leads."

"You would have objected to the meaningless interruptions, if you really
wanted to solve the case."

"I see. It appears that I have underestimated you, Yuna."

"Why, Rin?"

"If word got out that machina pose a danger, people would fear them and stop
using them."

"So Yevon's not alone in sweeping things under the rug."

"I firmly believe that machina are an indispensable part of Spira's

"Even if there is another incident, I intend to conceal the evidence."

"You really think people will follow you that way?"

"I am not alone in my thinking."

"We are researching ways to extract the vast energy that sleeps in Spira, and
use it to power machina."

"You're a jackass."

"I will take that as a compliment."

***Dialogue with Shinra from Final Fantasy X-2***

"What are you looking at?"

"Farplane data."

"The more I study it, the more fascinating it gets. There's limitless energy
swirling around in there."

"Limitless energy?"

"The life force that flows through our planet...I think."

"With a little work, we could probably extract the energy in a useable form."


"Of course, that'd take generations."

"That's no fun!"

"Well, still, it is something worth shooting for."

"Think how much Spira would change if we ever got it to work!"

"Maybe one day we could build a city full of light, one that never sleeps!"

"No doubt about it."

***Dialogue with Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2: International+Last Mission***
"These days, people are always looking for sunken machina."


"Oh? Has Shinra been helping you with that?"

"Ahh, now that you bring it up..."

"Well, he left the ship and got together with Rin, and what do you think all
that research they've been doing is about?"

***Interview with Yoshinori Kitase and Kazushige Nojima in the Final Fantasy X
Ultimania Omega*** (Page 191)
**FFVII and FFX are connected?!**
--"Previously, with a conversation in the FFX Scenario Ultimania, you made
certain inferences, and since it's been about half a year since then, is there
anything new you'd like to clarify about FFX?"

"That's true...... Now that FFX International is out and we're in the future,
I'm in a predicament; it really isn't that hard to think of another story
[set] in that world; room for expansion was left possible there without too
much difficulty, don't you think? Speaking conversely, FFX received a splendid
reception and made us think of adding to it."

"After FFVII was finished, we were easily able to add Zack's open[-ended role]
into the International version. But, with X, there was an older story with a
partly-finished world and an opening that this new one could be added to and
[, in doing] so[,] complete it."

"So, you could say [in terms of] time, Nojima-san decided to designate it to
act as a sequel to VII, if you follow me."

--"It's a sequel to VII!!"

"Well, there was a joke right there. Simply put, in VII's ending, Holy came,
and the next thing you knew, it was over without closing things up, and then
it was the "500 years later" [scene] in the future. There's a large margin
buried there. A margin for the imagination. Nojima-san and Toriyama are going
to be filling something of that with VII, though, while they're at their best
and can do it."

--"So, will it become a sequel to VII's story?"

"I have a strong feeling that they're going to be connected."

--"Huh, so VII and X ARE connected?"

"Well, there's not many specifics to it. I know that what becomes of people
when they die is among them; you could say that it's basically the same. Both
[concepts came to] function along the same line of thought as I wrote the
stories. Sometimes my thoughts just flow out like that, even though pyreflies
distinctly aren't green."

--"When you speak of the dead becoming [something] green, do you perhaps

"Yes. In my mind, pyreflies and VII's Lifestream are the same substance."

"Nojima-san's even considering making use of an idea like this -- [with] an
addition to the idea of life origin -- in a sequel to FFX International.
That's just a little bit of the thought that's been going into what to do with

"That's right. There's something like the Lifestream [in X's world

--"'An addition to the idea of life origin'......does that mean you're going
to revise life origin concepts or something?"

"I can't's a secret (laughs)."

"It's a surprise with how someone from the story conducts theirself with
regards to the Farplane."

***Interview with FFX-2 creators from the Final Fantasy X-2 Ultimania***
(Page 723)
**"So, what of this child, Shinra......"**
--"Among these latest stories, 'connected' is one of the key words becoming
applicable, isn't it?"

[Daisuke] Watanabe
"I personally like the word 'connected,' but there's one aspect where that
applies well."

"During the game's progression, various vague things will be tied together to
reveal it."

--"For example, the name 'Shinra' suggests a connection with VII? There's
[what's said] in the 'Graduation Mission' scenario [ -- 'graduation'
referring to Shinra being soon to leave the Gullwings -- ], and the 'I am not
alone in my thinking' line from the 'Rin's Detective Work' scenario seems to
have some particular significance."

"Actually, it does. After quitting the Gullwings, Shinra received enormous
financial support from Rin, and began trying to use Vegnagun to siphon Mako
Energy from the Farplane. But, he is unable to complete the system for
utilizing this energy in his generation, and in the future, when traveling to
distant planets becomes possible, the Shin-Ra Company is founded on another
world, or something like that....... That would happen about 1000 years after
this story, I think."

--"So VII's story is after that?"

"Well, you could say the feelings I have are like that. When I think about the
characters, those are the kinds of feelings I already have. Shinra is a good
child, but his descendants are going to end up becoming like the president [of
Shin-Ra] (laughs)."

"With you said about VII, after seeing your episodes with Shinra, one of the
people on the [development] staff said that the first shot of the Bevelle
Underground 'gives the impression of somewhere else.'"

[Motomu] Toriyama
"Certainly; it looks like the opening shot of Midgar in VII."

***Information on Shinra of the Gullwings in the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania
Omega*** (Page 563)
Shinra is a boy who supports the Gullwings, the group which the main
protagonist, Yuna, belongs to. He carries a name that gives him an association
to the Shin-Ra Company, and he is researching a method that could utilize the
energy of "the life force that flows through our planet." The results of this
cannot be seen in FFX-2, but maybe one day his descendants will establish a
"company that supplies the energy of the planet"?

(Accompanying screenshot caption)
The words of Shinra, which can be heard at the end of the story. This world
has something similar to the Lifestream that is worthy of attention.

***Interview with FFVII creators from the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania
Omega*** (Page 571)
--"At E3 (the world's largest game show, which was held in America), as a demo
for the PS3, the opening of FFVII was shown; was its purpose to serve as
something of a preliminary announcement?

"Well, in regard to that, please think of it as a mere demonstration. Because
the production period for its imagery was [going to be] so short, we made the
opening of FFVII, as it was easy to represent. Beyond that, there is no
particular deeper meaning.

--"In that case, it's not a remake; when might you be making something to
serve as the direct continuation of FFX-2?"

"Producing something like that holds the same problem as a remake [of FFVII],
as our schedule just isn't open for it [right now]."

It is interesting though it makes you wonder if they really had any reason to make such a connection.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 22, 2009, 09:05:02 pm
Interesting, but if they really are connected by that way, then they would have to rewrite VII's background in many ways.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 22, 2009, 10:29:47 pm
Why? I haven't played VII for years, but couldn't the humans in VII's world have come from X's world? Why couldn't they? All the info you are given about VII's backstory is that there were once Ancient's 2000 years ago - then Jenova came - then Meteor came and bad shit happened - then 2000 years later you have humans running things and Mako reactors everywhere. I admittedly haven't seen or played any of the "sequels" to VII, so maybe I don't know the whole story that they fleshed out though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 22, 2009, 10:49:00 pm
Quote from: Sephiroth
You ignorant traitor. I'll tell you. This was an itinerant race.
They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on… At the end of their
harsh, hard journey, they would find the Promised Land and supreme happiness.
But, those who stopped their migrations built shelters and elected to lead an
easier life.
They took that which the Cetra and the planet had made without
giving back one whit in return! Those are your ancestors.

Long ago, disaster struck this planet. Your ancestors escaped… They
survived because they hid.
The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After
that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is
in these reports.

VII had all of it's people as descendants of the Cetra who went against their current way of life.

How does Shinra's descendants fit into this? They can't be the Cetra do they?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on January 22, 2009, 11:00:04 pm
It is possible that the books Sephiroth read were wrong. Or he was just crazy and assumed these things. It never shows for sure.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sintu on January 22, 2009, 11:02:03 pm
Quote from: Sephiroth
You ignorant traitor. I'll tell you. This was an itinerant race.
They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on… At the end of their
harsh, hard journey, they would find the Promised Land and supreme happiness.
But, those who stopped their migrations built shelters and elected to lead an
easier life.
They took that which the Cetra and the planet had made without
giving back one whit in return! Those are your ancestors.

Long ago, disaster struck this planet. Your ancestors escaped… They
survived because they hid.
The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After
that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is
in these reports.

VII had all of it's people as descendants of the Cetra who went against their current way of life.

How does Shinra's descendants fit into this? They can't be the Cetra do they?

I'm not seeing how that contradicts anything.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 22, 2009, 11:11:15 pm
It states all the people of the planet were the Cetra, then at one point some of them stopped being Cetra, changing they ways of life and all that.

If Shinra's descendants arrived to an unpopulated planet, then that means they are the first Cetra.

Clearly, the intentions of the Cetra aren't the same ones as of Shinra's descendants.

And Hyper, who says it's wrong, or that he was making that up? True, errors like thinking Jenova was a Cetra are corrected later, but nothing is said about the Cetra in what Sephiroth was talking about.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Vehek on January 22, 2009, 11:21:55 pm
I think one theory is that Shinra's descendents came to Gaia and convinced some of the Cetra to settle down.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 22, 2009, 11:57:33 pm
Quote from: Sephiroth
You ignorant traitor. I'll tell you. This was an itinerant race.
They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on… At the end of their
harsh, hard journey, they would find the Promised Land and supreme happiness.
But, those who stopped their migrations built shelters and elected to lead an
easier life.
They took that which the Cetra and the planet had made without
giving back one whit in return! Those are your ancestors.

Long ago, disaster struck this planet. Your ancestors escaped… They
survived because they hid.
The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After
that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is
in these reports.

VII had all of it's people as descendants of the Cetra who went against their current way of life.

How does Shinra's descendants fit into this? They can't be the Cetra do they?

I don't see why the Cetra couldn't be Shinra's descendents. After all the Mako technology wasn't reinvented/rediscovered or whatever until 2000 years after the events that wiped out the Ancients. Why couldn't the Cetra be the people of Spira after they left that world in search of a new one, and among those people were the descendents of Shinra. Eventually there could have been disagreements among them, with Shinra's descendents deciding to settle down and abandon the constant migration.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 23, 2009, 12:06:55 am
That's just it. Shinra's descendants already had the idea of using Mako, how come they also wanted a life of migrating forever looking for a land they would one day reach? Or, are you telling me the plans of President Shinra to use the Mako of the Promised Land came from their minds, which is why they tolerated the Cetra's way of life for several centuries?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 23, 2009, 01:03:28 am
Well, how about this? I don't know if this is a particularly plausible scenario or not but here goes:

Well, we know from FF X that they could use the energy from the Farplane to extract Mako from it, similar to the Lifestream in FF VII. What if they originally made the same mistakes on Spira that they would make millennia later on FF VII's world? What if they exhausted the planet of it's energy and had to leave in search of another world suitable for habitation. They stumble across a world that they can extract Mako from and an argument erupts between people - should we settle here and destroy this world as well, repeating the same mistakes but not having to migrate for a few hundred years - or should we continue on? Catastrophe strikes the world, rendering the argument moot. Millennia later the technology of Mako extraction is rediscovered, Midgar is created, and people start draining the planet of its' energy again.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 23, 2009, 01:23:37 am
Could work, it will explain why they moved from Spira. But an argument?

That's what I meant about rewriting VII's background. The Cetra never had the method or idea of extracting Mako, which the people of Spira would had they done that there.

Also, the Cetra spent centuries before the smallest signs of people wanting to stop their tradition would appear. I'm sure the Cetra's migration happened within the planet, so for an argument to occur when they arrived, they must have come to the planet in the first place.

Is there any way to tell if the Cetra arrived from outer space or originated in the planet.

If they want to add all that to connect the games, then they have to rewrite the Cetra's background.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 23, 2009, 01:28:37 am
Is there any way to tell if the Cetra arrived from outer space or originated in the planet.

Well I think this quote heavily implies this:

They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on….

Don't you think?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 23, 2009, 01:34:15 am
However, if they migrate from planet to planet, then the disaster that struck the planet wouldn't have killed the Cetra, since they would have moved away long before.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 23, 2009, 01:37:25 am
But wasn't this time unique? Didn't Jenova arriving cause absolute mayhem, forcing the Ancients to summon Meteor? Or do I have that backwards? I forget.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 23, 2009, 01:43:43 am
Time, there was a huge amount of time between the Cetra first appearing, some Cetra stopping following their ways, and Jenova's arrival.

Now, if all happens in one planet, it makes sence the Cetra were killed. Had the Cetra moved from planet to planet, they would have been away from Jenova, and would have lived. Yet, without the Cetra, how does the planet would have lived?

Quote from: Sephiroth
The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After
that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is
in these reports.

The Cetra, then, must have only migrated within the planet, for them to be there when Jenova appeared.

Confirmed, the Cetra are originaly from the planet, and not from somewhere else.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on January 23, 2009, 09:04:40 am
Quote from: Sephiroth
You ignorant traitor. I'll tell you. This was an itinerant race.
They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on… At the end of their
harsh, hard journey, they would find the Promised Land and supreme happiness.
But, those who stopped their migrations built shelters and elected to lead an
easier life.
They took that which the Cetra and the planet had made without
giving back one whit in return! Those are your ancestors.

Long ago, disaster struck this planet. Your ancestors escaped… They
survived because they hid.
The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After
that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is
in these reports.

For one, the reports are regarding a time period from millenia ago...facts can and usually are warped, to the view point of those that created the reports.
Maybe I am missing something but if the people of Spira don't travel until 1000 years after the events of X-2, then it could be theorized that their psyche evolves into that of which the Cetra have been described as having.  Shinra's descendants could have carried the Mako extraction idea through the centuries and at the same time evolved into the Cetra.  They then travelled through space, eventually coming to VII's planet, with Shinra's descendants, possibly among others, branching off from the nomadic tendencies of the Cetra (possibly changing their identity from the Cetra, to something else), as they found a planet that suits their desires, with an abundance of Mako.  Around that same time, Jenova comes down, blah blah, 2000 years later, etc
From the sound of it, VII's story takes place at least 3000 years after X-2.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on January 23, 2009, 12:06:25 pm
Wouldn't that mean that FFVII is only a 'dream'? Wasn't it said somewhere in FFX that Spira was a dream created by the people of Zanarkand? Forgive me I haven't played FFX in a long while.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 23, 2009, 12:08:33 pm
No, it was the city itself, not all of Spira.

They then travelled through space, eventually coming to VII's planet, with Shinra's descendants, possibly among others, branching off from the nomadic tendencies of the Cetra (possibly changing their identity from the Cetra, to something else), as they found a planet that suits their desires, with an abundance of Mako. Around that same time, Jenova comes down.

Time, there was a huge amount of time between the Cetra first appearing, some Cetra stopping following their ways, and Jenova's arrival.

The two events didn't happened within hours of each other. And by what you said, the Cetra traveled from planet to planet, wich brings again to this:

Now, if all happens in one planet, it makes sence the Cetra were killed. Had the Cetra moved from planet to planet, they would have been away from Jenova, and would have lived. Yet, without the Cetra, how does the planet would have lived?

Again, if the people of Spira traveled to VII's planet, then they can't be the Cetra, much less Shinra's descendants can be the Cetra. When some Cetra stopped migrating, for what reason was? To use Mako as a source of power to their new way of life? The idea wasn't present in them at the time, so there is no way they can be Shinra's descendants.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 23, 2009, 08:43:24 pm
Would I be hugely flamed if I said I actually liked FF XII better than FF X?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sintu on January 24, 2009, 01:27:45 am
Would I be hugely flamed if I said I actually liked FF XII better than FF X?

Not by me.  I did too.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on January 24, 2009, 07:53:50 pm
What did you like about it? The main complaint I hear from people is that it lacks the character development that FF X had - and that's a legitimate complaint. But I felt like XII revitalized the series and the world was much more massive than X's (which I felt was way too tiny and constrained). Also the storyline and the cities in XII really drew me into the world of Ivalice, unlike X's storyline which I was mostly uninterested in, and the locales which I thought were hugely lacking.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sintu on January 24, 2009, 11:27:00 pm
What did you like about it? The main complaint I hear from people is that it lacks the character development that FF X had - and that's a legitimate complaint. But I felt like XII revitalized the series and the world was much more massive than X's (which I felt was way too tiny and constrained). Also the storyline and the cities in XII really drew me into the world of Ivalice, unlike X's storyline which I was mostly uninterested in, and the locales which I thought were hugely lacking.

I don't really care about FFX's character development considering I hated almost the entire cast anyway.  I actually liked most of FFXII's main characters.

I liked FFXII's battle system.  Some people criticize it because the game plays itself apparently, although I've never been able to that on anything but normal monsters.  Maybe I just suck at gambits or something.  Either way, you're pretty much just spamming the confirm button through the majority of any Final Fantasy game anyway, so I don't see the big deal if the game does it for you.  FFX's battle system was probably more polished, but it had to take a step backwards (ATB --> Turn based).  FFXII took a step forward, and that was refreshing.

I also liked the fact that they decided to introduce new summons.  Even though the summons weren't all that useful, I liked their designs.  Ifrit, Shiva, and Bahamut are getting really old to me.

Another minor thing that I really liked about FFXII is the voice acting.  FFXII probably has the best voice acting in any game I've played.  The only problem I have with it, is the way they recorded it.  It kinda sounds like some of the characters have stuffy noses or something.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on January 25, 2009, 03:13:36 am
Recently my brother downloaded Cave story and I gave it a shot and fell in love with it.  I always love shooter games with RPG elements to them.  Sort of like Megaman legends only 2D.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 25, 2009, 03:17:59 am
wtf is up with the Megaman Legends series anyways? When was the last installment? Didn't the last one leave us with some fairly big questions still?? I never played the Tronn game, so idk if that ever explained anything...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 25, 2009, 03:38:14 pm
IIRC, Misadventures of Tron Bonne was the last game, unless you mean the actual storyline, then IDK, if not Misadventures, then Legends 2.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 25, 2009, 03:42:55 pm
Yeah, I said when, not what...I know of the three games, I was more pointing out how long it's been since Capcom made a sequel (which is as far as I know against the Capcom code of business)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on January 25, 2009, 03:45:49 pm
For MegaMan Legends, right? I can check that. Just need to confirm.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on January 26, 2009, 12:10:33 am
MMl2 ended on an annoying Cliffhanger, The misadventures of Tron Bonne takes place before MML1.  And no it doesn't resolve anything.  Except it really depresses you when you play MML1 and have to destroy the Gesselchaft.  In fact it couldn't really resolve anything because I think it came out between the 2 games.  Although I'm not positive about that.  Just pretty sure.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on January 26, 2009, 08:42:58 am
Would I be hugely flamed if I said I actually liked FF XII better than FF X?

I just got my hands on the International Zodiac Job System version...and all of the text is in Japanese...dur...
Time to look into hex editing now...see if I have any chance whatsoever to make some kind of translation patch...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sintu on January 26, 2009, 03:16:08 pm
Would I be hugely flamed if I said I actually liked FF XII better than FF X?

I just got my hands on the International Zodiac Job System version...and all of the text is in Japanese...dur...
Time to look into hex editing now...see if I have any chance whatsoever to make some kind of translation patch...

That re-release pissed me off.  It's cool when they do stuff like add a few new items and an extra boss, I don't really care so much about that, but they revamped the summon system and the license board into something MUCH better.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: TerraZack on January 27, 2009, 12:30:19 am
i got dissidia
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 27, 2009, 12:32:44 am
i got dissidia

Read this or the battle system is going to confuse the hell out of you. (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on January 27, 2009, 09:56:05 am
I still have the nice hardbound version of the Brady Games guide to FFXII, even though I don't have the game anymore.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: TerraZack on January 28, 2009, 05:18:32 pm
i got dissidia

Read this or the battle system is going to confuse the hell out of you. (

yea, i was so confuse when i first play it. but now im getting use to it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on February 01, 2009, 01:11:53 am
Holy shit. Dissidia's backstory is way more than it seems, and looks like it ties into FFI in some shocking ways...
It gets crazy and confusing around page 5. HUGE Dissidia spoilers, of course.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 01, 2009, 01:21:07 am
I thought we already knew it was going to heavily tie with FFI because of Chaos...>_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on February 01, 2009, 01:47:23 am
That is incredible, even though I didn't get some of it, I did understand enough to be surprised by it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on February 01, 2009, 11:32:07 am
I thought we already knew it was going to heavily tie with FFI because of Chaos...>_>

It's the way it's done that's surprising. They've given Garland a pretty detailed backstory, for one thing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on February 01, 2009, 03:52:42 pm
Good! I always thought Garland was underused.. But then that game was made back in NES days, so I won't hold it against Square(soft?) for neglecting one of their characters. :D

So in Dissidia, does Garland become Chaos? Or are they two seperate beings?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on February 01, 2009, 04:07:13 pm
Well, according to the reports, they are two separate beings, but still related.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on February 01, 2009, 06:53:00 pm
By the way, has anyone played the PSP port of Star Ocean: Second Departure yet?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on February 01, 2009, 07:49:42 pm
By the way, has anyone played the PSP port of Star Ocean: Second Departure yet?

You mean Second Evolution? I was a bit hesitant at first, since in the original TSS I got up to a point where the difficulty jumps and pissed me off hugely. Plus I have yet to finish First Departure... I think I'll buy Second Evolution when it's out here in the UK, rather than just import as I usually do.

I just played as Jecht in Dissidia.



Did I mention the villains get a menacing guitar version of the victory theme?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on February 07, 2009, 07:42:05 pm
If anyone plays Left 4 Dead, Halo 3, or Call of Duty WaW or Modern Warfare add me. GT: The Jutty
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on February 11, 2009, 06:45:26 pm
Mario & Luigi 3 is very, very fun.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on February 11, 2009, 08:37:20 pm
Crap, what was Mario & Luigi 3?

I honestly had no idea a third game had been released.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on February 12, 2009, 05:45:19 am

Only the Japanese version is out, so obviously the only thing being missed right now is the witty dialogue. It's been easy to work through so far though, and the battle system switching (inhaling an enemy with Bowser and fighting it with Mario & Luigi, for instance) is pretty fun.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on February 12, 2009, 08:07:12 am
I liked the first two but they wore thin after awhile...completely stopped playing them for some reason.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 12, 2009, 08:39:55 pm
For some reason I'm playing Pokemon Blue again.  I don't know why yet I can't seem to get away from it now.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on February 12, 2009, 08:49:26 pm
pokemon games... after a while they just get boring because they're the same thing over and over with a new theme. But I still play them, too, so don't feel bad.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on February 13, 2009, 01:54:01 am
Yeah I still play pokemon red and blue... now FireRed and LeafGreen. I've bought a link cable and two GBAs to fill my pokedex.. Now thinking about buying a gameshark to get Mew. :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on February 13, 2009, 02:06:14 am
man. I remember when I was in Middle School, I had Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow, and a couple of Game Boy Colors. I had every pokemon and Mew. but I didn't use a gameshark to get Mew. My uncle had gone on a trip to New York while he was staying in Ohio and actually went to a ....whatever you call it, and they were putting Mew on people's pokemon games. He came back and we did the copy pokemon trick where we both end up with the pokemon. I ended up having Mew on all three games.

Of course, this is the same uncle that, a few years later, stole my game boy color and my pokemon games, so that was the end of that. It was cool while it lasted, though. AND I was the only one in school that had Mew on my games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on February 13, 2009, 10:53:18 am
...I'm playing Pokemon Blue again.

Gonna go for MissingNo? ;)

I really want to find my copy of Yellow, but IDK where it is.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 13, 2009, 06:20:44 pm
...I'm playing Pokemon Blue again.

Gonna go for MissingNo? ;)

I really want to find my copy of Yellow, but IDK where it is.
If I do I'm going to finish the game first.  I don't want to risk glitching up the game before I've finished it. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on February 13, 2009, 07:09:23 pm
I couldn't ever get into the whole pokemon craze.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on February 13, 2009, 07:55:27 pm
I find the first two and the most recent two fun but, all the ones in the middle...meh.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 13, 2009, 08:06:33 pm
Actually I find the ones in the middle the best.  At least in the main series.  (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh)  All of them were good but my two favorites were Crystal and Emerald.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shadow D. Darkman on February 13, 2009, 08:39:10 pm
IDK, Yellow and the anime intro'd me to Pikachu. Speaking of the anime, I have reason to believe it may be an offshoot of Yellow, or vice versa, and given the air date of the first ep of the anime, I'd say the latter.

Thing about my liking of Pikachu is, it wasn't Pika-popularity in the anime, or uber pwnage in Yellow that sealed the deal.

It was...


SUPER SMASH BROS. ( - take that.wav)

Uber pwnage WAS the reason, but SSB was much better than Yellow, and not just overall, but I mean, I kicked the Hands' ASSES (do they even have asses? ;) ) as Pikachu in Melee.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on February 13, 2009, 09:49:50 pm
Yeah, I found that as well, that the first 3(red, blue and yellow) and the last two(Diamond and Pearl) were the best, the rest of them are kind of lame. Probably because not many people play the ones in the middle.

When emulators and roms first came out, I had a friend that downloaded a rom and that you could use both Red and Blue version at the same time on the same screen. It was so much fun, I'd be Red and he'd be Blue and we'd race to see who could beat Brock first :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on February 13, 2009, 09:55:13 pm
you know, I've played almost every single pokemon game that has come out and while I have noticed differences in them, major differences. A majority of the game play is the same.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on February 13, 2009, 11:44:30 pm
The difference that I found were;
-different gym bosses
-different starting pokemon(except for FireRed and LeafGreen)
-roughly 50-100 added from the previous version
-Diamond & Pearl is WiFi! :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 14, 2009, 05:53:32 pm
-Diamond & Pearl is WiFi! :D
Ah, one of the few improvements besides graphics in Diamond and Pearl.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on February 14, 2009, 09:42:58 pm
They could cut it out with the insanely strong dragons by now. Also, this idea that only legendary monsters should be allowed to have alternate forms is retarded. Giratina and Shaymin are powerful enough as it is, why do this instead of giving alt. forms to Pokémon that really need them? I know Rotom has alternate forms too, but from what I've found it's already cheap from the get-go.

Another thing, D/P had almost 20 legendaries. The 'Psychic Trio' are little more than rushed designs that all look the same, with minor differences and a little plot importance. They're not needed. Also, why in hell should you be able to catch Arceus? I thought it was a 'creator' or god of some sort, and you're allowed to waltz into a fight with it and trap it in a Master Ball. I'd have preferred it to be restricted simply to a backstory role and nothing more. Or you could even fight it but capturing it is impossible. Come on, Game Freak, think instead of repeating the same formula every gen.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 14, 2009, 10:44:27 pm
Maybe when people stop buying insane amounts of the series they'll think about making a change...otherwise, I'm fairly sure it doesn't make any sense for them to...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zephira on February 14, 2009, 11:00:05 pm
Ahh, how much of my life was given to Pokemon...
Between me and my brothers, we have every single Pokemon gameboy game, except for the new Mystery Dungeon and Ranger. The only ones I really spent a lot of time on were Silver, Fire and Pearl. Fire, because I like the original pokedexes (Kanto+Johto) better than the third (Hoenn). And Pearl, because I could play with my Fire team again. And Wifi!
My only year in high school was filled with Pearl Wifi battles. No one could defeat my team of Mewtwos!

There's a new one launching in March, the Platinum version. It centers around Giratina. But really, he just looks like a giant Sir Krawlie made out of roughly hewn tin plates. The new pokemon and legendaries are ridiculous. But, I have to get it... Pokemon is a poison. I don't think these games will ever stop selling.
(Though if they want to make a really good one, they should go back to the Mewtwo/Mew/Team Rocket plots.)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 14, 2009, 11:08:38 pm
You mean they should just remake Yellow like they did with Red & Green? I always thought that (and wondered why they didn't also do Blue...)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zephira on February 14, 2009, 11:13:19 pm
A remake of Yellow would be cool, but it always bugged me that only the "cute" Pokemon would follow you around. You should be able to stomp around Saffron City with a giant Dragonite behind you! Or just drag a Wailord around. Aren't those things close to fifty feet long?

Although, Most of the Pokemon series is just a bunch of remakes. If they could revisit the characters in that region but with some new (not ridiculous) tale, that'd be a lot better.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 15, 2009, 12:41:47 am
I don't really care about remakes as long as I get one of Gold and Silver some day.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on February 15, 2009, 12:45:25 am
I don't really care about remakes as long as I get one of Gold and Silver some day.

If I'm not mistaken, there is a fan-made remake of Gold.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on February 15, 2009, 01:42:38 pm
You mean they should just remake Yellow like they did with Red & Green? I always thought that (and wondered why they didn't also do Blue...)...

GB Red Version -> GBA FireRed

GB Blue Version -> (is actually) GBA LeafGreen

By the way, what's so different about the Green version of Pokemon? You could only use Bulbasaur?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on February 15, 2009, 01:48:24 pm
I don't really care about remakes as long as I get one of Gold and Silver some day.

If I'm not mistaken, there is a fan-made remake of Gold.

Its called Shinygold and it isnt finished yet
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on February 15, 2009, 02:25:38 pm
There's a new one launching in March, the Platinum version. It centers around Giratina. But really, he just looks like a giant Sir Krawlie made out of roughly hewn tin plates. The new pokemon and legendaries are ridiculous. But, I have to get it... Pokemon is a poison. I don't think these games will ever stop selling.

Platinum's actually one hell of a revamp. It's far more enjoyable and generally made more balanced (until the Elite Four, they've become way stronger, especially Lucian), plus you can record battles and such. Don't get excited about Torn/Distortion World though, it's boring as hell and contains no random encounters.

I don't really care about remakes as long as I get one of Gold and Silver some day.

If I'm not mistaken, there is a fan-made remake of Gold.

Its called Shinygold and it isnt finished yet

It's near enough finished though, right? I have the latest version and I think it runs up to the Magnet Train section of Kanto.

By the way, what's so different about the Green version of Pokemon? You could only use Bulbasaur?

Red and Green were released in Japan, but there were a few serious glitches found (e.g. a glitch at the start of the game could lead you to the Hall of Fame and potentially anywhere you wanted). Blue was released in Japan a few months later, with improved graphics and sprites, monster location changes, and bug fixes. This is the version the US and Europe got. So, Red and Blue here are essentially Blue and the second version of the game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: The Black Wind on February 17, 2009, 06:41:57 pm
I don't really care about remakes as long as I get one of Gold and Silver some day.

That's what I thought Platinum was going to be. It would have made the most sense, but apparently it's the update to Diamond and Pearl. The fuck was the point?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 17, 2009, 07:46:58 pm
I don't really care about remakes as long as I get one of Gold and Silver some day.

That's what I thought Platinum was going to be. It would have made the most sense, but apparently it's the update to Diamond and Pearl. The fuck was the point?
Platinum is to Diamond and Pearl what Emerald was to Ruby and Sapphire or Crystal to Gold and Silver. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: TriforceofEternity on February 20, 2009, 11:13:27 pm
Replaying Chrono Trigger cause my files erased themselves and I still haven't beaten lavos before.  :(                  I was soo close.

I am at 2050AD and just got the left side of the factory complete and am now working on shutting the defense system down.   I got the hatch open too.

Chrono: LV 12:   Cyclone and Slash:

Robo: LV 11:   Laser Spin and Aurora Beam:

Marle LV 11:       Auroa Whirl and Provoke:

EXP: 3491

Next  729:  I am getting there. :picardno
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 20, 2009, 11:33:56 pm
Uh, did you mean 2300 AD?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Blackened110 on February 23, 2009, 11:10:46 pm
Hi my name is Phil, I am new here.  I need help Applying the patch to the Chrono Trigger Crimson Echoes.  I did the headered and applyed it to the orginal chrono trigger, but then it said invalad when I tried to play it.  Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on February 24, 2009, 07:43:59 pm
So I just beat Grandia after playing it for awhile. I was raving about how awesome this classic RPG was awhile back in this thread. And for the most part, it is highly enjoyable. But it definitely tapers off near the end and it makes it a real chore to finish the game.

See, for most of the game the motivations of the main characters are clear. There is a huge sense of adventure in the game, despite its 2D point-and-click world map, and the promise of new frontiers to explore beyond the horizon is the main theme that drives the game. But once you reach the intended destination that you were trying to get to for the entire game, you go "okay? What now, then?". Well, the answer to "what now?" is that the game descends into an incredibly cliched "save the world against a dark and imposing evil" plot. It is really thrown at you, it is literally almost like "Okay, and now you have to save the world by the way".

The final series of dungeons is rediculously bland and uninteresting compared to the vibrant places you explore throughout the course of the game, and it makes it worse that once you pass a certain point you can no longer visit the towns on the continent. Which is, I might add, a feature that I absolutely despise in RPG's. It makes it feel so incredibly sloppy, and evident that they ran out of room on the disc so made it impossible for you to visit the towns anymore. Lame.

The game starts off mind-numbingly slow, then picks up so much that you can't bear to put it down, and then grinds to a screeching halt near the end of the game. I would give it an 8/10. And that is being nice. If only it kept up the pace straight until the end, it maybe would have been one of the best RPG's I've ever played.

Well...what now? Maybe I'll shell out some hard earned cash and buy an X-BOX and Star Ocean 4. That is sure to be the good RPG that I so desperately want...right? I think the Chrono series has spoiled me in the RPG department.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on February 25, 2009, 01:10:20 am
There may be hope yet for the FFIV sequel to get an english release! (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on February 25, 2009, 01:26:48 am
I hope so. I want to play that one, although I must admit I didn't liked some aspects of the story.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 25, 2009, 05:55:27 am
Yeah, I had heard that and it makes sense since you know that if they don't port it over here someone will just find a way to translate & emulate it eventually.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on February 25, 2009, 02:02:44 pm
There may be hope yet for the FFIV sequel to get an english release! (

I still don't understand why they would release it on mobile phones.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on February 25, 2009, 02:09:22 pm
There may be hope yet for the FFIV sequel to get an english release! (

I still don't understand why they would release it on mobile phones.

The cell phone is a more viable platform in other countries than it is in the States.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 25, 2009, 04:39:37 pm
Yeah, pretty soon them Japanese'll be gaming on their contact lenses...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on February 25, 2009, 04:57:10 pm
There may be hope yet for the FFIV sequel to get an english release! (

I still don't understand why they would release it on mobile phones.

The cell phone is a more viable platform in other countries than it is in the States.

I've never even seen a good cellphone game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 25, 2009, 04:59:05 pm
It's kind of an odd catch-22 or something...there's no market in the states because there are no games in the states because there's no market in the states...O_o

And because the cell phone technology is only barely catching up recently...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on February 25, 2009, 05:42:20 pm
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on February 25, 2009, 08:00:02 pm
Yea, for my crappy laptop barely running it, it is fun though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on February 26, 2009, 04:34:56 am
I still don't understand why they would release it on mobile phones.

The cell phone is a more viable platform in other countries than it is in the States.

I've never even seen a good cellphone game.

What country do you live in?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on February 26, 2009, 06:00:45 pm
I'm playing Lufia II on an emulator. Has anyone thought that Lufia II was the only good game out of that series?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 26, 2009, 06:06:39 pm
What? I thought Lufia was great too...and I don't really count 1 & 2 as separate games since it's basically a direct continuation (backwards, which is neat)...and the GBA one was good too...It's just the GBC one that was awful.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on February 26, 2009, 06:58:09 pm
Oh? There's a GBA one? I guess the GBC one REALLY DID kill my love for the series... Because that one really did suck massive donkey balls.

Here I was super pumped to have a mini army of 9 characters in battles, only to find out I can only use 3 characters at a time, not 3 charcaters in a party, but 9 characters in a party where they are positioned in 3x3 and you can only use 1 per row.. And the random generated maps did not want me to play the game any longer, for me that's just laziness on the part of game developping.

I think I just gotten the 14th character and then I dropped that game like a rock and never kept track of it afterward.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 26, 2009, 10:20:12 pm
Yeah, the dungeons in that GBC one (The Legend Returns) were just brutal...The GBA one (The Ruins of Lore) was actually a "Gaiden" and was the only one not developed by Neverland (maybe they got the boot after Legend Returns?)...It takes place 20 years after Lufia 2...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on February 26, 2009, 10:33:32 pm
There were also two canceled titles.

Ruins Chaser which became The Legend Returns, and Beginning of a Legend, a prequel for Rise of the Sinistrals.

Of the four released games, I have only played RotS.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on February 26, 2009, 10:52:49 pm
I've played all four, but have only completed the first two.  I honestly just don't care for the battle system or poor translation of the one for GBC, but Ruins of Lore is pretty cool so far, I just haven't gotten around to playing it much.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 27, 2009, 01:35:33 am
I FINALLY am getting Chrono trigger DS.  I ordered it yesterday.  Don't know when it'll be here, but am looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on February 27, 2009, 02:13:49 pm
In the Lufia series, is there at any point where you meet Arek, that 5th sinistral that you see in the intro of Lufia 2?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on February 27, 2009, 02:18:18 pm
I am thinking of getting a 360 whats good? I am already look at maybe buying BioShock, Eternal Sonata, Dead Rising, or Fallout 3.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on February 27, 2009, 02:49:12 pm
How about Star Ocean 4?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zephira on February 27, 2009, 02:55:32 pm
For the 360, I'd suggest Halo 3 and Halo Wars (comes out March third), Street Fighter IV, Left 4 Dead, and Overlord. I haven't had much time to try out newer games, but those last three are the favourites floating around school.

Oh, and apparently there's a Halo side-story game coming out in fall '09, where you get to play as an ODST. I seriously need to renew my Live subscription before then.. (yes, I'm a Halo freak.)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on February 27, 2009, 03:50:53 pm
I mentioned those three games in particular because they some up my preferred gaming type. I do look forward to Star Ocean 4 and Halo wars, but I looking games that are already out. I'm a cheap bastard so I have no problems with used games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zephira on February 27, 2009, 03:57:45 pm
Overlord's been out pretty much as long as the 360 has. I think it was one of the launching titles.
Gears of War and Gears of War 2 are shooters with pretty interesting storylines, but some of the game mechanics are hard to get used to.
Oh, and avoid Assassin's Creed. It's pretty, it's entertaining for the first few kills, but that's about it. They drag the story out so much that you want to keep playing just to see what happens, but the missions are all tedious and repetitive.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 27, 2009, 06:01:01 pm
In the Lufia series, is there at any point where you meet Arek, that 5th sinistral that you see in the intro of Lufia 2?

I don't really remember...It's been a while since I played 1 or 2...I didn't get through all of Ruins of Lore (much less Legend Returns)...

Gears of War and Gears of War 2 are shooters with pretty interesting storylines, but some of the game mechanics are hard to get used to.

I don't remember anything hard about GoW (I only played the first one)...Online got kind of boring after a short time though I recall...From what I've heard about the 2nd one though, they've fixed some of it (but I'd still probably stick with Unreal Tournament, myself :lol:)...

I think I'd suggest Fallout 3 & Oblivion if your PC can't handle 'em...*shrugs*
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on February 27, 2009, 07:53:25 pm
Star Ocean 4 is supposed to be a prequel right? Gosh I'm tired of prequels after #3 in series... Just like Suikoden, f**k they can't make a sequel after #3? I liked Suikoden 4 a lot even though it was 150 years before Suikoden 1, but when Suikoden 5 came out, I was so disappointed when I found out it was 6-8 years before Suikoden 1... *grumble* Enough with the prequels dammit! *sigh*
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on February 27, 2009, 08:41:12 pm
Orange Box is awesomely awesome, and even better with internet.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 27, 2009, 09:29:12 pm
Star Ocean 4 is supposed to be a prequel right? Gosh I'm tired of prequels after #3 in series... Just like Suikoden, f**k they can't make a sequel after #3? I liked Suikoden 4 a lot even though it was 150 years before Suikoden 1, but when Suikoden 5 came out, I was so disappointed when I found out it was 6-8 years before Suikoden 1... *grumble* Enough with the prequels dammit! *sigh*

I'm not entirely sure on the story for SO4...I've heard prequel, but after the events of SO3, I think it might just seem like a prequel because they basically restarted the universe, right?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on February 27, 2009, 10:33:23 pm
No, it is literally a prequel to SO1. It takes place before the events of SO1, when mankind first sets out into space.

And after the SO3, they didn't restart the universe so much as "reboot" it. Everything was exactly the same, but they were cut off from 4D space.

I actually liked the story and setting of SO3 a lot, unlike most people. But SO4 is looking to be pretty impressive. I'm excited about the story returning to Roak, and about the ability to actually travel between worlds at will on your ship. I'm hoping it will feel a little less linear.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Fireseal on February 28, 2009, 12:40:40 am
You'll be able to go to Roak? I thought it was that the setting was that you'd be thrown back in time survive the trials leading up to the landing on Fargett?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on February 28, 2009, 07:28:46 am
I am thinking of getting a 360 whats good? I am already look at maybe buying BioShock, Eternal Sonata, Dead Rising, or Fallout 3.
Fallout 3 is pretty addictive.  Also Oblivion if you like that style of RPG.  Blue Dragon is excellent, as is Lost Odyssey for the RPG fare.  Also, though it had mixed reviews, I loved Enchanted Arms.

Tales of Vesperia is good, although I'm not too far into it, so I can't say anything for the story.  The gameplay is very reminiscent of the others in the series.

The Force Unleashed is, IMHO, the best post-SNES Star Wars game I've played so far.

Soul Calibur IV is another from my library that I enjoy.

Fable II is...  Good, but short and easy.  The final level left too much to be desired.  (Still have yet to play the expansion)

GTAIV is another one I have mixed feelings for.  It's good, it's fun, but it grows old fast for me.  Gameplay is better than Vice City and San Andreas, story is weaker though.

There's also a few guilty pleasures to be found, like the Dead or Alive series, and one fun gem in my collection, Conan.  A good R-rated hack and slash game similar to God of War and the like.  A good game to satisfy a thirst for blood, tits and violence.

For shooters, Halo 3, Gears of War 1 and 2 (Especially fun with 2 players), Army of Two, Dead Space, F.E.A.R series, etc.  So many to choose from if that's your thing.

I do want to try Eternal Sonata myself.  Played the demo, and the battle system seems okay.  Can anyone here vouch for that game?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on March 04, 2009, 01:27:02 am
The Miles Edgeworth game Gyakuten Kenji has a playable demo, check it out on the official site:

Yeeees I know it's only in Japanese so far, for the impatient here's a fan translation from the lovely people at Court Records:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on March 04, 2009, 02:04:33 am
The Miles Edgeworth game Gyakuten Kenji has a playable demo, check it out on the official site:

Yeeees I know it's only in Japanese so far, for the impatient here's a fan translation from the lovely people at Court Records:


Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 04, 2009, 12:54:09 pm
I didn't really dig on Edgeworth as much as it seems other people did...Gumshoe was okay, but I think Trials & Tribulations more made me want a Mia (still haven't really done any investigating with her) prequel game, though perhaps it would just be unnecessary since that whole Fey saga got played out in the end of Phoenix Wrights...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on March 04, 2009, 06:26:35 pm
I'm really looking forward to the English release, but I really wish they were doing more with court.  I mean this would be the first time when you get to lock people up.  Heh heh heh.  *Sigh*
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on March 04, 2009, 07:17:35 pm
Well, GS5's still in development and GK's nearly done so expect new court battles soon.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on March 05, 2009, 01:22:52 am
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on March 05, 2009, 01:27:20 am
Japanese title, Ace Attorney 5.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 05, 2009, 10:57:51 am
I am thinking of getting a 360 whats good? I am already look at maybe buying BioShock, Eternal Sonata, Dead Rising, or Fallout 3.
Fallout 3 is pretty addictive.  Also Oblivion if you like that style of RPG.  Blue Dragon is excellent, as is Lost Odyssey for the RPG fare.  Also, though it had mixed reviews, I loved Enchanted Arms.

Tales of Vesperia is good, although I'm not too far into it, so I can't say anything for the story.  The gameplay is very reminiscent of the others in the series.

The Force Unleashed is, IMHO, the best post-SNES Star Wars game I've played so far.

Soul Calibur IV is another from my library that I enjoy.

Fable II is...  Good, but short and easy.  The final level left too much to be desired.  (Still have yet to play the expansion)

GTAIV is another one I have mixed feelings for.  It's good, it's fun, but it grows old fast for me.  Gameplay is better than Vice City and San Andreas, story is weaker though.

There's also a few guilty pleasures to be found, like the Dead or Alive series, and one fun gem in my collection, Conan.  A good R-rated hack and slash game similar to God of War and the like.  A good game to satisfy a thirst for blood, tits and violence.

For shooters, Halo 3, Gears of War 1 and 2 (Especially fun with 2 players), Army of Two, Dead Space, F.E.A.R series, etc.  So many to choose from if that's your thing.

I do want to try Eternal Sonata myself.  Played the demo, and the battle system seems okay.  Can anyone here vouch for that game?

Don't waste your time with the Fable 2 dlc. Unless you still play it hardcore for some reason. The new content can be completed in a little over an hour. The only thing nice is the new armors. Also great game list, besides Army of Two :P.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 05, 2009, 11:37:41 am
Just started playing Megaman 9 a few days ago, and all I can say is.

Wow.  Capcom really made a jump to the realm of nostalgia there, and pulled off a surprisingly fun game.

Just one more robot master until Wily's lair for me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on March 05, 2009, 01:01:02 pm
Mega man 9 is probably going to be one of the first things I get on Wii ware if I ever get a Wii.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on March 05, 2009, 07:48:55 pm
I can't wait til Elder Scrolls 5.

I bet placidchap can, though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 05, 2009, 08:34:08 pm
Mega man 9 is probably going to be one of the first things I get on Wii ware if I ever get a Wii.

Get a 360.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on March 05, 2009, 09:01:56 pm
Mega man 9 is probably going to be one of the first things I get on Wii ware if I ever get a Wii.

Get a 360.
Don't want one.  At least I'd much rather have a Wii or PS3.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on March 05, 2009, 09:06:56 pm
Why do you not want one? I want all three, I just can't get them.

Currently I think 360 is the best choice then Wii, and PS3 is a distant last. I like the stay generation behind though, $5-20 Xbox and Gamecube games are awesome!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 06, 2009, 12:15:30 am
I can't wait til Elder Scrolls 5.
Have there even been any announcements about it yet?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on March 06, 2009, 12:59:21 am
Not anything past the fact that they are working on one.  Seeing as how Bethesda copyrighted the term "Skyrim", it may end up taking place there.

Outside of that, nothing.  Not even a formal announcement.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 06, 2009, 02:07:58 am
Not anything past the fact that they are working on one.  Seeing as how Bethesda copyrighted the term "Skyrim", it may end up taking place there.

Outside of that, nothing.  Not even a formal announcement.
So if that's the case we can expect a lot of Nords in the next one eh?

I once entertained the idea of an Elder Scrolls MMO, but there'd be so much game mechanics that would need to be changed for that to happen.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on March 07, 2009, 01:17:45 pm
I am wondering if it isn't headed to that direction... One of the biggest complaints is that there are no online abilities with the game...

I pray that they keep it a single player experience.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on March 07, 2009, 01:26:43 pm


Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 07, 2009, 04:30:50 pm
Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress 2, and Halo 3 is all I need.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 07, 2009, 11:56:50 pm
Is Henry Hatsworth a sequel or a rip-off of Professor Layton (since it says EA in the corner, I'm going to guess the latter)?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on March 08, 2009, 12:10:06 am
A new Elder Scrolls would be sweeeet!  I only played Morrowind and Oblivion and loved them both, though I can admit mods made Oblivion so much better and I can hardly play it without them now.  I've heard rumors of Skyrim being the place, though I am in the camp that would like to see multiple regions in a single game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on March 08, 2009, 01:48:35 am
I just borrowed .Hack//GU 1, 2 and 3... Are they good? Decent? Terrible? I'm not really expecting to get any replies, but they would be nice, please...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 08, 2009, 03:33:05 am
I just borrowed .Hack//GU 1, 2 and 3... Are they good? Decent? Terrible? I'm not really expecting to get any replies, but they would be nice, please...
I played through the original .hack games completely.  They were decent.  The story and characters were excellent, though the gameplay was repetative and broken in a few areas.

I expect GU would carry on that quality, hopefully improving on the repetative nature of the first series.  Though by the time they came out, I'd lost most of my fascination for the series and didn't pick it up.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on March 08, 2009, 05:54:36 am
I just borrowed .Hack//GU 1, 2 and 3... Are they good? Decent? Terrible? I'm not really expecting to get any replies, but they would be nice, please...

They are great games , probably one of my favourites the character designs are nice and the music even better .
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on March 08, 2009, 06:05:09 am
Is Henry Hatsworth a sequel or a rip-off of Professor Layton (since it says EA in the corner, I'm going to guess the latter)?

It's actually a side-scroller/puzzle game hybrid.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: teaflower on March 08, 2009, 12:07:34 pm
I just borrowed .Hack//GU 1, 2 and 3... Are they good? Decent? Terrible? I'm not really expecting to get any replies, but they would be nice, please...
I've only played .hack//INFECTION. Great game, if you ask me. Hurts your head a bit, though. I mean, come on! It's a game about hacking a game!

Almost as freaky as .hack//SIGN. That's just messed up.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on March 08, 2009, 02:31:19 pm
I've also had Star Ocean 3 for a while, and started it yesterday... Finally, a main character I can sympathise with... All he wants to do is play video games but his girlfriend won't let him!!!!

And thanks for the replies, everyone.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 09, 2009, 07:09:25 am
I just borrowed .Hack//GU 1, 2 and 3... Are they good? Decent? Terrible? I'm not really expecting to get any replies, but they would be nice, please...
I've only played .hack//INFECTION. Great game, if you ask me. Hurts your head a bit, though. I mean, come on! It's a game about hacking a game!

Almost as freaky as .hack//SIGN. That's just messed up.
I actually enjoyed that anime, although it was a very surreal experience at certain points in the plot, and understanding the backstory behind the games and such helps loads.  Wonderful soundtrack to that one.

Anyways, I've just picked up an interesting gem from XBox Live Arcade.

Triggerheart Exelica.

Premise of this game.  Cute anime girls fitted with flying robot suits blow the shit outta enemy armies!

Sounds simple right?  At a first glance, it is.  Then it quickly transforms from being a simple scrolling shooter to an intricate dance with a couple thousand bullets at a time, setting this game into a subgenre that some like to fittingly dub "The Bullet-Hell".

Bottom line, this game is freaking fun.  If you're looking for a great modern day top scroller shooter, (or if you really like anime robot girls  :oops:) this is definitely one to look into.  Seems daunting at first but once you get the flow of the game down it's pretty intense.  Plus it's only about 10 bucks  :D

On top of that, I can't think of any other shooter where you can actually throw your enemies.  The game has an anchor line attack that allows you to concentrate fire on ground or boss targets, or actually grab and sling enemy ships, turning them into projectiles.  So much fun.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on March 09, 2009, 08:41:48 am
I can't wait til Elder Scrolls 5.

I bet placidchap can, though.

Haha, yea I can wait...forever.  OHHH how they raped Fallout!>>!>1!!!!!  Not to say I didn' t play Morrowind or Oblivion, mind you...but they were both an empty and forgettable experience.  Their game making is the equivalent of Chinese food.  OHHH, How I loathe that company and their douchery.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 10, 2009, 04:12:19 am
I can't wait til Elder Scrolls 5.

I bet placidchap can, though.

Haha, yea I can wait...forever.  OHHH how they raped Fallout!>>!>1!!!!!  Not to say I didn' t play Morrowind or Oblivion, mind you...but they were both an empty and forgettable experience.  Their game making is the equivalent of Chinese food.  OHHH, How I loathe that company and their douchery.

I thought it was great, and I don't know any reviewer that gave it lower than a 9.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on March 10, 2009, 08:25:37 am
I thought it was great

Of course you like it, it was made for you and gamers like you.

I don't know any reviewer that gave it lower than a 9.

It's called hype.  And its also called "I want to keep being friends with big company." 
And there are reviews out there that did give it less than a 9.

They really should have made their own post apoc. IP.  They did not do the series justice.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on March 10, 2009, 02:46:46 pm
I Really liked Fallout 3, but I loved Fallout 1/2. Game play mechanics I can easily adapt to, they didn't hurt the game in any way I felt. Now the only draw back was a significant one: Humor. Fallout 3 did have its moments but it over all was lacking very much. The atmosphere, design, feel was quite accurate.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 10, 2009, 05:24:43 pm
They really should have made their own post apoc. IP.  They did not do the series justice.
They did the series fine.  Clean off those nostalgia goggles once in a while.
It's called hype.
I had zero hype going into this game.  My brother wanted it for Christmas, I got it for him.  A month or two later I asked him how it was.  He described the gameplay mechanics and such to me and I thought it was something that I could get into.  Two weeks ago I found out he was right.

I was so hyped for this game as you can see I tell you. :picardno
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on March 10, 2009, 08:58:14 pm
Actually when playing the game I, and my friends as well, thought that it would have been better if they made it there own instead of part of the Fallout series. It didn't rape the IP but I wouldn't say it did justice either.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on March 11, 2009, 12:03:12 am
I've also had Star Ocean 3 for a while, and started it yesterday... Finally, a main character I can sympathise with... All he wants to do is play video games but his girlfriend won't let him!!!!

I also could sympathize with Fayt a lot, but not for those reasons. I think that's one of the reasons I like SO3 so much. I hate it in RPGs when a main character is too heroic to where I am left thinking "now there's no way in hell I would have made that decision".

There aren't really any spoilers here but:

Fayt's decisions throughout SO3 (for the most part) make sense. He's just a kid trying to survive after being thrown into a world where the level of technology is over a thousand years before his own. He makes moral choices but they aren't overly heroic and they make sense from the viewpoint of a scared kid. Finally, through constantly being forced to fight to protect his friends or die he reaches the larger moral choice of actually being concerned about the welfare of the people living in the world he is stuck on. That makes sense too.
It doesn't go directly to - "fuck yeah I've got a big sword now let's save the world!". That's what I find so endearing about the Star Ocean series. I'm hoping Star Ocean 4 follows suit. I can't wait to play it.

And thanks for the replies, everyone.

You're welcome.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on March 11, 2009, 08:24:40 am
They really should have made their own post apoc. IP.  They did not do the series justice.
They did the series fine.  Clean off those nostalgia goggles once in a while.

Did you ever play the original two games?  All the way through?  And you say that Fallout 3 is in the same class as either 1 or 2?

I am open to change, no need to clean off any goggles.  They just did not do the series justice.  They fucked it, period.  They don't have the creative skills to come up with a good Fallout game.  They turned it into an action based wandering game, for those who like Halo, Gears of War and Left 4 Dead or their Elder Scrolls games, not for those who like the Fallout series.  I don't have a problem with those action/FPS games or gamers, except when they encroach upon an already existing franchise that has nothing to do with them and then go convert the bloody thing into one of their breed.  Fucking make your own or buy one that is already that kind of game.

As for hype...I was talking about the reviewers and so was Jutty, not Joe Blow off the street, so I don't see where you are going with that.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on March 11, 2009, 01:26:56 pm
Okay recently I got a DS flash card(yes a legal one) And got the PC version of Sonic Mega collection on it.  I have to say, Ristar is awesome.  It doesn't look like it would be that fun yet somehow it is.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on March 11, 2009, 02:34:36 pm
Okay recently I got a DS flash card(yes a legal one) And got the PC version of Sonic Mega collection on it.  I have to say, Ristar is awesome.  It doesn't look like it would be that fun yet somehow it is.

The flashcard itself isn't the ethically (and at times, legally) problematic component. Did you purchase your copy of the Sonic Mega collection? If not, the legality of your flashcard does not absolve you of having used it for piracy.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 11, 2009, 03:42:20 pm
They really should have made their own post apoc. IP.  They did not do the series justice.
They did the series fine.  Clean off those nostalgia goggles once in a while.

Did you ever play the original two games?  All the way through?  And you say that Fallout 3 is in the same class as either 1 or 2?

I am open to change, no need to clean off any goggles.  They just did not do the series justice.  They fucked it, period.  They don't have the creative skills to come up with a good Fallout game.  They turned it into an action based wandering game, for those who like Halo, Gears of War and Left 4 Dead or their Elder Scrolls games, not for those who like the Fallout series.  I don't have a problem with those action/FPS games or gamers, except when they encroach upon an already existing franchise that has nothing to do with them and then go convert the bloody thing into one of their breed.  Fucking make your own or buy one that is already that kind of game.

As for hype...I was talking about the reviewers and so was Jutty, not Joe Blow off the street, so I don't see where you are going with that.

I have played Fallout 2 and loved it. I know this game isn't directly true to that, but it's still a fine game. If it wasn't for Bethesda their wouldn't be a Fallout franchise anymore. It's not an action game it's still an rpg, but I can see how it could be a letdown for someone expecting the traditional atmosphere, but Bethesda never promoted it like that it was widely known that it was going to play like the Elder Scrolls series. Anyway Dragon Age Origins is coming soon you should keep any eye out for it. I can't wait for it personally.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on March 11, 2009, 04:34:52 pm
I'd prefer that Fallout remained in the grave to be honest.  They created what they do best; a light on story (minimal and/or poorly written), FPS action/adventure game with RPG elements.  A game with those features is not inherently bad (considered I played the two previous Elder Scrolls for a couple weeks before stopping cold turkey), but when they are applied to a franchise that is none of those things, you end up with pissed off fans of the original IP. 

This question is open to anyone:  What if the Chrono series was bought by a company (such as Beth) and turned it into a first person, adventure-wandering game with RPG elements and a weak story that does not come close to the original two games?  Would you be pissed or would you welcome it with open arms, saying "Thank God someone finally made another one."  Or would you rather that company make their own time travelling, dimension crossing series?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on March 11, 2009, 05:34:27 pm
Okay recently I got a DS flash card(yes a legal one) And got the PC version of Sonic Mega collection on it.  I have to say, Ristar is awesome.  It doesn't look like it would be that fun yet somehow it is.

The flashcard itself isn't the ethically (and at times, legally) problematic component. Did you purchase your copy of the Sonic Mega collection? If not, the legality of your flashcard does not absolve you of having used it for piracy.
Yes we bought both of them.  The only stuff I've downloaded is home brew stuff.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on March 11, 2009, 11:42:43 pm
This question is open to anyone:  What if the Chrono series was bought by a company (such as Beth) and turned it into a first person, adventure-wandering game with RPG elements and a weak story that does not come close to the original two games?  Would you be pissed or would you welcome it with open arms, saying "Thank God someone finally made another one."  Or would you rather that company make their own time travelling, dimension crossing series?

I would get the game and try it out to see if its any good, regardless how different it is.If its not any good then damn the sucks at least I have the others, if it is good the AWESOME new chrono game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on March 12, 2009, 12:00:20 am
This question is open to anyone:  What if the Chrono series was bought by a company (such as Beth) and turned it into a first person, adventure-wandering game with RPG elements and a weak story that does not come close to the original two games?  Would you be pissed or would you welcome it with open arms, saying "Thank God someone finally made another one."  Or would you rather that company make their own time travelling, dimension crossing series?

I would try it, regardless of difference. Maybe it's not the same case, but is similar in asking 'Would you play RD even if it's not the same like CT?'. It would still be a Chrono game, and deserves a chance like the rest.

But if it turns out bad, then it depends, if it doesn't keep up with the other ones, then I say it would have turned better to have not been a Chrono game. If it was for another reason, then I still have Trigger and Cross to play. But if it ends up good, then good, the company should try to make even another one.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on March 12, 2009, 09:20:41 am
I would try it, regardless of difference. Maybe it's not the same case, but is similar in asking 'Would you play RD even if it's not the same like CT?'. It would still be a Chrono game, and deserves a chance like the rest.

RD is not considered part of the core series though, it was more of a "gaiden".  So maybe I should modify the question "and the direct sequel to Cross and Trigger".  Offshoots of the main series can be wild and different...FF: Dirge of Cerebus was fine as a gaiden FFVII, but if they marketed that game as a direct sequel to FVII, or not even a "direct" sequel but a sequel nonetheless, I am sure it would be a huge disappointment (more so than that game already was). 

To give another hypothetical example:  Blizzard is currently making Diablo 3.  Assume that Blizzard went in a completely different direction with it and as it turns out, the game "Hellgate:London" is what Diablo 3 turns out to be(so the assumption there is that Diablo 3 already came out as the current Hellgate:London).  How do you think fans of the original 2 games would feel?  If Blizzard made a gaiden Diablo that was like Hellgate, say Diablo: Hellgate, then that game would be taken in its own right and probably not compared (as much) to the original 2  games).

Or even: if id software made Doom 3 like what the upcoming Diablo 3 (point and click 3rd person view) of the original 2 games would be like "wtf did you do??"  But again, if they made "Doom: Point-n-Click Action Fest", it would be taken as its own game. 

The problem with my hypothetical is that id software made the first 2 Dooms and Blizzard made the first 2 Diablos...but Bethesda did not make the first 2 it isn't exactly a fair comparison but hopefully it gets the point across.  Once you toss that number after the game, it is compared to the ones that came before, not gaiden games in that series.  Hopefully that gives an idea of where I am coming from.  I am not against change or new ways of doing things, but if a developer is going to touch an already existing series, one where the original games were good/great, they better be fucking careful with what they do.  Beth was not, in my opinion anyway.  The masses think otherwise. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on March 12, 2009, 10:42:04 am
Well, I can't say about those other games since I don't know them.

But I do see the point.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on March 12, 2009, 01:08:52 pm
In CT, were the Golem sisters that hard in the PS1 and SNES versions?  I'm up to them on CTDS and I don't have any memory of them being anywhere near this hard.  Either my characters are weaker or I just don't remember them.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 12, 2009, 08:15:37 pm
I would try it, regardless of difference. Maybe it's not the same case, but is similar in asking 'Would you play RD even if it's not the same like CT?'. It would still be a Chrono game, and deserves a chance like the rest.

RD is not considered part of the core series though, it was more of a "gaiden".  So maybe I should modify the question "and the direct sequel to Cross and Trigger".  Offshoots of the main series can be wild and different...FF: Dirge of Cerebus was fine as a gaiden FFVII, but if they marketed that game as a direct sequel to FVII, or not even a "direct" sequel but a sequel nonetheless, I am sure it would be a huge disappointment (more so than that game already was). 

To give another hypothetical example:  Blizzard is currently making Diablo 3.  Assume that Blizzard went in a completely different direction with it and as it turns out, the game "Hellgate:London" is what Diablo 3 turns out to be(so the assumption there is that Diablo 3 already came out as the current Hellgate:London).  How do you think fans of the original 2 games would feel?  If Blizzard made a gaiden Diablo that was like Hellgate, say Diablo: Hellgate, then that game would be taken in its own right and probably not compared (as much) to the original 2  games).

Or even: if id software made Doom 3 like what the upcoming Diablo 3 (point and click 3rd person view) of the original 2 games would be like "wtf did you do??"  But again, if they made "Doom: Point-n-Click Action Fest", it would be taken as its own game. 

The problem with my hypothetical is that id software made the first 2 Dooms and Blizzard made the first 2 Diablos...but Bethesda did not make the first 2 it isn't exactly a fair comparison but hopefully it gets the point across.  Once you toss that number after the game, it is compared to the ones that came before, not gaiden games in that series.  Hopefully that gives an idea of where I am coming from.  I am not against change or new ways of doing things, but if a developer is going to touch an already existing series, one where the original games were good/great, they better be fucking careful with what they do.  Beth was not, in my opinion anyway.  The masses think otherwise. 

What exactly did they do that ruined the game? Have you even played it and if so how far in?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 12, 2009, 08:23:54 pm
What exactly did they do that ruined the game? Have you even played it and if so how far in?
They changed it from overhead to 1st person.  That was the major kick to his balls.  Nevermind how many other aspects and conditions between the games remained unchanged, the fact that it's a 3-D 1st person console game instead of an overhead PC/Mac game means they raped and mutilated the dead series that hadn't seen a new title in over decade.

Also, comparing what happened to SquareEnix selling the rights to the Chrono series is completely different.  Interplay/Black Isle Studios hadn't made a new game since '04.  SE is still making games.  Until SE no longer does any work I expect them to be the ones to carry on their series, but if they went bankrupt and disbanded, having another company take over a series would be better than it dying completely.

The way you're reacting is the same as people hating on Chrono Cross.  "It's different, it's changing the feel and play of the first game, BAWWWW I hate it without playing it all the way through!"  If anything you should be happy this third game is reaching console audiences instead of just the computer gaming crowd, and might lead more people to play the original two games in the series.

While I agree the storyline is rather weak, the gameplay aspect of it is fun.  If you hate the weak storyline, that's your vice.  Write to Bethesda and suggest they tune that aspect of the game up should a Fallout 4 ever be on the menu, or just completely ignore all that follows in the series, like Chrono Trigger fanboys tend to do when it comes to Chrono Cross.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on March 13, 2009, 02:22:03 am
What exactly did they do that ruined the game? Have you even played it and if so how far in?
They changed it from overhead to 1st person.  That was the major kick to his balls.  Nevermind how many other aspects and conditions between the games remained unchanged, the fact that it's a 3-D 1st person console game instead of an overhead PC/Mac game means they raped and mutilated the dead series that hadn't seen a new title in over decade.

They changed the camera angle and added support for additional platforms (there is a PC version of Fallout 3) and that "raped and mutilated the dead series"?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on March 13, 2009, 09:55:02 am
He is assuming that I am getting my panties in a bunch 'just' because the view went from isometric to first person and that it was not a PC exclusive.  He is wrong.

I am pissed because they turned an intricate and intelligent RPG into a medicore FPS/RPG (emphasis on the BOLD words, just in case you missed it, Fou).  Contrary to what you assume, I do think that Fallout could be properly adapted to the first person view and being a console game has little to do with anything (sure they have a reputation for being 'watered down' but it doesn't have to be so).  But Bethesda is not the company to do it.  They make pretty games not intelligent games.  They stripped out most everything and left the combat as the main focus of the game.  Sure they may have kept dialog trees (with dick all for meaningful consequences), SPECIAL, skills, perks, the BoS and Enclave, Vaults and Nuka Cola but it feels like they kept everything in name (so they can say it is Fallout) but missed the mark when it came to the spirit of the game.  It is equivalent to your typical model.  Pretty but dumb as fuck.

It doesn't sound like you played the originals or at least you don't appreciate them.

And I know that my example was not solid, I said so myself, but it was and still is sufficient to get my point across.  Just try to give it two seconds of thought next time and try to imagine that scenario instead of blowing it off because you think I am some cry baby fanboy who can't take it because it is not isometric. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 13, 2009, 10:26:23 am
He is assuming that I am getting my panties in a bunch 'just' because the view went from isometric to first person and that it was not a PC exclusive.  He is wrong.

I am pissed because they turned an intricate and intelligent RPG into a medicore FPS/RPG (emphasis on the BOLD words, just in case you missed it, Fou).
Thanks.  I have such a hard time reading words in regular fonts.

Honestly, you come across as a typical fanboy who was disappointed before you even had a chance to be let down.  As soon as you saw the name Bethesda, you knew what you were going to say about this game, because you knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that the resulting product would be below your well established standards on what a game with the name Fallout should be.

Just out of curiosity, have you played Fallout 3 at all even?  Gotten through the main story questline?  Completed any of the side quests?  Even gotten out of the vault yet?  If you have your complaints will hold a bit more validity, but if not it just hammers in the point that you came into this game with harsh judgements from the start.

Thanks for not calling me an idiot by the way.

It doesn't sound like you played the originals or at least you don't appreciate them.

Oh you got me.  I hadn't played the original Fallout games.  I hadn't even heard of the damn things before 3, because Interplay's advertising is about as compotent as a two year old working a job in rocket science.  I'd heard of Blizzard's similar RPG-fare like Diablo, and even heard of less popular games (Apparently) like Septerra Core, but the Fallout series was dust in the wind before the 360 sequel.

Not to say that they're bad games or anything.  I watched a few playthrough videos and they certainly look like something I'd check out, if not a bit dated.  But when you get down to it, the only reason you hate this game so adamantly is because of your mindset from playing the first two.

I'm sorry to beat a dead horse, but that's nothing but nostalgia.  You wanted Fallout 2 - Part 2, not Fallout 3.  You didn't want a first person shooter with RPG elements, you wanted an RPG with gun elements.

I don't know why you seem to be so hung up on something done wrong.  You bold the words intricate and intelligent.  Was 3 too easy?  Was it too much geared towards a crowd of gamers who like to jump into a game and not be bombarded with complex battles that require deep thinking and in depth strategies else you discover a game over screen right off the bat?

Whatever your feelings are, you're entitled to them.  Just don't expect to be able to spit on an entire company without somebody raising an eyebrow to your actions.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on March 13, 2009, 12:14:21 pm
Quote from: FouCapitan
Honestly, you come across as a typical fanboy who was disappointed before you even had a chance to be let down.  As soon as you saw the name Bethesda, you knew what you were going to say about this game, because you knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that the resulting product would be below your well established standards on what a game with the name Fallout should be.

As soon as I heard about the direction they were going to take it, I was sceptical and I was pissed.  I don’t hate Bethesda just for the sake of it; I have played Morrowind and Oblivion and those games are OK for what they are.  But in no way should Fallout be like Oblivion.  They are just not the same kind of game.  Or at least they weren’t.  They are now.  And yes, the resulting product is below the established standards of Fallout 1 and 2.  But it wasn’t an instantaneous conclusion.  I held out on judgement for a while longer than most of the more ‘rabid’ folk of the Fallout community, but in the end, it is not the game I was hoping for.

Quote from: FouCapitan
Oh you got me.  I hadn't played the original Fallout games.  I hadn't even heard of the damn things before 3, because Interplay's advertising is about as compotent as a two year old working a job in rocket science.  I'd heard of Blizzard's similar RPG-fare like Diablo, and even heard of less popular games (Apparently) like Septerra Core, but the Fallout series was dust in the wind before the 360 sequel.

Was that sarcastic or did you really not know of the original games?  It is true that they were not very well advertised…even I randomly came across Fallout 1 when I went to the store looking for a game to buy, way back in ’97.  I didn’t see it on TV or hear about it anywhere…just by chance but that shouldn’t be held against anyone.  Some of the best products are the ones that don’t need to be advertised. 
Septerra Core is a game I have been wanting to play for a while actually…have you played that one?

Quote from: FouCapitan
Not to say that they're bad games or anything.  I watched a few playthrough videos and they certainly look like something I'd check out, if not a bit dated.

They certainly are dated…they came out about 12-13 years ago!  But they are still great!  The same way Chrono Trigger and Cross are.  I’d also like to say that since you didn’t play the originals, you have hold just as much water in this argument as I do...

Quote from: FouCapitan
Just out of curiosity, have you played Fallout 3 at all even?  Gotten through the main story questline?  Completed any of the side quests?  Even gotten out of the vault yet?  If you have your complaints will hold a bit more validity, but if not it just hammers in the point that you came into this game with harsh judgements from the start.

Whoops.  I’ve played Fallout 3 as you have played Fallout 1 and 2.  I will, mind you...once I finish FFXII and some decent game altering mods come out...which I guess is the bright side of things...there is a chance that some more meaningful substance will be added to the game.  I'll never play a vanilla FO# though.  So yes, I came to the table with harsh but not unreasonable judgements.

Quote from: FouCapitan
But when you get down to it, the only reason you hate this game so adamantly is because of your mindset from playing the first two.

True, but how is that any different than how most people react?  People become attached to the first version of a TV show, movie, game etc (assuming it is good) that they see and they compare past and future versions to the one they saw first.  If I never played the originals, I may be liking Fallout 3 right now.  And if you played the originals, especially back when they came out, you might be singing a different tune yourself.   We are at different starting points.  I started with Fallout in ’97 and I thoroughly enjoyed (and still do) the games, so much that they are among my favourite games of all time.  I will naturally compare any future iteration to my beloved originals.  Fallout: Tactics, lacked the feel of the originals…but hey it is a “tactics” game and as such it is OK (certainly not a favourite though)...if they labelled that one as Fallout 3 back in 2001, well I’d have less nice things to say.  Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel…never played it, don’t think I need to play to know that it is a crap Fallout game, again easily ignored because it wasn’t trying to be a continuation of the core series.  Fallout 3, again I compare it to the originals.  Obviously Fallout 3 reigns supreme in graphical detail and environment.  But it is missing the intricate dialogue options, meaningful choice and consequence, interesting plot and quests (for the most part).  Instead they chose to focus on graphics, explosions, blood, gore, guns (portable nuke launcher...seriously?) and combat in general. 

Quote from: FouCapitan
I'm sorry to beat a dead horse, but that's nothing but nostalgia.  You wanted Fallout 2 - Part 2, not Fallout 3.  You didn't want a first person shooter with RPG elements, you wanted an RPG with gun elements.

No.  I wanted Fallout 3 – Van Buren not Fallout 2 part 2.  And yes, I wanted an RPG because that is what Fallout is [was], not a FPS w/ RPG elements.  If you really didn’t know about Fallout 1 or 2, you  may not know of the original Fallout 3 that unfortunately got canned because Interplay went bankrupt.  That is the game I was hoping for and to add insult to injury, the damn game was almost done.  A new Fallout game that was true to the originals but updated with newer technology (a natural evolution with games).  I wasn’t hoping for Fallout 2 part 2 with Van Buren.  I wanted a new Fallout game that was true to the originals and that is what the original Fallout 3 was going to be.

Quote from: FouCapitan
I don't know why you seem to be so hung up on something done wrong.  You bold the words intricate and intelligent.  Was 3 too easy?  Was it too much geared towards a crowd of gamers who like to jump into a game and not be bombarded with complex battles that require deep thinking and in depth strategies else you discover a game over screen right off the bat?

See there is a slight error in how you think of the Fallout series.  Yes it has been geared towards a crowd of gamers who like to “jump right in” but Fallout wasn’t about complex battles that kill you off in a matter of seconds.  Most of the battles were not complex and hell, it didn’t even have to be about combat.  What was “complex” (at least by today’s standards) was managing and fore-planning of stats, skills, traits and perks and how you use those in the game.  Those defined what character you played and thus how you played.  Perks you only gained every 3 levels (so choose wisely).  Traits gave you a positive and a negative effect and couldn’t be changed except once through one perk. (e.g. Finesse Trait: “Your attacks show a lot of finesse. You don't do as much damage but you cause more critical hits.”).  Stat and skill checks also played a more important role in the originals (but I know they are still present in FO3) Beth chose to give a perk every time someone levelled up and chose to eliminate traits altogether (or at least roll them into perks and take out the bad part) (e.g Finesse Perk: you have a higher chance to score a critical hit on an opponent in combat, equivalent to 5 extra points of Luck.)  They also gave less importance to the SPECIAL stats, as you can more readily boost them throughout the game, whereas in the original, you were pretty much stuck with what you picked in the beginning, save a few +1 items along the way and the power armour (both mid/late in the game).  So yes, they did gear it more towards the casual gamer as it is more flexible/less rigid but that isn’t where my argument lies. The originals had multiple dialogue paths and meaningful and usually permanent results to different paths.  Beth has different dialogue options as well, but they basically lead to the same outcome.  And even worse, negative outcomes don’t always stick!  You just leave and return and hostiles become friendly!!! Are you kidding me?  This is where my panties are bunched, the lack of meaningful choices and consequences.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on March 13, 2009, 02:31:09 pm
FouCapitan I would say you should play Fallout 1/2 before making any calls. placidchap doesn't have nostalgia glasses, they really are great games, and make Fallout 3 look it butchered there series in comparison.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 13, 2009, 03:31:55 pm
True, but how is that any different than how most people react?  People become attached to the first version of a TV show, movie, game etc (assuming it is good) that they see and they compare past and future versions to the one they saw first.  If I never played the originals, I may be liking Fallout 3 right now.  And if you played the originals, especially back when they came out, you might be singing a different tune yourself.   We are at different starting points.  I started with Fallout in ’97 and I thoroughly enjoyed (and still do) the games, so much that they are among my favourite games of all time.  I will naturally compare any future iteration to my beloved originals.  Fallout: Tactics, lacked the feel of the originals…but hey it is a “tactics” game and as such it is OK (certainly not a favourite though)...if they labelled that one as Fallout 3 back in 2001, well I’d have less nice things to say.  Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel…never played it, don’t think I need to play to know that it is a crap Fallout game, again easily ignored because it wasn’t trying to be a continuation of the core series.  Fallout 3, again I compare it to the originals.  Obviously Fallout 3 reigns supreme in graphical detail and environment.  But it is missing the intricate dialogue options, meaningful choice and consequence, interesting plot and quests (for the most part).  Instead they chose to focus on graphics, explosions, blood, gore, guns (portable nuke launcher...seriously?) and combat in general. 

See there is a slight error in how you think of the Fallout series.  Yes it has been geared towards a crowd of gamers who like to “jump right in” but Fallout wasn’t about complex battles that kill you off in a matter of seconds.  Most of the battles were not complex and hell, it didn’t even have to be about combat.  What was “complex” (at least by today’s standards) was managing and fore-planning of stats, skills, traits and perks and how you use those in the game.  Those defined what character you played and thus how you played.  Perks you only gained every 3 levels (so choose wisely).  Traits gave you a positive and a negative effect and couldn’t be changed except once through one perk. (e.g. Finesse Trait: “Your attacks show a lot of finesse. You don't do as much damage but you cause more critical hits.”).  Stat and skill checks also played a more important role in the originals (but I know they are still present in FO3) Beth chose to give a perk every time someone levelled up and chose to eliminate traits altogether (or at least roll them into perks and take out the bad part) (e.g Finesse Perk: you have a higher chance to score a critical hit on an opponent in combat, equivalent to 5 extra points of Luck.)  They also gave less importance to the SPECIAL stats, as you can more readily boost them throughout the game, whereas in the original, you were pretty much stuck with what you picked in the beginning, save a few +1 items along the way and the power armour (both mid/late in the game).  So yes, they did gear it more towards the casual gamer as it is more flexible/less rigid but that isn’t where my argument lies. The originals had multiple dialogue paths and meaningful and usually permanent results to different paths.  Beth has different dialogue options as well, but they basically lead to the same outcome.  And even worse, negative outcomes don’t always stick!  You just leave and return and hostiles become friendly!!! Are you kidding me?  This is where my panties are bunched, the lack of meaningful choices and consequences.

Come on now really? You're going to compare Fallout 3 to Brotherhood of Steel? I've played Fallout 2. Never played Fallout 1 and though I found 2 to be a great game it was nothing revolutionary. BG2 and Planescape Torment do the genre better.  Also had you played the game you would know that a lot of the stats, perks, and such remain the same. I honestly can't imagine that you played the game.

This site doesn't use a numerical system but it has this to say.
The good:

    * One of the most ambitious and enjoyable open-world games yet
* Well-written script backed up by top-notch voice acting
    * More voice actors than Oblivion
    * Beautiful graphics with stunning atmosphere.
    * V.A.T.S. is actually fun to use.
    * The main story line offers 20 to 25 hours of gameplay; with side quests there's up to an additional 75.
    * Enemies do not respawn or automatically level.
    * Dogmeat

The bad:

    * Fighting in most situations without the V.A.T.S. system can be tedious.
    * Some collision detection issues
    * Pip-Boy 3000 screen could be a little bigger.
    * The game eventually ends.

The ugly:

    * The Bloody Mess perk. The results are both bloody, and messy.

As you can see it has scored the highest marks on every review I have seen. That's the complete first page on google if you type in Fallout 3 Reviews just so you don't think I cherry picked them.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on March 13, 2009, 04:01:30 pm
A) Fallout came out before both of those games, B) I rank Fallout far above BG 1/2

The good:
    * One of the most ambitious and enjoyable open-world games yet
    * Well-written script backed up by top-notch voice acting
    * More voice actors than Oblivion
    * Beautiful graphics with stunning atmosphere.
    * V.A.T.S. is actually fun to use.
    * The main story line offers 20 to 25 hours of gameplay; with side quests there's up to an additional 75.
    * Enemies do not respawn or automatically level.
    * Dogmeat

The first two Fallout games were much larger in size and allowed much more to be done, you couldn't see it because there wasn't flashy and shiny graphics that companies whore out now. V.A.T.S. wasn't fun to use but was good, but because that was the only real way to play the game.

The bad:

    * Fighting in most situations without the V.A.T.S. system can be tedious.
    * Some collision detection issues
    * Pip-Boy 3000 screen could be a little bigger.
    * The game eventually ends.
People whining over details that I don't think I have even noticed? The screens to small? Of course its too small it supposed to look like that? It ends? Well duh it has an actual plot beginning, rising action, climax, and conclusion.
The ugly:

    * The Bloody Mess perk. The results are both bloody, and messy.
It gives you a bonus,(to crit. chance I think) why the hell did they give it a bonus!?!

The problem with reviews is I have my own taste in games. Now I still liked F3 But it isn't anywhere in league with the first two games at all. Honestly if they would just make a game using something "outdated" , like the old infinity engine, today it would blow every single game today out of the water. Look at Dwarf Fortress, it's running off of a rouge-like, and is far more detailed then any of Bethesda's games. I still hold out n this dream after Capcom released Megaman 9.

Planescape: Torment is better then all of them though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on March 13, 2009, 04:14:41 pm
You didn't read my post.

I didn't compare Brotherhood of Steel to Fallout 3.  I compared Brotherhood of Steel, Fallout 3 and Tactics to Fallout 1 and 2.

I also said I didn't play the game.  I do however know what is in the game (as well as reading most of the script and dialog).  I said that both games have stats, perks and skills, I merely compared what Beth did vs Black Isle.  Beth took a more lenient, casual gamer style by taking out the negative effects, giving perks every level, implementing many stat and skill boosting items and a general "don't worry about it too much" feel.  They changed it to a "play as you go" kind of game vs a "plan your stats, skills and perks wisely because you will be stuck with them (mostly)" kind of game.  Beth changing the game mechanics to make it "more accessible" is not my gripe.  My problem is with the so called "well written script", which is hogwash and the lack of major or meaningful consequences to your actions.  

i never said it was revolutionary.  I said that it was a great game and that it was one of my favourite games ever.

You don't have to give me a review.  I have seen the general consensus.  I believe the majority of them a knob slobbers who don't know a good game from a bad one when they see it and most likely haven't played a good to great game in a while or ever (of course that is my opinion).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on March 14, 2009, 12:45:12 am


Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 14, 2009, 03:17:35 am
Was that sarcastic or did you really not know of the original games?  It is true that they were not very well advertised…even I randomly came across Fallout 1 when I went to the store looking for a game to buy, way back in ’97.  I didn’t see it on TV or hear about it anywhere…just by chance but that shouldn’t be held against anyone.  Some of the best products are the ones that don’t need to be advertised. 
Septerra Core is a game I have been wanting to play for a while actually…have you played that one?
I was actually serious.  3 was the first I'd heard of the series.  I'm jumping in fresh here.  My stance is that FO3 is a fun game.  I've put 27 hours into my current game, and still have at least 1/2 of the quests undiscovered.  It's fun to play, it has its charm, and I dare to call it a good game.

I'm not arguing whether FO1 or 2 is better or worse.  What I'm saying is just because you feel FO3 doesn't stack up to FO2, that doesn't make it a bad game.

Also, I'm not saying this game is without its faults.  Not comparing it to its predecessors, I can point out several stand alone problems.

1. The voice acting is hammed up and pretty awful at parts.  Better than some games, but a lot of times it could use some work.

2. I've always hated the save functionality of Bethesda games.  The autosave and overwrite features are sloppy, and I prefer save functions with more organization.

3. The game is buggy as hell.  Clipping issues, physics malfunctions, graphical errors, and game freezes happen a lot.  The result is you wind up having to save plenty to avoid losing play time to lock ups.  It's seriously bad.  Hell, when I started up the Anchorage DLC there were trees floating in the Alaskan sky.

4. The main questline is the least interesting of all the questlines you can do.  Maybe it picks up soon, but so far the only part that I was even remotely entertained by was the Tranquility Lane segment.  Helping Moira with her wasteland guide on the other hand, was fun, humorous, and paced well enough that it wasn't boring to me.

5. I wish there were more songs for the GNR station.  The old timey tunes are nice and set a good tone for the game, but there's only 5 or 6 of them altogether.

Anyways, to answer your question, I own Septerra Core, but due to computers dying on me long ago I never got very far into it.  Seemed to be a really good RPG from what I played of it.

I should dig up the disc when I'm bored and give it a try again one of these days.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on March 16, 2009, 08:40:59 am
Quote from: FouCapitan
I was actually serious.  3 was the first I'd heard of the series.  I'm jumping in fresh here.  My stance is that FO3 is a fun game.  I've put 27 hours into my current game, and still have at least 1/2 of the quests undiscovered.  It's fun to play, it has its charm, and I dare to call it a good game.

I don't think I ever said it was a bad game, just a bad Fallout game.  The worst I called it was medicore.  If I do play it, I am sure I will put in as many hours as I did with Oblivion and Morrowind (probably about 30-40 hours).  Since you started with 3, it will be hard to try and see 1&2 the way I do...the same way it is hard for my brother to see Trigger how I do when he started with Cross.  And how it will be hard for me to try and watch Star Trek:TOS after starting with TNG..etc.  Such is life.

If there is anything I hate or dislike, it is Bethesda's corporate culture, general attitude towards game making.

Quote from: FouCapitan
I'm not arguing whether FO1 or 2 is better or worse.  What I'm saying is just because you feel FO3 doesn't stack up to FO2, that doesn't make it a bad game.

Again, I don't recall saying it was a bad game, just a Fallout game that is subpar compared to its predecessors.  I glazed over my previous comments to be sure and I didn't see any mentioning of a bad game.  Take the Fallout out of the game and I have little complaint...keep it in, I automatically compare to the originals and I huff and puff.

The hardest part for me is that the Fallout 3 that I wanted [code named: Van Buren]...almost came to be...almost...
If you are interested to see what Fallout 3 was originally going to be (circa 2003-2004):

Quote from: FouCapitan
Also, I'm not saying this game is without its faults.  Not comparing it to its predecessors, I can point out several stand alone problems.

1. The voice acting is hammed up and pretty awful at parts.  Better than some games, but a lot of times it could use some work.

2. I've always hated the save functionality of Bethesda games.  The autosave and overwrite features are sloppy, and I prefer save functions with more organization.

3. The game is buggy as hell.  Clipping issues, physics malfunctions, graphical errors, and game freezes happen a lot.  The result is you wind up having to save plenty to avoid losing play time to lock ups.  It's seriously bad.  Hell, when I started up the Anchorage DLC there were trees floating in the Alaskan sky.

4. The main questline is the least interesting of all the questlines you can do.  Maybe it picks up soon, but so far the only part that I was even remotely entertained by was the Tranquility Lane segment.  Helping Moira with her wasteland guide on the other hand, was fun, humorous, and paced well enough that it wasn't boring to me.

5. I wish there were more songs for the GNR station.  The old timey tunes are nice and set a good tone for the game, but there's only 5 or 6 of them altogether.

Most of those seem to be the same issues with their other games.  Add poor animations to that list...
But to be fair, complaint #3 was a major issue with Fallout 1 & 2.  So much so that there is someone still correcting bugs for Fallout 2!  I think his count was over 800 or so :/  A bug free product was not their strong point...but to their credit, I never came across a game-ending bug...*cough*unlike Beth's Fallout3*cough* heh heh.

Well, it's a good thing I got riled up with this...I came to the conclusion that my view on the situation was stronger than it should in "raping the series" is too strong a phrase...and that "a series injustice" fits better.

and holy crap I just realized I never played Baldur's Gate 2...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 16, 2009, 08:50:49 am
Most of those seem to be the same issues with their other games.  Add poor animations to that list...

I must say the animations aren't that bad.  There are a few glitchy times, such as talking to someone leaning on a counter, they turn to face you but are stuck in the leaning position, now away from the counter, as they talk.  Other than that it's much improved over their previous titles, especially with death animations.  The stiff rag doll physics that Oblivion had aren't as evident.

and holy crap I just realized I never played Baldur's Gate 2...

Dark Alliance? I played through that one a few years back.  It was enjoyable, but I could definitely tell it wasn't meant to be the first title in that series to jump into.  Still pretty fun, but not too challenging.  I cleared through it in about a week.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on March 16, 2009, 10:00:52 am
Dark Alliance? I played through that one a few years back.  It was enjoyable, but I could definitely tell it wasn't meant to be the first title in that series to jump into.  Still pretty fun, but not too challenging.  I cleared through it in about a week.

No no, I didn't mean the DA series..never played those...I meant the original BG series for the computer...kind of like the original Fallouts...but more fantasy DnD style than post-apoc. (made by the same developer though).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on March 16, 2009, 01:26:33 pm
NO! Trust me placidchap you need more Planescape not BG2. BG2 was as good to me as the original was, although for many people it was the other way around. BG2 just had a pacing problem that was very crippling, like the games you spent so long ranting against. It has the same throw you in and watch you struggle, gameplay that the Elderscrolls games do.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on March 16, 2009, 04:24:33 pm
I may or may not get around to it, just as I may or may not get around to FO3...and xenogears...bleh getting old sucks, at least in terms of available video games hours...

...How noticeably quite you have been Boo, you rabble-rouser.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zephira on March 17, 2009, 12:47:30 am
Just got the Game Informer magazine in the mail today. There's a list of the top 10 video game shadow-selves, and Lynx in Chrono Cross got 8th place.
Quote from: Game Informer Magazine, page 10
8 - Chrono Cross
In a strange twist of storytelling brilliance, the classic RPG establishes the villanous nemesis of Lynx, then promptly sense main character Serge into a mind/body exchange with the cat-like man. With your own friends aligned against you, you must travel in the body of your greatest enemy, gathering power and new allies to confront Lynx, who waits in the guise of your former self.

Congratulations, Lynx!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: teaflower on March 17, 2009, 09:17:26 am
Yay, Lynx!

Lately, I've been meaning to play Duck Hunt again. Just so that I don't go out, steal a rifle, and kill my whole family with it (JUST KIDDING). I haven't yet because I need to set up the TV and probably the NES, and the whole damn thing is just plain OLD...

But I would love to shoot ducks again.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 17, 2009, 09:37:39 am
Yay, Lynx!

Lately, I've been meaning to play Duck Hunt again. Just so that I don't go out, steal a rifle, and kill my whole family with it (JUST KIDDING). I haven't yet because I need to set up the TV and probably the NES, and the whole damn thing is just plain OLD...

But I would love to shoot ducks again.
Avoid playing any light gun games on a flat screen TV.  They don't work right with them from what I've heard.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: teaflower on March 17, 2009, 09:39:42 am
Thankfully, we don't have any flat screens in the house. And if we did, we wouldn't have it in my room.

Can't wait to get home... need to shoot up some ducks!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 17, 2009, 09:41:28 am
Good luck, and just so you know, punching the television screen will not faze the dog...  I know this...

Damn dog.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: teaflower on March 17, 2009, 09:52:51 am
Good luck, and just so you know, punching the television screen will not faze the dog...  I know this...

Damn dog.
I much prefer shooting the damn thing. I'm out of ammo anyways, so...

Damn dog.

I've also been trying to play Find a Good Publisher for your Novel but it's not going too great. Not finding much. It's all... complicated...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on March 17, 2009, 10:39:44 am
I've also been trying to play Find a Good Publisher for your Novel but it's not going too great. Not finding much. It's all... complicated...
HAH. Told you it was aa good idea.
I've been playing Star Ocean 3, and Dragon Quest IV.
I've also been playing CT again to prepare for Crimson Echoes.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on March 17, 2009, 08:56:19 pm
I've been playing Dragon Quest VI and dealing with the halfassed translation done by dejap. Yeah, it's playable, as they say, but I don't play RPG's just to play through them, I play through them for the story and it's completely destroyed the story. And nobody else seems to be working on a translation for it. Lazy fucking people.

I'm mostly pissed at Dejap. Why start something and then not finish it? especially when you've finished translations for many other games? Why just leave people hanging with a 'good enough' and say you're not going to do any more with it? Pure fucking bullshit.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on March 17, 2009, 09:27:04 pm
That's the same thing with Fire Emblem - Genealogy of the Holy War for me. Great game, yet it's not 100% translated. I know there was another group who continued Dejap's work, but even that was still left incomplete.

Such a waste.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magnificant Marcus on March 19, 2009, 05:35:15 pm
Currently, i've been playing...
Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest V, and Call of Duty 4.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 20, 2009, 01:09:17 am
Final Fantasy XII is beginning to get frustrating...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on March 20, 2009, 02:41:53 am
Playing Left 4 Dead on PC. Such a good game...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 20, 2009, 05:25:26 am
Playing Left 4 Dead on PC. Such a good game...

I need to get it on Steam now that I have a PC that will actually play it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on March 20, 2009, 08:08:40 am
Final Fantasy XII is beginning to get frustrating...

How so?  I've been playing for about 33 hours and so far it has not become frustrating...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 20, 2009, 08:44:06 am
I'm just not enjoying the battle system. It's was kind of cool at first, but I'm not enjoying the mmo feel to it. Plus I'm not really enjoying the story either I just find it kind of disappointing I will prolly just end up quitting it and playing FF6. Another final fantasy that I just can't get into. I don't know why considering how popular it is.

I'm wanting to play something new. Any recommendations from anyone? Preferably something for 360 or something I can emulate. (PS2, GC, PSX, whatever)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on March 20, 2009, 11:54:48 am
Hmm... Star Ocean 3?
Dragon Quest VII? (Unless you're terrible at RPG's and hate grinding.)
The Legend of Zelda: <Insert Title here>?

Where are you in Final Fantasy VI? I loved it up until a point, and after that point, I loved it like, 5X more.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 20, 2009, 12:45:51 pm
I've never played FFVI over an hour I just can't get into it. I've tried to force myself to like it too. I just can't.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 20, 2009, 01:53:11 pm
I've never played FFVI over an hour I just can't get into it. I've tried to force myself to like it too. I just can't.

I know what you mean.  Personally I, IV, and VIII were the only ones I could ever really get into.

Almost done with everything in Fallout 3, logging in about 60 hours.  All that's left is finding 7 bobbleheads and completing the main story for the achievement whoring satisfaction, then I'll be done until The Pitt comes out.

I think I'll finish Lost Odessey or Blue Dragon next.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on March 21, 2009, 12:33:10 am
Persona 3 if you're cool with PS2 emulation.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Uboa on March 21, 2009, 05:44:33 am
Am I the only one for whom this evokes a (literal) Pavlovian response?

Cave story should be out for WiiWare next month, and I hope the patch in that video is part of the downloadable content.

Edit:  Originally wrote 'invokes' instead of 'evokes', which I guess implied that the video was performing some kind of spooky rite to bring forth saliva.  I blame being at work at 4 am.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 21, 2009, 09:11:00 am
Persona 3 if you're cool with PS2 emulation.

Will I be able to understand and follow it? I haven't played any previous entry.

I think I'm gonna start on the Metal Gear series  if I can find out if disc 2 of MGS 3 Subsistence works it has MGS 1 and 2 on it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on March 21, 2009, 01:22:45 pm
Persona 3 if you're cool with PS2 emulation.

Will I be able to understand and follow it? I haven't played any previous entry.

Yeah, each one is unconnected 'cept for the occasional reference or easter egg. 3 can be played standalone.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 21, 2009, 01:43:21 pm
Persona 3 if you're cool with PS2 emulation.

Will I be able to understand and follow it? I haven't played any previous entry.

Yeah, each one is unconnected 'cept for the occasional reference or easter egg. 3 can be played standalone.

Sweet I'll definitely give it a try. Is 3 better than 4?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 22, 2009, 05:11:46 am
Finally done with Fallout 3 (At least until The Pitt comes out this week)

Final thoughts on this game.  It was good, but I'd say it barely edges an 8/10 score.  Going into it trying to get all the achievements in one run (doing save manipulations for the lvl 8/14/20 karma ones) took up a long time, and frankly the world it's set in was done wonderfully.  The major drawbacks are the ones I mentioned before (Updates seem to clear some of the bugs, but glitches still plague the game) and the fact that the main storyline is way too damn short.

Most of my playtime was spent doing the major sidequests (the ones that give you achievements) and scouring around for the bobbleheads.  A few were boring, a few were way too easy, but for the most part they were very fun overall.  I personally recommend doing Reilly's Rangers for a long intense action quest, and Oasis for a heavy interesting story quest.  Others range from the unremarkable (such as Agatha's Song, although I do enjoy the lovely violin music over the radio now) to the annoying collection quests (Nuka Cola Challenge ugh) to the extremely long (Wasteland Survival Guide).  But overall they created a nice world setting and were fun to do.

The main quest however, deserved more to it.  It wasn't bad, but it wasn't enough.  The sidequests wound up overshadowing it.  In any other RPG you'd have sidequests to bide your time and entertain you, and the main questline to hover over you as a looming long running challenge, standing on its own as the meat and potatoes of the game.  However, half the main quest segments are simply "go here" quests.  First character I started I actually wound up skipping 2 segments of it just because I accidentally figured out where to go for a latter segment.  Come to find out you can actually skip more than half the main storyline if you know where to go!

As for how good the main quests are in this game, let's just say that one titled "Tranquility Lane" and the last two segments in the entire chain are the only ones that really stood out for me.  By the time the main story gets really interesting, it's over.

Overall, a fun game, but left me wanting a bit more.

Now on to the next game.  I'll let the next person who replies decide the path I take.

Shall I...

...Finish my achievements and "perfect Sheperd" in Mass Effect?

...Pick up Blue Dragon and see it through to the end?

...Finish up Lost Odyssey?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on March 22, 2009, 02:09:23 pm
Lost Odyssey - is that game any good? Since you stopped playing it midway through I'd assume not. I've heard mixed things about it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 22, 2009, 02:13:31 pm
I enjoyed Lost Odyssey better than BD and ME.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 22, 2009, 04:49:39 pm
Lost Odyssey - is that game any good? Since you stopped playing it midway through I'd assume not. I've heard mixed things about it.
I think it's wonderful.  I stopped playing halfway through because I'm a crazy 100%ist, who got to a point where many different skills became available to train.  So the last time I had the game picked up I had spent literally a few days power levelling skills in the same area.  I got a bit tired of doing that, so I moved on to playing a few other games for a while.

That said, I'll be picking it back up now!

Edit:  One thing to note, my habit of playing RPGs like that tends to make most fights too damn easy, but Lost Odyssey's boss fights are among the most challenging I've ever seen, in a good way too.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 22, 2009, 05:10:12 pm
Lost Odyssey - is that game any good? Since you stopped playing it midway through I'd assume not. I've heard mixed things about it.

I take break from excellent games a lot. Things come up.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 23, 2009, 06:25:40 am
Spoilers for anyone who has yet to play Lost Odyssey but...

The music for the first battle with Gongora at the end of Disc 2 is fucking awesome.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on March 24, 2009, 01:20:11 am
I just recently finished another playthrough of Chrono Cross (because of the DS re-release of CT) and I need some help picking out another game.

The story of CC is simply compelling and outstanding, and I can't seem to pick up on a next gen game for my PS3 at the moment. Every time I play an RPG as good as that, I feel incomplete afterwards - almost like I am missing something when it is only in my head. I guess after all the gameplay and cutscenes of CC, I just always expected more at the end. But I need to get my mind off it and focus on other things... (the CTDS:U translations and Compendium discussions are keeping me sane!)

My PS3 cache contains about 10 games, but I still have PS1/PS2 RPGs I have yet to play.

The following list are the games I currently own that I have NEVER played/have yet to play (currently collecting dust on -the shelf):

-FFVII (7)
-FFVIII (8 )
-FFIX (9)
-FFXII (12)
-FFIV (4)
-FF Origins (1 & 2)
-FF Anthology (5 & 6)
-Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
-MGS3 and MGS4
-Star Wars The Force Unleashed
-Valkyria Chronicles

As you can see, I am very behind with the Final Fantasy series, and I have only played X (10) and X-2 (10-2) a couple years ago. I simply have never gotten to them, and just recently discovered them (only about 5 years ago. I have never seen Advent Children either... (Zeality is going to kill me), but I am asking honestly, after just finished an awesome game yet again (CC), what game should I jump into next from that list? Should I go back a "couple generations", or keep up with the times now with PS3 games?

EDIT: Grammar...  :picardno
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on March 24, 2009, 01:41:50 am
Well, I only know of the Final Fantasies and KH, so I would recommend one of them. And to get more specific, either IV or VI.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on March 24, 2009, 02:07:35 am
but I am asking honestly, after just finished an awesome game yet again (CC), what game should I jump into next from that list? Should I go back a "couple generations", or keep up with the times now with PS3 games?

Play Final Fantasy VI, but by emulator, not the shitty PSX Anthology one. That version has unbelievable lag times, especially when opening the menu (lags for like 5 seconds or so each time!) which becomes unbearable about ten minutes into the game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 24, 2009, 02:30:33 am
Star Wars:  TFU and the two KH titles would be quicker playthroughs than the others, and less likely to bore you in the long run if you're looking to knock out a fun title quickly.

Of the FF games, IV and VIII were my favorites, so I really recommend either of those.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on March 24, 2009, 02:41:12 am

HUGE thanks for the quick feedback Acacia, Eric, and FouCapitan!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 24, 2009, 02:46:43 am
I just recently finished another playthrough of Chrono Cross (because of the DS re-release of CT) and I need some help picking out another game.

The story of CC is simply compelling and outstanding, and I can't seem to pick up on a next gen game for my PS3 at the moment. Every time I play an RPG as good as that, I feel incomplete afterwards - almost like I am missing something when it is only in my head. I guess after all the gameplay and cutscenes of CC, I just always expected more at the end. But I need to get my mind off it and focus on other things... (the CTDS:U translations and Compendium discussions are keeping me sane!)

My PS3 cache contains about 10 games, but I still have PS1/PS2 RPGs I have yet to play.

The following list are the games I currently own that I have NEVER played/have yet to play (currently collecting dust on -the shelf):

-FFVII (7)
-FFVIII (8 )
-FFIX (9)
-FFXII (12)
-FFIV (4)
-FF Origins (1 & 2)
-FF Anthology (5 & 6)
-Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
-MGS3 and MGS4
-Star Wars The Force Unleashed
-Valkyria Chronicles

As you can see, I am very behind with the Final Fantasy series, and I have only played X (10) and X-2 (10-2) a couple years ago. I simply have never gotten to them, and just recently discovered them (only about 5 years ago. I have never seen Advent Children either... (Zeality is going to kill me), but I am asking honestly, after just finished an awesome game yet again (CC), what game should I jump into next from that list? Should I go back a "couple generations", or keep up with the times now with PS3 games?

EDIT: Grammar...  :picardno

I'd go with any of those, but I'd prolly pick MGS4 if I had a PS3.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on March 24, 2009, 03:00:46 am
So I might go buy SO4 later this week. I've gotta ask though:

Without spoiling anything for me, can anyone tell me if you finally actually get to fly your spaceship around in the game between planets? God it would piss me off so bad if the form of planet travel that was so hyped up for so long turned out to be a simple point-and-click thing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 24, 2009, 11:00:17 am
Well just got the new Fallout 3 DLC "The Pitt"

Very interesting sea of glitches I'm swimming in right now.  Suffice to say, something got FUBAR'd in the initial release.

What isn't completely unplayable seems enjoyable so far though.   :lol:

Edit:  Having managed to get through the various bugs and get one achievement for it, I'm now ranked #2 worldwide on MGC for score on Fallout 3.  Whoo hoo!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on March 24, 2009, 11:39:43 am
Persona 3 if you're cool with PS2 emulation.

Will I be able to understand and follow it? I haven't played any previous entry.

Yeah, each one is unconnected 'cept for the occasional reference or easter egg. 3 can be played standalone.

Sweet I'll definitely give it a try. Is 3 better than 4?

Arguably. Most say 3's better, probably because it's longer than 4. Make sure to try Persona 3 FES though, as it's the expanded version (a few extra social links, building relationships doesn't take as long, exams require less studying, alternate costumes, and a 30+ hour playable epilogue that provides some answers to the ending).

4 I have to finish, but so far I'm finding it just as good, although 3's plot was certainly more gripping for me.

Oh, and if you want the main character's 'official' name (it's semi-official really since the manga adaptation named him), it's 'Minato Arisato'.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 26, 2009, 09:47:10 pm
Just wrapped up FO3s second DLC "The Pitt".  This one was pretty damn good.  Had a bit of a hiccup with the bad version XBL started with, but it was fixed yesterday and I spent most of the night and this morning on it.

Starting with the visuals of the new area, they were fantastic, as Bethesda was known for.  Seems it trades out the sepia tones of the main game with fiery orange tones for this industrial hellhole.  The environment was much better than the main game as well, giving you a large new area to explore very thoroughly, and I mean very.  Climbing towers, jumping from rail cars, crossing large pipes at fatally high altitudes, you name it.

This also brings up another complaint about the game though, the jumping physics.  Seems if your are near a wall or walking downhill or even walking a bit uphill you CANNOT jump right!  In a quest where being able to jump around to dangerous platforms is a required skill, you'll likely find yourself doing as I did and saving the game before each potentially fatal leap.  It's really hard to describe how bad the jumps are in this game, it's just incredibly stingy and slippery.  Most of the time if you try and land on a small ledge you'll take a gigantic step forward while landing, often leading to death.  Very annoying mechanics at work there.

On to section two of my final thoughts, the enemies.  The only new enemies are the Trogs really, and they didn't really seem that remarkable to me.  They pretty much seemed like Feral Ghouls walking on all fours with potbellies.  Ugly things, really.  One thing that can be said for them though, is they are sneaky as hell.  One second I'm picking up ingots the next some psychotic naked mutant man is trying to claw the back of my head off, and you never hear them coming.  Other than that, standard human enemies.  I was really hoping for more new creatures to fight too.

Section three, the quests.  There's really only three main quest parts for the expansion, and one side quest.  Quest one: go to the Pitt (Easy), Quest two: work and fight in the Pitt (Fun an Easy), Quest three: Pick a side (Most interesting part), Side quest: hunt for metal (Actually fun).  There's a few branching options for the first two main quests, like whether you're going to sneak in disguised or just barge in guns blazing, but like most of the core game's quests these options lead back to the same concusion, you get inside and lose all of your gear temporarily.  The final quest is the most interesting, as you choose which group you help, the slave laborers, or the raider overseers, and I have to say that this part of the quest really is as advertised.  Things aren't exactly what they seem and there's definitely a lot of ambiguity over which side of the conflict is good or bad.  On that note, well done Bethesda.

For the side quest, it's pretty much a standard collect items fare, but unlike that Goddamn Nuka-Cola quest from the main game this one is actually fun and can be completed in about an hour if you're lucky.  This is where most of the jumping and exploring I mentioned earlier comes into play, and I was surprised at how nice it was to do this quest.  The rewards for getting all 100 items are fairly nice too, with nothing too game breakingly awesome, but good too have nonetheless.

So all in all I enjoyed this one, despite the glitched version XBL first had available.

Now, back to Lost Odyssey!!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on March 27, 2009, 12:18:58 am
Okay, so I found what I hate more than the structure of GotHW's chapter maps, and it's Manfloy, after finishing with the First Generation.

And I'm sure I have yet to see the worst.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on March 27, 2009, 12:38:42 am
And I'm back to FFVII! Restarting the game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: teaflower on March 27, 2009, 03:53:27 pm
And I'm back to FFVII! Restarting the game.
Name Aeris 'Sephiroth'.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 28, 2009, 12:31:24 am
And I'm back to FFVII! Restarting the game.
Name Aeris 'Sephiroth'.


Sounds almost as fun as naming everyone in CT Lavos.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 29, 2009, 05:38:51 am
Pardon the double post, but got some early development news on Mass Effect 2.

Some video footage, hooray!  Seems they're going deeper into the civilized colonies in this one, and it's looking good so far.

Anyone else here a fan of the first game?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on March 29, 2009, 12:24:44 pm
Just beat CTDS for the second time in less than a month.  My sister thinks I'm crazy.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on March 29, 2009, 03:36:38 pm
I did it Three times in a Month.
Yes, I did.
And I beat Mother 3 twice in a month, too.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zephira on March 29, 2009, 03:39:55 pm
But was it on new game plus or just a regular game? If you're going by regular games, I did it twice. New Game+... I lost count.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on March 29, 2009, 11:57:04 pm
One was normal one was new game+.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on March 30, 2009, 03:05:34 pm
XBOX 360 or PS3? I will decide today for sure.

So far, I think the pros of the XBOX 360 beat out the PS3 pros. The Blueray is a nice selling point, but the lack of many games that I love, including rpgs, on the PS3 right now is a major turn-off. I know it won't be that way in the future, but I am impatient.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on March 30, 2009, 06:53:43 pm
I have no complaints with my 360. Xbox Live is the only thing that keeps me gaming anymore.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on March 30, 2009, 10:26:54 pm
Bought the 360. I'm excited. Got a bunch of games too, including Star Ocean 4. We'll see how that one turns out. I've been craving a decent RPG lately, and my expectations are high, so I hope it doesn't let me down.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 31, 2009, 03:37:00 am
Bought the 360. I'm excited. Got a bunch of games too, including Star Ocean 4. We'll see how that one turns out. I've been craving a decent RPG lately, and my expectations are high, so I hope it doesn't let me down.

360 RPGs to try.

1.  Lost Odyssey.
2.  Blue Dragon.
3.  Enchanted Arms.
4.  Tales of Vesperia.

Also Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Mass Effect if you want some roleplaying games with a western flare to them.

You on XBL Eric (Or anyone else for that matter)?  Feel free to send a friend invite.  My name here is my name there.

Welcome tot he X-Party!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on March 31, 2009, 03:50:45 am
I just can't get in to Lost Odyssey myself, I highly recommend both Eternal Sonata and Mass Effect.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 31, 2009, 03:56:40 am
I just can't get in to Lost Odyssey myself, I highly recommend both Eternal Sonata and Mass Effect.

I'd say Odyssey is the greatest RPG I've played in years, but to each their own.  Wanted to give Sonata a try though.  Played the demo, and the battle system seems good, but just curious about how the story is.

Also FINALLY another Mass Effect fan!  *High fives*
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on March 31, 2009, 04:05:49 am
I got both Mass Effect and Lost Odyssey a week ago, LO just has a such a slow start. I think the main story in Mass Effect is a little lacking, but the game play and side-quests and exploring features are so well done it more then compensates.

I did get to thinking that they need to make a Star Trek game and it should definitely use the Mass Effect system, or something similar.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on March 31, 2009, 04:09:51 am
I agree about LO's slow start, but trust me, by the time you're done with the third disc you should feel it was well worth the journey.  (Still working on the fourth)

I felt the characters were the biggest attraction to Mass Effect.  Just the personalities they all have, including the variable personality of Shepard, were all done so well you actually connect with them all.  Wrex is easily my favorite of the bunch.

Dammit this conversation makes me wanna take another break from LO and pick up ME again.   :(
Title: Is anyone else addicted to MadWorld?
Post by: Mr Bekkler on April 02, 2009, 01:31:23 pm
So I just picked up a copy of MadWorld two days ago, cause I'm lazy and don't like release dates and whatnot. But I'm hooked.


And yeah, it's basically Sin City the Game. And it's AWESHUM.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on April 09, 2009, 06:42:22 am
I just got Mass Effect and Fallout3 for pc...
I like Fallout3 better but Mass Effect is not that bad it just take too long to talk to everyone and stuff.
When in fallout is all about killing guys and monsters to level up.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on April 09, 2009, 08:34:24 am
I like Fallout3 better but Mass Effect is not that bad it just take too long to talk to everyone and stuff.
When in fallout is all about killing guys and monsters to level up.

...............     .           .       ...............      .          .
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.                    ...........        ...............      .           . 

Go play Halo.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on April 09, 2009, 01:02:17 pm
That seemed a bit overboard and even fanboyish there, placidchap...And you can't level up in Halo, silly!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on April 09, 2009, 01:44:14 pm
I felt overboard at the time.  It wasn't really directed at the two games he mentioned, just the general tone of "lol tew much tawkin, warez mai hed sh0t!>>!?  pewpew"
Not sure how fanboyish works into there though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on April 09, 2009, 01:56:52 pm
Yeah, me either I guess...just that sort of overly defensive, knee-jerk attitude I associate with them, maybe...I haven't played either game, but it didn't seem like he was saying anything blasphemous, really...For all I know Mass Effect IS a snooze-fest...and I recall killing plenty & loving it in the previous Fallout games (I kill you and sell your items, bitch!)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on April 09, 2009, 02:01:18 pm
Yea, I haven't played either, so I don't know about the games was just the general tone of the post.  Something I feel that the average gamer tends to lean towards...which then leads to the companies wanting to push more and more games that are "all about killing guys and monsters " and staying away from those games that "just take too long to talk to everyone and stuff".

And I am not going to get into Fallout...other than there was plenty of talking in that game right along side the plenti'o killin'.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on April 09, 2009, 05:54:35 pm
I actually find the excessive dialogue options to be one of Mass Effect's strong points.  The voice acting is by far one of the greatest I've heard in any video game to date.

Also the sheer level of customization for the characters.  It's one of my favorite (if not my absolute favorite) 360 games to date.

Very much looking forward to MA2, although the teaser trailer doesn't bode well for Shepard.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on April 17, 2009, 10:37:12 am
After logging many hours into it, I'm finally finished with Mass Effect (at least until 2010)

All I can say is having a Soldier Shock Trooper in that game makes you damn near invincible, even on insanity.  While it's fun to be able to soak up damage like a sponge, it lacks the biotic skill fun.  I'll prolly experiment with other possible character builds, but for now it's time for a break from this one.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on April 17, 2009, 11:42:40 pm
So I need a ps3 on the cheap... I hate my life.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on April 20, 2009, 03:27:03 pm
Just picked up an old save of Ogre Battle 64 a few days ago.  I didn't realize I was a couple missions away from bringing in some serious beast talents.  The army is suuuuuuuuuurious now.  Forgot how fun the game is, although actually knowing about the existence of Chaos Frame makes it stressing at times, if you want it high.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on April 20, 2009, 03:31:39 pm
Star Ocean 4: DONE

Should I play Lost Odyssey or Mass Effect next?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: teaflower on April 20, 2009, 03:53:25 pm
Uh... Odyssey. I've never played either of them, so...

I really wish I could figure out my damn TV. I want to play Duck Hunt soooooo bad... ugh.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on April 20, 2009, 06:51:19 pm
Star Ocean 4: DONE

Should I play Lost Odyssey or Mass Effect next?
Both are great, so I'd say an even toss up.

LO has the fantasy element with deep storyline, character backstory, etc.

ME is more of a sci-fi shooter with massive customization, deep story, great voice acting and just a taste of alien sex thrown in for good measure.

Uh... Odyssey. I've never played either of them, so...

I really wish I could figure out my damn TV. I want to play Duck Hunt soooooo bad... ugh.
What's the problem?  I know the old NES zappers don't work well on most newer TVs.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on April 20, 2009, 08:21:20 pm
Hmmm, Lost Odyssey seems more up my alley, since I've never been big on shooters. However, from what I hear Mass Effect sounds like a very unique RPG that would be a nice change of pace. I'm gonna beat all the post-game stuff in Star Ocean to get my money's worth and then decide which one to play. Right now I'm leaning towards Mass Effect since I'm in a sci-fi RPG mode right now. Alien sex just sweetens the deal.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on April 21, 2009, 02:23:05 am
I remember playing Mass Effect and loving it then just stopped playing it completely.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on April 21, 2009, 04:39:31 am
In other news a new Fallout game has been announced. Fallout New Vegas.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on April 21, 2009, 08:13:28 am
In other news a new Fallout game has been announced. Fallout New Vegas.

Yea, that was quite unexpected.  I'd assume they want to focus on the next Elder Scrolls.

We shall see how Obsidian handles it or rather how Beth lets Obsidian handle it...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on April 21, 2009, 12:23:31 pm
Did anyone else see that?
What the...
Damn, Video Games are turning too weird for me...
I hope the same thing that happened to TV doesn't happen to video games...
Honestly, what's next??
Lego Final Fantasy!?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on April 21, 2009, 02:04:15 pm
That wouldn't surprise me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Thought on April 21, 2009, 02:12:22 pm
Nah, Lego Final Fantasy is too easy of a cross over. Lego Resident Evil would just be hilarious, and Lego Devil May Cry could work. Lego Zelda or Lego Metroid, though, might spark geek riots.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on April 21, 2009, 08:34:46 pm
Lego Mega Man would be teh shit. A lot of the oldschool 8-Bit sprites practically look like Legos already! Imagine a little yellow brick *pew pew* come out of his Buster! :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on April 23, 2009, 01:25:41 am
New DLCs coming for Fallout 3 and Fable II next month, and all I really want is a DLC for Mass Effect...

*Sigh*   :?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Clovis15 on April 28, 2009, 09:58:10 pm
Recently Hino, the head of publishing for Level-5, was recorded in a press conference ( saying they that they are working on translating the second Professor Layton title - which they hope to get out in the US within the next six months - and that it is their desire to have all six Professor Layton games released in the US. Truly, this is glorious news indeed, as Professor Layton and the Curious Village is one of the greatest games I have ever played; in fact, if you haven't already played it yet, I command you to rush out to a store immediately and rectify that fact! Anyways, the second title in this series will be released under the now announced title of Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box! Now if we can just be assured that we will also eventually get the two upcoming Professor Layton animated films recently announced in Japan, both of which will be part of the official game universe cannon, then everything would truly be right with the world.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on April 28, 2009, 11:17:23 pm
I just got season two of Sam and Max, I have to say it is almost as awesome as Strong bad's cool game for attractive people. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Nexus on April 29, 2009, 12:12:36 am
New DLCs coming for Fallout 3 and Fable II next month, and all I really want is a DLC for Mass Effect...

*Sigh*   :?

Yep it is quite convient that two new DLCs are coming out for games I already finished. Well if it adds a couple more hours to the game I don't mind I just hope it is worth the money.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Clovis15 on April 29, 2009, 12:30:37 am
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on April 29, 2009, 01:55:14 am
Finally, someone else on here who has played it!   :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on April 29, 2009, 03:37:56 am
I just got season two of Sam and Max, I have to say it is almost as awesome as Strong bad's cool game for attractive people. 

That's...just barely a video game discussion post, but I want to know how many seasons of Sam & Max there were.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on April 29, 2009, 06:00:20 pm
I just got season two of Sam and Max, I have to say it is almost as awesome as Strong bad's cool game for attractive people. 

That's...just barely a video game discussion post, but I want to know how many seasons of Sam & Max there were.
Just two.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on April 29, 2009, 09:04:54 pm
That's what I was afraid of...:'(
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Clovis15 on April 29, 2009, 09:31:39 pm
Actually, Sam & Max Season 2 - in this case - refers to a five episode 'season' of episodic short Graphic Adventure games that take roughly 5-6 hours to play each; not the TV show from the 90's.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on April 30, 2009, 01:22:54 am
I just finished Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and it  is definitely going on my favorites list. Adventure game wise it on top with Monkey Island and Dreamfall. DS wise I couldn't put it down at all, which is way more then I can say about a lot of other DS games. Over all, it had beautify rotoscope animations, as well as a well strung together mystery story(those are hard to do, and still be good), as well as very believable characters. It didn't challenge me a lot, save a few puzzles, but for some people that a plus.

It is 10/10 with extra praise to the character design.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on April 30, 2009, 06:05:12 pm
Actually, Sam & Max Season 2 - in this case - refers to a five episode 'season' of episodic short Graphic Adventure games that take roughly 5-6 hours to play each; not the TV show from the 90's.
We were talking about the game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Clovis15 on May 01, 2009, 04:38:00 pm
But didn't they say they were making a season 3 on their website?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: nightmare975 on May 03, 2009, 05:48:30 am
Has anyone else played Prince of Persia, the newest one?

Got that was such a beautiful, yet sad game. I just beat it, and for once, I don't feel happy about beating a game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on May 03, 2009, 09:27:03 am
Breath of Fire 2 has one fancy-ass new retranslation ( I started it up & just played to the first save point and am already pretty impressed by it. There's a few new features implemented among which I saw were a nice new title screen, an option for transparent windows, and overall it just seems like a cleaner, more well put together product than any Capcom has thought to give us so far. I'd definitely recommend this version over either previous SNES or the GBA versions.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on May 04, 2009, 08:38:48 pm
So have any of you played Infinite Undiscovery? I hadn't even heard of it until I stumbled across a forum of people discussing Star Ocean and apparently Infinite Undiscovery is also made by Tri-Ace and Square Enix. I take RPG reviews with a grain of salt. Much more valuable than reviews, in my opinion, is what other RPG players have to say about a game. So I'm interested in hearing if any of you have played this game and what you think about it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on May 05, 2009, 12:18:21 pm
I haven't played it, but I have played Tales of Vesperia, Lost Odyssey, and Blue Dragon. I would recommend all of them, but honestly the western rpgs are better. Fallout 3, Mass Effect, Oblivion. Give Fable 2 a rent, because you can beat it in one hardcore sitting.

Also wtf?  :fuk
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on May 08, 2009, 01:10:07 pm

Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver got confirmed!

Translation of home page by DigitalJolteon (

The games'll be shown on Sunday on Japan's "Pokémon Sunday". So we'll get our first look at the Johto remakes.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zephira on May 08, 2009, 01:14:11 pm
Sweet! Silver was one of my favourite Pokemon games. Mainly because I got a shiny Celebi.
They said something about a new element. Is there anything new aside from Dark and Steel?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on May 08, 2009, 01:17:52 pm
They said something about a new element. Is there anything new aside from Dark and Steel?

Going by that sentence, I think it's implying by 'element' the features that were introduced in D/P/P; HG/SS will probably have the same up-to-date features as D/P/P, e.g. the phyiscal/special type split, the 2.5D style.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on May 08, 2009, 02:19:50 pm

Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver got confirmed!

Translation of home page by DigitalJolteon (

The games'll be shown on Sunday on Japan's "Pokémon Sunday". So we'll get our first look at the Johto remakes.
Is that a bad thing?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sebi_HxC on May 08, 2009, 02:26:52 pm
Hello!!!!!!!! I`m Sebi from Argentina, my inglish is pretty poor so i will do what i can xD         

The games that im`playing are: Persona4 ps2, its awesome, amazing soundtrack, amazing story line, very interesting, good playthrought is an exelent game!

Dead Space PC , its cool , but is always the same, not vary much

Sonic CD PC    this sonic the hedgeohg game is the best ever!! is and old school from sega at the 90` the baste game of sonic ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well that is all for now,    hugs and kisses for everyone !

Aguanten las Chrono Series!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^    bye bye ^^
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on May 08, 2009, 02:31:34 pm
well that is all for now,    hugs and kisses for everyone !

See ya Boo.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on May 08, 2009, 02:39:20 pm
Is that a bad thing?

'Course not, "FUUUUUUUUUUCK" indicates my JOY. :grimm
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on May 08, 2009, 02:42:24 pm
I want to play a pokemon game again but I don't know anything past the original pokemon stuff.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sebi_HxC on May 08, 2009, 02:44:09 pm
well that is all for now,    hugs and kisses for everyone !

See ya Boo.

My inglish is pretty poorr and yes, hug and kisses dude!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on May 19, 2009, 09:29:25 pm
Just bought Mass Effect after the numerous recommendations from fellow Compendiumites and others. About to pop it in. After the major let down that was Star Ocean 4 I hope this will satisfy my desire for an epic space RPG. The whole shooter aspect of it is a bit of a turn-off for me though, since I find shooting games to be entertaining at first but ultimately repetitive and boring. Of course the same could be said about traditional turn-based JRPG's I suppose. I guess I'll find out if I like it or not in a couple minutes.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ONSLAUGHT on May 19, 2009, 11:37:54 pm
Along with Chrono(play everyday)

I've been madly addicted to my N64 lately.
Still touch my recently aqcuired Dreamcast(wanted that for 5 years and have had it now for about 2 months)
So anyways, games.

On N64 I've been playing me Banjo Tooie(need 72 jiggies for final battle!)and for the most part been messing around with replaying bosses and hanging out in one of my favorite worlds Witchyworld. Also, can't get enough of Kazooie and her lines. "Let's find more pages Banjo, I want to cheat." Rareware seems to make a joke out of every video game, but in a good way!

Bio FREAKS I find to be a pretty fun fighter although it might just be my cartridge but for some reason I can play and it stays on easy when I'm practicing. Then after LV 5 the difficulty scale goes from 1/10 to 7/10. Very hard, but I can still manage to find fun in the game.

Conker's Bad Fur Day. I didn't play this when it originally came out, but I always heard great things about it. Now it is one of my all time favorite games ever. I've played through the whole game more times than I can count already(2 weeks now)!Love the humor, I don't care if people find it inappropriate it never gets old that the Spongebob of gaming is spreading blood across the screen, cigar in mouth firing machine guns at foul mouthed poop monsters in order to get some beer, cash, and sexy women! Plus the multiplayer is great! Can't get enough of playing as the Tediz in Deathmatch or Beach! Not to mention how deep the game actually is(although you don't realize it until literally the very end of the game).

Picking up Radiata Stories lately on PS2 and replaying through that, fun experience, another of my top 10 favorite games. Generally(for those who know the game)I'm playing this time through Human Side(never cared much for Non-Human side even if it is morally right)with a team of Alicia, Miranda, and Sonata. Although I may recruit Kain, MAYBE. I dunno. Next time I'm gonna try for getting everyone on human side, even Nyx. I finally got Rocky this playthrough. By the time I got him though he was useless. That game really does deserve a sequel or something, i dunno what but something.

Last thing that pops to mind right now is for the Sega Dreamcast, Phantasy Star Online. Very fun, but stuck on the first boss. The enemies don't seem to regenerate that often and that's giving me problems. Specially since while a neat feature, it dies off in the future (as I'm learning the hard way)this game seems to be very strong with teamwork making things a world easier. Problem is, Dreamcast isn't a recent system anymore. No one's really gonna pay to play online when your chances of finding someone else on the same game, same time on an old system AND online is slim to none. So, I'm in a pickle with this.

Personally looking to get Marvel VS Capcom 2. Have a local arcade machine of it nearby and I've always been an addict to it, and being right near one doesn't help my situation. :P Can't find a Dreamcast copy and I don't have ebay so I'm gonna go with the store's super priced PS2 version(I have an arcade stick and game shark for PS2 anyways. And no, I only use gameshark after I've completed the task once without, just for testing out stuff). Power Stone also seems worth searching for.

Thinking about picking up a Megaman, anyone of them maybe. Play that again. Also some Street Fighter II'll be nice. Either that or Rocket Knight Adventures.

Eh, that's it for me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on May 20, 2009, 12:08:41 am
You will NEVER find a cheap copy of Marvel vs Capcom 2, NEVER!!! That game is also one of the few games worth the price too.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FouCapitan on May 20, 2009, 12:17:08 am
You will NEVER find a cheap copy of Marvel vs Capcom 2, NEVER!!! That game is also one of the few games worth the price too.
I honestly can't remember what I payed for mine.  I think I got it at retail though, back a few months after release.

If I ever dust off my PS2 again...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on May 20, 2009, 12:22:10 am
Started at $50 bucks or so, I have seen it anywhere from $30-$80.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on May 20, 2009, 01:18:02 am
I want to play a pokemon game again but I don't know anything past the original pokemon stuff.

You could pick up Fire Red or Leaf Green to ease yourself into some of the newer concepts, maybe...

As for MvC2...If you've got a DC, it's freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on May 20, 2009, 01:41:30 am
As for MvC2...If you've got a DC, it's freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Clovis15 on May 24, 2009, 06:14:48 am
Recker & Psyme: Time Adrift (

This is my tribute to a game I played through recently, Sigma Star Saga. Unfortunately, far too many people never gave this very brilliant game a chance. It's a hybrid RPG/Adventure-Game/Space Shooter; no, seriously. The run around and exploration parts are like an adventure game where finding new tools unlock new areas, and earlier areas that were barred off; along the way you collect experience points, watch lengthy RPG style cutscenes, and engage in randomly occuring battles; however, those randomly occuring battles - as well as some key plot points - actually take the form of space shooter levels. The story both makes sense of all this in a logical way, but also happens to be very good as well. This was supposed to be a shot of Recker and Psyme talking in the crate that Zelly put them in on their way to Starbase 3, just before Psyme kisses Recker while he's in the middle of feeling sorry for himself about the fate of Sigma Squadron, but I think I got a little carried away with adding details to the crate to the point where it really doesn't look like a crate at all anymore.

This is the most complicated picture I've ever done, and it took way too long to make, but I am definitely happy with the final results. I find it funny that in Krill society the guys are basically given walking tank suits, but the girls apparently get the 'battle bikini' (but it gets +2 communication with the fleet, it seems). Anyways, don't ever expect anything quite this complicated from me again for a good long while.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KOS-MOS on May 26, 2009, 01:17:48 am
I want to play a pokemon game again but I don't know anything past the original pokemon stuff.

I would say it is definitely worth it. I just purchased Pokemon Platinum and I am simply blown away by it considering my last game was Silver so many years ago. The core RPG aspects are just very addicting and its that type of game that is so engrossing and provides a real sense of accomplishment. It brought me back to the old days when all I played was Yellow and Silver.
Title: Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Post by: HadesKane on June 01, 2009, 08:57:26 pm
For those of you that are still willing to purchase Square Enix games, Final Fantasy IV: the After Years was released today on the Wii's virtual console (Wii Ware) for 800 Wii Points.

I was really, really looking forward to a return to retro gaming and a new story.  A bit like what a lot of people were looking forward to with CE I imagine.

I loaded up my Wii as soon as I got home today, added Wii points to my account and went right to download it.  Before confirming, it warned me there was bonus/optional content that would cost additional.  WTF?  So I look into it a bit further, and apparently there are about 7 character specific sidequests that will become available over the next few months each costing an additional 300 Wii Points, along with a final story costing another 800 Wii Points.


So, rather than releasing the entire game, and maybe bumping it up to about $15 or $20, they're luring you in with the appearance of an $8 sequel (that's already been completed and released in Japan... they've made their money off of it), but in order to actually play the entire game, you'll end up needing to shell out about $37 overall.

That is extremely, extremely cheap.

I can maybe understand a company like Bethesda releasing a game, then releasing add-on content later on as things are getting developed, although something like $5 for horse armor is a bit stupid, or $10 for a new single mission is a bit much.

But purposely not releasing the entire game so they can portion it out over time for more money with each release?

Again:   :picardno

So, despite my excitement, I'm leaving this bit of extortion alone.

I hope gamers begin to wisen up and begin to speak with their wallets, because I think this type of thing is quite simply wrong.  This is even worse than when they sold me a strategy guide that in order to get full usage out of, I have to register on their site and get the rest of the information that way!

For anyone looking forward to this game, I thought I might warn you that you are looking at nearly a $40 investment in order to play the whole thing.

I'm still a bit in disbelief... that much for an already released, already complete, 16-bit sequel to a game that came out almost 20 years ago.

Maybe those claiming that SE has turned into a soulless, evil corporation aren't too off the mark.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on June 01, 2009, 10:20:26 pm
It was a game for cell phones...Chapters were released over time for Japan too...It's steep, true that though...But I'd be willing enough for even a 16-bit sequel to one of the best FFs ever, which itself looked barely above 8-bit...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on June 01, 2009, 10:33:10 pm
Well, despite what he wrote, I will get it.

IV is the first FF I played (and among my first RPGs too), and my 2nd most favorite FF. This sequel's plot, even though some details of it I don't like, it's still good for me in general. The price doesn't bother me either. Besides, my birthday is not that far now, so I will certainly have the money to get it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Brink-of-Time on June 01, 2009, 10:49:40 pm
I like to play older games mostly, but a few newer games. Anyways here's what I'm currently playing:

Persona 3 (for the 3rd time lol), Duke Nukem 3D, The Longest Journey, Resident Evil 2, and Rallisport Challenge 2
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on June 02, 2009, 12:41:01 am
and apparently there are about 7 character specific sidequests that will become available over the next few months each costing an additional 300 Wii Points, along with a final story costing another 800 Wii Points.

They're not even sidequests, you have to do them each in order, plus the final chapter takes the save data from the rest and unites the whole party. So... each chapter is a character-focused story. Kinda odd, but I like the idea. I'll download it soon.

Persona 3 (for the 3rd time lol), Duke Nukem 3D, The Longest Journey, Resident Evil 2, and Rallisport Challenge 2

Fuck yes Persona 3, I started up a hard mode new game the other day. Still have to finish 4... as well as 2 and 1 (tried the PSP remake but I'll wait for the US version to play further).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on June 02, 2009, 06:28:50 am
and apparently there are about 7 character specific sidequests that will become available over the next few months each costing an additional 300 Wii Points, along with a final story costing another 800 Wii Points.

They're not even sidequests, you have to do them each in order, plus the final chapter takes the save data from the rest and unites the whole party. So... each chapter is a character-focused story. Kinda odd, but I like the idea. I'll download it soon.
I am not a big fan of that, I am paying in the end several times more for a game thats only slightly longer then normal.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on June 02, 2009, 10:27:05 am
I just got Galaga on my VC, and Contra 4 on the DS. It's really similar to other older contra's and the old formula holds up very well. It's pretty damn hard for the casual gamer but man it's fun. Also, I recently got some Nyko guns and House of the Dead 2 & 3. This is the ultimate game for the low-budget zombie movie fan! Especially with the guns. HOTD2 is unchanged from the arcade, and 3 is a bit more polished, but they both have very campy writing, laughable voicework, and a lot of what sounds like stock sounds and phrases. In 2, in the first level, for example, there's a woman being chased by a (presumably male) zombie, and she yells "Don't come! Don't come!" I just can't help but laugh and love that game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on June 02, 2009, 05:04:49 pm


Super Mario Galaxy 2
Metroid Other M
New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Golden Sun DS
The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks trailer;title;10

FFXIII had an english trailer shown with a lot of new footage and plot stuff. Looks great.

Sony fucking revealed Final Fantasy XIV... Online.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on June 02, 2009, 06:11:07 pm
Golden Sun DS

There is only one thing I can say about it:


I'm definitely getting this.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on June 02, 2009, 06:17:46 pm
The good: Monkey Island making a come back and Rock Band Beatles

The bad: FFXIV and Kojima not working on the new MGS game.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on June 02, 2009, 06:20:03 pm
Wow, Metroidness! Though I still see a serious lack of actual metroids in the games lately...Team Ninja's contributions seem apparent. Battles look pretty slick. How long has the production team been called "Project M"? Is that new? If it is could that be a "Ivalice Alliance"-type name where they release a bunch of games for it? I want another side scrolling Metroid dammit...and a Return of Samus remake!

Why does it look like M. Bison/Vega is in this Metroid...? Will they be able to sneak Ryu Hayabusa in it?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on June 02, 2009, 11:59:30 pm
So I've almost beaten Mass Effect after completing every single sidequest and I've got to say:

Fuck yes. This game is awesome. Everything I expected and then more. As far as sci-fi RPG's go it is probably one of the very best I've played. It puts Star Ocean 4 (the last RPG I played) to absolute shame. And it makes me think - man, how much better would that game have been if they offered at least several star systems to explore more Mass Effect-like, instead of linearly forcing you to go to story worlds? They attempted to create an expansive space adventure but it came out feeling incredibly cramped. Mass Effect achieves this perfectly though. It makes me never want to stop playing it.

Now I wonder what I'll get next? Mass Effect has sold me on BioWare I tell you what. I heard KOTOR was a kickass game as well, and similar to ME in some ways. Maybe I'll get that.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on June 03, 2009, 01:13:52 am
ME is Kotor on Crack. Several flaw in Kotor were fixed in Mass Effect and what worked was brought over, Game play wise ME wins hands down. The universe is so much larger, and combat it never gets old. ME story wise was so damn good and cinematic, its hard to believe but that's where Kotor has it beat.

Hopefully the story hasn't be spoiled for you, but certain moments in Kotor still have that impact that very few games ever have. I haven't gotten that in any Finale Fantasy game, not in CT or CC, Fallout and Mass Effect are lacking it too. If you do end up liking Kotor, another game you might look in to is Planescape: Torment. It is my favorite game of all time, and probably my favorite story out of any medium(movie, game, book, etc), its done by (some) the same team who worked on the both ME and Kotor.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on June 03, 2009, 03:06:22 am
Thanks KebreI! You pretty much sold me on KOTOR right there. I was into Star Wars more when I was a kid, but not so much anymore, and so if you said the story sucked then I was going to pass on it. I say, if an RPG story sucks, then whats the point even if the gameplay is awesome? I think ME's story could have been better, but I've been spoiled on some kickass RPG stories in the past. Also, if they attempted to expand the story worlds then that would have cut back dramatically on the huge exploration factor of the game which I think is one of its strongest suits. I typically don't like non-linear RPG's because it has been my experience that the story is almost always lacking in them. But Mass Effect pulled it off perfectly.

As far as KOTOR goes, is it a pretty linear game where you go from one planet to another, or is it more like ME where you have a large degree of freedom in where you choose to go next?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Uboa on June 03, 2009, 03:28:19 am
Sorry to split the current conversations, but I felt like this deserved a post:

"Metroid:  Other M".  Strange name, but the trailer is incredible.  In my opinion, it has the potential to outdo the whole Prime series.   Time will tell, but I'm really hopeful!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on June 03, 2009, 03:33:08 am
It not terribly linear, you only have a handful of planets to visit, and each of them is a city, a dungeon and some other unique thing to the planet. But each of those are still quite large and the order and method you choose for each of them your choice.

As for my video game life recently, its a very sad story. I have never been a fan of MMO, having tried several and not liked any of them. A few seemed good at first, like EVE, but time required mixed with repetitive game play, and a monthly fee for the better ones all ways turned me off.

For instance my friends(all of them not just the same small group), for years have be trying to get me to play World of Warcraft, something I had no interest in what so ever. Well one of them the other day pulled be aside and gave be a talk in hopes that I will play. The thing with this case wasn't so much as he was listing what WoW has, it was that I haven't ever given it a shot, and he pulled up several example where my opinion of a game was change when I actually tried it. So in the end I got the 10 day trial and am so fucking pissed off to say that I enjoyed it and am paying a monthly fee for a game.

WoW: Better then I thought, not as good as I heard.

Sorry to split the current conversations, but I felt like this deserved a post:

"Metroid:  Other M".  Strange name, but the trailer is incredible.  In my opinion, it has the potential to outdo the whole Prime series.   Time will tell, but I'm really hopeful!


I just saw the Mass Effect 2 E3 footage and new releases. Looks better then before, something the very impressive, Bioware has always been great on my list. According to IGN there will be a whole new team and Shepard is still alive. I wanted Tali and Garrus back, I was so pissed that she wasn't romanceable in the game considering that she was the only attractive person in the game. Garrus is just a BAMF.

I always pronounced Aran : Uh-ron not like Er-in. Although now that I think about it I am obviously wrong.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on June 03, 2009, 09:12:05 pm
Dissidia english trailer (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on June 03, 2009, 09:12:39 pm

I know, it's exciting to see you again, too, but that's no reason to go all Zoah all over our faces.

Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Glen on June 04, 2009, 11:12:19 am
Currently, I'm playing read-the-fanfic. Other than that, I'm playing Chrono Trigger (deep into the bowels of Lavos we go, screw Magus!) and SoulCal 3 (Xianghua SMASH!!! ... or not. Xianghua... run away screaming at the wrath of Seung Mina. ... Seung Mina SMASH!!!). It's fun!
Yeah, I agree with that,  because I played soul caliber 3 and 4 and I get to beat Seung-Mina and cassandra and all the women fighters in that game.
Title: UFC Undisputed
Post by: Mikisho on June 06, 2009, 11:45:00 pm
Anyone here play it (UFC Undisputed) on the PS3? random questions ftw  :o

I went ahead and moved your topic here since it seemed like you wanted discussion more than just pointing out what game you were playing.

XD Thanks.  One of these days my random topic making is gonna get me in trouble, I just know it xD.

Yeah I can make fancy line things too xD
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on June 07, 2009, 01:17:32 pm
Dissidia english trailer (

That voice acting is fantastic.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on June 11, 2009, 06:19:43 am
Civilization 4

It's kicking my ass.  I thought I had some allies but not they let some other ENORMUS army come through to me and start wreckin shop on me, then not help me, then declare war on me.  Sucks.  I don't get it.  They have sooooo many more soldiers than me...and I can't fight back... :x
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on June 11, 2009, 12:52:23 pm
Recently I broke out my old Gameboy color and have started playing The legend of Zelda oracle of Seasons.  Then I beat that a few days later and started oracle of ages.  Ages has been slightly more interesting since I've never actually beaten that one (While I have beaten seasons probably half a dozen times)so hopefully I'll actually finish it this time.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on June 11, 2009, 10:54:13 pm
I am loving me some Mass Effect.  I had never played it before...  My goodness, I love it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on June 15, 2009, 04:02:43 am
I ventured onto eBay for the first time in years today, in search of some new swag for the DS. Didn't end up finding a DS game per se, but I did snag the FFVI re-release and Golden Sun for a total of about $38 + shipping (so around $45... damn exchange rate). FFVI is probably my favourite classic after CT, and seeing as the re-release often sells for over $60 I figured it was too good a chance to miss. Never did own the original cart back in the SNES days.

Heard lots of good things about the Golden Sun games, so I'm looking forward to playing the first one.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on June 15, 2009, 10:17:47 am
FFVI is probably my favourite classic after CT, and seeing as the re-release often sells for over $60 I figured it was too good a chance to miss. Never did own the original cart back in the SNES days.
Ditto there buddy. I picked up FF6 before the CnD and before vowing not to buy SE games anymore. But really, that's not an SE game. It's a Squaresoft game. And it's great.  :lol:
Heard lots of good things about the Golden Sun games, so I'm looking forward to playing the first one.
Lemme know how that one is.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: kid123 on June 15, 2009, 11:05:58 am
Golden Sun, first time playing I am in awe. The main character is silent protagonist, but it got an emoticon dialogue to reflect his reaction. The art style is splendid, the scenery is beautiful, the music is awesome, the characters are lively. The combat is still old school turn-based, but with  unique magic system called Djinn. Just play it to understand the system.  The story, well, I forgot how the story goes, because it has been 4 years after I play that game. Enough said,
Golden Sun is another underrated gem from Nintendo. I recommend buying it!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on June 15, 2009, 02:09:55 pm
I am loving me some Mass Effect.  I had never played it before...  My goodness, I love it.

Glad to see more people are being converted. I'm not a fan of at all, and so I was extremely skeptical at first. But they handled the RPG element of it perfectly. It just felt like a regular RPG where the fights were shooter style instead of swords/magic. Even with all the hype, I honestly half expected it to be a straight shoot-em-up game with a moderately interesting story. It was waaay better than I expected. And the emphasis on planetary exploration was so addictive and fun. Best RPG on the 360 and the best sci-fi RPG I've ever played, hands down.

I hope Mass Effect 2 doesn't disappoint.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on June 16, 2009, 04:53:19 pm
I've played Cave story quite a bit, but never actually beaten the full extent of the game.  For those of you who don't know there is an optional area that is known for being an extremely (And I mean extremely) hard area.  And I just beat it a couple days ago.  I'm still not over it!  :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on June 16, 2009, 08:19:36 pm
So I'm playing through Tales of Vesperia...I haven't gotten very far in, and I've gotta say that for all the hype I've completely lost interest in this game. The characters, the story, all are utterly uninteresting to me. Just regurgitated RPG plot x 100 that I've seen a thousand times before.

Usually either an RPG's story or characters will grab me and pull me into the game very early on. But not this time. I'm going to play this game for a couple more hours and hope that it gets a whole hell of a lot better, eitherwise it's back to the game store with it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on June 16, 2009, 09:17:28 pm
Agh, hope ToV improves for you, I'm really looking forward to it... It's (FINALLY) released here in just over a week. Nearly a year after the US. Christ.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on June 16, 2009, 11:22:37 pm
Maybe I just haven't gotten far enough, but (so far) it is incredibly cliche, with boring ass characters and lame locales and dungeons. The towns themselves are utterly uninteresting with very limited exploration possible, which makes the entire setting of the story feel cramped and even more linear than it already is.

Maybe I'm just biased after getting done with Mass Effect, but I guess I just expect RPG's to be better than this nowadays.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on June 17, 2009, 03:30:20 am
I'm not very far into it myself, but I've been playing Cave Story as well, and it's really good. I'll probably pick it up on WiiWare when it comes out there, if only as a sign of support.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on June 17, 2009, 12:18:57 pm
I just went back to playing Kingdom Hearts after 3 years, Kingdom Hearts, not Kingdom Hearts II, which I consider to be the worst of the two.
Only this time I'm playing with the hardest level scheme on Expert with only the Kingdom Key, so essentially as hard as you can get the game. And I'm getting my ass handed to me.
It's fun.
FFVI is probably my favourite classic after CT, and seeing as the re-release often sells for over $60 I figured it was too good a chance to miss.

Sixty Dollars? Jesus, I bought my GBA port for fifteen bucks at Gamestop!
...Unless it's Canadian money, but still. That's quite a bit of money for a port. Even a good one of an excellent ga- Wait, I spent almost the Same on CTDS. Damn, now I'm a hypocrite.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on June 20, 2009, 12:43:29 am
When RHDN first came back up I picked up the fan translation of Dragon Quest III for SFC/SNES that I saw and am so far blown away...This is over the 3rd time and the 3rd incarnation of DQ3 that I've attempted to play and it will be the final! I've already tried the Famicom/NES and Gameboy versions and this is by far the best looking...I'm going with a non-Mage team currently: Hero (M), Thief (F), Dealer (F) & Jester (F). So far I haven't hit any roadblocks though having a Jester is sometimes annoying, the others more or less pick up the slack, though I end up relying on the Hero to heal sometimes...I guess gold isn't scarce since I can Save State cheat the monster arena fighting betting...

After firing up and realizing that ZSNES may be the only emu I currently have that will work, I also picked up Star Ocean, which I've previously tried to play 3 times. My mistake was making 3 games at the same time (in order to see multiple character branches)...This time, I'll just do one and deal with whoever I get or don't...

This also made me get Seiken Densetsu 3 (aka "Secret of Mana 2")...Which I've tried to play through over 6 times...I'm not sure who I'll go with quite yet though...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on June 20, 2009, 08:25:42 pm
I'm currently playing through Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All for the first time, just got to case 4. I hope this'll pick up the slack of the other cases in the game, all of which were horribly boring. I went ahead and picked up Trials & Tribulations along with Apollo Justice, and I'm making myself play them in order.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on June 20, 2009, 08:44:14 pm
There' attorney game? What will those crazy Japanese think of next?

This also made me get Seiken Densetsu 3 (aka "Secret of Mana 2")...Which I've tried to play through over 6 times...I'm not sure who I'll go with quite yet though...

Man, I remember trying to beat Seiken Densetsu 3 and getting stuck several times, then saying "fuck it" and giving up. One particularly frustrating time was when you have to fight some sort of giant boss in a moonlit city or something. But then again, maybe that was really easy and I just sucked horribly at SD3. It was a long, long time ago.

If I were you I'd just stick with the awesomeness which is the first Star Ocean and leave SD3 for later.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on June 20, 2009, 09:24:25 pm
I'm currently playing through Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All for the first time, just got to case 4. I hope this'll pick up the slack of the other cases in the game, all of which were horribly boring. I went ahead and picked up Trials & Tribulations along with Apollo Justice, and I'm making myself play them in order.

Yeah, the second game/JFA is widely considered the worst of the series... I especially dislike the circus case. You'll be glad to know, however, that JFA ironically has the best case ever as its last one. T&T is awesome, and AJ is pretty great too, except for the rather obvious fact some bigwigs in Capcom demanded Phoenix be shoved back into the spotlight for half of the game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on June 20, 2009, 11:51:11 pm
This also made me get Seiken Densetsu 3 (aka "Secret of Mana 2")...Which I've tried to play through over 6 times...I'm not sure who I'll go with quite yet though...

Man, I remember trying to beat Seiken Densetsu 3 and getting stuck several times, then saying "fuck it" and giving up. One particularly frustrating time was when you have to fight some sort of giant boss in a moonlit city or something. But then again, maybe that was really easy and I just sucked horribly at SD3. It was a long, long time ago.

The REAL frustrating part (hey, wtf thread am I in again?) about SD3 is farming for seeds in the later part of the game...You have to farm for your final class change AND your optimal equip! It's a pain in the ass because you'll pick up items you don't need, can't use with your class (or intended final class), or are intended for characters NOT EVEN IN YOUR PARTY!!! Maybe I'll hold off on SD3 because I'm fairly sure I'd be stuck in FAQ hell with it again just to decide where I want to go class-wise...It still rules as a game, though!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on June 21, 2009, 12:08:15 am
I'm currently playing through Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All for the first time, just got to case 4. I hope this'll pick up the slack of the other cases in the game, all of which were horribly boring. I went ahead and picked up Trials & Tribulations along with Apollo Justice, and I'm making myself play them in order.

Yeah, the second game/JFA is widely considered the worst of the series... I especially dislike the circus case. You'll be glad to know, however, that JFA ironically has the best case ever as its last one. T&T is awesome, and AJ is pretty great too, except for the rather obvious fact some bigwigs in Capcom demanded Phoenix be shoved back into the spotlight for half of the game.

Tact plays AA:JFA Case 4!:


*blah blah blah Nickel Samurai*

T: i thought the last case was supposed to be exciting what the hell

*Words, words, words*

T: Oh god this game suucks so much shit why can't I just move on to Trials & Tribula-


Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on June 21, 2009, 02:14:10 am
I'm currently playing through Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All for the first time, just got to case 4. I hope this'll pick up the slack of the other cases in the game, all of which were horribly boring. I went ahead and picked up Trials & Tribulations along with Apollo Justice, and I'm making myself play them in order.

Yeah, the second game/JFA is widely considered the worst of the series... I especially dislike the circus case. You'll be glad to know, however, that JFA ironically has the best case ever as its last one. T&T is awesome, and AJ is pretty great too, except for the rather obvious fact some bigwigs in Capcom demanded Phoenix be shoved back into the spotlight for half of the game.

Tact plays AA:JFA Case 4!:


*blah blah blah Nickel Samurai*

T: i thought the last case was supposed to be exciting what the hell

*Words, words, words*

T: Oh god this game suucks so much shit why can't I just move on to Trials & Tribula-



Yeah JFA wasn't that great until case 4.  That still reigns as my second favourite AA case.  Although I haven't played Apollo Justice.  Number one is still case 5 from Trials and tribulations.  Both of those I just thought were really good finishers for the games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on June 21, 2009, 02:30:59 am
I'm currently playing through Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All for the first time, just got to case 4. I hope this'll pick up the slack of the other cases in the game, all of which were horribly boring. I went ahead and picked up Trials & Tribulations along with Apollo Justice, and I'm making myself play them in order.

Yeah, the second game/JFA is widely considered the worst of the series... I especially dislike the circus case. You'll be glad to know, however, that JFA ironically has the best case ever as its last one. T&T is awesome, and AJ is pretty great too, except for the rather obvious fact some bigwigs in Capcom demanded Phoenix be shoved back into the spotlight for half of the game.

Tact plays AA:JFA Case 4!:


*blah blah blah Nickel Samurai*

T: i thought the last case was supposed to be exciting what the hell

*Words, words, words*

T: Oh god this game suucks so much shit why can't I just move on to Trials & Tribula-




I am play T&T right now actually.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on June 21, 2009, 01:34:38 pm
God you guys are making me want to go back and replay T&T.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on June 22, 2009, 02:51:59 pm (

I think this game has the power to re-instill my love for my DS. I play a few games on it still but nothing in a while has really made me say WOW! This game though looks impressive, and it the same team as Drawn-To-Life.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on June 23, 2009, 12:05:09 am
That's one game I will not be passing up for sure.   :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on June 23, 2009, 03:35:58 am

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on June 23, 2009, 11:56:50 am


Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on June 23, 2009, 04:53:09 pm



Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on June 23, 2009, 06:23:14 pm



Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on June 23, 2009, 09:44:46 pm




Title: Sands of Destruction
Post by: ZealKnight on July 02, 2009, 02:15:12 am
The new game by Kato, with music by Mitsuda. Anyone keeping up with it? It's about having to destroy the earth because it has been taken over by animal people called Ferals. Sounds pretty cool, and the characters look pretty interesting.
Title: Re: Sands of Destruction
Post by: Samopoznanie on July 02, 2009, 02:38:16 am
I've been following it off and on since I first heard about the collaboration. Save for the hokey combat voice acting, I think it looks quite promising. I like the graphics - colourful, reminds me of the Tales games and Albert Odyssey. The cinemas remind me more of FF though.

Glad to see Sega picking up on some of these cool games since it made the switch to a multiplatform developer. It was sad to see them going through such a rough period with Saturn / Dreamcast. God to see they've made a bit of a comeback.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on July 04, 2009, 09:07:55 am
New HeartGold/SoulSilver trailer is go:

Count how many times he says haahto goldo shoal shilbaa


The games release on the 12th September in Japan, and every copy comes with the Pokéwalker/pedometer (snort). By transferring a Pokémon to it you can rack up steps and points to unlock new areas, items, and encounters in the actual game.

You can now pre-order them:

Pre-ordering HeartGold gets you a Ho-oh figure and SoulSilver gets you a waffle iron Lugia figure. Pre-ordering both gets you an Arceus figure.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on July 04, 2009, 03:45:45 pm
Heh, it comes out on my birthday...

I'll still wait for the American version, though. I hope they do the same pedometer idea.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on July 04, 2009, 04:56:52 pm
I like the statues =D

They BETTER have celebi in-game.  and catchable.  Not a damn event.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on July 04, 2009, 06:14:25 pm
How much do you want to bet they won't have the figurines in the American version?  :picardno I was planning on preordering too.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on July 04, 2009, 06:58:38 pm
they had teh figurines for Platinum, so why not these?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dark3mx on July 05, 2009, 12:44:15 am
currently playing?

Final Fantasy 7 Ultima Edition (PC)
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts 2 (speedrun)
Devil May Cry 3
Portal (PC)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on July 05, 2009, 03:59:37 am
It says DISCUSSION, Dark3mx, not LISTS.

I just got Dragon Quest I & II for SNES. I've beat DQI on NES and played through DQII NES quite a bit and even started DQI&II GBC, but the SNES versions of the DQs are easily the most impressive I've seen.

I also started Lennus II, which is pretty neat though a bit weird so far and idk how much further I'll go with it right now because I just hate learning new spell names and all that new series learning curve stuff...*sigh*

After getting these two I have now made a new promise (to cover up my previous promise to myself which kind of died for various reasons) to stay away from RHDN and I guess just all ROMs until I finish one! Having nigh limitless possibilities is such a hindrance...this must be how rich people must feel about everything, right? >_>

Oh, and I'm about to get to the first Class Change in my current playthrough of SD3 as well, so I went and nabbed a FAQ to check out where I want to end up...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on July 06, 2009, 02:28:31 pm
Does anyone else feel as if they're growing out of video games? I haven't sat down and really played one in weeks, and I really don't have any urge to. I tried to play some ROMs I had downloaded in a .rar, thought I'd be able to get back into the swing of things because there were maybe 30 or so in the pack, but I tried playing them and got bored really fast.

Maybe it's just me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: HyperNerd on July 06, 2009, 02:55:19 pm
I just got lucky, apparently, I was playing Final Fantasy VII and had given up on getting Yuffie after grinding for an hour and a half in the forests near Junon trying to get her, and the one random encounter I get as I pass through a small forest near Cosmo Canyon happens to be a battle with Mysterious Ninja.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: mav on July 06, 2009, 03:00:33 pm
Does anyone else feel as if they're growing out of video games? I haven't sat down and really played one in weeks, and I really don't have any urge to. I tried to play some ROMs I had downloaded in a .rar, thought I'd be able to get back into the swing of things because there were maybe 30 or so in the pack, but I tried playing them and got bored really fast.

Maybe it's just me.
It ain't just you pal...I haven't sat down and played a game in months. And the last two games I played were SNES classics. Hell, the last time I played an RPG was around a year ago and the last "new" game I played was FFIX. I don't wanna say I grew out of 'em, but it's certainly feeling that way...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on July 06, 2009, 03:51:41 pm
I've gotten in the rut before as well, it's not a bad thing at all. Still I found the best remedy is to play a completely different kind of game, ones you know you think you might not like even.

I know a lot of people here are fans of Japanese RPGs, so I recommend western style, Try out the New Elderscrolls games, Mass effect, or even some classics like the the first two Fallouts, Baldurs Gate, or Planescape: Torment.

In fact screw the rest and play Planescape: Torment, it is the GODLYIST STORY IN THIS EXISTENCE!
Title: Eternal Sonata
Post by: MagilsugaM on July 07, 2009, 05:40:58 am
It's finally out for PS3 now and i go my hands on a copy of it! It's really awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

II know that this is old but anyways,,,,
The game is really amazing, the graphics, battle system, story! I give it a 9/10.

If I had merged the entire old Eternal Sonata thread to this it would have effed out the beginning of this thread. No harm, no foul. I understand resurrecting the old thread that specifies the game you're talking about, but this thread is fresher and serves the same purpose.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on July 09, 2009, 08:04:52 pm
I know what you all mean about "the rut."  It happens with games, music, movies, even sports and other more physical things.  Just switch it up.  Play different games.  Play no games.  Play some shit you thought you would never in a million years play, you just might enjoy it.  When I do that I'm at about 1/5 for enjoying it.

Been playing some Ogre Battle64 a little bit...I have one save towards the end of the game and one right at the beginning.  Going to take the early one in a different direction than the older one.  I originally wanted to finish the older one first, but I just needed that fresh start, ya know?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on July 09, 2009, 08:08:23 pm
Since I've become an adult I play very little video games.  They are still fun, but the world at large has bigger, more important tasks at hand.

It's taken me at least two months to get me 1/3 the way through Mass Effect.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on July 15, 2009, 03:02:08 pm
Looks like I picked the right time to invest in a DS! Both Golden Sun 3 and Dragon Quest 9 will be coming out for the Nintendo DS!

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on July 17, 2009, 07:22:22 pm
Ha, DQIX has been coming out for the DS for like a year and a half it feels like (actually, that's probably not far from the truth now...>_>)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on July 17, 2009, 07:25:16 pm
Well, its out in Japan, so it can't be too much longer....well, if it has voice overs it might. Dubbing is a long hard process.

I've been waiting for Golden Sun 3 for a while now, though, so I'm happy with that if nothing else.

Plus, you know, the remake of FFIV.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on July 17, 2009, 07:56:00 pm
I just finished FFVI for the first time. It had an awesome ending, but, man, was I over-prepared and disappointed for the final dungeon throughout.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on July 17, 2009, 08:08:57 pm
Don't worry, Tact, Kefka's tower is far from the "final" dungeon. There's at least two others that are much much tougher.

It's awesome.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on July 17, 2009, 08:17:05 pm
Haha, I'm the opposite. 2/3 of my total party members are totally underlevelled for Kefka's Tower. It's an old file though, I haven't went back to it in a few years; currently playing FFVI Advance but not very far in that.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on July 17, 2009, 08:44:39 pm
I always thought that the final Kefka fight was way too easy. Maybe it's because I over leveled Celes or something. I pretty much exclusively used her in the fight and for me, it was over very quickly. I had no trouble with it at all.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on July 17, 2009, 08:48:23 pm
Same here. Even when I had just the three mandatory characters, I thought it was going to be hard that way.

But it wasn't. Going through the tower was harder than Kefka, actually.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on July 17, 2009, 08:50:54 pm
What about the Dragon's Den that you can go to after you kill Kefka?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on July 17, 2009, 08:52:42 pm
I leveled everyone to like level 60 except Strago and Umaro, because they're big dummyheads. Blew through Kefka's Tower pretty easily. Also, God Kefka only has 60K HP, it's like he really wanted to die.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on July 17, 2009, 08:53:08 pm
What about the Dragon's Den that you can go to after you kill Kefka?

That's only in FFVI Advance, I played the original.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on July 17, 2009, 11:07:04 pm
It can sorta depend on how well you use stat bonuses, what Magics you learn, what equip you get, what sidequests you did, etc. I had numerous people with Ultima though, so, yeah...Kefcakewalk.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on July 18, 2009, 02:41:45 am
I didn't bother to get Ultima. I got the Ragnarok Sword for the sole purpose of getting the Illumina, which I gave to Locke, who with Genji Gloves had a Wing edge (changed to Excalibur before Kefka) and The Offering equipped.

Easily 3 times the damage of Ultima.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on July 18, 2009, 03:15:07 am
I just sat down and powered threw Sonic Adventurer (Dreamcast) in a little under 5 hours.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on July 18, 2009, 03:33:44 am
I actually have an honest question about Sonic the Hedgehog.

When did Robotnik lose all pretense of cool and change his name to Eggman?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on July 18, 2009, 04:11:50 am
I actually have an honest question about Sonic the Hedgehog.

When did Robotnik lose all pretense of cool and change his name to Eggman?

Dreamcast is the first I recall. All I remember from the old cartoon was that Sonic usually only needed one ring, and it was a special occurance to find one, and he loved chili dogs. Total blank on the baddie name.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on July 18, 2009, 04:22:35 am
In Japan, the character has always been known as Doctor Eggman. However, in early American and European games and media, he is known as Doctor Robotnik. Yuji Naka has explained that "Robotnik" is the character's real name while "Eggman" is a "common name taken after his shape."... Beginning with Sonic Adventure, Sega began referring to him as Eggman in both languages, with the use of the name Robotnik becoming rare.

In Adventure they do the transition quite well, as everyone calls him Eggman except himself as an insult.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on July 18, 2009, 01:17:06 pm
I was wondering about this, here we go:

Quote from:
Eggman has been known by different names in various Sonic media depending on region. In Japan, the character has always been known as Doctor Eggman. However, in early American and European games and media, he is known as Doctor Robotnik. Yuji Naka has explained that "Robotnik" is the character's real name while "Eggman" is a "common name taken after his shape."[5] It should also be noted that the original English instruction manual for Sonic the Hedgehog briefly gave the full name Doctor Ivo Robotnik by Sega of America localizers.[6] Despite this, Japanese profiles still list his full name as unknown.[7] Beginning with Sonic Adventure, Sega began referring to him as Eggman in both languages, with the use of the name Robotnik becoming rare.

Today I'm going to be playyyyiiiinnnngggg... let's see... probably Mario Kart Wii (if anyone has it and Wi-Fi gimme your friend code!) and Dissidia. I finally realized how chain HP attacks work in Dissidia, it's really satisfying being able to throw in a cheap hit in mid-air with Zidane. I also love how just managing to hit a CPU character far higher in level than you awards you a fuckton of EXP on the spot. Levelling up Terra 11 levels in the space of about two minutes was really cool.

OH and speaking of Dissidia, here's some cool news:
On 23rd of July (only 5 days away!) a demo of the US version goes up on the PlayStation Store. Also the release date is 25th August.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on July 18, 2009, 01:44:39 pm
When I first heard of Dissidia, I was speechless. A crossover with all of the heroes and main villains of all 12 Final Fantasies? What nerd hasn't had day dreamed in class about that?

Then I read its Wikipedia page and realized that it was a fighting game. That burst my bubble really quickly. If I'd wanted another fighting game that resembled Final Fantasy, I would've gotten Soul Caliber 4.

But then, I saw some Youtube footage of it, and now I'm considering buying a PSP simply to get Dissidia. IT LOOKED SOO AWESOME!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: x_XTacTX_x on July 18, 2009, 02:52:52 pm
Robotnik already had an insult nickname, Robuttnik.

Saying Eggman makes me feel like one of those eleven year-old "ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL" Sonic fans.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on July 18, 2009, 09:05:12 pm
Robotnik already had an insult nickname, Robuttnik.

Saying Eggman makes me feel like one of those eleven year-old "ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL" Sonic fans.

Or the breakfast version of a megaman enemy.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: anonymouse on July 19, 2009, 11:45:04 am
Dissidia demo? Oh YEAH. Me and my PSP have been waiting for Dissidia ever since news of it broke =D It made me partially forgive Square for letting me down with Crisis Core. So, yanno, it had better not suck.

I'm playing SMT: Nocturne now. Amazing game. A big difference from some button-mashers I wouldn't care to name.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on July 20, 2009, 12:40:05 am
Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh, have I mentioned the new lappy in here yet? Anyways, because of it and my inability to transfer files from the crappy lappy, I've been re-d/ling a few games (now I'm back to no$gba though, which means bye-bye to those ZSNES playthroughs...*sigh*) and getting some new ones...

Sadly, Knights In the Nightmare is kind of fuct emulating (flashing screens @_@), though what I can make out looks really cool (though the learning curve I had heard about does indeed appear quite steep)...

I also tried out Moon for the hell of it, but then got a crash error at some point. It seemed kinda neat, but I just don't see FPSs working well at all on the system.

I AM playing Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor (DS! DEVIL SURVIVOR! GET IT? OH THEY ARE CUTE, AREN'T THEY??), which is a fairly enjoyable SRPG. The whole merging demons thing is kind of a hassle, but nothing noteworthy to detract from a cool story (IT'S ABOUT SURVIVING DEMONS, HOW QUAINT)...

Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen - I loved the original 8-Bit version and this version is great as well...It's just too bad that this lappy can barely handle the overworld map (it seriously slows down to like 10%)...

Etrian Odyssey - Slogging through this quasi-dungeon crawler RPG. Really quite enjoyable though rather level-heavy. Not for the faint-of-heart RPG n00b...

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon - I'll get through one of these damn FE games one of these days, so it might as well be this quite good remake of the original.

Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars - Pretty good entry to the series...But I'm a sucker for the more oldschool style GTA gameplay. I enjoy the touchscreen interface mini-game things so far too, which is surprising. Not as great as its series big brothers, but an entry worthy of playing.

Pokemon: Platinum Version - Probably my 3rd or so try at this particular iteration of the series. I'm back into hating GD Honey trees and such...For some reason I'm using Zubat (never have before much).

Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume - Only just started, but a rather fancy SRPG battle system so far with big, flashy combos.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on July 20, 2009, 02:07:32 am
Lately I have been playing nothing but Fire Emblem games (well, with an exception here and there).

I may probably play through Radiant Dawn again. I'm not sure if I can still use my Path of Radiance file again for the data transfer, but just in case I copied it before, to be able to do it a second time. (Since there is no way I will play through Path of Radiance again, especially not if Chapters 8 and 13 barely allowed me the first time... and let's not start with Chapter 27...)

I'm still not sure if I would try to recruit Lehran or not. Well, I will see while playing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dark3mx on July 20, 2009, 02:45:41 am
Lately Ive been experimenting with Ragnarok Online (J but E patched) And I must say, It's a really decent RPG. It gives you the feel of an MMO with the fighting system and the Graphics are quit complimentary to each other even though the game has 2D sprites but 3D maps.

;;heh;; Just today I remember one of the most awesome SNES games I had ever played called Arkanoid. It's like the Brick Breaker game commonly found on Cell phones but a lot better. I decided to venture back into my space traveling brick shattering past and play this title on my DS (not the DS port of Arkanoid, the SNES version) And It really brings back memories of playing CT, the DKC games, and even Link to the Past.

Lo and behold, I went out to my garage today and found a box with my Super Famicom and all of my original SNES carts XD.  but anyways, I strongly recommend that ANYONE try these games, they are really addictive.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on July 21, 2009, 06:41:23 am
I believe Arkanoid is older than 16-bit...I think it was one of the original Atari arcade machines even. Or else around that same era. Good enough game to while away some time with.

I just got Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords (NDS) again. Its a great puzzler (Bejeweled-like battles)/RPG that's a good time waster with an oldschool RPG feel (though very much NOT an oldschool RPG).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on July 21, 2009, 07:14:53 am
Lately I have been playing nothing but Fire Emblem games (well, with an exception here and there).

I may probably play through Radiant Dawn again. I'm not sure if I can still use my Path of Radiance file again for the data transfer, but just in case I copied it before, to be able to do it a second time. (Since there is no way I will play through Path of Radiance again, especially not if Chapters 8 and 13 barely allowed me the first time... and let's not start with Chapter 27...)

I'm still not sure if I would try to recruit Lehran or not. Well, I will see while playing.

I looooooove the Fire Emblem series so much! I need to get the wii version of it at some point now that my wii is finally region-free.  Which FE game do you like the best? I think I like 7(the very first version released in the US, just called "Fire Emblem") the best because the story was very interesting and I liked the characters from that one the most... though my favorite character in all the games is Joshua and he's from 8 . My favorite class is the Myrmidon. I tried playing a bit of Fire Emblem 3 at some point. It was kind of basic and I'm not sure if I want to continue that or not...

But before I get to that, I need to really start playing Twilight Princess. My problem is that I lost my nunchuk a good while ago and I need to buy myself a new one considering the wii version requires a nunchuck >_>;.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on July 21, 2009, 12:31:37 pm
Which FE game do you like the best?

That will be Genealogy of the Holy War, the fourth game. It would be for the story, I think it's one of the best in the whole series.
I had problems at some parts (especially back in Chapter 9), but comparing to some other hard situations I had on the other games, it was nothing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dark3mx on July 21, 2009, 01:06:51 pm
I believe Arkanoid is older than 16-bit...I think it was one of the original Atari arcade machines even. Or else around that same era. Good enough game to while away some time with.

It was originally an arcade game that was later ported to the Atari, then during the SNES era was ported to the Super Famicom as Arkanoid: Doh is Again, named after the boss you face multiple times. Now Arkanoid got ported to the DS but completely ruined the classic feel to it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: skylark on July 21, 2009, 03:02:58 pm
I am currently on a Drakengard kick right now. I mean uber-completion of both games.

I know there's sort of a popularity rift between the two games. The story in Drakengard 1 was fucked up on so many level, but it was freaking awesome. The gameplay and other stuff, not so much.

On the other hand, 2 significantly improved just about everything about the original game... but the story was somewhat weaker.

What are everybody's thoughts?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on July 26, 2009, 07:38:07 pm
Well, I finally decided to give Fire Emblem a break. And now, I'm with Super Robot Taisen OG now.


Still with SRPGs then, though. Anyway, I consider it harder than FE, thought that is since I'm trygin to get all those Skill points. Yeah, especially when destroying units that retreat when their HP reaches certain %. Good thing I can use supports to my advantage.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on July 26, 2009, 10:01:06 pm
Well after like 4 or 5 years I finally got Pokemon Fire red.  But when I actually get it I realize the one I got is counterfeit.  It hasn't had any problems yet, but I can't help be a bit frustrated. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on July 26, 2009, 10:27:46 pm
Well after like 4 or 5 years I finally got Pokemon Fire red.  But when I actually get it I realize the one I got is counterfeit.  It hasn't had any problems yet, but I can't help be a bit frustrated. 

Sorry to say it, but it's likely the data will randomly become corrupt... Get a refund if you can.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on July 27, 2009, 02:02:06 pm
Well after like 4 or 5 years I finally got Pokemon Fire red.  But when I actually get it I realize the one I got is counterfeit.  It hasn't had any problems yet, but I can't help be a bit frustrated. 

Sorry to say it, but it's likely the data will randomly become corrupt... Get a refund if you can.
Yeah.  That's the main thing I'm worried about.  In some ways I wish it would just do that so I could know 100% that it's a bad cartridge.  We found out because the cartridge itself isn't shiny like the real one, it's transparent on this one, and the label is different.  Oh, and the number on the back is the wrong number.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on July 27, 2009, 04:22:48 pm
I am so close to completing Persona 3! I am on January 5, and am pumped to clean house with Nyx. Damn I've got 13 S.Links maxed and two others at half and one at one, ALL of the request except for a few of the fusion ones and the reaper are finished.

Question: does this have a new game plus feature like Persona 4?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on July 27, 2009, 05:28:37 pm
I am so close to completing Persona 3! I am on January 5, and am pumped to clean house with Nyx. Damn I've got 13 S.Links maxed and two others at half and one at one, ALL of the request except for a few of the fusion ones and the reaper are finished.

Question: does this have a new game plus feature like Persona 4?

13 links finished? That's quite an accomplishment for one game, I had way less done. I regret not being able to finish Aigis's, I had it at level 9 on the game's SECOND-LAST day. Get ready to spend 45+ minutes on Nyx, although if you're level 80+ or so you shouldn't have too much trouble. It's all very smooth-going until its trump attack (think of the random status-inflicting Grand Cross from Final Fantasy and you have an idea of it) in the last third of the battle, which really catches most players off-guard. Also, protection from Charm on your healer/s is very recommended. If one gets Charmed they'll heal Nyx back to full health, wasting your whole battle.

Never finished the Reaper myself... It's Persona 3 FES so Monad isn't open until AFTER beating the Reaper... which is retarded considering I kinda need it to level up and kill the damn thing in the first place.

Yeah it has new game plus. I think the only difference from P4's new game plus is that it carries over your main character's level (which I personally find stupid since it destroys any difficulty the game would have).

I'm the opposite, actually; in P4 I'm in the last dungeon (for the normal ending anyway); I sort of fell out with it for a while due to the random Megidolan-spamming enemy that cost me over an hour of progress. I'll finish it... sometime.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on July 27, 2009, 09:31:18 pm
Yeah.  That's the main thing I'm worried about.  In some ways I wish it would just do that so I could know 100% that it's a bad cartridge.  We found out because the cartridge itself isn't shiny like the real one, it's transparent on this one, and the label is different.  Oh, and the number on the back is the wrong number.
I just had exactly the same thing happen to me, with a copy of FFV for GBA / DS. Only paid $10 plus a small shipping fee thankfully, but it had the same sort of precarious cosmetic defects about it. That, and it didn't play. Just said there was no game pak inserted. I knew I was in for bad news when I saw  the return address from China, seeing as the seller had been listed as from San Fran. Hopefully I can get a refund. :picardno

Oh well. Still got Golden Sun to kick around with. Quite playful, but a good nostalgia feel to it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on July 27, 2009, 09:40:46 pm
I've spent some time in the past week playing Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. A very good game, in my opinion. Really brought out the RPG in Mario, aside from the Paper Mario series and Super Mario RPG.

An overall good game, I must say. A lovely style to it, especially the battle system. Not to mention the storyline. Very good plot, with a insanely interesting twist to it. Not to mention, comical! It still brings me great humor when Luigi freaks out over something simple, or the expressions of the characters look goofy and cartoon-ish.

An all-time classic, it has become.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on July 28, 2009, 04:14:02 am
Yeah.  That's the main thing I'm worried about.  In some ways I wish it would just do that so I could know 100% that it's a bad cartridge.  We found out because the cartridge itself isn't shiny like the real one, it's transparent on this one, and the label is different.  Oh, and the number on the back is the wrong number.
I just had exactly the same thing happen to me, with a copy of FFV for GBA / DS. Only paid $10 plus a small shipping fee thankfully, but it had the same sort of precarious cosmetic defects about it. That, and it didn't play. Just said there was no game pak inserted. I knew I was in for bad news when I saw  the return address from China, seeing as the seller had been listed as from San Fran. Hopefully I can get a refund. :picardno

Oh well. Still got Golden Sun to kick around with. Quite playful, but a good nostalgia feel to it.
THe odd thing is that it was from a site I know to be good and I made sure it was not from China or some place like that.  I'm pretty sure it was somewhere in America.  Well, I'll probably try to contact the person within the next couple days.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on July 28, 2009, 02:01:04 pm
I've spent some time in the past week playing Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. A very good game, in my opinion. Really brought out the RPG in Mario, aside from the Paper Mario series and Super Mario RPG.

An overall good game, I must say. A lovely style to it, especially the battle system. Not to mention the storyline. Very good plot, with a insanely interesting twist to it. Not to mention, comical! It still brings me great humor when Luigi freaks out over something simple, or the expressions of the characters look goofy and cartoon-ish.

An all-time classic, it has become.

I loved the first, the second I haven't played much of. Look forward to the third game in early September.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on July 28, 2009, 02:35:12 pm
Partners In Time was basically more of the same (x2! or is it x1.5? w/e...there are baby versions of them you also control)...Not bad, but nothing really outstanding. The Mario RPGs are nice, alternative & actiony RPGs.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on July 28, 2009, 02:42:05 pm
Personally, I liked Superstar Saga better than Partners in Time. To me, PiT seemed like they did too little with the present day, and too much to make the past aspect a reliable storyline.

Not to mention they removed the most amazing aspect of battle, Bros. Moves (for those of you who do not know, special attacks that incorporated Mario and Luigi tag-teaming an enemy in a fantastic display of cooperative attack techniques and splendid sprite-age) and replaced them with Bros. Items, which did not have the same pizazz as the Bros. Moves, and the older bros. could not use hammers like in the previous game...which made it seem empty.

Mario and Luigi 3: Bowser's inside story looks good, but I'm worried about the fact that Mario and Luigi will not be incorporated as much as the previous titles, having their game-play mostly inside of Bowser and mostly 2-D (I love platformers, but the 2-D kind of takes out of Mario and Luigi RPGs.) makes it seem less....Mario and Luigi to me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on July 29, 2009, 12:53:56 am
I guess I could stick this in the frustration thread, but since I have an option, I'll go with not adding to that heaping pile.

I just spent 8 hours at the library d/ling Lunar: Silver Star for Sega CD and have no idea how to use it now...I'll have to look into this whole wacky ISO and Fusion/Kega SegaCD emulation a bit more I guess...V_V
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on July 29, 2009, 01:35:47 am
Has anyone played BlazBlue? It's the 2D fighter I've been waiting for my entire life. Finally I can play a wonderful 2D fighter without it being a sequel in which vets would not give me a chance to land a blow. And if you're an RPG only guy don't worry, its story is amazing! Better than SO4's. Great character designs, most people know how I hate over designed characters and I say perfect amount of design. Also if want to get Hard Core its got that too. And the Story Mode is pretty replayable, and the only character that is annoying you can tell just by looking at him (Carl Clover).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on July 29, 2009, 01:46:14 am
Isn't BlazBlue made by them Guilty Gear peeps? They've made themselves one of the most impressive new fighting game series of the last couple gens.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on July 29, 2009, 02:55:55 am
Isn't BlazBlue made by them Guilty Gear peeps? They've made themselves one of the most impressive new fighting game series of the last couple gens.

Sure is. I play; the game is fantastic. It's my main fighting game at this point, which means after Monster Hunter, it's probably the game I play most. Ragna is my main at the moment. Who do you all play?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on July 29, 2009, 03:02:13 am
Isn't BlazBlue made by them Guilty Gear peeps? They've made themselves one of the most impressive new fighting game series of the last couple gens.

Sure is. I play; the game is fantastic. It's my main fighting game at this point, which means after Monster Hunter, it's probably the game I play most. Ragna is my main at the moment. Who do you all play?

GAH I really wanna play BlazBlue, I recently sort of got into Guilty Gear (well, XX Accent Core on the PSP) and I'm loving it so far. BlazBlue looks so damn stylish. I'll need to save and buy a PS3/360 soon...

"Epic Mickey" concept art leaked:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on July 29, 2009, 03:36:09 pm
Epic Micky? That's the first I've of that. Why is goofy made of pipes? Noel is my main, basically because I'd never imagined how a gun character in a 2D fighter wouldn't be the best character. And I put much time into her, but she is also a lot of fun to play as. Plus shes funny. I also use Rachel and Jin.

Her Specials:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on July 29, 2009, 03:46:49 pm
FUCK YEAH! TAKE THAT, EMULATION~!! With a little help (, I managed to salvage Lunar: Silver Star! I've actually played the GBA Lunar, but I'm not entirely clear on how that fits into Silver Star & Eternal Blue (remake or some such? *shrugs* maybe I should have looked into this first...)...I haven't gotten far, but so far it looks like a really good SNES-era game, only there's some voice over (so far I've only heard the flying rat and it isn't good VO...V_V) work during a couple cut-scene thingies...YOUR SOUL IS MINE, SEGA CD/FUSION EMULATOR~!!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on July 29, 2009, 04:16:32 pm
GBA Lunar is Silver Star but with slightly changed story, though even more compared to the PSX version. Never got far since I went for the latter instead.

But only occasionally playing. Last thing I did was entering that tower near the thieves' town, and that was weeks ago. I may play it more frequently now, though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on August 05, 2009, 06:12:40 am
So I finally start playing Red Alert 3.  My friend's brother works for EA games and got me a copy.

Seems pretty fun so far. I'm playing the Soviet side first, if I get around to beating it, I'm doing the Empire's side. The only reason I didn't do them first is cause I heard that most of their maps are water-based and I'm not a huge fan of water combat...

So far other than all the new slutty-looking women (I swear Yuriko is the ONLY one who doesn't look like a sex symbol >_>), my only real complaint is that the maps are too large and I can't really find a way to zoom-out... Otherwise, I hope I don't end up staying up all night playing this like I did Yuri's Revenge. What a freaken weird game that one was. I went up to the moon to fight for mother Russia...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: SuperSlash on August 06, 2009, 01:50:52 am
I'm currently playing through the .hack//G.U. series for the first time. I'm on Volume 2, about 7-10 hours in, and at level 61. I got the Doppelganger's item in the previous volume as well. I just finished the second round of the Holy Palace tournament.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on August 06, 2009, 02:13:46 am
Great, I was about to go to the Frontier in Lunar, and the game freezes, every single time the cutscene ends.

Well, I think I'm done with the game unless I find a way to solve the problem. In the meantime, I'm back to Fire Emblem, now playing FEBinary, a hack of GotHW. Compared to the original, it's very different in some ways (though the story is the same anyway).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on August 06, 2009, 02:49:16 am
I started playing Locke's Quest for DS the other day. Got it on ebay for $10. It's quite nice! The graphics are well done, stylus controls are easy, makes use of both screens. The dialogue / story is totally run of the mill, but it's really just an in-between link for all the strategy battles / maps. Very nicely polished.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on August 06, 2009, 06:29:47 pm
Recently I rented Kirby superstar ultra for DS.  A good game, but I'm glad I didn't buy it because I practically did everything except get all the treasures on the great cave offensive.  (I hate that thing)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on August 06, 2009, 11:28:31 pm
Recently I rented Kirby superstar ultra for DS.  A good game, but I'm glad I didn't buy it because I practically did everything except get all the treasures on the great cave offensive.  (I hate that thing)

Ha, same with me (though replace rent with emulate)...I didn't get as far on the DS version, but I hear that there's new stuff once you've done more unlocking...I personally didn't like the new mini-games as much as the old ones (which I hope are part of available unlocking)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on August 07, 2009, 02:23:59 am
Recently I rented Kirby superstar ultra for DS.  A good game, but I'm glad I didn't buy it because I practically did everything except get all the treasures on the great cave offensive.  (I hate that thing)

Ha, same with me (though replace rent with emulate)...I didn't get as far on the DS version, but I hear that there's new stuff once you've done more unlocking...I personally didn't like the new mini-games as much as the old ones (which I hope are part of available unlocking)...
I think the only mini games from GBA games are the samurai Kirby thingy and the one about chopping bricks.  I think it's like Megaton punch or something.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ONSLAUGHT on August 07, 2009, 02:27:11 am
I'm not currently playing but after learnign Yasunori Mitsuda did the soundtrack and learning it was an RPG, I think I'm gonna give Tsugunai Atonement a try. Anybody play it before?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on August 07, 2009, 02:41:10 am
HAHA! Oh the irony and hubris of youth...

A friend of mine told me about TA a few years ago....but we both promptly dismissed it as a "serious" RPG on the grounds that neither Nobuo Uematsu or one of the other famous Squeenix composers(although in all honesty, I can't remember any of their names) were composing the music of it.


I swear, I was such a self-proclaimed "connoisseur" back in the day. Rather obnoxious in retrospect.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ONSLAUGHT on August 07, 2009, 02:46:09 am
So... what is that?

Yes/ No?

I've read reviews and generally they say no. But then again I've found reviews also told me Master Chief is a good comparison of awesome to Samus.

So I'd rather take advice from someone who's played it or just take the risk.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on August 07, 2009, 02:49:26 am
Unfortunately, no.

But, hell, why not give it a try!? Screw reviews, they gave FFX a higher rating that Katamari Damaci!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ONSLAUGHT on August 07, 2009, 02:54:49 am
I decided to give a look see at his other works and was surprised to find certain games under his work.

And to help stay on topic the one that stuck out the most as surprising...

Bomberman 64 the Second Attack. not many know of it, and not everyone liked it. I quite enjoyed the game. Dunno if it's cause I played with a friend who at the time was raving Bomberman fan and helped make the experience a blast of just my tastes. I know the music was one thing that drew me in(most notably Aquanet 2)and now i know why! CT music maker=BM642 music maker. Who knew?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on August 07, 2009, 11:53:01 pm
I finally got Suikoden Tierkreis and I'm pretty pleased with it so far, I guess...I'm not sure why I thought it was a SRPG for so long though as it so clearly is not (very standard turn-based RPG, which is actually what I've been looking for)...One thing I don't like about it is *SUPRISE SUPRISE* the voice overs. You can't even turn them off! It's not for every bit of speech like walking around talking to NPCs, but it seems to be quite a lot so far. It just reinforces my dislike for them because I so often do not agree with the actors' choices in emphasis...

Oh yeah, and they repeat the Tidus rename mistake that FFX made...Why bother allowing renames?? It looks especially stupid when you see the name you input in their speech balloons and they just skip it in the voice over (or in case of exclamation they just like grunt or something...>_>)...I understand allowing for player creativity, but I don't want it to be at the expense of immersion (every time I see the name and hear it audibly skipped I get bumped out of the story). Just give him a name, dammit. I'm not going to care too much if it sucks...or else let me turn off the damn dub!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on August 10, 2009, 03:00:47 am
I'm currently playing through the .hack//G.U. series for the first time. I'm on Volume 2, about 7-10 hours in, and at level 61. I got the Doppelganger's item in the previous volume as well. I just finished the second round of the Holy Palace tournament.

I finished all GU and got all doppelgangers's itens but i haven't finished the last part of the first series which was quarantine. It took me so much time to find that one since is out of production here in Aus. But GU is better after paying it i don't fell like playing the old ones anymore :p.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on August 13, 2009, 10:07:16 am
Of the bajillion or so games on my list of currently playing (,5946.msg110096.html#msg110096), Suikoden Tierkreis is the one that's managed to actually keep my attention (hopefully not just because its one of the newest). I can already tell how big the cast is going to get as well as how high levels are going to get (already almost at 20)...Anyways, it's pretty fun, but they did that stupid Tidus thing again...TWICE! Once for your group name (I went with "No Fate") and then again for your castle name (I chose "Pathfinder")...So, yeah, I'm still kinda wishing I could turn off voices...I could read it & its just fine when it's at a non-voiced over part, but to hear them read over and around these things is so damn stupid I just wish they had given them default names I couldn't change...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on August 15, 2009, 09:17:54 am

HeartGold & SoulSilver announced for a US/Europe release in Spring '10.


Probably pre-ordering my Japanese copy of SoulSilver today.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on August 15, 2009, 12:02:43 pm
Damn it! I JUST bought Diamond!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on August 15, 2009, 12:06:28 pm
I'm going to buy platinum when I GET a job (because I have the money, just not a flow of it)

And preorder HG (not japanese! pfft!) when I can.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on August 15, 2009, 03:32:32 pm
...Is it Spring yet!?   :D  I was considering getting Platinum sometime, but I decided to get Fire red and am still playing through that.  So I'll definitely get either Heart gold or soul silver, but until then I'm set for Pokemon games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Uboa on August 16, 2009, 10:36:36 pm
Cave Story for Wii Ware -should- be released tomorrow!  Hooray, and about damn time!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on August 16, 2009, 10:40:36 pm
Sweet! I've been playing it on the PC, but I want to get the WiiWare version to support the developer. It's a fun and well made game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on August 17, 2009, 03:33:34 pm
Cave story, love that game.  It would probably be somewhere on my top 10 favourite video games.  Unfotunately I don't have a Wii so I can't get the new one.   :(
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on August 17, 2009, 06:45:58 pm
WHOOOO! I just managed to beat Final Fantasy 4 for the first time on the DS! This game has got to be the hardest FF game in existence. I've gotten my ass kicked over seven times by the final boss. And that's not even counting all of the sub-bosses there were int he final dungeon(which was an also epic suck). I am sooo looking forward to putting in my Action Replay and kicking it into God Mode for a replay, hahahahahaha!

Edward is the most sucktacular character in the history of suckness! Oh my effing God I was waiting for him to be killed off the moment I got him. Yang is the BESTEST EVAR!!!

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on August 17, 2009, 07:53:58 pm
Lol, Play FFV. I still haven't beaten that one. I beat every single FF. With a little luck I got lost in FF1, 2, and 3 so I was strong, but in FF4 I was like screw you Zeromus, I rule! FFV on the other hand... ExDeath is almost impossible without grinding WHICH I REFUSE TO DO!!! FFVI can be difficult, But I used every character equally so I was lucky. But the Vanish-Doom trick doesn't work on two bosses in the final dungeon. Kefka and some Robot thing. FFIX isn't hard but Ozma sure is, so are the WEAPONs in FFVII. Omega isn't in VIII, I remember beating him pretty easily. But seriously FF5 = Hardest FF ever
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on August 17, 2009, 08:07:53 pm
I actually have beaten 5 before. I wouldn't say it was easy, but it was a hell of a lot easier than this.

If I had to pick a reason why, it'd have to be this douchebag:


Damn Spoony Bard! Tellah should've kicked your ass!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on August 17, 2009, 09:01:30 pm
I have also recently beaten IV DS. And I agree, those last bosses sure are hard, but I managed.

And Zeromus... let's say the team was in the single digits in HP before landing the final blow (Okay, that was Maelstrom's doing, but still, with Meteor around the corner, it was close).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on August 17, 2009, 10:16:52 pm
Really, in FFIV I had the rom for the original (I don't know jap but i got around to memorizing what slot does what) I never used Edward again. I used Kain Rosa Rydia Cecil and Edge, because they were the only usable ones. I didn't think he was that hard. My strategy was to use Rydia to keep summoning bahamut, Cecil and edge with berserk and Kain to constantly jump. I used all my items and healing with Rosa. She was a higher level than the rest because in most fights against hard bosses it was her and 1 or other characters alive but always her. Exdeath destroyed me. With Almagest and Grand Cross and the terrible white hole.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on August 17, 2009, 10:33:47 pm
Well, DS Zeromus is harder. Bahamut spamming is no more (counters summons with Aspir, which drains MP) unless you brought a lot of Elixirs and Dry Ethers. And now defending for Big Bang is a must or else you may die unless if your levels are 70+ with the correct abilities. Having Kain in the air may keep him alive, but then the other four are hit harder since Big Bag is treated like a multi-targeted spell is.

Among other things.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on August 17, 2009, 11:27:48 pm
FFV was pretty easy. The Bare & Mime Classes were the clinchers. I didn't do any overly necessary grinding either. Just made sure to master a handful of classes for each in order to pimp out their final Bare Class...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lakonthegreat on August 17, 2009, 11:53:32 pm
Lol, Play FFV. I still haven't beaten that one. I beat every single FF. With a little luck I got lost in FF1, 2, and 3 so I was strong, but in FF4 I was like screw you Zeromus, I rule! FFV on the other hand... ExDeath is almost impossible without grinding WHICH I REFUSE TO DO!!! FFVI can be difficult, But I used every character equally so I was lucky. But the Vanish-Doom trick doesn't work on two bosses in the final dungeon. Kefka and some Robot thing. FFIX isn't hard but Ozma sure is, so are the WEAPONs in FFVII. Omega isn't in VIII, I remember beating him pretty easily. But seriously FF5 = Hardest FF ever

Final Fantasy 5 not only had the hardest boss I've ever fought, but also the hardest sub-boss, in the form of Shinryu.

That was until they made FFIV Advance and Brachioraidos.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Uboa on August 18, 2009, 12:36:37 am
Not to sound like a broken record or anything, but... still no Cave Story.  :(  Apologies if I got anyone's hopes up.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lakonthegreat on August 18, 2009, 01:18:09 am
\Omega isn't in VIII, I remember beating him pretty easily.

Cerberus, Triple Aura, Triple Haste, Holy War. Summon Doomtrain and just keep up with Renzokuken/Lionheart. Leave the third character to recast Aura and Holy War when it's time.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on August 18, 2009, 05:35:09 am
Oh, I wasn't counting optional bosses as I rarely care about them unless you get something cool, useful or there's some story element involved...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lakonthegreat on August 18, 2009, 10:53:30 am
And there's definitely nothing obtained from fighting Omega Weapon in FF8. The Proof of Omega and a Three Stars really isn't worth being hit by that devastator attack he has that WILL kill you if you're not invincible.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on August 18, 2009, 12:10:59 pm
Persona fans prepare to shit yourselves.

Persona 3 is getting ported to the PSP.

Further details reveal that the male main character is still in it, and the new female character has a different version of his Persona, Orpheus. It's speculated you'll be able to choose between genders, supported by the presence of a male version of Elizabeth in the Velvet Room.

Scan showing both MCs, Personas and the Japanese release date(?)
Male Elizabeth...?

UPDATE: Famitsu translations revealed/confirmed some stuff.

Quote from: Wikipedia
Persona 3 Portable, an enhanced port of the original PlayStation 2 version, has been announced by Atlus for the PlayStation Portable for release in Japan on December 1, 2009; a Western release of the game is not yet announced.[1] The announcement in Famitsu reveal that the player will be able to select a female protagonist as their playable character alongside the male character. This selection will alter some aspects of the game; the first Persona gained by the protagonist, Orpheus, will be female if the female protagonist is selected, and a male version of the Velvet Room's Elizabeth will be used. The gender choice is also expected to alter some aspects of the Social Links. In addition to the new character, some elements from Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 will be added, such as the ability to control each party member in battle.[37]
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on August 18, 2009, 02:47:59 pm
Yeah, I never bothered with Omega from VIII because it was so close to the end that I was like eff that, I just wanna see the ending! And I was glad too because VIII has one of the best endings in the series. I remember I kept beating it to show my friends (who were understandably somewhat less impressed by it).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on August 18, 2009, 03:25:01 pm
PS3 Slim announced.

First week of September release explains all the stores suddenly making offers and trying to shift away all the regular PS3s in stock.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on August 18, 2009, 04:51:37 pm
Yeah I don't think anyone will by the expensive PS3 slim, and not the inexpensive PS3 standard. The best thing about VIII is the fact that anytime you fight a ridiculous boss like the WEAPONS, all you have to do is give Aura to Selphie then get her to double digit hp, that way she can use The End. Really I got that spell like 12 times in game because of that. The weapons in VII were easy once I realized that Quadra magic and Bahamut Zero are the best combo ever, other wise ruby will counter. Also I like this video, It's not a hack either.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on August 18, 2009, 05:33:01 pm
Your Male Elizabeth scan isn't working. I noticed that they skipped Persona 2.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on August 18, 2009, 07:55:22 pm
Your Male Elizabeth scan isn't working. I noticed that they skipped Persona 2.

Ugh looks like whoever uploaded the image deleted it. And yeah, that's a shame they're not doing 2 (presumably). :( Although maybe it's just to catch 3 in the peak of its popularity or something... 2 is bound to show up, and I imagine the fact it comes in two games caused some second thoughts about remaking it just yet.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lakonthegreat on August 18, 2009, 10:27:33 pm
Yeah, I never bothered with Omega from VIII because it was so close to the end that I was like eff that, I just wanna see the ending! And I was glad too because VIII has one of the best endings in the series. I remember I kept beating it to show my friends (who were understandably somewhat less impressed by it).

I thought it was the best ending in the series period. I especially loved the cliffhanger at the end with the "did he or didn't he" kind of thing going on. It leaves it ambiguous.

It all depends on how strong you believe love is as to whether Squall lives or dies.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on August 19, 2009, 12:13:37 am
The PS3 slim will have the same price cut as the regular PS3 is getting...

I was also impressed by VIII's ending because it was so long that it actually felt like I had finally earned something worth watching (especially after VII's lackluster 'ending').
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on August 19, 2009, 12:22:22 am
It all depends on how strong you believe love is as to whether Squall lives or dies.

Really, is that one not left clear? And I thought that with the whole 'wanting to record it but the camera ran out of battery' thing, it was obvious.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on August 19, 2009, 02:11:50 am
I liked IX more. It did a similar thing then it suspensefully gave you the best answer ever!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lakonthegreat on August 19, 2009, 11:33:55 am
I didn't care for 9. I felt the ability system needed a little more polishing. It was a little hard to understand.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZombieBucky on August 19, 2009, 12:46:50 pm
i was quite fond of nine, actually. the ability system was quite intriguing.

so im officially addicted to the chrono series. i loved trigger, which is why i find myself here. but i recently played chrono cross, as well as radical dreamers. having watched the crimson echoes videos, the game makes much more sense than i think it would have. im totally writing squareenix a letter asking them to make a new game, or at least consider it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on August 19, 2009, 01:20:02 pm
IX had some of the best character development in the series, but I thought the main story wasn't as interesting and Zidane was mostly a Locke-wannabe for 90% of the game...I don't know what's hard to understand about the ability system though...Equip & learn...It wasn't my favorite, but it kind of put more of a focus on making sure you were making good use of Zidane's Steal command (which makes sense when you've got a Thief as the main character)...They reused it to much less pleasant results in the FFTA series...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on August 19, 2009, 01:29:40 pm
The story was difficult to understand because Garland didn't want to explain everything to you, he just wanted to ramble on. I liked the ability system, but it would have been better if you could learn all the abilities with every character. Zidane=Locke is so over said. Locke and Zidane have a lot in common I'll give you that, but Zidane is original in story which I care more about. The personality is great to me because we didn't get to see a lot of Locke in FFVI.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on August 19, 2009, 07:44:00 pm
Learn all of the abilities with every character would take away from their individuality. They already learn almost every ability. The ones they don't are those that fit their 'class'. I don't need a White Mage with Knight abilities. Besides, by endgame each person has at least one attack capable of 9999 damage.

Zidane being similar to Locke is so over said because so many people recognized it & because when you play VI it's easy to fall in love with Locke because he's got arguably the most touching story (Rachel & Phoenix) in the series.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chrono eric on August 19, 2009, 08:43:25 pm
Just beat KOTOR after it was recommended by somebody here and I've gotta say it was an awesome rpg. Despite the fact that I played it on the 360 and it was plagued with (very often) almost infuriating bugs/glitches, I still was addicted to it for most of the past month or so. Is the sequel just as good?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on August 19, 2009, 11:02:29 pm
All those games are great, but I don't like action RPG style games. KOTOR reminds me of Fable, which actually is funny cuz that guy who makes it is ultra annoying. Why because he just said that Fable III will have a deep and epic story. Why does that grind my gears (thats right, thats how angry I am. better stop me before I give him the dickens), because he thinks that Fable's appeal is the story. It isn't KOTOR didn't have that great a story either, but better than Fable. Why doesn't he just make the good or evil system better?

On another note, FFIX had my favorite of the FF stories. Zidane is my favorite FF character. Also Zidane was suppose to be similar to Locke, and I liked the Garnet/Zidane thing better than Locke/Rachel/Celes thing. I do think that VI is the best in the series though.

On an another great game note, did anyone play The World Ends You? I just beat it and WOW! Great story, music(usually not a fan of hiphop), characters, and gameplay.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tripehound on August 19, 2009, 11:08:13 pm
KOTOR II suffers from being rushed to market. It's a little buggier, and the plot doesn't come together as nicely as it should have. It's not a bad game, but the observant can see some of the signs of it not being a completely finished product.

TWEWY is one of the few RPGs that I've been motivated to complete more than once. Dunno if that means anything to any of you, but, hey.  :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on August 20, 2009, 03:21:46 am
Haha I knew you'd like KOTOR! I recommend the Second as well, as meny people say there are signs of it being rushed(bugs, cut quests, few new powers/feats) but that does little to detract from the game. I never found the story lacking as many people say. Still few games with ever create some one as amazing as Revan.

Planescape: Torment and the original two Fallout games are my other recommendations, too everyone.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on August 20, 2009, 03:38:52 am

...has PLUG IN BABY ( on it! WHOOO!

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on August 20, 2009, 04:23:01 am
The Problem with Muse is they always remind me of their song Supermassive Black Hole ( The song sounds like it should be played as some pedophile in a banana hammock goes strutting his stuff down a urban street.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on August 20, 2009, 01:33:14 pm
The Problem with Muse is they always remind me of their song Supermassive Black Hole ( The song sounds like it should be played as some pedophile in a banana hammock goes strutting his stuff down a urban street.

hehehe banana hammock :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on August 20, 2009, 03:52:18 pm
Dissidia US version got leaked! :o Just saying.

TWEWY is one of the few RPGs that I've been motivated to complete more than once. Dunno if that means anything to any of you, but, hey.  :D

I know what you mean, I love TWEwY. Wish they'd make a sequel.

God I gotta go find the soundtrack again, it's awesome...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on August 20, 2009, 06:02:03 pm
For what it's worth, I never played the first fable but the second one.  I thought it was sweet.  Nice and easy and to the point, with a decent amount of neato shit to do, minus a ton of bugs.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on August 20, 2009, 11:50:18 pm
Holy crap, there's a dolphin tribe in Suikoden Tierkreis~!! So cuuuuuuuuuute! :lol: Breath of Fire, watch your back!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on August 21, 2009, 04:35:17 pm
I lost Jordan, again... but this time, closer to finishing than ever before,

at 60%, and just a few NOTES shy of finishing "Guitar Solo C" (which is the second of the 2 ubersolos, meaning beat C, beat song)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on August 21, 2009, 04:40:25 pm

Well, at least you got through it by the skin of your teeth. I can't get past it to save my life.

Personally, I don't care that much about those kids who can get 98% on expert blindfolded upside-down while eating a muffin in December.  It just means that that's their 15 minutes of fame. 

I just wanna play these games, not be a show-off on YouTube or whatever.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on August 21, 2009, 05:05:13 pm
On an another great game note, did anyone play The World Ends You? I just beat it and WOW! Great story, music(usually not a fan of hiphop), characters, and gameplay.

QTF. Probably the best game I've played for a while. Kind of was hard to find, though.

I think I officially got sick of Pokemon after god knows how many hours... 150 maybe? Anyway, I've been trying some things out to see what next game I'll play. Either continue Phantom Hourglass, FF Tactics DS, Super Mario 64 DS (I never beat it on the 64) or a combination of the 3. I usually like to take games one at a time, though. We'll see how long tactics DS manages to keep my attention. Hopefully it won't get too hard. I'm disappointed I can't seem to locate my copy of FF12 Reventant Wings. I got real far in that one >_>.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on August 21, 2009, 05:16:53 pm
I. Just. Beat. Jordan.

I repeat, just beat Jordan.

4 stars, 189k, 1463/1801 notes hit.

...I... I.. I... I... I... I... I...

HOLY F***!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on August 21, 2009, 06:26:57 pm
Persona 3 Portable opening (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on August 22, 2009, 10:59:21 pm
Persona 3 Portable opening (
I don't own a PSP  :(
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on August 23, 2009, 03:14:21 am
There's an easy solution to that, y'know: GET ONE! :lol:

*sigh* I just got ANOTHER DS RPG...This time Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled. I got it mostly because it was such a small file since it's very 2D along the lines of SNES. The graphics remind me a bit along the lines of CT (and so far there's one special attack that seems to have a circular, range-based target even). Though I've heard that it's mildly infamous for freezing or w/e on people's actual DS's, so I'm wondering what all I'll have to deal with (so far just a bit of glitchiness during the opening graphics)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on August 23, 2009, 06:11:31 pm
I need to get back into Black Sigil. The graphics and music are fantastic in that magical old-school way, and it's got tons of atmosphere. On the other hand the encounter rate is simply atrocious; there's just no excuse to go through that the entire game. I don't remember Final Fantasy VI being that bad, but maybe it's just been awhile.

*Black Sigil Spoilers, maybe*
I'm holding out on judging Black Sigil's story. It started out really well and begins with what could have been a nice twist with the main character's step father trying to off him via convenient accidents, but then the main character is transported into a completely different world in a scene that smacked far too much of Deus Ex Machina for me. Still, it would have been top-of-the-line circa 1994, and I need to pick it back up and see where it goes. I'm told it has a very good story even by today's standards.

I can't help but compare Black Sigil to Crimson Echoes with regard to post production. There are bugs in Black Sigil that never would have made it into the public version of CE (there's an entire tech missing in Black Sigil, I kid you not); and I think Graffiti Entertainment really held back Studio Archcraft in terms of advertising. Seriously, compare Black Sigil's ( adverts ( to Crimson Echoes' ( adverts ( Had Studio Archcraft been in charge of its own advertising, it could have come up with something far more enticing I think; but such is the way of working with publishers I suppose.

If I'm inspired enough by Black Sigil over all, I might just do a proper preview video for the game to show up Graffiti Entertainment on principle. The key to good advertisement, I think, is something Ramsus told me during CE post production: be minimalistic, don't worry about super special effects or text inserts on the video editing side (that will only distract viewers from the source material), and just focus on driving home the source material's merits.

I'm really just inexplicably plugging a James Cameron film here, but I think Cameron has Ramsus' sense of advertising principles (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on August 26, 2009, 01:04:14 am

 :lee: :lee: :lee:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on August 26, 2009, 01:13:06 am
I, and a friend of mine, have become obsessed with becoming very good at the game E.D.F (Earth Defense Force) for the SNES. For those of you who do not know what it is....

I will simply put that it is a side-scrolling space shoot-em-up that is almost harder than the popular Ikaruga title.

E.D.F....ah...memories. I used to own it. Now we only play my friend's copy, that he found in a game store that sells old games.

Looking for a copy of Chrono Trigger there as well. They have several rare games every once and a while....(rarely, but it's worth the wait and look.)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on August 26, 2009, 12:40:53 pm

"The reason for the striking similarity is that Brownie Brown, the guys that helped HAL on Mother 3, are the same ones that are developing Fantasy Life. What's more, famed Japanese video game composer and musician Nobuo Uematsu is said to be laying out the music for FL."

Reason enough to look forward to it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on September 01, 2009, 08:35:29 pm
I just completed all 135 puzzles of Professor Layton & the Curious Village. It's a really good game. Lots of interesting puzzles, some I've heard or seen before, some I haven't. They range from, "wtf, is that even a puzzle?" to more mind-numbingly difficult...I played the PAL version, so a few of the puzzles were different and all the puzzles that involved distance or measurement were in the metric system, though that wasn't too difficult to figure out (why the U.S. never decided to switch is stupid regardless of signs having to be changed)...I mostly sucked at the math stuff, even when the math was stupid simple (though most of the ones that appear to involve math really don't)...Overall there's a nice enough storyline going along as well, nothing incredibly surprising (I was expecting more from a detective story), but kind of touching & a bit cutesy...

Anyways, good enough to warrant checking out the sequel that just came out, Professor Layton & the Diabolical Box (I'm guessing there's some exploration of the G-Spot or something)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on September 04, 2009, 08:01:23 pm
I only just heard about the new Mega Man game coming out in Japan in November: Rockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star. Apparently there's going to be some time traveling allowing Geo & Omega Xis (WarRock is a totally cooler name) to go back in time to Lan & MegaMan.EXE's time. The battle system is also apparently going to be more Battle Network rather than Star Force, which is cool. There's going to be a playable demo at TGS this year as well. Can't wait!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on September 04, 2009, 08:08:28 pm
Landed myself a copy of Millipede for my FC Mobile II (a new, portable NES system). Other than my Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt game, I've been playing it nonstop.

And I've learned to hate the Hammer Bros. in world 8-3 of Super Mario Bros. I had forgotten how annoying they were.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on September 05, 2009, 03:40:58 am
I only just heard about the new Mega Man game coming out in Japan in November: Rockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star. Apparently there's going to be some time traveling allowing Geo & Omega Xis (WarRock is a totally cooler name) to go back in time to Lan & MegaMan.EXE's time. The battle system is also apparently going to be more Battle Network rather than Star Force, which is cool. There's going to be a playable demo at TGS this year as well. Can't wait!
:picardno Another stinking Mega Man EXE game.  The time they spent on that they COULD have been working on a Mega man legends 3!  Sorry, just Capcom frustrates me with the Legends series and I need to vent occasionally.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on September 05, 2009, 04:43:56 pm
Does the same team from Legends work on the EXE & SF games...? And the EXE series was pretty good. Though I really liked the Legends games, I thought the battle system for EXE was far more engaging. Too much of Legends was circle & shoot, though they fixed some of that with 2...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on September 06, 2009, 02:15:04 am
Just bought Metroid Prime Trilogy (rather, my mum bought it for christmas).

I wonder how it will turn out compared to the original Metroid Primes before they decided to remake them.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on September 06, 2009, 05:02:14 pm
Can i please get a brief synapsis of Black Sigil, if you dont mind? =D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on September 06, 2009, 07:29:33 pm
Booya (

Tons of info there for ya. ;)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on September 06, 2009, 11:24:39 pm
Hey check out the Digipen institute of technology website for many downloadable freeware games, a number of them being quite professional.

If you do go there, you should check out atleast Narbacular Drop and TAG.  They're pretty good, ill give them both a thumbs up
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZombieBucky on September 07, 2009, 12:15:42 am
Hey check out the Digipen institute of technology website for many downloadable freeware games, a number of them being quite professional.

If you do go there, you should check out atleast Narbacular Drop and TAG.  They're pretty good, ill give them both a thumbs up
fire emblem is officially the shit man. i dont know where i was before i picked it up.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on September 07, 2009, 04:27:12 pm
Which FE are you playing?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on September 07, 2009, 04:40:20 pm
Hey check out the Digipen institute of technology website for many downloadable freeware games, a number of them being quite professional.

If you do go there, you should check out atleast Narbacular Drop and TAG.  They're pretty good, ill give them both a thumbs up
fire emblem is officially the shit man. i dont know where i was before i picked it up.

Yeah, it is my favorite strategy game series ever, and I'm actually a pretty big strategy game fan. My favorite FE game was the very first one released outside Japan (the GBA port called "Fire Emblem").
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on September 07, 2009, 04:42:04 pm
I am I huge FE fan. The Original (shadow dragon), wasn't to fantastic I thought, all of the GBA releases were exceptional but Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn(Edward is a fucking beast) were both my Favorites. I wish the earlier ones had better fan translations.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZombieBucky on September 07, 2009, 04:58:31 pm
Which FE are you playing?
the first one htey put on the gba. i havent gotten to the other ones but i love this one so far.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on September 07, 2009, 06:04:22 pm
Yeah, that's Blazing Sword and it is pretty sweet. I'm still trying to get through Shadow Dragon, which is good when you consider the fact that it was originally, what? 8-Bit? A quite decent 1st installment.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on September 07, 2009, 06:48:58 pm
Right now I'm playing through the fifth one, Thracia 776. I'm only halfway through (Chapter 15), and really is one of the hardest I have played.

Well, for the originals that is. Now those Asian hacks I have tried, are another story.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: kid123 on September 08, 2009, 03:55:07 am
I have been playing FE7 recently, but because I want to try out a hack made by Mageknight, just because I intrigued by the fact Kidd as well other CC's character implemented in game. I still trying to linger through Chapter 7x though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on September 08, 2009, 09:42:09 pm
Just finished MegaMan Star Force II: Zerker X Ninja (I went with Zerker). I had to look up a few Ciphers (& in the process remembered I could have 5 mega class chips) to take down Le Mu (I tried a couple times with my normal folder, again with a modified folder and then used the aforementioned Ciphers). I think it was somewhere on the bottom rung for the entire EXE & SF series...Anyway, now I'm on MegaMan Star Force III: Black Ace and I'm now extra hyped for the crossover game because this seems a lot better than SFII so far. I heard Red Joker is the better choice for PvP stuff, but as I don't get to do that, I went with the other one...

I also got Professor Layton & the Diabolical Box, but there's a little graphical hiccup (their faces float a little above their heads). It's not too bad that I couldn't play through the game like that...But when I started ...& the Curious Village the NA ROM wouldn't start up past the start screen (isn't that horrible?), but the PAL version was fine...And since I've got so many other games already I decided I can wait until the PAL version of Diabolical Box comes out and see if that works better...Plus, I'm already used to the PAL voice actors (which kind of sound better anyway...unless I'm hearing things and they're the same...<_>). Maybe I'll learn more of the metric system in preparation...>_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on September 08, 2009, 10:46:00 pm
Hey check out the Digipen institute of technology website for many downloadable freeware games, a number of them being quite professional.

If you do go there, you should check out atleast Narbacular Drop and TAG.  They're pretty good, ill give them both a thumbs up

Play those games, they are both very good.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on September 09, 2009, 12:26:23 am


And some Green Hill Zone concept art:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on September 13, 2009, 07:00:04 pm
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on September 13, 2009, 11:07:57 pm
Sega does something cool:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on September 14, 2009, 12:23:21 am
As a rule of thumb, I never get hyped about MMOs.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on September 14, 2009, 01:25:38 am
As a rule of thumb, I never get hyped about MMOs.

you should look up their advertising scheme.  Perhaps one of the single best advertising schemes ever made.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on September 14, 2009, 11:03:01 pm
Yeah, that game looks / sounds pretty wicked... It seems a little too advanced for most people's computers, though...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on September 15, 2009, 01:52:46 am
Their strategy is very viral and very intense.

Their first piece of information was an email from "A friend" which contained a document with a poem on it that said:

A grim, odd arcane sky
Any god, I mark sacred
A masked cry adoring
A dreamy, sick dragon

Eurogamer posted this on their website and the people who read it started commenting, and eventually figured out that it was an anagram because all 4 lines consisted of the same characters.  The anagram was discovered to be both "Dark Days Are Coming" and "Dark Demons Cry Gaia". 
These turned into urls:

People then went to the former and found a second puzzle.  People went to the latter and found an empty forum, which eventually became the official forum and the nexus of all further clues (those members registered got emails of more clues puzzles etc).  this page describes the extent of what happened...

...and this is just the beginning, too.  THeres alot more.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on September 15, 2009, 02:55:58 pm
Ogre Battle 64.  I love the jont.  It's nice and calming.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on October 07, 2009, 10:40:41 am
Renowned RPG (/good games in general) developer teams up with respected anime artists and composer for an RPG on a jam-packed cart...

Now, Level-5 isn't Square or Enix...wait, they did Dragon Quest VIII, the Professor Layton series & Jeanne d'Arc (this one, unlike the others I've only heard is good)? Oh, yeah...and Studio Ghibli isn't Akira Toriyama...wait, they're probably MORE respected worldwide now than Toriyama? Hmmm...Could this turn out to be a modern day Chrono Trigger/Dream Team people (/I) have been waiting for...? idk what "another system" means though...that kinda threw me off unless they just mean DSi and the trailer came out at a funky time or something, idk...

I'm not doing a regular posting thing, but this reminded me of CT (admittedly more in spirit than anything) so much I had to do a quick drop-in...

On a related note, is Toriyama like the Kevin Bacon of Japan or something? It feels like I could seriously seven-degree him to almost any person or project or something...>_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on October 07, 2009, 05:54:50 pm
FINALLY! An RPG to quench the era lameness!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on October 07, 2009, 07:04:53 pm
I just have to say it.  Scribblenauts=Awesomeness on many many levels.  Where else can you beat a level in which you are supposed to get a cat off the roof by burning the house?   :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on October 07, 2009, 08:16:57 pm
I just have to say it.  Scribblenauts=Awesomeness on many many levels.  Where else can you beat a level in which you are supposed to get a cat off the roof by burning the house?   :D
I absolutely adored that game, I followed it from its first media break to release. When I got it it was what I was expecting and had a blast just messing around....7 hours later I was bored out of my mind and was trying to find something new but wait that's all the game is!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on October 07, 2009, 10:31:19 pm
I've been playing this WiiWare title called Onslaught. I really like the controls. It's a first person shooter, but the wiimote is the gun, the sight, and the "joystick" if this were Halo or something. Physically moving your hand the direction you want to look in incredibly less confusing and more immersive, even though the graphics are sub-par, the game is fun as hell! Also, since we have someone here NAMED Onslaught, I felt it was particularly relevant.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on October 16, 2009, 12:51:48 pm
Epic Mickey screens.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on October 19, 2009, 09:20:03 pm
Have any of you guys played Brütal Legend?  D's been waiting for it to come out for ages.  He just finished it and said it was amazing.  I'm really excited to play it over Thanksgiving break.  Although I'd be excited to play any game Tim Schafer makes.  Day of the Tentacle and Psychonauts are fantastic.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on October 20, 2009, 03:59:28 pm
I played the demo. It was a lot of fun. I don't really have the time for it right now, or else I'd have gone out and bought it as soon as it came out.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on November 03, 2009, 11:28:33 pm
I've been in Florida and with access to a 360 with a bunch of FPS's (& the RPG trying to be a FPS Fallout 3)...Fallout 3 is a really nice experience with a touch of nostalgic Falloutedness (Bloody Mess=hooray!). I've been playing it nice-nice so far but I'm thinking of making a new game with a Melee-centered evil character. Ah, I almost forgot about Dogmeat...Almost done with Halo 3 on Heroic as well. If anyone wants to add me, btw (I've just got a temp account for now), go ahead. I'm V Translanka.

Also played a Guitar Hero & Rock Band for the first time. Beat Legends of Rock on Normal. I've concluded that songs you know/heard of are still better than songs you've never heard/dislike. Who knew?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on November 04, 2009, 11:00:19 pm
Just found out about a sequel to Okami coming out for the DS sometime...

I hope it's as good or can at least live up to the Okami style and storyline.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on November 05, 2009, 12:29:47 pm
(& the RPG trying to be a FPS Fallout 3)...

You have that backwards.  It is a FPS trying to be an RPG.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on November 05, 2009, 01:24:59 pm
I thought FPS trying to be an RPG was Borderlands...The FPS of Fallout 3 isn't that hot. I play as much of it in 3rd Person as I do in 1st (especially when you count V.A.T.S. time)...On a side-note: Mildly perturbed by having to save so much on the offchance that I jump into a glitch hole...V_V Lvl 20 now though!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on November 11, 2009, 04:13:37 pm
New RPG for the DS from Kato and Mitsuda called Sands of Destruction! Looks like it was Mitsuda's music that inspired Kato on this one:

Estimated US release date of January 2010.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on November 11, 2009, 08:56:51 pm
Like the article says, Sands of Destruction's not really new, just no NA release yet...It does seem pretty interesting still though. I also think World Destruction is a better title.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on November 11, 2009, 09:00:56 pm
Agreed, V. World Destruction sounds like something I'd want to play. Sands of Destruction sounds like a WoW extension pack or something.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on November 12, 2009, 02:46:18 pm
Seems like a minor quibble to get hung up on. Are there any English reviews of the game at this point?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on November 13, 2009, 12:49:38 am
HOLY SHIT (, sort of. Just interesting to see another oldie revived. Maybe there's hope for Chrono yet.

The only review I've seen for Sands of Destruction is a GameFAQs review (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on November 13, 2009, 01:14:13 am
Awesome! I hope it will come out on the Wii. Otherwise, it will be out of my reach.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on November 13, 2009, 01:25:34 am
That's super spiffy.  I'll let D know right away--he loves the Lufia series.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on November 13, 2009, 03:31:57 pm

Has anyone here played Borderlands for the X-Box 360?


The. Most. Random. Game. I've Played.  To Date.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on November 14, 2009, 03:14:58 pm
HERE ( is IGN's hands-on preview of Sands of Destruction. I guess "Sands of Destruction" is slightly better sounding than "World Destruction: Awkward Sub-Title"...But maybe it was just their attempt to let us know that it would be easy to create sequels! Of course~!! English sequels will probably all be "Sands of..." or "...of Destruction" or some such akin to the Seiken Densetsu->Mana switcheroo...>_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on November 14, 2009, 03:56:19 pm
Thanks V, I hadn't seen that before! I love how the game engine seems to be reminiscent of Xenogears, I'm going to have to check this out for sure. I just wish Kato hadn't included a Chu-Chu like character yet again...between that Teddy Bear in Sands and Poshul in Chrono Cross, one has to wonder if Chu-Chu wasn't Kato's idea and not Takahashi's.

Anyone know if there are supposed to be gameplay improvements between the Japanese version and the American version? The localization seems to be taking awhile on this one.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on November 16, 2009, 01:50:50 am
This is probably worth a double post; someone's uploading the prologue scenario for Lunar: Silver Star Harmony ( on Youtube. View at own risk -- looks like major spoilers ahoy!! English subs too!

I'm not quite sure what to think about the decision to start the game out like this, from a design perspective. It's probably good from a gameplay perspective since it gives the player some time to tool around with the battle system while having access to higher level skills. But from a scenario perspective, they're basically trading in the surprise that Luna is *******; it seems fairly obvious in the art work. On the other hand, it's not like it's a secret now that the game's already been made and remade several times over the past decade plus. From a purely storytelling perspective it seems there could have been some way to up the drama there, but maybe questions of artistic license and technical considerations came into play.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: RoxSilverFox on November 16, 2009, 09:32:16 pm

Has anyone here played Borderlands for the X-Box 360?


The. Most. Random. Game. I've Played.  To Date.

Yeah, it was very random, I didn't mind it though, personally I only really play it online with my friends. I'll probably trade it in for Modern Warfare 2 once I get all the achievements.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on November 19, 2009, 07:46:55 pm
Ace Attorney series confirmed for WiiWare (


Hells yeah!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on November 19, 2009, 09:12:23 pm
Jesus, so many games coming out and so little money...

I just spent 35$ on Mario & Luigi 3, and I have so many games to beat...
My tendency to impulsively buy games is starting to annoy me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on November 19, 2009, 11:08:04 pm
sorry to bring it up in 2 different threads but has anyone else here played Cave Story?

If anyone wants to play a game, you should play Cave story.  Amazing platformer, and its freeware.

In fact, Quote, the protagonist, has recently surpassed Serge in terms of my favorite protagonist.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on November 20, 2009, 03:22:00 am
sorry to bring it up in 2 different threads but has anyone else here played Cave Story?

If anyone wants to play a game, you should play Cave story.  Amazing platformer, and its freeware.

In fact, Quote, the protagonist, has recently surpassed Serge in terms of my favorite protagonist.
:D *Raises hand* I think I've mentioned my love for the game a couple times previously, but who cares?  I love the game.  It's probably one of, if not my favorite side scrolling shooter.  I have a saved game of it on one of our computers in which I am up to the Sacred grounds (aka Hell) and have played it enough where it's not really even that much of a challenge anymore.  There is one last challenge I've yet to try.  Beating it with just the Polar star. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on November 20, 2009, 12:18:36 pm

I am simply a big fan of the Paper Mario series over the different consoles.

Not just because they followed up on Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars (another one of my all-time favorite games), but simply because of their latest venture being Super Paper Mario.  It's returned to its roots with an innovative battle system.

And there's this little dose of reality for some of those on GameFAQs out there:

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on November 20, 2009, 04:58:24 pm
FFXIII is only a couple months away! And XIV is only a little more.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: RoxSilverFox on November 21, 2009, 08:14:27 am
I ain't gonna spoil anything, but the 6th Assassins Tomb in Assassins Creed 2 is a pain in the ass. Be prepared.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on November 21, 2009, 01:17:07 pm
I got New Super Mario Bros. Wii today.

It's terrific~ :3
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on November 21, 2009, 02:02:15 pm
Anybody like rail shooters? I played about three hours of Dead Space Extraction last night at a friend's house.

It's fantastic on co-op! Solo is a little bit difficult.

However, it's another good example of an "adult" title for the Wii. I have to buy it now.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Uboa on November 21, 2009, 04:31:34 pm
sorry to bring it up in 2 different threads but has anyone else here played Cave Story?

If anyone wants to play a game, you should play Cave story.  Amazing platformer, and its freeware.

In fact, Quote, the protagonist, has recently surpassed Serge in terms of my favorite protagonist.

I have been waiting for the WiiWare version of Cave Story (with DLC! *wistful distant gaze...*) for a long, long time.  It should be released any week now.  (So they say.  :roll:)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dark3mx on November 23, 2009, 10:36:15 am
I've been delving back into my nerdy Final Fantasy obsession and finally decided to start playing FFIX about 2 weeks ago. No offense to all of them "OMFGFFVIIFANBOIS" But in my opinion, FFIX blows FFVII out of the water. It has an awesome storyline, each character ties into the main plot some way or another, The amount of plot twists are just of epic proportions, and I've just gotten about 2 hours into disc 3. So for those of you who haven't touched a FF game since you either played FFVIII or X/X-2 because of the vast amounts of fail they emit, don't be afraid to get back into the Turn-Based fighting spirit and give IX a try. You won't regret it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on November 23, 2009, 01:57:15 pm
Dark3mx wins the awesome award of the day.

Despite the fact that FFIX overshadows FFVII in every way (except for, maybe, gigantic swords), most people still cling to FFVII like a life-support. Is it just nostalgia, or something else? I honestly don't understand fanboys, and if I bring up the fact that there might be a game simalar but just as good, or better even, they go for my throught.
Imagine telling someone who liked Super Mario 64 quite a bit about Banjo-Kazooie, and watching her ignore you, then proceed to send you hate-mail.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on November 23, 2009, 05:38:53 pm
FFIX is my favourite game, and an absolute joy to play over and over again. Everything about it is beautiful. I long for the day it gets a glorious remake.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dark3mx on November 23, 2009, 06:58:37 pm
I long for the day it gets a glorious remake.

Eh, I wouldn't want a remake of this gem seeing that a lot of Squeenix's remakes end up being an overkill. And why fix something that's not broken anyways?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Crono666 on November 24, 2009, 04:28:32 am
I just downloaded Super Mario Kart from the Wii Shoping Channel. And I must say that the game has aged poorly. It feels way too slow, and the controls don't feel right. But on the plus side there's no overpowed Blue Shell to make the game unbalanced.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on November 24, 2009, 05:53:57 pm
I've been replaying the Mario & Luigi series, and now I'm remembering what made them stand out in my mind as great. All three in the series have there ups and downs ; for example, Superstar Saga's battle system seems a little slow compared to the other 2, but the music is much, much more memorable and fun to listen to, compared to Bowser's Inside Story, which has a fast and fun battle system but somewhat annoying music.
All Mario RPGs are great to me because the action element added into battles and exploring breaks the monotony of turned based battles. Plus, there's no random encounters, always a plus.
If you haven't played a Mario RPG, or just want to play an RPG with a little extra, you should definitely pick up Mario & Luigi : Superstar Saga (GBA), Mario & Luigi : Partners in Time, and/or Mario and Luigi : Bowser's Inside Story (NDS).

By the way, I totally agree that the Blue Shell sucks ass.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: neo-fusion on November 24, 2009, 09:19:01 pm
FFXIII is only a couple months away! And XIV is only a little more.

I am not interested in XIV, but XIII is looking fairly fantasitic. The first new gen console final fantasy that looks stunning. I am guranteeing that I get this game.

The battle system looks teriffic as does the graphics, I hope it's storyline can match my standards... At least come somewhere close to FF VII, which is the best IMO, sorry Dark3mx.

Anyway, it looks teriffic.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on November 27, 2009, 01:26:10 pm
At least come somewhere close to FF VI, which is the best IMO, sorry Dark3mx.

Fixed it. You had an extra I in that game title.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on November 27, 2009, 01:32:47 pm
I completed NSMBWii the other day. I'll copy-paste my post from another forum:

Well, I finished it last night. Overall I loved the hell out of it, I don't how people can call this a rehash when it uses so much great innovation. I prefer it over NSMB for the DS already, and I was enjoying it enough to get every star coin before finishing the last castle.

I unlocked World 9 after beating it (hurray for Star Road resemblance), so I'll have to finish that sometime.

I'd say my only problems are that levels get noticably shorter as the game goes on. The fact I'm aware Miyamoto is fond of shorter games kind of irks me a little (although I certainly agree fun > length), since I got the impression that later on the level designers were like "Well guess that'll do". The last 2 or 3 levels in World 8 are examples that spring to mind. Also, in total there's, what, 10 or 11 Yoshi levels? Plus we can't bring him to other levels, which is understandable I suppose, but in that case we could've done with more being available throughout the game. Every time a Yoshi egg appears it feels like a rare gift, rather the simple joy of getting one in Super Mario World. Last complaint would be the music, I guess? I know I've seen a few complaints aimed at this, particularly the lack of unique tracks in the game. I thought the music was fine as ever (some really superb castle level theme work), but looking back I can see what people mean by there not being a lot of unique themes...

But anyway, the game's mostly pretty spot-on. Deserves about 90%. Know that feeling you get from SMB3 or SMW that's been making you go back to play them frequently for over 10 years? NSMBWii gives the same feeling.

At least come somewhere close to FF IX, which is the best IMO, sorry Dark3mx.

Fixed it. You had an extra I in that game title.


Silly billy, you're supposed to drop the V and add an X next!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on November 27, 2009, 01:33:46 pm
At least come somewhere close to FF IX, which is the best IMO, sorry Dark3mx.

Fixed it. You had an extra I in that game title.


Silly billy, you're supposed to drop the V and add an X next!

Haha! You got me! :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on November 30, 2009, 03:45:21 am
At least come somewhere close to hopefully not an FF game, IMO, sorry Dark3mx.

Fixed it. You had an extra I in that game title.


Silly billy, you're supposed to drop the V and add an X next!

Haha! You got me! :lol:

All I did was skip the rest of the steps for you.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on December 01, 2009, 10:02:34 pm
I am looking forward to FF vs XIII which is being directed by the guy who made Kingdom Hearts! But without the Disney characters, I see this going to be awesome.
I don't care all that much about 13. I just gonna get it because I liked FFX a lot and I see being something similar to that one.
Yeah Final Fantasy should even being called that anymore... just make a new rpg and call it a decent name. After all they are non related...
I would call Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy because of the plot LOL. It's perfect for it! #.#
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 06, 2009, 11:59:24 pm
I long for the day it (FFIX) gets a glorious remake.

Eh, I wouldn't want a remake of this gem seeing that a lot of Squeenix's remakes end up being an overkill. And why fix something that's not broken anyways?

Sword of Mana, Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls, FFIII DS & FFIV DS at the very least were great remakes. I've also heard good things about Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War, Star Ocean: First Departure & Star Ocean: Second Evolution, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories & the remakes of I & II on PSP (though most people agree they should have been packaged together rather than sold seperately)...Enix has always done a great job remaking various Dragon Quests over the years from the ones on SNES & even the GBC ones all the way up to the current DQIV-VI remakes on DS.

Personally, I've always felt  that IX got the shaft graphically. We got this great game marred by an artistic supposed nostalgia trip that most n00bs interpreted as "kiddie". I wanted the next step after VIII and instead ended up getting a step back in time with big-head mode from NBA Jam.

I think the main reason for remakes though is to get the newer audience that hasn't played them (either due to lack of availability [isn't FFVII the only FF on PSN?] or because some newer gamers just can't handle playing older games)'s sad, but kids are spoiled with their fancy graphics today, but just because they're graphics whores doesn't mean that they don't deserve to play some of the best games from gaming history, yeah?

Add to that the potential to add new and/or updated content, the fact that they are easier to produce than completely new games and remakes just plain make perfect sense (fiscal if nothing else).

Damn, your remake talk sidetracked me! Anyway, I've been trying to play Halo 3: ODST...Apparently this 360 I'm using is some whacky luck of the draw older version that has some kind of problems reading the newer DVD formats of certain newer games or some gobbledeegook...It's lame & infuriating and only serves to remind me how lame Microsoft is.

Fortunately I've got an RPG that works perfectly to keep myself in check. Infinite Undiscovery is a pretty alright action/adventure RPG for the 360. I got it for $10 at a Hollywood Video (along with a $5 copy of Raiden 3 for PS2) on Black Friday (I'm so pissed I missed out grabbing GTA4 for $10 at Walmart)...I'm not a fan of action/adventure RPGs usually. This is mainly due to poor AI and really just the fact that you normally lose control of your other party members. IU does a fair job of this by having the AI characters at your beck & call (you can call either of your 3 companions to use either of two abilities you can set beforehand to use)...most places it got average reviews, but Sessler over at X-Play on G4 said that it got better as it went along as so far that seems to be holding true...There are two annoying twin children that give Pollum and Porom a run for their money...and with all children characters, I can't fucking stand their voice acting...V_V

Oh yeah! The main reason I came here is to greatly suggest the use of myZoom for no$gba~!! If you run that emulator at all (v2.6a or don't bother) you should get this awesome program. It's got a variety of options that compliment no$. There's Zoom, obviously (I love playing on two full screens with two monitors!), the ability to flip it on its side (fuck yeah, now I can finally play Brain Age & Ninja Gaiden without getting a kink in my neck!), and various filters so that it doesn't look like filth at those larger sizes. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED~!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: IAmSerge on December 07, 2009, 01:46:29 am
sorry to bring it up in 2 different threads but has anyone else here played Cave Story?

If anyone wants to play a game, you should play Cave story.  Amazing platformer, and its freeware.

In fact, Quote, the protagonist, has recently surpassed Serge in terms of my favorite protagonist.

I have been waiting for the WiiWare version of Cave Story (with DLC! *wistful distant gaze...*) for a long, long time.  It should be released any week now.  (So they say.  :roll:)

I'm sorry, but for all of you who don't know about Cave Story, or haven't played it, you NEED to play it. like, now.  Here's the download page.

Come back when you finish.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 09, 2009, 07:51:59 pm

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 09, 2009, 07:57:54 pm
Sheep Man?


Well, at least originality is something they won't ran out any time soon I guess.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 09, 2009, 09:49:11 pm
...Okay, I knew they were starting to run out of ideas for robot masters, but Sheep man?!   :roll:

Anyway, I recently started The legend of Zelda oracle of Ages.  I've gotten pretty far before, but I finally finished it for the first time.  Then I got the password and am playing through oracle of Seasons which I have beaten many many times, just never with the password, so that's made it at least semi new. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 09, 2009, 10:05:38 pm
...Okay, I knew they were starting to run out of ideas for robot masters, but Sheep man?!   :roll:

Anyway, I recently started The legend of Zelda oracle of Ages.  I've gotten pretty far before, but I finally finished it for the first time.  Then I got the password and am playing through oracle of Seasons which I have beaten many many times, just never with the password, so that's made it at least semi new. 

Oh come on, Sheep Man looks awesome. The fourth game had Junk Man and Toad Man. Plus there HAVE been worse.

Nice, the Oracle games are awesome. If you finish both of the games with passwords you'll get access to the extra dungeon where you fight Twinrova and Ganon. I think you have to finish both games passworded but I'm not sure...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on December 09, 2009, 10:49:03 pm
Where is my Rockman X9 with 32bit graphics!! XD
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 09, 2009, 11:23:53 pm
I've played the Oracle games, but haven't finished them yet, and I don't plan to, at least not anytime soon, but someday I will.

I think you have to finish both games passworded but I'm not sure...

Yes, you have to. That means playing through three times. One for the other game's password, two for the first game's password, and finally three for the true ending.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on December 10, 2009, 12:09:33 am
If Zero isn't finally created by Dr. Wily in this one, I'm going to be just slightly more pissed than I was the last time around. Love the artwork though; it brings to mind Mega Man I. Is that official or done by the magazine for the report?

Protoman's cape looks kinda Zero-ish in that art...maybe some of those fan suspicions -- nevermind.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 10, 2009, 12:36:48 am
...Okay, I knew they were starting to run out of ideas for robot masters, but Sheep man?!   :roll:

Anyway, I recently started The legend of Zelda oracle of Ages.  I've gotten pretty far before, but I finally finished it for the first time.  Then I got the password and am playing through oracle of Seasons which I have beaten many many times, just never with the password, so that's made it at least semi new. 

Oh come on, Sheep Man looks awesome. The fourth game had Junk Man and Toad Man. Plus there HAVE been worse.
I wasn't denying that there have been terrible ones.  Just I think this one surpasses many of the previous ridiculous ones. 
Oh and Junk man is in 7.  It's Dust man that's in 4.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 10, 2009, 12:48:17 am
They've just been trying to outdo themselves in ridiculous robot shticks since Top Man, but I say, "IT CANNOT BE DONE~!!"

8-Bit is unnecessary now. The series should look as good (i.e. better) than the ZX series or w/e...and get on a new Legends, dammit!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: placidchap on December 10, 2009, 10:11:52 am
How is 8-bit unnecessary?  They can save more colours for ZXY or whatever they come out with next.  There is nothing wrong with some 8-bit  goodness.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on December 10, 2009, 03:47:44 pm
I wonder who dreamed of Sheep Man...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on December 10, 2009, 04:10:54 pm

One arcade game I will always love is the Point Blank series.

Conceivably one of the best Party FPS games out there.  The sheer comedy within this is reason enough for me to always try and top my high score.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 13, 2009, 02:42:57 am
The main site is up now: (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 13, 2009, 04:09:27 am
8-Bit is unnecessary because our systems can handle more and we can make even sprites look better than that. I can understand a graphical style being chosen (like say cel shading), but to choose it just for a nostalgic twist is a lazy gimmick. But it is Megaman, it's not like I expect a lot. Run, Shoot, Boss, Repeat...

Anyway, just scooped up 3 games for 360...RE5, GTA4 & Too Human. Resident Evil 5 so far is what I expected: RE4 style with black zombo virus people (instead of white hillbilly/texas chainsaw zombo virus people)...I'm not especially thrilled with the need to keep a partner alive, so hopefully I can get a decent co-op player to help me out...It's been quite a while since I last played RE4 so I'm still getting used to the control layout again...

Grand Theft Auto 4 seems pretty good so far (though I haven't done much). It's strange to have such better driving physics in a GTA...Will I have to actually use the regular break now?! One small thing I've noted and assume will remain true throughout the course of the game is that it's strange and awkward dressing a middle-aged Russian man...>_>

Too Human is a strange, quirky action/adventure RPG thing. Part Norse myth, part cyber punk-inspired future war. Nice character class and abilities that makes me think I'll be playing through this more than once...Kind of a learning curve I'm still going through with the controls though...unique & pretty fun though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 13, 2009, 07:23:25 pm
Super Mario World Beta Remake released (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 15, 2009, 01:33:35 pm
Nintendo trademarks "Zii" (

...Wait, what?

And this was too awesome not to link:
Capcom hands out Energy Tanks (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tripehound on December 15, 2009, 04:23:30 pm
Likely a move on Nintendo's part to discourage the development of a Wii knock-off. They won't do anything with the name; they'll just sit on it to ensure no one else tries to use it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: skylark on December 15, 2009, 08:19:49 pm
Sheep Man...

Possibly a reference and/or indication to the Maverick Bosses in MMX, which were pretty much almost all animals? :shock:

I smell a conspiracy theory!

*gets bricked*
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 15, 2009, 09:57:03 pm
Sheep Man...

Possibly a reference and/or indication to the Maverick Bosses in MMX, which were pretty much almost all animals? :shock:

I smell a conspiracy theory!

*gets bricked*
Huh.  I hadn't thought of that.  I don't know but it's possible.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ONSLAUGHT on December 15, 2009, 11:30:33 pm
Gotta say, always thought it was way overrated. Still feel the exact same since I notice countless flaws with it. But it's much more amazing than I remember it to be.

Currently playing through Final Fantasy VII *hiss* the name that overshadows every other thing Square has under it's belt.
I had read the whole story, watched the whole plot, and knew every last detail of it.

But if Chrono has taught me anything, it's that watching and playing are 2 VERY different experiences. I had left off years ago(since I had borrowed from a relative for a weekend only)just getting out of Midgar on Disc 1. Currently I'm on Disc 2, and...
well, spoilers ahead...

I just lost Cloud when he ditched me to hang with his master, Sephy. Joy. Specially since I'm stuck with Barret and Cait Sith. I spent the game leveling up Tifa(who's being murdered right now), Cloud(already stated), and Aerith. Average level at this point is 36. Tifa was 38-39, Vincent(also unusable at the moment)42, Cloud 42, and believe it or not I leveled Aerith mad. 40. Sounds weaker than the other 2 right? But keep in mind I haven't had her on my party in awhile now since she leaves toward the end of disc 1. The rest of my party was about level 34 when she was 40. Where everyone would die, she would triumph. Thus making it all the more saddening(and admittingly made me cry)when the end of Disc 1 came around and her fate was sealed. I saw it coming, and have prepared myself years for it, and it did squat. :lol: I'd put that moment in terms of epicness on par with the Magus fight easily. The rest of the game's events? Meh, not so much, CT obliterates, but that one scene can easily hold it's own with any game(and without that scene honestly the majority of FFVII's luster would be crap covered).

It's definetly fun, however I dunno if it's that I'm used to the analog stick or what, but controlling Cloud in tight locations can sometimes be an extreme pain and he'll spaz out. The graphiocs of the overwrld, even for it's time, seem OK at best and everyone I know(even the FFVII fanboys that are my friends)can agree that they aren't that great. The graphics are much better for battles(I suppose it does add the unintentional effect of the world's look amazing compared to the crappy characters and the battles look great too)and the cutscenes obviously are the main selling point(at the time and even in the future some of the best graphics period).

Overrall though a great game. But as I said at the start, I retain my opinion still, highly overrated and far from the best game ever. It's one of the best, but THE best? Ha!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 16, 2009, 02:23:06 pm
I think you have to finish both games passworded but I'm not sure...

Yes, you have to. That means playing through three times. One for the other game's password, two for the first game's password, and finally three for the true ending.
Actually you don't.  Last night I finished Seasons with the password and got to the extra dungeon.  You just need to get the password after beating one of the games, enter it in the other, and you go through the game and get to fight Twinrova and Ganon and all that.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on December 16, 2009, 03:19:50 pm
I'll put in a kind word on FFVII:

Is it overrated? Yes, most definitely. But is its popularity well-deserved? Absolutely.

Like most popular side characters that become main characters in a show or work of literature, over exposure is slowing doing in FF7, which has since spawned its own OVA(have yet to see it), movie(loved it), and three spin off games, only one of which  was available on a platform console, and therefore, capable of the same quality overall as the original. Now, this has had some degree of success, as well as some degree of failure. I freaking loved Advent Children, and even if I accept it as non-canon, it was worth the price of admission/dvd/pirating it off of the Internet/what have you. However, at a certain point, enough is enough. The original game was amazing; rivaling FF6 and 9 as the best Final Fantasy game. I have a feeling that even the most ardent fans would agree that a third game in an RPG series that everyone here had better be aware of, would've been better than a third spinoff of FF7.

Now where's the kind word in all of this? Well, FF7 definitely deserves this popularity. Consider Pop Rock, an entity far more mainstream pop culture than Final Fantasy games will ever be(outside of Japan, anyways). Where are Hanson, most of the members of N-Sync or the Backstreet Boyz, who just ten years ago, you couldn't walk into a public domain without hearing something good or bad about one or the other. Now consider them today, where very few of these people still exist in the public eye. They're popularity was ill-deserved and fleeting. Now consider bands like ACDC or Jimi Hendrix(yes, he was a band in and of himself). ACDC is still doing tours around the world, and I'm sure Hendrix would be had he not died of a heroine overdose. Moreover, fans of both still wait for ACDC to do a tour, or come out with a new CD, or for another Hendrix cover band to pop up. I'd consider these people's fame much more deserved than their pop rock successors.

What does this have to do with FF7? Well, 15 years after it was released, there is still a clamoring for a new spin off, or new OST release, or cameos, etc. That there is such a demand for this franchise so long after the original debuted shows that there is a bit more to it than the shallow popularity of a fad. FF7 had something that touched and inspired people, so that even 15 years later, people are still wanting more of it; to interact with its character again, or fight the same story again. It was the first on the PS1, and hosted an extremely cutting edge graphics engine for its time. It's spiritual successor in this regard, FF10, had no such love from its fans.

In short, FF7 is a standout game and franchise. It's overrated, sure, but at least its overratedness is made less sufferable by the fact that it deserves the popularity it has.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on December 16, 2009, 06:36:40 pm

I liked Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.

...or were you talking about a different OVA?

The reason FFX didn't fare as well was because it was TOO avant-garde.  Experience points got replaced with ability points and sphere grids (shudder).

I guess the real problem with being avant-garde is wondering who's putting on who.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on December 16, 2009, 07:58:29 pm
VII is extremely over rated, now does this mean it's bad? No. It's a great game. No one deny that it's a extraordinary game. Is its popularity well deserved? I think so at least it deserves to be popular, but not as popular as other FFs. IX being my favorite is one I believe deserves popularity.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on December 16, 2009, 08:01:41 pm

I liked Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.

...or were you talking about a different OVA?

Advent Children I've seen. That was the movie. I was talking about FF7: Last Order, which I'll see sometime in the not too distant future, I'm sure.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 16, 2009, 08:49:45 pm
I loved FFX, it was one of the few FFs I kept going back to after completing it (namely for the massive amount of sidequests, cactuars and monster arena). I also really loved the Sphere Grid. There are so many moments and features in FFX that make it one of the best Final Fantasy games to me; I'd have to say it's a favourite along with IX and IV.

Anyone else playing The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks? Wait, don't go! It's ok! They fixed most of the problems from Phantom Hourglass! Seriously though, Spirit Tracks is really enjoyable so far.

Planning to finish up Persona 4 soon and start a new game+. I'm in the last dungeon (the normal ending one anyway, aiming for the true ending afterward), so that won't be long off. Speaking of Persona, I'm working on a game in RPG Maker that mixes the Pokémon world with elements of the Persona games. It's turning out pretty well so far.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 16, 2009, 10:15:33 pm
Planning to finish up Persona 4 soon and start a new game+. I'm in the last dungeon (the normal ending one anyway, aiming for the true ending afterward), so that won't be long off. Speaking of Persona, I'm working on a game in RPG Maker that mixes the Pokémon world with elements of the Persona games. It's turning out pretty well so far.
Oh God, I loved that games sound track. The true final fight's song  ( epic, the end portion that is a instrumental remix of "Reach Out to the Truth". My spine melts.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 17, 2009, 05:39:34 am
Oh God, I loved that games sound track. The true final fight's song  ( epic, the end portion that is a instrumental remix of "Reach Out to the Truth". My spine melts.

Yeah it is, in fact the whole soundtrack is awesome. I love the music for the TV World plaza ("Backside of the TV").
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on December 17, 2009, 06:48:09 pm
SE site sucks. I tried to sign up for FF14 beta like 20 times now wouldn't accept my password!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 18, 2009, 02:34:14 am
FF8 is out on the PSN today, apparently.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on December 18, 2009, 03:28:16 pm

Don't you mean wouldn't accept your password?

And yes, such behavior is easily understandable of Squeenix.

They obviously want you to wait like everyone else who holds fast to the company like a bunch of religious zealots. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on December 18, 2009, 04:55:22 pm
It should be against the law to import FF13 and post videos on youtube of it! Its so enticing!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on December 18, 2009, 06:35:54 pm
It should be against the law to import FF13 and post videos on youtube of it! Its so enticing!

Oddly kind of is.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on December 18, 2009, 07:23:28 pm
There are so many streams and vids of the game everywhere. I hate it!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 19, 2009, 02:36:40 am
I am now under the impression that if there was a man name Cid added, then Avatar could pass off as a Finial Fantasy movie. In other news a correlation between Avatar and new furries has researches race to find out why.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on December 19, 2009, 02:59:29 am
Oooh, how was the movie Kebrel? Did you see it in full 3D or just at a regular theater?

I'm on pins and needles because if it sucks, it could mark the end of Cameron's career given how expensive it was.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 19, 2009, 03:56:25 am
I saw it in "real 3-d" and I loved it. I haven't been to the theaters in some time, and these 3d movies haven't been any good at all. Cameron pulls through though, and the movie really does shine. Its not the greatest movie ever as some people say but it is a damn fine one. Plus Sigourney Weaver is a "total power-babe" as my friend would say.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on December 19, 2009, 04:00:31 am

You gotta admire James Cameron for putting together (with the help of the executive producers) the most expensive movie production to date (Based on outside sources, it's around half a billion dollars).  I'm confident he'll get it back.

I saw it in Real-D 3D as well on the midnight release.  Visual bombardment to the max!!

Despite the slightly pedestrian plot (I know it's based off of Dances With Wolves) and the stereotyping of the antagonist, it was an amazing movie overall.  I'd give it a 9 out of 10.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on December 19, 2009, 04:23:56 am
I haven't seen the movie, but the fact that the plot is similar to Dances With Wolves doesn't make it worse. That particular story of assimilation into a culture you were supposed to fight against is all over the damn place, along with the main antagonist being a member of the protagonist's family, and such. All ideas have another idea fueling them.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on December 19, 2009, 04:25:59 am

Even so, this was an original expression of such an idea, and a very good expression at that.

What I wouldn't give to see it again in the near future.

Then again, I can always wait for the DVD release in the next 5-6 months.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on December 19, 2009, 04:32:29 am
I'm looking forward to seeing it with my friends next week (This time I'm inviting friends who won't be a bunch of assholes during the movie.)

ANYWAYS, back to games, I got Zelda: Spirit Tracks, and it's an extremely strange version of Zelda. Considering it's pretty much Phantom Hourglass on a train, it's not bad. The best part is no damned Temple of the Sea King.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on December 19, 2009, 07:01:20 am
I want to start another playthrough of Eternal Sonata...
I got the PS3 version and it seems the ending is different and to get the original ending you need to finish the game once more on the other harder setting... >___>
As if the game wasn't hard already LOL!

OH!!! Final Fantasy XIII sold over 1 million copies in japan 1st day... damn... O.O
Now i want the game more than ever XD
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on December 19, 2009, 10:54:36 am
OH!!! Final Fantasy XIII sold over 1 million copies in japan 1st day... damn... O.O
Now i want the game more than ever XD

But that doesn't mean it was enjoyed a million times more, just because it sold a lot of copies. That's just a million people buying a game without any knowledge of whether they'll like it or not. If anything, it makes me hesitant.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on December 19, 2009, 04:02:36 pm
...and three spin off games, only one of which  was available on a platform console, and therefore, capable of the same quality overall as the original.

The DS, presently the weakest dedicating gaming system on the market, is more powerful than the Playstation, the platform FF7 was made for. In terms of sheer hardware, EVERY present game system is capable of superior quality than Final Fantasy VII. Hell, it probably won't be terribly long until there are cell phones with superior hardware.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on December 21, 2009, 02:52:31 pm
Get ready for Mega Man 10! Featuring Megaman's climactic battle against a pandemic of...roboenza!! (

Wait -- roboenza? ROBOENZA!? Robo-freaking-enza? Where are the writers? Is that the best they can possibly come up with? Just because it's an 8-bit Megaman game does not mean they can do this!!

...or does it? :lol:

PS: Thanks for the feedback on Avatar guys!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on December 21, 2009, 07:16:49 pm
Speaking of Mega Man, after running across this:

All I've wanted to do was play the old Megaman games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on December 22, 2009, 12:05:05 pm
Nomura says hes working on a not so completely new unannounced title. Of course this is most definitely not Chrono Brake but still we can hope. I wouldn't be surprised if it was FF15 or KH3.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on December 22, 2009, 03:08:05 pm
TK, HAVE you played the old Megaman games? If not, they have 1, 2, and 3 (which are the best, honestly) on Virtual Console, and 1 - 8 and some weird extra crap are on one disc for PS2, GC, and XBOX. Or, Emulators work. You should play them, it's like a gaming Mecca. I'll warn you though, if you're not a retro gamer, these games will kick your ass. Maybe just the first one.

Mega Man 10 has a third playable character... BARACK MAN OBAMA! He's fed with the democratic bills being blocked in Congress and is taking his revenge on Wily's robots! Man, that's be a damn good game. I'd pay full price for that one.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 22, 2009, 05:46:53 pm
Oh, quick tip for starting Mega Man games: You will die a LOT, at least until you start getting the hang of everything and memorizing where stuff will appear, Robot Masters' patterns, etc. It's trial and error, so don't let it put you off.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on December 22, 2009, 06:19:25 pm
TK, HAVE you played the old Megaman games? If not, they have 1, 2, and 3 (which are the best, honestly) on Virtual Console, and 1 - 8 and some weird extra crap are on one disc for PS2, GC, and XBOX. Or, Emulators work. You should play them, it's like a gaming Mecca. I'll warn you though, if you're not a retro gamer, these games will kick your ass. Maybe just the first one.

Mega Man 10 has a third playable character... BARACK MAN OBAMA! He's fed with the democratic bills being blocked in Congress and is taking his revenge on Wily's robots! Man, that's be a damn good game. I'd pay full price for that one.

Heck, yes. I used to play them all the time! Hard as hell, too! Never understood why they didn't make Mega Man with the option to shoot up. *laughs*

I'm actually planning to get them on the VC. I have enough points for a few. And about not being a Retro gamer? Hah! I beat the original Super Mario Bros. when I was three.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on December 22, 2009, 06:59:51 pm
Well, I learned something new about T.K. Yeah, FaFnir got it right. The absolute hardest part in the entire original series (For me, anyways) is Megaman's final level. I died so many times. And the Yellow Devil. That bastard. I couldn't use the magical trick on my PS2 and barely killed him. I haven't played 9 yet, though, and I hear it's one hard son of a bitch.

Anyways, I got Startropics on the VC for free, because I got a refund on the internet channel, and it's a really great game. If you've never heard of it, it's like Zelda in the dungeons and like Final Fantasy (With no fights) on the over world. It's a great game, I'd check it out.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on December 22, 2009, 07:02:06 pm
Oh, gods...the Yellow Devil. I remember that brute.

Nine is good, but it is as hard as crap. I played the first level and I don't know how many times I died. Me and a close buddy tried it out, taking turns playing it.

Edit: I'd really like a remake of Chrono Cross on the Wii...or at least put on the VC. That would be great. They remade Chrono Trigger, didn't they? *laughs*
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on December 22, 2009, 09:10:14 pm
Recently played and beat Dragon Age Origins and Brutal Legend and both were excellent. DAO is my favorite rpg this gen everyone should play it now. I also ordered a PSP and am gonna be revisting psx rpgs to pass time till FFXIII. I was thinking about playing Wild Arms, Saga Frontier, or Suikoden II. I haven't played any of them so anyone got any recommendations on which one to start with? It's funny I started looking back at all the PSX rpgs and realized I had only played Final Fantasy series and Xenogears.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on December 22, 2009, 09:11:50 pm
Oh, gods...the Yellow Devil. I remember that brute.

Nine is good, but it is as hard as crap. I played the first level and I don't know how many times I died. Me and a close buddy tried it out, taking turns playing it.

Edit: I'd really like a remake of Chrono Cross on the Wii...or at least put on the VC. That would be great. They remade Chrono Trigger, didn't they? *laughs*

That will probably be released on PSOne classics on the Playstation Network...
It's weird that it isn't there yet... O.o
They should release Chrono Brake  as PS3 exclusive...
Since PS3 has zero piracy and the game is long awaited it will sell like pancakes...
Probably as much as Final Fantasy XIII did....

@Jutty: You should try Jade Cocoon on the PSP. It's one of the best RPG's on PSone together with Cross of course...XD
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on December 22, 2009, 09:17:24 pm
I'll check out Jade Cocoon I had never even heard of it till now. I checked it out on youtube and I really liked the music. I think the whole reason I want to play Wild Arms is the opening intro music.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on December 22, 2009, 09:30:10 pm
Speaking of Xenogears. I never actually played it until now. Honestly I'm confused as fuck. WTF happened even in the part im suppose to understand? I just got arrested or something and they just determined my rank from some stupid fights. I got no idea where to go and no idea what happened even in the war.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZombieBucky on December 22, 2009, 10:01:30 pm
m. faf, you will like this.
i started playing ff9 the other day.
i cannot put it down.
im already on disc two. going up the cleyra trunk after that kuja chick was creepy over our dead bodies. did you know that burmecians only have three fingers and a thumb on their hands?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on December 22, 2009, 10:05:12 pm
m. faf, you will like this.
i started playing ff9 the other day.
i cannot put it down.
im already on disc two. going up the cleyra trunk after that kuja chick was creepy over our dead bodies. did you know that burmecians only have three fingers and a thumb on their hands?

Lol, Kuja's a dude. And congrats FF9 is the greatest RPG after Chrono Trigger!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZombieBucky on December 22, 2009, 10:06:32 pm
m. faf, you will like this.
i started playing ff9 the other day.
i cannot put it down.
im already on disc two. going up the cleyra trunk after that kuja chick was creepy over our dead bodies. did you know that burmecians only have three fingers and a thumb on their hands?

Lol, Kuja's a dude. And congrats FF9 is the greatest RPG after Chrono Trigger!
:shock: :oops: :shock:
my mind has been blown.
whats next, daggers a dude too??
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on December 22, 2009, 10:13:08 pm
In case you didn't know Qunia isn't a gender. And if anything is closer to a female.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 22, 2009, 11:43:38 pm
m. faf, you will like this.
i started playing ff9 the other day.
i cannot put it down.
im already on disc two. going up the cleyra trunk after that kuja chick was creepy over our dead bodies. did you know that burmecians only have three fingers and a thumb on their hands?

Awesome! I can't love FFIX enough.

Yeah, seems a lot of people thought Kuja was female at first... I didn't, but I think I might've been told about him by someone before getting around to disc 2.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on December 23, 2009, 01:30:50 am

I remember playing the Megaman games growing up.

I also re-remember playing them for the collection release on the GC.

I remember beating the first Megaman game in about 22-23 minutes.  If that's a record, then I've yet to find out.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on December 23, 2009, 02:40:06 am
Genesis is a God in my eyes.

And yeah, FFIX is a masterpiece. The music and style of the game are amazing, and it has the pre-rendered backgrounds that make the FF series on PSX great. It's actual art in the background, for god's sake! This is why I prefer older games to newer, CG rendered ones. The characters are blocky but the backgrounds are beautiful.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on December 23, 2009, 05:40:53 am
I always liked X better... The whole thing about Tidus being a dream was really intriguing. FF9 was wierd... didn't like the story much from the beginning. 

That's the order I have for the FF, I actually got to play. The others I've never finished them.

Oh and Jade Cocoon, it's a mixture of Pokemon and Final Fantasy... and it's even better. There is unlimited number of "Minions" due to a merging system.

BTW I always hated Genesis...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on December 23, 2009, 06:03:50 pm
Sega Genesis or the Poster?

I hated X. Tidus just doesn't work for me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on December 23, 2009, 06:09:45 pm

Well, as long as he's not referring to me.

Also, I think the Sega Genesis had some really great games on it, such as:

Zombies ate my neighbor
Sonic the Hedgehog 1-3 plus Sonic & Knuckles (I still have the cartridge for S&K)
Altered Beast
Comix Zone (Which I've never beaten to date)

...just to name a few.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on December 23, 2009, 06:20:08 pm
Sonic and Knuckles was just the most innovative thing back in the day, wasn't it? It was amazing how you could get more life out of Sonic 2 and just turn Sonic 3 into this...amazing, grand adventure, by stacking them on together. Damn, Sega knew what is doing! I still get giddy thinking about it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on December 23, 2009, 06:22:59 pm

Well, as long as he's not referring to me.

Also, I think the Sega Genesis had some really great games on it, such as:

Zombies ate my neighbor
Sonic the Hedgehog 1-3 plus Sonic & Knuckles (I still have the cartridge for S&K)
Altered Beast
Comix Zone (Which I've never beaten to date)

...just to name a few.

Hah. I had that for my old SNES back in the day. One of the strangest games I ever played. Was a good game, though.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZombieBucky on December 23, 2009, 08:54:08 pm
so im fighting beatrix in cleyra, right? and vivis like right near trance. like one more hit and then i can lay on her fira and thundara in the same turn.
she uses stock break to end the battle.
vivi goes into trance mode.
 :x :x
one thing that i hate about ff9's trance system: it does not carry over through battles.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 23, 2009, 09:34:22 pm
Well, at least the battle ended.

And while the subject still lies with it; I should continue with FFIX. Of the ones I own, IX is the only one (except III) that I still haven't finished. Last time I got up until when Dagger and Steiner left the party at Lindblum. Yeah, still in Disk 1 and that early. But I have been busy with other games (like Super Robot Wars and Yggdra Union). Oh well, IX will have to wait.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on December 24, 2009, 12:21:32 am
One of my brothers has started re-playing (for about the 20th time) Star Fox Adventures.  Apart from the graphics and soundtrack, the game is laughable at best, but DAMN does it have a good soundtrack!  I just downloaded legally acquired the entire thing just this evening and am listening to it now.  It's fantastic.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on December 24, 2009, 12:22:50 am
What's wrong with Adventure's Gameplay?
It's a Zelda clone.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on December 24, 2009, 12:25:24 am
The gameplay is alright and I'm not going to deny that it's a fun game to play / watch, but the storyline is just awful.  You didn't want to impale Prince Tricky in the face every 2 minutes?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on December 24, 2009, 01:45:10 am
It's a starfox game though, the only Starfox story that has a point is Command. The story is terrible, though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on December 24, 2009, 01:48:57 am
It would feel more like a real Star Fox game if you stayed in your ship and didn't have to fight dinosaurs.  Ya know?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 24, 2009, 02:07:25 am



Adventures was good, but it's obviously not Star Fox, just Dinosaur Planet with SF tacked on.

Command I hated, mostly because of how slow it felt, how repetitive it got, and how clunky the controls were even for an early DS game. And what the hell was with the method you were forced to use to destroy the motherships? "Fly into the bottom of the ship while barrel rolling, boosting and firing a missile!" It was so dodgy to control, too.

Oh and I'll chip in and say I like what I've played of Assault, but I had to resort to other methods to play it since it's such a rare game (extremely limited supplies outside Japan it seems); I'd gladly go finish it but the burned disc glitches out when it's supposed to be loading a certain scene and leaves me running around the room in the third or fourth mission.

Miyamoto apparently wants to keep trying new things, according to the guy in charge of the US localization. Shigsy then said recently that he was disappointed and wondered why Star Fox wasn't faring well anymore. GEE I WONDER, why not get up and actually work on a proper Star Fox game instead of whoring it out to third parties? It'd save so much time and stress.

...Gotta play the Star Fox 2 beta/translation hack sometime, I keep forgetting about that.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on December 24, 2009, 02:11:21 am
SNES Starfox is by far the best, but I can't get more people to play it because it's not on the Virtual Console. Come on, Nintendo! Put your own damn games on there! Like Earthbound, you assholes!
Stupid %^$#ing NOA.

Command is alright just because I can play Starfox when I'm not home.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on December 24, 2009, 02:18:14 am



"I'm not doing it!"

"Fox, what are you playing at??  Mom needs the mushrooms!"

Holy fuck, SHUT UP!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 24, 2009, 02:38:52 am ( (

Well, that's one two down, five four more to go I guess.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on December 25, 2009, 05:10:40 pm
Lia + X does NOT equal Axel. WTF guys. Unless his name has an I in Japanese? ...Whatever.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on December 25, 2009, 07:17:32 pm
Muramasa the Demon Blade.

Insanely good game. If you're into high-action side scrolling hack-and-slashing type games, then I really, really, really suggest this title. I mean, I got it for Christmas, and I'm addicted. The artwork is incredible (perhaps Okami has a competitor now?), being that the entire game is designed like old-school Japanese Wood-Block art, with smooth animations and incredible environments. Not to mention, the action in the game is intense during the battles. Horde of enemies, large bosses - everything that a good arcade fighter needs, it has. If you want to learn more, just play it. Because it's that amazing.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 25, 2009, 10:30:45 pm
Getting a PS3, suggest some games to buy folks!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on December 25, 2009, 10:38:16 pm
Soul Caliber...what is it now...four? That's a great PS3 title. Plus, you get to play as Darth Vader.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 25, 2009, 10:47:15 pm
SCIV, eh... I played that at a friend's house recently, and I loved SCII. I miiiiight get it, but I've found myself interested in a bunch of different fighting games so far (BlazBlue, Dragon Ball Raging Blast, Street Fighter IV...).

Just remembered I wanna try Eternal Sonata as well.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on December 25, 2009, 10:52:39 pm
Hell, yes. Eternal Sonata. You play that, and you get trapped in it.  :kamina
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on December 26, 2009, 12:15:03 am
No dont start an RPG yet. Only a few more days till Sands of Destruction!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on December 26, 2009, 04:16:53 am
MGS4.  It's awesome.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 26, 2009, 07:28:13 pm
I got Megaman X collection yesterday.  That kinda puts things on hold.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on December 26, 2009, 09:01:42 pm
Got talked into playing DB Raging Blast a month or two ago.  Gotta admit it was pretty damn fierce and fun and whatnot.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on December 27, 2009, 09:57:01 am
Just finished Mass Effect(Male Renegade and Female Paragon), and Dragon Age (1st as a Male Warrior, Second as a Female Rogue, Third as a Female Mage)

I am in some desperate need for more RPG action... I am willing to dip into some older titles if anyone has some suggestions, I have looked around the more resent titles and I can't find anything that appeals to me. I am sure there are many RPG Veterans here, I am need of some of your input.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on December 27, 2009, 03:43:50 pm
Have you played Mother 3? Or Earthbound?
How about the Mario and Luigi RPGs?
Dragon Quests on the DS?
Star Oceans?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on December 27, 2009, 03:48:08 pm
The Mario and Luigi RPGs are great. I have all three of them. One of my favorite RPG series, they are.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on December 27, 2009, 04:11:34 pm
Only Mario RPG I have played is Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, and I love that game to death!

I keep hearing nothing but good things about Mother 3, maybe I ought to check that...

And sadly, very very sadly, but my PS2 has died  :cry: so I never got the chance to play Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, that was the title I was going to get just before I found out PS2 was dead.

I bought a 360 because it was on sale and I wanted to play Mass Effect, I say it was worth it, but as I sadly found out later, there are not really that many RPGs for the 360, mostly shooters and sports games, I enjoy the occasional shooter(I have both Gears of War) but I am not that crazy about them, I have finsihed DOA 4 and Soul Calibur, so am really not looking for action or fighting games, what I have been yearning for some time is some good role playing opportunities, my time is yet to come in the RP threads, and I already beated Dragon Age 3 times, so I am a bit hungry for some quality role playing here...

Maybe I'll play Xenogears again, or both Lunars until something comes along... Ah PSX, without you I would be a different man. Strange that it outlasted the PS2 though ¬_¬
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on December 27, 2009, 04:27:45 pm
Check out Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. The latter is a bit too easy, but they're great games. Superstar Saga especially is a spiritual successor to Mario RPG. Kind of.

Mother 3 is one of the greatest RPGs in the history of RPGs. I'd check it out.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 27, 2009, 04:37:21 pm
If you also like SRPGs, I highly recommend a Fire Emblem game. Or probably Final Fantasy Tactics. And there is also the Super Robot Taisen games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on December 27, 2009, 04:54:35 pm
I LOVE SRPGs Acacia Sgt! Unfortunately... I already beaten Fire emblem : Sword of Seals, Flaming Sword, and Sacred Stones, and I don't own a GameCube so I can't play Radiant Dawn(or was it Path of Radiance?, anyways I can't play them  :()

Also both Super Robot Taisen OG, which I absolutely love. And of course, the Sang Real of SPRGs, Zodiac Brave Story is my favorite game on the PSX, and maybe of all time. But I appreciate the effort, thank you.

@ Trebuchet: I will try to look those Mario and Luigi games, I don't recall seeing them, on what console are they on? Because IIRC, Mother 3 was never released outside of Japan, or maybe I got my facts wrong...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on December 27, 2009, 04:58:43 pm

@Dapifer: How exactly did your PS2 die?  Mine got the power and AC cords chewed through by rats, so it's useless until I can a new pair.  I can't think of a way a game system would die.  After all, my NES still works after all these years.

As for SRPGs, I can't say played that many of them, but damn, I wanna play FF Tactics so badly.  Curse the rats that chewed through my cords!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 27, 2009, 05:02:34 pm
Well, if you don't mind the japanese, then you could play the other Super Robot Taisens. Although, I think a few do have translation patches for them.

And if you have already played the GBA Fire Emblems, then you can try the SNES ones. In my opinion, FE Genealogy of the Holy War is the best one.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on December 27, 2009, 05:23:25 pm
@ Acacia Sgt: I can't read Japanese...  :( It's something I have always regretted...

@ Genesis One: That's a very good question, it doesn't boot anymore, maybe it got burned in a storm or something, I usually unplug my consoles after playing, but sometimes I forgot, and my previous apartment was known for it's faulty wiring(among leaky pluming, and many other reasons why I got the hell out of there as soon as I could, but at the time I couldn't afford anything better) I am not really sure.

I know that if you take really good care of them they last a lot, but I also know I am not the only one that has experienced the sad truth of console casualties.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on December 27, 2009, 05:33:32 pm
Hell, yes. Eternal Sonata. You play that, and you get trapped in it.  :kamina

I have it , its nice but ...some of the scenes are a bit lengthy and not good for when your parents are saying "Turn it off , I wanna watch my shows" and the characters are still talking and its been ages from a save point .

If you can put up with that ...its a good game and ps3 encore mode is deadly ..(cant get past the goats xd)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on December 27, 2009, 05:51:37 pm

That's gotta be one of the biggest problems in RPGs of any type: not enough save points for those longer expeditions and grinding for experience.

Can anyone think of an RPG that didn't have this problem? I can't seem to remember playing such a game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 27, 2009, 08:05:58 pm

That's gotta be one of the biggest problems in RPGs of any type: not enough save points for those longer expeditions and grinding for experience.

Can anyone think of an RPG that didn't have this problem? I can't seem to remember playing such a game.
Well in Pokemon you can save anywhere so that's one example.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on December 27, 2009, 08:54:08 pm
I bought a 360 because it was on sale and I wanted to play Mass Effect, I say it was worth it, but as I sadly found out later, there are not really that many RPGs for the 360, mostly shooters and sports games, I enjoy the occasional shooter(I have both Gears of War) but I am not that crazy about them, I have finsihed DOA 4 and Soul Calibur, so am really not looking for action or fighting games, what I have been yearning for some time is some good role playing opportunities, my time is yet to come in the RP threads, and I already beated Dragon Age 3 times, so I am a bit hungry for some quality role playing here...

Fallout 3, Oblivion, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, and Tales of Vesperia are all really good. There are others I haven't played like Star Ocean: The Last Hope and Infinite Undiscovery that look good. If you liked Mass Effect and DAO then I recommend Knights of the Old Republic for xbox.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 27, 2009, 09:58:24 pm

That's gotta be one of the biggest problems in RPGs of any type: not enough save points for those longer expeditions and grinding for experience.

Can anyone think of an RPG that didn't have this problem? I can't seem to remember playing such a game.
Well in Pokemon you can save anywhere so that's one example.

The Golden Sun games also.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on December 27, 2009, 10:38:18 pm

That's gotta be one of the biggest problems in RPGs of any type: not enough save points for those longer expeditions and grinding for experience.

Can anyone think of an RPG that didn't have this problem? I can't seem to remember playing such a game.

Mother 3. Earthbound. And of course, Chrono Trigger. And a whole lot more.

Mother 3 needs to be emulated and patched with the Fan Translation, which is quite a bit better than most official translations.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on December 28, 2009, 02:06:43 am
I bought a 360 because it was on sale and I wanted to play Mass Effect, I say it was worth it, but as I sadly found out later, there are not really that many RPGs for the 360, mostly shooters and sports games, I enjoy the occasional shooter(I have both Gears of War) but I am not that crazy about them, I have finsihed DOA 4 and Soul Calibur, so am really not looking for action or fighting games, what I have been yearning for some time is some good role playing opportunities, my time is yet to come in the RP threads, and I already beated Dragon Age 3 times, so I am a bit hungry for some quality role playing here...

Fallout 3, Oblivion, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, and Tales of Vesperia are all really good. There are others I haven't played like Star Ocean: The Last Hope and Infinite Undiscovery that look good. If you liked Mass Effect and DAO then I recommend Knights of the Old Republic for xbox.

@ Jutty: Of that list the only ones I didn't know are Eternal Sonata and Tales of Vesperia, I don't know... I have never give the Tales series a proper look, but I keep hearing they are very good, I heard bad things about Star Ocean: the Last Hope, and frankly, Infinite Undiscovery was boring, I rented that one and didn't like it. As for Bethesda games, they are good, but I prefer BioWare all the way... probably because I have been a fan since the Baldur's Gate era, so maybe it's my inner fanboy talking, I still liked Fallout and Oblivion, but I don't feel like playing them again. And of course, both KotORs where an amazing ride, but I am looking to broaden my experiences a little, that is, sail into uncharted waters.Thanks for your input.

Mother 3 needs to be emulated and patched with the Fan Translation, which is quite a bit better than most official translations.

@ Trebuchet: Sweet! Thanks for the for the link, I will check it out!

So I think I will play Mother 3, maybe I will check out Tales of Vesperia because I keep hearing nothing but good things about that game, this will give me enough to spend my time with until Mass Effect 2 comes along. Thanks a lot everyone!  :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on December 28, 2009, 07:48:51 am
Tales of Vesperia was my first ever Tales game and it was amazing , really wanna play the rest now .
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on December 29, 2009, 07:37:53 am
I just found something extremely cool. It lets you put your snes roms on a cart and play on a legit snes. Which is really hot. Get that along with and an official snes controller and it = win.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: crono123 on December 29, 2009, 03:11:19 pm
I'm currently replaying Mother 3 and Chrono Trigger! Also, I'm playing some Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 2 online and trying to level up. Oh, and some Dragon Warrior 1 NES! It's grind-tastic!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Arakial on December 29, 2009, 06:42:25 pm
I'm replaying quite a few PSX titles right now, some of which it's been so long that it's like playing them for the first time--Alundra, the SaGa games and Wild Arms games, to name a few.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on December 29, 2009, 08:49:28 pm
BTW I always hated Genesis...

Genesis the character from FFVII Crisis Core... :P

I started playing DragonBall Raging Blast and BatmanAA.

Also Eternal Sonata was really good. I have yet to finish Encore mode but it's extremely hard.  I want to see the game real ending but I heard the 360 ending it's really different.
I am going to get DragonAge soon.
I really need to catch up with the new games!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 29, 2009, 10:19:14 pm
I'm playing Arkham Asylum too.

I got my PS3 today (with the aforementioned Batman, plus Mirror's Edge). I want a good game for online play, but MW2 looks so... gritty. I dunno... I'd like to play it online though, I did really enjoy a CoD game online once... Help me out here. D:

Just played Mirror's Edge, what a piece of shit. It's a nice concept but I'm finding it near-impossible to make it through the second level.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 30, 2009, 02:41:02 am
I didn't like Mirrors Edge over all because, though its a nice concept, it was easy and I finished it in 10 hours or so.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on December 30, 2009, 05:57:32 pm
I'm playing Arkham Asylum too.

I got my PS3 today (with the aforementioned Batman, plus Mirror's Edge). I want a good game for online play, but MW2 looks so... gritty. I dunno... I'd like to play it online though, I did really enjoy a CoD game online once... Help me out here. D:

Just played Mirror's Edge, what a piece of shit. It's a nice concept but I'm finding it near-impossible to make it through the second level.

Just get Killzone 2 or Resistance 2. Both have awesome multiplayer, specially Resistance2 64 players brawl is mind blowing.
Uncharted 2 is awesome too but if you haven't played the first one, I would still recommend it.

Just check some of the exclusives since you got a PS3 now. It's worth it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on December 30, 2009, 10:03:09 pm
I envy you! I loved Killzone, I can't understand why more shooters hadn't adopt the second trigger weapons, having an assault rifle with a shotgun blast is great(the Hellgast Assault Rifle), one of the best shooters I have played to this date.

I would love to play Killzone 2, maybe even get a PS3 just for that, and maybe for some other RPGs I know the system will get ;)

So, in your opinion, how is Killzone 2? Does it live up to the greatness of the first?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 31, 2009, 02:37:01 am
So lately I have been playing Star Ocean - Till the End of Time, which I got back in Christmas. And I think there is something wrong with the way I'm playing.

It's how hard I'm finding it. At the beginning it wasn't that much of a trouble, but now I have been finding trouble when defeating the enemies. Maybe it's the way I'm fighting or my levels are probably low (currently in that shrine beyond Aquios Castle at level 21 for the party I'm using), but I'm having a hard time with the battles.

Funny thing is that it's only with the random enemies. The bosses I have easily defeated and had no problem with. Yeah...

If this continues, I guess I'll take a break from it and return to my Super Robot Wars marathon (as I like to call it).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 31, 2009, 12:26:45 pm
Star Ocean TtEoT is really that hard, yeah... It was a nightmare for me, but my advice is learning to do Cancel Bonuses.

Cancel bonus occurs when you go directly form an attack to a battle skill, or a
battle skill to another battle skill.  Say you attack with x, then hold x and
immediately use Blade of Fury, it will say 'Cancel Bonus 175%' meaning your
Blade of Fury did 175% normal damage, and will increase if you go from skill to
skill.  It increases in the following manner:

100% (Normal attacks)

It remains at 300% for all other skills you chain after that.

Side Kick works WONDERFULLY with this method ("Side Kick spamming" being one of the most popular ways of killing bosses quickly). Sooo in short, just have Side Kick on both O and X (close-range) and alternate between them till your Fury runs out. The damage you'll dish out from this is insane.

Maria is a great character to do long-range Cancel Bonuses with, by the way.

Oh, and make use of the EXP boosts you get from Bonus Battles. It doesn't take too long leveling up if you find a good area. You sound like you miiiight be close to the Lava Caves, it's worth fighting the zombie enemies there to fill up your Bonus Battle gauge.

I didn't know about this till near the end of the game since it's NEVER EXPLAINED IN-GAME. Star Ocean 3 is really, really stupid, which is a shame; it's so fun.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 31, 2009, 12:43:51 pm
Alright, Cancel Bonus it is. Thanks. Now I should be able to have it easier now.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on December 31, 2009, 12:56:21 pm
Once you have Peppita who can dodge and counter the attacks can solo the game with her :)

What Games is everyone looking forward to getting in 2010 then ? :P
Top of my list is ff13 !
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on December 31, 2009, 01:03:38 pm
Why is FF tactics so hard? Like seriously is it necessary.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 31, 2009, 01:14:57 pm
What Games is everyone looking forward to getting in 2010 then ? :P

Golden Sun DS.

If the Lufia II remake gets english version and manages to be released within 2010, then count that one too. Same for SaGa II.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on December 31, 2009, 01:23:17 pm
Why is FF tactics so hard? Like seriously is it necessary.

 :shock: REALLY? What is it about the game you find hard?

Have you read the tutorials Daravon gives? It really helps...

Active Turn list is your friend, learn it, use it, love it. The game can be a little daunting for the new comers, but once you start figuring out how to play, it's really easy. It really depends on your playing style, don't believe anything you have heard, magic is NOT necessary, it only is if you play it slow and plan ahead every move, then it's excellent, if you are a Blitzer, then Geomancer, Knight, Monk, Ninja and Samurai are for you.

Don't underestimate the usefulness of having someone with Item, be a Chemist or someone with Item secondary and Throw Item, always have someone in your group that can Revive, and at least two people that can Heal, one of them should be able to heal others and themselves(preferably the same character that can Revive) White Magic, Item, Punch Arts and Summon Magic are great skillsets that offer a lot of options, and from those 4 only Summon Magic can't revive.

Well... I am getting ahead of myself, I am no expert, but I am versed enough to answer your questions to the best of my abilities, so maybe if you tell me where exactly you are having problems maybe I can help you stirring you to the right direction.  :)

What Games is everyone looking forward to getting in 2010 then ? :P

And I am looking forward Mass Effect 2, and the inevitable sequel of Dragon Age. Also I want to check out FF XIII, but I will rent it first to see what the fuss is all about, and then consider if I want to buy it or not.

@ Acacia Sgt: Lufia is getting a remake? Well draw me a beard and call me a dwarf, I got to get me paws on that one! Thanks for the heads up  :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on December 31, 2009, 02:24:57 pm
Why is FF tactics so hard? Like seriously is it necessary.

 :shock: REALLY? What is it about the game you find hard?
One word.  Velius. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on December 31, 2009, 02:33:48 pm
What Games is everyone looking forward to getting in 2010 then ? :P

Top three games I'm looking forward to are Sands of Destruction, Pokemon HeartGold, and FFXIII (now that I own a PS3). I'm probably still missing out on a lot, though.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on December 31, 2009, 02:41:11 pm
Well... he's supposed to be hard, that's why


Vormav warns Elmdor about facing Ramza saying "Be careful, he even defeated Velius", giving the impression that even among Lucavi, Velius was known for his might.


But even then, that fight can be cheesed with Ramza's basic job, as I said, the game is only hard when you don't know what really fits your playing style and still are trying to figure out most of the mechanics. Once you learn the way the AT and stats work, it's a breeze. I am not claiming to be better at the game than Jutty, nor saying he's bad, I found it fun and mildly challenging the first time I played, and really easy mid ways to the game, but then again I love SPRGs so maybe I am more used to them.

My offer still stands Jutty, if you tell me where exactly are you having problems I may be of assistance n_n
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Arakial on December 31, 2009, 03:09:32 pm
Star Ocean TtEoT is really that hard, yeah... It was a nightmare for me, but my advice is learning to do Cancel Bonuses.

Cancel bonus occurs when you go directly form an attack to a battle skill, or a
battle skill to another battle skill.  Say you attack with x, then hold x and
immediately use Blade of Fury, it will say 'Cancel Bonus 175%' meaning your
Blade of Fury did 175% normal damage, and will increase if you go from skill to
skill.  It increases in the following manner:

100% (Normal attacks)

It remains at 300% for all other skills you chain after that.

Side Kick works WONDERFULLY with this method ("Side Kick spamming" being one of the most popular ways of killing bosses quickly). Sooo in short, just have Side Kick on both O and X (close-range) and alternate between them till your Fury runs out. The damage you'll dish out from this is insane.

Maria is a great character to do long-range Cancel Bonuses with, by the way.

Oh, and make use of the EXP boosts you get from Bonus Battles. It doesn't take too long leveling up if you find a good area. You sound like you miiiight be close to the Lava Caves, it's worth fighting the zombie enemies there to fill up your Bonus Battle gauge.

I didn't know about this till near the end of the game since it's NEVER EXPLAINED IN-GAME. Star Ocean 3 is really, really stupid, which is a shame; it's so fun.
Oooh Dimension Door and Side Kick were my favorite combo--extremely devastating early on.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on December 31, 2009, 04:01:40 pm
Played the Bayonetta demo yesterday, it was surprisingly fun. Probably won't buy the game, though.

Playing Uncharted: Drake's Fortune right now, loving it.

What Games is everyone looking forward to getting in 2010 then ? :P
Top of my list is ff13 !

BlazBlue (European release)
Star Ocean 4 International
Ace Attorney Investigations
Pokémon HG/SS
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Golden Sun DS
Zelda Wii?

Probably plenty of others.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 31, 2009, 04:30:41 pm
What the...I missed FFVII talk? Ha! Speaking of the best FF on the PSX (possibly of the series)...

Why is FF tactics so hard? Like seriously is it necessary.

In general RPGs are only as hard as you make them yourself. Now go forth and surround your foe, attack/heal/accumulate/whatever for a few until you can be a Ninja and/or a decent Calculator to wipe the map with. JP Up is your Chapter 1 bestest friend.

Well, anyways...I've been hit with a veritable feast of games to play. Multiplayer FPSs for 360 abound: Halo 3: ODST (award for most awkward co-op story), Left 4 Dead 2 (which I mostly play as a hack & slash ^_^), & Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (seriously, this warfare is almost TOO modern! lol...I'm so badly not used to this series & get pwnt pretty hard online)...though I'm still playing Halo 3 online most (awaiting Reach beta and hoping some day I too will find 2 or 3 other people to Firefight with)...

Also got Mass Effect & Bioshock. I dig Mass Effect but am dreading the vehicle combat I just heard about not too long ago...If that does indeed prove too frustrating I'll have Too Human to fall back on. Bioshock I'll probably have to get around to later but it seems pretty neat so far...I also got Oblivion which will assuredly eat away at my very soul if I let it loose unchecked. I'm a Khajiit born under The Shadow (la de da)...

Nice to see some other people with Batman: Arkham Asylum. Seems fun so far & I love hearing the old animated cast back together...oh Mark Hamill you crazy bastard...), but with so many games idk if I'll have the time to really dedicate to it now...other new games probably staying on the backburner: Lego Batman: The Videogame (360), Armored Core For Answer (gotsta love me some of the true "AC"...though I did quite enjoy Advent Children despite not liking FFVII itself), Okami (painting stuff and running around making flowers as a wolf has never been more fun) & Trauma Center: 2nd Opinion (Wii must own...uh, though there's a new one coming out sometime 2010...)...

I also started to play 1 vs 100 on XBL...The way things are going it'll probably be the first game I get all the achievements for...V_V

Oh, and V Translanka (no underscore like my Compendium SN) is now officially my XBL gamertag if anyone wants to add me, feel free...seriously, I want to Firefight. I'm usually up at crazy hours though, so be prepared to possibly never see me online if you're not usually up past midnight on the east coast...>_>

I wonder if I should 1) create a new thread for gamertag sharing (not what Save Space & Rid Clutter V side tells me to do) or 2) modify this thread to have shared gamertags on the 1st page or something...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on December 31, 2009, 04:43:29 pm
Don't worry about Mass Effect and the Mako, actually it's worst if you kill enemies on the Mako, is best you park your ride in a safe place, and proceed on foot, depending on your class and party set ups, you can either blitz the enemies guns blazing, oooooor(and this is what I love to do)
take them out with a Sniper Rifle, they don't even know what got them, Snipers can even take out vehicles and Colossus, it takes a little skill but if you are a contemporary of the shooters then you shouldn't have any problems doing it.

I advice you choose the Soldier or Infiltrator class, because those are the classes that exploit the guns the most, I assume you picked Mass Effect for the shooting elements in the combat mechanics, if I am correct, then you will have most fun playing as a Soldier, a master of firearms. But feel free to experience with the Biotics(Magic) and Tech skills, I played(like most people) first as a Soldier, and had a blast, got a feel of how the game works, and then in subsequent playthroughs I experience with the rest of the stuff.

Really, Mass Effect is an excellent Sci-Fi RPG all around, don't worry about the Mako, it drives very much like the Warthog of the first Halo.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on December 31, 2009, 05:05:54 pm
They are remaking FF7. It is about to be officially announced.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on December 31, 2009, 05:20:38 pm
Please, link us when the information becomes public, ZK.

Arigato in advance.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on December 31, 2009, 07:14:28 pm
Quote from: Tetsuya Nomura
I can just say, that indeed, whereas I’m still working on Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Agito XIII and a little later on The 3rd Birthday (this year), we will announce other games this year and one is terribly awaited from everyone and often “REQUESTED” by fans and even by the press crew that I meet all over the world.
This was taken out of recent interview with a Japanese Gaming Magazine, not as conclusive as ZK makes it sound but the possibility is there.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on December 31, 2009, 07:51:13 pm
Yeah, I went with Infiltrator in Mass Effect, myself. Too Human seems like it has a lot more character customization and funner combat though...I may, dare I say it...have to play them both at the same time (er...not simultaneously, of course...>_>)...! But dammit, I've got Oblivion to think about too...and also Infinite Undiscovery (though that one is kind of bleh and not high on my priority list)...

Maybe the "requested by fans" thing Nomura was talking about will finally be Chrono 4. I'd rather that than a FFVII remake...or hell, maybe even a FFVI remake (because a guy can dream, dammit!)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on December 31, 2009, 09:20:39 pm
Yeah... I know it won't be the next Chrono Game, I just know it... but somehow I can't shake the little voice of hope in my mind that says "what if..." most likely is FFVII remake or somehing realted to Kingdom Hearts.

FaustWolf had more info on that note if memory serves me right, maybe he can shed some light on the matter...

EDIT: Did one better, here's the link for a thread about this exact same thing right here in the General Discussion forum =P,8339.0.html
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on January 01, 2010, 01:47:41 am
My offer still stands Jutty, if you tell me where exactly are you having problems I may be of assistance n_n

I'm only like 3 hours in. I just now found out that there are random battles lol. Now that I have upgraded my classes and learned some abilities it's not as impossible.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on January 01, 2010, 02:20:36 pm
Quote from: Tetsuya Nomura
I can just say, that indeed, whereas I’m still working on Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Agito XIII and a little later on The 3rd Birthday (this year), we will announce other games this year and one is terribly awaited from everyone and often “REQUESTED” by fans and even by the press crew that I meet all over the world.
This was taken out of recent interview with a Japanese Gaming Magazine, not as conclusive as ZK makes it sound but the possibility is there.

Actually, I read annother article where one of the executives said that they have the green light to do it. But I can't find it. Oh well, I can't think of anything else it can be.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on January 02, 2010, 05:07:43 am
My offer still stands Jutty, if you tell me where exactly are you having problems I may be of assistance n_n

I'm only like 3 hours in. I just now found out that there are random battles lol. Now that I have upgraded my classes and learned some abilities it's not as impossible.

Well yes, that's why most SPRG veterans, whether they like FFT or not, think it's an easy game, it's very uncommon for SPRGs to let the player grind or farming of any sort (whether be exp, currency, materials, etc), FFT allows JP and Exp farming, random battles level up with you, but story missions don't, if you have trouble with one story mission you can always grind your way to the top.

Anyways, if you like the idea of grinding for level superiority, Mandalia Plains is the best place, it's straight forward, doesn't have any powerful monsters, and it's accessible all the game, keep in mind that the final dungeon can be crushed by level 70 or so...

So grinding to 99 pretty much breaks the game, and it's not that hard to do, if you want some sort of challenge, I invite you to check the Tutorials Daravon gives, they give you a solid grasp of the game mechanics, so you don't need to really grind for levels, and only farm JP to unlock the classes you want and buy the skills you wish.

Friendly Advice regarding unlocking classes, if you already know skip the next paragraph:

And if you don't know this yet, unlocking classes is all about JOB level, you must stay in one job and earn enough JP to get that job level to the minimum required for another class to unlock, Monk is unlocked at Knight level 4(I think), that means you must get Knight to level 4 by earning lots of JP, this will unlock the Monk class only for that character, if you want others to become Monks, they also need to have Knight job level of 4 or more.

Anyways, the game is pure win, and IMHO, one of the best games for the PSX, and one of my personal favorites of all time, I really hope you enjoy it.  :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 02, 2010, 08:43:48 am
Hey, maybe the special fan wanted game is an ACTUAL sequel to FFT (or Vagrant Story for that matter)! ^_^

Anyways, I did indeed just get all 12 of those sad little achievements for 1 vs 100 on XBL...idk how I feel about having that stupid logo in my gamer profile thing though...The only other thing I'm even close to is ODST and w/o a good, reliable 3-man team to back me up, I just don't think I can get through those Firefights (much less the remaining Vidmasters)...V_V

Oh yeah and I'm REALLY getting tired of all the sidequests in this Citadel beginning part of Mass Effect...It's probably my own fault as I always try to hunt those down (precious, precious EXP...)...Only 2 or 3 more of those stupid Keepers left to scan, hooray! Looks like I'm going the paragon route (don't know how much it matters, but I do so enjoy being charming for once in my life lol)...I just can't help but think how awesome a renegade female would be though...*sigh* I damn well better squelch that idea fast though...Don't have the time to be restarting shiz, much less trying to play multiple saves of the same game...

Gaming callus hooooooooooooo~!!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on January 02, 2010, 08:54:07 am
Well... the Citadel is full of those side-questies, but you can ignore them if you want, you won't be hurting for experience in this game if you kill the enemies outside the Mako instead of gunning them with the cannon rockets. Remember to never kill them inside the Mako, if you must, you can weaken them with the machine gun, then just before they die, step outside, and blast them with your guns, you get the full experience that way.

Also, the alignment system is a little different from KotOR, you can do Renegade stuff, and you will get Renegade points, but this doesn't decrease your Paragon bar, so... if the situation arise, you can choose the Renegade route without compromising your Paragon status, I think I like this better, because sometimes the Paragon route is just too goody2shoes, and my character wouldn't go for that(and I didn't) like in the personal side-quest revolving around Garrus.

EDIT: One more thing, I really suggest you go for Dr. Liara T'soni first, right before you leave the Citadel, you will be prompted to go to one of 3 star clusters to do different things, start with the one that involves rescuing her, because she will become available as a party member after you save her, and she's a great biotic user, and if you like her enough to keep her during the whole game and want that Ally Achievement, is best you get her ASAP, or you won't get the achievement.

Hey, maybe the special fan wanted game is an ACTUAL sequel to FFT (or Vagrant Story for that matter)! ^_^

That would be the day... or even a prequel that revolves around the 50 year War, that would be awesome, or... perhaps the next Chrono Game? A man can dream right?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on January 02, 2010, 09:54:17 am
I still haven't beat Mass Effect. I played it like crazy for a day and then just quit and never played it again. :(
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 02, 2010, 01:09:07 pm
Yeah, I was sorta like that with Fallout...Though to be fair, part way through playing I DID make an evil female character in that one...Do I have a thing for bad girls? lol...I swear, I WILL go back to that as well...But I hate not having all of those DLCs (especially the one that heightens the level cap)...& yeah, I sometimes go renegade if the paragon sounds too stupid, or else I just go for the middleground if the renegade sounds too over-the-top...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on January 02, 2010, 01:40:14 pm
Exactly what I did, I played choosing the responses I would normally choose, to see if by the end I would turn out Paragon or Renegade, it ended up 75% Paragon(starting the fourth chunk) and around 25% Renegade(just a little of the second chunk filled).

What DLC increases the level cap? I haven't heard anything about that... for the first playthrough, your level caps at 50, second playthrough gives an increase in experience by 5%, and you can level from 50 to 60.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 03, 2010, 01:03:28 am
Oh, I meant for Fallout (Broken Steel to be precise)...though I do have the Mass Effect with the extra episode/quest-thing...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: RoxSilverFox on January 03, 2010, 03:48:47 am
I've been playing a lot of Modern Warfare 2 lately, I wasn't really a big fan of the Call of Duty series until this latest one. If you haven't played it yet I strongly recommend it, it's amazing.

Also, I pre-ordered Mass Effect 2 collectors edition today, I hope the bonus DVD with the making of and all that good stuff isn't shitty like the one that came with the Far Cry 2 collectors edition, that was a real letdown.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zephira on January 03, 2010, 04:27:49 am
Golden Sun is an AWESOME series and the third installment is finally on its way. Old news, I know, but not even the GS community itself is passionate to make a big deal of it, except in small pockets.
If anyone here follows the series, have you any thoughts on who the fourth party member will be? So far, it looks like they will be the children of the main characters from the last two games, and possibly Isaac. That, or his son really looks exactly like him.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on January 03, 2010, 05:31:27 am
I would love it to be a Lemurian again :P  Piers was my favourite .
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zephira on January 03, 2010, 05:42:58 am
Hear, hear! Piers always ends up being the strongest on my team. When he wields the Masamune, it's almost embarrassing how much trouble the others have keeping up. I suppose the Venus Adepts and their Sol Blade are all that can compete.

Which brings up the possibility that Piers could make an appearance. The only real question is, if he doesn't have the Lemurian draught, can he still live indefinitely, or is he back on a "normal" lifespan now?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on January 03, 2010, 05:59:42 am
Well I hope he can still live long :S , but without the draught Babi died I sorta expect the same of Piers :(
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 03, 2010, 11:16:40 am
I've been playing a lot of Modern Warfare 2 lately, I wasn't really a big fan of the Call of Duty series until this latest one. If you haven't played it yet I strongly recommend it, it's amazing.

Also, I pre-ordered Mass Effect 2 collectors edition today, I hope the bonus DVD with the making of and all that good stuff isn't shitty like the one that came with the Far Cry 2 collectors edition, that was a real letdown.

I think the last 3 (MW, WaW & MW2) were really pretty interesting, good CoD games, but I have never been much of a CoD fan either...Too many times online I feel like it's either me crying getting caught in constant snipers because I have no real clue about their map layouts and little time to learn them or else other people constantly whining about whoever else is sniping...and then I say fuck it & just go back to Halo...>_>

The Mass Effect platinum edition I got came with an extra disc with that kind of junk and an extra scenario (& gamer pics! OOoooOOOoooo...*eye roll emoticon*)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 03, 2010, 12:07:57 pm
Well I hope he can still live long :S , but without the draught Babi died I sorta expect the same of Piers :(

Actually, the draught was only to apply the slow aging outside Lemuria. Inside, the process happened normally.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on January 03, 2010, 03:21:34 pm
I've been playing a lot of Modern Warfare 2 lately, I wasn't really a big fan of the Call of Duty series until this latest one. If you haven't played it yet I strongly recommend it, it's amazing.

Also, I pre-ordered Mass Effect 2 collectors edition today, I hope the bonus DVD with the making of and all that good stuff isn't shitty like the one that came with the Far Cry 2 collectors edition, that was a real letdown.

I think the last 3 (MW, WaW & MW2) were really pretty interesting, good CoD games, but I have never been much of a CoD fan either...Too many times online I feel like it's either me crying getting caught in constant snipers because I have no real clue about their map layouts and little time to learn them or else other people constantly whining about whoever else is sniping...and then I say fuck it & just go back to Halo...>_>

The Mass Effect platinum edition I got came with an extra disc with that kind of junk and an extra scenario (& gamer pics! OOoooOOOoooo...*eye roll emoticon*)...

People on xbox live are for the most part idiots. They are going to bitch and moan over something if they are losing so I'd just learn the maps and not worry about them. You paid for the shit play it how you want to lol.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on January 04, 2010, 03:41:06 am
I obtained MW2 on the 22nd of December (my b-day) and already obtained the Platinum trophy (rewarded on the 31st). It's a lot of fun, and I love Spec Ops... but the single player was boring and online multiplayer is rubbish... but it's still... "fun" :D

Last month, I finally started my first ever FF7 playthrough. This is something I have been meaning to get to for such a long time. I simply never had the chance with school and its work-load, sports back in the day, foolish personal commitments of the past, and "work" in general. Combine that with the ever growing library of other games releasing during the days and there you go.

Needless to say, I am soooo glad I started. It's amazing. Even with all of the "FF7 media-driven knowledge" I was exposed to on gaming forums and such (Aeris...), I am managing greatly. Well, all I have left is to traverse the Northern Cave and find some way of beating Emerald and Ruby Weapon. After I blow away Sephiroth, hopefully the Blu-Ray of FF7 ACC will come in the mail (just another thing I never got to).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: RoxSilverFox on January 04, 2010, 06:52:48 am
I've been playing a lot of Modern Warfare 2 lately, I wasn't really a big fan of the Call of Duty series until this latest one. If you haven't played it yet I strongly recommend it, it's amazing.

Also, I pre-ordered Mass Effect 2 collectors edition today, I hope the bonus DVD with the making of and all that good stuff isn't shitty like the one that came with the Far Cry 2 collectors edition, that was a real letdown.

I think the last 3 (MW, WaW & MW2) were really pretty interesting, good CoD games, but I have never been much of a CoD fan either...Too many times online I feel like it's either me crying getting caught in constant snipers because I have no real clue about their map layouts and little time to learn them or else other people constantly whining about whoever else is sniping...and then I say fuck it & just go back to Halo...>_>

The Mass Effect platinum edition I got came with an extra disc with that kind of junk and an extra scenario (& gamer pics! OOoooOOOoooo...*eye roll emoticon*)...

Yeah, I rather enjoyed WaW, playing Nazi Zombies online with some of my mates was lots of fun. With Modern Warfare 2, I got used to the maps and weapons fairly quick. But still, I find myself constantly resorting to using Akimbo weapons like the P90 and .44 Magnum to combat the chances of missing due to LAG! Damn American hosts! :D

Oh and a tip here, Akimbo P90s in MW2 increases the chance of hitting your enemies in the head believe it or not. (Roughly a 40% chance with Steady Aim on.)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 04, 2010, 01:36:51 pm
What's with not being able to take a partner into online matches in MW2? I'm seriously hating these games we got recently that say "2 player co-op" or "2-XX online co-op" when they don't really mean the game can be played with 2 people in the same room on one system. I need specifics, dammit. 2-player campaign or 2-player side-mission stuff (Spec-Ops is indeed fun, but I've only got a 60+ year old father [my gf's] to play with...V_V)...? 2-player online or play with others online...?

Oh, and I still wish I had gotten Borderlands instead of L4D2...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on January 04, 2010, 06:52:18 pm
Borderlands is fun, it's very Diablo-ish.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: RoxSilverFox on January 05, 2010, 02:32:01 am
Hell, Trade L4D2 and get Borderlands. That game is a lot of fun, even more fun if you have someone to play co-op with (online or offline).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 05, 2010, 10:03:03 pm
Yeah, it's not actually mine...V_V
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on January 06, 2010, 08:34:13 am
Trade it anyway and tell them l4d2 is just the original with more fluff.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 08, 2010, 11:07:57 pm
Dear Mass Effect creators: I'm actually ok with the Mako (I's kinda fun in the way that a thick, plastic baby remote-controlled car is fun)...though on my first planet I got it stuck on some ladder-looking part of some exterior whatsit (possibly random cover wall or something) and had to walk for a good long while...Again, though, I'm ok with that...But wtf is with mapping the X button to Load on one screen and then the screen it leads to, X is mapped to DELETE SAVE!?!?! I didn't rush through the Citadel either, I stuck around and did the sidequests I could and got the beginnings of others after I became a Specter...

Luckily I can take the silver lining and made a female Renegade (everything else I kept mostly the same) and while I miss Ashley's clumsy attempts at hitting on male Shepard (boo!), being all Renegade made female Shepard totally get it on with that Asari consort (I hear I can also have her form a relationship with an Asari that joins my party)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 12, 2010, 04:42:18 pm
Sonic stuff.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on January 12, 2010, 11:29:02 pm
Oh god, Big the Cat. Irritating Nostalgia.

By the way, didn't Sands of Destruction just come out?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on January 13, 2010, 05:10:06 am
Today I started to play Legend Of Dragoon and I must admit that game it's awesome.
I have never played it before, and it's just stunning.
The graphics are beautiful, when I saw the water I was like. Is this PS1?
The gameplay is really cool too but it took me a while to push the button right when the square reaches the center.

I am also trying to finish .//hack part 4 Quarantine which I have never finished yet.
I got the first 2 back in 2005 when i first got my PS2 and the last 2 where hard to find.
So I got them not long ago and started over. I still forgot how frustrating it is to get the damn Virus Cores... >___>

Well, I am also playing Siren: Blood Curse and i must admit that is the first creepy game I found on this console generation.
Now everything with zombies or necromorphs(dead space) is considered Survival Horror.
So far 2 games Dead space and Siren that's indeed sad.
Resident Evil 5 was a mess...
 I finished it once and that's it...
It's only good to play with friends.

Good games were the old ones.
It seems that now everything is online multiplayer.
The experience of multiplayer can only be defined when you play with someone next to you and you can get the satisfaction of beating your friends.
Left 4 Dead 2 is good but I would be awesome if it had offline multiplayer. That would be just awesome.

BTW, I hope Needlemouse is going to be good as the old school Sonics. The new ones are just bad!
Oh yeah, the new Prince Of Persia is gonna be on the Sands of Time trilogy so no more crappy story for kids like the old one. HAHA!

WOW, I suck... This is like my longest post lol
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on January 13, 2010, 08:32:04 am
Indeed, I am with you in the sense that, IMHO; this gen should be remembered as the "Age of Multiplayer", there are no more great single player experiences, counted are the games that deliver in the single player campaign.

It's a shame really, I understand that this is the time of internetz and online gaming and all that jazz, and online gaming it's great on it's own right, but not at the expense of the single player experience. Because, as you said, the multiplayer aspect can only be enjoyed/judged if you have others to play, and then the experience becomes completely subjective to the kind of people you play with.

I wasn't that into playing shooters back in the day(other than Doom II and Duke Nukem) because the people I played with created a very horrible environment, much like some MMO's(most of them actually), were you are pretty much guilty of a crime because you don't happen to know how to play the game that well or don't know everything about the game like they do. In short, you are a "n00b" and you should suffer for it.

This is supposedly off set by the idea that, because you have played the single player a lot, you are well versed on the mechanics and are fairly good on a competitive level and now want the action only PvP can offer. In theory, this is true, but in practice, most shooters nowadays are almost conceived as multiplayers, at least it appears so, judging by the boring single player campaign they offer. I remember the times when multiplayer was an added bonus, not the idea behind the game itself.

The idea of the industry shifting to exclusively make games that almost force you to play with others is something I don't like. I do like to play with others, and some games like Super Mario Wii or Gears of War are more fun playing with/against others, but note that you can still play those games by yourself and have fun. And sometimes I just want to play something alone, in my down time, without the need to find someone to play with me. Just like sprites and side scrollers, I believe single player games should always exist, because there is a reason why we loved those kind of things back in the day, we shouldn't forget were we came from as gamers, and neither should the industry.

Leaving my "they don't make 'em like they used to" rant aside, Legend of Dragoon is a very solid JRPG, the story and characters are a little too common for their own good amongst the genre, but the experience definitely holds it's own as a complete package. The combat is awesome, and despite it's flaws, it's really fun and a very nice addition to the turn based combat formula we all know and love. The FMV cutscenes are beautiful, and the one that happens right after the mandatory Ghost Ship is the best CGI scene I have seen on a PSX videogame.

If you want some old-school JRPG action, with great combat, likable characters(however "cliched", if you will), and a story that although it seems very common on it's overall themes, it is very told very well and has some nice twists here and there, some expected, some not that much, and some may even surprise you(like certain character's true origins and purpose *wink* *wink*). So if you have time, don't give up on Legend of Dragoon and I encourage you not to miss out on this cult hit, at the very least, it's one of those games you should play at least once, if only to see what they are all about. Even though you may find yourself not smitten by the finish line, chances are you are going to enjoy the ride.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on January 13, 2010, 05:15:04 pm
Today I started to play Legend Of Dragoon and I must admit that game it's awesome.
I have never played it before, and it's just stunning.
The graphics are beautiful, when I saw the water I was like. Is this PS1?
The gameplay is really cool too but it took me a while to push the button right when the square reaches the center.

I had been playing that one, but at some point I gave up. I enjoyed it while I was playing it, but I don't know that I'd go back to it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 14, 2010, 02:30:43 am
Arkham Asylum is consistently amazing. I don't think anything in this game has disappointed me so far.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on January 14, 2010, 03:25:38 am
Anyone play Sands of Destruction yet? I think it went on sale January 12?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on January 14, 2010, 04:06:55 am
Nah, not as of yet Faust.

Legend of Dragoon was another amazing title. You should pick it up again RD. It has some of the most spectacular yet out-of-this-world FMVs. The story was unique (spanning four discs), the music was solid (serious and calm at appropriate times), and graphics not bad at all.

I actually just finished FF7 today. I have way too many questions about the ending... and I'd rather not spoil it in case someone has not played it... but I was impressed! heh... I even saw Masato Kato under the "Special Thanks" portion. I thought to myself for a brief moment as the FF main theme was playing as I was going into warp drive, "How would I have reacted to the story, overall, and its conclusion in 1997?" I don't know if I can answer that one... but it makes me want to replay some other RPGs of long ago that I have neglected over the years. Heck, I need to start my annual CT & CC playthroughs too. It's either that or begin FF8 and FF9. I just hope I can catch up in time for FF13.

So yea, anywho... very pleased with FF7. I'll have to rip the OST soon and put it on the iPOD.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 14, 2010, 01:43:46 pm
Legend of Dragoon is pretty good, yes. I like how the story starts out insanely cliché (hometown destroyed, save love interest from dungeon) and as the story progresses it actually evolves into something a bit more unique and definitely engaging...The regular battle timed stuff was nice, but just as boring as regular menus after a short time and the actual dragoon timing stuff got a little frustrating (I would have liked to be able to practice them at any time or something because I had some trouble finally getting the timing right)...

Now everything with zombies or necromorphs(dead space) is considered Survival Horror.

What about Plants vs. Zombies?

Resident Evil 5 was a mess...
 I finished it once and that's it...
It's only good to play with friends.

Wow, kudos on sticking with that...I had to give up after a couple days. To think they could get so much right with the series and then flush it all away again...

Left 4 Dead 2 is good but I would be awesome if it had offline multiplayer. That would be just awesome.

I think I had said or was going to say something similar a while back...Though my gripe was with MW2 not having split-screen online play (basically, if you've got a friend physically with you who wants to play with you, you've got to play Spec-Ops)...and, yeah, I still can't get into fucking all seems very...samey...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on January 14, 2010, 02:40:56 pm
Anyone play Sands of Destruction yet? I think it went on sale January 12?

All GameStops in the city told me it was shipped on the 12 but they wont recieve it till friday.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on January 14, 2010, 08:29:33 pm
Anyone play Sands of Destruction yet? I think it went on sale January 12?

All GameStops in the city told me it was shipped on the 12 but they wont recieve it till friday.
Not so - my copy arrived in the mail today.

In fact, I don't know why I'm typing this. I should be playing it now!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on January 14, 2010, 11:59:59 pm
Played a bit of Sands. It seems pretty decent so far.  Really dig the graphics. sprites on a 3-d, rotatable 3/4 overhead view.  Real colourful.  the characters remind me of the ones in Dragon Force on the Saturn, visually.  The battles stretch over both screens, which is a cool effect. 

The voices are hokey, but not as silly as the FFIV DS remake. Thankfully you can turn them off. It's a bit easy so far. The writing's not bad, a bit silly in parts.  But I'm liking it so far.  The music is as good as you would expect from Mitsuda.  A bit of a twist to have an anarchist element to the story too. 

Overall, looks promising, though not an instantly gripping smash hit in the first hour or so.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on January 15, 2010, 01:51:26 am
Arkham Asylum is consistently amazing. I don't think anything in this game has disappointed me so far.

Yeah, i am nearly finishing it but my computer is running it slow i should have bought i for Ps3. So far a friend spoiled me the ending... lol and it seems its a bit disappointing.

What about Plants vs. Zombies?

I haven't even played that yet even thought some friends asked me to.

Wow, kudos on sticking with that...I had to give up after a couple days. To think they could get so much right with the series and then flush it all away again...

Yeah... i was as disappointed on that game as everyone else. It was like Resident Evil 4 all over again told in a different way. And other thing Jill wasn't blond that pissed me off... :P

I still can't get into fucking all seems very...samey...

Same, I still haven't finished any of the campaigns not to mention that i quit every time because i get bored. It's only good to release anger and chop heads off with your "ninja Sword" or baseball bat!

BTW So far Legend Of Dragoon is amazing and I still wonder if Shana gets the powers fast because Lavintz its kinda useless!
3 bosses in a row and I didn't have any more Health Potions... I killed them all... The game it's getting real hard...

Thanks, Dapifer for the info about LoD.
 And you are right since all the net expanded to consoles... The overall gaming experience changed dramatically. It's for either good or bad. However, it's nice to see some dev's that have the balance between the Single Player campaign and the multiplayer.
Games like the old medal of honor's are the ones I used to love now not many are about the fun and single player experience. It's kinda sad....

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on January 15, 2010, 02:49:16 am
Don't worry about Shana getting her DS, the pacing of the game is one of it's strong points. At the beginning of Disc 2 and Disc 3, the story stagnates a little and the game forces you to spend time in a city(different cities between discs), but they have their own reason and purpose, so I really don't think it detracts from the game.

As someone mentioned, one of the flaws the combat has is that, the farther you progress, the less useful Dragoon Additions become, if you play with a physical team, then your regular human additions will own the Dragoon form.

However, Shana and another character that you haven't met will be incredibly powerful with magic, and Dragoon Magic, so if you want to use them with Dragoon forms are really powerful and useful.

But, Shana doesn't really need the Dragoon form, personally, Lavitz was one of my favorite characters in the game, he's strong, has high HP, and is not as slow as the other bruiser you will meet. But Shana and the other mage rely on magic to function correctly. Use the magic attack items you encounter, like Burn Out and the like, with Shana and you will see the power a magic character wields.

Another tip, notice that when you use the "Guard" option, you will regain 10% of your total HP. Reserve healing items for boss battles, if you are low on HP, chances are you will find something that will replenish your HP when you reach a milestone on the area you are traversing(like Pireflyes, clean water, etc.), or you could find an encounter with weak enemies and exploit them. Notice how every map has one type of little minion monster, weak hp, weak damage. Kill the rest of the enemies on the opposite side and leave only one of this pests alive, Guard away until you have full HP and then move on.

Additions are faaaaar more important than levels, don't grind for experience, it's hard to level up with the grunts, bosses will give you the levels you'll need. Instead, farm for addition levels, if you are close to a milestone that replenishes your HP, and you are close to reach another tier in your current addition, spend some time leveling that up. Final additions can only be obtained after you master all your previous additions for that character, so don't start using Volcano without mastering Double Slash, because you won't get the final addition until you do so. You don't need 99 uses, only that the addition reaches level 5, I think 80 uses is enough.

All party combinations can defeat the game once you know what you are doing, but keep in mind that because this is turn based, Speed is the only stat that truly matters, because more turns yield better results than big damage or incredible resilience.

This game plays more like a WRPG than an JRPG, in the sense that there's never really a need to stay in one place and grind endlessly, so just go ahead and keep progressing the story if you wish, most side-quests are open for the entire game(at least the ones that count).
Keep you eyes peeled for that Stardust, the only side-quest that matters depends on getting all the pieces. Check every corner if you want to face the special boss in the game, if you don't care or are planning on doing a second, more thorough, run later, then just enjoy the ride and don't bother.

Try to keep at least 6 Angel's Whisper if you feel the enemies are steamrolling you, this way everyone in your party can be revived twice. If you are the one with the upper hand, then keep only 3, so if the stronger enemies later in the game deliver those pesky instant death attacks, you are covered.

Try to keep 3 physical ailment restores(forgot the name) and 3 mental ones. Turning Dragoon will cure any status ailments, but sometimes you may wish to save your Dragoon levels for the Boss, and one ailment prevents you from earning more SP, so it's better play safe and have 3 of each. Again, if you feel you are steamrolling the enemies or prefer to use your human form(like myself), then perhaps 2/2 is better or even 1 physical and 2 mental.

The rest of your item limit fill it however you see fit, I prefer MP regenerating items like the Serenades, or Healing items if you use a party of 3 warriors.
Or if you want to use the mages, then save the powerful all enemy attack items.

Play against your enemies weaknesses, all enemies have a color on their name, that's their innate element. Counter your enemy with their opposite element to deliver massive damage. Light - Darkness, Fire - Water, Earth - Wind. Note that Dark Blue is Darkness, Purple is Thunder, Thunder is the odd element out and thus has no opposite.

Well... I am sorry if most of this things you already knew or figured out by yourself, but I wanted to give you a few tips so you can enjoy the game and don't be put off by finding yourself in a bind. Actually... now I want to replay LoD again =P

Maybe I will...

And you should play Plants VS. Zombies, it's fun, addictive, and has this "arcade game" feel to it that is just charming. At least give it a try, if you don't like it at least you can say you know the game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on January 15, 2010, 04:11:22 am
Don't worry I only managed to figure out half of the things myself! XD
So the stardust and all that stuff might be useful. Also yeah i noticed that the only way to level up its with bosses. So I try to avoid the random encounters but since it's kind of timed it's hard to do so. Otherwise I love the game it's just the encounters can be annoying.

Also I always in most RPG have one mage and 2 warriors. So mage I use it for magic and healing then one balance warrior and a fully offensive one. It's just the best strategy I have for any rpg dunno if it will apply in this one since I haven't got any magician characters. So far I use Rose, Dart and Lavintz. Just now Shana got SICK!! NOOOO!!! (reminds me when Kid got sick in cross :() XD

Anyways thanks for the info I will be sure to check out the stuff while playing the game and as soon as I get there.

BTW you should play Jade Cocoon. I always recommend that game because it's epic. Between this (LoD), Jade Cocoon, chrono cross, are my top 3 games for PSone. After those its Digimon world 3.

The game, it's weird feels like a crossover between Zelda and Pokemon with a very dark atmosphere. Just get yours hands on it. Although the sequel for Ps2 was the one which received all the praise, it doesn't even touch its toes of the first one.

It's like the third time I mention the game on this topic lol....
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on January 15, 2010, 05:13:33 am
I recall Jade Cocoon, one of those games that just didn't get their time on the spot light. I didn't knew it had a sequel though.

Dart(a given), Rose and Lavitz were my team for my very first playthrough. Rose is more of a "female protagonist" stat wise, in the sense that she's balanced, not the best striker, or the fastest, and with decent magic score and spells. She has a low cost healing magic(Astral Drain), but as you get higher levels it will lose effectiveness. But, she's pretty fast and can hold her own, plus she has only 4 additions so you can get her final addition really fast. And I liked her enough to keep her.

Shana is actually a very solid mage, I think she has the best magic stat, but the other mage beats her in Speed, which is actually more important. The thing about her is that her arrows always hit, and with time she will get a bow that shoots arrows to all enemies, plus she can get a lot SP very fast, and this means she can use her Dragoon form more often than anybody, and you want her as a Dragoon.

If you want to use a mage, and for some reason Shana is not your cup of tea, wait for the Blue Dragoon to show up, she's arguably the best character in the game because she's the fastest, has amazing magic stats, great spells, and her final addition has a crazy multiplier. She will never deliver as much physical damage as your best warrior though, but because of her speed, she will get two or three more turns, so in raw numbers she still wins. Some people say she's a gamebreaker, so use her at your own risk.

The game is really easy actually, so my advice to you is to just roll with the ones you like best. In my last playthrough I switch around party members to level all their additions and it was a lot of fun. If this helps your decision, the best weapon in the game can be only used by Rose, but you get it just two steps before the final boss, so... yeah =P

Again, I would suggest just have fun and don't worry too much about who you bring, go for looks, element affinities or just the ones you like best for whatever reason and enjoy the ride  :D

I bet you are not going to see some of the twists come, and IMHO, that's a good thing n_n
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 15, 2010, 04:27:01 pm
Played some more Arkham Asylum and got to Bane, who proceeded to break me...over & over. I did the sliding through his legs things a few times and even managed to pull at his Venom hoses some and then those thugs come down to distract you (it's nice that Bane doesn't bother to avoid hitting them when rushing or throwing chunks of the wall at me)...I'm not sure exactly how I pulled the hoses so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to continue trying to do that, but w/e, I'll get through it once I feel up to dying some more...

It makes me wonder if a co-op Splinter Cell-ish Batman & Robin game would work...>_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 15, 2010, 10:00:38 pm
I'm not sure exactly how I pulled the hoses so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to continue trying to do that, but w/e, I'll get through it once I feel up to dying some more...

Once you've stunned him with a batarang (by the way, using L1/Quick Batarang for this is near useless and slow, I found just quickly setting a target on him and using R1 the normal way is way more reliable), get behind him and punch him until Batman jumps on top of him. I died quite a few times to him too, it's a shame the Quick Batarang is only half-responsive when you really need it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 16, 2010, 02:33:30 am
The character countdown is done.
NONE OF them are playable... only Sonic. They even mocked themselves by making up "Sonic's friend Mr Needlemouse" as one of the choices.

This could be it, this could really be the game that breaks the Sonic Cycle.

Also, Capcom announced Megaman Zero Collection for DS:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on January 16, 2010, 03:37:21 am
Faust , I played Sands of Destruction yesterday (I downloaded the rom ...but I will buy it when it comes to Europe )

The voice acting and style of the game is fantastic ; keeping in mind I played an hours worth so far , definatly an rpg which should be a staple in everyones ds game case !
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 16, 2010, 12:59:54 pm
Pokémon Sunday is revealing something tomorrow, it's probably a Gen 5 Pokémon.


And that's still not all! In a recent interview with a Japanese newspaper, the president of Nintendo commented that the DS's successor "[will have] highly detailed graphics" and "a sensor with the ability to read the movements of people playing." Recently, Gamefreak, the creators of the main Pokemon games, solicited to hire 3D artists. Perhaps they were seeking these employees to help with the 5th generation games since they will be on an apparently powerful 3D handheld. As Gamefreak currently only makes Pokemon games, where else would the 3D artists go?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on January 16, 2010, 02:38:50 pm
Faust , I played Sands of Destruction yesterday (I downloaded the rom ...but I will buy it when it comes to Europe )

The voice acting and style of the game is fantastic ; keeping in mind I played an hours worth so far , definatly an rpg which should be a staple in everyones ds game case !
I've tired of the voices after about 2 hours and turned them off.  Some of them are pretty decent, but the main girl drives me nuts!  It's too bad, as some of the characters are voiced pretty well, like the main guy - such a wiener!  They have personality though.  The translation at times seems like it might be a bit too literal - things like 'you're a world-destroyer!  What are you waiting for? Go on. Destroy the world!'  They tend to overkill the word - makes it a bit hokey at times.  The music makes up for it though. Great atmosphere between the colours and the tunes.

I still have yet to get a handle on the combo / move attribute points thing, but it seems cool none the less.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tripehound on January 16, 2010, 04:41:03 pm
the president of Nintendo commented that the DS's successor "[will have] highly detailed graphics" and "a sensor with the ability to read the movements of people playing."

The world is still waiting on a title that takes advantage of the DSi camera(s).  :P

As for anything related to Gen V of Pokémon, it's been Nintendo's / Game Freak's status quo to wait for a new handheld to be launched before the series advances. I haven't heard anything substantial coming from the handheld front as yet, so I'd be skeptical of any Gen V announcements, unless they plaster it all over the Pokémon homepage.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on January 17, 2010, 04:33:30 pm
Just started Sand of Destruction, and it's reminds me of everything Kato's ever done. Which is good but, I mean come on. Hopefully the surprising twist he always throws in will make everything top notch! The one real complaint I have is that scenes should be theatrical and amazing seem anti-climactic because its on the DS.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on January 17, 2010, 04:44:03 pm
Man, the stuff Mad Magazine can churn out.  This list is supposed to be the "50 Worst Things About Video Games".  See how many of them apply to anything you've played recently.

1. Game designers who can’t understand why more women play video games, especially since they feature such outstanding female role models such as a globetrotting archeologist (with big boobs), world-class volleyball champions (with big boobs), and, of course, easily murdered hookers (with big boobs).

2. Console manufacturers selling systems without basic essentials like memory cards or a second controller, so you have to shell out another 60 bucks before you even see as much as a hair on Luigi’s mustache.

3. The once-realistic Sims "busting out" into settings so fake and ridiculous, its only a matter of time before we see The Sims Team Up With Sonic the Hedgehog to Take on the Giant Fire-Breathing Turtles.

4. Sega’s long pathetic parade of short lived systems, from the Sega CD to the 32X to the Saturn to the Dreamcast, establishing a legacy of failure on its way to rivaling that of the Chicago Cubs.

5. The "total time played" on your memory card, which only prove to your parents how many hours you’ve wasted playing video instead of doing you homework.

6. Games that make to much of their features "unlockable." Just to enjoy everything, you’re forced to jump through more hoops than a dolphin at Sea World.

7. Downloading "patches" for the latest and greatest massive-multiplayer extravaganza. You mean our 50 bucks AND the monthly fee didn’t actually include a finished product?

8. Mind-numbingly dull "cinema sequences"- as if we really needed to interrupt the game with ten minutes of bad acting and cliched dialogue to explain the deep motives and back story of why Ratchet and Clank are running and jumping.

9. Choppy, second-rate video games designed for cell phones. Was text messaging not a useless enough to drain battery power?

10. Video game magazines that spend months hyping a game as the second coming, lavishing it with praise and eagerly counting down to its release date, only to dismiss it when it comes out as third- rate, over-hyped crap.

11. Video game reviews from Maxim or FHM— as if their readers will actually stop "juggling their joysticks" to photos of Eliza Dushku long enough to go out and buy the game.

12. All tasks that involve looking for keys to open a door, secret passage ways or chests or anything else crucial to your success. You mean a character running around tirelessly with ten machine guns and thousands of rounds of ammo can’t shoot the freakin’ door open?

13. Selling multiple versions of the same Pokemon games with different creatures in each one, so you have to buy them both. Its almost as shameless as making collectors buy two identical magazines with a different cover.

14. Racing through the Grand Canyon in a super-charged 350Z with ARC spoilers and HKS turbochargers . . . then turning off Gran Turismo 4 and driving to work in your 1988 Honda Civic with AM/FM radio and manual windows.

15. Wannabe gamers who drop $200 on a system and another $50 on a game, then immediately look up the cheat codes that make playing as easy and pointless as possible.

16. The "Plug and Play" Atari system, which seems cool until you actually buy it and realize that advances in graphics, color and sound were made for a reason.

17. Falling for EA’s annual con of forking 50 bucks for the improved version of Madden Football, since "improved" apparently means adding a couple of dozen bench players and seven new versions of Madden yelling "Boom! He sure knows how to tackle!"

18. Vietnam games that make you wonder if any national tragedy is off limits to crass exploitation.

19. Getting psyched to watch Spider-Man 2 on your brand new PlayStation Portable, then realizing the battery will get you about as far as the opening credits.

20. Donkey Konga, which combines the ‘60s-era art of bongo drumming with none of the mind-bending hallucinogens that made it tolerable in the first place.

21. Finding out that your school photo looks just as dorky and pathetic digitally pasted on to a cool skater’s body in Tony Hawk’s Underground as it does hanging in your parents den.

22. Rockstar’s "exclusive" deal to keep Grand Theft Auto on PlayStation 2, only to turn around and put a better version on Xbox a few months later. For some inexplicable reason, we were expecting upstanding ethical behavior from a company whose game glorifies a hooker-killing, drug-dealing gangbanger.

23. Having to "level up" your characters in role-playing game to the point where it requires more work than your actual job.

24. Highly -anticipated releases like Half-Life 2 and Doom 3, which boast innovative, thrilling new ways for you to, uh . . . kill stuff.

25. Mario’s ridiculous Italian accent, which comes in just behind Grand Theft Auto: Vice City’s infamous "Kill all the Haitians" message as the worst ethnic offense in gaming.

26. Having a balance of ten cents on your arcade card, which is totally good for nothing and yet you STILL can’t bring yourself to chuck it.

27. Obnoxious video game buddies who successfully guilt you into letting them "try this level one more time," which quickly turns into a half hour, then hours on end and, finally, daybreak.

28. The idiotic realization that video games are good for hand-eye coordination, as if that weren’t true of any other activity doing a thing to another thing.

29. Sports games that realistically simulate the athletic experience of shots of players scratching themselves— as if getting an up-close view of Yao Ming playing pocket pool is why we fantasize about playing in the NBA.

30. Games with development cycles that are so long and with release dates forever delayed— even the friggin’ Sopranos produce new episodes faster.

31. Having to blow $9.99 on a book of tip codes because the game you want them for is the ONLY one that hasn’t been typed up for free on the Internet.

32. Your disgusting friend who grabs your controller with his clammy hands immediately after licking Cheetos residue off each and every finger.

33. Juiced up versions of old Atari games, which are way too complex for fans of the originals and way too lame for everybody else.

34. Trying to make a boring game like golf "extreme" by adding violence, scantily-clad babes and dubbing it Outlax Golf, meaning we’ll soon have Outlaw Shuffleboard, X-treme Badminton and Ultra-Psycho Desperado Horseshoes.

35. The horrible realization that you’re such a spaz that if you played Dance Dance Revolution head-to-head with William Hung, you’d lose. Bad.

36. With the endless success of cash-cow series like Final Fantasy, Medal of Honor, and The Legend of Zelda, virtually every game out there is either a sequel to a past game or the inferior imitation of a hit game. These days, an actual new, original gaming experience is rarer than a funny David Spade movie.

37. The Army’s cost-cutting use of video games to train its soldiers, which will really pay off when we finally invade the frozen wastelands of Tallon IV.

38. Blowing on NES cartridges and holding down "RESET". We know that was along time ago, but man, that sucked.

39. Saving a whopping four bucks by buying pre-owned ones— when you do the math, its like getting 13 scratched-up disks of dubious playability for the price of twelve!

40. Companies that make a big deal of hiring slumming D-list Hollywood talent to record a few sound clips for their game, as if David Arquette’s involvement has ever made anything better.

41. Now that multi-player games are best played with online opponents, video game recluses can finally stop bothering to make friends to play with, thus freeing them of their last tether to normal human society.

42. Games that boast 50 hours of gameplay when 48 of them consist of re-tracing your tracks through the same area you’ve already been through nine freakin’ times.

43. Trying to decide which sucks more: movies based on video games or video games based on movies.

44. Enter the Matrix: The only thing in the world that could actually make the two Matrix sequels seem coherent and interesting.

45. The ESRB ratings, which are a big help for parents who can’t decide wether or not Killzone is suitable for their six-year-old.

46. Sims- addicted roommates who practice better personal hygiene online than they do in real life.

47. Cheesy gaming articles in Time and Newsweek that are the journalistic equivalent of your mom trying to dance to Outkast.

48. Disc-5 of the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas box set— we just don’t like it.

49. Realizing that a) there’s not a woman’s beach volleyball player in the world who looks like that and b) if there were, she wouldn’t sleep with a pasty-faced dork who plays electronic volleyball all day.

50. Games that, despite being based on "cool" characters, just plain suck. You know, like Spy Vs. Spy.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on January 18, 2010, 03:21:00 am
Anyone know the music composer for Sands of Destruction ?

The world map theme makes me quite emotional feeling kinda like when listening to Star Stealing Girl  :oops:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on January 18, 2010, 08:10:23 am
Anyone know the music composer for Sands of Destruction ?

The world map theme makes me quite emotional feeling kinda like when listening to Star Stealing Girl  :oops:
It's Yasunori Mitsuda, so no wonder.  :lol: And people thought Kato and Mitsuda can NEVER be together.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on January 18, 2010, 11:39:40 am
Wow , the 'No wonder' is so true :D
I can't wait to hear the rest of the tracks :P
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on January 18, 2010, 02:33:09 pm
Anyone know the music composer for Sands of Destruction ?

The world map theme makes me quite emotional feeling kinda like when listening to Star Stealing Girl  :oops:
It's Yasunori Mitsuda, so no wonder.  :lol: And people thought Kato and Mitsuda can NEVER be together.
The music is a real highlight for me so far.  Makes up for some of the mediocre dialogue as far as atmosphere goes.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on January 18, 2010, 03:14:15 pm
Just defeated Serpens Rex , hard was the Azure Sea ...seriously ? It took me one hour to defeat him as he kept healing ...and he is basically an early boss !!

Dialouge is ok in my opinion except Taupy ...he isnt cuddly sounding.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 18, 2010, 10:06:50 pm
Been playing some GTA4 and noticing how much smaller VC feels after being so in awe of San Andreas...I'm still relatively early in (I was only just introduced to the internet cafe, even though I had already found it on my own while exploring), but there seems like there's less side missions, but I imagine that will open up more as the game progresses as always...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on January 18, 2010, 11:05:12 pm
Been playing some GTA4 and noticing how much smaller VC feels after being so in awe of San Andreas...I'm still relatively early in (I was only just introduced to the internet cafe, even though I had already found it on my own while exploring), but there seems like there's less side missions, but I imagine that will open up more as the game progresses as always...
I really hated GTA4 so much I just sold it a few weeks back. It's just bad...
I don't know how to explain but the story is so bad that it made me want to skip all the missions and just do whatever until I got bored of it.
It can't be compared to San Andreas or Vice City. Even Bully is better.

Yeah you get more but they have more story than the normal side mission that you do on other GTA's.

If you like it is good but I didn't really liked it that much.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on January 19, 2010, 02:29:53 am
Anyone else here played World of Goo?  Got the game a while ago and started it yesterday.  Yet another example of a game you'd expect to be really boring yet is surprisingly addicting.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on January 22, 2010, 05:07:04 am
Just wondering... but has anyone seen this yet? (

I knew it... we'll get a FF7 remake before a new Chrono title for sure :x
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Schala Zeal on January 22, 2010, 05:16:38 am
Great.. Just what we need. A new generation of Sephirothitis
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on January 22, 2010, 01:32:49 pm
No kidding.  I remember being put off because of the shift to pokey, 3-D graphics at the time, but it was the enduring fanboy hype that's made my skin crawl since then. 

I've come to think of FFVII as the RPG genre's equivalent to Titanic, with Lenny DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.  Both from around the same late 90s period, both solid works in their own right, but the overkill in terms of hype and fandom just kills it for me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 22, 2010, 01:48:34 pm
And I thought they would first remake V and VI before finally doing VII. Guess that will have to wait even longer, if at all.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on January 22, 2010, 02:23:30 pm
Just wondering... but has anyone seen this yet? (

I knew it... we'll get a FF7 remake before a new Chrono title for sure :x
And this...Surprises you? 
It's getting to the point where nothing Square does to make us mad is surprising to me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 22, 2010, 02:57:49 pm
Make us mad? Maybe FFVII will be good this time! lol, y'never know...

How well did Nostalgia do? Do we know if SE has gotten Matrix Software to do any new upcoming games? Because I really liked how well they did with FFIII & IV on DS (& IV-2 looks like good, oldschool fun and is from what I've heard) and I can't really imagine anyone else handling V & VI...

@Magus22 & anyone else: Oh, hey! I'm on PlayFire too if ya wanna add:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 22, 2010, 03:38:29 pm
Just wondering... but has anyone seen this yet? (

I knew it... we'll get a FF7 remake before a new Chrono title for sure :x

This just got posted there:

FF-Reunion updated with a quote from and a summary of the story from the Famitsu issue in question (which is about Cloud's popularity, not FFVII).

Nomura tells Famitsu that there is no remake. Cloud might appear in other games (like Dissidia -Final Fantasy-) but not a remake.

Damn. :(

Great.. Just what we need. A new generation of Sephirothitis

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 22, 2010, 09:03:16 pm
I keep playing Mass Effect and while it rocks, VIDEO ( (damn that looks cool) keeps making me wish I was  playing ME2...! And I'm doing way too many of the sidequests in both ME and GTAIV...>_>

Will I ever get to Bioshock & Oblivion? V_V
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on January 22, 2010, 10:04:55 pm
I already posted this...I just couldn't find my source. :cry:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on January 23, 2010, 11:12:58 pm

I've been playing Secret of Mana lately, and I'm getting owned. I have no freaking clue why. I'm actually pretty sure I don't know how to play it completely, as I figured out that I could charge my attacks after 2 dungeons. Ugh. But it's a great game, I bought it like, 2 years ago on the VC and just began to play it. Also, I'm still playing Tetris DS. How could they have made a game that addicting?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 25, 2010, 11:14:50 am
Ack! My gf started a game of Oblivion (as a Wood Elf) and it sucked me in so I created a New save (even though I still have my relatively new Khajiit Rei save file) as a Dark Elf (named Maou)...I apparently like making characters who resemble other game characters...Which reminds me of when I played FFTactics once, got rid of all of the regular units and hired people until I made a group all with Crono & Co. names...I even made a lot of their specialties similar...>_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on January 26, 2010, 06:17:17 pm
Ouch, Sands ( got blasted by RPGFan. IGN gave it about the same score (, but the IGN reviewer's tone seemed far less scathing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on January 26, 2010, 06:24:09 pm
Well im near the end now . The combat starts nice but sorta ends up broken and some attacks are like ....insta-boss killers in a way and the whole system is boring . Music , Characters and Maps are amazing In my opinion the story so far is nice , I would actually say try it , its a good game despite its flaws , the 'Quips' system is unique im sure . If anything just listen to the World map /Options theme is amazing .
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on January 27, 2010, 12:10:58 am
I'd say it's a bit disappointing, but I think the RPGFan one goes a little over the top.  It's an above-average game, but not up to what we'd expect from such an all-star cast.  If it had different names behind it I doubt it would get quite so scathing reviews.

Good story idea, mediocre dialogue.

Good characters, cheesy or annoying voice acting for the most part.

Combat, a refreshing system, but random encounters get a bit tiring with all the happy happy joy joy dungeon crawling.

Graphics, some people have criticised the sprites. To hell with them, I think it looks great.

Music, top notch. 

I agree with the general rating of +-7.5, but I wouldn't be so harsh on it. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on January 28, 2010, 10:42:02 pm
Manado: Begining of the World. By Monolithsoft. Now we know they made Baten Kaitos and Xenosaga, but is Kato involved in this too?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 29, 2010, 02:15:28 am
New Pokémon main game announced:

Manado: Begining of the World. By Monolithsoft. Now we know they made Baten Kaitos and Xenosaga, but is Kato involved in this too?

Well, they've officially named it "Xenoblade" now, and there's a site up.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tripehound on January 29, 2010, 06:01:47 pm
Quote from: FaFniR
New Pokémon main game announced:

Well shoot. Good thing I just got out of the shower, 'cause I'm going to be sucking on my feet for a while. :oops:

Makes me wonder how close to fruition the DS' successor is. Thanks for that, FaFniR.  8)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on January 29, 2010, 06:14:12 pm

Quote from: FaFniR
New Pokémon main game announced:


Look, it was great in the 90s when it made its debut and it held strong as a franchise in the early 00s, but now... well, now they're just milking their cash cow to the death.

The moment it got past 150 Pokemon for me to count and collect... hmm... let me put it this way.  It's what Peter Griffin did at the end of this clip: (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on January 29, 2010, 06:20:30 pm
The moment it got past 150 Pokemon for me to count and collect... hmm... let me put it this way.  It's what Peter Griffin did at the end of this clip: (

There were 151 in the first Pokemon. The moment you refer to is the start of the franchise.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on January 29, 2010, 06:21:22 pm
I liked the first 251 , then they became ...ugly and cloneys !
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on January 29, 2010, 06:25:55 pm

Also, there's the PokeRap.

Need I say more?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on January 29, 2010, 07:18:41 pm
The first 150 were great, 251, still great, 386 was starting to get a liiittle pushy but I still really liked that generation of Pokemon, and then came along 493.  *Groan* They've run out of ideas.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZombieBucky on January 29, 2010, 09:20:48 pm
i was content with 151 as well. 200 or so i could deal with. once it went into the 300s, i lost interest. oh well. im sure thats what my brother and sister are going to ask for for their birthdays...

on an unrelated note, am i the only one to level grind to be insanely overlevelled in every game i play? i remember this one time i found myself at level 60 by the end of disc two of ff7, or the one time i was nearing 70 while heading off to fight giovanni in pokemon red.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 29, 2010, 10:04:57 pm
Not really. Actually, right now I'm over leveled in SRWFF. Main party level 47-48? Enemies were 41-43.

Well, right now, they seem to have catch up, but earlier, it definitely applied.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on January 29, 2010, 11:01:59 pm
So, Monado: Beginning of the World was recently renamed Xenoblade. ( Uh-oooooh.
Just for reference, it's being made by Monolithsoft, though I'm not even sure if Takahashi's on the team. A true Xeno game simply needs Takahashi, Soraya Saga, and Yasunori Mitsuda or Yuki Kajiura (and a little Kato is never a bad thing).

But even so, a curiosity worth keeping tabs on.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 31, 2010, 05:00:46 am

It's possible I'm playing too much Island Paradise on FB...>_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 04, 2010, 04:27:08 pm
Here's a trailer for Sands of Destruction from over at gametrailers...

At about 5:00 they talk about "other quality RPGs out there for the DS" and only video of Chrono Trigger is shown...:P
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on February 04, 2010, 05:55:34 pm

Any else here been playing Mass Effect 2?

Who would've thought that adding elements of old games can produce this new game that's just as awesome as its predecessor?  It's kind of like...

I don't know, Halo meets Fable or something along those lines.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on February 04, 2010, 06:10:17 pm

Needlemouse is Sonic the Hedgehog 4!!

It's gonna be in episodic download format. There's a gorgeous short trailer, too.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 05, 2010, 01:55:23 am
I'm looking forward to seeing how Sonic 4 plays out.  If done well it will be a huge plus for Sega, if failed than I think it will be one of there biggest falls yet.  The sonic cycle may actually break this time.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on February 05, 2010, 04:48:25 am
Just finished Mass Effect 2, which I loved every moment of. By themselves I would say their great but together they pierce the formidable wall of "one of the best games I've played."  In fact I can count on one hand the amount of fictional Characters that I have come to love and adore as much as any breathing person. Dak'kon (Planescape: Torment), Tali'Zorah nar Rayya/Tali'Zorah vas Normandy (Mass Effect 1/2), and Juan Rico (Starship TroopersThe book not the damn movies).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on February 05, 2010, 02:53:09 pm
Finished Sands of Destruction Just ....I dont know what to say really :S
Everything was good but the story kinda made no sense and fell apart near the end .
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on February 05, 2010, 10:15:51 pm
SHHHHH!!!!! Don't spoil it!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tripehound on February 07, 2010, 02:23:38 pm
Apparently there's a chance that Nintendo may be unveiling a new platform at GDC this year. As if the URL wasn't enough of a hint.  :roll:

I've never been to this site before, so I can't say how reliable this article may be. If I had to venture a guess, though, I'd say there's a better chance of it being a new handheld or DS successor than an HD Wii.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on February 07, 2010, 03:18:31 pm
Siliconera is very reliable :P
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on February 07, 2010, 06:56:13 pm
FFXIII comes out next month. Anyone excited? I personally am thrilled.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on February 07, 2010, 10:53:17 pm
FFXIII comes out next month. Anyone excited? I personally am thrilled.
I don't think I've even batted an eyelid since FFIX, with its nostalgic appeal... Square Enix grind out the FF games so regularly now, it's diluted things to the point where It's about the same appeal as EA's annual updates of their sports franchises.  For me, anyway. :/
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on February 08, 2010, 01:37:16 pm
Im estatic about ff13 , im so glad it changes everything FF stood for ....after all playing the same game over and over is going to get boring .
Im a mega ff fan so dont get me wrong I love it , but things need to change now :P And ff13 will hopefully change it all
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 08, 2010, 02:41:04 pm
I can't say I really am.  For one thing unless it's on Wii or DS (Which I doubt) I won't be able to play it.  And also the only Final fantasy games I've played are IV, VII, and Tactics.  And the only one of those I've finished is tactics.  I like the style, but for some reason I have a hard time getting myself to play them.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 08, 2010, 04:33:23 pm
Im estatic about ff13 , im so glad it changes everything FF stood for

Didn't XI already do that (by actually changing the GENRE of the series)...?

....after all playing the same game over and over is going to get boring .

How so...? The FF games are barely even a series...Most of the time I feel like the only thing actually connecting the games are Easter eggs for the fans...OMG there's a chocobo in that dude's fro! What were we talking about?!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on February 08, 2010, 05:09:25 pm
Quote from: V Translanka, Destroyer of Worlds and Consumer of Pancakes
How so...? The FF games are barely even a series...Most of the time I feel like the only thing actually connecting the games are Easter eggs for the fans...OMG there's a chocobo in that dude's fro! What were we talking about?!

Yeah, but there's a lot of fundamental similarities, globally and by platform. 4, 5, 6 were more similar to each other than 7, 8, and 9, and 10 was just WEIRD! 12 was also a bit different but essentially the same.

The main character(who uses a sword, always) goes on a journey, meets people, gets a boat, meets some more people, kills a few bosses, gets an air ship, goes to an island you can't get to by boat, goes to an island you're not supposed to go to until the end of the game(at least how I play it) and then you fight the final boss, who you find out who it is by the end of the second disk/major plot point.

There's always some nobility character, some brooding, mysterious character(five may be the exception) and a love interest. The main character(who always uses a sword, remember) always has some deep mental/emotional/psychological problem:

Cecil(I have to kill people), Leena(my dad's dead and I don't know how to rule), Terra(I don't know what love is!), Cloud(Oh, God, where do I begin?), Squall(I'm always so alone), and Zi-Actually, despite being the one who really deserves the emo attitude, he's pretty upbeat. Tidus and Vaan followed after Zidane in this respect, but then again, they're weird.

6 and 7 are incredibly similar. I remember about a year ago, my older bro was doing a replaythrough of FF7 and I would keep pointing out things going "Oop, that looks just like something from FF6," or "Ooop, that dialog sounds like FF6." The stairs to the Magi Tower in 6 and the Shinra Building in 7 are identical. This really doesn't say much, but it's interesting.

Square's been trying to take FF in a different direction since 10, and has met with varied results. 10 set a new mold, and 12 completely shattered that one. 13 is just another wave of that. Still, I doubt they'll ever get completely away from the fundamental stuff that makes an FF game an FF game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 08, 2010, 11:16:52 pm
Most of those similarities are just literary devices you could attribute to any story...I mean, c'mon..."A love interest" isn't something that ties together anything. It's just a relationship to help move along a story and connect the main character to someone...
Title: Retro Gaming Extravaganza
Post by: Lance VII on February 08, 2010, 11:28:10 pm
So, after New Super Mario Bros. and Mega Man 9, I am SO pumped for the next retro installments. Sonic 4 and Mega Man 10 look awesome.

Anyone else excited?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dapifer on February 09, 2010, 03:16:35 am
Yes, Super Mario Bros Wii was full of win, I like the gaming industry going back to it's roots.

2-D sprites should never go out of style, 3D polygons are really pretty, but they don't age very well.

Long live SPRITES!!  :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 09, 2010, 03:20:46 am
I love the 2D gaming upsurge, but I don't care for the dated sprites...The 16-Bit era happened...and it was good. There are enough Megaman hacks out there, give me something pretty too and I'll still get it. The Zeroes & ZX games were 2D and still good without the gimmick of nostalgia-driven graphics.

I'm more amped for Super Street Fighter 4 & Metroid: Other M in those terms...But I hope Sonic can come back and not be lame...seems easy enough to make a fast Mario game, right? Although I doubt there as many Sonic hacks as SMB...>_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on February 09, 2010, 07:25:57 pm
Has anyone noticed that both FF13 and Resonance of Fate are being released on the same day? WTF? Why would Sega do that. In the end Resonance of Fate may just be the better JRPG but they have no publicity and Sega is a dieing company. They screwed themselves. I don't have the money for both currently and it wont look good for the developer and investors when it doesn't sell well at release but only months later after everyone has finished 13 for the second time.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on February 10, 2010, 12:28:57 am
I love the 2D gaming upsurge, but I don't care for the dated sprites...The 16-Bit era happened...and it was good. There are enough Megaman hacks out there, give me something pretty too and I'll still get it. The Zeroes & ZX games were 2D and still good without the gimmick of nostalgia-driven graphics.

I'm more amped for Super Street Fighter 4 & Metroid: Other M in those terms...But I hope Sonic can come back and not be lame...seems easy enough to make a fast Mario game, right? Although I doubt there as many Sonic hacks as SMB...>_>

They're re-releasing the Megaman Zero games as a DS compilation. If I didn't have a DS fat, complete with GBA slot, it'd be very tempting. I recommend it for anyone who didn't play those games the first time through.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 10, 2010, 02:17:28 pm
About the whole FF discussion(wich is my favorite series) I'll quote a friend of mine:

"Chocobos and Mogs are the only thing separating chrono trigger from the FF Series"
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on February 10, 2010, 02:24:22 pm

About the whole FF discussion(wich is my favorite series) I'll quote a friend of mine:

"Chocobos and Mogs are the only thing separating chrono trigger from the FF Series"

That... and the CTB system and ATB system which distinctly separates the two.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 10, 2010, 07:52:33 pm
Yeah, I don't recall any text adventure Final Fantasy games...and Mitsuda>Uematsu. :P
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on February 12, 2010, 06:07:56 am
Has anyone noticed that both FF13 and Resonance of Fate are being released on the same day? WTF? Why would Sega do that. In the end Resonance of Fate may just be the better JRPG but they have no publicity and Sega is a dieing company. They screwed themselves. I don't have the money for both currently and it wont look good for the developer and investors when it doesn't sell well at release but only months later after everyone has finished 13 for the second time.

I think what Sega is hoping for, is that by releasing their game on the same day as FFXIII, that people will see it as being a contender, have their curiousity piqued and ultimately buy it to check it out. After all, when a struggling company has the balls to put their major project up for release on the same day as a well-known title, it has to be good. I'd check it out just for that.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 12, 2010, 10:36:49 am

About the whole FF discussion(wich is my favorite series) I'll quote a friend of mine:

"Chocobos and Mogs are the only thing separating chrono trigger from the FF Series"

That... and the CTB system and ATB system which distinctly separates the two.
Not by much. I heard somewhere that CT was intended to be a FF game early on in development.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 12, 2010, 10:39:21 am
CT was originally intended to be FFVII, but they felt that it would be better as a "stand-alone game"(at the time, that's what it was) and that FFVII should be on 3-D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 12, 2010, 10:40:25 am
CT was originally intended to be FFVII, but they felt that it would be better as a "stand-alone game"(at the time, that's what it was) and that FFVII should be on 3-D
Bah. I think I'm the only one on the planet that dislikes FF7.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on February 12, 2010, 10:45:05 am
I used to dislike FFVII for the sole reason that everyone my age called it the best final fantasy game ever when it came out. It was the first final fantasy game they ever played, and they were all talking about how great it was. Pissed me off to no end that millions of people bypassed games that came out on SNES and NES to praise a game that was in 3D. Yeah, I'm talking to all of you graphics-whores out there. Don't get me wrong, I love good graphics, but at the time, that was the only thing that really made it great. The storyline was ok, But it was kind of standard for Final Fantasy games by that point, the graphics were the only groundbreaking thing to be had for it, and earlier games definitely had it beat for gameplay and difficulty.

Don't get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy playing VII, but it never lived up to all the hype that people gave it and still give it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 12, 2010, 10:47:15 am
The Whole VII Compilation is my "second favorite" FF, but, imo, the best is the Pinnacle of 2-D RPGs, along with Chrono Trigger=FFVI, my favorite game ever.

Had a much better story, much better "gimmick", much better ost...
With this said, the only FF I haven't played yet is XIII
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on February 12, 2010, 10:51:38 am
I think I've played almost every single one so far, and beaten them, too, with the exception of FFXI which is an MMORPG and one I don't think I will ever touch for sake of sanity and wishing to have a social life sometime in the future and Final Fantasy III, which I'm working on right now on NES. I need to get a DS so I can reap all the remakes. That and I really look forward to playing Dragon Warrior VI, seeing as how nobody ever finished a translation for the SNES version. That's annoying, to me. How can you be a fan of RPG's, a respectable translating group and NOT FINISH THE TRANSLATION? They made it playable all the way through. They butchered the story. Meh.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 12, 2010, 11:12:45 am
Final Fantasy VI/IX are my favorites. CT remains my favorite game of all time, though. Followed closely by Majora's Mask, and Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 12, 2010, 11:25:21 am
Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda:D

IX is good but I personally think it lacks something
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 12, 2010, 01:23:55 pm
CT was originally intended to be FFVII, but they felt that it would be better as a "stand-alone game"(at the time, that's what it was) and that FFVII should be on 3-D
Bah. I think I'm the only one on the planet that dislikes FF7.

What kind of crazy world without a bandwagon have you been living on? I've been driving that sucker since I played it not too much longer after initial release...

\Yeah, I'm talking to all of you graphics-whores out there. Don't get me wrong, I love good graphics, but at the time, that was the only thing that really made it great.

Only the FMVs were special (and really they were just some of the first to really utilize) graphics were not...maybe in-battle, but not by any great measure.

FFT still stands as the best PSX FF for me...FFVI gets top spot in the series...FFIX has the best character development (I'd go so far as to say even if you include Eiko & Amarant)...

As for Majora's Mask...It always felt like a rush-job Zelda to me to tide fans over after OoT. Probably the easiest Zelda as well and definitely the shortest (to be fair though that's sort of the point)...was there a Mr. Tingle mask? >_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on February 12, 2010, 01:38:07 pm
Bah. I think I'm the only one on the planet that dislikes FF7.
Hardly.  It was right up there with Titanic as far as overhyped fanboy media was concerned, at the time it came out.  I'm willing to bet that there are still kids who can't read roman numerals and are convinced that it's the first game in the series.  Probably they think it's a made up word pronounced "Vii" or "Vee".

FFIX was the best PSX on for me, a good tribute to the SNES ones.

Zelda, you can't do better than A Link To The Past.  I've enjoyed the last few though, from Twilight Princess on.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on February 12, 2010, 02:16:40 pm
Zelda, you can't do better than A Link To The Past.  I've enjoyed the last few though, from Twilight Princess on.

YES.  Another LttP fan.  I liked Ocarina of Time a lot, but LttP will always be my 2nd favourite game of all time (second only to CT).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 12, 2010, 06:08:41 pm
Zelda, you can't do better than A Link To The Past.  I've enjoyed the last few though, from Twilight Princess on.

YES.  Another LttP fan.  I liked Ocarina of Time a lot, but LttP will always be my 2nd favourite game of all time (second only to CT).
That's actually one of my least favorites in the series. MM is my favorite, followed by OoT.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 12, 2010, 06:18:23 pm
Personally I like Windwaker the best.  And I doubt many will agree here but my second are the 2 Oracle games for Gameboy color.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on February 12, 2010, 06:51:50 pm
Twilight Princess for the Wii turned out to be really good. I was suitably impressed by it and it quickly trumped Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time, though, luckily, they both have nostalgic value and will still be played.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on February 12, 2010, 10:49:21 pm
For me...

1. A Link to the Past
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Majora's Mask
4. Link's Awakening
5. The Wind Waker
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 12, 2010, 11:41:57 pm
Mine are
1. Majora's Mask
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Wind Waker
4. Twilight Princess
5. Oracle of Seasons
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on February 12, 2010, 11:48:55 pm
I can still remember some of the hype for LttP from back when it came out, when I was what, 6, 7.  I had a Nintendo Power special issue that even had some poor fellow dressed up as Link on the cover!  :lol:

I couldn't get into the 64 bit entries.  Really disliked that whole chunky graphic era, wasn't a fan of the console in general.

I guess a list for me would be

1) Link to the Past
2) Twilight Princess
3) Wind Waker
4) The Legend of Zelda
5) Phantom Hourglass

Haven't played Spirit Tracks yet.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Uboa on February 13, 2010, 12:00:35 am
No love for The Adventures of Link??  (Seriously, I love that game!)

What is that thing?!  I don't know, but it makes the Uboa happy.

Pixelated awesome!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on February 13, 2010, 12:33:10 am
To be honest, I did not like Majora's Mask at all. I thought it was a waste of a Zelda title. Just was not a good game for me. I'd rather go through and play the original Legend of Zelda for NES than Majora's Mask. for me, the list would have to be:

1. Link to the Past (first Zelda game I ever beat and what really got me hooked on the series)
2. Ocarina of Time (This is the game that inspired all of the Zelda games we have now. Much love)
3. The Adventures of Link (It's challenging. The one zelda game I've played that I have not beat.)
4. Twilight Princess (fourth on the list only because I've only played a minor amount of it and don't want to place it any higher until I play it through.)
5. The Original Legend of Zelda (We would not be sitting here discussing this series without this game. Still have yet to get the second and third Triforce piece. First run through was tough enough)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on February 13, 2010, 01:36:42 am
I could never get into The Adventures of Link, but it's a special one for me -- my uncle, now in his 60s, became notorious in my family for taking a week off of work to stay home and beat the thing back when it came out.  :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 13, 2010, 02:31:42 am
For me...

1. A Link to the Past
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Majora's Mask
4. Link's Awakening
5. The Wind Waker

Mine are
1. Majora's Mask
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Wind Waker
4. Twilight Princess
5. Oracle of Seasons

Please refrain from just making posts of lists as they are not discussions.

Anyway, I've never really been a big Zelda fan. I think Link is a queer little elf boy in a lame outfit he stole from Peter Pan stuck in a constant fetch quest to save a princess *yawn*...but I still greatly enjoyed LttP, OoT & MC (10x better than PH & probably ST too)...

On another note, while continually amazed at how into Halo I've gotten I am still surprised by how much I'm looking forward to Reach. It's looking as big & sweeping as a Bethesda game or something and from the ViDoc thingy (Once More Unto the Breach ( it's apparent that a lot of love & hard work is going into it. I'm totally gonna jump in on that online Beta come May 2nd...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on February 13, 2010, 05:14:09 am

Yeah, what exactly is going to be different with Halo now that Reach is getting released?

Aside from the storyline (or spin-offs from said story line), different weapons, and grenade peripherals, not much has changed in the series.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 13, 2010, 10:08:38 am

Yeah, what exactly is going to be different with Halo now that Reach is getting released?

Aside from the storyline (or spin-offs from said story line), different weapons, and grenade peripherals, not much has changed in the series.
I never really understood the obsession with Halo. I enjoy the multiplayer on occasion, but it's really just a generic, Sci-Fi FPS to me. With the way the market has been flooded with Generic FPSs, which almost all of them have the same control scheme, I find it hard to understand modern gamer. A lot of them only play FPSs, and that bothers me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZombieBucky on February 13, 2010, 11:13:12 am
i feel like such a loser now. i never really got into zelda in any form. of course ive played it, i just never got into it.
or first person shooters. im not one for those.
though i do love puzzle games. everyone hsould go play tetris.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 13, 2010, 11:40:19 pm
I think what sets Halo apart from, uh...other sci-fi FPSs? Wait, how many of these are there? I guess Unreal is one...Doom could sorta count...and AvP...? I guess I'm out of the loop, idk...Well, anyways, what sets Halo apart from whatever other generic sci-fi FPSs that are out there is attention to detail & balance. The story is good (if you care to pay attention to the canon there certainly is a lot of it) and the music matches the epic, alien landscapes. Add to that one of the largest communities (one that Bungie actually pays attention to! *shock*) and you've got a very solid FPS franchise. I also played the demo for Halo Wars just for kicks and actually enjoyed it (though I only played the first level) which is saying a lot because I UFCKING HATE RTS!! But that's besides the point...

I'm sorry, ZombieBucky, but Tetris is clearly a commie conspiracy...I'll stick with lame ass Bejeweled. >_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 17, 2010, 12:45:18 am
I think what sets Halo apart from, uh...other sci-fi FPSs? Wait, how many of these are there? I guess Unreal is one...Doom could sorta count...and AvP...? I guess I'm out of the loop, idk...Well, anyways, what sets Halo apart from whatever other generic sci-fi FPSs that are out there is attention to detail & balance. The story is good (if you care to pay attention to the canon there certainly is a lot of it) and the music matches the epic, alien landscapes. Add to that one of the largest communities (one that Bungie actually pays attention to! *shock*) and you've got a very solid FPS franchise. I also played the demo for Halo Wars just for kicks and actually enjoyed it (though I only played the first level) which is saying a lot because I UFCKING HATE RTS!! But that's besides the point...

I'm sorry, ZombieBucky, but Tetris is clearly a commie conspiracy...I'll stick with lame ass Bejeweled. >_>
Every FPS plays the same nowadays. It's kinda sad.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 17, 2010, 10:18:43 am
Welll, this just arrived on the mail:)


33 euro, sealed
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 17, 2010, 10:23:19 am
Welll, this just arrived on the mail:)


33 euro, sealed
Nice! Both games are fantastic! Kefka FTW!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 17, 2010, 10:27:59 am
Kekfa is from VI.
The european version has IV and V
VI was sold separate(wich I also own)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on February 17, 2010, 03:08:10 pm
I owned that for a while before it got stolen from me. I also had Chronicles which had FFVI and CT.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 17, 2010, 05:35:39 pm
Kekfa is from VI.
The european version has IV and V
VI was sold separate(wich I also own)
I thought the US version had 6 as well? regardless, Kefka AND ExDeath are both awesome.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 17, 2010, 09:20:26 pm
Kekfa is from VI.
The european version has IV and V
VI was sold separate(wich I also own)
I thought the US version had 6 as well? regardless, Kefka AND ExDeath are both awesome.

The NA version did have V & VI (we got IV with CT in Chronicles)...but you'll notice that _Janus_ paid Euros for his EU version of Anthologies with IV & V (it's not THAT bad of a pic, I can read the Roman numerals).

...FPSs, which almost all of them have the same control scheme...

I didn't really address this before, but what does it even mean? Same control scheme? Do we really need different games to map grenades to a different button to make them seem unique? What about RPGs? Isn't it the same there? Pretty much every FF has the same button to open the menu screen, but that doesn't change its quality as a game in any way...Am I just reading this part wrong? I don't get your point in how control scheme being consistent in a genre is a bad thing...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 17, 2010, 09:50:26 pm
Sorry, I didn't really clarify on that. I just feel that the FPS Genre is becoming over saturated with the same game in a different package over and over again. Not to say that I don't enjoy a good FPS every now and then, but I feel the market has way too many of them. Most of them are a little too similar for my tastes. They all feel like the same game to me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 18, 2010, 09:33:39 am
This just arrived from Holand, and I payed 4,95 euro for each one, both sealed


Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on February 18, 2010, 01:11:35 pm
Sweet! Anthology is good fun (minus the loading times for FFIV). As for Digital Devil Saga... I have both and need to play more of the first one.

At the moment I'm playing Star Ocean: The Last Hope International, Pokémon SoulSilver, and Ace Attorney Investigations: Mile Edgeworth. SO4 is great fun so far, the characters are pretty boring and typical but eh... I bought Eternal Sonata too but I haven't taken time to play it yet. AAI is awesome, of course; glad to finally have a new GS/AA game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 18, 2010, 01:13:30 pm

Ordered this, sealed: 45 euro, is it too much?

I am playing through them both(IV and V) and I see no loading times.

FFVI for the psone, on the other side:/
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 19, 2010, 10:52:08 pm
idk if there are any differences as it comes to load times from the NA to PAL versions, but my FFIV from Chronicles had issues with the sound being off (mostly world map I think), slightly longer loads to & from battles and major effing times for saving for w/e reason...Almost made up for with the cute sprites they had for the screens...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: neo-fusion on February 19, 2010, 11:35:44 pm
So I listened to all of Final Fantasy XIII's Soundtrack right here:

If anyone knows me I am a hardcore FF VII fan and everything about it I love. (Fanboy... not really.)

Anyway, the soundtrack of FF VII has been my favorite of all time till today. Now it comes in a VERY CLOSE second. If FF VII's tracks were orchestrated then it would be number 1 again, but for now... Final Fantasy XIII has my favorite sound track of all time.

My favorite songs are Lightning's Theme, The Boss Theme, The Battle Theme, Fang's Theme, Sulyya Springs, The Cradle Will Fall, and The Sunleth Waterscape

Every song is beautiful and unique in it's own right although there are a few replays. The soundtrack is great and I can't wait to get the game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on February 20, 2010, 12:25:58 am
So I listened to all of Final Fantasy XIII's Soundtrack right here:

If anyone knows me I am a hardcore FF VII fan and everything about it I love. (Fanboy... not really.)

Anyway, the soundtrack of FF VII has been my favorite of all time till today. Now it comes in a VERY CLOSE second. If FF VII's tracks were orchestrated then it would be number 1 again, but for now... Final Fantasy XIII has my favorite sound track of all time.

My favorite songs are Lightning's Theme, The Boss Theme, The Battle Theme, Fang's Theme, Sulyya Springs, The Cradle Will Fall, and The Sunleth Waterscape

Every song is beautiful and unique in it's own right although there are a few replays. The soundtrack is great and I can't wait to get the game.

Based on the two you linked in the music thread, I'm still sticking with VII. That battle theme is getting repeated listens from me, though.

Anyway, I'm playing this game called Xenogears.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 20, 2010, 01:14:25 am
I think VI showed off Uematsu's scope a lot better than VII (though to be fair, that's how I feel about most everything when comparing the two)...VI in MIDI is still wondrous, but VII is barely were they still using MIDI for on a CD anyway?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on February 20, 2010, 03:05:53 am
I think VI showed off Uematsu's scope a lot better than VII (though to be fair, that's how I feel about most everything when comparing the two)...VI in MIDI is still wondrous, but VII is barely were they still using MIDI for on a CD anyway?

I remember reading somewhere they used midi on the CD as a space-saving mechanism so that they'd be able to incorporate a larger score and more gameplay events. I think it turned out fine. I never got too far into FFVI, but I did enjoy "The Decisive Battle" quite a bit and is one of my favorite songs period.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: neo-fusion on February 20, 2010, 12:06:32 pm
I think FF VII being in MIDI really gave a nostalgic nintendo feel.

But we can really see what some of those tracks can truely sound like in Crisis Core.

Pretty damn good I say!

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZeaLitY on February 21, 2010, 05:22:14 am

What's with these games needing a constant Internet connection to play? It's fucking DRM like this that ethically justifies pirating. Why install a game that boots you out if your net connection hiccups, limits installs, and slaps you in the face with rigorous verification, when you can get the Razordoxed version and simply play the fucking thing?



Edit: Fuck:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 21, 2010, 11:55:44 am
Jesus Christ, that's idiotic. Are they trying to put places like Gamestop out of business? I mean, they only have an equal amount of NEW games as well as old games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on February 21, 2010, 02:32:21 pm
While we're on the topic... (

The comic also puts a nice spin on it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZeaLitY on February 21, 2010, 10:52:25 pm
Visit any thread regarding the topic, and I mean any thread, and it won't be three posts until someone raises the Goddamned Jolly Roger and says they'll pirate the game

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 22, 2010, 01:04:29 pm
Can anyone please enlighten me about what I asked?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 22, 2010, 01:13:03 pm
Can anyone please enlighten me about what I asked?
I'm not familiar with the worth of a Euro. D:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on February 22, 2010, 01:36:18 pm
45 EUR is about $60, so...yeah. You definitely paid more than you should have. Sorry dude.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 22, 2010, 02:37:56 pm
It's very hard to find on europe, and it's sealed
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on February 22, 2010, 03:56:36 pm


Stupid, stupid, stupid!  

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep is coming to the US, but ONLY for the PSP.  (I own a DS and an Xbox 360.  Go figure...)

I really love the series.  It's one that I can actually look forward to having and playing, especially since I played the first two Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories and 358/2 Days.  But come on!  JUST the PSP?  I seriously thought they'd go for the PS3, making the cutscenes THAT much cooler!

I guess Squeenix put it up for a PSP release seeing how its parent, the PS3, has worse sales.  At least they have THAT much common sense to follow the platform market.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 22, 2010, 05:41:49 pm


Stupid, stupid, stupid! 

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep is coming to the US, but ONLY for the PSP.  (I own a DS and an Xbox 360.  Go figure...)

I really love the series.  It's one that I can actually look forward to having and playing, especially since I played the first two Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories and 358/2 Days.  But come on!  JUST the PSP?  I seriously thought they'd go for the PS3, making the cutscenes THAT much cooler!

I guess Squeenix put it up for a PSP release how its parent, the PS3, has worse sales.  At least they have THAT much common sense to follow the platform market.

PSP sales have dropped tremendously. They would have been better off going to the PS3 or Wii. I feel those crowds would pick the game up.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 22, 2010, 06:50:04 pm
Maybe they'll do what they did with CoM (and every other Square licensed game)? "Enhanced port". Though I can't claim to be much of a KH fan, this is only because I haven't played them (apparently anyway, by what everyone always tells me)...I don't much like Disney and besides Shadow & Setzer I don't much like Nomura...but I have played CoM (the pre RE version) and besides most of the game being stagnant and samey (and overall tremendously easy) there were a few really rapid-fire, trigger-happy (well, they would have been if I weren't emulating...or I guess if I had a controller for my computer or something...w/e...>_>) boss fights that made me remember that card battles don't have to be boring (though I guess I pretty much already felt that way with the Battle Network series...)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on February 23, 2010, 01:46:10 am
Jesus Christ, that's idiotic. Are they trying to put places like Gamestop out of business? I mean, they only have an equal amount of NEW games as well as old games.

lol I dont see the point of buying second hand.. you usually save like 3 or 4 buck in ebGames... It's kind of bullshit... I don't know how is on America in Gamestop though
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on February 23, 2010, 02:04:30 am
I very rarely have any problem with a used game, and it can knock a price down form 50 to 30 easy.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on February 23, 2010, 03:45:53 am
Jesus Christ, that's idiotic. Are they trying to put places like Gamestop out of business? I mean, they only have an equal amount of NEW games as well as old games.

Game publishers hate the used game market, and particularly the efforts of retailers to push used games on people, because the publishers don't see any money from used game sales. Although that's somewhat tangential, isn't it? I don't think Game Stop really sells many PC games. It has been a while since I've been in one though, so I could be wrong about that.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 23, 2010, 11:36:54 am
Jesus Christ, that's idiotic. Are they trying to put places like Gamestop out of business? I mean, they only have an equal amount of NEW games as well as old games.

Game publishers hate the used game market, and particularly the efforts of retailers to push used games on people, because the publishers don't see any money from used game sales. Although that's somewhat tangential, isn't it? I don't think Game Stop really sells many PC games. It has been a while since I've been in one though, so I could be wrong about that.
I used to work at Gamestop, and we had plenty of PC games. They were just all in a small area.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 23, 2010, 07:43:50 pm
I don't think I would mind too much if places like Gamestop went out of business...I mean, with these here internets of ours, we have direct access to the gaming companies, right? So they should be giving us incentives to buy directly (the only people that usually care about the middle man are middlemen) shipping, discounts, maybe a free DLC or something...And they should ALSO buy their games back. That way they'll still get money if we buy their used games (though I assume their used games will still cost more than any retailers' used games, I'll feel good inside knowing I helped a company I like...that is, if I'm buying a game from a company I like...>_>)...or do they all already have online stores? >_> <?)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 27, 2010, 02:11:29 pm
Woo! Mega Man 10 on monday! Anyone else excited?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 27, 2010, 04:56:18 pm
Woo! Mega Man 10 on monday! Anyone else excited?
Only if they do it right and give Megaman at least the slide.  The charge shot I'm fine without.  But the slide I want.  It's kind of become one of my pet peeves about the obsession with Megaman 2 and Capcom went way out of their way to make it obvious who they're trying to appeal too. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on February 27, 2010, 08:05:09 pm
Woo! Mega Man 10 on monday! Anyone else excited?
Only if they do it right and give Megaman at least the slide.  The charge shot I'm fine without.  But the slide I want.  It's kind of become one of my pet peeves about the obsession with Megaman 2 and Capcom went way out of their way to make it obvious who they're trying to appeal too. 

Play as Protoman.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 28, 2010, 03:31:35 am
Woo! Mega Man 10 on monday! Anyone else excited?
Only if they do it right and give Megaman at least the slide.  The charge shot I'm fine without.  But the slide I want.  It's kind of become one of my pet peeves about the obsession with Megaman 2 and Capcom went way out of their way to make it obvious who they're trying to appeal too. 

Play as Protoman.
That's exactly what I mean.  They do it right with Protoman giving him a slide and even a charge shot.  If they're going to make it go back to Mega man 2 style at least make it universal for the game.  I mean if they gave it to him why did they bother not giving it to Mega man?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on February 28, 2010, 07:02:42 am
9 days till final fantasy 13 !!!
Whose excited ?! I AM !!

Other than that , bought blue dragon plus the other day (bit late) I find it much better than the original
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on March 01, 2010, 01:08:38 am
9 days till final fantasy 13 !!!
Whose excited ?! I AM !!
*crickets chirping*

I've not had that much time lately, so I've been sticking to pick-up stuff.  Mostly New Super Mario Bros - one of the better surprises of the last year or so for me, nice to see a return to side scrolling with some reference to the old games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 01, 2010, 11:51:47 pm
Beat Mega Man 10 earlier today. Definitely a good one.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 02, 2010, 12:29:28 am
Was anyone felled by the APOCALYPS3?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on March 02, 2010, 05:38:26 pm
9 days till final fantasy 13 !!!
Whose excited ?! I AM !!

Me too! I'm aware of the problems in the game but I've also read that it's extremely enjoyable to play, so I'm looking forward to it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on March 02, 2010, 06:06:06 pm
Havent played ps3 for a while so I wasn't affected ...thank heavens .
Hopefully my postman doesn't rob my ff13 !!
And I heard about the so called faults with the game , seems people dont like a bit of change tis all , I'll throughly enjoy playing because Im a major fanboy xD
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 02, 2010, 08:32:33 pm
Beat MW2 recently...good with most CoD games though I find myself zoning out completely when they get to the big, sweeping story map segments so maybe some day I'll replay it and pay more attention...but I don't know that I care.

I also just got through my Renegade Infiltrator playthrough of Mass Effect. It was a lot of fun mixed in with too many hours of tedious sidequests with dungeon layouts that make Lost Sanctum & the Dimensional Vortexes look like labyrinthine mirror mazes filled with purpose and wonder...Fortunately there are the rare planets (& all of the story ones) that are just gorgeous looking. Really made me ok with the Mako stuff was the ability to look up into a brilliant alien skyline...Weird that you have to play through it once to lift the level cap (for 10 levels anyway) on a NG+ playthrough...I will definitely be playing this again (hopefully before I get ME2 because idk if I'll be able to go back!)...

Also started Lunar Silver Star for Sega CD (really this time! because I feel the need for a good jrpg)...and Too Human (really this time too! went with Defender).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on March 04, 2010, 04:12:54 am
Beat Mega Man 10 earlier today. Definitely a good one.

Just got started on a Mega Man/Normal run.

And the reason you don't give Mega Man charge and slide, but you do for Protoman is to vary up the game play and give players some choice/replayability.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 04, 2010, 10:09:27 am
Beat Mega Man 10 earlier today. Definitely a good one.

Just got started on a Mega Man/Normal run.

And the reason you don't give Mega Man charge and slide, but you do for Protoman is to vary up the game play and give players some choice/replayability.
It's still a fun ride. I just beat Proto Man's game on normal. Easily the hardest thing I've had game-wise in a while, but it was still a blast.

Overall, I still think MM9 was just a tad bit better.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on March 04, 2010, 12:30:28 pm
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 04, 2010, 01:55:58 pm
I had a lot of problems with that one as well.

It still wasn't as bad as that MOTHERFUCKING CASTLE 2!!! >_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on March 04, 2010, 05:56:26 pm
Beat Mega Man 10 earlier today. Definitely a good one.

Just got started on a Mega Man/Normal run.

And the reason you don't give Mega Man charge and slide, but you do for Protoman is to vary up the game play and give players some choice/replayability.
Than why not do the sensible thing and give Mega man the upgrades and make Protoman different.  That makes more sense character wise also being that he came first so we can only assume he wouldn't have as many upgrades especially being that he (At least according to the Power battle) won't let Dr. Light operate on him.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chi_z on March 05, 2010, 12:41:30 am
I haven't heard of this, exactly what is wrong with FF13? can't find it on google.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 05, 2010, 12:53:33 am
I haven't heard of this, exactly what is wrong with FF13? can't find it on google.
People have been complaining it's to linear. It got a 39/40, which is nothing bad. People just like to complain.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on March 05, 2010, 01:26:01 am
Considering everything else seems to be top notch, the linearity probably won't bother me. Especially since I've had my share of huge open areas and backtracking in SO4. It balances out. Or something.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on March 05, 2010, 03:09:42 am
Beat Mega Man 10 earlier today. Definitely a good one.

Just got started on a Mega Man/Normal run.

And the reason you don't give Mega Man charge and slide, but you do for Protoman is to vary up the game play and give players some choice/replayability.
Than why not do the sensible thing and give Mega man the upgrades and make Protoman different.  That makes more sense character wise also being that he came first so we can only assume he wouldn't have as many upgrades especially being that he (At least according to the Power battle) won't let Dr. Light operate on him.

That's not necessarily the more sensible thing. Proto Man has some things that are better, others that are worse. It's variety. If Mega Man was outright better, there'd be no point in having Proto Man in it at all.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on March 05, 2010, 11:57:55 am
Yep people are too picky :P
Its gonna be fantastic !
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZombieBucky on March 05, 2010, 01:04:17 pm
to be honest i got bored of final fantasy at around 12. i just didnt care. the characters seemed flat and pointless. the intro took forever and it was mostly eyecandy, it seemed. a lot of pretty people in a lot of pretty places, but not a lot of pretty decent story. and the way they just seem to milk them for all that the fans are willing to give is dull. whoo, we saved te world. the end. theres nothing more after that. everyone lives happily ever after. i doubt that i will get ff13 at all, but if i do its going to be a used copy.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: alfadorredux on March 05, 2010, 01:41:22 pm
X-2 and XII (not to mention the very fact that XI even existed) essentially combined to destroy most of my interest in the Final Fantasy series. 2 x (mediocre plot and characterization + combat system that I actively disliked) = the series will now have to produce something spectacular to convince me to pay full price for a new game, even if I already have the necessary console on which to play it.

Others may differ, but I think the era of the PSX was the golden age of the Japanese console RPG. The PS2 era produced a few good games, but it was at that point that the studios really started to go for eye candy over substance, and the trend seems to be getting stronger rather than abating. Anything produced recently that I might be interested in has probably gone to the hand-helds rather than the consoles, and I have...other problems with hand-helds. (Specifically, the problem is that the average modern hand-held seems to be of the exact size and weight that the cats here enjoy pushing off flat surfaces onto floors and then treating like a soccer ball if you're foolish enough to leave such an item laying around, and no piece of electronics is likely to take more than a certain amount of that kind of mishandling. Likely to get broken + (small screen + poor vision) + portability not being an advantage for me = not likely to buy.) End result: the game studios in general have pretty much lost me as a potential audience for new games for the foreseeable future while they go chasing after the people who are only interested in pretty graphics and online play instead.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 05, 2010, 01:56:05 pm
Been playing Too Human and really enjoying it. I understand somewhat the negative opinion of it from some people, I can't help but think they only played the game for a little while or something because each time I fire it up and play for a bit, something else seems to pop up or I find something ELSE I can customize...Seriously, between the weapons (melee & gun-types aplenty), the runes (which you can apply to the weapons and can also be equipped and also equipped to each-other) and the skill trees (one for your Class and one for your Affinity)...there's a lot going on here. It just has the same sort of wondrous & grand sense of possibility that Mass Effect 1 had that I'm pulling extra hard for Silicon Knights to get through w/e legalities they need so they can get on a sequel (it's a planned trilogy)...

Also still going through Lunar: The Silver Star at a kind of slow pace...I basically just got to the next village after the bridge got fixed...I know I've forgotten most of this game, especially since the GBA version was a bit more condensed I believe (though so far the difference between the anime character introduction sequences seem minimal), but where the hell is the map? >_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 07, 2010, 05:55:34 pm
Here's an awesome, old school RPG called Hero's Realm.

If anyone wants to have a nostalgia-fest for FFIV-V, you'll absolutely LOVE this game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on March 08, 2010, 09:06:22 pm
I recently had a mass exodus from my home and lost a lot of stuff in the move and have been going through what items I've been able to recover. I lost some cool games like Final Fantasy IX (which I got to disc 3 on but never finished), Final Fantasy Tactics (which was awesome but at least I beat it), and Final Fantasy Anthology (which I'm okay with because I never got that far in either V or VI). I can't find Chrono Cross either. I did find Final Fantasy Chronicles, though, and loaded up an old save file of Chrono Trigger and rebeat the game. I also still have my old FFIV save file, which was in the last dungeon, I just never quite finished the game. I think I'll try that out sometime in the next couple weeks.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 09, 2010, 07:04:20 am
The DS & GBA versions are butter anyhow...though I'd go for the fan translation of VI (& the Compendium's CT)...if I had time to replay games!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on March 09, 2010, 02:30:43 pm
Got ff13 today.

..........It's amazing .  :D :)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 09, 2010, 03:20:30 pm
Got ff13 today.

..........It's amazing .  :D :)
I heard it returns to the ATB type battle system. Is this true?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on March 09, 2010, 03:36:24 pm
Well it does have a charge bar , and everything is real time too , its like a massive hyrbidized battle system .
But its simple ! , Im only on Chapter 2 , but the story and dialougue really are amazing , None of the characters are the usual cliches , I advise everyone to play or rent it , I'll try and post some more things about it the further I get
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on March 09, 2010, 09:08:29 pm
My FFXIII should arrive in the morning. Was supposed to arrive today, but we didn't get our post again.

Glad to hear it's amazing, Ginger! O:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on March 10, 2010, 12:22:22 am
I was to hitch a ride into town with a friend when he left while I was in the shower. Bastard. I'll get mine Thursday or Friday then.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on March 10, 2010, 03:20:27 am
I reckon everyone will like it , as soon as the first battle starts , you will think to yourself "WOW !" and be hooked ever since
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 10, 2010, 03:49:58 am
idk, I hate the idea of an FF where I don't actually control my party members in battle...RPG A.I. is rarely smart enough to wipe its own ass...The one, glaring flaw of action-oriented RPG battle systems...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 10, 2010, 10:43:53 am
idk, I hate the idea of an FF where I don't actually control my party members in battle...RPG A.I. is rarely smart enough to wipe its own ass...The one, glaring flaw of action-oriented RPG battle systems...
I feel the FF series was much better 4-6, and then 9. For some reason, I just don't like 7. I haven't played enough of 8 to pass judgment.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 10, 2010, 10:58:42 am
FFI & FFIII were pretty decent (especially for their time)...and FFT, of course was awesome (best PSX FF! best FF ever contender!)...and while I really did love IX's awesome amount of character development (I think the Active Time Events, while somewhat annoying because it felt like they were turning story elements into something to collect or something, really helped with that), the story was a bit forgettable...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on March 10, 2010, 03:52:58 pm
idk, I hate the idea of an FF where I don't actually control my party members in battle...RPG A.I. is rarely smart enough to wipe its own ass...The one, glaring flaw of action-oriented RPG battle systems...

Persona 3 and 4 do it well, and FFXIII does a good job of it too. I'm really enjoying it so far.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on March 10, 2010, 03:59:20 pm
Good Faf ! Im glad ;)
The AI is amazing actually , it reacts differently depending on how many times you have Libra on the enemy . So its vital for element absorbing monsters .
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on March 10, 2010, 09:47:19 pm
You know I had to get this off my chest; Regarding FFXIII...

**SPOILERZZ of intro and first chapters below**

I couldn't help but notice how much the beginning resembles FF7. Did anyone else put the pieces together? We have the main character and a black guy getting off a train. The black guy wields "guns" like Barret. Together with Snow you had those dudes that were almost like Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie (Godat and Lebrau... for example). And I really thought Lightning resembled Cloud. I don't know why... but meh...

But also, when that lake froze and that weird structure pops up out of the water... didn't it remind you of that scene from Chrono Cross when the Dead Sea was frozen in time? It's just so crazy!!

Title: 8 Years
Post by: BearFrog on March 11, 2010, 01:50:13 pm
I beat Final Fantasy IV last night after starting the game 8 years ago. Started playing when I was 12, but various moves, hardships, tragedies, time with friends, tv shows, other video games, music performances etc. made me never get around to finishing it. I found my old PS1 save file which was in the last dungeon on the moon with characters all level 70 or higher and decided I would finally beat one of my favorite games of all time. Very satisfied with the ending.  8)
Title: Re: 8 Years
Post by: Lance VII on March 11, 2010, 02:16:16 pm
Congrats! I have yet to beat and Final Fantasy besides IX. With IV, I got about halfway. With V, I only played about an hour into it. With VI, I got stuck in Kefka's Tower. ;_;

I don't like VII and I haven't played enough of VIII.

Still, IV is a tough game. Congrats!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on March 11, 2010, 02:26:42 pm
Not really , everything gave me a different vibe ....Sazh and Barret are totally different , Sazh being one of the series's best characters .
Title: Re: 8 Years
Post by: BearFrog on March 11, 2010, 02:37:27 pm
I've beat IV, VII, Tactics, X and X-2. Got decently far in both VIII and IX (but lost my save file for VIII and my copy of IX so I never finished either). V and VI I've started playing multiple times but never play past an hour in either of them and lost my copy of Anthology. Got decently far in I and played a little bit of II and I'm decently far in Tactics Advanced. Recently bought XII and have played it for about 10 hours.

If I were to rank the games in terms of favoritsm, my top 5 are:
Title: Re: 8 Years
Post by: utunnels on March 11, 2010, 08:32:00 pm
You haven't tried VI? (Nevermind, I see you post LOL) Personally I prefer it to VII. IV will be awesome if has graphic quality as good as VI, but still I like the story better than VII. My top V:


I don't count VIII in just because I finished it in a rush (leveled up 2 characters to lv100 and got bored, then skipped some bosses in the last castle).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 11, 2010, 09:11:15 pm
One question about FFXIII: Is there a ninja character?

EDIT: Sorry my merge muffled things there a bit...anyway good job, BearFrog! I held off beating IV for a while, having a save in the final dungeon, I believe...

And play more of VI already! Emulate if necessary! It's definitely a high point in the series. I usually hate putting the FFs in order, but VI & T are at the top followed by IV, then either VIII or IX (I like them both about the same but for different reasons: VIII has an awesome, satisfying ending & IX had just great character development) and then III, with X, X-2 & V rounding it off somewhere in the middle...maybe if I replay VII sometime now my opinion of it will lighten, but for now it stays somewhere in the underbelly far below I and even II along with
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on March 11, 2010, 10:22:24 pm
One question about FFXIII: Is there a ninja character?

Unfortunately there is not V_

I will agree with gingerfan there about Sazh. Probably my favorite character so far in XIII and definitely within my top 10 of all FF characters. Lighting likes to go apeshit and PMS on just about everything... so idk about her, but she is cool...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on March 11, 2010, 10:28:09 pm

I liked just about everything in FF XIII...

except the game title.  That's gotta be changed.

Any suggestions?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on March 12, 2010, 03:55:32 am
No Ninja character , sorry :S
The other characters do make up for one though !
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on March 12, 2010, 02:09:02 pm
I'll probably get around to downloading another rom of FFVI (I've done that before), but like I said, I tend to play for about an hour and get bored with it. It didn't engorss me within in the first minute like a lot of the other titles. I did like the team of moogles, though.

But with VI, I feel like a lot of people give it additional praise because it wasn't as big as VII and I think people have started ripping on VII because of how big it has become. VII is still kickass and amazing, and much better than VIII (that ending has to be pretty amazing to make up for the rest of the game). So I'll get around to trying VI, but right now I've got Xenogears to occupy my time.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 12, 2010, 03:21:33 pm
A lot of the things that people associate with VII (Limit Breaks & Materia for instance) were actually done in VI first. I haven't liked VII since I played it not long after its initial release...though I did enjoy Advent Children well enough (possibly due to how it was more of what I expected in an FF movie rather than what we got in TSW)...Stick with VI as it only gets better as you go along. I think they learned a lot from DQIV in terms of pacing in focusing on various characters and then pulling them all together for a second half that's a lot less less linear...and it has the series' most badass ninja character ever!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on March 12, 2010, 03:32:57 pm
I once bore witness to the "limit breaks" in FFVI.


Trouble is, they're so rare and hard to get that even an advanced gamer can playthrough until the second Kaiser Dragon and never see one.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on March 13, 2010, 07:12:28 am
You know I had to get this off my chest; Regarding FFXIII...

**SPOILERZZ of intro and first chapters below**

I couldn't help but notice how much the beginning resembles FF7. Did anyone else put the pieces together? We have the main character and a black guy getting off a train. The black guy wields "guns" like Barret. Together with Snow you had those dudes that were almost like Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie (Godat and Lebrau... for example). And I really thought Lightning resembled Cloud. I don't know why... but meh...

But also, when that lake froze and that weird structure pops up out of the water... didn't it remind you of that scene from Chrono Cross when the Dead Sea was frozen in time? It's just so crazy!!

**Little SPOILERS**
I know, that is what I thought as soon as I started playing. I mean She is a SOLDIER, the train scene, the save the world thing, half of the game. Nearly half of it reminds me of other Square games, its really crazy indeed.
The entire game battle system feels like a fusion between Chrono Cross, Trigger, FFX and FFXII. It's awesome though.

I just got my copy today, man. I swear I was expecting to bet disappointed but I bought it still. Hopefully I wasn't!

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: RoxSilverFox on March 13, 2010, 09:17:16 am
I got FFXIII for my birthday on Friday, I must say I'm impressed, everything about it is brilliant thus far (I'm only up to chapter five).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 13, 2010, 07:54:53 pm
I once bore witness to the "limit breaks" in FFVI.


Trouble is, they're so rare and hard to get that even an advanced gamer can playthrough until the second Kaiser Dragon and never see one.

Yeah, the Desperation Attacks were really just fancy critical hits...I only saw one, myself and only once I had learned they existed because otherwise I healed when my health was at critical and unless they've got the Genji Glove or something I rarely used a normal Attack...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on March 14, 2010, 12:54:53 pm
Dunno if I misinterpreted this ...but I think I came across a possible Chrono reference in FF13
People in the town of Nautilus mention a place called the "Fiendlords Keep" ....which is the name of the castle where Magus is in the Ds port.

The people also say its under construction ....................
Possible hints at eventual remake?
or ....just a tribute like the other things in the game . E.g Palumpolum ....being Palom and Porom
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on March 15, 2010, 10:12:04 am
Not sure about a remake, but CT really has an enormous amount of tributes and cameos!  :lol: It's influencing today's media.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on March 16, 2010, 04:02:33 am
Dunno if I misinterpreted this ...but I think I came across a possible Chrono reference in FF13
People in the town of Nautilus mention a place called the "Fiendlords Keep" ....which is the name of the castle where Magus is in the Ds port.

The people also say its under construction ....................
Possible hints at eventual remake?
or ....just a tribute like the other things in the game . E.g Palumpolum ....being Palom and Porom
That sounds really suspicious coming from them... maybe just a tribute.
There are 2 games I really want from them... Kingdom hearts 3 and new Chrono game.

Anyone saw any Kingdom hearts reference along the way?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on March 16, 2010, 05:07:57 pm
Dunno if I misinterpreted this ...but I think I came across a possible Chrono reference in FF13
People in the town of Nautilus mention a place called the "Fiendlords Keep" ....which is the name of the castle where Magus is in the Ds port.

The people also say its under construction ....................
Possible hints at eventual remake?
or ....just a tribute like the other things in the game . E.g Palumpolum ....being Palom and Porom

The Fiendlord keep is the place where Sazh gets his summon, it really doesn't look anything like Magus' castle .

I am loving it and am on disc two, any one finish it yet? It just feels short.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on March 16, 2010, 05:13:52 pm
Im on chapter 11 , I agree it looked nothing like Magus's castle but just the constant repetition of it got me thinking .

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ker-plop on March 17, 2010, 04:29:00 am
"Final Fantasy II" (SNES) has appeared on the Virtual Console.  I'm glad to see Square-Enix finally releasing their classic titles in the original...

And hey, if they put that one out, they might later follow it up with FF3/6... and maybe even Chrono Trigger.  Who knows?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 17, 2010, 12:40:46 pm
"Final Fantasy II" (SNES) has appeared on the Virtual Console.  I'm glad to see Square-Enix finally releasing their classic titles in the original...

And hey, if they put that one out, they might later follow it up with FF3/6... and maybe even Chrono Trigger.  Who knows?
Seriously? That's awesome! I will be all over me some FF6. One of my favorite RPGs hands down.

Chrono Trigger is doubtful since they have the DS version. Then again, FFIV is on the DS as well.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 18, 2010, 05:04:48 pm
Been playing some Oblivion again after stopping for a while after hitting a couple terrible bugs (and I thought Fallout 3 was bad! V_V)...Now I'm level 3, hooray! Even though leveling isn't important in the game, I can't abide having to constantly cast spells so I can carry things and such...Got to Apprentice in both Mage & Fighter Guilds as well (I had to wait on the Mage because I wanted to increase some abilities since one of the missions required sleeping)...Also, I thought that putting an arrow through a finished cave/dungeon/whatever's door (or doorstep) was a clever way of letting me know if I had been there or not only to find out that arrows will eventually disappear! Nuts!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on March 18, 2010, 05:44:05 pm
I thought that putting an arrow through a finished cave/dungeon/whatever's door (or doorstep) was a clever way of letting me know if I had been there or not only to find out that arrows will eventually disappear! Nuts!

Lame! That is a clever idea. Is it only arrows that disappear? Can you put a rock in front of the door or something?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 19, 2010, 03:46:29 am
Actually, I haven't checked it out with the doors, but I know I shot a few arrows in some Necromancer Nazi-like wall hanging things (and a random bed) and came back (not even from going to a different level of the dungeon) and they were gone...though admittedly I can understand it would be an incredible drain on memory to keep everything I've ever felled where I felled it (which makes my dream of eventually carrying everything dead (not to mention mostly nekkid) into one giant pile even more impossible)...>_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on March 23, 2010, 12:04:30 am
Alright, Cave story Wii was released today.  I heard, played, and saw enough to make a few conclusions. 
#1: The new soundtrack at least compared to the old one sucked unimaginably in about every way.

#2: The new translation was stupid for 2 main reasons one being minor the other major.  The minor is they changed Grass town to Bush land.  Come on, seriously?!  The Major.  I'm still ticked about it.  Thay changed Balrog's awesome and classic "Huzzah!" to "Oh yeah!"  Yay we went from one of my favorite video game villains to the Kool-Aid man.  *Groan*

#3: The sacred grounds speed run.  I suppose this is minor but it still bugs me.  Every time you die you have to pick up your guns, health, and they don't even give you the option to use the Machine gun, Snake, or Missile launcher.  Alone those would be bad, but together they're downright stupid. 

Now I do have to admit I'm glad they kept the over all controls right.  And the graphic improvements are good, but I can't see them very well, but I think that's just my TV.  But still, one new feature I do like is the Boss rush.  That thing they got right.  They made it easy, but it doesn't have to be easy, and it just had an overall well done feeling to it.  Unlike a good majority of the rest of the game. 

That's about all I got out of it.  As a whole, I kinda wish I hadn't payed $12 for it considering you can the original for free.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on March 23, 2010, 03:34:22 am
That's about all I got out of it.  As a whole, I kinda wish I hadn't payed $12 for it considering you can the original for free.

Consider it a way to financially support someone who made a game you truly enjoyed. I have Cave Story installed on my computer; I intend to pick it up for the Wii fairly soon.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on March 23, 2010, 05:11:30 am
Been playing some Oblivion again after stopping for a while after hitting a couple terrible bugs (and I thought Fallout 3 was bad! V_V)...Now I'm level 3, hooray! Even though leveling isn't important in the game, I can't abide having to constantly cast spells so I can carry things and such...Got to Apprentice in both Mage & Fighter Guilds as well (I had to wait on the Mage because I wanted to increase some abilities since one of the missions required sleeping)...Also, I thought that putting an arrow through a finished cave/dungeon/whatever's door (or doorstep) was a clever way of letting me know if I had been there or not only to find out that arrows will eventually disappear! Nuts!

Hooooo mang those Mage Guild quests in the beginning get irksome after a few times through.  Never got all the way through it, got tooooo sidetracked after the world of mods was introduced to me.  I guess try finding a chest to use?  I was bothered by everything levelling with you, I enjoyed omnipotence in Morrowind....digressing....
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on March 23, 2010, 08:05:29 am

chrono cross anyone? final fantasy vii?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 23, 2010, 03:21:23 pm
Shee, what do you mean find a chest to use...?

Dialga_Palkia, I don't see where your link and your game questions intertwine (if they're supposed to)...What does a possibly 3D Nintendo platform (*groan* have to do with those two games...? I think I've asked before, but has there been any precedence for a Square game that came out on a Sony platform first being ported to a Nintendo console (if that's what you were trying to imply)...? I still think it much more likely that Cross could be given an enhanced port onto the PSP (or, more likely, just a regular port onto PSN)...and I believe there's actually been official word (well, I read it on their FB feed anyhow...>_>) that Square's looking into possibly remaking FFVII (which I think is absolutely absurd because 6 comes before 7, dammit!!)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tripehound on March 23, 2010, 03:42:22 pm

chrono cross anyone? final fantasy vii?

Mario's Tennis for the Virtual Boy?

Oh gawd, the horror.  :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on March 24, 2010, 08:22:55 pm
V, I'm assuming you're not using mods....your best bet to keep loot is to get a chest to put it all in.  Now I'm not too sure how the regeneration works with chests and boxes strewn all over the cities, so it's probably not safe to use those.  But if you buy a house, (Imperial City being the cheapest by far) your stuff will stay in that chest forever.  If not, I guess raise your strength?  Or try to find some jewelry with a Feather on it, or make one when you're nice and far into the Mage's Guild.

Btw you've inspired me to start again for the umpteenth time, but I'm still playing with mods.  I got fairly far in the Theives Guild and decently into the Dark Brotherhood (which was the JAM) but pretty goshdarn far into the Mage's Guild before, never too far past Cloud Ruler Temple in the Main Quest.  About to where gates pop up outside of towns.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 24, 2010, 11:54:31 pm
Oh yeah, I think I got a place fairly early by becoming a Knight Errant of the Knights of the White Stallion in get the keys to a two-person shack called the White Stallion Lodge...but it's kind of out of the way and I never stay in one place for long anyhow...So I pretty much do just keep the Feather spell handy, but getting a boost at levels is still just all-around nice. I'm a female Breton this try and focusing on the Bow & Light Armor (also try to travel with a silver dagger, but I recently sold it for a steel one when I forgot that one of the reasons I was keeping it was for against ghosts so I have an alternative if I run out of silver arrows or something I guess...maybe I don't need it...hmmm...) and some poison (I do so love it when enemies have negative status makes me all warm inside) and some sight magics (making up for the fact that I'm not Khajiit I guess)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on March 25, 2010, 12:53:42 am
I've been watching my boyfriend play through God of War III.  Damn, that game is intense.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Uboa on March 26, 2010, 05:15:42 pm
I downloaded Cave Story for the Wii on release day.  I'm still on my first playthrough, which I've decided to make a complete playthrough.  That is to say I'm taking all steps necessary to open up the secret Sanctuary level at the end of the game.  I forgot just how frustrating getting to the Sanctuary is, as it denies you so many useful weapons and items throughout most of the game.  The new soundtrack, though it took some getting used to, is superbly done, and I cannot complain about the graphics updates one bit.

Not sure how many others here have played it or are even interested, so I will leave off there.

Edit:  Oops!  Forgot to check the previous page.  

Quote from: Delta Dragon
#2: The new translation was stupid for 2 main reasons one being minor the other major.  The minor is they changed Grass town to Bush land.  Come on, seriously?!  The Major.  I'm still ticked about it.  Thay changed Balrog's awesome and classic "Huzzah!" to "Oh yeah!"  Yay we went from one of my favorite video game villains to the Kool-Aid man.  *Groan*

I do wish they hadn't gone the Kool-Aid Man route with Balrog.  Also, I think I noticed an unintentional grammatical error in the Physician's dialog.  The translation does leaves something to be desired.

#3: The sacred grounds speed run.  I suppose this is minor but it still bugs me.  Every time you die you have to pick up your guns, health, and they don't even give you the option to use the Machine gun, Snake, or Missile launcher.  Alone those would be bad, but together they're downright stupid.

At least you got there!  I'm still struggling in the Labyrinth.  Come to think of it, that may be due to the fact that I'm using the Wiimote instead of the Classic Controller...

I understand how fans of the original might not like the new soundtrack.  At first listen it seems to lack the energy of the original, but I came to appreciate its subtlety, especially in the Core Room before the beginning of the fight.  Such a haunting melody...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 26, 2010, 09:13:30 pm
I finally decided to go along with the main quest for once and closed my first Oblivion gate and now I've got a nifty katana which I'll see about enchanting with Feather because it's far heavier (5x) than my current choice of melee, a knife (some fancy light thing that drains intelligence and something or other else)...I should also look into leveling my Blade a bit, I guess...I'm now past Journeyman in both Mage & Fighter Guilds (Evoker & Swordsman, respectively) and close to Expert (I think that's the one after Journeyman, right? At 75?) on a few skills, which will be nice because I already bought a few spells in advance...

Oh yeah, and the XBOX Live Game Room totally sucks balls. There's only like two games I would even consider playing if they were completely free...Seriously, how are they going to come even close to curbing emulation if they keep pulling crap like this?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on March 27, 2010, 05:26:40 am
I downloaded Cave Story for the Wii on release day.  I'm still on my first playthrough, which I've decided to make a complete playthrough.  That is to say I'm taking all steps necessary to open up the secret Sanctuary level at the end of the game.  I forgot just how frustrating getting to the Sanctuary is, as it denies you so many useful weapons and items throughout most of the game.  The new soundtrack, though it took some getting used to, is superbly done, and I cannot complain about the graphics updates one bit.

Not sure how many others here have played it or are even interested, so I will leave off there.

Edit:  Oops!  Forgot to check the previous page.  

Quote from: Delta Dragon
#2: The new translation was stupid for 2 main reasons one being minor the other major.  The minor is they changed Grass town to Bush land.  Come on, seriously?!  The Major.  I'm still ticked about it.  Thay changed Balrog's awesome and classic "Huzzah!" to "Oh yeah!"  Yay we went from one of my favorite video game villains to the Kool-Aid man.  *Groan*

I do wish they hadn't gone the Kool-Aid Man route with Balrog.  Also, I think I noticed an unintentional grammatical error in the Physician's dialog.  The translation does leaves something to be desired.

#3: The sacred grounds speed run.  I suppose this is minor but it still bugs me.  Every time you die you have to pick up your guns, health, and they don't even give you the option to use the Machine gun, Snake, or Missile launcher.  Alone those would be bad, but together they're downright stupid.

At least you got there!  I'm still struggling in the Labyrinth.  Come to think of it, that may be due to the fact that I'm using the Wiimote instead of the Classic Controller...

I understand how fans of the original might not like the new soundtrack.  At first listen it seems to lack the energy of the original, but I came to appreciate its subtlety, especially in the Core Room before the beginning of the fight.  Such a haunting melody...
What items/weapons do you have to leave behind to get to the "sanctuary?"  Really the only thing you lose is you have to go without the booster for a while.

About the ...Okay I'm just gonna call it sacred grounds.  I was talking about the option you have to play it on the main menu.  Every single time you start or die you have to get your weapons and health while listening to the song every time you pick something up while they still leave out some of my favorite guns.

Soundtrack.  Well maybe it's just me, but in my view, if your gonna remix a soundtrack, especially if you get payed to do it you need to make it equal to or better than the original.  And the only songs that I've found that I believe are actually superior are the Sandzone song, Living water way, and when you get a Health upgrade.  There are probably others, but there are a heck of a lot of them that sound like they weren't even trying.  Just listen to the main Cave story theme.  It's pretty obvious which one has the better quality.  There are a few songs that aren't bad, but I just can't help but feel what was the point if they're not as good as the original. 

Maybe I'm being too critical being that I'm a big Cave story and cave story soundtrack fan, but it still urks me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Uboa on March 27, 2010, 07:15:37 am
A while ago I did discover that you have the option of selecting more than "story mode" off the bat.  I just assumed that boss rush and such would be unlockables.  Silly me!  And, you are right.  That particular mode for the Sanctuary/Sacred Gounds/Hell time attack is frustrating.

I'm almost to the point where I can run Hell (I actually prefer "Hell") the way it was meant to be run.  But, sadly, I did not get to the clock in time, so I won't be able to time my runs.  Looks like that will have to happen on my "alternate character" run, and I'll just have to practice this time around. 

(I did just manage to beat the game wearing the mimiga mask, though!)

Also, to answer your question about leaving things behind:  It had been so long since I last played Cave Story that I thought you could not accept the machine gun from Curly if you wanted to get to Hell.  I'm actually glad that I did not accept it, though, because ultimate weapons make the Uboa happy...  :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on March 29, 2010, 09:08:56 pm
I beat Xenogears the other day and have to say that it was a pretty damn good game, though the budget cuts definitely hurt the overall experience. If they had paced it out the way originally planned and given a full budget, it would have been a top contender for the greatest RPG of all time, but as it stands it's still a very good game and very strong story-wise (though I expected it to be much more convoluted and confusing based on what people I had told me --- I found it very easy to follow).

Anyway, I'm giving VI a shot and am about 3 or 4 hours into it. Yeah, I'm starting to see the appeal of it, the cast is pretty cool and there's some cool the music, but the pacing of the game is pretty poor in comparison to other Final Fantasy games. While I do like it, I still think that VI is the game for VII haters to flock to. The biggest highlight so far was the Ultros boss fight.

"Don't tease the octopus, kids!"
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 30, 2010, 12:28:42 am
I found VI to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than VII. I feel it had a much better cast, better plot, music, etc. It was just a better experience in my opinion.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on March 30, 2010, 06:55:36 am
I found VI to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than VII. I feel it had a much better cast, better plot, music, etc. It was just a better experience in my opinion.

The strongest thing VI has going for it is the cast. That really is a strong cast of characters, and music-wise there are some of the series' best tracks, but there are a lot of weak links in the soundtrack wheras the entire FFVII soundtrack is the best the series has ever done; period. VI has a good soundtrack, but it really is a transition soundtrack between the older style of FF music and VII's aesthetic. I'll give big points to "The Decisive Battle" as being one of my favorite songs of the Final Fantasy series. That song has special meaning to me because back when I was 12 and started playing VI for the first time I was living in an abusive household with a not-so-nice stepfather (to say the least). It took an outsider to explain to me that I was undergoing domestic abuse, and so I came up with a plan to get my stepfather "caught in the act" of attacking my mother by waiting for the next time he struck her to call my friends and get them to "come over with weapons" and "hold him off til the police come". The plan was for me to call them and them to come over and after calling them call the police. To save time, I made a code word that meant, "It's time. Get over here NOW." The code word was "paladin". Any way, long story short, the song I had in my head when planning that scenario was "The Decisive Battle", so the song has special meaning to me. And for those wondering how it went, the plan was never put into action and we ended up just moving all the shit out of the house in the middle of the day when he was at work and high-tailed it 3 states away from him. Oh, nostalgia.

Anyway, plot-wise, I haven’t gotten far enough into VI to really judge it, but I can say this; in terms of immersion and pacing of the storyline and the feel of the world, VI is actually probably on the lower tier of my list of Final Fantasy games. Honestly, I got into V a lot faster than I got into VI. Just about every other Final Fantasy game I’ve played has a better level of immersion than VI. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really digging the characters and the quirky dialogue, but I’m not instantly caring about the importance of the overall landscape of the game. And to those who may argue I haven’t played RPGs in a while and may just not have that ability, I’ll tell you that I got into Xenogears and, to a lesser extent, XII (though certain aspects of that game make me cringe). I think that VI is much better than XII in terms of, gameplay, music and cast, but XII definitely makes you feel the tension of the conflict much better than VI (at least at this point). And I have no bias against older FF games, as I think that IV is better than all other Final Fantasies excluding VII and perhaps Tactics.

Basically, VI is good, but overrated and people just need to admit that the reason VII is the most popular is because it’s the best. It’s like people who like The Stones more than The Beatles. Yeah, The Stones are pretty good, but come on, The Beatles freakin’ crush them. There’s no comparison. And personally, I like The Kinks better than The Stones (despite still digging The Stones quite a bit). For analogy purposes, VII is The Beatles (the most popular one due to the fact that it’s the best), VI is The Rolling Stones (still pretty cool and something for people who don’t want to cite the more popular one as their favorite but nowhere near as good) and Tactics is The Kinks (underrated and amazingly kickass and probably better than The Rolling Stones anyway).

And then Xenogears is probably Rush or something.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 30, 2010, 10:11:30 am
VII is waaaaaay low on the list of my FFs. It's just so... dull. I played to the end of the first disk and quite of boredom. Now, the soundtrack was very well done. Every FF except I, II, & III had great soundtracks. I loved IV, V, and VI. VII is probably one of my least favorite. I've only played VIII for five minutes, so I can't pass judgement on that on. IX is my second favorite RPG of all time.

For me, IX had it all. The best soundtrack, cast, gameplay, world, etc. I loved the ATE's that you could watch. The characters had so much depth. The only think I didn't like was the random-ass final boss. >_<

To each their own, though.

What RPGs are at the top of your list, BearFrog?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on March 30, 2010, 01:30:06 pm
Well, off the top of my head (not in a particular definitive order, but vaguely the order they'd go in):

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy Tactics
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy IX
Chrono Cross
Guardian's Crusade
Dragon Warrior Monsters

And I'm not sure these guys count, but if they do:
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Tomba 1 & 2
Brave Fencer Musashi
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 30, 2010, 05:23:04 pm
I've got to agree with Lance VII's assessment of VII being dull. I just never cared about the characters more than I was annoyed by them. Clod was an idiot I was constantly seventeen steps ahead of, teh Yuffster was an embarrassment to both Thief and Ninja job classes and Ol' Sephy-head...well, I know too many actual fans of the game that can't even tell me when he was doing what or when he was just sitting up there in his crater...I admit he looks cool when he sets fire to things and he DID kill Aeris, so that's some bonus points (though I cannot believe they took so long to kill her)...

I do agree that characters are a big part of what makes VI great, but I do not agree that VII's soundtrack is better than VI. There's just too much variety & greatness in VI...Partly due to the fact that almost every character is tied to an equally awesome theme from the biggies like Terra, Locke & Celes down to the more side characters like Cyan, Shadow & Relm. What was neat was that even though the cast was quite large they still managed to flesh out so many of them and make them unique and stand out from one another (even though like half of them could equip swords...or at least knives...)...

If you haven't even played all of it I don't think you should go around saying how it's overrated...How can you accurately judge something without experiencing all of it? It makes it look as though YOU have too much FFVII bias going into it. Even I eventually powered through VII (though I cheated my way around having to actually go through the crater myself)...though I haven't quite mustered up the fortitude to conquer Mystic Quest or FFII (I got close once for FFII though!)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on March 30, 2010, 05:45:10 pm
If you haven't even played all of it I don't think you should go around saying how it's overrated...How can you accurately judge something without experiencing all of it? It makes it look as though YOU have too much FFVII bias going into it.

I'm giving my opinion based on what I've seen so far. Let's say I decide just to compare the first five hours of Final Fantasy VII and the first five hours of Final Fantasy VI. I'll say that I got a lot more done and went through a lot more adventure in VI, but I cared about the adventure more in VII. VI is fast-paced and pretty hard, wheras VII's story isn't as fast paced. You spend quite a bit of time in Midgar, and by that point in FFVI you've already hung out with Cyan and found a Phantom Train, taken out Ultros, battled Kefka and seen Terra turn into an Esper. I just feel like VI doesn't take time to savor the setting and just sorta rushes through the plot.

And as far as VII bias goes, I'll say that I liked Xenogears quite a bit more than VI (still talking about the 5 hour mark) and felt a great attatchment to the world and setting. I had never played Xenogears up until a year ago and if anything I should have bias in favor of VI which I played years earlier. I feel like VI is going to get better and impress me at a certain point, but thus far, it hasn't. I haven't heard every single song by The Rolling Stones, but I can still tell you that The Beatles are a better band based on knowing every Beatles song and knowing a decent number of Stones tunes. I'm sure I'll enjoy VI, but honestly, I feel like VII, IV, Tactics, IX and X kick its ass completely. That's not VII bias.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: alfadorredux on March 30, 2010, 06:15:56 pm
I liked both VI and VII, although I honestly can't remember what I thought of VI the first time I played it--it's just too long ago.

For me, FF VIII was the real implausible, this-is-crap, throw-the-controller-at-the-TV game. I'm sorry, but you can't have a character who is supposed to be a super-competent mercenary bug out in the middle of an assassination mission to act like a Typical Teenager and expect the game to be treated seriously--I don't care how old she's supposed to be. If any significant fraction of SeeDs were like Quistis, no one would have hired them, and without the SeeD/Garden system, the world-building disintegrates completely. And that's without taking into account the ridiculous coincidence on which much of the plot hinged, or the fact that all of the characters were either stupid or obnoxious. A slightly unusual combat/magic system wasn't even nearly enough to save this dog. It makes X-2 (which wasn't very good either) look like a work of genius by comparison.

::deep breaths:: Just had to get that one off my chest.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 30, 2010, 06:26:46 pm
Well, off the top of my head (not in a particular definitive order, but vaguely the order they'd go in):

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy Tactics
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy IX
Chrono Cross
Guardian's Crusade
Dragon Warrior Monsters

And I'm not sure these guys count, but if they do:
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Tomba 1 & 2
Brave Fencer Musashi
I need to play Xenogears. My fiance has Episode 2 for PS2, and we're gonna start living together this summer, so I may give it a try.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: neo-fusion on March 30, 2010, 09:52:57 pm
I've got to agree with Lance VII's assessment of VII being dull. I just never cared about the characters more than I was annoyed by them. Clod was an idiot I was constantly seventeen steps ahead of, teh Yuffster was an embarrassment to both Thief and Ninja job classes and Ol' Sephy-head...well, I know too many actual fans of the game that can't even tell me when he was doing what or when he was just sitting up there in his crater...I admit he looks cool when he sets fire to things and he DID kill Aeris, so that's some bonus points (though I cannot believe they took so long to kill her)...

I do agree that characters are a big part of what makes VI great, but I do not agree that VII's soundtrack is better than VI. There's just too much variety & greatness in VI...Partly due to the fact that almost every character is tied to an equally awesome theme from the biggies like Terra, Locke & Celes down to the more side characters like Cyan, Shadow & Relm. What was neat was that even though the cast was quite large they still managed to flesh out so many of them and make them unique and stand out from one another (even though like half of them could equip swords...or at least knives...)...

If you haven't even played all of it I don't think you should go around saying how it's overrated...How can you accurately judge something without experiencing all of it? It makes it look as though YOU have too much FFVII bias going into it. Even I eventually powered through VII (though I cheated my way around having to actually go through the crater myself)...though I haven't quite mustered up the fortitude to conquer Mystic Quest or FFII (I got close once for FFII though!)

I love both VII and VI, but VII is my all time favorite game. FF6 ranks just behind Chrono Trigger some days and just ahead of it other days.

I will say that FF VII's soundtrack (to me) has more standouts, while FF6's is just more well-rounded. (Why am I doing some in roman numerals and others normal numbers I don't know).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 30, 2010, 10:13:56 pm
The only ones that ever stood out to me in VII were Aeris' theme & OWA and then not as the MIDI in-game, but only the orchestrated versions...>_>

I have VI up there with CT as well (FFT rounds out my top 3)...I think with FFVI they took a step from DQIV in that they made a story that focused on each individual characters separately that starts off incredibly linear and then becomes open world in the second act. Some of my favorite parts of VI are the little things though, like character dialog that's dependent on who's in your party & when (not really seen in FFs prior) made for stand-out, almost quiet moments (or ridiculous fun)...but also other quirks like Edgar's tribute to Jason Voorhees or Woosley's bizzare notion to make Sabin's final Blitz sound incredibly, ok, I admit, Woosley polished things at times for FFVI...but I still don't like localizations...! :P
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 30, 2010, 10:18:17 pm
I can't believe we've been discussing FFVI all this time and NO ONE has mentioned Kefka.

Easily my favorite villain of all time. :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on March 30, 2010, 11:31:19 pm
I can't believe we've been discussing FFVI all this time and NO ONE has mentioned Kefka.

Easily my favorite villain of all time. :D

You mean The Joker?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 30, 2010, 11:38:14 pm
I can't believe we've been discussing FFVI all this time and NO ONE has mentioned Kefka.

Easily my favorite villain of all time. :D

You mean The Joker?
You son of a submariner!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on March 30, 2010, 11:58:07 pm
You son of a submariner!

Oh uh...

Run run or you'll be well done!

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on March 31, 2010, 12:24:07 am
V_Translanka, nice avatar.

But yeah, I totally dig Kefka and think he's pretty awesome...but he's basically The Joker.

And VIII I think had the benefit of looking fantastic, having fantastic music and being set in a very believable world but had the flaw of a weak major cast and weak storyline. VIII was style over substance.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on March 31, 2010, 03:53:11 am
Finished 13 last night .
Well worth the long wait.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 31, 2010, 05:21:19 pm
I can't believe we've been discussing FFVI all this time and NO ONE has mentioned Kefka.

Easily my favorite villain of all time. :D

I totally did mention him when I said Woosley polished some things...! :P

V_Translanka, nice avatar.

Which one? It's kinda random & rotates between a few different ones...

But yeah, I totally dig Kefka and think he's pretty awesome...but he's basically The Joker.

idk about that...I suppose part of him is like TDK's Joker in that his goal is similar (sorta, though Kefka was thinking broader)...but Kefka also goes through the underling takeover story-arc (aka The Starscream) and then there's the relationship between his insanity & his lust for power which more than differentiates the two (and makes Kefka all the more interesting)...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on March 31, 2010, 09:01:45 pm
Sooo my Slim PS3's stopped working; it turns on but the TV doesn't display anything and the fan quiets down right away. I then have to hold in the power button for about 30 seconds to force it to shut off. I can probably get it repaired due to warranty but has anyone encountered the same problem?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on April 03, 2010, 06:33:37 pm
It's possible that FFXIII can somehow destroy PS3s or something...

Although those are saying freezing issues (and mostly with the PS3 fats), so I doubt it's the same problem you're having FaF, but when I read about it, I thought about your posts.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on April 04, 2010, 06:51:18 pm
Turns out it was a corrupted drive, dunno how that happened but considering the new firmware update was released around the same time, it's a little suspicious...

Anyway, I used the recovery menu and used a restore function to get my PS3 working again. It kept all of my save data too!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on April 07, 2010, 07:28:03 pm
Okay, so I'mabout 11 hours into VI. Kefka recently destroyed most of the world, Terra's laying around in bed and my only party consists of Celes and Sabin (though I'm about to get Edgar back in my party). I think something that sets me back from VI a lot is what I percieve as stupdity and unrealistic actions by the main cast, like them actually trusting the empire. Honestly, Locke, Celes and Terra seem to make consistently bad decisions. And I have no idea what Setzer's motivations for hanging out with the party are. That said, Mog and Edgar are pretty awesome, and Kefka is a pretty good villain (as is Ultros). Also, after hearing more of the soundtrack, I have to say that while it does have some strong songs, it's nowhere near as good as VI, or even VII for that matter. However, as an overall game, I'll still rank it above VII.

VI, thus far, still ranks in my lower tier of Final Fantasy games. Not even close to touching VII, IV or Tactics, and still a significant leap from IX and X, but still better than XII and VII. Actually, I feel like XII and VI suffer from a lot of the same problems with seemingly stupid decisions by major cast members and a lack of realistic motivations.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on April 07, 2010, 09:58:01 pm
BearFrog, know that I say this with all of the care in the world, but either use Arabic numerals or learn how to use Roman numerals right.

Quote from: BearFrog's nowhere near as good as VI, or even VII for that matter. However, as an overall game, I'll still rank it above VII.

Quote from: BearFrog
VI, thus far, still ranks in my lower tier of Final Fantasy games. Not even close to touching VII, IV or Tactics...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on April 07, 2010, 10:11:49 pm
I think something that sets me back from VI a lot is what I percieve as stupdity and unrealistic actions by the main cast, like them actually trusting the empire. Honestly, Locke, Celes and Terra seem to make consistently bad decisions. And I have no idea what Setzer's motivations for hanging out with the party are.

Actually, both situations aren't what you think. True, they decided to trust on the Empire, however, not entirely, as they were still suspicious about it. In fact, if they hadn't, they probably wouldn't have been able to escape Vector when the Empire dropped their act.

And then, about Setzer, he himself mentioned he liked the risk the party was doing in confronting the Empire. Being a man to place gambling above all else, it certainly sounded like he would enjoy it if he joined (despite the fact he indirectly thanked the Empire for being in the position he was, but for him, the risk would increase, and as such, the motivation to join in). And then... well, you have yet to arrive there, you'll see.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on April 07, 2010, 11:00:28 pm
Okay not sure if anyone already said anything about this, but here we go.  Pokemon Heart Gold.

I got the game yesterday and by now just beat the second gym leader.  Unless things take a major major drop from here on this game has been really really great.  Not only is it a, from what I can tell, well done remake of one of my favorite Pokemon games, (Unlike a certain side scrolling shooter  :x ) but it also seems that they've cleared up a lot of the problems with Diamond and Pearl.  For example the touch screen.  In Pearl you could use it for some things but not all.  So far the only thing I've found that you can't do with it is walk around.  And for me that's really handy since my A and L buttons both suck. 

So yeah, looking forward to continuing that. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on April 07, 2010, 11:34:10 pm
I think something that sets me back from VI a lot is what I percieve as stupdity and unrealistic actions by the main cast, like them actually trusting the empire. Honestly, Locke, Celes and Terra seem to make consistently bad decisions. And I have no idea what Setzer's motivations for hanging out with the party are.

Actually, both situations aren't what you think. True, they decided to trust on the Empire, however, not entirely, as they were still suspicious about it. In fact, if they hadn't, they probably wouldn't have been able to escape Vector when the Empire dropped their act.

And then, about Setzer, he himself mentioned he liked the risk the party was doing in confronting the Empire. Being a man to place gambling above all else, it certainly sounded like he would enjoy it if he joined (despite the fact he indirectly thanked the Empire for being in the position he was, but for him, the risk would increase, and as such, the motivation to join in). And then... well, you have yet to arrive there, you'll see.

I know they "didn't trust" the empire and whatnot and tried to "stay on their toes" but obviously they failed at that BIG TIME and they still seemed too trusting. The whole "pst apocalypse" thing is pretty cool, though, and I think that only works with a cast this incompetent. Cloud wouldn't let that shit happen on his watch.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on April 08, 2010, 03:22:29 am
When you get down to it, it was just something to lead up to the double-double-cross by Kefka...that pesky little scamp! And it thus leads us to the WoR where everyone is hopeless and's all sorts of cohesive & comprehensive! The only person I could never understand was Tina/Terra, but I can forgive her for being an emotionless softy...Yeah, Setzer is after Edgar...and I still attest that he and Shadow are the only cool characters designed by Nomura...well, I guess Vincent too...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on April 08, 2010, 02:36:30 pm
My thoughts on Soul Silver:

-Hey, mom, glad to see you called. Can you do me a favor? QUIT SENDING ME F*CKING BERRIES!

-"I'm Cameron the Photographer! I like taking pictures of ten year old boys/girls, out in the field and even offer to let them use my private studio so they can dress up. There's NOTHING sketchy about that!"

-Is it just me, or did they add in a ton of innuendo into the dialog, especially regarding the fishing rods?

-I used my most under-equipped party in history(i.e., no legendaries, no pokemon above level 46, 3 full restores and only a couple of max revives) and beat the Elite Four with very little trouble. The challenge is kind of lacking there.

All around however, I loved the plot and the characters of the original Silver and Gold, and with all of the new generations, levels, items, features and graphics, etc. this is probably the best Pokemon game that they've come out with since the original Silver and Gold.


And now for a side note: 5th Generation will be much better than people are predicting if they stick to 50 or so new, original, creative pokemon, rather than 100 more with the new Pidgey, Rattata, Butterfree expys. I think we all learned our lesson after Bidoof.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on April 08, 2010, 02:54:23 pm
-Is it just me, or did they add in a ton of innuendo into the dialog, especially regarding the fishing rods?

That's just left over from the original G/S/C. The guy who localized those (and all the games until Platinum) is a SomethingAwful goon, hence the innuendos and internet references ("My Pokémon is fight!"). Whoever's doing the localization now is pretty bad. They also changed some pervy instances from the originals - "Wow! This gym is full of women!" -> "Wow! This gym is full of powerful trainers!"

-I used my most under-equipped party in history(i.e., no legendaries, no pokemon above level 46, 3 full restores and only a couple of max revives) and beat the Elite Four with very little trouble. The challenge is kind of lacking there.

Yeah, that's kind of annoying (besides Lance, holy hell those Dragonites are assholes). It's just to help spread out the game's difficulty across Johto and Kanto, but yeah I agree it does feel slightly lacking compared to some other Elite Four encounters.

All around however, I loved the plot and the characters of the original Silver and Gold, and with all of the new generations, levels, items, features and graphics, etc. this is probably the best Pokemon game that they've come out with since the original Silver and Gold.

I think both this and Platinum are the best Pokémon games, in their own ways. HG/SS is the most fun to me, but the lack of the PokéRadar and VS Seeker annoys me. :( I'm so used to those. Because of that, Platinum feels like the best choice for EV training and grinding. I've certainly been playing HG a lot more than Platinum, in any case.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on April 08, 2010, 03:07:26 pm
Yeah, Setzer is after Edgar


Thanks for ruining the game for me. I am never playing it ever again.

Until later today.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on April 08, 2010, 03:17:34 pm
My biggest nuisances with the new Pokemon games are 1) the phone; 2) the lack of a VS Seeker; and 3) egg hatching in Goldenrod.

The phone does bring (or revive) something unique to the game. However, its replacement with the simple VS Seeker in order to have rematches and those damn annoying calls more than adds to the negativity to which I give it (I swear, the phone service must be superb to get calls deep within caves and mountains).

Also, the available space between the Daycare and Goldenrod is comparatively much shorter than it is in the last two generations, so hatching eggs becomes a daunting task. But that's just me complaining.

Overall though, HeartGold and SoulSilver receive the best rating from me over any other Pokemon game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on April 08, 2010, 09:49:17 pm
Yeah, Setzer is after Edgar


Thanks for ruining the game for me. I am never playing it ever again.

Until later today.

How is that a spoiler? Did you not think you'd be getting Setzer back? How does knowing who you'll be able to get next (it's open world enough so that it doesn't need to be him, I think, but he is the final necessary character! HA!) somehow a spoiler?

Anyway, I beat Too Human as a Cybernetic Defender...It's really short, but I suppose there's some kind of NG+ feature that'll allow me to play through with my prior stats, which would be more fun if I weren't a Defender (which is an ok class, but I want to try one of the more offensive ones)...

I started up Armored Core for Answer and it's pretty fun (though I had some issues choosing button layout in the start), though I kind of miss the old-style HUD...looks amazing though...

I also feel like maybe playing Mass Effect again. I know I want to do the 2nd playthrough of my 1st game as well as start a new game with a different class...I still wish I had ME2, though I know I probably won't want to play ME1 at all once I do actually get it...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on April 08, 2010, 11:18:53 pm
I've been palying Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Squad. It's a pretty crappy game and I don't know why I am trying to beat it other than the fact that I usually try to beat all my games. I wont' be playing any of the other games.  I hope I have the patience to stick through with beating it because the only real reason I want to finish it is to learn the rest of the plot.

I beat Twilight Princess recently. Really great game, though I still maintain that Wind Waker was the best Zelda game. I wish I could play Spirit Tracks, but that doesn't work right on my card, so I guess the next one I'll be doing is Ocarina of Time.

I need to beat "Billy Hatcher and the Giant Egg". It's a really cute and cheerful game. It's song- is just about as addictive as the trolololo song.  It also has this Jpop song in it after the opening, which is nice. I realized the Sonic Team made it. It was cool that I got it for 4 dollars. Nice price for a pretty decent game. It's kind of hard for me and I have never gotten as many game overs before. There are a ton of ways to instantly kill yourself in it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: BearFrog on April 09, 2010, 12:33:22 am
BearFrog, know that I say this with all of the care in the world, but either use Arabic numerals or learn how to use Roman numerals right.

Quote from: BearFrog's nowhere near as good as VI, or even VII for that matter. However, as an overall game, I'll still rank it above VII.

Quote from: BearFrog
VI, thus far, still ranks in my lower tier of Final Fantasy games. Not even close to touching VII, IV or Tactics...

Yeah, those were typos. This forum is weird in that if I make too long of a post, it doesn't let me see my full post when typing and will scroll up and not allow me to see what I type (as it is doing in this post). Small error on my part. I meant to say that the sound track for VI (6) is nowhere near as good as VII (7) or even VIII (8). As an overall game, I still rank it above VIII (8). I made 3 errors in that post as fas as roman numberals go and am willing to admit that. I apologize for my mistake, but please understand that this board is rather annoying with the way it processes text sometimes.

And to V, let it be know I thought you were talking about Setzer's character motivations being that he was after Edgar the entire time for some reason yet to be revealed to me, like being a former servant of the Figaro empire or something like that. A mere misunderstanding.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on April 09, 2010, 01:31:33 am

The fifth generation Pokemon games were literally just announced on the official Pokemon website, and we translated the information within only a few seconds - they will be named Pokemon Black and Pokemon White! The two games will be released in the fall for the Nintendo DS and new information about them will be released on April 15th on their new official website. However, Pokemon Sunday and CoroCoro magazine will likely have information regarding them later this week, which we will post as soon as we get. This is so exciting!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on April 09, 2010, 02:45:36 am
Well, well, looks like it's back to colors, not seen since Gen I. :)

I guess they wanted to give the mineral/gem/element-theme a rest.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on April 09, 2010, 02:20:14 pm

So, I rented Battlefield 2: Bad Company yesterday.  You wanna know something?

It is hardly any different from the other hot-selling war game series out there like Modern Warfare and Call of Duty.  It just isn't.  The game begins as it takes place in WWII.  How original...

I guess DICE must pride themselves on being strictly online-based when it comes to multi-payer (not the split-screen variety, mind you), because for all you Xbox360 owners out there who want to go multiplayer, you need a friggin' Gold account just to get past the Multiplayer option.

Ten bucks for the same old stuff.  This only goes to show that EA just wasn't meant to produce war games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tripehound on April 09, 2010, 02:52:44 pm
-Hey, mom, glad to see you called. Can you do me a favor? QUIT SENDING ME F*CKING BERRIES!

At least the berries she does send you are difficult to get through other means. It would be a different story if she sent you a box of Oran Berries every two hours.  :roll:

-"I'm Cameron the Photographer! I like taking pictures of ten year old boys/girls, out in the field and even offer to let them use my private studio so they can dress up. There's NOTHING sketchy about that!"

It's Japan. Need I say anything else?  :lol:

-I used my most under-equipped party in history(i.e., no legendaries, no pokemon above level 46, 3 full restores and only a couple of max revives) and beat the Elite Four with very little trouble. The challenge is kind of lacking there.

I agree with FaFniR; the under-leveled E4 is largely due to the encounter happening, for all intents and purposes, in the middle of the game. It only makes sense that the E4's teams would be about Lv. 40-50-ish.

Being able to tackle Red's party later on more than makes up for that, though.  :D

Quote from: Kodokami
the available space between the Daycare and Goldenrod is comparatively much shorter than it is in the last two generations, so hatching eggs becomes a daunting task.

Try using a different stretch of road. I've been riding the bike back and forth along the main North/South road that runs through Goldenrod. Granted, it's not the longest route ever conceived, but it's clear of obstacles if you stick to the right-hand side.

If you're not already, be sure you're carrying a Pokémon with either the Magma Armor or Flame Body abilities as well, as this will significantly cut the egg hatching time. Hatched eggs in less than 10 minutes or it's free.  :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on April 13, 2010, 06:38:03 pm
Sadly the new Pokemon doesn't work on muh emulator past the introduction segment with Professor wtf cares...I just get shrunken down into a black screen of death...I still haven't played through all of the last gen anyway though, I guess...

I HAVE been playing some Armored Core (for Answer, on that fancy Microbox 360) and it seems more or less the same from what I remember the series from the good ol PSX (& PS2) days. Though I sorta miss my targeting reticule box thingy, it isn't a big deal...and the amount of customization seems insane as well and overall it just looks so darn pretty...Though I find myself playing it in mission bursts just like I used to as well, which means having a good JRPG to play on standby...

And for that I have indeed been playing Lunar: The Silver Star, which is nice enough to grind through...I'm in Vane puttering around currently...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: KebreI on April 14, 2010, 08:02:04 am
Sadly the new Pokemon doesn't work on muh emulator past the introduction segment with Professor wtf cares...I just get shrunken down into a black screen of death...I still haven't played through all of the last gen anyway though, I guess...
Works on the lastest version of the R4 software so it should work on any emulator, tried updating?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on April 18, 2010, 04:35:17 pm
I think DS emulator tech is behind (maybe due to Nintendo's efforts or maybe due to laziness since people can use them fancy R4 type dealies idk really) or something...I use no$ though...

Anyway, finally broke down & started Fallout 3 again after having hit the level cap in a previous playthrough. I guess I'll try to fast travel more or something (maybe try to get w/e DLC has the extra levels...)...Also, I already feel like I should have started another girl character playthrough though I think this time really made me realize how unnecessarily intricate character creation is in the game...I mean, when do you even see your character's face? Hell, even the character's hair after you get almost any kind of helmet/hat? I like it in Mass Effect, but Fallout seems like they just had the tech from Oblivion and slapped it on for the hell of it...and as weirdly racist as it would be, I wish that each race had their own set of Perks and
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on April 18, 2010, 11:08:45 pm
Thanks to a certain somebody( <3<3), I got Spirit Tracks to work, and I've been playing that for hours every day. The game is a huge improvement over Phantom Hourglass. It has much better music and it really listened to the fans complaints about different annoyances such as having to revisit the same damn dungeon over and over again. I thought I'd have to do the same thing again with the multiple trips to the Spirit Tower, but actually you can just skip over all that since you climb the stairs to the appropriate level, so while you technically are visiting the same dungeon over and over, actually you're not.

One thing I find annoying is that you spend a huge chunk of the game transporting people and items around. You actually don't have to do any of this to progress the game, but the only thing you get for doing this are these spirit shards that unlock more tracks. The tracks usually lead to a warp point or a shortcut to another land, but once you open up enough of these, you have trouble keeping track of which warps lead where as there are usually several warp points on each map.

I find the dungeons shorter than typical Zelda games, but actually I like this. I remember that goddamn water temple in Twilight Princess that I spent hours and hours on. HATE THE WATER TEMPLE!! The boss fights are a little more challenging than in Phantom Hourglass and I've already become enraged while fighting that Fire/Ice battle.

The game introduced something new this time where the treasures collected can either get you rupees or parts to your train. I'm not sure what to think of that yet, but because of that, I've hung on to a lot of my treasure, and it's kind of hard to find multiple pieces of treasure because there are some that you get a lot and some that are really rare, even though they're supposed to be common.

All in all: great Zelda experience!! Not to be missed.  I hope they continue the wind waker style for the hand held games from now on. I  love the colorful art and wind waker has always been my favorite zelda game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on April 20, 2010, 01:55:17 am
Speaking of, I need to finish Spirit Tracks. I got lazy with it somewhere around the water dungeon.

Sadly the new Pokemon doesn't work on muh emulator past the introduction segment with Professor wtf cares...I just get shrunken down into a black screen of death...I still haven't played through all of the last gen anyway though, I guess...

It has anti-piracy; you need a code or a patch to get past it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on April 20, 2010, 04:05:34 am
Speaking of, I need to finish Spirit Tracks. I got lazy with it somewhere around the water dungeon.

I think the water dungeon in any Zelda game makes everyone want to quit D:.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Phillies64 on April 20, 2010, 10:46:23 am
I'm currently replaying the Mother series, starting with the first game. I remember it being brutally hard, but it's really not that bad. You just have to do a lot of grinding.

Playing these games really makes me miss old school JRPGs. I don't want to sound like a geezer, but they really don't make them like they used to. I also think there needs to be more games that don't take things too seriously. The quircky humor in the Mother series is priceless.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on April 20, 2010, 09:51:16 pm
Speaking of, I need to finish Spirit Tracks. I got lazy with it somewhere around the water dungeon.

I think the water dungeon in any Zelda game makes everyone want to quit D:.

Most gameplay+underwater=terrible...I haven't seen much against this math truism except maybe Ecco the Dolphin...?

I'm currently replaying the Mother series, starting with the first game. I remember it being brutally hard, but it's really not that bad. You just have to do a lot of grinding.

Yeah, welcome to oldschool RPGs. I still have only beaten Mother 2/Earthbound...I remember liking Mother...I wish that Ninny was cool enough to find a way to remake it and rerelease 2 & finally 3 for a big, sloppy Mother collection (throw in something like a Mr. Saturn plushie for good measure).

Playing these games really makes me miss old school JRPGs. I don't want to sound like a geezer, but they really don't make them like they used to. I also think there needs to be more games that don't take things too seriously. The quircky humor in the Mother series is priceless.

It's harder to make more lighthearted games now because the only way to make them cost-effective is to put them on a handheld...I wish they'd gravitate back towards the Wii, myself...Make the genre less about the current FF-style of big story & pretty graphics...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on April 20, 2010, 10:40:01 pm
I never found Earthbound to be too hard. It's probably because in RPGs, I'm always lost and when I'm lost, I just battle all the enemies so I get really leveled up. I remember in Final Fantasy 1 I was at level 35 before I even got the canoe just because I never knew where I was going and I never ran away from the enemies. Also the battles in earthbound are text-based so they always went by really fast for me.

I'm playing Doom on the wii. Very nice port. Works well with the wiimote and nunchuck. Doom was one of the very first games I've ever played. I still am not good at it. I think me not liking FPS has to do with my bad sense of direction. I always spend the majority of the time looking for shit rather than killing shit XD. I did beat Wolfenstein way back when, though. I remember the excitement in killing that final Nazi boss. He was really scary. It's funny because I don't think my sense of direction in real life is so bad. I can generally navigate myself around unfamiliar areas with the car and such.

It actually has to do with the way the female brain works, even though it's not an excuse, females are worse at mapping out areas in their minds than males. They look for certain landmarks to help navigate rather than being able to map out the entire area and look at it as a whole, like males.

This version of doom has a map, but it's very primitive and I don't really understand how to follow it.I get more confused looking at the map then wandering around.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Phillies64 on April 21, 2010, 12:49:04 am
It's harder to make more lighthearted games now because the only way to make them cost-effective is to put them on a handheld...I wish they'd gravitate back towards the Wii, myself...Make the genre less about the current FF-style of big story & pretty graphics...

Yeah. Other genres have seen things switch focus to a more retro style. I wish we could get the same from RPGS. 2D Fighters are back in full force. I never really liked 3D fighters and I'm glad things are shifting back thanks to games like SSFIV, Blaz Blue, KoF, TvC, MvC...etc. Old school platformers are even
making a comeback.

I'd love to see RPGs go the retro route. I mean SNES was really a golden age for RPGs. DS is doing a good job, but it'd be great to see Wii, 360, and PS3 get involved. I'd love to see some more RPGs with some classic looking 2D sprites. Graphics can still be visually impressive without being 3D.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on April 22, 2010, 04:47:04 am
The more I see of 3D Dot Game Heroes (, the more interested I get (and the more I wish I had access to a PS3, lol)...It's good to be a nostalgia whore in the gaming world now it seems. Hooray!

Also, MvC3 is finally announced! How cool is that? I hope that some Breath of Fire characters make it in this go around...Although I was more a fan of CvSNK2 than MvC2...and I still don't even have TvC...and I want SSF4 too!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Phillies64 on April 22, 2010, 10:28:42 am
The more I see of 3D Dot Game Heroes (, the more interested I get (and the more I wish I had access to a PS3, lol)...It's good to be a nostalgia whore in the gaming world now it seems. Hooray!

Also, MvC3 is finally announced! How cool is that? I hope that some Breath of Fire characters make it in this go around...Although I was more a fan of CvSNK2 than MvC2...and I still don't even have TvC...and I want SSF4 too!

Wow. My thoughts exactly on everything. I was watching trailers for 3D Dot Game Heroes. It looks great. I'm going to be downloading that one. Old school game play with updated graphics=good times.

I'm a huge 2D fighting fan. I'm more excited about SSFIV than MvC3, but it's still great to see it announced. Hopefully MvC3 is a little more balanced though. KOF XIII is coming out. It looks to be vastly improved over XII, but you never know. Hopefully it does really well so we can get CvS3 in a couple of years.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on April 22, 2010, 10:55:25 am
It's harder to make more lighthearted games now because the only way to make them cost-effective is to put them on a handheld...I wish they'd gravitate back towards the Wii, myself...Make the genre less about the current FF-style of big story & pretty graphics...

Yeah. Other genres have seen things switch focus to a more retro style. I wish we could get the same from RPGS. 2D Fighters are back in full force. I never really liked 3D fighters and I'm glad things are shifting back thanks to games like SSFIV, Blaz Blue, KoF, TvC, MvC...etc. Old school platformers are even
making a comeback.

I'd love to see RPGs go the retro route. I mean SNES was really a golden age for RPGs. DS is doing a good job, but it'd be great to see Wii, 360, and PS3 get involved. I'd love to see some more RPGs with some classic looking 2D sprites. Graphics can still be visually impressive without being 3D.
That's the route lots of Indie developers have covered. If you need a new 2D RPG, I suggest either the Phantasia Series or Hero's Realm.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on May 08, 2010, 03:09:26 pm
Well...I might as well bring it up since I have all over my social networkingness (FB, MySpace & Playfire anyway), but I'm playing the Halo: Reach multiplayer beta and finding it to be quite good. If you like Halo, you'll probably like Reach (though you'll probably chew people's ears off about w/e differences or things you don't like even though they don't ask). If you don't like Halo there may or may not be enough changes in the gameplay to get you into it this time. It's interesting to play as a Spartan II (the Chief being a Spartan III) and run around with the different Armor Abilities (my heart belongs to Sprint) and everything looks so damn PRETTY (! I find myself making excuses to save films so I can go in and take pictures because I feel like I could take a picture of the weapons someone drops when they're dead and still end up with an awesome pic. Add on to that the fact that the objective modes (both new & old) are actually FUN (I wasn't much a fan of any of them prior) and I personally am hooked. So far my only real complaint is not seeing how many of each individual medal you get per game, but I think this is mostly going to be limited to the beta...Anyone else try it out yet...?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: RoxSilverFox on May 21, 2010, 11:12:46 am
I recommend picking up Red Dead Redemption, it does take about an hour or so of playing to get into it (much like a GTA game) but once you do get into it you'll be hooked I assure you. It runs really smoothly, not a whole lot of load screens and gameplay is near to perfect, the only real flaws being the lack of any real HP GUI and the horse controls are a pain to get used to but you'll get used to them fast no less. Another few games that are coming out this year that I'll be snatching up are Halo Reach, Fallout: New Vegas and Fable 3 all of which look to be shaping up awesomely.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Phillies64 on May 24, 2010, 11:17:51 am
I recommend picking up Red Dead Redemption, it does take about an hour or so of playing to get into it (much like a GTA game) but once you do get into it you'll be hooked I assure you. It runs really smoothly, not a whole lot of load screens and gameplay is near to perfect, the only real flaws being the lack of any real HP GUI and the horse controls are a pain to get used to but you'll get used to them fast no less. Another few games that are coming out this year that I'll be snatching up are Halo Reach, Fallout: New Vegas and Fable 3 all of which look to be shaping up awesomely.

As far as RDR goes, I've been playing the game for about 20+ hours, and I haven't even touched the main game yet. The online mode is so fun!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on May 24, 2010, 04:45:36 pm
Sooooo, anyone else here played Ace attorney investigations? :D  I just beat it yesterday.  All in all I think I prefer the regular ace attorney system but this one still rocked.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: RoxSilverFox on May 25, 2010, 08:44:09 am
As far as RDR goes, I've been playing the game for about 20+ hours, and I haven't even touched the main game yet. The online mode is so fun!
You're so right there, the online multiplayer is extremely fun. I started playing the multiplayer the other day and haven't gone back to the main game since.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on May 25, 2010, 06:45:36 pm (

A remake of Fire Emblem Mystery of the Emblem.

Well, it won't be long before the Jugdral games come too, hehehe...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on May 25, 2010, 09:40:35 pm
I've been playing Resident Evil 4 for more than 1 week.
Though it was released 5 years ago, but my PC still fails to run it smoothly so I have to use default settings for my video card.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on May 25, 2010, 10:26:22 pm
Resident Evil 4 is fantastic, isn't it! What an outstanding piece of gaming that was. Arghgh, I get so pissed at myself for not buying Resident Evil 5 yet.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on May 25, 2010, 10:58:35 pm
Hehe, I heard 5 is more like an enhanced version of 4 (the systems have many similarities).
However I'm afraid I won't be able to play it unless I upgrade my PC (I don't plan to buy PS3 or Xbox3660).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Phillies64 on May 26, 2010, 01:36:50 am
Hehe, I heard 5 is more like an enhanced version of 4 (the systems have many similarities).
However I'm afraid I won't be able to play it unless I upgrade my PC (I don't plan to buy PS3 or Xbox3660).

I got 5, and barely played it. Four is better in almost every way. The only thing 5 has going for it is online Co-op.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dice. on May 27, 2010, 01:57:20 pm
Hehe, I heard 5 is more like an enhanced version of 4 (the systems have many similarities).
However I'm afraid I won't be able to play it unless I upgrade my PC (I don't plan to buy PS3 or Xbox3660).

I got 5, and barely played it. Four is better in almost every way. The only thing 5 has going for it is online Co-op.

I loved it for that.  Because of a great co-operative play, my brother and I played through that stupid game like 5 times.

Sooooo, anyone else here played Ace attorney investigations? Very Happy  I just beat it yesterday.  All in all I think I prefer the regular ace attorney system but this one still rocked.

I like it too - its fun to actually run around (anyone else wish the player had better control of how fast the text scrolls??  ARGH, gets annoying five titles later...!).
I do think, however, the sprite work (which, IMO is a real highlight of the series) reaaallly took a step back.  Kay looks awful in most sprites, let alone other characters.  Especially given how fabulous the Apollo Justice sprites looked.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on May 27, 2010, 02:07:33 pm
Super Mario Galaxy 2, Lost Planet 2, and Alan Wake? What are the opinions of our society?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on May 27, 2010, 02:18:21 pm
Sooooo, anyone else here played Ace attorney investigations? Very Happy  I just beat it yesterday.  All in all I think I prefer the regular ace attorney system but this one still rocked.

I like it too - its fun to actually run around (anyone else wish the player had better control of how fast the text scrolls??  ARGH, gets annoying five titles later...!).
I do think, however, the sprite work (which, IMO is a real highlight of the series) reaaallly took a step back.  Kay looks awful in most sprites, let alone other characters.  Especially given how fabulous the Apollo Justice sprites looked.
Are you referring to their bigger sprites?  As a whole I though most of them were pretty good.  In more than one it seemed there was a lot of detail.  Especially in people like Detective Badd and Ambassador Alba.  It just seemed like they added details to them that they probably wouldn't have in earlier games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on May 27, 2010, 11:02:34 pm
Yeah, I got RE5 and traded it in almost immediately because the solo campaign had just ridiculous AI...Funny because now I've met someone online who I could play it with! Oh well...some other time, perhaps...

Anyway, I too am late to the party, but I finally beat Fallout 3 after several attempts and trying out various Quests I hadn't before...Overall great game, but I still don't understand how they thought people would be satisfied with just 20 levels...I know that it's a holdover from the previous games, but still...! To just block all progress was annoying. idk when I'll want to pick this up again even when I do get the DLC with more levels, but I'll prob do a nice lil evil run eventually...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chi_z on June 11, 2010, 12:16:15 am
so Xenoblade is out now, which makes me giddy. the ost will be released a little later this month, but it DID come with a sampler CD. mistuda did the end song on this game 'beyond the sky' with english lyrics written by takahashi himself.
vocals by the amazing sarah alainn

can't wait for the full soundtrack to be released later this month!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on June 11, 2010, 12:35:15 am
Urgh! Listening to a piece of music by Mitsuda, with Takahashi having written the lyrics, attached to a game that isn't Xenogears is just driving a little part of me insane right now. Confound corporate ownership of the rights to art!

But I suppose Takahashi's long since moved on from Gears anyway.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chi_z on June 11, 2010, 12:52:15 am
maybe not. we REALLY need to get some connections so we can score some interviews to ask these very same questions. I've since gone totally insane after xenosaga was handed over to someone who is not mitsuda. it's like replacing mcCartney or Lennon in the Beatles. it just.....isn't.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on June 11, 2010, 01:27:59 am
I want to try Planescape: Torment. That will be first Black Isle Studios game.
Since I know little about this game, I can only hope it can surprise me in a good way.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on June 11, 2010, 01:44:37 pm
I'm torn as to whether I should listen to the Xenoblade soundtrack now (dying to hear Mitsuda's vocal theme) or wait for the game and let it come as a pleasant surprise at the end. Speaking of new Mitsuda soundtracks (for Wii games, no less) is anyone familiar with Arc Rise Fantasia (especially its soundtrack)? How good is it (both the game and the OST)?

All I really know about Planescape Torment is how many people have told me it is amazing and I need to play it. Sadly, there does not appear to be any Mac version and my Boot Camp has not been working for almost a year...

Speaking of which, I don't suppose anyone is familiar with the quality (or lack thereof) of the Mac version of Deus Ex?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on June 14, 2010, 04:07:35 am
I want to try Planescape: Torment. That will be first Black Isle Studios game.
Since I know little about this game, I can only hope it can surprise me in a good way.

I played roughly through several maps and then started over. Though I have not get an impression of whether the story is good or bad, but the gameplay and dialogues have already awed me so far. I like the way how you interact with those NPCs, most time, the quests can be done either by brutal force or if possible, simply talking to those NPCs. I find myself enjoy talking to numerous characters, listening to their funny or thoughtful words, scratching my head and picking an option carefully.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on June 15, 2010, 02:16:52 pm
Hey, it's the E3... (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on June 15, 2010, 02:44:30 pm

Thought you folks might enjoy this.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chi_z on June 15, 2010, 03:09:37 pm
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on June 15, 2010, 05:38:07 pm (

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on June 16, 2010, 06:13:56 pm
Really, it seems there's only one thing to be said about the 3DS at this point: BITCHIN'.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on June 17, 2010, 02:59:52 am

Thought you folks might enjoy this.

That is amazing.

I started playing Secret of Mana with D today on his emulator.  I've never played it before (he has).  It's cracking me up how the main character looks so much like Crono.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Hayden on June 17, 2010, 03:54:30 pm
What games are your playing at the moment?
Me I'm playing The World Ends With You and Lunar: Silver Star Story. I really recommend TWEWY if you have a DS the battle system is wicked fun.

And Halo 3 online religiously...

Edit: Felt the topic could use a name change.

i play many games its not even funny:
Breath of fire
Chrono Trigger
Call Of Duty:Big Red One
Sim Ant
World Of Warcraft
San Adreas (( forgot how to spell it ))
State of Emergency
Star Wars:BattleFront 2
Star wars:Battlefront
Red Faction
Red Faction 2
The Simpsons:Road Rage
The Simpsons:Hit & Run
The Legend of Zelda:A Link To The Past.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on June 17, 2010, 06:05:02 pm
Nintendo literally exploded with news during their performance. I swear a puddle of water came down my shorts after seeing a New Zelda, DKC, the 3DS, etc. Oh yeah, who agrees that the 3DS might get Chrono Cross? FOR GOD'S SAKE, LOOK AT THE GRAPHICS KID ICARUS HAS! THOSE ARE BRAWL LIKE GRAPHICS THERE!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on June 17, 2010, 10:20:18 pm
Yeah, 1UP said that Nintendo clearly won E3 this year.  With that lineup, it's easy to see why.

I played through Red Faction 1 and 2 earlier this year, and I think the games have held up pretty well.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on June 18, 2010, 12:01:04 pm
Nintendo literally exploded with news during their performance. I swear a puddle of water came down my shorts after seeing a New Zelda, DKC, the 3DS, etc. Oh yeah, who agrees that the 3DS might get Chrono Cross?

Or another port of Chrono 3D! :D

Also, the two new Castlevania games look sweet and almost made up for how otherwise crappy Konami's E3 presentation was...though still not laser tag or Skittles bad...>_>
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on June 18, 2010, 01:31:10 pm
Ok, so is the 3DS actually 3D like the current movie fad or 3D as in polygons? I still don't understand. When we saw the video it wasn't 3D, then again I wasn't there and who's to say the trailer was in 3D.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on June 18, 2010, 03:08:19 pm
Oh yeah, who agrees that the 3DS might get Chrono Cross?

I certainly hope so. Ideally, Square Enix could collaborate with Monolith Soft on remaking the game, and... y'know... it might get them in the mood, you know what I'm saying?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on June 19, 2010, 03:56:15 pm
Bad news for RPG fans:

Whether you like the Tales series or not, this news does not bode well for the RPG genre.  True, Tales hasn't exactly been known for innovation, but rather than innovate the series to help right the sinking ship it is more likely that Bandai/Namco will just let it die to trim costs.

Personally, I liked Vesperia, but the whole business about the 360 version being a beta for the "complete" PS3 version (that won't be coming to the States btw) was a really bad move.  It left an entire console fan-base in the dust.  Why did they bother localizing the 360 version if they never intended to release the complete game outside of Japan?  (Yet another mystifying business decision by a Japanese developer.)  And don't even get me started about them leaving Xenosaga unfinished.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: skylark on June 19, 2010, 05:02:09 pm
Weall I keep hearing that Namco/Bandai is prejudiced against foreigners.

Then again, I heard this on Gamefaqs, so take this with a grain of salt.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on June 21, 2010, 02:23:09 pm
Hmm.  I've only played a little bit of Symphonia.  However a close friend of mine is a huge fan of them.  I'll have to check if he knows.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on June 21, 2010, 03:14:11 pm
Did either version of Tales of Hearts ever get a translation...?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on June 22, 2010, 04:32:49 am
Did either version of Tales of Hearts ever get a translation...?

I checked Gamespot and there was only information for a Japanese release, which was back in 2008.  A great many of the Tales games never made it out of Japan.  (And people wonder why the developer was losing money.)  :roll:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on June 23, 2010, 07:04:21 pm
That's a little disappointing to hear. I loved Tales of Symphonia back in the day, and I was unhappy when none of the DS or PSP Tales games were localized. I kind of suspected that Namco wasn't doing too well lately though, what with their merger, spotty localization track record, and general lack of high-profile games.
By the way, you might want to post content warnings when linking to Sankaku Complex.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on June 23, 2010, 08:19:51 pm
This is to counter SE's idea of "games not needing story".
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on June 23, 2010, 09:49:44 pm
Well, games can avoid story, but you know it is like flour, you don't have to eat it, but you can't deny its importance to food.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on June 24, 2010, 12:55:44 pm
I think what they meant is current video gamming, story can be in any genre it's no longer exclusive to RPG or more specifically Turn Based RPGs. Even BlazBlue had an amazing story. That's right a 2D fighter, I'd argue it was better than FF13's story. Today the gameplay is more of the top priority, because no matter what type of game a story can be implemented.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on June 26, 2010, 02:43:53 pm
I'm a big fan of Cracked and especially David Wong, but let's face it, the guy's shtick is to be extremely negative about absolutely everything, and he's more than willing to twist or overlook a few facts to make his point. He's been preaching doomsday for the video game industry for a good solid half a decade now, and while it may not be in the best shape creatively at the moment, it's nowhere near as bad as he makes it sound. This year's E3 saw the announcement of new projects from Eric Chahi and Tetsuya Mizuguchi, two of the most revered figures of the art-game crowd and, by extent, the creative fringes of video gaming; I would've thought that would be enough to please most naysayers, but somehow these seem to be overlooked entirely. I'm not going to make any excuses for the bulk of mainstream titles, though; I liked the JPG in Wong's second article so much I saved it to my computer.

My basic philosophy on story in games (simplified considerably) is that it should either be REALLY GOOD, or virtually nonexistent. There's nothing I love more than a good interactive narrative, but if storytelling isn't going to be one of your top priorities, then just give me a fun game and don't bog it down with a story no one cares about. Or, put another way: the higher the story-to-gameplay ratio is in a game, the greater obligation said story is under to be good. When you reach the point of, say, having nine-and-a-half hours of cutscenes in your game (hello, Metal Gear Solid 4) your story sure as hell better trump most A-list Hollywood productions (MGS4 didn't). Actually, no game should have nine-and-a-half hours of cutscenes, period. Segregation of cutscenes and gameplay is the way of the past; cutscenes in this day and age should only be used as a last resort to communicate information that absolutely cannot be conveyed in-game, and if they are still going to take up such a massive bulk of the experience you're creating then you need to consider working in a different medium. Today we have games that tell surprisingly powerful stories with a bare minimum of actual narrative (c.f. Shadow of the Colossus, Portal) and games with veritable brick-tons of narrative and cinematic ambitions that still only manage the storytelling and directorial nuance of a student film project on a multimillion-dollar (MGS4, Heavy Rain). Game designers who overestimate their abilities as storytellers try to make movies. The best video game storytellers, on the other hand, recognize the universal truth of the medium, and the one that fundamentally separates it from film: the star of a video game is never, ever the supposed main character: it is ALWAYS, and by the very nature of the medium always will be, the player. The best storytellers in video games recognize the crucial importance of player experience, and use it to create narratives of power and personal involvement that could not be approximated in any other medium.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on June 27, 2010, 01:14:09 am
I finally bought my own Xbox 360 to add to my collection of consoles, along with Soul Caliber IV.

And I am enjoying it thoroughly.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on July 04, 2010, 04:09:49 pm
Well, joy to you TK now add me! lol...PRO TIP FOR XBOX 360: "I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 (" is an awesome XBL Indie Game that's only $1 (80 Microsoft Points) and gives you all the joy and fun you had with Smash TV (Geometry Wars for you newschoolers out there) only with FOUR PLAYERS!

Also, I just beat BioShock and it was indeed awesome. I'm still not in love with the controls and I definitely saved the big weapons for no good reason (& used the machine gun too much, the pistol not enough and zooming hardly at all)...I rarely used the chemical thrower for example and only used the grenade launcher on Big Daddies...I guess I could have set traps with the crossbow, but I never really thought that far ahead...only missed the research for the automated stuff (cameras, turrets, flying drones) and missed one weapon upgrade station somewhere...I saved all of the Little Sisters and all in all had a very good time.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Hayden on July 13, 2010, 06:25:24 am
What games are your playing at the moment?
Me I'm playing The World Ends With You and Lunar: Silver Star Story. I really recommend TWEWY if you have a DS the battle system is wicked fun.

And Halo 3 online religiously...

Edit: Felt the topic could use a name change.

Games i play:
Breath Of Fire
World Of Warcraft
COD:Big red one
COD:Finest Hour
Chrono trigger
Chrono trigger:Prophets Guile
Chrono trigger:Retranslation
Chrono trigger:Colisum
Super Mario Kart
The Legend of zelda:A link to the past
More Zombies (( Computer Game ))
Super Metroid (( Figureing out how to end it ))
Super Mario World
Thats pretty all of them i can think of.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: RoxSilverFox on July 14, 2010, 12:53:04 pm
You know what's great? Portal, I played that for the first time ever earlier this year, and I just fell in love with it. If you haven't played it seriously consider doing so.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on July 14, 2010, 02:56:07 pm
You know what's great? Portal, I played that for the first time ever earlier this year, and I just fell in love with it. If you haven't played it seriously consider doing so.
I've played around half of it via the demo.  And a while ago I bought the game, but haven't really played it much.  Liked what I did play though.  Oh, by the way, same company, different game. 
Team Fortress 2.  Got the game a couple weeks ago and with the help of my brother have clocked like 25 hours, at least on it.  It's the kind of game that once you get it you forget about all other video games you own, and this is what you want to do all day.  In other words, it's great!  :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on July 14, 2010, 02:56:41 pm
I thought Portal was a very elegantly designed game and I really respect it... but I'm not sure I PERSONALLY love it. I dunno. Maybe it's just not my play style.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on July 19, 2010, 06:08:00 pm
I love Portal, but hate any platforming in 1st person....
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on July 20, 2010, 01:19:01 am
I'm not big on 3D platforming in general, but replaying Portal a couple months ago made me find that the maneuvering and such was a lot smoother than I had remembered. Only one or two moments in the game provoked genuine frustration, and even that was usually only temporary.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on July 21, 2010, 01:59:40 am
Director: Hiroshi Minagawa
Game Design: Yasumi Matsuno
Character Design: Akihiko Yoshida, Tsubasa Masao
Music: Hitoshi Sakimoto, Masaharu Iwata
Published by Square Enix
Famitsu says : All this talent gathered again
The article specifically says that Matsuno is personally revising the script and making all the additions and changes to the original script. There will be a lot more text in the remake script, and there will be new side stories and characters to flesh out the world and feelings of the characters in the original game.

Also, New Parasite Eve : the 3rd birthday - complete E3 trailer
U.B. remix :o ?

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on July 21, 2010, 02:19:07 am
link to article...

EDIT: To the Tactics Ogre article, I mean. If SE picked up the Ogre Battle franchise after all this time, maybe hope for Chrono isn't out of the question!

I can't wait to see Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together with yummy new sprites. And if this is just a re-release of the 1995 version, I'll shoot my toe off (nevermind, I'm getting worried I'd actually have to go through with that). I haven't found any images yet, but the rumor mill is making this seem like the Chrono Trigger re-release on the DS. But why would they need the power of the PSP if they're just using those little Super Nintendo sprites? Wouldn't the DS have been a better choice due to market penetration, or something?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on July 21, 2010, 03:19:00 am (Lols at Wheel of fortune mistake XD)

I'm absolutely delighted, It seems to be an expansion :o .

But why would they need the power of the PSP if they're just using those little Super Nintendo sprites? Wouldn't the DS have been a better choice due to market penetration, or something?
They have strong line-up for PSP, also there is a major portable game on PSP called Agito XIII, it is a full-spec FF title which means it has a world map, Airship unlike the recent FF :
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on July 21, 2010, 03:47:06 am
You just made my day Shin, thanks! I hadn't seen any of those yet. The new character artwork is delish at least.

I'm still uneasy about the fact that the sprites and environments appear non-updated, though the screens are so blurry it's difficult to tell whether they're exactly the same or if they've been heightened a few pixels. Square Enix could try playing up the fact that Tactics Ogre inspired Final Fantasy Tactics I suppose, but if they don't squeeze some nebulous minimum number of sales from the game, it could spell the complete death of the Ogre Battle franchise as long as it remains in SE's hands.

I'm probably complaining just because I want to see that Lans Hamilton musicbox scene with updated graphics. *Sniff*, poor Lans. Matsuno's such a genius.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on July 21, 2010, 02:13:35 pm
Definitely looking forward to this. I sort of wonder why they chose PSP as well, but hey, as long as it doesn't have the hideous slowdown of War of the Lions, I'm totally in.

On a similar topic, I REALLY hope the 3DS will have a Virtual Console, because I doubt I'm going to end up playing through the entirety of Ogre Battle 64 on my Wii.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on July 21, 2010, 07:56:58 pm
Everyone should go play Mass Effect 1&2 nao. That is all.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on July 22, 2010, 12:27:09 am
Wow, the English version announced!  :shock:
Press release :
JP site :
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on July 22, 2010, 12:53:01 am
Thanks again Shin! I wonder if there's some secret hidden in SE's site for the game, since certain parts of the "wheel" are mysteriously clickable.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: deviant_ambition on July 23, 2010, 02:50:01 pm
Chrono Trigger DS
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Dragon Age: Origins
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on July 28, 2010, 11:25:33 am
Any Dragon Quest fans here? I've been playing IX the past few weeks, and it has been enjoyable. However, after completion it appears to be just grind and quest, grind and quest. Which isn't bad for all players. My biggest complaints are not being able to edit my characters' appearances (with the exception of equipment) and lack of my favorite monsters (Unicorn, Great Drake, etc.).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on July 29, 2010, 09:47:26 pm
Now that I'm done collecting all the coins in New Super Mario Bros wii, I'm going to finally be moving on to Okami for the wii. There are some other wii games I want to play. This somewhat obscure game called "Little King's Story", and "Monster Hunter Tri". Oh and of course "Mario Galaxy 2".

I'm steadily running out of good DS games to play, which makes me annoyed that Tactics Ogre won't be on the DS. I guess I'll have to play the original another way. I've known about it for years and I'm really into tactics games. After I beat "Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia", I'm going to be kind of stuck looking for good games to play. I suppose I could start Heart Gold, but I really think I'm gunna wait till Pokemon Black and hope it won't be delayed.

Oh and fuck Zelda II. Hardest game ever. I hate that game so much!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on July 31, 2010, 01:26:03 pm
A while ago I played and became utterly enchanted with Dragon Quest VIII, but I felt like the style of gameplay would be much better suited to a handheld. I recently bought Dragon Quest V (not IX - DQV is becoming more expensive by the day, but I have a feeling DQIX will remain at a pretty consistent price point for some time yet) and intend to start playing it soon. That, and Persona 3 Portable. After I'm done with SMT: Strange Journey, that is. And if I'm not playing Dissidia, and haven't yet started on GTA: Chinatown Wars and haven't gotten my hands on Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Yeah, I've got a lot of handheld games on my docket. I'm taking a trip at the end of the month.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on July 31, 2010, 01:35:18 pm
I'm actually finishing up a Chrono Trigger DS playthrough. My Wii just got back in the mail today from being repaired, so I can finally continue Tales of Symphonia 2.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on August 01, 2010, 03:16:42 am
Any Dragon Quest fans here? I've been playing IX the past few weeks, and it has been enjoyable. However, after completion it appears to be just grind and quest, grind and quest. Which isn't bad for all players. My biggest complaints are not being able to edit my characters' appearances (with the exception of equipment) and lack of my favorite monsters (Unicorn, Great Drake, etc.).
I picked up IV awhile ago... I have a certain fondness for the series as the original on NES was the first RPG I played.  I dig the spruced up look, I like that they've kept so many of the old recurring characters (Slimes!) and am glad to still have some old-school level-grinding RPGs making the rounds.  But I have to say that I'm disappointed in the translations for the DS ports.  The accents and dialects, and some of the names ('Ragnar McRyan'?) just kill parts of it for me.  I'm sure the NES originals were nothing to brag about in terms of dialogue (been so long since I played them...) but the mock-medieval style was at least consistent.  Now it just varies between silliness and the occasional bad effort at being poetic.... I still cringe upon thinking of VII, with the line (paraphrasing slightly) "it appears that a black mass of depravity exists where Matilda's soul once stood." :picardno

It's just frustrating. One of those occasions where you think, "I could've done a better job than that!" with the writing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tripehound on August 02, 2010, 03:03:22 am
At least they're being consistent. Being able to maintain a theme across multiple entries in a series does provide something of a silver lining to it. :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on August 03, 2010, 08:38:00 pm
I don't own a PS3 but I saw this game for it called Heavy Rain.  Holy shit that was awesome...if you can, go play it.  Not exactly a bundle of rainbows...but amazing story and idea just for gaming in general.  No continues, game overs, etc.  No matter what happens, the story continues based on your actions.  Lose a fight?  Game continues and you just got your ass beat.

Check it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on August 06, 2010, 01:22:59 pm
I played the demo for Heavy Rain, and while the style and presentation were intriguing, it was all drowned out by absolutely terrible acting and dialogue. All (but one) of the supposedly "American" characters are clearly played by French actors, and the creators assumed actual Americans would be too stupid to notice. Speaking of the creators, the guy behind it, David Chase, is one of the most fanatically egotistical douchebags in the gaming industry, and the company of characters like Tomonobu Itagaki and Dennis Dyack, that's saying something. It also has one of the worst cases of the Uncanny Valley that I've ever seen in a retail game. And finally, I hear tell (though I cannot personally confirm) that it contains massive plot holes.

That's my two cents on the game, anyway. But if people are looking for an intensely narrative-focused game with a genuinely mature storyline, you know what they should play? Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, one of the most under-appreciated titles this gen. I've heard Alan Wake is pretty good as well, but not having a 360 I can't verify.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on August 06, 2010, 02:38:56 pm
Because demos are always so awesome.... :roll:

Play the real thing...and a lot of creators of a lot of things are douches...

I guess I'm just trying to say play the real thing...from what I've heard they got new voice actors, could be wrong.  But yea play the real thing if you can. 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on August 08, 2010, 02:31:28 pm
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift is blowing my mind. The story has so many twists it wrecks my face at every turn.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: on August 10, 2010, 03:58:54 pm
Mostly Wii games with my friends : MK, New Super Mario Bros, Mario Tennis or Guitar Hero among others, with all the fun and the laughing it implies. When I'm thinking about it, it's been a while since I last played a RPG game...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Phillies64 on August 11, 2010, 11:29:41 am
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift is blowing my mind. The story has so many twists it wrecks my face at every turn.

I stick to Capcom fighters mainly because I'm too old to get good at anything else, but the BlazBlue community seems pretty awesome. I've watch a few tournies and the gameplay looks pretty intenese.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on August 12, 2010, 11:49:20 am
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift is blowing my mind. The story has so many twists it wrecks my face at every turn.

I stick to Capcom fighters mainly because I'm too old to get good at anything else, but the BlazBlue community seems pretty awesome. I've watch a few tournies and the gameplay looks pretty intenese.

I would say blazblue is easy to pick up. The first game was very noob friendly but in continuum shift you really have to know what you're doing to be even mediocre which is hard because some of the characters can be a little outlandish to learn. For example Carl Clover is probably one of the best characters but unless you've put hours into learning how to use him (because you're basically controlling two radically different characters at the same time) he is absolutely impossible to play as. Overall it's balanced, fun, the story is incredible, and the only real problem is that you can counter pick your character more often than I'd like. (fuckin Tager)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on August 12, 2010, 10:56:28 pm
Bioshock Infinite, anyone...?!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Temporal Knight on August 13, 2010, 01:42:24 am
I don't know about you guys, but I've been playing alot of the "Retro" games lately. NES and SNES mostly. Titles may vary.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on August 13, 2010, 06:39:38 pm
YS7 finally here (:

Takeshi Kajii and Hidetaka Miyazaki tell us how the unforgiving Demon's Souls<3 captured such a large audience (":
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on August 13, 2010, 10:13:01 pm
I've been replaying FFXII lately. Just beat FFX again a week or two ago. Also been playing Star Wars Battlefield, a great FPS; Resident Evil Code Veronica X, but mostly I play Mafia Wars, Zynga Poker and Roblox.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on August 14, 2010, 07:31:30 pm
Bioshock Infinite, anyone...?!

It feels like it's been forever since the debut trailer for a game contained absolutely no gameplay whatsoever. It's a hell of a throwback.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on August 14, 2010, 07:41:37 pm
Gatotsu, was that sarcasm, hahaha...? Can't tell. Sarcasm on the Internet is such a fickle fiend.

I'm patiently awaiting for Bethesda to announce Elder Scrolls V. I think about it a lot these days. My god, I love that series. And I pray it's not an MMORPG -- I'm looking at you Knights of the Old Republic series. If I wanted an MMORPG I'd go play friggin' Flyff or World of Warcraft.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on August 14, 2010, 07:53:37 pm
Yea man it should be awesome!  MMORPG sounds bad, it would lose a lot of that awesome detail I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on August 15, 2010, 01:55:13 am
And I have no idea how the mods would work with an MMORPG. And the whole mods realm of Elder Scrolls definitely adds a lot of play value. It's one of the main components of what makes the Elder Scrolls series so friggin' amazing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on August 15, 2010, 02:14:59 am
Recently finished playing the iPhone port of Crimson Gem Saga ( It's delish in every way except the story, where it sadly falls short. But those beautiful sprites!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on August 15, 2010, 07:37:29 am
 :( Whut, no Android port?

BTW Sega beats Square Enix in graphics and awesomeness. Square Enix is finally "square".

I really wanna play this game.  :lee:

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on August 15, 2010, 01:58:02 pm
BTW Sega beats Square Enix in graphics and awesomeness. Square Enix is finally "square".
The Square fanboy inside me say," no" (: Did you see FF14 online at Ultra setting ? I don't talk only about graphics but also how they realized a Dynamic world, I just don't think Sega is capable of that when i see how they reuse RGG3(Awesome game) assets in every sequel, Also, that trailer remind me of 『Versus』 then something from Sega except with guns (:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on August 15, 2010, 04:28:31 pm
Tushantin or anyone else familiar with Android -- does it have a store similar to the iPhone's AppStore? There certainly are a ton of Android commercials nowadays. I wonder if this'll be Console Wars II: The Mobile Edition.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on August 15, 2010, 05:08:21 pm
@Boo: Yeah, I was being sarcastic. I have mixed feelings about Ken Levine and BioShock. I won't knock this new game until more is known about it, but I'm not waiting on the edge of my seat for it either.

Speaking of Sega, you know what my most anticipated game of the fall is? Vanquish. That spit looks AWESOME. Shinji Mikami directing ensures a day-one purchase from me; I've just been replaying Resident Evil 4, and damn is it good.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Nexus on August 16, 2010, 10:44:51 pm
Well surprise, surprise there is another Bioshock game currently being made. Though this one isn't going to be featured in Rapture like the first and second one thankfully. Not that I disliked Rapture but I couldn't imagine another major plot taking place in that city. Rather this one takes place in a city that is in the air! I do not know much about it besides what little I have seen in the trailer but it looks to be quite interesting. Check the trailer out in the link below if you are curious about it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on August 17, 2010, 11:51:23 pm
Bioshock Infinite, anyone...?!

It feels like it's been forever since the debut trailer for a game contained absolutely no gameplay whatsoever. It's a hell of a throwback.

The BioShock Infinite teaser was obviously (in at least partially) a nod at the original BioShock's teaser trailer...also, it can't have been long since I know there have been TWO (completely different, yet completely without gameplay) for Star Wars: The Old Republic...In general teaser trailers have been around forever (plenty showcase at Cons)...

I've been playing them games in my sig. lol
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on August 29, 2010, 01:32:39 am
Wow, so has anyone played Metroid: Other M yet? I won't be able to since I don't have a Wii, but I'm reading a lot of forum chatter about how Team Ninja completely ruined Samus' character in the minds of a lot of fans. Any Metroid fans here want to give their take?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on August 29, 2010, 09:01:40 pm
Metroid: Other M seems to have gotten pretty great reviews. It's much more story-oriented from what I hear, and they actually make Samus speak (instead of a silent protagonist that Nintendo so adamantly loves). As such, it's bound to great some controversy. Besides, when Prime came out, there was a lot of hoo-haa concerning the change to first person. As a big Metriod fan, I can't wait to play it! It surely SEEMS like a great step in the right direction...

(I'm even more excited about Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, though.)

In the meantime, I've finally picked up Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings. That should hold me over until September 7th...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on August 29, 2010, 10:26:46 pm
Dammit, Boo, I'm jealous. I somehow lost that game a couple years back and I got pretty far and wanted to beat it. I love me my strategy games.

Not doing much lately... just yahoo cards games (love Spades these days) and the old Zeldas.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on August 29, 2010, 11:06:51 pm
Dammit, Boo, I'm jealous. I somehow lost that game a couple years back and I got pretty far and wanted to beat it. I love me my strategy games.

I got it for about $10 off Ebay. Great buy. I was not expecting it to be this good. Graphics, gameplay... It's all pretty solid. Storyline is about as thin as Final Fantasy XII's, so I can't complain. Nothing new for Ivalice! I highly recommend it, though!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on August 31, 2010, 08:10:44 am
Wow, so has anyone played Metroid: Other M yet? I won't be able to since I don't have a Wii, but I'm reading a lot of forum chatter about how Team Ninja completely ruined Samus' character in the minds of a lot of fans. Any Metroid fans here want to give their take?

Haven't played it yet (it just came out today, and I'm not even in the country) but I'm pretty apprehensive about the whole story aspect. The general impression I've gotten from reviews is that it's a decent game, but disappointing for a Metroid title. If the story sucks, though, Team Ninja isn't to blame - the story was handled entirely by Yoshio Sakamoto. It was also his stubborn insistence that led to the game being controlled entirely with a single Wii remote instead of the more logical remote-and-Nunchuk combo, which seems to be the other major sticking point in nearly every review. I have a feeling Nintendo may come to regret granting him protection from editors if the fallout from this game is sufficiently bad.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: skylark on August 31, 2010, 12:13:42 pm
Wow, so has anyone played Metroid: Other M yet? I won't be able to since I don't have a Wii, but I'm reading a lot of forum chatter about how Team Ninja completely ruined Samus' character in the minds of a lot of fans. Any Metroid fans here want to give their take?

Haven't played it yet (it just came out today, and I'm not even in the country) but I'm pretty apprehensive about the whole story aspect. The general impression I've gotten from reviews is that it's a decent game, but disappointing for a Metroid title. If the story sucks, though, Team Ninja isn't to blame - the story was handled entirely by Yoshio Sakamoto. It was also his stubborn insistence that led to the game being controlled entirely with a single Wii remote instead of the more logical remote-and-Nunchuk combo, which seems to be the other major sticking point in nearly every review. I have a feeling Nintendo may come to regret granting him protection from editors if the fallout from this game is sufficiently bad.

I think the major problem is that for so many years, Metroid fans have had this certain idea of who Samus should be, and a lot are pissed and butthurt that the reality doesn't match their percieved vision. However, if you don't let that bother you, then things should be alright. Besides, these whiners are mostly going off of a G4 review.

Yeah. :P
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on September 03, 2010, 11:07:04 am
Metroid: Other M
(I'm even more excited about Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, though.)

I recommend you to use install and switch the overclock to 333mhz
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on September 04, 2010, 01:59:32 pm

Looks like fans prefer good storyline along with quick non-repetitive fun in their games. Of course, good voice actors too. Graphics don't matter to that extent so long as they enjoy playing it. XD Whoever said good games don't require good story is a blockhead.

Also, it seems Wii and DS have more buyers than PS3/360.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on September 04, 2010, 09:17:48 pm
So KH:Birth by Sleep... Is that suppose to be our KH3? Or they just not doin it?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tripehound on September 04, 2010, 10:10:03 pm
Birth by Sleep is a prequel to the original Kingdom Hearts. To my knowledge, KH3 is not currently in development, although with the series being the cash cow that it is, it's likely to come out at some point.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on September 04, 2010, 10:42:10 pm
The secret ending of Birth By Sleep sets up the events for Kingdom Hearts 3, as Kingdom Hearts games tend to do. Kingdom Hearts 3 hasn't been officially announced, but it's going to be made. I could give spoilers, but I won't. Unless you ask.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on September 05, 2010, 02:38:27 am
So KH:Birth by Sleep... Is that suppose to be our KH3? Or they just not doin it?
You can say they can't do it anytime soon, the team behind KH games works on Final Fantasy now and they are taking their time with it apparently because stuff like World map, airship, day and night cycle, actual fields and so on are Built from Scratch.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on September 05, 2010, 04:32:35 am
The secret ending of Birth By Sleep sets up the events for Kingdom Hearts 3, as Kingdom Hearts games tend to do. Kingdom Hearts 3 hasn't been officially announced, but it's going to be made. I could give spoilers, but I won't. Unless you ask.

Yep , I've seen the japanese one definatly means KH3 is going to be made .
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on September 05, 2010, 04:20:11 pm
I just saw the new secret Boss in KH BBS  :shock:

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on September 06, 2010, 06:34:54 am
Some game mods are weird. o_o Street Fighter 4 Fan-Mod features changing Dhalsim into a Yoga-Kung Fu Gandhi!

I bet poor Mohandas is turning in his grave now... Even though he's totally badass looking in the mod.  :lol:

EDIT: It's not just Gandhi. There's Doraemon, Mr T, God of War, etc.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on September 08, 2010, 04:00:20 pm
A whole playthrough of bbs in english is already on youtube ...
Seeing as I haven't got or aren't gonna get a psp , I decided to watch it ....Now I really want a psp , its definatly one of the better kh's !
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on September 08, 2010, 06:07:51 pm
I've been really impressed with the quality of KH:BBS, seeing as how it's a PSP game. I heard it had horrible load times and complaints concerning the "install feature" (in which you install data onto the PSP in order to decrease on the load times); so far it's been super fun!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on September 08, 2010, 07:13:17 pm
Preordered Pokemon Black... I wonder when the hell I will get it D:. They already got over a million preorders on it, so it might be a while before it's shipped to me >_<.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on September 08, 2010, 07:15:55 pm (

Well, can't say I didn't saw it coming...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on September 09, 2010, 02:06:12 am
I've been really impressed with the quality of KH:BBS, seeing as how it's a PSP game. I heard it had horrible load times and complaints concerning the "install feature" (in which you install data onto the PSP in order to decrease on the load times); so far it's been super fun!
I've put the CPU to "Accelerated" (333 mhz) and max setting from configuration menu to get more out of this game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on September 11, 2010, 10:46:37 pm
Birth by Sleep is officially hands down the best Kingdom Hearts game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on September 13, 2010, 12:15:37 am (

Well, can't say I didn't saw it coming...

Super Dissidia vs Capcom vs Tekken vs Marvel?...oh, right, that's why it's still on PSP...Could be cool if they learned some things. My favorite thing about this announcement is that we should soon be seeing awesome new toys of awesome oldschool characters! I wonder how many new characters are being put in...*crosses fingers for Shadow & Interceptor*
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on September 18, 2010, 11:22:04 pm
I would like the spoilers as to what you know about KH3. I hate those handheld games. I can't play an RPG on a handheld.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on September 19, 2010, 08:27:58 am
I would like the spoilers as to what you know about KH3. I hate those handheld games. I can't play an RPG on a handheld.
What we know so far, KH3 is not in development yet. The problem is that the major staff that had contributed to KH development is very busy right now developing "Versus XIII". Nomura was even honest to say "there isn’t much I can do on KHIII" in terms of full production, But he confirmed certain things about it. First, Regardless what is the platform it has to be on console. Second, KHIII will be the conclusion of the Xehanort and that Sora will still be the main character.

So far they showed a short clip for Versus :
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on September 19, 2010, 04:36:47 pm
Also, Kingdom Hearts: coded (which was originally a Japanese cellphone exclusive) is being remade for the DS and is a "filler" game between Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts III. Together with Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep they are setting the stage for Kingdom Hearts III, much like Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories set the stage for Kingdom Hearts II. There's also a Birth by Sleep: Final Mix coming out which surely will only further create a link to the next game in the series.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on September 20, 2010, 06:04:18 pm
Did Square Enix even have a press conference at TGS? I was kind of curious to see if they'd reveal any projects for the 3DS (like, say, a FF6 or, if we really want to dream big, Chrono Cross remake).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on September 21, 2010, 08:49:55 am
Did Square Enix even have a press conference at TGS? I was kind of curious to see if they'd reveal any projects for the 3DS (like, say, a FF6 or, if we really want to dream big, Chrono Cross remake).
No, there wasn't any conference scheduled. This year was all about playable booths for The 3rd birthday, Tactics Ogre , FF14, Dissidia012 and so on. There will be a conference on 1/11/11 for Versus XIII, Agito and they will announce a number of titles but i am not sure if FF6 or Chrono will be one of them.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on September 22, 2010, 01:47:19 am
I finally found revanent wings : D. Turns out it was in my CTDS case. Whoops! I hope to get back into that soon. Otherwise, I'm still mostly poking around at old nintendo games. I'm going through Mario 2 right now. I don't know why I'm not playing it on the SNES. The game was a lot nicer to you on Mario Allstars. I think maybe when I was little, I used to better at platformers, but now I seem to suck a lot more at them. Maybe it's because when I was younger, I only used to play platformers. Now I have more varied interests, I suppose. I'm so loyal to Toad that he's the only character I use. I should just use the Princess at the hard parts, but I can't seem to bring myself to abandon my little annoying mushroom retainer.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on September 22, 2010, 10:46:02 pm
I finally found revanent wings : D. Turns out it was in my CTDS case. Whoops! I hope to get back into that soon. Otherwise, I'm still mostly poking around at old nintendo games. I'm going through Mario 2 right now. I don't know why I'm not playing it on the SNES. The game was a lot nicer to you on Mario Allstars. I think maybe when I was little, I used to better at platformers, but now I seem to suck a lot more at them. Maybe it's because when I was younger, I only used to play platformers. Now I have more varied interests, I suppose. I'm so loyal to Toad that he's the only character I use. I should just use the Princess at the hard parts, but I can't seem to bring myself to abandon my little annoying mushroom retainer.

I've been playing older Nintendo stuff as well. Started playing Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time. I kind of want to do a Zeldathon and play every game in the series.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on September 23, 2010, 12:51:35 am
I finally found revanent wings : D. Turns out it was in my CTDS case. Whoops! I hope to get back into that soon. Otherwise, I'm still mostly poking around at old nintendo games. I'm going through Mario 2 right now. I don't know why I'm not playing it on the SNES. The game was a lot nicer to you on Mario Allstars. I think maybe when I was little, I used to better at platformers, but now I seem to suck a lot more at them. Maybe it's because when I was younger, I only used to play platformers. Now I have more varied interests, I suppose. I'm so loyal to Toad that he's the only character I use. I should just use the Princess at the hard parts, but I can't seem to bring myself to abandon my little annoying mushroom retainer.

I've been playing older Nintendo stuff as well. Started playing Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time. I kind of want to do a Zeldathon and play every game in the series.

Jutters my darling, what have you been up to? :3.  I don't come on MSN anymore at all, so sadly we can't talk D:. Hope you're doing well.

Anyway, if you're doing a Zelda marathon, I recommend skipping that horrid Zelda II. Fuck that game. Seriously ;_;. Zelda 1 is amazing, though. Beat it twice in a row. I still have yet to beat Ocarina of time and Link to the Past XD;. I'm such a slacker. I usually beat my games!!

BTW, I have tried another metroid game. Supposedly the most popular one- Super Metroid. My friend and I got stuck pretty much within the first 5 mins. I don't think I'm ever going to try another metroid game again.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on September 23, 2010, 08:23:18 pm
I finally found revanent wings : D. Turns out it was in my CTDS case. Whoops! I hope to get back into that soon. Otherwise, I'm still mostly poking around at old nintendo games. I'm going through Mario 2 right now. I don't know why I'm not playing it on the SNES. The game was a lot nicer to you on Mario Allstars. I think maybe when I was little, I used to better at platformers, but now I seem to suck a lot more at them. Maybe it's because when I was younger, I only used to play platformers. Now I have more varied interests, I suppose. I'm so loyal to Toad that he's the only character I use. I should just use the Princess at the hard parts, but I can't seem to bring myself to abandon my little annoying mushroom retainer.

I've been playing older Nintendo stuff as well. Started playing Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time. I kind of want to do a Zeldathon and play every game in the series.

Jutters my darling, what have you been up to? :3.  I don't come on MSN anymore at all, so sadly we can't talk D:. Hope you're doing well.

Anyway, if you're doing a Zelda marathon, I recommend skipping that horrid Zelda II. Fuck that game. Seriously ;_;. Zelda 1 is amazing, though. Beat it twice in a row. I still have yet to beat Ocarina of time and Link to the Past XD;. I'm such a slacker. I usually beat my games!!

BTW, I have tried another metroid game. Supposedly the most popular one- Super Metroid. My friend and I got stuck pretty much within the first 5 mins. I don't think I'm ever going to try another metroid game again.

I been doing alright. I'm never on MSN anymore either lol. Work and school has kind of taken over my life lol. I was really thinking about skipping Zelda II, but I might take a shot at it and see if I can make it through. I haven't played it since I was a child, but I remember getting so pissed off while playing it haha. Super Metroid is great. I still haven't beat it I always start it and get to a spot where I can't figure out what to do and end up deciding to take a break, but I never seem to pick it back up.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZaichikArky on September 24, 2010, 03:47:44 am

I been doing alright. I'm never on MSN anymore either lol. Work and school has kind of taken over my life lol. I was really thinking about skipping Zelda II, but I might take a shot at it and see if I can make it through. I haven't played it since I was a child, but I remember getting so pissed off while playing it haha. Super Metroid is great. I still haven't beat it I always start it and get to a spot where I can't figure out what to do and end up deciding to take a break, but I never seem to pick it back up.

Yeah I don't come on MSN anymore because the only people I talked on there was someone from this forum who now is extremely unpleasant to talk to because he's really bent out of shape on things going on in his life, and someone who constantly solicited me for porn of myself... well there were two guys who fit that description. One from this forum, but the other one I'm talking to, my bf found out about and  got really pissed off. Anyway, yeah no more MSN for me.

I'm glad you're keeping busy. I hope the back isn't giving you as much trouble as it used to. A friend of mine has a back problem from two carwrecks. She's on bad insurance and can't work so it's really hard for her : (. She's a really sweet girl, I hope that the back thing can be helped. She's started regularly going to the gym but said that it seems to have gotten worse >_>;. I wish she could afford to see a chiropractor.

 My bf, who is really hardcore metroid, said that next time I play metroid, he'll be there and go through it with me, so maybe I'll do that with him, but maybe not D:.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on October 18, 2010, 11:52:40 pm
I got to the last dungeon in FFI (GBA Remake) and just stopped. Literally halted. I lost ALL interest - I got to that point from the beginning in a day, after all.
Also, I'm on the final boss of Dragon Quest V and he's ball bustingly difficult. I died against him and had to restart the ENTIRE FINAL DUNGEON. The prospect of returning to grinding scares the willies out of me.
In other RPG news, I recently discovered Final Fantasy III (SNES) can be played with two controllers, so my friend Mormon Jesus and I attempted a game and named the characters horrible things that will ruin the upcoming drama. That really is very very fun and highly recommended for any RPGophiles with similar minded friends.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on October 19, 2010, 12:14:26 am
Just got Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon and it is BEAUTIFUL.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on October 19, 2010, 12:34:13 am
Just got Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon and it is BEAUTIFUL.

I keep forgetting that game exists. I remember it looking really pretty but I've never really bothered to look up anything about it. Maybe I'll buy it sometime.

I'm playing Pokemon White (and now Black). I've done most of what I can do now, beaten the Elite Four and Adeku the second time round, fought Cynthia, fought the Game Freak director, etc. My party's currently lv70s. I really love this game, there's so much to do and it just feels... right. It could do with a VS Seeker, but christ, I spent hours just fighting the rich family in Sazanami Town and the sports players in the domes (they reset every day). I really love the new pokemon too, as well as the choice to have you use Isshu monsters until post-E4. My only problem there is the feeling that they intended some of them to be evolutions of old pokemon, but then decided against it due to the Isshu-only rule. For example, Mamanbou totally looks like a Luvdisc evo, and the afrobull looks like a Tauros evo. Shinpora could even be an Unown evo! Look at the head!

But yeah, uhhh great game and all!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on October 19, 2010, 01:30:00 am
I remember telling my friend in Elementary school there would NEVER be Pokemon White and Black due to percepted racism (or something.) I was wrong.
I'll wait a year after Black/White to buy the 3rd version that's always infinitely superior to the original.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on October 19, 2010, 09:46:28 am
Pokemon GRAY!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on October 19, 2010, 02:33:05 pm
Pokemon GRAY!

It probably will be called Gray/Grey! There's even a grey dragon legendary!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on October 19, 2010, 03:19:42 pm
Did anyone here about Cave Story Wii?  Nicalis finally got around to fixing it.  The soundtrack is actually a decent alternative to the original, and they made the game actually work.  Normally I'd give them a high five, but for taking 7 months to make your game worth playing, you get a nod of approval.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on October 19, 2010, 08:09:20 pm
Did anyone here about Cave Story Wii?  Nicalis finally got around to fixing it.  The soundtrack is actually a decent alternative to the original, and they made the game actually work.  Normally I'd give them a high five, but for taking 7 months to make your game worth playing, you get a nod of approval.

What was wrong with it in the first place? I bought it on day one and loved it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on October 19, 2010, 08:18:42 pm (

Of all things ever to be placed into a cross-over... this? 'Shocked' can't even start to describe my reaction... lol

Seriously though, I'm really impressed. Note to self, make sure to get a 3DS.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on October 21, 2010, 08:17:54 pm
Did anyone here about Cave Story Wii?  Nicalis finally got around to fixing it.  The soundtrack is actually a decent alternative to the original, and they made the game actually work.  Normally I'd give them a high five, but for taking 7 months to make your game worth playing, you get a nod of approval.

What was wrong with it in the first place? I bought it on day one and loved it.
I made a post about it back when it came out.  It's on page 110 if you're interested.  But in a nutshell, at least compared to the original, the soundtrack sucked, the translation was annoying with some of the things they changed, and most of the new modes they made are dumb which basically meant that the only reason to spend $12 on a game you already have for free is slightly upgraded graphics.  There were also a bunch of other glitches and all around annoying additions that just made the game annoying.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on October 21, 2010, 10:45:25 pm
Huh. I thought the soundtrack was decent and the translation didn't bother me much. I was happy to pay for the game to support it's creator, but if it's better than it was then by all means, i'll go get mine updated.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on November 06, 2010, 05:05:03 pm
Radiant Historia (

This game was released a few days ago in Japan, and I have high hopes for it, specifically because of the method of gameplay: time travel. As a player, your main goal is to travel time and space to create an ideal future. Sound familiar?

The game is published by Atlus. Many of the developers of Radiata Stories worked on this, along with music by Yoko Shimomura (Kingdom Hearts). So it has good people. Battles are turn-based, take place on a 3x3 grid, and are initiated by contact (no random battles!). Also of note is an "auto-battle" button. For time/space travel, all changes to the timeline are recorded on a chart, which I'm assuming the player can re-access as parallel dimensions. And of course, with control over time, there are multiple endings.

It looks like something us Chrono fans might enjoy. Only two problems: 1) You need a DS; and 2) We have to wait for a North American release date first. :(
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on November 06, 2010, 08:28:08 pm (

Could it be the DS will finish with a bang...? Looks like it... :franky
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on November 11, 2010, 02:04:26 pm
Mario Sports Mix adds in the inclusion of FF and a DQ character.

The DQ character is unknown at the moment. you can see the copyright notice on the official site.

I just wish they could put Chrono characters in Nintendo games.....perhaps in the next smash bros. we could see Crono.

thought i also share this.

Not sure if I posted this before ( think I did) but you can hear Secret of the Forest, Memories of Green , and Dungeon theme (ALttP). in fact Pokemon BW (G in 2/3 years time) does remind me of CT.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on November 12, 2010, 01:32:00 pm
I just finished Tales of Symphonia 2 a few days ago. I REALLY enjoyed that game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on November 13, 2010, 11:29:32 am
Please delete this post if it's inappropriate, but...

Super Mario Bros 3 REBOOT! XD
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on November 13, 2010, 08:24:46 pm
It's really awkward situation, I mean I like SMB series, but I can never play a game well enough -- they are just too hard for me. :x

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on November 13, 2010, 10:24:37 pm
Holy cow, that's amazing. I take it it's a conversion of one of the Nintendo DS Mario Bros. games?

I think Nintendo's liable to let it slide given their hands-off attitude toward fan mods so far, but this will be interesting to follow.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on November 14, 2010, 12:17:09 am
My observation is that Nintendo often tends to decide whether to act against fan projects on the basis of quality. That horrible Zelda fan-movie from a while back was shut down before it could be disseminated amongst the unsuspecting public; by contrast, There Will Be Brawl has gone completely untouched. NoA have even pretty much admitted to turning a blind eye to the Mother 3 fan-translation.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on November 14, 2010, 03:50:50 am
Has this been mentioned here yet?

Two guys decided to do their own HD sonic. Some call it the "Real" Sonic 4.

Others claim it's actually more like Sonic 44 (EDIT: this was an attempt at a joke. I have no idea how many Sonic games there actually are, but it seems like 4 was kind of overlooking a ...few).

All semantics aside, the videos look beautiful and I haven't played but I HAVE downloaded the available demo and am about to czech eet owt mang.

Look here, Sonic 4 Official Screenshots:



And then compare with screens from this "Fan ReMix".



Where is the real talent? In the hands of people who love what they do and don't give a damn about money.  I hope they don't see the same fate as CE.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on November 14, 2010, 03:57:13 am
Did a BRO-OP RUN of Kirby Super Star on SNES con un amigo yesterday night. Went from 0 percent to 100 percent in 4 or 5 hours.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on November 14, 2010, 06:08:52 am
Mr. Bekkler, I had not been aware of that Sonic fangame. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus. I just wanna know how those people afford food while they create something that magnanimous. Looks like it's from scratch too, though I'm not familiar with the post-Genesis Sonic games at all. Here's to hoping that team has a bright future in the industry.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on November 14, 2010, 07:50:53 am
Mr. Bekkler, I had not been aware of that Sonic fangame. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus. I just wanna know how those people afford food while they create something that magnanimous. Looks like it's from scratch too, though I'm not familiar with the post-Genesis Sonic games at all. Here's to hoping that team has a bright future in the industry.

From what I can gather, their team is just two people who are doing it for fun! I just ran across it on youtube and was blown away.

I think the graphics are from scratch, but I'm not sure about the level design.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on November 14, 2010, 07:58:14 am
LOL, I was not a fan of Sonic, but that's pure art. Impressive.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on November 14, 2010, 08:05:02 am
Sonic was never my bag either, really. Nintendo>Sega (IMHO). I really want to see what the same guys could do with Donkey Kong Country.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on November 16, 2010, 07:08:12 pm
Sonic was the game I grew up on (that, and Pokemon), so I think it's great that the fans are putting so much dedication into this. Unfortunately, the graphics are so beautiful that the demo caused my computer to crash. Ah well.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on November 25, 2010, 09:33:25 pm
Oh snap, guys! If you've got an iPhone or iPod Touch 2G+, pick up Ash while it's free.  ( Most well-written story I've seen in a videogame in awhile. While it contains tons of cliche, the writer(s) played with it purposely in a way that made it clear their aim was to get the old Dragon Quest style JRPG right.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on November 29, 2010, 09:56:15 pm
Found Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney for DS the other day at a small gamestop in the sole shopping mall of a small Tea-Party controlled city in the middle of the Arizonan desert.

I've been looking for this game for 2 years for a cheap price and finally found it for 12 dollars.

I almost indulged and bought the Wiiware releases - but JUSTICE PREVAILED.

Also, I'm pissed that I missed the free release of Ash. It sounds awesome.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on November 30, 2010, 11:54:36 am
Anyone else playing Golden Sun Dark Dawn?

Super Mario Bros 3 REBOOT! XD

I played this last week and sadly it's kinda iffy. There's a lot of objects/items in SMB3 that aren't in NSMB, and as a result of that it comes off rather weird and feels really unfinished. If he imports/makes the stuff the game needs then it'll be good.

Two guys decided to do their own HD sonic. Some call it the "Real" Sonic 4.

This isn't directed at you, but people will bitch endlessly about how 4 is a "rehash" and there's "nothing new" and it just takes everything from Sonic 2... then they go and defend a fangame that's a remake of 2. Fanremix does look really awesome though, but I'll continue to defend 4 as a decent game, albeit one that needs a lot of polishing. I've been reading that Sega have been asking fans where they went wrong so that Episode 2 can be improved, so I'm hopeful.

Look here, Sonic 4 Official Screenshots:
Where is the real talent? In the hands of people who love what they do and don't give a damn about money.  I hope they don't see the same fate as CE.

Fanremix is ridiculously gorgeous, I'll give you that. Sonic 4's graphics probably had to be dumbed down to allow for the Wii, but christ the 3D models look lifeless.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on November 30, 2010, 03:49:39 pm
Two guys decided to do their own HD sonic. Some call it the "Real" Sonic 4.

This isn't directed at you, but people will bitch endlessly about how 4 is a "rehash" and there's "nothing new" and it just takes everything from Sonic 2... then they go and defend a fangame that's a remake of 2. Fanremix does look really awesome though, but I'll continue to defend 4 as a decent game, albeit one that needs a lot of polishing. I've been reading that Sega have been asking fans where they went wrong so that Episode 2 can be improved, so I'm hopeful.

Fanremix is ridiculously gorgeous, I'll give you that. Sonic 4's graphics probably had to be dumbed down to allow for the Wii, but christ the 3D models look lifeless.

Agreed for the most part. I'm not big on the Sonic 4 hate, in fact I can't say anything about the Real (no quotes) Sonic 4. I haven't played it. But I played the Remix demo and it was really fun, absolutely gorgeous, and the controls felt right. If it were for sale I'd buy it without thinking twice. I'd love a Sonic 4 demo, actually, so I could at least compare the two, gameplay-wise. I'm just not going to buy it solely because it's Sonic.

My main point was just that the fans who put the Remix together have done some AMAZING work for no money, without a big team, and out of love. It's inspiring.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on December 09, 2010, 01:03:04 am
Gamers ditching DS, PSP, for the iPhone. (

What I'm most curious about are the price-deflationary effects this has got to be having within the industry. A typical DS or PSP game goes for, what, $20~30 USD? Games that have been released on those platforms have sold for $9.99 apiece, at pretty much full quality compared to the original versions.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Iyellalot on December 10, 2010, 11:47:39 pm
Man, fuck the iPhone. I want my Nintendo DS to remain the top handheld.

Anyway, I just started playing Lufia II on the SNES. Great game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on December 11, 2010, 02:39:38 am
My droid is absolutely the top handheld. I have the entire Chrono series on my phone. Portable CT, RD, CC, (FoE, I was curious what they changed)

With a game gripper (, and overclocking(requires rooting, and only really benefits the psx emulator) it plays relatively just about everything I've tried smoothly, with a few exceptions. Physical keyboard FTW.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on December 11, 2010, 06:45:37 am
Yeah, fuck iPhone. It's too expensive here.  :? As expensive as buying an i7 Laptop.

PANDORA! Now we're talking!  ( :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on December 13, 2010, 01:28:21 am
BTW golden sun dark dawn dark is awesome
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on December 13, 2010, 03:57:15 am
Is it? I was hoping it would be. I've enjoyed playing the Golden Sun games for other systems.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on December 13, 2010, 05:50:48 am
PANDORA! Now we're talking!  ( :lol:

That's actually really cool, ill look into getting one if my droid ever dies!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on December 13, 2010, 06:36:05 am
Yeah Dark Dawn only has one problem. Theres a little bit of an obvious for the story and a little bit of easy in the game. But it's still an enjoyable experience. 9/10
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: idioticidioms on December 13, 2010, 09:38:47 am
Nice. I'll have to set aside some money and go buy it, then.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on January 07, 2011, 12:34:26 am
Recently decided that I was done with competitive gaming for my own sanity. I still dabble in Team Fortress 2, but it is hardly competitive on most servers. Been playing Final Fantasy IX, and Super Mario World. Feels good man.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on January 07, 2011, 01:06:59 am
FFIX is my second favorite RPG ever.

Good choice, my friend.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on January 07, 2011, 01:09:50 am
I got a SuperCard DSTWO for christmas. Basically, an R4 that can also emulate GBA, GBC, and SNES very well on the DS. This is the impossible thing I salviated over to allow me to play CT on my DS... Before CTDS, of course. The R4 part is leading to some interesting moral dillemas on my part... For now, all I've used it for is to play fan translated DS games, like Tales of Innocence.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on January 07, 2011, 01:02:25 pm
Currently plugging away at no less than three different RPGs on my handhelds: Persona 3 Portable, Final Fantasy VIII and Dragon Quest V. All superb games (well, except maybe FF8, which is *almost* boring enough for me to stop playing, but I'll make it to the end of the first disc and see if it picks up), but man, it'll be a while before I'm playing anything new. I still have Final Fantasy IX but haven't started yet, and I want to pick up Dragon Quest IX before I go to a con next month, not to mention Tactics Ogre and Radiant Historia when they come out, and Vagrant Story and Xenogears when they come out on PSN. Man, I'm gonna be set for handheld RPGs for like, a year. And that's before I get my hands on a 3DS.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on January 07, 2011, 02:33:01 pm
Currently plugging away at no less than three different RPGs on my handhelds: Persona 3 Portable, Final Fantasy VIII and Dragon Quest V. All superb games (well, except maybe FF8, which is *almost* boring enough for me to stop playing, but I'll make it to the end of the first disc and see if it picks up), but man, it'll be a while before I'm playing anything new. I still have Final Fantasy IX but haven't started yet, and I want to pick up Dragon Quest IX before I go to a con next month, not to mention Tactics Ogre and Radiant Historia when they come out, and Vagrant Story and Xenogears when they come out on PSN. Man, I'm gonna be set for handheld RPGs for like, a year. And that's before I get my hands on a 3DS.

FFIX is so great it's my favorite jrpg. The cast is just excellent and it's really a throwback to the 16 bit days. I enjoyed the card game in FFVIII more than I did the game itself lol. I found the characters in VIII besides Zell to be horrible. Squall's theme song should be "Crawling In My Skin".
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on January 07, 2011, 03:53:07 pm
Honestly, I kind of like Squall. He's refreshingly cynical, a welcome break from the "love and friendship" spouting, bouncy shonen protagonists of most JRPGs. He and Seifer are really the only characters who seem at all interesting to me thus far. Everyone else is a cardboard cutout. Especially Selphie.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on January 07, 2011, 10:54:03 pm
The overwhelming majority of protagonists since FFVII imo have been brooding emo boys. There are a few exceptions but man I really hated Squall lol. I'm glad you are enjoying the game tho.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on January 08, 2011, 05:05:13 am
Yeah, I kinda prefer badass characters over emo ones myself, although I don't really mind the latter.  :lol: Personally, I loved Cid's (FFVII) attitude.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on January 10, 2011, 02:17:23 pm
See, I think the word "emo" is frequently misused. A character is "emo" if they 1) spend tons of time whining about 2) something stupid or easily remedied. Squall barely says ANYTHING, let alone talking about his feelings, so I don't really understand why he's classified as "emo" for any reason other than his typical Nomura character design. I like that - I'll take it anyday over a constantly-talkative "HEY GUYS LET'S SAVE THE WORLD!!" protagonist, at any rate. What I like about him is that he's kind of a downer. He's kind of a dick. The writers actually had the courage to create a character that wasn't an unambiguously wonderful hero and that, maybe, not everyone would instantly like (or possibly ever like). There's some nuance to him - he's harder to classify than "good guy", "bad guy" or "antihero". There's some personality to him - and like the people we meet in real life, it's not necessarily a personality we find appealing. We could use more characters like that in video games. It's too bad that the rest of the cast are (thus far) two-dimensional anime cliches, though. (Except for Seifer, who clearly has some depth to him.)

Don't get me wrong, so far the game is still one of my less-enjoyed Final Fantasy games, and I definitely can't see myself ever replaying it after I'm done (though FF games rarely offer much in terms of replay value anyway). The story moves forward at a molasses pace and with no driving goal or motivation for the player or the character. Far too much of the time is spent wading through entirely non-interactive dialogue, and far too little time is spent actually, y'know, PLAYING a GAME. (Triple Triad doesn't count.) The reason I'm still playing is in the hopes that the game will eventually "open up", allowing me actual room to explore, fight bad guys, optimize my party and do all the other stuff that one usually associates with PLAYING an RPG. I imagine I probably will enjoy Final Fantasy IX a lot more, though, when I get around to it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on January 10, 2011, 04:10:25 pm

I like this game.
I don't even know why, as I hate a lot of the songs.
But I really, really, like this game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 11, 2011, 01:09:52 am
So, I recently decided to play Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, to give the game a try, and I must say, I'm not dissapointed. I really like that game. It's been fun, the story amazing so far, and the trials very interesting, even though finding them challenging at time, but I like that anyway.

I certainly wasn't really expecting what to find before playing, but I don't regret that now.  :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on January 11, 2011, 02:40:14 am
Yeah, Phoenix Wright is definitely a winner. The first four cases are great, and all lead into eachother quite well - the fifth is a bit of an exception, as it's more of an isolated incident added for the DS game (the original game was a GBA release). However, it makes up for it by containing flashy new DS operated 3D flashy stuff, and the characters show up in a latter Ace Attorney game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on January 11, 2011, 03:07:37 am

I like this game.
I don't even know why, as I hate a lot of the songs.
But I really, really, like this game.

I really enjoyed Elite Beat Agents too. Some of the songs made me rage tho.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on January 11, 2011, 04:21:19 am
Do not mean to interrupt the current discussion, but has anyone ever played the two Legaia RPG games?

Legend of Legaia - PS1

Legaia 2 Duel Saga - PS2

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on January 11, 2011, 06:41:39 pm
Phoenix Wright is one of those games I always wanted to get, but then every time the opportunity presented itself I always got something else instead. One of these days I swear I'll play it... ONE OF THESE DAYS.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 11, 2011, 08:01:26 pm
Squall is a sane man in a world where fucking everyone and everything is batshit and out to get him. It's pretty understandable he's such a dick. He's a surprisingly well-developed character, too.

Then again, there's that whole "Squall's been dead since the end of disc 1" theory...

Phoenix Wright is one of those games I always wanted to get, but then every time the opportunity presented itself I always got something else instead. One of these days I swear I'll play it... ONE OF THESE DAYS.

Play ittttttttttt
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 11, 2011, 08:04:07 pm
Then again, there's that whole "Squall's been dead since the end of disc 1" theory...

Those theories are just dumb. But I'd still give them credit for having that many free time and effort to make all that stuff, as wrong as it may be...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on January 11, 2011, 10:53:42 pm
Then again, there's that whole "Squall's been dead since the end of disc 1" theory...

Those theories are just dumb. But I'd still give them credit for having that many free time and effort to make all that stuff, as wrong as it may be...

I dunno, they raise a good argument. And besides, some people speak the same way about us at the Compendium because of theories like TB and TTI
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on January 11, 2011, 11:01:53 pm

I like this game.
I don't even know why, as I hate a lot of the songs.
But I really, really, like this game.

I really enjoyed Elite Beat Agents too. Some of the songs made me rage tho.

Haha, that Mega64 link is what I've been sending to people asking what I've been playing.

The song I just played hurt my hand more than a marathon writing session.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on January 12, 2011, 09:12:16 pm
Ghost Trick: A game with Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann inspired visuals by the same people who brought us the Ace Attorney series, complete with surreal humor. The gameplay revolves around physics based puzzles and the main character is nonchalantly dead (and he has  :franky sunglasses on all the time). I'M SOLD.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on January 13, 2011, 01:30:34 am
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on January 13, 2011, 04:06:57 am
Not surprised at all, If Versus XIII is an exclusive title then they need to make a more mainstream-ish FF title, FFXIII has a lot of unused elements (Locations, summons and skills) so here we go...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on January 13, 2011, 06:03:19 am
Wow, ghosts and demons that ain't scary no more... that's becoming a fad these days.  8)

...and travel back to four minutes before a person was killed in order to change their fate.
Wasn't there a SIMILAR theme in a movie coming out this year? What was it called again... Ah, Source Code!  (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on January 13, 2011, 09:36:49 am
Oh, Godammit. FFXIII was awful. Why are they making another one?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on January 13, 2011, 10:38:00 am
Oh, Godammit. FFXIII was awful. Why are they making another one?
1-Reuse old environmental assets.
2-Tweak the battle system
3-Profit in less than two years of development ?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on January 13, 2011, 01:05:32 pm
Japan's complaining that their video game industry is failing and are they really curious as to why? 13 was not very well received neither was 14. So instead of making something new, they're going to do a rehash sequel of the second worst reviewed Final Fantasy? In what mind is that a good idea? Seriously FF15 better be AMAZING if they want to survive.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on January 13, 2011, 02:46:51 pm
It's no surprise, seeing as how there is an epilogue not included in the American version of FFXIII. Not saying that it's included in the Japanese version, either. I think it's a novella.


Pretty much immediately after the events of FFXIII Lightning goes off on her own to try and find a way to cure/heal/revive Fang and Vanille... She finds herself in some kind of Kingdom Hearts-esque darkness and it ends.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on January 13, 2011, 03:15:31 pm
Brings the total amount of different games with Final Fantasy XIII in the name to 4 now.

SE doesn't  realize the ironic contradiction they've created in their never-ending "Final" series.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on January 14, 2011, 05:05:24 am
Oh, Godammit. FFXIII was awful. Why are they making another one?

I have been hearing about this as well throughout the various "rumor-mills"

I had no major complaints with FFXIII; the music was fantastic, story unique, great graphics... HOWEVER, my only beef was...


...the fact you had to beat the game in order for all your characters to reach their maximum potential... this and the fact that they had the perfect environ for mini-games (an amusement park called Nautilus, which was frikin awesome) that ended up only being a place to check out chocobos and interact with hundreds of NPCs...


Sazh was my favorite character in FFXIII. When XIII-2 drops in due time, I would like more development with him, as he now stacks in my personal "Top 10 of overall main/supporting characters in RPGs".

By the way, if I may inquire, what was everyones main issue with FFXIII?

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on January 14, 2011, 10:42:00 am
Before tackling that beast of a question, I want to point out I have not finished the game, I am about half way through (Ch 8ish), and am trying to avoid spoilers in the hopes that I like it better when I try playing it again.

The problems start with a lack of interaction with anything. Even NPCs would only kind of fade in and out of a conversation they were already having, you couldn't actually talk TO them.

The game just FEELS different with the map off VS. the map on. If you turn the map off, the game doesn't feel so much like you're in a tiny cage, but with that overlay defining everything that's on screen as pointless fluff, directing you to the next map, it makes it REALLY easy to see "through" the code and NOT get pulled in.

The battle system, which to me, hovers between tedious and ineffective, yet was touted as "the next big thing". Paradigm shifts suck. It'd be better if you could pick and choose what each Paradigm's abilities were, but they were more set in stone than Mt. Rushmore.

My biggest problem with it, however, was the writing/naming/acting. This girl is bland, we'll call her Vanilla, but change the last letter so nobody figures it out (the voice actress, it should be noted, can not pull off an Australian accent, but is actually FROM Australia, which I found confusing)! Falcie, False-E, Lecie, I still don't know what the hell those things actually ARE. They made a point to say the names over and over and over again like they're normal words, which is a trick to get people familiar with the place and setting, it's supposed to invoke mystery and awe, like "oh this is the kind of magical place where they use pseudo-french sounding words for no reason" when there are almost definitely plain english equivalents that would have made more sense and been easier to explain and therefor follow. Those are the summon esper things? Got it. The whatever whatever is the summon esper thing for this game. Fine. Stop saying it.  I hate when sci fi type stuff uses fake words that a normal person can barely pronounce or spell.

Lightning, Snow, Fang, Hope. These ALL sound like horrible fanfiction copies of Cloud Strife. Two of them are WEATHER. But apparently Square Enix hired that horrible writer(s?) with a Noun Name obsession.

I didn't find the graphics to be all that great, honestly. The backgrounds are pretty, but so is my desktop wallpaper. The characters' faces and hair are still very polygonal and everyone looks like they're coated in oily plastic and hairspray. Uncanny valley to the MAX. The expressions don't really match the voices most of the time.
The music is acceptable, but nothing stands out. I like the story I think, but it jumps back and forth so much I don't really know what's going on.

Amongst all this, I find Sazh to be the most like-able, which is a shame, because he's clearly only there to be a token Will Smith black guy comic relief. Big monster machine thing comes up, we zoom in on Sazh to hear him say "Whooo?!" and run. It's not that much better than Barrett.

I don't hate the game, but one has to think about what exactly SquareEnix was thinking when they put it together.

All in all, I'd say the problems all stem from the lack of a unified vision among the developers of what the game should be, and the fact that all big decisions were obviously made by some sort of board or committee instead of someone who may have been able to make it all make sense.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on January 14, 2011, 02:32:08 pm
You think Vanille didn't have an Aussie accent? My girlfriend is Australian and yeah they sound like that. She actually complains about Fang having the most fake accent ever. Maybe you're just American? And actually Vanille is my favorite character. I just felt the story was odd. It didn't flow correctly at all. Sometime I was confused as to why a character felt a certain way. Their dialogue was odd to the situation. OTher than that some small things like the weapon system, ability system, and lack of content in both the jobs available per character and stuff to do besides kill random monsters. Just overall didn't work out.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Manly Man on January 14, 2011, 09:58:34 pm
So, totally switching to a different game, it was announced on Christmas that NamcoBandai is going to make a Soul Calibur V. Thoughts and theories?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on January 14, 2011, 11:41:21 pm
So, totally switching to a different game, it was announced on Christmas that NamcoBandai is going to make a Soul Calibur V. Thoughts and theories?

There have been a lot of fighting games lately. I don't know. It needs to be great although I don't expect to buy it. Especially since they don't tend to change up the games. I like rosters that change things up. tons of new characters. I loved BlazBlue Continumm Shift, but it upsets me that only two characters were added unless you download, but still the third one has a chance to change up the roster. I don't mind losing characters, in fact I think only lost characters should be downloadable content. And Soul Calibur is once of those series that's becoming notorious with this. I just hope that they pick better exclusives this time. Commander Sheppard (Mass effect) and Drake (drakes fortune) PLEASE!!!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on January 15, 2011, 02:44:16 am
You think Vanille didn't have an Aussie accent? My girlfriend is Australian and yeah they sound like that. She actually complains about Fang having the most fake accent ever. Maybe you're just American? And actually Vanille is my favorite character. I just felt the story was odd. It didn't flow correctly at all. Sometime I was confused as to why a character felt a certain way. Their dialogue was odd to the situation. OTher than that some small things like the weapon system, ability system, and lack of content in both the jobs available per character and stuff to do besides kill random monsters. Just overall didn't work out.
It may have been that it was a woman trying to voice a teenage girl, but her voice just sounds so weird. I do have family from Australia, I have been to the country, I know what the accent sounds like. She just sounds awkward as hell. Like she's reading off a piece of paper pretending to be a teenager a wee bit more "foreign" than australian. I find her to be extremely annoying. No offense to you.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on January 16, 2011, 12:51:05 am
All in all, I'd say the problems all stem from the lack of a unified vision among the developers of what the game should be, and the fact that all big decisions were obviously made by some sort of board or committee instead of someone who may have been able to make it all make sense.

And that, my friends, is the bottom line.  Games are no longer being made by real developers, but by beancounters and brown-nosers with no background in game development.  And this phenomenon is not limited to Square/Enix.  It's industry-wide.  The video-game industry is heading at a hundred miles-per-hour toward a very solid brick wall, and no one seems to know it's coming.  You can't make bad decisions for years and years and not expect to pay a price for it later.  But maybe the industry needs to suffer another crash to get rid of all the pretenders and the riff-raff.  :(
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on January 16, 2011, 01:33:37 am
Thanks for the feedback Bekkler. I really appreciate it. Also, I do hope you plan on finishing it.

And Lennis, that is an excellent summary of the industry.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on January 16, 2011, 01:38:09 am
On top of all that, SE publicly complained about how "hard" it is to make a game on current gen HD capable consoles. I can understand a tiny fledgeling company, or an individual person saying something like that. But Square Enix? They're big and experienced. ALL they do is make games. Everybody complains about their jobs, but not everybody feels the need to tell the press. I'm sorry about the rant, but that still irks me. I took it as another excuse why we can't have more Chrono games. :(
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on January 16, 2011, 05:24:34 am
Actually, SE isn't just a game company anymore.  They're something of a media conglomerate, with a manga publishing division that has also branched out into anime - not including the two Final Fantasy films that were produced in-house.  The following is from Wikipedia:

The business model of Square Enix is centered on the idea of "polymorphic content", which consists in developing franchises on all potential hardware or media rather than being restricted by a single gaming platform.  An early example of this strategy is Enix's Fullmetal Alchemist manga series, which has been adapted into two anime TV series, a movie and several novels and video games. Other polymorphic projects include Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Code Age, World of Mana, Ivalice Alliance and Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII. According to Yoichi Wada, "it's very difficult to hit the jackpot, as it were. Once we've hit it, we have to get all the juice possible out of it".

The company also has a manga publishing division in Japan (originally from Enix) called Gangan Comics, which publishes content for the Japanese market only. Titles published by Gangan Comics include Black God, Papuwa, Pani Poni, Spiral, He is My Master, Yumekui Kenbun, Doubt, Bamboo Blade, Pandora Hearts. Black Butler, Soul Eater, Zombie Loan, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Other titles include manga adaptations of diverse Square Enix games, like Dragon Quest, Kingdom Hearts and Star Ocean. Some of these titles have also been adapted into anime series.

Fullmetal Alchemist so far is the most successful offspring of Square Enix's manga branch, with more than 30 million volumes sold in Japan alone. The anime series obtained great popularity and even spawned a movie sequel. Both series and movie are licensed to many locations worldwide (in North America by FUNimation Entertainment). The same occurs with its manga series, licensed in North America by Viz Media. Kingdom Hearts and Spiral were licensed in North America by Tokyopop; Tokyopop dropped Spiral, but the title was later licensed again by Hachette's Yen Press, which has licensed other Square Enix titles including Soul Eater, Bamboo Blade and Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Other titles like Soul Eater, Sekirei, Bamboo Blade and Shikabane Hime also were adapted to TV and licensed to other countries, including a second Fullmetal Alchemist anime series which debuted on Japanese television in 2009 and America on Adult Swim in 2010.

On top of all that, SE publicly complained about how "hard" it is to make a game on current gen HD capable consoles.

This is one of the reasons why the video-game industry is in such deep trouble.  For example, Gran Turismo 5, which was in development for about five years and cost over $60 million to produce, included high-res textures and cockpit views on only about ¼ of the total available cars to drive.  Over 700 of the cars had PS2-era textures.  Now while the game was excellent overall, that kind of thing really makes you take notice.  How much more money would it have taken to properly render all 1,000 cars?  It's very sobering.  The video-game industry may have become a victim of its own success, with consumers expecting a quantum-leap in performance and graphical capabilities with each successive generation of hardware.  But creating the hardware to meet consumers expectations is no longer the big hurdle it once was.  Things have advanced to the point where companies are finding they can no longer afford to produce games that can take advantage of today's awesome hardware – or at least not to its fullest.

I feel the need to amend my earlier post, now that I've thought about things more clearly.  Certainly, a lot of problems have been caused by ignorant executives making poor decisions, but I also believe a select few have seen the writing on the wall and just aren't sure what to do about it.  If game-companies can't maximize the potential of the current generation of hardware, what hope is there for a PS4, or a new X-Box?  The 1990's was an age where everything was cutting-edge and developers were always expanding the limits of what a game could do.  Those days are over.  The development costs have become too high.  I fear the 2010's will become an era of scaling-back expectations, and that true AAA titles outside of an unexpected niche will become exceedingly rare.  Can the industry survive that?  In a word: no.  The market will shrink so much in this decade that I don't think any of us will recognize it by 2020.

Video-games will never go away completely, but they will become divided between cheap casual entertainment and ultra-expensive bachelor's toys.  Remember the Neo-Geo?  For those of you who weren't around in those days, the Neo-Geo was the absolute top-of-the-line gaming console you could buy – essentially a 1990's arcade machine reduced to console size.  That system cost $700, and the games alone cost upwards of $200. (And that was in 1990's dollars!)  For fans of the cutting edge, that is what we are looking at, and it's frankly a wonder it hasn't happened already.  Video-game production costs have skyrocketed while the prices for those games – considering inflation – haven't gone up that much.  That is not a sustainable business model, and I think that's why Square/Enix is spinning its wheels on the subject of giving us the games we really want.  The industry has reached a dangerous crossroads: Either the quality of the games go down to maintain profitability (as we have already seen), or prices go up.  There's no escaping it.  How much can the industry jack prices before pulling the rug out from consumers and triggering a mass-exodus from gaming?  How much can the industry sacrifice quality before causing the same?  It's a bad situation any way you look at it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on January 16, 2011, 05:41:33 am
...Which is why milking new games with extra DLC, that already should have been in the game to begin with, could explain the need for companies to short-hand the consumer in the shameful attempt at acquiring a greater profit to cover their heavy expenses. It's a great way to swindel the ever-increasing younger generation of gamers, and so far, it has been working. The DLC era may even be an enormous bank heist.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on January 16, 2011, 05:59:31 am
The fact that game companies don't know what consumers want does not equate to the claim that they can not give us what we want. They can, they just don't "get it".

I don't care about graphics. I care about being able to fall into a good story, having a little say in how it pans out(being able to explore and interact), and having some fun in the process. I don't want new battle systems if it means the game will be less fun to play. My point is that if so much money is being poured into these games, and they aren't faring well, that's all the more reason to scale back to the old, working formula.

Don't fix what isn't broken. They looked at previous versions of Final Fantasy and said "well, clearly this is all garbage and we should start from scratch." It's unnecessary and inefficient at best.

If the big companies go out of business, maybe they deserve it (no less than any other failing business venture) and that clears more floor space for indie developers to get a little praise.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on January 16, 2011, 07:18:45 pm
...Which is why milking new games with extra DLC, that already should have been in the game to begin with, could explain the need for companies to short-hand the consumer in the shameful attempt at acquiring a greater profit to cover their heavy expenses. It's a great way to swindel the ever-increasing younger generation of gamers, and so far, it has been working. The DLC era may even be an enormous bank heist.

Yeah, the "hidden expenses" business model disgusts me.  Game companies should be more open about development costs so we don't find out about them second-hand.  Otherwise, it just looks like a money-grab.  I'm not sure how we can persuade them to stop, though - aside from not buying their products.  How do you prove that a company is delibrately churning out an incomplete product and yet charge full-price for it?  Legally, it would be difficult.

I don't care about graphics. I care about being able to fall into a good story, having a little say in how it pans out(being able to explore and interact), and having some fun in the process. I don't want new battle systems if it means the game will be less fun to play. My point is that if so much money is being poured into these games, and they aren't faring well, that's all the more reason to scale back to the old, working formula.

Don't fix what isn't broken. They looked at previous versions of Final Fantasy and said "well, clearly this is all garbage and we should start from scratch." It's unnecessary and inefficient at best.

Indeed, scaling-back graphics in exchange for content is a possible solution, but the gaming press won't look very kindly on it.  Some reviewers will see a great game for what it is regardless of the technical specs, and others will blast anything that isn't a clear evolution from what came before.  Of course, the more likely explanation is one of pride.  Developers always want to be trying something new and don't like to be told “Stick with this system”.  After all, what do we know?  We don't make the games, we just play them.  :(
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on January 17, 2011, 01:16:36 am
Sorry to break up an engaging conversation, but...

I just managed to snag a copy of Xenogears on eBay for $29.99 (plus $4.00 shipping) from a vendor with 100% feedback.  Score!  It was closer to $80 at my local game store, and the average eBay price was closer to $50-$60.  :D

I've never played the game before, despite being a Chrono fan since '95. Mind you, at that time I was what, 11 years old? Wasn't exactly searching the credits for Kato's name, so I only found out about the connections when I found this site, after the DS release of CT. Looking forward to checking it out, given its reputation among fans... even if the second disc is apparently a bit hurried. Question is, will it be better than Chrono Cross...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on January 17, 2011, 09:16:48 pm
You guys know Square Enix came out and said what went wrong right?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on January 17, 2011, 09:37:38 pm
So that's what it was, lack of unified vision. Pressure from the committee of leader-men to get the game out "on time" anyway. Why make obscure pointless deadlines if it works adversely on the quality of your product, and worse, why stick to them when you see what you're doing isn't getting finished on time?

I'll leave the subject alone now.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: skylark on January 17, 2011, 11:50:00 pm
So that's what it was, lack of unified vision. Pressure from the committee of leader-men to get the game out "on time" anyway. Why make obscure pointless deadlines if it works adversely on the quality of your product, and worse, why stick to them when you see what you're doing isn't getting finished on time?

I'll leave the subject alone now.

I want to say the whiner/complainer/otaku fandom, but I'm more than likely wrong.

I kinda wonder which is worse, though. The fan wank or the companies? :?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on January 18, 2011, 12:15:11 am
Sorry to break up an engaging conversation, but...

I just managed to snag a copy of Xenogears on eBay for $29.99 (plus $4.00 shipping) from a vendor with 100% feedback.  Score!  It was closer to $80 at my local game store, and the average eBay price was closer to $50-$60.  :D

Not bad! Although it is coming to PSN, I would rather have the original disc-based copy too.

After the game's release, Square Enix has revealed that Final Fantasy XIII's development was a difficult one and ridden with miscommunication between different sections of the development team. Final Fantasy XIII had the largest development team of any previous Final Fantasy game, with some of the work also done in conjunction with the Final Fantasy Versus XIII team. According to the October 2010 issue of Game Developer magazine, a big problem during the game's development was the lack of unified vision.

They knew about the issues in advance, but chose to release it anyways. I would have hated to have been the Project Manager after the reviews and feedback came back to the headquarters...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on January 18, 2011, 06:15:09 am


Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on January 18, 2011, 12:06:15 pm

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on January 18, 2011, 12:15:30 pm
I gotta get me a PSP.

Also, I wonder what Sega thinks of this:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on January 18, 2011, 12:37:52 pm
All trailers here from fan event
FFXIII-2 this year (JPN) on PS360

Versus XIII from Kingdom hearts team on PS3

Type0 on PSP (2 UMDs) this summer

Anyone has Dissidia's trailer?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on January 18, 2011, 06:45:29 pm
XIII-2 although this is premature looks EXACTLY like Western bait right now. I don't like Lightning outfit. (Although, I'm more of a fan of the half scifi and half fantasy setting that 13, 7, and 8 were in) All over just looks like a Fan Fic taken too far. I'm pretty sure Final Fantasy is dead now... Although Type-0 is awesome. Glad that's separate from FNC. But do they really expect it to be so good that it can have 3 sequels already? And of course Dissidia is always welcome in my book, especially with Gilgamesh in the 'mesh' hehehe puns. vs13 looks like KH nothing more or less. Instantly disappoints me. Why not drop 13 and try to make a completely new story and characters to wipe our minds of the last two bad memories.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on January 18, 2011, 07:38:31 pm
All trailers here from fan event
FFXIII-2 this year (JPN) on PS360

Versus XIII from Kingdom hearts team on PS3

Type0 on PSP (2 UMDs) this summer

Type-0 was originally Agito, if I remember correctly. It looks meh...

I must say, while Versus XIII looks beautiful, the gameplay looks rather boring.

Of all of these, I have to say XIII-2 got my attention the most. However, I do not like her new design. It is very... European... and... Bladestormish... but as long as Sazh Katzroy is in this game, I will be satisfied.

Funny... I had thought Tetsuya Nomura wanted Sazh as the main protagonist if a sequel was made... or maybe that was for Dissidia...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on January 18, 2011, 11:19:26 pm
I am encouraged by the developers wanting to correct what many of us found lacking in the first game.  Apparently, many of the core problems had to do with the game-engine being a work-in-progress.  Now that engine is finished, and they are free to do what they want.

With the criticism surrounding XIII and the utter disaster that was XIV, this is make-or-break for Square/Enix and they know it.  Let's hope they don't hold anything back.  We need them to get this right so Chrono doesn't die.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on January 18, 2011, 11:30:45 pm
With the criticism surrounding XIII and the utter disaster that was XIV, this is make-or-break for Square/Enix and they know it.  Let's hope they don't hold anything back.  We need them to get this right so Chrono doesn't die.

Lennis I actually think that if 13-2 sucks Final Fantasy will die. And if Final Fantasy dies Chrono might either be sold to a new company that will do something with it OR SE might actually use it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on January 19, 2011, 12:50:56 pm
Huh. For some reason I was under the impression that Type-0, Versus, and XIII were all greatly related, such as through characters.

Versus has certainly caught my eye. It's visually the most original Final Fantasy game I've seen in a while. I also hear that a world map is being brought back, along with an airship to use. That's great, as hopefully the story won't be so linear. Guess I'll wait for more information though to see if the gameplay actually is boring.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on January 19, 2011, 02:10:49 pm
So that's what it was, lack of unified vision. Pressure from the committee of leader-men to get the game out "on time" anyway. Why make obscure pointless deadlines if it works adversely on the quality of your product, and worse, why stick to them when you see what you're doing isn't getting finished on time?

I'll leave the subject alone now.

This is what I deal with every day of my life.

Game developers, games are like anything else: you get fast, cheap, or good. Pick two already!! :/
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on January 19, 2011, 02:12:08 pm
The DLC era may even be an enormous bank heist.

I'm in the game industry, kinda, so I want to balance this out a bit by saying: thanks to Gamestop, used games are a strong market, and game companies tend to make some absurd percentage of their sales through preorders and immediate purchases. They need extra revenue. Believe me-- it's in the best interests of the gamers AND the developers for games to have more methods to bring in income than just those first sales. If they don't have those methods, publishers will ONLY invest in safe blockbusters.  

DLC can be done WELL. A lot of the DLC I buy is for games that were already massive in scope, and so I don't mind buying "extras." I have definitely bought DLC that was not worth my money, but I've also bought some truly phenomenal additions. The DLC presents a new medium for developers to work in; it's like a "short story" addition to the main game.

I'm not saying you shouldn't buy used games, but nobody's forcing you to buy DLC, you know? Games are self-contained without it-- if they aren't, you have every right to complain, but I've seen no game with DLC that was necessary to continue forth the main story. It's all gravy. Sometimes delicious, delicious gravy.

Indeed, scaling-back graphics in exchange for content is a possible solution, but the gaming press won't look very kindly on it.  

It's absolutely true, but there's hope. Take Fallout New Vegas, a game whose merits mostly lie in its story and atmosphere and characters. That game was panned for being backward in terms of graphics and full of more bugs than an ant's nest, but it still made numerous top 20 lists, often with reviewers saying that the game was important in spite of its technical failings. That's progress, I hope!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on January 19, 2011, 04:22:17 pm
Huh. For some reason I was under the impression that Type-0, Versus, and XIII were all greatly related, such as through characters.

Versus has certainly caught my eye. It's visually the most original Final Fantasy game I've seen in a while. I also hear that a world map is being brought back, along with an airship to use. That's great, as hopefully the story won't be so linear. Guess I'll wait for more information though to see if the gameplay actually is boring.

They said that all the 13s shared the same mythos, but seeing as they were announced without any mythos created that was a complete lie. I love the style of Versus, but the characters are uninteresting except the girl in white and the king and mage dude. I wish they would change the characters a bit. Also I like the command fighting, just wish they'd do a little more with it. And KH style fighting is old to me. Cuz they made like 5 KH games that were not Kingdom Hearts 3.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on January 21, 2011, 05:25:55 am
Just ordered Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled for Nintendo DS on Amazon.

I really can't wait for this one!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on January 21, 2011, 11:59:09 pm
Studio Archcraft did such a good job with it, even if the characters did block each other during battles. I thought it would be darker than it was, but maybe the lightheartedness will play better with most fans anyway. You might just get a Chrono nostalgia kick while playing it Mr Bekkler!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on January 22, 2011, 12:53:48 am
Studio Archcraft did such a good job with it, even if the characters did block each other during battles. I thought it would be darker than it was, but maybe the lightheartedness will play better with most fans anyway. You might just get a Chrono nostalgia kick while playing it Mr Bekkler!

That's exactly what I'm hoping for! You deserve a thanks, I only know about the game because of you!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on January 22, 2011, 01:32:49 am
I wanted to do some kind of kickass preview video for it, but never got the chance.  :( Since people are still buying it, maybe late is better than never.

Studio Archcraft kept up an interesting blog for awhile, but sadly it hasn't been updated since 2009:

A little morsel for the dreamer in all of us!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: terrence16 on January 22, 2011, 07:49:43 am
Do any of you  guys play 'warcraft'?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on January 22, 2011, 02:03:09 pm
Do any of you  guys play 'warcraft'?
I did, back when it first came out for PC... but then I'm showing my age there.  :shock:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on January 22, 2011, 03:05:54 pm
Do any of you  guys play 'warcraft'?

I really enjoyed Warcraft II and Starcraft, but haven't gotten into the newer Blizzard stuff.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on January 22, 2011, 03:24:02 pm
(woah lots has happened with the gaming talk ..pity I check this forum less and less due to school)

I actually had a fanboy moment when I found out about ff13-2 being real.

Alot of people hated the original, because it was too different than its predecesors , but its 2010 , its a new generation and games are obviously not gonna be aimed at the older fanbase .

I loved ff13 , and I'm already excited for its sequel. I've also recently completed Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded.

Despite it not using any new material it was still quite a fresh experience for me however, Im actually A bit annoyed that the game is using memory loss so many times during the whole series , it basically makes every game pointless if the events can't be remembered by the characters after it (note those weren't spoilers ...its something along those lines which happens)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on January 22, 2011, 05:58:11 pm
Despite it not using any new material it was still quite a fresh experience for me however, Im actually A bit annoyed that the game is using memory loss so many times during the whole series , it basically makes every game pointless if the events can't be remembered by the characters after it (note those weren't spoilers ...its something along those lines which happens)

Really? I don't remember ever seeing Memory-loss being that overused, other than in CoM/Re:CoM where it's central to the plot...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on January 23, 2011, 12:28:30 am
(woah lots has happened with the gaming talk ..pity I check this forum less and less due to school)

I actually had a fanboy moment when I found out about ff13-2 being real.

Alot of people hated the original, because it was too different than its predecesors , but its 2010 , its a new generation and games are obviously not gonna be aimed at the older fanbase .

I loved ff13 , and I'm already excited for its sequel. I've also recently completed Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded.

Despite it not using any new material it was still quite a fresh experience for me however, Im actually A bit annoyed that the game is using memory loss so many times during the whole series , it basically makes every game pointless if the events can't be remembered by the characters after it (note those weren't spoilers ...its something along those lines which happens)

Honestly, I think I liked 13. I just didn't like that there is little story. I guess I wanted more interaction. My problem is that I liked it too much.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on January 25, 2011, 12:20:26 am
It's here!

And so far... SOOO good!

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on January 25, 2011, 12:23:30 am
Ohohohoho, that is a kickass logo. Best version I've seen, too! *Nabs it*
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on January 25, 2011, 08:36:31 pm
Every time I see that name I can't help but think of Blades of Exile.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on January 26, 2011, 10:14:38 am
Not sure whether this is the right thread. 8)
Can anyone recommend me some most hot-blooded VGM (don't have to be battle themes, though).

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on January 26, 2011, 01:11:13 pm
Not sure whether this is the right thread. 8)
Can anyone recommend me some most hot-blooded VGM (don't have to be battle themes, though).



Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on January 26, 2011, 08:11:06 pm
Hey thank you.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Clovis15 on January 26, 2011, 09:32:14 pm
Although it's just rough enough around the edges that I would never actually seriously play something like this, the fact that it was actually doable says a lot in favor for the sheer versatility of LBP2's expanded toolkit (my apologies if someone has already posted this before)

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on January 27, 2011, 11:51:28 am
I must say, Black Sigil has piqued my interests. I'm always on the lookout for DS gaming - speaking of which, Plants VS Zombies on DS is awesome.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on January 27, 2011, 12:22:27 pm
Black Sigil feels like CT mixed with FF6/ US snes FF3

I would not recommend it to anyone I know IRL. But it's perfect for me.

It's one of those extremes, where its average rating is in the middle not because it's universally seen as mediocre, rather because you'll love it or hate it.

I rather like the battle system, while the random encounters are seen as negative and the frequency is a source of complaints, it's NO worse than FF6, actually almost right on the same page..
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 27, 2011, 01:42:41 pm
I thought Black Sigil was seen universally as being mediocre because it was notoriously buggy...Give me a good FE.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on January 27, 2011, 01:48:28 pm
FE? I haven't had any bugs yet. Ill post em if I find em, and I am a thorough player... I will find them.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on January 27, 2011, 02:09:06 pm
Fire Emblem!

Oh and I've been playing Borderlands and Castle Crashers a lot recently and couldn't recommend them more.

Borderlands is a FPS/RPG hybrid (like them newer Fallout games if they weren't terrible at the FPS part) that is just plain awesome. Filled with a great multiplayer angle along with those lovely skill tree thingies we all love...and by god if there isn't a ton of guns. Really makes me miss by Bag of Holding though, but as I've been assured that as I find robot buddies my inventory will grow and soon Pandora (wait, that's like in that movie I didn't see...!) will be mine....


Castle Crashers is also awesome. Couldn't recommend a downloadable title more. It's like an oldschool hack&slash with some RPG elements thrown in  and a Boomerang straight outta Link's closet. While I love everything Scott Pilgrim, that video game is just lacking in too many essentials (I'm still crossing my fingers that there's an update coming to fix lack of drop-in/drop-out and include online co-op...) that Castle Crashers hits on the nail.


I also started Forging (map making) in Halo: Reach and while I've had fun slightly modifying the existing maps (mostly blocking off certain camping areas with Kill Balls), I'm actually starting to get finished on a full-fledged map of my own...though I only recently found out that clicking the left thumb-stick allows for precise placement! *d'oh*

EDIT: I just saw that we can embed youtube links now. So FUCK YOU HYPERLINKS! I can be like ZeaLitY's news posts and stuff!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on January 28, 2011, 02:38:45 pm
A bit ago I downloaded Alien swarm.  I must say it's pretty good.  It's pretty much like Left 4 Dead, only with aliens instead of zombies, it has a class system, and it's in third person. 
Not to mention you get a free TF2 hat from playing it. :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on February 01, 2011, 06:45:36 am

Hmm, now I feel I'm never too old to play video games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on February 02, 2011, 04:31:00 pm

At the risk of sounding like a cynical cuss, I call shenanigans on that story. They allege that she wrote a letter to Nintendo Power in 1996 asking about Dragon Quest VI, but that seems unlikely. For starters, at that time only the first four games had ever been released in America, and all under the title of "Dragon Warrior", not Dragon Quest. It's not like the Internet was big then, either, so unless this woman had extensive familiarity with the industry and/or Japan, why would she A) have known about Dragon Quest VI, and B) called it by its actual title? Even if she did know about it, why would Nintendo Power have published her letter as written - doesn't it seem more likely that they would have called it by its US name?

Granted, none of this is hard evidence, and if it turns out that all this really is true, I apologize. But it seems an awful lot like a hoax story to me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on February 02, 2011, 05:50:24 pm

Well, at least she didn't send in a request for FFII a few years earlier. Imagine what would've happened there.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Crono666 on February 03, 2011, 01:02:43 pm
I really don't have much time to play video games anymore, but lately I've been playing Donkey Kong Country Returns. It's a pretty hard game that reminds me of the old days when games were a lot harder.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 03, 2011, 10:39:11 pm
If she was as big a fan of both Dragon Quest and Nintendo Power as it seems then I'm sure at some point they mentioned in the magazine that there's a name difference...Just because it wasn't as big a deal in the states doesn't mean that the big gaming magazine, dedicated to a Japanese company wouldn't mention their highest selling video game, yar? Whenever one of these magazines does a yearly best of they normally include the Japanese bests...That's how I initially learned about the old numbering shenanigans in the FF games anyways....
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 04, 2011, 09:59:01 pm
I really don't have much time to play video games anymore, but lately I've been playing Donkey Kong Country Returns. It's a pretty hard game that reminds me of the old days when games were a lot harder.
DKCR is a fantastic game. Have you managed to beat it yet?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Crono666 on February 05, 2011, 12:08:46 am
No, I've been too busy. But I've made it to world 6.
Title: Re: What are you currently playing?
Post by: Sajainta on February 05, 2011, 02:14:06 am
Alundra. How many of you have actually played this gem?

I've been watching my boyfriend play it on and off since October.  Great game.  Awful music.

For some reason I have a mindblock on the name, so I keep calling it Alundria, or Alumni, or Aloominaria.  I called it Illuminati once.

WOO HOO replying to a two year old post!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on February 05, 2011, 09:56:03 am
No, I've been too busy. But I've made it to world 6.
Nice. I think world 6 was my most hated world aside from 8.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on February 05, 2011, 05:26:44 pm
Basically the gym leaders for Black and White have been announced, and Fuuro of the Flying type gym is none other than; Skyla.  My word, BW (and hopefully Gray) has a lot of Chrono Trigger similarities.

Dragon Spiral Tower - Secret of the Forest ( and ALttP Dungeon )
That Bryce dude reminds me of Magus-Magil
Shikimi (English name unknown) reminds me of Lucca
There was someone else. Geechisu reminds me of King Zeal for some reason.
Skyla sounds a lot like Schala which is hilarious because both originate from the sky (okay, she's a flying gym leader and she lived atop the floating kindom, yeah). Then again, the 'yla' part is missing an 'A' also.
Bachurra ( can't remember its english name ) reminds me of lavos for some reason. It's yellow and it's a spider that emits electricity.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 06, 2011, 01:34:24 pm
You can probably find similarities between characters from the Chronoverse and lots of other games, movies, literature, w/e, because Chrono Trigger was made with a lot of RPG tropes in mind.

WOO HOO replying to a two year old post!

That's how we do in the 'pendium.

Anyways, I started up Limbo after leaving it on a puzzle that required a bit of timing to complete and then ended up finding out that it was the LAST puzzle I needed to get past! D'oh! Well, regardless of its length (it's not the size, but what you do with it!), it's a great game I would suggest to anyone. It's funny that two games I was playing (Limbo & Castle Crashers) both have moments when you use a dead body to get across water....
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 10, 2011, 11:48:02 am
I'm so happy, I just got these sweets:


For a total of 110 euros
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on February 10, 2011, 11:55:11 am
Nice Janus! I hate the battle system in Earthbound, but I love the Mother series in general.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 10, 2011, 11:57:55 am
Why do you hate the battle system. I also bought Mother 1+2 for the GBA on Play-asia but that one hasn't arrived yet
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on February 10, 2011, 03:06:33 pm
JANUS! I must know where you found that profile Pic!!! :o
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 11, 2011, 04:10:10 pm
The battle system for the Mother ("Earthbound") series is basic RPG (I would almost go so far as to say stolen from DQ, lol) it has the AWESOME instant win easy battles feature which I still say should have been in EVERY RPG SINCE!!! I don't even think ANY other RPG has used that, which is sad...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on February 11, 2011, 09:27:54 pm
I completely agree, V
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: skylark on February 11, 2011, 11:10:51 pm
The battle system for the Mother ("Earthbound") series is basic RPG (I would almost go so far as to say stolen from DQ, lol) it has the AWESOME instant win easy battles feature which I still say should have been in EVERY RPG SINCE!!! I don't even think ANY other RPG has used that, which is sad...

Imagine the insta-win on CT new game plus.

(Party's about to fight Magus.)

Magus: Come on, then... if you're prepared for the void...

(Battle starts.)

(Bright flash.)

Text: Gained 600 exp. Gained 10 Tech Points.

Magus: WTF?! :shock:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on February 11, 2011, 11:18:14 pm
Hehe, I suppose that'd be a good reason... :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Manly Man on February 12, 2011, 12:16:41 am
He'd feel much better when he got to do it to everyone else.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 12, 2011, 12:27:01 am
Hehe, I suppose that'd be a good reason... :lol:

How is it a good reason? That only happened in NG+...and it's only activated when it would only take one round to beat something, so you aren't missing out on a battle, you're missing out on clicking 3 times (or less)...That sounds like a good reason to have it to me!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on February 12, 2011, 12:35:30 am
How is it a good reason? That only happened in NG+...and it's only activated when it would only take one round to beat something, so you aren't missing out on a battle, you're missing out on clicking 3 times (or less)...That sounds like a good reason to have it to me!

Well, for in-game I meant. A battle being all set-up, only to be skipped completely.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 12, 2011, 02:35:59 pm
JANUS! I must know where you found that profile Pic!!! :o

Deviant art, look for dream devourer
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on February 13, 2011, 11:18:29 pm

I just can't wait for Portal 2!  :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on February 14, 2011, 02:32:12 am

I just can't wait for Portal 2!  :D

Great truth.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: skylark on February 14, 2011, 01:05:41 pm

I just can't wait for Portal 2!  :D



Will there be cake? :|
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on February 14, 2011, 01:18:34 pm
Yay Portal! I can't wait to experience the monolith of passive-aggressiveness that is GlaDOS again.

I am dreading March because Dragon Age 2 will, inevitably, consume my entire freaking life for awhile.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on February 14, 2011, 02:49:46 pm
I'm looking forward to Portal 2.  Or rather I would be if my stupid 5 year old computer could run it! >:(
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Manly Man on February 15, 2011, 03:47:47 pm
I just wanna save up enough spare change to nab myself a copy of Dragon Quest VI for my DS. I love that series.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on February 16, 2011, 01:59:08 am
Hey guys, anyone heard of this yet? (

A videogame art exhibition, and there is a chance for voting which games will be present there. It looks you need to be registered there in order to vote and see the options, so I don't know if either of the Chrono games were nominated.

But I'd say we must not let this chance go by! :o

What do you guys think?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on February 16, 2011, 02:38:31 am
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 16, 2011, 11:34:15 am
I just hope that Devil Survivor Overclocked for the 3Ds is released in Europe, or I'll enter rage mode
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on February 16, 2011, 01:33:32 pm
Hey guys, anyone heard of this yet? (

A videogame art exhibition, and there is a chance for voting which games will be present there. It looks you need to be registered there in order to vote and see the options, so I don't know if either of the Chrono games were nominated.

But I'd say we must not let this chance go by! :o

What do you guys think?

I just registered, Yes, Chrono Trigger is nominated! in the ERA 3 BIT-WARS (Sega Genesis/Super Nintendo)  :D We should all vote for it! Maybe we should post this in its own Topic, so that more people would go and vote? Or maybe suggest it for the news update?

Chrono Cross was not nominated thought, so I'm voting Ocarina of Time for that generation  :wink:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on February 16, 2011, 02:05:59 pm
You get multiple votes for each generation, one for each genre and platform. Still, the fact that Chrono Cross wasn't nominated is a travesty. For that matter, why the hell is Tales of Symphonia nominated for Gamecube Adventure genre but not Baten Kaitos?? Oh well, maybe it's for the better; it would have been cruel to ask me to choose between that and The Wind Waker. It was already hard enough choosing between that and Paper Mario 2.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on February 16, 2011, 02:09:15 pm
Yep, I just noticed that there are four categories on each system, three games in each category, you can vote only once in each. I voted for Chrono Trigger and so I couldn't vote for A Link to the Past  :cry: I'm sure it's going to have tons of votes though... Difficult desicion :roll:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 16, 2011, 10:17:48 pm
Apparently you get to vote 80 times?

By Era, I went with Space Invaders, Rampart, Chrono Trigger (I love Earthbound as much as the next guy, but that 3rd slot should be filled with FFVI), Final Fantasy Tactics & Half Life 2...that last Era should really be split up once or twice...also, no handheld love? Boo!

EDIT: Ah, I see, you get a vote a genre in each system of each era...I wonder which genres were hardest to narrow down to 3...They should include like vid/YouTube links to gameplay of each or something...

EDIT2: Holy shit@action NES! If it had been MM3 I might have chosen the Blue Bomber over Samus' initial adventure...LoZ clearly dominates its genre (twice-over with OoT)...OMG@Target NES! Amazing upscrolling shooter vs amazing sidescrolling shooter! Which way DO I prefer to scroll?!??! >_< No, no, the powerups and level design were far superior in Gradius/Life Force...

I love that there's a separation between systems! Phantasy Star finally gets props! Waitaminute! WTF is Shining Force 2 doing in the Adventure Genre with Phantasy Star IV?? It should be in the Combat/Strategy Genre (where it absolutely would dominate)!

I can't decide which would be more awesome/hilarious to find in the Smithsonian; Jet Grind Radio or Crazy Taxi. lol...

Go Skies of Arcadia!

Yes, I voted for the Lunar port over FFVII (& Grandia, but only because I haven't played it).

BioShock better not lose to popularity, for art's sake.

KotOR against Fallout 3 is weird...five years difference, man!

Jesus, Okami's in a popularity sandwich too...hopefully the FF junkies will cancel each other out...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on February 17, 2011, 04:39:16 pm
CT in the Smithsonian! :D Let's make it happen!

Has anyone played the game 999? I recently heard of it, and it sounds amazing: (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on February 17, 2011, 07:31:46 pm
A couple of my friends have been playing 999. They are going crazy for it, but it's just a story book adventure. I need to level up and collect to be interested in a story based game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on February 17, 2011, 07:56:02 pm
A friend of mine also got me hooked on 999. It's a great (and welcome) change from usual gaming, but it does have it's flaws. For instance, most of the story is against "show, don't tell." That's quite a nuisance to me. Then again, it is a game, with plenty of visuals, so maybe they can get around that.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Samopoznanie on February 20, 2011, 05:47:21 pm
I just ordered a copy of Radiant Historia.  After the disappointment that was Sands of Destruction (which I pre-ordered ASAP), I was kind of hesitant to fork out the full price before taking things for a test drive or consulting in depth reviews.   I've never been a big fan of Atlus outside of the Ogre Battle series, but I like what I've seen and read so far. And it will probably be one of the last big DS titles before the 3DS hits the market. That, and Dragon Quest VI was $15 more expensive.  :picardno
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 21, 2011, 07:52:17 pm
So I started playing Borderlands co-op and cannot believe how great it is. I can't imagine how crazy it would get with all 4 players (especially the duels)...though I'm not quite curious enough to risk playing with randoms. :P

Been playing as Roland, who's a healer/buffer which I like in single player and is just really nice co-op. I can't wait to start hearing about the sequel...

Oh, and Shadow Complex is a XBLA must have! I never thought I'd get more Metroid-enjoyment from Castlevania, Batman and a completely original IP rather than from Nintendo....
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: _Janus_ on February 22, 2011, 12:01:03 pm
I am currently playing Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor, it's like, the best RPG on the DS, imo. :roll:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on February 22, 2011, 04:40:20 pm
It was said on the Stuff you love thread, but anyway, for the sake of spreading the info - Xenogears is out on the US PSN!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on February 23, 2011, 10:20:18 pm
I am currently playing Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor, it's like, the best RPG on the DS, imo. :roll:

You dare post this on the chrono compendium after chrono trigger was released on the DS? :x
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on February 24, 2011, 12:11:23 am
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Shee on February 24, 2011, 06:03:59 am
YEssir!  Should be a doozy.  Those games are great.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on February 24, 2011, 12:43:01 pm

YOU can't wait for ED V?


Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on February 24, 2011, 04:51:11 pm
My Wishlist of Upcoming Games

Brink (5.17.2011) - Borderlands+Team Fortress 2+Mirror's Edge+Battlefield Bad Company 2+Call of Duty=Brink? Regardless this game seems to be taking quite a few cues from other FPSs and really refining them. Shaping up to seem like a lot of fun to be had...


Rage (9.13.2011)- id Software's next title looks like a doozy. I'm glad they're taking steps not to have another Doom 3 on their hands. Plus, like so many great things before it (myself included), it comes out Sept 13th! :P


Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (11.11.2011) - Yeah, I'm looking forward to it as well...I just hope that there's actual support for the consoles this time around because the bugs in the last one made me play it a lot less than I'd have liked (though I think Fallout 3 was better on that point)...and that the leveling system isn't too terribly broken. New trailer, wh00t!


Batman: Arkham City (Q3 2011) - It's a big step up from taking a bunch of his rogues gallery and putting them in a familiar setting like Arkham Asylum with a nice Metroid engine surrounding everything. Now they've moved on to the city of Arkham (wait, Arkham's a city now? I thought it was just Gotham's nuthouse?) and promised some Batmobile action as well. Can they keep up the same quality in their next game? Nintendo certainly shit the bed with their own take on the Metroid formula so it's always good to see SOMEONE get it right. It's also supposedly Mark Hamill's final role as Joker...:(


BioShock Infinite (TBA 2012) - I never played the 2nd BioShock (I heard too much about it being escort mission centric ala the final mission in BioShock and just plain never wanted any of that...why do escort missions even exist anymore?), but the first is a masterpiece & Infinite looks just as, if not moreso, amazing...2012 is too far away...V_V


But first I've gotta get a copy of Mass Effect 2 already! >_<
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on February 25, 2011, 11:23:04 pm
999: ordered! My DS needs more attention...

I am in love with this grinding social browser game, Echo Bazaar: (

(Yes, it's a social game, but it's damn intelligent, and polite about it.)

It is text-based and marvelously written, and feeds my immense nerdy love of Neo-Victoriana.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on February 26, 2011, 03:58:10 am
I got myself a copy of Radiant Historia , its quite a nice game , a sorta mix between Chrono Cross and Sands of Destruction (only with less party members than Cross).

Storys been a bit complicated so far , but I like the battle system because its so simple , I got really far through it last night , then I died against a crazy boss....and realized I never saved !  :?

So time to do it all again  :roll:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on February 26, 2011, 04:28:45 am
and realized I never saved ! 
Be sure to find the save point/menu next time.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on February 26, 2011, 05:03:13 am
Bought Xenogears on PSN. Excited! And only ten bucks.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on February 27, 2011, 02:33:46 pm

Day of Lavos in 3D anybody? I could see a port of Chrono Trigger to the 3DS. It makes sense now that Yoshi's Island isn't on the Virtual Console.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on February 27, 2011, 04:20:04 pm

Day of Lavos in 3D anybody? I could see a port of Chrono Trigger to the 3DS. It makes sense now that Yoshi's Island isn't on the Virtual Console.

I'm not buying a third port. Even if it is in 3D. Maybe a Cross port, but not Trigger.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on February 27, 2011, 04:29:10 pm

Day of Lavos in 3D anybody? I could see a port of Chrono Trigger to the 3DS. It makes sense now that Yoshi's Island isn't on the Virtual Console.

I'm not buying a third port. Even if it is in 3D. Maybe a Cross port, but not Trigger.
Hold up, what if Break/Brake were to be on the 3DS?!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on February 28, 2011, 01:15:21 am
Not sure they'd port Trigger for 3DS due to recently porting it to DS. Could they get away with it...?

*FFIV and TaY*

... I guess perhaps... :?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on March 01, 2011, 01:10:39 am
Not sure they'd port Trigger for 3DS due to recently porting it to DS. Could they get away with it...?

Maybe if they throw in FFVI & Star Ocean for a nice 16-Bit Best of Square & Enix (I figure the DQs will make their way onto the 3DS on their own time) 3D remake pack? lol
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on March 01, 2011, 07:15:59 pm
if it's Brake anyone is buying it. FACT! But not Trigger. Trigger is done for a while, UNLESS it's completely and truly remade, not just ported again!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on March 02, 2011, 12:50:11 am
I'd buy it again on the condition that it looked like DQ8 and was 3D without the need for glasses, hell yeah. But that's the only reason I'd ever buy it again. Or if my DS copy broke somehow. But then I'd just replace it with a used copy that wasn't broken. I'm just saying I agree.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on March 05, 2011, 05:02:35 am
Sushi Cat (

This game's just too much fun! XD
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Delta Dragon on March 06, 2011, 08:27:17 pm
Not sure if anyone has seen this, but here.

I'm a bit unsure after Cave Story Wii, but the graphics look pretty cool if you ask me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 06, 2011, 10:07:24 pm
Goddamn, I wanna buy Pokemon White. D:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on March 07, 2011, 02:46:12 am
Goddamn, I wanna buy Pokemon White. D:

RACIST! :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on March 07, 2011, 04:48:43 pm
Goddamn, I wanna buy Pokemon White. D:

RACIST! :lol:

You think that's racist? My friend told me to wait for Pokemon Hispanic.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on March 07, 2011, 05:04:33 pm
Of course not, but I do think it's funny!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on March 07, 2011, 06:56:55 pm
Of course not, but I do think it's funny!

Oh, I didn't mean to sound accusing. I just tried to one-up you with a better (if still racist...) joke that I heard. :P

My apologies to all Hispanic peoples for partaking in a racist joke!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on March 07, 2011, 07:23:17 pm
Ah! So it was more like "You think THAT'S racist?" Damn interweb and its lack of tone!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on March 07, 2011, 09:45:30 pm


LOL. All too true.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on March 07, 2011, 10:03:11 pm
Is that little guy in the front supposed to be Raz from Psychonauts??  I love that game!

"What is the purpose of the goggles?"
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on March 10, 2011, 01:03:50 am
Did anyone ever comment on how Dragon Quest VI looks very similar to Chrono Trigger's characters? Was Toriyama even involved?

Crono and Marle anyone? Maybe a little Ayla over to the right? ...heck even the dude on the "Choose from over 15 classes" section in yellow/purple looks like the garb worn by one of the Guru's!

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on March 10, 2011, 05:39:56 am
Did anyone ever comment on how Dragon Quest VI looks very similar to Chrono Trigger's characters? Was Toriyama even involved?

Crono and Marle anyone? Maybe a little Ayla over to the right? ...heck even the dude on the "Choose from over 15 classes" section in yellow/purple looks like the garb worn by one of the Guru's!


Toriyama does almost all Dragon Quest's character designs. I'm actually using some DQ4 and 5 sprites in my Chrono fan game, they match up so well!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on March 10, 2011, 11:52:02 am
Oh, Christ! Bad news for Nintendo 3DS users. Nintendo's pulling an Apple on us. (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on March 10, 2011, 04:26:04 pm
Just to notify that NA will get the VC version of Lufia this month whereas Europe will witness Final Fantasy III as well. Still, I wish Nintendo could pick up the pace with other games.  :picardno ( Yoshi's Island no on the SNES list. Praise be I have it still working on my 20 year old SNES)  8) By the way, I wish they could translate the Fire Emblem games for once. Even some unreleased games. Why aren't they doing it? Not enough people or interests? Sometimes I feel like I just want to take a stand and get to work on translating them and let them be available everywhere. You will never be able to play Fire Emblem Genology of the Holy War on the Virtual Console. sadfrog; Though we're probably one step closer for owners without a DS to play Chrono Trigger on the VC if possible.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on March 30, 2011, 10:26:35 am
I just beat Pokemon Black. Awesome, awesome game. :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on March 30, 2011, 12:22:40 pm
I just beat Pokemon Black. Awesome, awesome game. :D

Really? I can't seem to get into it. I mean, the upgrades from previous versions are great, and I even caught a shiny Roggenrola just starting out, but it all seems repetitive to me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on March 31, 2011, 11:03:56 pm
On a newer topic, I'm beginning to consider Radiant Historia as a spiritual successor to the Chrono games. There are far too many similarities. For instance, Master Vainqueur, a talking monster residing in a place of limbo and the "Master of Martial Arts" who teaches the party new skills. How is that not Spekkio?! :o

Not to mention the fallen kingdom of great power, the crazed queen, a plot to prevent unstoppable destruction... Oh, almost forgot time travel and the hopping of two dimensions.

This game is awesome.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lance VII on April 01, 2011, 12:42:03 am
I just beat Pokemon Black. Awesome, awesome game. :D

Really? I can't seem to get into it. I mean, the upgrades from previous versions are great, and I even caught a shiny Roggenrola just starting out, but it all seems repetitive to me.
I love it. It's very much story driven this time around. The game ACTUALLY HAS A CLIMAX.

Anyway, I heard Radiant Historia is pretty fuckin' great. I'm definitely gonna try it out soon.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on April 01, 2011, 01:42:35 am
Anyway, I heard Radiant Historia is pretty fuckin' great. I'm definitely gonna try it out soon.

Make that two. I've been wondering wether to get it or not, but considering what I've been hearing about it, I guess I'll shall give it a try to find out for myself.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on April 01, 2011, 02:40:22 am
I'm definitely gettin Radiant Historia right after I beat Black Sigil. One Chrono inspired DS game at a time.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on April 01, 2011, 03:17:39 am
I have finished Radiant Historia and I'd love to buy a 3ds to make it look even better in all honesty the music is really nice , and although its linear with the chance to do a few sidequests along the way , the idea of hopping between two parallels is incorporated simply and nicely.The game does have a few difficulty and balancing problems against monsters in the end but other then that its an amazing game and I hope they make a sequel ...prequel ...whatever XD
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on April 04, 2011, 02:54:04 pm
I have finished Radiant Historia and I'd love to buy a 3ds to make it look even better
You might not want to do that, as from what I understand due to the differing screen resolutions between the two systems DS games tend to look significantly worse when played on the 3DS.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on April 06, 2011, 06:36:27 am
I've recently been wandering around a site called "Unseen64" (, which archives a ton of records on old betas and cancelled games. A few of the games-in-progress would have really struck my fancy:

Shadow Stalker - SNES (

Felicia - SNES ( (almost looks like Valkyrie Profile, but stylistically a teeny bit like Bahamut Lagoon)

Record of the Elf Saga - PSX (

Man! The things that could have been.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Thought on April 06, 2011, 04:47:36 pm
Three years after its release, I finally got Spore. Having been really excited for the game and having heard not-nice things after its release, I was a little leery but eventually took the plunge. I have been rather nicely surprised for the most part: it is quite fun and addictive (though not as addictive as, say, one of the Civilization games). Alas, the worst part is already knowing that the closest thing to a sequel is Darkspore. At least, that is the closest thing that has been released.

It is a sad because what made the game so  exciting to hear about was its potential, and it still has a lot of potential that it seems like a sequel could fulfill. The "cell" stage, for example, is in the current manifestation really just the low-fat version of the creature stage. It would be great if in a sequel it was made more cellular: for example, "evolving" mitochondria for energy, or being able to get a cell wall for protection (and reduced speed), or getting chloroplast, or the sort. Or with the creature stage: since evolution is driven by the environment, having the environment influence what one needs to do in order to survive would be a great addition.

As a game in itself, Spore is fun. But as a series, I really want more.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on April 06, 2011, 09:54:04 pm
If you see the original demo videos, they used to have a more realistic idea in mind for the cell stage  (, but EA wanted something more simplistic and accesible. Also they cut-out the sea-creature stage, so they just mixed both stages in one (what a shame).

The game is fun though, I used to love playing around with the creature creator, and I'm still impressed by the HUGE size of the galaxy in the space stage, no way near as big as a real galaxy of course, but fairly impressive for a videogame  :shock:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on April 06, 2011, 11:27:13 pm
I finished Dragon Age 2. It was terrible and brilliant and frustrating. I'm still recovering from the weighted feeling the storyline gave me -- god, it was depressing -- but it attempted things that no other game I'm aware of has tried and I love it. This review sums it up best for me, I think: (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Thought on April 07, 2011, 12:54:42 am
If you see the original demo videos, they used to have a more realistic idea in mind for the cell stage  (, but EA wanted something more simplistic and accesible. Also they cut-out the sea-creature stage, so they just mixed both stages in one (what a shame).

Aye, I saw that ages ago. Really, every part of that video is better than the game that was actually released. I don't mind the "cute" style they went for. Considering the Sims and the sort, the current Spore style really does fit in with Will Wights other work better. But oh the unfulfilled potential! The Tribal Stage, while fun-enough, is essentially a mocking parody of what it was in 2005. I generally try to focus on the game that we have: it is fun, but it just can't hold a candle to that. All the more reason to hope for a sequel. Maybe they'll be able to implement some of the things they weren't able to before.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on April 08, 2011, 03:17:21 am
I finished Dragon Age 2. It was terrible and brilliant and frustrating. I'm still recovering from the weighted feeling the storyline gave me -- god, it was depressing -- but it attempted things that no other game I'm aware of has tried and I love it. This review sums it up best for me, I think: (

Aww :( I really enjoyed it , Im so glad it was voiced and stuff because it helped me get attached to the Hawke family easier , which in turn would make me choose ...'certain' decisions. Im on my third playthrough atm xD I have to say my mage female playthrough was the funnest !
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on April 08, 2011, 11:20:54 am
Oh, don't get me wrong, I adored it! Bioware would have to try very hard to prevent me from enjoying any game of theirs; it's just that from a critical perspective, there are many flaws. Hopefully DA3 has a development cycle that is more than 18 months. I really think that was a lot of the problem.

I absolutely love my sardonic rogue Lady Hawke and her wily, wily ways, but I'm looking forward to a male mage playthrough (as soon as I finish my second DA:O playthrough -- also as a mage -- so I can import that XD). I imagine the game will be even more dramatic because the storyline is so much about mages. Viva La (Mage) Revolución!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on April 09, 2011, 07:31:45 pm
Just found a great site that keeps tabs on indie game devs ( It lists job opportunities too!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on April 10, 2011, 09:05:52 pm

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on April 14, 2011, 02:53:39 am
Darn, looks like Sega really is putting the can on the fan-made Streets of Rage Remake. utunnels already provided the link elsewhere, but this will certainly be of interest to Compendiumites too.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Manly Man on April 14, 2011, 03:23:23 am
I really hope that Sega does a remake of their own, and perhaps makes an up-to-date sequel or all-out remake, have it go to PS3 or XBox 360 or something. That would actually be fun as Hell to have Axel and Blaze being able to do all sorts of shit that only that degree of game would allow. Imagine, being able to have more than just a little, measly fireball thing to blow away your opponents with, going to something like Kamehameha levels or something.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on April 14, 2011, 05:18:46 am
Aww man, I really hope this doesn't affect the openBOR project. T_T
Just found a great site that keeps tabs on indie game devs ( It lists job opportunities too!

Woohoo!! *Clicks*
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on April 14, 2011, 05:26:39 am
My boyfriend just beat Dead Space 2 on the hardest difficulty, where you only get three saves in the entire game.  So. Kick. Ass.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on April 15, 2011, 02:04:30 am
My boyfriend just beat Dead Space 2 on the hardest difficulty, where you only get three saves in the entire game.  So. Kick. Ass.

Has he ever played a Gradius game? The entire series is incredibly difficult (but that may be due to my ineptitude at side-scrollers in general).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on April 16, 2011, 12:14:59 am ( ( ( (

A successor for the Wii, huh?

I wonder... :|
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on April 16, 2011, 08:54:45 pm
Maybe I'm a Nintendo loyalist deep down inside, but I'm excited! It sounds great (from what we know). It sounds like it is correcting the flaws of the Gamecube and Wii. I mean, we're talking HD, a more mature (and Western) focused-demographic, greatly improved motion/move tracking capability, and a more basic controller (I was never that fond of the Wiimote). AWESOME!!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on April 17, 2011, 03:33:40 pm
The 1 and 2 were unnecessary and only there to make you look at the wiimote when commanded to use them.

Honestly I'd like two wireless nunchucks, one w joystick and one with ABXY buttons in snes format, plus L, R, and L and R triggers. Maybe with antennae on the tip to indicate where to point for motion stuff, but they should both look like Bender's antenna. My dream controller setup. Maybe have popout or plugin peripherals like extra buttons, extra joystick, and Dpad, but these shouldn't be required to play most games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Bard_of_Time on April 17, 2011, 03:56:14 pm
Yeah, the Wii is fun, but some things could benefit from the motion control. Someone has been telling me about Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Good Wii game, but you don't get anything from the Wii's motion control. You can't even point your dudes to go this way with it. You just D-Pad them.

Portable systems make me angry. Either the games aren't terribly intriguing or they wouldn't do well for a portable system. If you're reading a text-heavy game (like an RPG) in a moving car, you're prolly gonna get sick.

... also, my L button is broken on my DS, so there goes LARA, running away from battles, and getting through the factory...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on April 17, 2011, 05:35:37 pm

*Sigh* I seriously wish these modern first-person shooters would get away from the tired old cliches that they've grown in and of themselves. Those cliches include, but aren't limited to:

- Overblown, emotional storylines and character deaths
- Linear levels
- Arbitrary ranking systems and unlocks 

Naturally, every new FPS out there will claim that they'll buck the trends of previous FPS games out there. But one publicity stunt later, they'll merrily rip off of Call Of Duty. Now, this isn't to say that every FPS out there is lame for copying each other. No, my true complaint is how these games fail to deliver on their promises and mission statements, despite the fact that they literally promised to do exactly the opposite and instead turned out to be just another gritty, overblown shooter that takes itself far too seriously.

Finally, it’s worth making one last point. Labelling other games as “pretentious” and going out of the way to ridicule them is – in itself – the highest form of pretentiousness. And when you fail to actually shake off those tired cliches, it’s also the highest form of hypocrisy.

@Developers of these games: I'm as tired of the same old cliches as you are. But if you fail to break free from them – and fail to deliver a viable alternative - you’re part of the problem, not the solution.

Quote from: Mary Poppins
Promises are like pie crusts. Easily made, easily broken.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on April 21, 2011, 06:16:02 pm
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on April 21, 2011, 06:44:21 pm

The trailer is not what I was expecting, I want to see some hint of story and a little less focus in gameplay(there was a lot of focus in gameplay in the last trailer too), but a Zelda game is always a promise of a good game for me... I promised to never doubt Miyamoto again after I played Wind Waker  :P... Plus, the character at the end of the trailer is intriguing. I want NOW.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Tactinius on April 24, 2011, 09:21:17 pm
I'm about 8 years late to Dark Cloud 2 hitting my sweet, succulent lips and I'm loving every second of it. Has anyone else played it?

The crafting system is like Vagrant Story on ecstasy, so adorable~
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on April 24, 2011, 11:30:58 pm
I am a bit disappointed that it looks like OoT and TP, but... well... okay, no I'm not. I don't get tired of Link kicking ass.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on April 26, 2011, 01:06:41 am
Man, sometimes you just have to say, "holy shit!" (

While it seems incredibly experimental - possibly to a fault - it's still pretty damn intriguing. Can't wait for this one.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on April 26, 2011, 06:39:13 am
Man, sometimes you just have to say, "holy shit!" (

While it seems incredibly experimental - possibly to a fault - it's still pretty damn intriguing. Can't wait for this one.
WTF INCEPTION!! (Or Elephant's Dream; whatever you call the style) I love that style! Each step you take the tiles come to your aide. Never get tired seeing this. XD AND NOW IT'S A GAME!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on April 26, 2011, 11:13:22 am
Ohh, Bastion! I listened to a talk about the game from the main developer last fall, and narrative-wise, he is trying something very interesting: the narration branches dramatically depending on what you do in the game. I can't imagine the amount of voice acting that must have gone into that.

(He was also one of those annoying "story doesn't matter in games, gameplay comes first always and ever" types, but who cares because the narration idea is really cool and Bastion looks gorgeous.)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on April 27, 2011, 12:52:05 am
Yeah, something tells me Bastion's story isn't liable to be incredibly deep, but the narration sounds astoundingly witty in terms of raw textual quality. Quite impressive.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on April 28, 2011, 09:51:21 pm
I'm not sure if any of you seen this, but Final Fantasy XV is rumored to be shown on the Project Cafe ( Nintendo console ) this E3.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: gatotsu911 on April 30, 2011, 05:57:02 pm
If anyone still cared about Final Fantasy XV, this might be big news! [/ohsnap]
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Tactinius on April 30, 2011, 06:04:55 pm
I really only want to hear about FFXV once Wada is fired (and it's bound to happen sometime soon considering the brown streaks he keeps leaving on the creative department's projects). I'm honestly really optimistic about FFVersusXIII, if only because Nomura has complete creative control and marketers have very little involvement. Sakaguchi should really just be made CEO of SE by now, if not him then Nomura or Matsuno; they understand video games as a storytelling medium and it makes no sense for a company that produces and publishes video games to be run by someone who knows dick about them.

Also they should start worrying about how they number the installments, it's gonna be silly hearing things like "Final Fantasy Seventeen" in a few years.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on May 01, 2011, 01:48:35 am
Also they should start worrying about how they number the installments, it's gonna be silly hearing things like "Final Fantasy Seventeen" in a few years.

Nah, that's what makes the irony more funny with each passing number... :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on May 03, 2011, 01:55:25 am
Here is the thing, FFXIII had a good system, it genuinely keeps you on your toes and it's really fun, but you're so restricted by plot-blocks that when you're finally allowed to customize everyone's paradigms, it doesn't matter because: 1) you're already too far through the ones that matter and 2) the game is nearly over. I don't even mind the linear crawl through the game as that keeps me interested; gamers aren't as patient these days and a world map usually just serves to disguise linearity anyway. And honestly, it's an interesting approach to take, as it gave the game more of a cinematic flair and heightened the believability that you're being hunted down by a very persistent army and all of Cocoon thinks you're monsters (hence 'no towns', cursed wanted people aren't going to be allowed to take a snooze in your inn). The cast is pretty great too, besides Hope, whose development sort of starts and ends with one thing, halfway through the game. And that soundtrack? Holy shit it's gorgeous.

The game has everything it NEEDS to be great, and falls just short of that. It's a blast to run through, but it isn't something I can see myself going back to to grind in. If they learn from their mistakes with XIII-2 and restrict you less and give you more roaming (which is likely, since the conflict is resolved by this point), it could be really fun. That's why it bothers me when people say "Final Fantasy is ruined forever!!", since really, it isn't, they're trying (good) new things and making mistakes with them. 13 is really like it or hate it, but certainly not love it. 14 however, WAS a mistake, but at least they fired the development team and gave it a new one, so it's being adjusted and improved.

I'm honestly looking forward to XIII-2, Versus, and XV. And hey, Type-0 on the PSP looks great so far.

ok i'm done bitchin
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on May 03, 2011, 04:18:30 am
That's why it bothers me when people say "Final Fantasy is ruined forever!!", since really, it isn't, they're trying (good) new things and making mistakes with them. 13 is really like it or hate it, but certainly not love it. 14 however, WAS a mistake, but at least they fired the development team and gave it a new one, so it's being adjusted and improved.
That's exactly what I needed to hear. XDDD
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on May 03, 2011, 07:44:34 am
Also they should start worrying about how they number the installments, it's gonna be silly hearing things like "Final Fantasy Seventeen" in a few years.

Nah, that's what makes the irony more funny with each passing number... :lol:

No more or less ironic than the 'World Series' and there's been quite a few of those...

That's why it bothers me when people say "Final Fantasy is ruined forever!!", since really, it isn't, they're trying (good) new things and making mistakes with them. 13 is really like it or hate it, but certainly not love it. 14 however, WAS a mistake, but at least they fired the development team and gave it a new one, so it's being adjusted and improved.
That's exactly what I needed to hear. XDDD

Yeah, it's tough to say that the series is dead forever or to have any real lasting opinion of the series since, as a series, it's a loosely fit together jumble of different development teams' imaginations...It's really just barely a series at all when you get right down to it...Hell, it took them over 10 games to start making actual sequels of some of them!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on May 03, 2011, 08:29:27 am
Just tried the legendary game Cave Story (Doukutsu Monogatari) today, and it will probably become my favorite platformer game so far.
But anyway, I need to play more to make a conclusion.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on May 03, 2011, 02:13:53 pm
999's purple prose almost killed the experience for me, but damned if it didn't keep me guessing til the end. Well played.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: V_Translanka on May 05, 2011, 04:50:40 pm
In case anyone remembers, the Smithsonian released the winners ( of their Art of Video Games public poll (the winners get to be part of a new video game art exhibit)...

While there are clearly some that won on name recognition, I think quite a few actually won that had the better artistic flare! BioShock beat out heavyweights Halo & Gears of War...but sadly, Chrono Trigger & Earthbound both lost out to Link to the Past, which is understandable to a degree...but while it was my favorite LoZ, I admit that a lot of it didn't look as good as it could have. Also, glad to see Phantasy Star get a couple nods, unfortunately Shining Force 2 was still in Adventure with End of the Millennium when it should have been under Combat/Strategy like all the OTHER SRPGs listed....
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on May 06, 2011, 11:19:58 am
Zelda truly stole the show! I'm happy with that, but it's a shame CT is not going to be exhibition.  :| Oh well... let's hope there's a next time, I'm happy to see videogames being recognized as a potential artistic medium.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Tactinius on May 07, 2011, 05:15:18 pm
So I finally have a high-end gaming PC. It's glory incarnate with an extra USB port.

I'm already downloading the Bioware suite (even though I've heard nothing but complaints about Dragon Age 2). Any recommendations?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on May 07, 2011, 09:54:48 pm
Bioshock! It's absolutely wonderful, and really anything from Valve: half life 2, portal, etc. I recommend going through Steam, they have great deals sometimes!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Tactinius on May 09, 2011, 04:09:07 pm
I haven't payed Bioshock yet, I'll have to keep it in mind. Objectivism and drills seem like a pretty sweet combo.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on May 09, 2011, 06:09:14 pm
Well you get the drill in the second one. In the first you have to settle for a ton of guns and gene manipulation that effectively gives you magic.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on May 09, 2011, 06:30:09 pm
Ohh, the Fallouts! They are great fun, and WAY better with mods to fix the bugs and give you more than 10 songs on the radio.

If you like horror/adventure, the Penumbra games and especially Amnesia. If you like straight adventure, anything by Telltale.On the artier side of things, there's the Void.

I will also say Something Positive about DA2, though it is a very flawed game indeed.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Bard_of_Time on May 09, 2011, 07:39:42 pm
Games on the PC... Fallout is a good one. Even though the ants scare me. And the ghouls. ... and the deathclaws... and... it's still fun. Portal 2 is another good one.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: GenesisOne on May 09, 2011, 10:56:40 pm

Just finished playing Portal 2 and getting all the single player achievements, and let me tell you... it was worth the wait! Gladdos is still as sarcastically funny as ever, and the in-depth history of Aperture Science is intriguing, especially with the rantings of Cave Johnson. I loved his anti-"When Life Gives You Lemons" rant:

Quote from: Cave Johnson
All right, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these?! Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!

And while we're on the Fallout series, I know the perfect song for the game: (

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on May 09, 2011, 11:18:36 pm

Just finished playing Portal 2 and getting all the single player achievements, and let me tell you... it was worth the wait! Gladdos is still as sarcastically funny as ever, and the in-depth history of Aperture Science is intriguing, especially with the rantings of Cave Johnson. I loved his anti-"When Life Gives You Lemons" rant

Yes! Cave Johnson is one of the best new characters in a video game franchise since Yoshi, and since he's not playable and the only contact you have with the guy is a bunch of recordings and portraits left behind, that's really saying something.

I am very interested in talking about the between-the-lines story they don't spell out for you, if anyone else is, PM me and we'll get a mind-blowiing spoiler-filled convo going. Make sure you read the comic at and finish the single player campaign first. I really want to know if you came up with the same conclusion I did. It's crazy!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Manly Man on May 11, 2011, 03:46:12 pm
Soul Calibur V's ( just been announced today. (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: skylark on May 12, 2011, 01:39:21 pm
Soul Calibur V's ( just been announced today. (

Heh. So much for 4 being the last one. :roll:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Bard_of_Time on May 12, 2011, 03:24:00 pm
4 didn't knock my socks off that much. I still like 3 most of all.

I'm just now realizing how absolutely beautiful the sound engine of FFVI is. I'm listening to songs like 'The Man with the Machine Gun' played using said engine, and it just works.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on May 15, 2011, 07:06:39 pm
Ohohoh, man, am I glad someone finally longplayed the first 30 minutes of Galaxy on Fire 2. ( This one made me a believer in the potential of mobile gaming.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on May 16, 2011, 08:02:00 pm (

Rumor or truth...? I wonder... :?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on May 23, 2011, 01:25:51 am
Whoa. I mean, I guess I should have known it after Valkyria Chronicles, but now I'm really a believer in this whole cel-shaded models thing. (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on May 23, 2011, 01:30:39 am (

Rumor or truth...? I wonder... :?

Legend of Paper Zelda? adorable xD  :P but it sounds unlikely to me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on May 23, 2011, 01:44:45 am
Yeah... that seems to be the mindset of many people of the Fire Emblem site I found the link. You'd think they'd be more hopeful since there is a 'Fire Emblem Cafe' in the title list as well, but I guess one look at 'Legend of Paper Zelda' threw them off...

Honestly I don't find the concept that weird or unusual. It'd be just a more 'flat' version of Wind Waker and such. But to each their own I guess... :roll:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on May 23, 2011, 02:01:43 am
I'd love to see something with graphics like those  :P But Zelda franchise is not as flexible as Mario franchise is. I think Zelda seems to have settled for the "realistic" and "toon" styles, I don't think Nintendo will introduce another new style anytime soon (Though, Skyward Sword looks like is going to start a new art style, so who knows...) Also, Paper Marios are "rpg" like Mario games, Zelda games are too much like rpgs already.

When I read paper Zelda, I inmediatly though something like that little video at the start of the Phantom hourglass  :)

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Bard_of_Time on May 23, 2011, 07:40:27 am
I loved the way Valkyria Chronicles looked. I didn't get all that far (Jane kept dying), but I still loved looking at it. Does anyone ever get anything else like that? Games you love to look at, but never got that far because they were too hard/too confusing?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on May 23, 2011, 10:27:36 am
Quote from: Bard_of_Time
Does anyone ever get anything else like that? Games you love to look at, but never got that far because they were too hard/too confusing?

This happens to me with Final Fantasy  :|
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dunsparce on May 24, 2011, 11:36:02 pm
Hello, temporarily back from a long hiatus.

I just came on to give a much-deserved videogame shout-out. In the recently posted picture of the RD cartidge, something caught my eye. To the immediate right of the BSX catridges are Dicing Knight Saga and Judgement Silversword. These are among the most rare of games for Bandai's Wonderswan, a Japan-only Handheld System. During Square's fallout with Nintendo, they made all their handheld games for the Wonderswan Color, the second illteration of the system. The original monochrome WS was created by the same man that invented the Gameboy. It was released after his death. Many series saw their start there. The Gunpey puzzle series had 3 games. The series itself is prothumusely named after the system's creator himself. The orignal version of Rivera: the Promised Land was also on here
Well, anyway these games are unique. They were made using a development tool called the Wonderwitch. They were the winners of a contest that made them officially published titles. They were among the last games for the WS's third and final model, the SwanCrystal. As such very few copies were made.

The WS finally fell in 2003 via the combination of the GBA's release and Square making ammends with Nintendo. At their peak, they held 8% of the Japanese handheld market, a feat not surpassed by a non-Nintendo handheld system until the PSP.

RIP Wonderswan 1999-2003

Best Japan only system ever.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on May 28, 2011, 10:46:27 pm
Oh yes, the Wonderswan. I still play with it. I'll admit I don't have that much games on it than other systems (just 6, and they're all the SRW ones), but still have fun with it.

In other news, looks like the 4th Layton game is really coming out of Japan. (

Such wonderful news, it reminds me of a puzzle... :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on May 30, 2011, 10:37:33 pm
Recently I've been exploring old action games, because I consider to make my own.
Arcade games before 1986, somehow, tend to be unbeatable unless you have tons of coins, no matter how decent the graphics look, I can't say I like to play them.  I don't like action games that can't be beat without losing lives, after a good amount of time practising. Sadly, there are pretty many games like that. :(
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on May 31, 2011, 01:24:45 pm
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on May 31, 2011, 10:11:43 pm
Oh wow, DO WANT! :shock:

Man, it's been becoming hard for me to decide what to get on my birthday... I'm stuck between this, a PSP, or importing some PS2 games (with Swap Magic of course). Might as well throw a coin! Nevermind the fact they're actually 3 choices. :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on May 31, 2011, 10:37:09 pm
Looks better than the N64 version, but still they look really alike. XD
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on May 31, 2011, 11:47:01 pm
I think Vestergaard ( did a nice comparison of the diferences  :lol:
 ( (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ChronoMoogle on June 01, 2011, 09:30:03 am

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Thought on June 03, 2011, 04:38:38 pm
I was recently tipped off to Project Zomboid ( Seems like a really interesting idea, and I particularly like the X-com influences. It is great to see that game developers are still trying to come up with fresh ideas.

Also, it gets bonus points for reminding me of, the website where anything is possible.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on June 06, 2011, 03:59:41 pm
Ok, so the E3 has started today. Don't know much other than Halo 4 and Halo Anniversary or something being announced (and I'm seeing this from another forum so can't say for sure).

And anyone hoping for some kind of Chrono news here... start crossing fingers... :?

Update: I'll say, I was impressed with Nintendo line-up, and it has not even shown in it's entirety.

Just see for yourself: (
Username: E32011
Password: nintendo
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on June 07, 2011, 04:23:13 pm



The new villian, Demon Lord Ghirahim, gives me a little of a Magus vibe.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on June 09, 2011, 05:34:18 pm
So who was completely disappointed with jrpgs being practically non existent at E3? I was wanting some Last Story and Xenoblade news.

Also what are the chances that CC could get a general rpg forum for rpgs outside of the Chrono franchise? I can't find a forum worthwhile. There are like a million devoted to FF series but I'm not really liking it so much anymore.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on June 09, 2011, 09:42:11 pm
So who was completely disappointed with jrpgs being practically non existent at E3?
Sounds downright alarming. New times we're living it; I never would have guessed we'd come to this point when there were enough JRPGs to go around for everyone back in the 1990s and early 2000s!

For now, I suppose it's always welcome to fire up discussion about specific games in the General board.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on June 09, 2011, 11:14:09 pm
I never heard before about the Itadaki Street series and I was actually surprised when they announced a Dragon Quest/Mario Party game, I wasn't expecting that from SE  :P I wonder if we could ever get Crono in a Smash Brothers game...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on June 10, 2011, 12:44:12 am
There's been a real backlash against JRPGs. It's disappointing, since games like Demons Souls have been solid, and the genre still has new directions it could go. The developers need to innovate more and Western fans need to stop being self-involved snobs about how WRPGs are better, IMHO.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on June 10, 2011, 01:01:05 am
I never heard before about the Itadaki Street series and I was actually surprised when they announced a Dragon Quest/Mario Party game, I wasn't expecting that from SE  :P I wonder if we could ever get Crono in a Smash Brothers game...

I think the probability of that to be very low. There is a new Smash Bros. game to come, and assuming they keep the '3rd Party allowance', if SquareEnix joins on that... well, you're going to expect more someone from FF, or perhaps DQ. Oh well...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on June 10, 2011, 04:29:07 am
The developers need to innovate more

This is the only part I disagree with. Not even fully. I feel like the constant pressure on devs to innovate and break new ground with each game is a flawed and transparent business model. The phrase "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" comes to mind. At least Square Enix, and at most every big developer end up making games that don't tell a story well or that have tons of bugs or just aren't fun because they are afraid to stick to what worked already. Battles don't have to be difficult to understand for them to be fun. Usually the easier it is to pick up, the more likely the player will finish the game.
For example, FF13's paradigm shift, and really all the pseudo-foreign names for summons and magic users and monsters are all intended to make the game more immersive, but they really just make it feel long-winded and gimmicky. I guess I'm more of a back to basics guy.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on June 10, 2011, 11:52:43 am
Hmm. I think the nature of the video game medium demands some innovation to make best use of the technological advancements. I understand the 'back to the basics' sentiment, though, and I guess the real issue is just that there have been so many mediocre JRPGs of late. If they were good JRPGs with nothing new to offer in terms of mechanics, I could conceivably quite satisfied with them, as long as they didn't flagrantly misuse any of the said technological advancements.

I definitely don't mean "innovate" in the WRPG sense. Bioware and Obsidian have gone on record saying that they don't consider JRPGs to be RPGs at all (because they're linear and you can't customize the PC). I love both developers, but damn, that's stupid. It's so limiting. I am a greedy gamer and I want all kinds of games!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on June 10, 2011, 02:58:46 pm
I guess to clarify, innovative storytelling is always welcome, but innovative programming isn't as necessary as devs think. I don't think a customizable character makes a game better, most games get along just fine without them and sometimes they just don't fit. I must be thinking of innovation as a quality pushed from the bigwigs to the working devs in the most superficial way possible, like "teamwork", "think outside the box", etc.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on June 10, 2011, 03:09:43 pm
I don't think it's anything to do with innovation or anything. It's just we simply can't buy jrpgs if they aren't released here. It's a lot to do with the media bashing every jrpg released. People trust these reviewers and pass up on what little we do have. I love wrpgs as well as jrpgs but honestly I'm not expecting a ton of innovation with my jrpg I just want a well crafted story with interesting characters.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on June 12, 2011, 10:00:51 am
Honestly I haven't played many good JRPGs lately. I try some and they just aren't as interesting or as fun the the PS1 and earlier generations. Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean 4, Tales of anything after Abyss, Any non main series KH or FF game, I can't seem to bring myself to care for Ar Tonellico. Resonance of Fate is the only JRPG I have been wanting to play (other than FFXIII) in years, and I from what I hear from friends it's forgettable. Fact is I wish Western RPGs had the story, characters, and flashiness of JRPGs. I may not have liked Oblivion, but I liked Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Those are the only RPGs I've been playing for a long time, I've even found myself coming here less and less because now I spend most of my time playing fighting games which have been great this genre I might add.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on June 16, 2011, 04:13:05 am
What a misleading trailer xD very awesome, though. (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: 1st Mate Bob on June 16, 2011, 06:29:25 pm
I'm tired of all the guns... seriously.

I guess that's what appeals to the Western market, though. Oh well. *goes back to re-playing Chrono Trigger again*
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Trebuchet on June 19, 2011, 01:47:36 am
I'm sure it's already been discussed, but...
999: 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors kicks a lot of ass. A game hasn't made me think that much for a while.

Also, Radiant Historia is a fantastic game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Bard_of_Time on June 19, 2011, 05:33:19 pm
I found myself really enjoying Psychonauts, for one reason or another. If I so desired, I could set someone on fire (or at least try to), lift things, and then realize that the world is going to be destroyed by a mad dentist with SUPER SNEEZY POWDER. I swear that that stuff is evil.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Licawolf on June 26, 2011, 02:19:21 am
I got my Ocarina of Time 3DS, I've only played through the first dungeon, but I'm very pleased :D I particularly like the way the first person view works with the nintendo 3DS, you actually move the 3DS around in the direction you want to look at (I spent many minutes stopping at every spot to look around while saying "oooooh" "uuuuuuh"), and that can be used for aiming with the weapons too, very precise and easy. The 3D graphics look great, particles like the little shiny things that float around in kokiri forest, look amazing, and distance is really clearly discernable...  but sometimes I have to turn the 3D feature off because I'm not yet used to it and my eyes get tired after a while. The remastered graphics are not radically stunning at first view ( except for Link's face which is pretty obviously better xD), but they do give a "new" feeling to the game, it's all small details: the colours are more vibrant, most textures are improved, models are more polished and smoother, some backgrounds are more detailed (the kokiri shop is now full of posters and other items hanging around, like Majora's Mask shops, I love it xD), even the movements of some NPCs is better (the way Mido moves is so teatrical and fluid now). Since I played the original game so many times, I can't help but notice other very little changes like some cutscenes having one or two new camera angles, and Navi having some messages I didn't remember ( but I'm guessing some of this changes may have already been in the gamecube port which I never played ).

All in all, I'm very happy with the game, I'm still getting used to the way the menu and the items work with the two screens (no C-buttons!), I'm still curious to see how the ocarina works here.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on June 30, 2011, 01:53:52 am
Crap, so Nintendo of America isn't releasing Xenoblade stateside. Nor The Last Story for that matter.

Apparently that giant buzzing sound you hear is every US citizen downloading the Wii emulator...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on June 30, 2011, 03:16:58 am
:picardno (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on June 30, 2011, 04:17:35 am
Crap, so Nintendo of America isn't releasing Xenoblade stateside. Nor The Last Story for that matter.

Apparently that giant buzzing sound you hear is every US citizen downloading the Wii emulator...

It's about that time. This is quite disheartening. However, Wii emulation seems to offer 720p and 1080p, and I can connect my computer to my projector, so the only difference will be they won't get my money. Shame for them.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on June 30, 2011, 04:41:33 am
Wow, the rumor mill has it that Europe might be getting The Last Story too! Considering how well British voice acting goes over in games, maybe this is a win-win situation after all.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on June 30, 2011, 10:39:07 pm
Grrrr... I read this news today on IGN. A shame they aren't coming Stateside, despite the fan outcry. I wonder what their logic is. Good companies should really meet the demands of their consumer-base.

Hey, maybe my MBA is turning out useful after all!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: 1st Mate Bob on July 01, 2011, 04:01:43 am
Grrrr... I read this news today on IGN. A shame they aren't coming Stateside, despite the fan outcry. I wonder what their logic is. Good companies should really meet the demands of their consumer-base.
JRPGs on the Wii have had a hard time selling 200,000 copies in the US.
Call of Duty 3 and CoD: World at War both sold over 1,000,000 copies each on the Wii, and CoD: Black Ops has sold over 600,000 so far.
Games like "Just Dance" have sold over 2,000,000 copies.

Logically, which is the best investment? There's no money in JRPGs in the states. Nintendo is a business; money comes first.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: alfadorredux on July 01, 2011, 09:26:59 am
The problem is one that's infected most other areas of the entertainment industry as well: big companies aren't interested in anything that would bring them only a modest profit. In this case, if they've already got an English-language localization created for the European release, they could run off 50000-100000 copies with at most a couple of minor tweaks, make a single press release to get the word out, price it slightly higher than the average Wii game to offset the lost economies of scale, and probably still make some money off the portion of the hard-core JRPG crowd that owns a Wii. Thing is, because it would only make them a few hundred thousand rather than millions of $$$, they're not going to bother. (It isn't as though creating a smaller number of units for a less popular game prevents them from putting out the million-plus sellers, y'know?)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on July 01, 2011, 11:07:25 pm
How am I supposed to take Nintendo seriously when they say they are bringing content to the core gamer with the WiiU when things like this happen. After all the fans speaking with their wallets by preordering Xenoblade on Amazon and getting it to the #1 spot in the gaming section of Amazon NoA basically tells gamers "lol no." I was excited about WiiU but now I don't think I have any intentions of purchasing one until NoA can get the games I'm interested in to me.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on July 01, 2011, 11:09:37 pm
Grrrr... I read this news today on IGN. A shame they aren't coming Stateside, despite the fan outcry. I wonder what their logic is. Good companies should really meet the demands of their consumer-base.
JRPGs on the Wii have had a hard time selling 200,000 copies in the US.
Call of Duty 3 and CoD: World at War both sold over 1,000,000 copies each on the Wii, and CoD: Black Ops has sold over 600,000 so far.
Games like "Just Dance" have sold over 2,000,000 copies.

Logically, which is the best investment? There's no money in JRPGs in the states. Nintendo is a business; money comes first.

It has already been translated... What do they need to invest?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on July 01, 2011, 11:18:44 pm
JRPGs on the Wii have had a hard time selling 200,000 copies in the US. Call of Duty 3 and CoD: World at War both sold over 1,000,000 copies each on the Wii, and CoD: Black Ops has sold over 600,000 so far. Games like "Just Dance" have sold over 2,000,000 copies.

Logically, which is the best investment? There's no money in JRPGs in the states. Nintendo is a business; money comes first.

That's true, but Nintendo is known for porting games that commonly sell only 200,000 copies. I mean, much of the Wii library is pretty weak. This has been the case since the days of the Gamecube. Nintendo itself reaps massive profits from a few key franchises and third party development fees.

In addition, the long-term ramifications of such business decisions can actually be disastrous in the long-term scheme of profits. Customers can become disenchanted. Case in point, I have completely quit buying products from Apple because of their abusive customer practices. Not necessarily always the case, but a denied customer can be a dangerous enemy.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on July 01, 2011, 11:25:37 pm
I vote for Boo as new CEO of Nintendo.

I wonder if sheer marketing costs are the culprit from NoA's perspective? If so, I think they're underestimating the amount of viral attention Xenoblade has gotten thus far. Especially with the Project Rainfall coverage -- I mean, damn, that's the kind of free oxygen a product seller can only dream of. I wonder if marketing and MBA courses actually discuss this sort of thing, or did at the time the people running the show received their training?

Nintendo ought to let an indie publisher purchase the rights to distribute said games in the US, and reap licensing fees while letting the smaller publisher bear the risk. It seems to be the most sensible thing to do from a game theory/expected profit maximization perspective, IMO. Why not let everyone just win?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on July 02, 2011, 05:00:58 am
Why not let everyone just win?
Because for some reason, every corporation runs with an only me attitude.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: 1st Mate Bob on July 02, 2011, 01:43:33 pm
Grrrr... I read this news today on IGN. A shame they aren't coming Stateside, despite the fan outcry. I wonder what their logic is. Good companies should really meet the demands of their consumer-base.
JRPGs on the Wii have had a hard time selling 200,000 copies in the US.
Call of Duty 3 and CoD: World at War both sold over 1,000,000 copies each on the Wii, and CoD: Black Ops has sold over 600,000 so far.
Games like "Just Dance" have sold over 2,000,000 copies.

Logically, which is the best investment? There's no money in JRPGs in the states. Nintendo is a business; money comes first.

It has already been translated... What do they need to invest?
Translated, yes, but localized for Europeans. They would have to localize it for the U.S. as well as whatever tweaks they need to make to the DVD's due to the consoles being region locked. I am fairly certain NoA isn't even able to borrow the European translation and use it as a starting point for their own, meaning they'd have to start with the Japanese version like everyone else.
JRPGs on the Wii have had a hard time selling 200,000 copies in the US. Call of Duty 3 and CoD: World at War both sold over 1,000,000 copies each on the Wii, and CoD: Black Ops has sold over 600,000 so far. Games like "Just Dance" have sold over 2,000,000 copies.

Logically, which is the best investment? There's no money in JRPGs in the states. Nintendo is a business; money comes first.

That's true, but Nintendo is known for porting games that commonly sell only 200,000 copies. I mean, much of the Wii library is pretty weak. This has been the case since the days of the Gamecube. Nintendo itself reaps massive profits from a few key franchises and third party development fees.
However, what do they do after they make money off of the key franchises? With the explosion that casual games have made on Facebook and the App store, Nintendo seems like they're taking a "me too" initiative.  They invest in casual games now, because those sell more than hardcore epics. That was pretty much the whole point of the Wii, if you remember. Bring gaming to non-gamers. How do you do that? By making/porting games for non-gamers.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on July 02, 2011, 09:48:38 pm
Steam is having a sale, guys. For ten days.

Use this information wisely.

For my part, I have partaken, and will probably give a trusted friend my cards until the sale is over.  :shock:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on July 11, 2011, 11:40:37 pm

A new time travel game? I'm interested.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Romana on July 12, 2011, 10:33:48 pm
Crap, so Nintendo of America isn't releasing Xenoblade stateside. Nor The Last Story for that matter.

Apparently that giant buzzing sound you hear is every US citizen downloading the Wii emulator...

Homebrew Channel + Gecko OS or USB Loader allows you to bypass region checks. So it's probably worth importing a PAL copy. It's what I do with Wii games that take longer to come out here/don't get released in Europe. Freeloaders used to work too, but Nintendo blocked those with a patch...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on July 13, 2011, 07:01:04 pm

HA. Yes.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on July 15, 2011, 01:57:33 am (

Hmm, well, even if I haven't really heard much of this game, though it might be of interest posting this... if it hasn't already, doesn't seem to be new this article after all.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on July 15, 2011, 03:51:13 pm
Last Story was just trademarked by Nintendo of America?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on July 15, 2011, 04:57:55 pm
Whooaaaa, this changes everything. I wonder if they'll do a 180 on Xenoblade too?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on July 16, 2011, 07:14:07 am
Interesting article.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on July 17, 2011, 01:07:39 am
Here are two more related articles.  On the second the replies are just as informative as the article itself, so plan for a long read. ( (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on July 17, 2011, 04:00:22 am
Interesting article.

When my kids encounter a boss that requires grinding, they think the game is broken, or that they're just missing something. I've seen them spend up to two hours trying to kill a Deathclaw in Fallout: New Vegas because they don't consider the idea that they should come back when they're more powerful. It's there, so we should be able to kill it.

LMAO, but seriously grinding sometimes is for those who are less tactical.

If They Want to Read, They'll Buy a Fucking Book

Hmm, that is too bad. But yeah, there should be some workaround if you missed the text.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: alfadorredux on July 17, 2011, 10:18:31 am
My conclusions from reading the "5 lessons" article: The author is a hardcore gamer. His kids are the type of casual gamers who (as adults) would play Farmville and Angry Birds, but would never buy a console left to themselves--they only play GTA because their father has it in the house. Two different audiences, with different interests that can't be easily satisfied by the same game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on July 17, 2011, 05:28:25 pm
My conclusions from reading the "5 lessons" article: The author is a hardcore gamer. His kids are the type of casual gamers who (as adults) would play Farmville and Angry Birds, but would never buy a console left to themselves--they only play GTA because their father has it in the house. Two different audiences, with different interests that can't be easily satisfied by the same game.
Yeah, but he/she also speaks for the majority. Okay, granted, we played RD (and sat through the monologues at the end of CC) mostly because we're a fan of literature, are fans of Chrono series and were curious, or at least we simply tolerated, but the majority of people, whether gamers or not, would only play what's instant fun.

I mean, think of it; when we say play we're usually looking for amusement. These days some people (if not all) would be satisfied playing on their Android/iPhones just to satisfy their boredom; and what's the point playing something when it actually gets you frustrated (like, Ragnarok Online)?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on July 17, 2011, 10:44:30 pm
I play Angry Birds only when I don't have anything else to play. XD
But it is true few people enjoys reading a game instead of playing it, even it is a point and click style.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on July 18, 2011, 06:50:02 am
One word: Canabalt (Parkour)! (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on July 18, 2011, 01:41:15 pm
The quote about grinding is fascinating. My littlest brother has a similar mentality. Games have gotten a lot easier since the days where AtmaWeapon kept kicking my ass, and it shows. He really believes he's entitled to destroy anything he encounters in the game with fairly minimal ease.

For my part I absolutely detest grinding; I would much rather spend the time tweaking my tactics on a very difficult boss battle, or solving a puzzle. My aim is really to feel like I've defeated a worthy opponent, or that I've done something very significant and epic, moreso than I've mowed someone over. The grinders I know tend to have a brain for micromanaging and want to be rewarded for their perseverance by feeling really badass.

I hate grinding so much that by the end of FF9, I only had the first level of Cure :o

There are players like me and then there's the grinders, and devs want to please us both, sometimes to the detriment of us all.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on July 18, 2011, 11:09:38 pm

I....I just.. don't believe that it happened...dammit.  :picardno
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on July 19, 2011, 05:33:17 am

I....I just.. don't believe that it happened...dammit.  :picardno

Yeah, they're going bonkers over at gamespot.  Most disturbing about this is their refusal to give specifics on why it was cancelled.  They even said as much in the FAQ - "The reasons for the cancellation were outlined above."  Capcom's reputation is going to take a big hit from this.  The business mentality is also mystifying.  Failure to meet criteria?  What does that even mean?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on July 19, 2011, 11:41:51 am
Inafune left, was it really a surprise? I've been upset about this since then, now I'm over it. But I'm sure Capcom was really scared to announce that. They probably tried to find someone else to do it, but who else really could?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on July 19, 2011, 03:19:28 pm
Inafune left, was it really a surprise? I've been upset about this since then, now I'm over it. But I'm sure Capcom was really scared to announce that. They probably tried to find someone else to do it, but who else really could?

Ah, I didn't know about Inafune leaving.  Small wonder why Capcom didn't go into specifics.  Does that mean the MegaMan franchise is effectively dead?  If so, it's been a very long and interesting ride.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on July 21, 2011, 06:05:02 pm (

Usually I'm not that interested, until I saw Phoenix Wright among those new characters. What the...? :?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on July 22, 2011, 07:57:13 pm
They're ALL MALE.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ChronoMoogle on July 22, 2011, 08:34:54 pm
Ultimate Capcom VS Marvel is only the working title.

The real name was just revealed:
Ultimate Mud Wrestling - Gaycom VS Malevel


Just kidding about Bekklers recognition  :twisted:
Firebrand and Phoenix Wright are nice adds :)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Manly Man on July 23, 2011, 12:33:39 am
New confirmed characters for Soul Calibur V. (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ShinGundam on July 24, 2011, 03:06:21 am
Is it me or world maps/overworlds just completely disappeared from games now.
Tales of Xillia won't feature a complete overworld  :(

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on July 28, 2011, 12:46:35 pm (

For anyone with a 3DS or plans to get one...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on July 29, 2011, 08:22:34 am
A new LOTR game - War in the North Fellowship

Here's the trailer. (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on July 29, 2011, 07:56:22 pm (

Usually I'm not that interested, until I saw Phoenix Wright among those new characters. What the...? :?

Only changes I'd make are Firebrand and Vergil to Kyosuke(Rival Schools) and any Megaman. Also...
NOVA!!!!! FTW!!!!!! BOUT FREEKIN TIME!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 :o :shock: :o :shock: :o :shock: :o :shock: :o :shock: :o :shock: :o :shock: :o

Ah, I didn't know about Inafune leaving.  Small wonder why Capcom didn't go into specifics.  Does that mean the MegaMan franchise is effectively dead?  If so, it's been a very long and interesting ride.

That's the rumor as of right now. Which is mainly because of UMvC3 not having a megaman in it. But it doesn't matter that he left, he really didn't make many Megaman games as of late, Capcom could make a game without him.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on July 30, 2011, 09:46:56 am
Well after Inafume left. They canceled Megaman Legends 3...  :picardno :picardno :picardno :picardno :picardno :picardno
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on August 01, 2011, 06:46:55 pm
A bunch of Diablo III related news came out today.  Unsurprisingly, the mandatory online connection and the introduction of an optional real-money auctionhouse are generating a lot of unfavorable replies.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Bradums on August 02, 2011, 01:27:46 am
Hm. The mandatory internet connection seemed obvious, after SC2. It's how they're beginning to roll. I don't mind, since my connection's always active, but...hey, options are never a bad thing. Especially for a game with strong single-player offline content in its history.

As for the real-money that's a huge shocker, coming from a company who has repeatedly denounced players selling in-game items for real-world currency and claimed that games are for fun, and that allowing players to spend real-world wealth to gain something over other players is unfair and immoral. Though, given how much they've pushed their in-game item shop for WoW, I guess it makes sense. *Sigh*
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on August 03, 2011, 05:23:35 pm
One of Blizzard's justifications for the real-money auctionhouse was that people were going to do it anyway on third-party sites, just like they did with Diablo II.  This way, Blizzard has some control over the process so that cheating doesn't become an issue.

Of course, what this is really about is maximizing profits.  Blizzard will charge a small fee (in real money) for each item put on the real-money auctionhouse.  Some people are already salivating at the prospect of making a living just selling loot to desperate players with deep pockets.  And why not?  With high unemployment and no prospect for renewed government spending to resolve the issue, people will be looking at alternative - and less savory - means of putting food on the table.

It's not yet certain how Blizzard will transfer funds between players, but if they can make it work, it will establish a whole new business model for gaming.  Imagine.  Developers can create a virtual item for basically nothing and watch the cash start rolling in from the people who absolutely can't live without it.  I personally find it pretty disturbing, but it will be interesting to see how it plays out.  Psychologists might even find reason to write a paper.  Who knows?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on August 07, 2011, 05:02:35 pm
I'm just about finished with Black Sigil (which is great, btw), so I'm keeping an eye out for future games to play. Any DS games that you guys would recommend? I'm really big into RPGs and the classics, like Sonic.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on August 08, 2011, 02:38:31 am
Lovin' the look of this one!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on August 08, 2011, 04:49:11 pm
Here's an interesting game which could be in the category of "Donationware".

Bu why Donationware, you say? Well, somehow the Ubuntu platform introduces complex philosophies to the users and developers, and there's this thing called "humble licence" which some game-makers have developed. Works in two ways: Either the developers reward their donors with awesome stuff before the game is released (since the game will be free anyway), or the consumers can simply buy the game with whatever amount they want to pay. While this method isn't efficient for corporate money-making schemes, it does support independent developers and artists, thus encouraging a community-driven production.

Anywhos, back to the game: Apparently it's no ordinary game. From the very words of the indie studio...

"…we designed a world in which imagination could take over where your childhood left off – a world in which monsters exist, lurking within the shadows, threatening to snatch you up the moment you leave the safety and comfort of the light."
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on August 16, 2011, 03:14:56 am
Check out what Hideo Kojima tweeted.!/HIDEO_KOJIMA_EN/status/103269075823755264
Found this at Omori-kun's desk. What's this?

3DS purchase justified! :)

If he is just trolling I will be crushed.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on August 16, 2011, 03:20:42 am
Lovin' the look of this one!

That looks amazing. I hope it's released on steam.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on August 17, 2011, 05:56:42 pm (

Wait, what? A new version of the Wii that removes compatibility with anything NGC-related? Uh... :?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on August 17, 2011, 09:57:55 pm

This got my hopes up... A new game with the title Chronoblade. From what I've read, it's a Castlevania-esq style game with time manipulation. Could be interesting nonetheless; however, I don't plan on buying a 3DS, so...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on August 21, 2011, 12:54:35 pm
I saw Chronoblade and got excited too. At this point I honestly don't know what SE is doing anymore. I wish they would just take my damn money already and give me another Chrono entry.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on August 21, 2011, 05:18:38 pm
So how many of you are into Film-Noir type games? Because THIS one is freakin amazing!


It's such an amazing piece of art that I don't need words to describe it for you, except, "Holy shit, I want this!" :shock:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on August 21, 2011, 07:01:33 pm
^Breathtaking. There's a wiki article too. (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on August 22, 2011, 12:39:10 am
Haha! I've wanted to buy that, not only because it looks fantastic, but also because I scared my friend silly in making him play the demo! :twisted:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on August 26, 2011, 07:39:47 pm
It's been a while! Thought I might share something I found interesting...

Recently, a new trailer surfaced for Final Fantasy XIII-2 and there's still a hint of dimensional shifting. I pretty much want you to focus on the first little bit of the trailer, especially that meteor looking thing that looks like... well, I'll let you be the judge...

There may be spoilers to those of you who have not completed FFXIII.


Remind you of anything from a certain game?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on August 30, 2011, 12:51:15 pm
Limbo is incredible! I have never, ever in my life seen a storyline expressed so well on a platformer. I HATE platformers - except Mario, for nostalgic reasons - and I played all the way through. The ending is really a disappointment, I think, but it goes further than most games do when it comes to trying to tie mechanics to storyline, which is crucial for game narratives going forward.

The atmosphere and minimalism are just so beautifully expressed; their illustrations people must be phenomenally talented.



There is SCIENCE!!! And a lot of very ridiculous Mad Scientists with great dialogue. So much better than the last one.

And lastly, slightly unrelated: I think I'm going to GDC Online! You can go for free if you volunteer. I'm really stoked about the Game Narrative summit. :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on August 31, 2011, 02:43:58 am
Any Persona fan here...? (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on September 01, 2011, 05:22:14 am
Yeah, I consider myself a Persona fan.  Unfortunately it's hard to get excited about this new fighter, as the odds of it coming to the US are pretty small.  Still, I can't help but fantasize about Persona 1 and 2 characters getting involved in the ruckus, too.

On a related point, Gamespot just published their review of Persona 2: Innocent Sin for the PSP.  It wasn't pretty.  I felt like I had to blast them for it, too, since their review of the PS1-era Persona 2: Eternal Punishment was an 8.5, and that was a pseudo-sequel to Innocent Sin using virtually the same gameplay and locales.  They were judging the game by 2011 standards.  Methinks they don't like ports.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on September 01, 2011, 10:30:42 pm
Quote from: Syna
Limbo is incredible! I have never, ever in my life seen a storyline expressed so well on a platformer.
This is going to sound funny, but for those in the know, does Limbo actually have any words in it? I've become curious about the idea of expressing storyline without using dialogue lately, and I'm looking for examples where it's been done well. Cirque du Soleil's Ka does this pretty brilliantly, and then there are Piotyr Kamler's films (e.g., Chronopolis ( But when it comes to videogames I keep having to go back to the original Sonic the Hedgehog series. I think I'll look into Limbo more after hearing this.

There may be limits to how deep a story can get when it must be told completely through actions and atmosphere rather than words. On the other hand, it should make the language barrier more permeable, pending the use of non-universal gestures and motifs and so forth.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on September 02, 2011, 02:35:34 am
There may be limits to how deep a story can get when it must be told completely through actions and atmosphere rather than words. On the other hand, it should make the language barrier more permeable, pending the use of non-universal gestures and motifs and so forth.
Pictures speak a thousand words, mate.  :wink: It all depends on the cinematographer / concept artist. For one thing, I take inspiration from old-school FMV's such as FF7 and FF6; the opening and cutscenes may not have words in them, but they certainly told a lot!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on September 02, 2011, 11:35:34 am
Lovers of Doom, rejoice!

Download the game legally HERE. ( Oh, and you can freely hack/mod the game legally too, since it's OpenSource.  :D id Software are nice people.

Ubuntu Users: No need to download and compile the code. Just use the following PPA and click "Install" in the Software Center.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on September 03, 2011, 11:32:06 am
This might interest many Indie Games lovers:

One post was awesome, because it gave Mario some neat Portal weapons! 8D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tripehound on September 10, 2011, 08:30:05 pm
Lovers of Doom, rejoice!

Download the game legally HERE. ( Oh, and you can freely hack/mod the game legally too, since it's OpenSource.  :D id Software are nice people.

Just for the sake of clarification, the Chocolate Doom source port does not include Doom's proprietary iwad files needed to compile the main maps and artwork of the game. Those are still licensed to Id, and they're still selling the various incarnations of the game on their website. The engine upon which Doom is built is open source; Doom itself is not.

I don't like being a killjoy.  :(
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on September 11, 2011, 07:40:00 am
Yeah, my bad. Sorry. Chocolate Doom is simply an OpenSource remake of the original Vanilla Doom, keeping it exactly the same as the original. But if one wants to play other Wad files (such as Doom 2, Final Doom, etc.) they'd need to buy the original. Ah well, Chocolate's good enough for now for me, nonetheless. Installed it on my Ubuntu machine and works like a charm.  :)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on September 11, 2011, 05:56:56 pm
Haha saw FF7: Advent Children Complete today. A few things:

1) Too much spirituality compared to the original. And I loved it!
2) Pertaining to spirituality, Aeris isn't just an "Ancient connected with the Planet" person, a similarity to a few Pagan and/or Earth Religions that consider Nature as their God. In this movie, she symbolically is the Planet's Spirit, and often mistaken for "Mother" (Jenova) by Kadaj. Haha, I love the concept here:

Aeris = Spirit of the Planet
Zack = Spirit and Heart of the warrior; Hopes and Dreams.

3) Cloud isn't needlessly emo like in the original movie; he has a valid reason be (or it seems so), and I wouldn't spoil it for ya.
4) Loved the last line at Zack's grave!

Denzel: Is this place someone's grave?
Cloud: No. This is the place where a Hero began his journey.

5) Watch Cloud's Omnislash in slow-mo. It rocks! You'll see things you never caught in the first play.

6) CHECK THESE AWESOME WALLIE!! (Right Click on them and hit "Save Image As" to download HD version)


Yeah, I'm a wallie expert all of a sudden. You're welcome!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on September 15, 2011, 08:15:22 am
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Manly Man on September 15, 2011, 08:23:40 pm
Significant progress has been made since its initial announcement. (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on September 20, 2011, 03:26:31 am
So... I finished Lost Odyssey and I must say it's one of the best JRPGs I played in my life... together with the Chrono games... T_T
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on September 20, 2011, 05:08:52 am

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on September 20, 2011, 08:28:28 am


I can't believe that they managed to get Phoenix Wright into it.... XD
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on September 20, 2011, 01:07:07 pm
Xenoblade Chronicles is amazing. I want to say it's my favorite rpg since CT, but I think the huge rpg drought as of late is making me think that. It's definitely up there with the greats tho.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: MagilsugaM on September 21, 2011, 12:04:42 am
Xenoblade Chronicles is amazing. I want to say it's my favorite rpg since CT, but I think the huge rpg drought as of late is making me think that. It's definitely up there with the greats tho.

I want to play that one too. I doubt it will beat Lost Odyssey but I will see.  I am really hoping they bring Last Story too.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Jutty on September 21, 2011, 12:54:35 am
I loved Lost Odyssey, but this game is in a tier above it. Definitely get it it's worth every penny.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on September 23, 2011, 04:53:18 pm
There's some impressive stuff coming out of the Australian indie scene these days. Take a look at this one (trigger warning in case anyone's actually been through combat situations):


More info on that one here ( My understanding is that a bunch of AAA developers imploded Down Under awhile back, and now the released talent has started floating back to the surface and creating stuff again, enabled by distribution platforms like Steam, the App Store, etc. It's starting to make me wonder whether Oz is going to have a shot at being the world's videogame production capital, kind of like Japan was for so long.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Truthordeal on September 23, 2011, 05:17:11 pm
I got wind of a new game by a friend of mine called Radiant Historia. It has, from what I can tell, the time traveling/parallel universe system that Chronos Trigger and Cross had, plus the human/beastman duality and sand motif that Sands of Destruction had. I searched the archives here and found that Jutty was playing it. So, based on what you played, Jutty, would you recommend it to me, someone who's loved Chrono and Sands of Destruction?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on September 23, 2011, 06:08:58 pm
I got wind of a new game by a friend of mine called Radiant Historia. It has, from what I can tell, the time traveling/parallel universe system that Chronos Trigger and Cross had, plus the human/beastman duality and sand motif that Sands of Destruction had. I searched the archives here and found that Jutty was playing it. So, based on what you played, Jutty, would you recommend it to me, someone who's loved Chrono and Sands of Destruction?

As someone who's played all three, I would recommend Radiant Historia. The story is well-paced and thought out, Shimomura's music is wonderful, and you'll become deeply attached to all the characters. The time mechanic is established nicely as well. The one thing I had a real problem with was the battle system. It is significantly better than Sands of Destruction's, but it still feels underdeveloped, especially as you progress through the story. Regardless, Radiant Historia is a game that is staying in my collection.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on September 24, 2011, 01:17:24 pm

No. No. Nonononono. Nooooo. I don't want a sequel. The game is perfect as it is! Nomura, please stay away... :cry:

The cameo is cool, but... No.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tripehound on September 27, 2011, 11:08:01 pm
No. No. Nonononono. Nooooo. I don't want a sequel. The game is perfect as it is! Nomura, please stay away... :cry:

You never know; it could end up being The Empire Strikes Back to TWEWY's A New Hope.  :wink:


Edit: On an unrelated note -

Quote from: @tripehound on Twitter
Those with DSi / 3DS who don't download the FREE Anniversary Edition of Zelda: 4 Swords fail the interwebs, gaming, and geekdom in general.

It has single player functionality. I can finally get beyond the bosses! Woo!  :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on October 24, 2011, 04:48:28 am
D and I been playing through Alundra and wow, that is one MESSED-UP game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on October 24, 2011, 12:52:42 pm
How are you guys liking it so far? I loved, loved, loved that game, in the design sense at least. The only way it could have been better would have been if Lady Gaga made an appearance in Alundra's dream walks!

Ha, I just found out the guy who's doing the artwork for this upcoming iOS/Android game is a ( Chrono fan ( Badass!

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on October 24, 2011, 01:10:30 pm
Holly Sheep! Pant-Hainded Sprites!  :o
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: skylark on October 25, 2011, 04:57:59 pm
D and I been playing through Alundra and wow, that is one MESSED-UP game.

Hi. I R confuzzled.

Messed up as in how, exactly? Like End of Evangelion messed up? :?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sajainta on October 26, 2011, 03:10:23 pm
How are you guys liking it so far? I loved, loved, loved that game, in the design sense at least. The only way it could have been better would have been if Lady Gaga made an appearance in Alundra's dream walks!

We love it.  D played it a long time ago back when he owned the original PS.  The music leaves much to be desired (or perhaps I am just spoiled on Mitsuda), but the plotline is deep and intriguing and I love how dark it is.  It's refreshing to play an adventure game that doesn't have an overall cheerful, "everything will be okay" tone.  Although man, I was SO upset when Jess died.  ='(  I could do without all of those godawful iceblock-pushing puzzles though.  >_<

Hi. I R confuzzled.

Messed up as in how, exactly? Like End of Evangelion messed up? :?

I've never seen End of Evangelion, so I don't know what your frame of reference is.  The game is messed-up because it's really quite depressing and dark and has some pretty disturbing scenes--something I definitely didn't expect.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Ema on November 02, 2011, 07:12:41 pm
Owlboy (
I just recently stumbled upon this amazing game, thought I'd share it.
It's still in development but there's a free demo for download, and it is pretty good,
the pixel art is also very amazing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on November 06, 2011, 12:10:04 pm (

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on November 10, 2011, 02:59:42 am
Hah, I had to debate whether to put this here or the "Stuff You Love" thread. Today a game called Ravenmark releases for iOS, and boy is it awesome. It's great to see a developer who clearly respects the power of a well fleshed-out, linear narrative in a videogame -- I haven't had this feeling since some of the Squaresoft greats of the 1990s. One of the characters is even an inspiring, awesome old dude. What the heck's not to love here!?

Their musician lists Mitsuda among his influences, and I can only wonder where the writers' inspiration for the term "Earthbound" came from, hmm...


Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on November 10, 2011, 10:31:23 am

Their musician lists Mitsuda among his influences, and I can only wonder where the writers' inspiration for the term "Earthbound" came from, hmm...

Probably from that super nintendo game, Earthbound!

I'm sorry. Couldn't help myself.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on November 12, 2011, 12:38:58 am
Wow! Here's a cool technology:

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on November 17, 2011, 04:07:36 pm
Does anyone have information on the game "The Seventh Seal: Resurrection of the Dark Lords" (it's the game that Mitsuda's "Sailing to the World" album was composed for)? It's a Taiwanese PC game, aaand that's about all I know. I did find this youtube video ( of a track in the game, also composed by Mitsuda, that was left off the album. Judging by the video creator's comments, there may have been multiple artists composing the music for the game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on November 17, 2011, 08:08:03 pm
Damn Kodo, that's a nice find there! If you check around 9:31 of this video ( you can see a screenshot at least.

Gonna check into this some more. The Taiwanese PC games market has been pretty insulated from what I can tell, but it produced some truly fantastic games! It's an absolute shame that no translation companies are picking them up, especially with all these re-releases. If we can get the game's title in Traditional Chinese, there might be a wealth of knowledge sitting out there. Our first clue is that Mitsuda seems to be called "光田康典" in Chinese, according to the video title.

Here's some more info to go on: 2002 第七封印 The Seventh Seal(作曲,编曲) ( I wonder if utunnels might know anything about it?

EDIT: Oh cool, here's some demo footage.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on November 17, 2011, 10:21:19 pm
Ah, actual gameplay footage. That's neat. I'm guessing that "Lost Reminiscence" was a WIP name? Using it, though, I found this website ( which has many screenshots and artwork. Visually, the game reminds me of Chrono Cross.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: utunnels on November 18, 2011, 08:29:37 am
Unfortunately, I don't know much about the game either.

I searched the internet and found some interesting comments about the game.

A guy called nintenblo wrote in his blog (, the story of the game seemed interesting, but it is like just a prelude of a grand story, in the very late part of the game, the true identity of the demon king(?) is hardly mentioned... To be honest, to cut a short part from a grand story is not a good way to go, it is like a story has a good beginning but without an ending. But think in another way, if they tried to develop a complete story (which they couldn't properly handle), the result could be still bad... The game should give its player more hints. While playing the game, I could hardly tell which is side quest and which is the main route. It could be better if they added a log... (then he praise the battle system, criticized the awkward control if the player doesn't have a game controller, praise Mitsuda's excellent work and complained some other composer for his music sounded too similar to his previous work).

XD I wish I could find a chance to try the game, but perhaps not recently.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Manly Man on November 22, 2011, 07:33:30 pm
So, Soul Calibur V is available for pre-order, and I'm going for the Collector's Edition on Friday, as I get paid then.  :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on November 23, 2011, 09:02:13 am
Ola! Doom 3 gets Open Sourced! Well, the engine anyway.

....aaaaaaaaaaand here's teh sourcies:

Guess we're looking forward to more high-quality fan-games, huh?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Syna on November 23, 2011, 05:01:49 pm

That thing. Skyrim. *cough*

What do people think? Is it worth a week of indulgent insanity during the holidays..?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on November 24, 2011, 05:06:08 pm
Just think, in half a year from now, Chrono Break will expire. Also;

Could you see FFVII on the 3DS? I rather see Chrono Cross or some new  Chrono game first, but then again FFV and FFVI. I do believe it's Dragon Quest VII since it was quite remarkable.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on November 24, 2011, 11:11:03 pm
Just think, in half a year from now, Chrono Break will expire. Also;

Could you see FFVII on the 3DS? I rather see Chrono Cross or some new  Chrono game first, but then again FFV and FFVI. I do believe it's Dragon Quest VII since it was quite remarkable.

My guess it's that it is DQVII. Why? Well, IV, V, and VI were remade for the DS. If it were to continue the pattern, then VII is next, and since the 3DS is out now...

But who knows.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Hayden on November 27, 2011, 07:40:35 pm
What games are your playing at the moment?
Me I'm playing The World Ends With You and Lunar: Silver Star Story. I really recommend TWEWY if you have a DS the battle system is wicked fun.

And Halo 3 online religiously...

Edit: Felt the topic could use a name change.

My RPGMAKER2003 game. Has no name right now. its just called "Project1"
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on December 16, 2011, 11:25:59 pm (

I really don't have much to say about this. I'm a fan of cross-overs, but even this got me in a blank. Well, I guess once more information is out about this I'll see for sure.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on December 23, 2011, 09:08:50 am
Megaman X gets an iOS port:

I should really start playing games again. XD It's been quite a while since I have.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on December 27, 2011, 04:29:14 am
WARNING: FF13 SPOILERS IN VIDEO (if you haven't played it yet) {I'd recommend watching in HD if you can}


So I'm convinced. This is as close as we're going to get to a Chrono sequel straight from SE. It's sort of a compromise between Chrono and Final Fantasy, and honestly, it doesn't look bad. Lots of new characters, a fleshed out history for the world, it's like 13-2 is going to be similar to Trigger (tangentially connected with the other game in the series and a time-travel-based save-the-ruined-future-world-adventure) while 13 is more like Cross (beautiful but heavily flawed games).
For this reason, I will probably buy the game. Used, of course. I still don't really want SE getting my money. After all, in the long run, it's a huge tease for what we could have. (BTW #1 on Playstation Network's Top Selling list of PSone Classics on PS3 is Chrono Cross. Kinda nice. Unfortunately a lot of people are saying the Trigger port on iOS could use some work and the controls are difficult so that doesn't help.)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on December 28, 2011, 07:37:25 pm

^have you watched the streams of playing? looks kinda dumb in my opinion. all the characters were uninteresting and the true ending may be the worst ending in video game history. (worse than SO3's ending which totally ruined the whole star ocean series for me)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on December 29, 2011, 12:25:44 pm

^have you watched the streams of playing? looks kinda dumb in my opinion. all the characters were uninteresting and the true ending may be the worst ending in video game history. (worse than SO3's ending which totally ruined the whole star ocean series for me)

I would actually love to get a Compendium analysis going on FFXIII and it's sequel next month. I still hear around the web that XIII-2 is the spiritual successor of Chrono... but I am not so sure now. The Japanese are eating it up though, so that's good, but I had heard of an "interesting" ending to sy the least.

We need to find more people that have played XIII all the way to the end. I would love to discuss plot-holes and the like...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on February 04, 2012, 10:10:44 am
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Manly Man on February 04, 2012, 04:53:58 pm
So, I got Soul Calibur V a few days ago, and I must say that it kinda pisses me off. Not that the game is bad, mind you, as it's far from in my opinion, but that the game feels so incomplete. Obviously, they're doing that for DLC; you can tell that it was rushed, and that they didn't get in all that they wanted to, but I'm feeling confident in that it'll all be downloadable at some point or another, so that the crew can still get all that they'd wanted to in it, but without such a terrible restriction as a release date. I'm pretty sure that we all know just how badly that sort of thing can mess with a game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on February 06, 2012, 03:56:35 pm
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is probably the closest thing to come to a combination of CT and CC...

I have been playing for about 25 hours now and have barely scratched the surface trying to do everything possible in each area. It is really good, better than most of the negative reviews are making it out to be. Has anyone played it yet? I really think every compendiumite should try it out. There's no harm in renting it, right?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on February 06, 2012, 05:40:52 pm
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is probably the closest thing to come to a combination of CT and CC...

I have been playing for about 25 hours now and have barely scratched the surface trying to do everything possible in each area. It is really good, better than most of the negative reviews are making it out to be. Has anyone played it yet? I really think every compendiumite should try it out. There's no harm in renting it, right?

I have been saying this exact thing for a while now, based off playing the demo. I don't own a copy of the game yet but I will when there are ample used copies available, absolutely.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Ema on February 07, 2012, 04:46:43 pm
I completely lost faith in Square after FFXIV...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on February 07, 2012, 11:24:20 pm
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is probably the closest thing to come to a combination of CT and CC...

I have been playing for about 25 hours now and have barely scratched the surface trying to do everything possible in each area. It is really good, better than most of the negative reviews are making it out to be. Has anyone played it yet? I really think every compendiumite should try it out. There's no harm in renting it, right?

I've been doing everything in all the times, minus the things that require new game plus. Its gameplay is what I wanted with 13.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on February 08, 2012, 01:09:43 am

Looks like Tetsuya Nomura is up to something again. Secrets, secrets. There's also that one game by Ryutaro Ichimura ( that I've yet to hear more of. I think Square Enix should finish what they have on their plate (i.e., Versus ( before starting anew. Of course, something not Final Fantasy would be wonderful.

Speaking of, I see the reviews of XIII-2 are starting. I'm interested, but I don't have the time at the moment, and I don't want to enter expecting "the next best thing" to CT/CC. I also never played XIII.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on February 13, 2012, 10:39:49 am
I have been saying this exact thing for a while now, based off playing the demo. I don't own a copy of the game yet but I will when there are ample used copies available, absolutely.

I am very much enjoying my time with it. The story is very interesting and the gameplay fun. The music is also another highlight as there's just about every genre from techno, to heavy metal, pop, and strings... VERY diverse soundtrack with lyrics in many of them.

The demo was very immersive and got me hooked, but I was already excited back when this game was announced in January 2011 and when I beat the game of FFXIII back in the Spring of 2010 (somehow in the back of my mind I knew it couldn't end there...)

I've been doing everything in all the times, minus the things that require new game plus. Its gameplay is what I wanted with 13.

Same here mate! There is so much you can do. I have been playing slots and doing chocobo races. I also try to visit the mystic in case she teaches me new Fragment skills. But yea I am trying to find all of the hidden items and monsters by using Moogle throw. I am now past 50 hours in and am at Augusta Tower. I am so getting a Chronopolis and Tron feeling from that area. The music is also funky cool.

Speaking of, I see the reviews of XIII-2 are starting. I'm interested, but I don't have the time at the moment, and I don't want to enter expecting "the next best thing" to CT/CC. I also never played XIII.

Well, I would not delve into too many reviews because they are going to be extremely biased because of the things that don't make it a "true FF" game or they will bash the story or something... honestly, the game is quite good, maybe not the "next best thing" since CT/CC, but there are some definite hints at Chrono in this game. Time-space mechanics are very interesting in this story, and since we have all tasted Chrono, understanding the plot of XIII-2 will be easier. Regarding XIII, there is a "Beginner's Primer" in this game that tells you exactly what happened in the prequel by each chapter, and you can always YouTube the ending and such.

All in all guys, I definitely recommend XIII-2 for everyone here.

EDIT - 1000th post!! "awwwwww yeeeeeeea!!" -Karsh
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on February 22, 2012, 03:53:26 pm
My brother and I got grabbed Asura's Wrath yesterday. In just the first episode, a giant planet-eating monster pops out of Earth. We were both like, "Hey, that's like Lavos!" Then it shoots thousands of red needles into the air. :lol:

Anyway, if you like Gurren Lagann, you'll probably enjoy Asura's Wrath.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on March 29, 2012, 11:47:41 pm (

Thought this would be more fitting to put here. So, what do you guys think of this?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on March 30, 2012, 02:17:58 am
If the rumors are true, that's horrid. The only people that these systems would help are middlemen. Even if we accept that used game sales "ought" to be new game sales,* people are going to get screwed a number of completely innocent and beyond their power situations. And the people who actually make games aren't going to see an extra dime because of this, because most of us don't see residuals anyway. I sincerely hope that Microsoft and Sony do not implement any such systems in their upcoming consoles.

*Which I don't. As much as I'd love it, as a developer, if everyone only bought new games, it's not illegitimate to buy and sell used games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on March 31, 2012, 01:12:34 am
Can't say I'm surprised by this, but I should point out that people are needlessly panicking over the prospect of losing all of their purchased games if their system happens to die.  I really don't think Sony or MS will be that dumb.  More likely they will adopt a Steam-type model where every game purchased will be tied to a certain user account, not a particular system.

Still, I'm a bit unnerved about publishers being able to set their own prices for older titles, rather than having the market do it.

Also, this policy may do more harm than good when you consider that people who purchase a bad game are essentially stuck with that purchase.  They wouldn't get any of their money back.  This will make consumers much more cautious with their dollars, perhaps to the point that they just won't buy the system and risk getting burned.  Even if it doesn't go that far, you would almost certainly see pre-order sales fall, and that would be very bad for developers who depend on that.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tripehound on March 31, 2012, 09:10:14 pm
I'd like to know what his source is. That's the first time in my life I've even heard the term "Playstation Orbis," much less what the software may or may not be capable of.

It seems a tad early to be getting too up in arms about it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on April 13, 2012, 04:44:29 am
Gamespot is now taking notice of the increasing ire of gamers over rumors that the new X-Box and Playstation will require a continuous online connection to play games.  I daresay that if Gamespot is publishing this article, there may be some substance to the rumors. (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on April 15, 2012, 01:38:51 am
Duuuuuude, Victor Ireland just gave a cool interview ( to RPGFan.

Holy crap, a $500,000 Kickstarter campaign, though!? That really makes me appreciate just how much all those Working Designs goodie bags and voice acting must have cost back in the day.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on April 15, 2012, 02:56:31 am
RPGFan: Vic, you worked on Miami Law - do you think that visual novels can be successful in North America?

Victor Ireland: Miami Law was a weird title in that I originally was just helping the Japanese team as a coordinator, before it was even called Miami Law. After taking them to law enforcement meetings in Miami, doing gun training, and a bunch of other research in Miami I facilitated for them, they asked me to help localize the title, so I did. It would not have been the visual novel I would have chosen for Gaijinworks, but it turned out okay. I think there is a place for visual novels in the US market, but it will take time to give them a chance to grow. In fact, a number of titles on my "to do" list would be classified as visual novels. Whether or not they actually happen isn't sure, but I definitely have my eye on a handful of them I really would like to do.
Aww, man!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on April 15, 2012, 08:47:35 pm
Oh, Victor Ireland... The first RPG I ever played was Chrono Trigger. The second was Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. You all have no idea how big of a soft spot for Working Designs I have! I am tempted to donate funds to this, which is something I have yet to do in the video game arena. I trust Ireland's video game interests (and intent) and can totally buy into his endeavors.

Here's hoping for more Lunar games from Game Arts and localizations from Ireland's friends! :)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on April 15, 2012, 08:51:42 pm
They never gave out the source, but there's a rumor of an undisclosed SE game with Nintendo characters. Better not be another hoops 3 on 3.

SMRPG2? A Chrono game with Nintendo cameos?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on April 15, 2012, 11:12:40 pm
Oh, Victor Ireland... The first RPG I ever played was Chrono Trigger. The second was Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. You all have no idea how big of a soft spot for Working Designs I have! I am tempted to donate funds to this, which is something I have yet to do in the video game arena. I trust Ireland's video game interests (and intent) and can totally buy into his endeavors.

Here's hoping for more Lunar games from Game Arts and localizations from Ireland's friends! :)

I second the motion.  Working Designs turned out some awesome video-game scripts.  To this day their writing stands out as some of the best.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on April 18, 2012, 03:48:44 am
If Doctor Who was an SNES game, THESE would be its soundtracks!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on May 18, 2012, 12:33:00 am
Looks like business has been good for Square/Enix.  Net sales and income are up almost 12% for this past fiscal year.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: FaustWolf on May 19, 2012, 03:54:25 pm
Did I ever mention The Banner Saga here yet?


I'm pretty stoked.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on May 19, 2012, 10:17:38 pm
Looks like Ralph Bakshi... whom I love...

I am digging it! Thanks for sharing, Faust!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on June 06, 2012, 01:41:13 pm
Now would you be interested in a Chrono Theatrhythm game?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chi_z on June 06, 2012, 10:54:17 pm
so I don't play games anymore, haven't in a few years. no time. so what I've started doing is to watch playthroughs of games I've never gotten the chance to play or even ones I've played a thousand times. finished FFV, and I'm currently watching vi. hard to find decent quality ones without some annoying jackbag on his mic. But it lets me skip random encounters quickly and focus on story and music, which is what I always liked about rpgs, never the gameplay. There were quite a few games I never beat simply because I got to hassled by the gameplay even though I loved everything else. 

Think I played to the phantom train on ffvi, right now with watching through it I just met up with Rehm and Strago or whatever. I must say, Ceres/Celes' tale is a rather tragic and sad one, that goddamn theme from uematsu has had me in tears all day! why is it that the simplest melodies are the best? very rarely do I every remember a single note from a piece of music unless I've heard the piece countless times, but celes theme I think I memorized within the first listen!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on June 06, 2012, 11:59:10 pm
So guys, any thoughts on this year's E3?

Quite personally, almost nothing caught my attention. Probably just KH3D and Paper Mario, although from the former I've seen much already and there wasn't much new revealed today anyway.

But if there's one thing I do liked above all... OMG Fire Emblem Awakening will have a NA release! :shock: :o :franky

Now I must get a 3DS pronto!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chi_z on June 07, 2012, 12:52:40 am
yea its the year before the consoles that are 'serious' are revealed, so it's just same old same old.  not much left for this gen, a shame the super mario wasn't ready though. I doubt the wii u take the world by storm comparable to it's predecessor however, then again the original seemed gimmicky and outdated to me back then. nother year, nother lack of chrono. this time around nothing xeno wise either. always next year.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chi_z on June 09, 2012, 05:33:29 pm
just realized something with ff6, a treasure hunter named 'locke'. hah!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on June 10, 2012, 11:37:18 pm
It's amazing how uncaring I am towards e3 and video games these days. Maybe it's my tastes moving elsewhere, but I was not impressed at all by this year's e3. It seems like every year I care less and less for the concepts... Another Gears of War, another Halo, another Metal Gear Solid, another ladeefreakingdah. There's very little in the video game realm to keep me engaged.

Even Square, who I once loved, has become a massive disappointment on so many levels. I honestly couldn't tell you the last Squareenix game that really excited me. FFXII was the last decent game they've done, and that was six years ago. FFversusXIII could be interesting, but 5-6 years in development is simply too long. I'll care about it if/when it finally gets released.

Honestly, the last game that has intrigued me was Xenoblade Chronicles. I've been playing it for 25 hours and I've had it since the day it came out. That's how little I play video games these days! Between that and Skyrim, there's been little in the video game world to keep me caring.

The innovation is gone. Now it's all bells and whistles (graphics) and there's very little charm. The charm that's left is primarily relegated to the indie game market. Alas!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chi_z on June 11, 2012, 05:03:30 pm
same here, as I've said before I no longer play games. While I admire the gfx, watching walkthroughs on youtube allows me to get just the story and music, which is all I ever cared about. I remember gamesharking like every ps1 rpg ever (including all the FF re-releases and CT) from not wanting to play random encounters.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on June 27, 2012, 06:46:12 am
Even Square, who I once loved, has become a massive disappointment on so many levels. I honestly couldn't tell you the last Squareenix game that really excited me. FFXII was the last decent game they've done, and that was six years ago. FFversusXIII could be interesting, but 5-6 years in development is simply too long. I'll care about it if/when it finally gets released.

Here's another level of disappointment:  S/E CEO Wada says there will be no Final Fantasy 7 remake until they make a new game that surpasses FF 7 in sales.

How do we respond to such logic?  I'd like to think Wada's just stirring up fans to gauge the demand for a remake.  But I think he really believes what he says...  :(
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Yourgingerestfan on June 27, 2012, 05:27:36 pm
Even Square, who I once loved, has become a massive disappointment on so many levels. I honestly couldn't tell you the last Squareenix game that really excited me. FFXII was the last decent game they've done, and that was six years ago. FFversusXIII could be interesting, but 5-6 years in development is simply too long. I'll care about it if/when it finally gets released.

Here's another level of disappointment:  S/E CEO Wada says there will be no Final Fantasy 7 remake until they make a new game that surpasses FF 7 in sales.

How do we respond to such logic?  I'd like to think Wada's just stirring up fans to gauge the demand for a remake.  But I think he really believes what he says...  :(

Well Versus is pretty much so hyped that it will probably sell as much ...
I think FF13-2 was a horrid let down tbh, even with the DLC ending scenario.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on June 28, 2012, 06:17:29 am
Well Versus is pretty much so hyped that it will probably sell as much ...

When was the last time we heard anything about Versus?  It's been so long that I have to wonder just how committed S/E is to that project.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: X4220 on June 28, 2012, 07:57:04 am
I don't care what he said, I refuse to buy any game with SE logo, even when game is good (Deus Ex: Human Revolution).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mr Bekkler on June 28, 2012, 04:23:26 pm
I thought Versus is now being marketed as FFXV?

Never mind I guess that was a bogus video.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on June 29, 2012, 07:36:59 am
Right on the coattails of that last article I posted, there is more depressing news on the Square/Enix front - maybe the most depressing news we've yet heard.

Motomu Toriyama, director of Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2, has been quoted to say that Square/Enix may no longer do large-scale internal development of games.

"We have a lot of great creators in Square Enix, but for larger-scale development we will be doing more distributed and outsourced development to reach our targets on time."

Read the whole article here:

What's stunning to me is the defeatist attitude that has descended upon this once great company.  There was a time when Square couldn't do anything wrong.  Now they're basically saying they no longer know how to create a quality product on their own.  It's "can't, can't, can't" all the time.  What does it say about a company when they have not only lost touch with their customers, but lost touch with themselves?  How does that happen?  It's a complete and utter lack of leadership.  They've allowed the difficulties of the industry to define them instead of blazing their own path, as they once did.  It's really painful to watch.

(It's funny.  Awhile back I predicted that Square/Enix would be getting out of the game-development business to focus more on publishing.  If this interview is any indication, they are taking their first steps in that direction.)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: chi_z on June 29, 2012, 10:43:45 am
how does it happen?? when your fuckin ceo wada listens to a fortune teller, alienating one of the greatest vgm composers and countless other staff members, thats how it happens.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on June 29, 2012, 11:38:14 am
how does it happen?? when your fuckin ceo wada listens to a fortune teller, alienating one of the greatest vgm composers and countless other staff members, thats how it happens.

No, I actually have a new respect for Wada. He knows he's hated for what FF has become and he wants the staff to fix it. But somehow I don't think his idea for outsourcing grunt work is bad. It might make games faster. Think about 12, it took 4 years to make on PS2. I'm fine with that move. What actually confuses me, is his decision to fire the director of FF14. The game was released prematurely, I don't think by the director's decision. He did in fact make 11, which I personally love, and produced Cross and Xenogears. I think he was smart enough to not do that stupidity. Now I know 14 did terribly and he was in charge of it, leaving him ultimately responsible, but isn't toriyama responsible for both 13 and 13-2? Both are critically infamous, yet he gets to keep his job. Even having 13-3 in the works. I don't think Wada is the problem anymore, i think Kitase is TOO powerful at Square. He doesn't like CT, I believe he said so in an interview. He doesn't get along with Ito. (the only man that deserves to be in charge of FF in place of Sakaguchi) His entire view on video games, is that the story is the only thing that should matter. (yet he still to this day doesnt understand that excellent directing is what made 7 and 10 good, not the story or gameplay, thats why 8 is bad) The only problem is Wada can't do anything about Kitase. He has too much power. If they let him go, think of the backlash Square would get from fans. I think Kitase is protecting Toriyama, holding FF7 over everyone elses head at the corporation. However, we will never know considering how japanese PR works. After all both Takana and Matsuno both "stepped down for health reasons" it must suck to be a director at Square with all the health risks.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on July 04, 2012, 07:30:01 am
Why would anyone want to be a AAA game developer?  This is a long overdue editorial on the working conditions of the video-game industry.;BeingAAaaGameDeveloper;WhoWantsToBeAAaaGam;ReadMore
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on July 05, 2012, 08:53:33 am
Why would anyone want to be a AAA game developer?  This is a long overdue editorial on the working conditions of the video-game industry.;BeingAAaaGameDeveloper;WhoWantsToBeAAaaGam;ReadMore
And here I thought it would be my dream to develop games via our grandest ideas. So much for happiness...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on July 06, 2012, 08:40:53 am
Why would anyone want to be a AAA game developer?  This is a long overdue editorial on the working conditions of the video-game industry.;BeingAAaaGameDeveloper;WhoWantsToBeAAaaGam;ReadMore
And here I thought it would be my dream to develop games via our grandest ideas. So much for happiness...

I just remembered something. (I'm thinking predaciously here)

(Yes, I just invented an adverb "Predaciously", based on the adjective "Predacious".)

If I curb my Gandhism slightly in the field of ideals in order to prey on these businesses, the harsh realities of game production and the severity of the seniors actually would, theoretically, give me an open window to climb into financial success as a more visionary director (simply because the work-field devastates everyone else's motivations in employment). Meaning, in order to prey on the desires of my employers I'll have to first feed their desires and goals, but I'll have to be cunning and creative enough to not only satisfy the profits of the declining corporation but make sure I get my deserved credit (meaning, making sure nothing eclipses my value to the company).

Although, that's just theory anyway, and I have still to see how I can practically pull it off. Perhaps the added frustration "might" be worth it. Charm the ignorant, as they say -- "They will believe any superstition so long as they can profit."
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Satoh on July 06, 2012, 08:37:10 pm
Lets think for a moment... Squenix doesn't want a 7 remake until they can top 7 to begin with... There are multiple levels to this, but here's what I think...

The way Squenix is now, I don't WANT them to touch 7 ever again. I've liked most of the Compilation... but the fact is, Squenix pretty much is a laughing stock among its own fans anymore.

13 sucked and had WAAAAAAY too many restrictions (Like this whole anti-save-sharing thing? WTF SERIOUSLY. My PS3 died after abouy 24 solid hours of gameplay.. I was almost done with the tutorial portion of 13...) I regret every cent I paid on 13, and I bought it cheap from a friend, and I couldn't even play it in the end since the whole it-killed-my-console thing.

... and that HORRIBLE Australian-something-mixed accent... Nothing against Aussie accents, mind you, I quite like them, but there was something really off about that one...
And of course the one character I actually liked in 13 died about 20 seconds after showing up, and instead I have to babysit her sheltered, pansy-ass son...
I'm not sure whether it was on purpose or accidental that they allowed us to 'ride' the Ice Queen... but amusing as that entendre is, it still ruined the whole concept of summons...

13-2 I haven't played, but it looks pretentious and stupid.

11 was likewise disappointing, and I'm a huge FF fan AND MMORPG fan... It suited neither of those tastes.

12... likewise... didn't enjoy it at all. The dude was entirely too girly... The girliest dude in a video game ever, and I count Flea in the list.

10, as much flack as it gets, was the best of the FF's in full 3D. Oh sure it had any number of things I loathe and I could go either way on whether it's terrible or enjoyable just on my mood... but the fact is, it DID have some redeeming qualities and there was some replay value.

Lets face it, the last decent game in the FF series was Final Fantasy IX which I will list in full name out of respect. It and it's 3 immediate predecessors were all appropriately fantastic.

I could really say the same about any RPG since the PS3 came out... while not immediately as bad as Squenix's they're all getting steadily more restrictive, less interesting, and generally not as fun to play.

Even Star Ocean: The Last Hope, which I thoroughly enjoyed, (at least until my PS3 died for a second time), was a disappointment in comparison to it's predecessors.

The big draw to Role-Playing Games was originally interaction... right? You saw an odd pixel on the screen you could check it out and maybe it actually WAS something. But that is a thing of the past. Now there are invisible barriers that stop us from even approaching the water's edge that we originally could sometimes even swim in... Now we can't even pretend to get our feet wet. Where once there were houses, or even locked doors... now there is only the building's wall, covered in some sort of impassable debris like a small cat or a tin can that can never be scaled, bounded, or sidestepped.

Even talking to other characters has changed... Once it was just stepping in front of someone and reading text... Then it evolved into a much more interesting system with the occasional animation and sometimes voice acting..... and now they've devolved into text with a very finite number of character face images and an annoying beep every time I advance the speech... (Why does everything have to beep now?)

Realtime animations for generic events? Nah we don't do that anymore because our gameplay is robust... except we didn't have time to add gameplay with all the fancy graphics we were making.

For years people made fun of how RPGs were all the same... well I guess we got what we wished for. Unfortunately, they're not just the same, they're also bad.

Even remakes of good games made shortly after the original are generally terrible...

Cave Story (freeware) versus Cave Story (Paid, Steam) and worse still, Cave Story DS.
The first was the perfect retro. The second was a downgrade, still somewhat fun... the third is nigh unanimously noted as horrible.

Why is it that only the indie developers are paying attention to the basics of what is fun?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Ramsus on July 07, 2012, 08:47:15 pm
I recently played Deus Ex: Human Revolution, and despite its flaws (namely the unavoidable boss fights, awkward character animations, and overall brevity), I'm willing to consider it the best game I've ever played.

I'm so tired of games that force you to wade through countless hours of consistently mundane gameplay mowing down enemy after enemy in the same exact manner and following linear level designs that discourage exploration except to gain more items or money. Having the choice to talk your way through a situation, to sneak by, or to go ahead and use lethal force, and then have your success based on your actual skill in playing the game and not a bunch of character stats is refreshing. It let's you mix things up and define the game's genre based on how you choose to play the game.

I liked the new Fallout games for similar reasons and even spent 60+ hours playing through Fallout New Vegas, but those games suffer from rather generic characters and bland storytelling, mostly as a result of you playing a generic avatar and not an actual fleshed-out story character.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on July 07, 2012, 09:18:21 pm
I am playing through Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light and loving it. It has such a simplified, refreshing JRPG approach. Fun combat, interesting class-based system, good music. The storytelling is simple, the menu system is practically non-existent, and the graphics are absolutely gorgeous. This game along makes me think that Squeenix can successfully hand out the game production to affiliated entities. Matrix Software made this game (and was their first Squeenix non-remake for the DS) and they really did do an outstanding job. I'm not saying this game is epic, but it really has captured me in a way that hasn't happened since Final Fantasy IX.

They have Bravely Default: Flying Fairy coming out on the 3DS and this game alone makes me want a 3DS. The graphics are absolutely beautiful and have me completely entranced. I wish the name was a little less wacko, but this game is one of my most-wanted games right now. This one trailer alone doesn't do it justice.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Satoh on July 07, 2012, 11:28:30 pm
The nonsensical name makes me think of past Indie games I've played, and thus does intrigue me slightly, however the choice of platform immediately revokes my interest.

If there's one company that has wronged me in more ways than Squenix, it would be Nintendo. It is a constant feeling of contempt that some of my favorite series are Nintendo exclusive... or nearly so. There was a time when I was ok with it, being that they'd largely fallen as far as Nintendo itself had in terms of satisfaction... but then, every once in a while, a good game comes along... it all fills me with so much rage.

I mean... I used to like video games... I used to want to work for Square... now I can think of nothing more torturous than having to acknowledge my former business-heroes...

But I suppose that's what drives me forward even still... I have to prove my point that modern video games can still be GOOD, despite all evidence to the contrary.

I think the number one thing that causes  games to fail... is money. The moment gaming became more about sales than satisfaction... was the moment gaming died... some people just haven't realized it yet.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on July 08, 2012, 08:03:50 pm
The moment gaming became more about sales than satisfaction... was the moment gaming died... some people just haven't realized it yet.

This is true for many different industries. Movies and music are included. More money is often translated as quality, but unfortunately this is far from the truth. More money definitely means that more staff can be utilized, which may result in gameplay mechanics, better graphics, etc. Unfortunately, however, money does not translate to gameplay or "heart." Many video games lack this "heart" mechanic, which indie games have seemed to harness recently.

Corporate control ruins many things. It is for this reason I left a thriving career in the banking industry. Just compare banks versus credit unions as a perfect case-in-point.

I do believe that the Super Mario franchise has done a stellar job remaining fun and innovative without sacrificing the quality of the product. Super Mario 64 progressed things, just as Super Mario Galaxy progressed things even further. Unfortunately, this can't be said for many franchises.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on July 09, 2012, 01:27:08 pm
Seems like Square Enix is getting a beating here--for good reason, of course. May I take a moment to point out something they have done well recently?

Imaginary Range ( A marriage of comic and gameplay, with Final Fantasy thrown in for good measure. It has actually been released for a while now, but I only discovered it yesterday. It's really quite innovative; I don't know if merging gameplay with comics is truly unique, but Square Enix has done well in my opinion. I can see other developers following suit.

The kicker? Imaginary Range is completely free.


They have Bravely Default: Flying Fairy coming out on the 3DS and this game alone makes me want a 3DS. The graphics are absolutely beautiful and have me completely entranced.
I can agree to this statement completely. Probably not worth it alone to buy a 3DS, but I can definitely see the appeal. With painted backgrounds like Chrono Cross (which will look gorgeous in 3D, I'm sure) and writing done by Naotaka Hayashi, it's a game I want to try. Maybe my friend will lend me his 3DS.

I never got around to finishing Four Heroes of Light, however...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on July 11, 2012, 08:24:06 pm
They have Bravely Default: Flying Fairy coming out on the 3DS and this game alone makes me want a 3DS. The graphics are absolutely beautiful and have me completely entranced. I wish the name was a little less wacko, but this game is one of my most-wanted games right now. This one trailer alone doesn't do it justice.


Is this game coming out in the US?  I can't imagine the name would survive the crossing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Satoh on July 11, 2012, 11:35:51 pm
I can't imagine the name would survive the crossing.

If it doesn't, they'll lose my interest. From my experience the best RPGs lately are the ones that have nothing to do with their release title at all. I miss the days when JRPGs were allowed to have random words as titles.

I've been pretty open minded most of my life, but I've recently had it beaten into me that you CAN judge a game by its title...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on July 12, 2012, 01:08:03 am
If the name alone is a deal-breaker, then I pity you. :)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on July 12, 2012, 02:48:10 am
Is there a trailer that shows gameplay? The trend to having all cutscene/branding trailers is immensely frustrating; they don't show me anything useful.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on July 12, 2012, 05:35:18 am

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on July 12, 2012, 09:32:38 pm
There are plenty of gameplay trailers out there. Combat is traditional turn-based FF-style.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on July 12, 2012, 09:46:47 pm


What, never heard of the game before? :lol:

It's one I'm looking forward to once I get a 3DS... whenever that day is... :roll:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on July 13, 2012, 02:48:28 pm
What, never heard of the game before? :lol:

xD When as a teenager / kid, I always imagined that the original Pokemon (anime, not games) were bland. The story had POTENTIAL, and could be taken a step further (yes, I was a DBZ / FF7 / Ninja anime fanatic back then). So I began writing fan-fictions of Pokemon-in-the-future, with Pikachu wearing Bolt-suits that enabled him to travel at lightning speed, and Blaziken wearing claws akin to those of Wolverine. And the trainers? They weren't just dreaming of being a Pokemon Master, hell no! They were working for a anti-terrorism unit to become the BEST of the warriors that can protect the city of Hoenn tactically (yes, I was also a G.I.Joe fanatic). I even made a not-really-working private mod of Pokemon Emerald where the protagonist actually works for Team Magma, with a plot to take over Hoenn and raise an army of Dark Pokemon! (Yes, I'm also a criminal-mastermind literature fanatic.)

As I grew up, I began imagining that I'm probably expecting too much; after all, CT-style (or more) action in children's games? I eventually lost interest in Pokemon, but.... THIS GAME.... is like a dream come true!

Too bad I'm not a kid anymore. But hell, when I buy that game (and the console) I'll schedule a specific day in a week as "Tushant Transforming Back Into A Kid" Day, thus breaking my 4 years old Gaming Hiatus (I haven't played a single game in those years). WHO SAYS YOU CAN'T BE A KID FOR ONCE, HUH!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on July 14, 2012, 03:17:18 am
Well, I know Pokémon will never stop to be a series mainly aimed for kids, but lately their stuff seem to be taking quite the step-up. The latest games do have stuff happening that are quite incredible to see considering the series. I won't speak much due to spoilers and I forgot what text command was it to hide it behind a black surface, but they certainly know how to deliver stuff like that.

Now, as for Pokémon Conquest, well, as I mention before, it's a game I'd very much like to play. And not only because it's a crossover of two things I like. The Sengoku period has been something of my interest lately, partly thanks to Samurai Warriors, which is where the character designs are taken from, despite the crossover being with Nobunaga's Amibiton, go figure. :lol:

Though curiously, sale reports in Japan stated that it was actually adults and older teenagers who made the bulk of the initial sales. I find it a bit amusing, heh.

I wouldn't mind seeing this spin-off to become it's own sub-series. Though with the plot and setting, using the Sengoku period again may prove hard to do. On the other hand, they wouldn't need to be connected by plot, and since this is basically the people of the Sengoku period in a fictional setting, they can get away with is and still have space to expand upon the potential, with a new plot and stuff. Or heck, actually make a game to happen in actual Japan with it's story.

And also, they have other sources to make a game with. Like one based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms period, and then pull a Warriors Orichi.

Hmm, the possibilities...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on July 21, 2012, 04:26:09 pm
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but rumor is that Versus XIII has been cancelled.

EDIT: Whoops, turns out the rumor is false!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on July 26, 2012, 10:33:09 pm
I'll believe the game hasn't been cancelled as soon as I see another trailer or some examples of gameplay.  The chances of the game being (or already been) cancelled increase with every passing month that we hear nothing except promises.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ZealKnight on July 26, 2012, 11:50:37 pm
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but rumor is that Versus XIII has been cancelled.

EDIT: Whoops, turns out the rumor is false!

Here's the thing, we haven't seen anything new since XIII's reviews and XIII-2's announcements. This is always thought of as "Oh they must not be making it." But after KH3D, Nomura said that was the last KH spinoff, for now, and that means he's free for VersusXIII. The reason they probably haven't announced anything was that they announced 13, and had no development done to it, so they are holing off information on Versus till they are close to finished with it or at least have something new to show.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on September 06, 2012, 02:02:37 am
The new X-COM looks AWESOME!  Release date is October 9th.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on September 07, 2012, 05:13:57 pm
Confirmed: New Mana game in the works

For the love of god, please let this be a sign that a new Chrono game could come into fruition.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on September 10, 2012, 11:00:57 pm
While I want to be encouraged by this news, odds are that the new Mana will be a portable exclusive and/or an iOS/Android title.  Hard for me to get excited without more info.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Ema on September 17, 2012, 08:17:52 pm
Now would you be interested in a Chrono Theatrhythm game?

I recently bought Theatrhythm and has been my favorite 3ds title so far.
A Xenogears/Trigger/Cross spinoff would make me puke rainbows.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on September 17, 2012, 08:30:06 pm

I have been craving a hardcore fantasy title for a few days now. A long time ago I played the likes of Diablo 2 and Ultima Online (nearly a decade ago), and I'm craving that kind of "immersive" fantasy game (without it being World of Warcraft). I don't really care what style of game, although I am leaning against an MMORPG, simply due to the amount of time it would require. I can be swayed, however. I don't care if it's hack and slash, first person, third person isometric view, etc. I just want an old school RPG with a decent story and beautiful, hard fantasy locales. I'm talking dark forests, menacing caves, glowing mushrooms, fairies, and all the other things that make those hard fantasy games so great. I care first and foremost about the environment, I guess. :)

I'm leaning towards the old Icewind Dale games or Baldur's Gate. I have an old PC that can't handle the likes of Skyrim, Diablo III, etc., so that's something else for me to consider.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Ema on September 17, 2012, 10:18:29 pm

I have been craving a hardcore fantasy title for a few days now. A long time ago I played the likes of Diablo 2 and Ultima Online (nearly a decade ago), and I'm craving that kind of "immersive" fantasy game (without it being World of Warcraft). I don't really care what style of game, although I am leaning against an MMORPG, simply due to the amount of time it would require. I can be swayed, however. I don't care if it's hack and slash, first person, third person isometric view, etc. I just want an old school RPG with a decent story and beautiful, hard fantasy locales. I'm talking dark forests, menacing caves, glowing mushrooms, fairies, and all the other things that make those hard fantasy games so great. I care first and foremost about the environment, I guess. :)

I'm leaning towards the old Icewind Dale games or Baldur's Gate. I have an old PC that can't handle the likes of Skyrim, Diablo III, etc., so that's something else for me to consider.

The Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate games are pretty good. I wouldn't recommend Diablo III at all even if you could run it.

Seems like the game that's IN right now is Guild Wars 2 what with the free online and its other shenanigans. I've yet to give it a try.

Since you have an old PC I'd recommend Neverwinter Nights, I can run it on a very old laptop smoothly. The game had a decent story and I remember it being really fun. It also has like 2 expansion packs and a Map Editor similar to Warcraft III's, where you can design your own adventures. You can also download adventures other people have made, which is a super plus. You can also play with a friend on the internet. Like a couple of months ago I saw a bundle with Neverwinter Nights + all expansions and Neverwinter Nights 2 + all expansions for 30 bucks at GameStop. I bought it immediately.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Magus22 on September 23, 2012, 01:53:29 am
Has anyone played through (and enjoyed) the FFXIII games?

I've been amazed at the complex story and plot twists, but most recently now, they had announced the next (and last) title in the series. I got to say it looks mighty interesting, if one has been following the story.

I have not fully understood why they've received such mixed reception, but they must be doing something right if they can afford to create another game from the ground up.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Eden110 on September 23, 2012, 09:31:07 am
Has anyone played through (and enjoyed) the FFXIII games?

I've been amazed at the complex story and plot twists, but most recently now, they had announced the next (and last) title in the series. I got to say it looks mighty interesting, if one has been following the story.

I have not fully understood why they've received such mixed reception, but they must be doing something right if they can afford to create another game from the ground up.

I really enjoyed FFXIII and its sequel despite all the hate and banter you'll hear. FFXIII is a linear game - there really isn't many options for backtracking and exploration for most of the game. You go from point A to point B on a map, watch a scene happen, then continue on your way. However, if you don't mind that aspect of the game (it didn't bother me that much) and enjoy a good storyline, characterization, the anesthetic appeal of stunning graphics, then I think you will end up liking the game. I think another problem with people's dislike for the game is that they compare it to the tried-and-true formula of past final fantasy games.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on September 23, 2012, 11:05:19 am
I've played all the way through FFXIII but not FFXIII-2.

FFXIII is a very linear game. There is a story line that naturally progresses from point A to point B to point C and that's it. There's no exploration and few opportunities to get off the beaten track. This was it's biggest flaw - half the fun of an RPG is exploration and FFXIII didn't really offer that element. That being said, FFXIII had an engaging (but sometimes boring) storyline; it wasn't the weakest in the Final Fantasy series, nor was it the greatest.

The graphics were great, the combat was great, the music was nice, and the locales were absolutely fabulous.

I'm agreement with both Magus22 and Eden110: the game is a good game when taken as itself. It didn't blow me away but the time I spent with Lightning and company was a good time. I remember first reaching the home of Vanille and Fang and just really felt absorbed into the story. It sounds like FFXIII-3 is borrowing a bit from Xenosaga, which is definitely a great thing!

I haven't played FFXIII-2 yet, although I'm looking forward to doing so. I just haven't had a chance. I'm a dad now and the time I get to spend on video games is very limited. :)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Thought on September 26, 2012, 12:43:39 pm
Speaking of Baldur's Gate, there's always the possibility to go to its roots. That is, table top D&D (or Pathfinder, depending on the groups preferences). The great thing there is that it forces you to limit your time. Video games, especially ones good enough to recommend, have a tendency to be huge drains of time. But its hard coordinating schedules to get together a few nights a week, so pen and paper RPGs are great in that regard.

But if you really want electronified gaming, then I'd recommend Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance, particularly if you can convince your spouse to play with you. It's couple's bonding time!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on September 27, 2012, 08:38:34 am
Speaking of D&D, my friend and I may finally have gathered a group able to play. Guess we'll see how it goes this weekend.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: TheMage on September 27, 2012, 08:51:07 pm
New Mana game!? That's great! Maybe it is a good sign?

We want a Chrono game! 
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on September 27, 2012, 10:06:17 pm
Considering most of the recent Mana games have sucked, I'm wary. They seem to have gotten worse with each game since Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2).

-Secret of Mana was the second RPG I ever played (after Chrono Trigger) and stands as a great game. The iOS "upgrade" was great.
-Secret of Mana 2 (Seiken Densetsu 3) was good, too.
-Sword of Mana (a remake of the original Final Fantasy Adventure / Seiken Densetsu) was pretty good, too.
-Legend of Mana was good, but it was barely a Mana game.
-Children of Mana = boooo!!!
-Dawn of Mana = boooo!!!
-Heroes of Mana = never actually played it (but would like to).
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Ninja 4 Hire on September 29, 2012, 01:01:36 pm
Right now I'm playing a couple of games:

Darksiders II
Super Paper Mario

I am considering getting WoW: Mists of Pandaria, but don't have the funds for it right now. That and I want to try to finish the games I'm on now before picking up more.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: ProtomanX904 on November 25, 2012, 04:44:40 am
So, I've been enjoying Resident Evil 6 lately.
-Leon's scenario was actually scary at quite a few points and had some interesting puzzles, which surprised me. I enjoyed it all the way through.
-Chris' scenario was much less enjoyable; some parts were cool (Such as the battles where you team up with Jake and Sherry) but for the most point I was disappointed.
-Jake's scenario was awesome. It had great moments of stealth (I especially liked the part where you used the remote bomb to distract the Ustanak; it was quite clever), and overall it was quite exciting. The Ustanak was no Nemesis, put it put quite a scare into me and its boss fights were awesome. Plus the plot wasn't half bad; I quite enjoyed seeing Jake and Sherry's relationship develop.

I'm playing through Ada's scenario right now, I'll let you know what I think later.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on April 18, 2013, 08:09:43 pm
Bravely Default: Flying Fairy is being localized. ( 2014 is a ways off, sure, but it's nice to see Square Enix listening to their fans.

On a related note, anyone know why sometimes the European and North America release dates for games vary? I think I remember reading about it once, but I can't remember the details.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on April 18, 2013, 11:18:25 pm
Well, I'd guess there are a number of factors, like number of languages to translate the game to, edit certain content, or just plain wait if there is a re-release and save themselves from the redundancy.

Then again, that sounds like factors that would make it release after, but there are some games that do get released in Europe before North America so... I really have no idea when it comes to those cases.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on May 05, 2013, 05:13:26 pm
I just read a very thoughtful article on the relation between video games and other forms of media like film.  It is a question I have wrestled with a lot, as those who know me can attest, and I found James McTeigue's thoughts on the subject to be deeply encouraging and insightful.  (He directed the feature film "V for Vendetta" and has worked on various game-related projects.) (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on May 28, 2013, 02:23:00 am
Square-Enix is expressing some interest in Kickstarter and Steam's Early Access as a way of increasing interaction with its customers.  Given the company's size and history in product development, this is rather surprising.  Is this a AAA developer turning over a new leaf, or are they only looking at this from a marketing perspective? (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on May 29, 2013, 07:27:36 pm
Probably a marketing strategy (I really don't trust them anymore), but it's still a nice thing that they development is (at least partially) transparent.

What I don't get is the Kickstarter business... Are they going to be asking donations from their followers and still have it sold to them? Or is it something like "donors will get this and this as reward"? Wouldn't that essentially have them make more money than they acquire on sales of their product?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on June 11, 2013, 05:35:01 pm
So guys, what did you thought about this year's E3?

I was laughing a lot when everybody was like worshiping up Sony for the way they trumped Microsoft due to the whole Restricting Games Usage and Online Requirement things the XBOnes will have and the PS4 won't, among other stuff.

Meanwhile on the Nintendo side I found surprising the newcomers revealed for the new Smash Bros. Game. Again laughing at the reactions.  :lol:

EDIT: Well well well, of all the things Microsoft could have pulled already, this probably tops it. I mean, forget about the issues regarding the Internet Connection, turns out, the console itself can only work in certain countries.

( (

I mean, this goes without saying. That has to be the most restricting console I've ever seen...
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on June 14, 2013, 02:55:36 pm
Does that mean... I can't play XBox in the middle of the Sahara Desert?


...Aw, man!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on June 14, 2013, 04:58:41 pm
Okay, on further research, apparently this isn't final, since there is prospect of release on Asian countries... by late 2014. Practically a full year after the initial release. So yeah...

Also found this, surreal... (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: alfadorredux on June 14, 2013, 06:11:39 pm
Most amusing takeaways from E3 and associated coverage:

It is possible to win by effectively doing nothing, as Sony demonstrated.

I'm not the only one who sometimes parses a certain abbreviation as X-Bone rather than XB-one. Pretty damned expensive for a skeleton, innit? (

(The next-gen XBox was a non-starter for me to begin with, but Microsoft seems to have put a lot of work into making it even less attractive. A shame that console sales account for such a small slice of their business, because they could use a serious humbling.)

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on June 15, 2013, 06:47:06 pm
I just checked Asura's Wrath. Even though I can't afford a console, HOLY SHIT does it make me wanna buy one at any cost!

They call it an "Interactive Anime" more than a game, because the battle system and the story-play are integrated in a cunningly meticulous cinematic way. You don't feel as if you're playing a game or watching a movie; you feel like you DIRECT the protagonist throughout the movie, as well as how he fights!

On top of that, Asura's Wrath got me on one thing: Hindu Mythology. That has rarely been taken advantage of in Neo Art (such as Gaming), as Japanese, Greek and Norse mythologies seemed to dominate internationally, so I'm sort of grateful for this variety. But that doesn't mean the game does justice to it, because what disappointed me was that the Hindu / Buddhist references were just the names, not the actual characters: Asura isn't a group of characters with unique traits (such as Sun-devouring Rahu, or "Bhasmasura" of the Explosive Touch, or even Raktabija who "clones" himself with his own blood) but actually a single person, and Durga isn't the badass War Goddess who can hold her own against a thousand foes but is actually the stereotypical damsel who is conveniently killed off to give the protagonist a Freudian Excuse (so much for character development...). And Durga's actually Asura's wife, not Shiva's (and hence probably no badass Karthikeya either). And we've got a Zeus named Deus. Er....

Well, let's just leave it to your expectations.

Though speaking of cinematic...


Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on June 21, 2013, 03:49:01 am (

Seems they're actually back-pedaling about it... :lol:
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Sergmov on June 27, 2013, 05:34:14 am
What games are your playing at the moment?
Me I'm playing The World Ends With You and Lunar: Silver Star Story. I really recommend TWEWY if you have a DS the battle system ( is wicked fun.

And Halo 3 online religiously...

Edit: Felt the topic could use a name change.

Now I'm playing Final Fantasy IV DS  and  Tales of Eternia   . I like this two games , they are awesome .
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on July 06, 2013, 03:19:48 am
It seems that there is a curious amount of job security if you are a big time executive in the video game industry.

Not long ago, we got word that former Square-Enix CEO Yoichi Wada was named Chairman of the Board of that company.  Now comes news that Don Mattrick, recently ousted head of Microsoft's X-Box division, has a new job as Zynga's CEO.  As a reward for what is probably the most disastrous console reveal since people started caring about such things, Zynga offered Mattrick the following compensation:  One million dollar base salary.  Five million dollar signing bonus.  Forty million dollars of stock options. (

It's enough for the struggling independent developer to put a gun to his head and say "persona".  How many millions would they get for failing their most recent job?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Kodokami on August 17, 2013, 02:56:37 am
In case anyone is interested, the FFXIV beta is open to all until Monday. If you have the time and care to join me in playing, I'll be in the "cactuar" server. Just shoot me a PM so I'll know where to find you in-game.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on September 10, 2013, 12:52:15 pm
It seems that there is a curious amount of job security if you are a big time executive in the video game industry.

Not long ago, we got word that former Square-Enix CEO Yoichi Wada was named Chairman of the Board of that company.  Now comes news that Don Mattrick, recently ousted head of Microsoft's X-Box division, has a new job as Zynga's CEO.  As a reward for what is probably the most disastrous console reveal since people started caring about such things, Zynga offered Mattrick the following compensation:  One million dollar base salary.  Five million dollar signing bonus.  Forty million dollars of stock options. (

It's enough for the struggling independent developer to put a gun to his head and say "persona".  How many millions would they get for failing their most recent job?

This particular problem is not unique to the game industry. It's a structural problem in how corporations operate.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on September 11, 2013, 09:27:22 am
It seems that there is a curious amount of job security if you are a big time executive in the video game industry.

Not long ago, we got word that former Square-Enix CEO Yoichi Wada was named Chairman of the Board of that company.  Now comes news that Don Mattrick, recently ousted head of Microsoft's X-Box division, has a new job as Zynga's CEO.  As a reward for what is probably the most disastrous console reveal since people started caring about such things, Zynga offered Mattrick the following compensation:  One million dollar base salary.  Five million dollar signing bonus.  Forty million dollars of stock options. (

It's enough for the struggling independent developer to put a gun to his head and say "persona".  How many millions would they get for failing their most recent job?

This particular problem is not unique to the game industry. It's a structural problem in how corporations operate.
The first thing I thought of when I read that line was, "how do we fix it?"

Because seriously; some day I might have my own studio, and I'd prefer that every artist works there efficiently and without complaints, in fact without sacrificing their physical and mental health in order to drive the projects forward with sheer enthusiasm and love for their work.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Radical_Dreamer on September 24, 2013, 12:51:27 pm
The problem of executive compensation and the problem of work/life balance are largely distinct.

For work/life balance, the trick is, in principle, very simple: don't over promise when you make your deals, and leave wiggle room in your budget and schedule for things taking longer than expected for unforeseeable reasons.

In practice? This is trickier, because you are competing for contracts with other, less scrupulous people, who are willing to say they can do it for cheaper and in less time. Their trick is simple, they don't care if they work their team like dogs. And guess what? The people at the other end of the deal? They don't give a damn if the team has worked itself to death by the end of the project, all they care about is getting results on the cheap.

Now, if you can independently finance yourself, this puts you in a situation to avoid that. But there are a lot of things that are simpler if you're wealthy. Of course, starting a game studio is a great way of turning a large fortune into a small fortune.

I'm not trying to be overly negative here, but these are real problems you're going to encounter. Best that you start looking for solutions sooner rather than later.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: tushantin on September 26, 2013, 03:35:32 am
Best that you start looking for solutions sooner rather than later.
Which is why I thought I'd check you for opinions. I'm aware that there will be a lot of hurdles in the line of entrepreneurship, and I don't even have a "fortune" to begin with currently -- I'm hoping to create my foundation with at least one solid content / brand that people can trust and love (not unlike Spawn, which helped McFarlane), and thus propelling me further.

But by "how do we fix it", I actually meant if there's a way to avoid this management hell altogether for the sake of all those who work below me, and myself, and if there's a better, more convenient way to finish projects, give ample room for creative discussions within the team, give capacity to inspire each other and grow WITH each other intellectually and career-wise, while at the same time being economically fair.

Basically, if the current structure / hierarchy of a company doesn't work well, it's a good idea to create a NEW kind of structure. Perhaps some form of transparency? I dunno. I'm not experienced enough to say anything about it, but I KNOW there's bound to be a better way to manage such studios to counter the problems we're currently facing.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: VidKid369 on August 13, 2020, 10:00:26 pm
Hey, guys! Sorry if I'm BUMP'ing the wrong threads! Haha. I thought this one was pretty pertinent.

I recently started up a new game file in Star Ocean The Second Story for the first PlayStation. I like love this game and I think about it often. I decided to play thru Claude's storyline or scenario first lol.

What I love about this game is it features a lot of food items. I love the Item Creation I think that's what this game is known for. Do you guys like, enjoy this game too? I love the cooking contest à la Iron Chef. (I know Suikoden II does this as well.) I just love getting lost in mini-games and features like item creation. RPGs are known for stuff like this. I love it even more than the actual storyline.

This's the first Star Ocean game I ever played. I know about the SNES game but I don't think it was ever released in America I was always waiting around for it... But this installment I actually love.

Anyway, I play RPGs daily so I can't wait to dive into it later this afternoon I can only really play for 2 hours max. lol everyday.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Mauron on August 13, 2020, 10:31:08 pm
BUMP whatever you feel like.

Star Ocean II was fun. I beat it at least once.

I know the original is available on PSP as Star Ocean: The First Departure.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on August 14, 2020, 01:44:43 am
When it comes to Star Ocean, I only have Till the End of Time. Liked the game, been wishing I could play the others.

However, for the first two I'd need a PSP, fourth game is on Steam I believe but I don't think my laptop could handle it.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: VidKid369 on August 14, 2020, 08:52:55 am
Ok! I'm trying to get through reading the thread too as well.

I've been playing Star Ocean The Second Story since I was young I always wind up playing Claude's scenario over and over lol.

I'm currently playing through my entire library of RPGs just for fun! I'm trying to get more involved with gaming, in general. Now I'm writing about it more. I'm so happy my PlayStation 2 still works and my physical copy still works. I always find myself going back to Star Ocean 2 and having a good time. I have Star Ocean Till the End of Time but I always want to beat the earlier games if I can. I'm really picky-and-choosy about that I've noticed for some reason.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on August 14, 2020, 12:27:11 pm
Dude, Star Ocean: The Second Story is amazing. It's my favorite of the Star Ocean series. And it's probably one of the best jRPGs on the PSX. The storyline can drag in parts, but all the Skills and branching character paths make it super fun.

My order:
Star Ocean II: The Second Story (aka Second Evolution) >
Star Ocean III: Til the End of Time >
Star Ocean I: First Departure >
Star Ocean IV: The Last Hope

I haven't played the GBA sequel to The Second Story since it was never ported to English (although I bet there's a English translation ROM hack out there), a game called Star Ocean: Eternal Sphere. It reunited the cast from the Second Story, though, which is always a plus since Claude and Rena are my favs.

I also haven't played Star Ocean V: Integrity and Faithfulness, so I excluded it from the list. Darn you PS4 exclusives! Reviews for it were luke-warm, though.


Oh, and I played the mobile gatcha Star Ocean game, Star Ocean: Amnesis. I thought it was way too grindy and non-friendly for F2P, and the storyline was pretty boring for the first few months after launch. Eventually I gave up on it. I dunno if it's improved at all, but I stuck with it for about 4 or 5 months post-launch and I just couldn't endure it any longer.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on August 15, 2020, 12:32:42 am
Oh, right, I also tried Anamnesis.

Only for about a month. I'll be honest, games like those that require daily play and stuff just become a chore to me eventually. Stops being fun and I'm like, "Why even bother to continue if it becomes more tiresome than its worth".

Game itself was fun to play, though. At least, I found it fun to.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: VidKid369 on August 15, 2020, 04:48:23 am
Well the one Star Ocean game I've always wanted to play was the Super Famicom one I saw a blurb for it in Nintendo Power and was waiting with bated breath but it never made it across the Pacific.

I forgot I also have Star Ocean The Last Hope -International- for PlayStation 3 I bought like two years ago I haven't played it yet though since I think my PS3's going haywire lol. I'm planning a re-purchase of the console though too.

Oh wow, I totally think Star Ocean The Second Story is such a good RPG too I constantly re-play it I love everything about it: Talent, Emotional Points, Private Actions, Item Creation, food competitions lol, it has a lot of features detailed in the game. I can get quite lost in an RPG if it has a really very fun mini-game lol. I actually don't pay much attention to the storyline in this one but I still read every line and I talk to every NPC. I notice this game has a lot of conversations. I like RPGs with a lot of text and text-heavy, lol.

Claude is definitely one of my faves and I like Celine. Mostly because she's able to make alcohol for the party, haha, lol early in the game when you're strapped for cash.

The PS1 definitely has a lot of good JRPGs. Between the first PlayStation and the Super Nintendo I feel almost set. lol
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: VidKid369 on March 08, 2021, 04:31:36 am
Hey, guys! I've been meaning to post this for the past few days. But, I was thinking about how I really like and enjoy a lot of RPGs by Working Designs. I've always loved the company after they did LUNAR and most of my time is devoted to LUNAR anyway but I've been playing the rest of their games collecting dust in my collection and I have fun with them just as much. For example, I'm playing Alundra right now and I love like the writing? I dunno if it has anything to do with me originally being from California or anything like that but?

I was thinking that the bulk, a majority of my childhood was impacted by two people: Ted Woolsey and Victor Ireland. I've always loved LUNAR ever since I was younger. And I thoroughly enjoyed games like Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy III, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana all for the Super NES.

I think the majority of the Squaresoft games are in a league of their own.

But I do have a special place in my heart for all of the Working Designs games I have too. Does anyone have any input on what I'm talking about here? I just love the text, and the dialogue and how the characters exchange interactions a lot. I know WD gets flack for their 'Surfer lingo' but I find that absolutely normal where I'm from.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Toreadore on March 08, 2021, 09:43:48 am
I haven't heard anyone bash WD for "surfer lingo." If anything, I've heard people say they breathed life into otherwise boring dialogue for games though it's entirely possible that when compared to WD translations, the original dialogue doesn't seem as interesting).

I also haven't heard it described as surfer lingo, though I admit I haven't interacted much with the fanbase outside of friends. Also, I'm limited to LUNAR and Vanguard Bandits so I haven't noticed anything of the sort.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on March 08, 2021, 10:00:44 am
I just love the text, and the dialogue and how the characters exchange interactions a lot. I know WD gets flack for their 'Surfer lingo' but I find that absolutely normal where I'm from.

Working Designs was based out of California, so it makes sense? I remember as a kid watching the behind-the-scenes DVD of LUNAR: Silver Star Story Complete and thinking that all the people seemed really nice... and for some reason I thought they were all Mormon with how articulate and kind they were. Hahaha!

I was thinking that the bulk, a majority of my childhood was impacted by two people: Ted Woolsey and Victor Ireland. I've always loved LUNAR ever since I was younger.

Too true! In fact, this got me running down a Victor Ireland rabbit hole. I had to know what he was up to these days. I didn't know that after WD closed he started Gaijinworks, which does similar localizations (although probably not on the same grandiose scale). Looks like they did a loot of Playstation Network localization; it's a shame I'm not much of a Playstation guy to have taken advantage of these non-physical releases.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: VidKid369 on March 08, 2021, 09:31:40 pm
Haha, I guess I browse the wrong forums sometimes lol. 😅 Usually, if anyone has anything bad to say about Working Designs's translations/localizations they say that some of the dialogue doesn't fit with the game - like why would there be a surfer-type dude in a remote village going, "Brah, the tides are rough today, bro." Sometimes they do have a lot of the female NPCs speaking in a type of typical, Californian Valley girl type of thing, "Like, I'm like totally leaving my boyfriend he's, like, sooooo cheating on me!" For example, think of how Claire speaks in Vanguard Bandits. I, myself, get a total kick out of that it reminds me of home and where I come from but a lot of gamers feel it doesn't 'fit' the atmosphere of the game if it's medieval or what-not.

I am in agreeance, I love that WD puts a lot of effort into the NPC dialogue. I have so much fun talking to every single person each and everytime just to find out what they have to say.

Yeah, I grew up in San Francisco and I'm pretty sure Redding is just up the road I always wanted to take a drive up there just to check it out.

LOL! I totally felt that they were all Morman, too!

I think after they shut down after putting out Growlanser they resurfaced in 2013 with Gaijinworks and put out a couple games like Summon Night and Class of Heroes 2. I scored a copy of Class of Heroes 2G but I didn't get Summon Night. I check their forums frequently quite a bit and it seems like there hasn't been an update in almost 4 years and a lot of the forum-goers are concerned about the future of Gaijinworks.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on March 08, 2021, 11:22:29 pm
I check their forums frequently quite a bit and it seems like there hasn't been an update in almost 4 years and a lot of the forum-goers are concerned about the future of Gaijinworks.

Yeah, when I was reading up on them the other day I had the same thoughts. Four years with no releases or community updates is a long time. And to be honest, the Gaijinworks localizations seem like pretty obscure games, which I wouldn't think would be big revenue generators.

I snooped in on them on LinkedIn and Victor Ireland is there. The company lists having ~12 employees, and that three of them were on LinkedIn as employees. One was Victor Ireland himself, another was a developer who lists his current employer as something that isn't Gaijinworks, and a third who does voice overs for a variety of clients and projects, only one of which is Gaijinworks.

All in all, it doesn't look good for Gaijinworks.

Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: VidKid369 on March 09, 2021, 04:33:08 am
Yeah, I think I got Class of Heroes 2G through, by backing their Kickstarter campaign or something along those lines. I played a little bit of it though and it seems to still have some of that old Working Designs charm to say the least. But I don't think they've put anything out recently in a long time unfortunately...

Oh wow, nice detective work, super sleuth! I need to get a LinkedIn account cause I'm only on FaceBook these days lol. Yeah well word on the street is Victor had to go through some sort of surgery and some hospitalization after, and ever since then he hasn't made a single post in the community and the front page of the website hasn't seen a update... The morale of the forum members seems to be quite down, from what I have seen.

Anyway, I have continued my playthrough of Alundra today and I am enjoying everything so far. I deeply appreciate how Working Designs localized a lot, some really obscure Japanese games that I don't think would have ever seen the light of day in America so I really applaud them for doing that so some of us hardcore RPG players can play these gems. I love what I've seen of Alundra so far and it makes me want to go and play some of their other releases like Arc the Lad Collection was one I really enjoyed and want to 100% Complete now - the graphics kinda seem similar.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on May 27, 2022, 04:31:19 pm
A new action RPG has recently been announced, the name of which got my attention.  It's called Trinity Trigger.  No relation to the Chrono series, sadly, but I thought it was worth mentioning.  The plot centers around changing one's destiny.  It has quite a Secret of Mana look and feel to it.  Here's a link to the article: (
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on May 29, 2022, 09:21:47 pm
A new action RPG has recently been announced, the name of which got my attention.  It's called Trinity Trigger.  No relation to the Chrono series, sadly, but I thought it was worth mentioning.  The plot centers around changing one's destiny.  It has quite a Secret of Mana look and feel to it.

I *just* saw this on YouTube today. It looks good for sure.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on September 07, 2022, 12:20:39 am
A new action RPG is on the verge of release.  It's called Asterigos: Curse of the Stars.  It caught my attention because the main character looks a lot like Leena.  It would be too funny if a modder gave this girl Leena's outfit and a frying pan to swing around.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on September 07, 2022, 11:31:20 am

Oh! Looks interesting. I just wishlisted on Steam. :D
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: VidKid369 on October 03, 2022, 05:37:10 am
Hey, guys! Sorry I haven’t been updating that much. So I beat Uncharted 1, 2 and 3 for the PS3. I kinda wanted to take a break from RPGs for a while. Now I’m back into it with Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland (PS3) and I just got The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel (PS3) in today, so I’m pretty excited about starting that too!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on October 03, 2022, 04:58:13 pm
Nice dude! I'm doubling down on trying to finish games that I've left unfinished over the past year, and I'm not taking on any new games until I can wrap a few of these up.

Metroid Dread - I got to the end of the game last October but couldn't beat the final boss. I've restarted a new file on an easier difficulty (which wasn't available at launch), and this is first on my "to do" list.

Final Fantasy VII Remake - I actually beat this one last week, but I'm rushing through it on Hard Mode to get a few extra addons. Then I need to beat the Intergrade DLC starring Yuffie.

I Am Setsuna - I'm at the end of the game and doing end-game character sidequests. This game is considerably better than I thought it would be, but I've had to put this game down for a short break every few weeks. It can be pretty difficult at times, and the constant snowy world and dark story can make things sort of bleak and sad, so I can only dive in for short bursts.

Dragon's Dogma - I had tried playing this about five or six years ago, really enjoyed it, but for some reason it fell off. With the announcement of Dragon's Dogma II a few months ago, I picked up the Switch version and am playing through it again. I'm almost done with the game and just doing some grinding (which I hate doing) before the final boss of the game. I missed some time quests on this playthrough, and there's a NG+ option, but I don't think I'll be replaying any time soon. Once I'm done with the game and the post-game content, I'm retiring this game.

The Outer Worlds - This has been a great game that gives me that Fallout 3 / Fallout NV vibe. I tore through the main quest last winter and am at the end of the game, but veered off to do the two DLC quest lines. I finished one back in May/June and picked up the second DLC questline, but haven't touched it in a few months.

So I beat Uncharted 1, 2 and 3 for the PS3

I actually picked up the Uncharted Collection for the PS3 some time ago with the intent of playing it, but my PS3 controller broke and I have yet to replace it. I've thought about going and playing at least the first one. I assume you liked it?

Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland (PS3)

The Atelier series looks great to me. I like the change to smaller, more intimate stories rather than huge, end-of-the-world-stakes stories most jRPG go for. Unfortunately, I've never actually picked one up... I think I'm slightly afraid because I know there are like 20 of them since the PS2-era and I don't know where to start. I'm almost afraid the games won't hold my interest despite loving them, as I've been a manic video game player the past decade or so...

...although we have a group Lunar: Silver Star Story (one of the versions, anyway) playthrough coming up around Christmas time! And that's a game that it is always engaging and impossible to put down. I can't wait!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: VidKid369 on October 05, 2022, 08:23:36 am
Haha. I didn't bother posting about Uncharted since it wasn't really RPGs, so that's a reason why I haven't been on and posting much! Yes, I liked it I thought it was enjoyable. They're really short too so you can get through each one of the games in a couple of days. I totally played them on 'Very Easy' mode, though. :p

I've actually gotten close to tightening up my backlog I got through loads of RPGs last year (beat my SNES + PS1 collection), so that's freed me up to go on to more PS2 stuff, and on. Tbh, I didn't bother playing through the RPGs I just don't like, like SaGa Frontier just cause it hurts so much whenever I force myself to do that. Eventually though I'll get to those games even if it means biting down really hard and losing a few molars.

I popped in Atelier Rorona on a whim a few days ago and I absolutely loved it! I would very heavily recommend it if you're into quasi-farmsim'ish games and Harvest Moon-likes. You spend most of it going into the forest gathering items you use to mix other items that you can sell or deliver to people, and it has a turn-based system that's really easy AND fun! The characters are very Japanese and cutesy if you like that! It's very family-friendly -- I promised myself I should play more games like this!! I'm already eyeing the next game which's Atelier Totori but a few friends of mine suggested the games that came before like Ar tonelico, Atelier Iris and Mana Khemia all on PS2. I'm enjoying Atelier Rorona so much right now I've definitely put those games on my wishlist!

Oh, yes! We do have a Lunar group-play coming up and I am really excited as well. Only 2 or so more months!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on October 05, 2022, 09:44:22 pm
Haha. I didn't bother posting about Uncharted since it wasn't really RPGs, so that's a reason why I haven't been on and posting much! Yes, I liked it I thought it was enjoyable.

I know at least I want to hear ALL the games, not just the jRPGs. :D

I think Mauron plays the Atelier games, too. Which one do you recommend starting with if you were recommending the series to a Atelier newbie?
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: VidKid369 on October 06, 2022, 12:06:54 am
Ok, I'll keep that in mind that you're all a fan of ALL genres not just RPGs. Hehe, my bad.

Well, Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland (PS3) is my first introduction to the Atelier series of games and I personally really like it a lot. The tasks you're given aren't too hard at first (and it's even easier if you're following a guide.) You have the HD aspect since it's on PS3, which's always a plus. Battles are turn-based and very easy. If you love reading item descriptions, and messing with food-related items, almost like cooking then you'll definitely love the game.

I've been mostly playing Atelier Rorona during the day and I transfer to my bed and play The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky (PSN) on my PS Vita at night cause my body's sore from all the recent weightloss.

Anyway, I have to go eat lunch. Cheers and keep having fun gaming, everybody!!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on October 08, 2022, 07:58:56 pm
Metroid Dread - I got to the end of the game last October but couldn't beat the final boss. I've restarted a new file on an easier difficulty (which wasn't available at launch), and this is first on my "to do" list.

I finally beat this one last night! Woohoo! Last year I tried to beat the boss and could never figure out why I couldn't put a dent in him. This time around I read up on it first and realized my mistake - you have to do an evade+counter attack twice in a row to make him temporarily vulnerable, then repeat ad nauseam. The boss had three phases, and the first was absolutely the hardest. Now that I know what to do, I could probably beat it on normal mode... but I'm ready to move on.

I'm just not a Souls / high difficulty kind of guy. I enjoy the story and ambiance of the games, but holy hell, I need an easy mode... I don't like having to memorize movements and attack tells. Even the Metroid Dread rookie mode was overly difficult IMO. There's also a Dread difficulty mode that is instakill/permakill. No thanks!

And now I've officially beat every Metroid game at 100%!

Jumping back into I Am Setsuna to wrap it up. Hopefully with some grinding and the remaining final quests, I can close the book on this one, too. I probably won't go for 100% of the encyclopedia completion, but at least will have done all the quests.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: CptOvaltine on October 11, 2022, 11:51:44 pm
Boo, what did you think of the FFVI remake?  Just curious what your thoughts are.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on October 12, 2022, 08:01:03 pm
Boo, what did you think of the FFVII remake? Just curious what your thoughts are.

I personally loved it. I don't mind the overall "change" in the storyline and the direction moving forward; if I wanted the original, I'd play the original. I'm not a purist by any means.

A few thoughts off the top of my head:
-The graphics and world design were stellar.
-Combat was excellent and a great hybrid of action and turn-based.
-The soundtrack was great, but I would have liked a little bit more focus on the OG soundtrack. For some reason it felt like major hits - Aerith - were background tunes rather than front and center. Maybe that's because of the addition of VA, but I wanted MORE of the original soundtrack (remastered) blaring in my ears.
-The voice cast was amazing. Every single one of the main characters was spot on.
-The new story elements were fine. I didn't love them and they certainly didn't really add anything, but they served the game and the story and I don't mind them. That being said...
-The new chapter showing Jessie Rasberry's upbringing was great and a highlight. It really pulled at my heart strings. Exploring the residential area of Midgar, deep in the night after everyone has long gone to sleep, and then listening to her and Avalance talk to her mom... it was touching and somber. And the song that played really helped cement the whole scenario for me. This was a great --
-I always struggled between who my waifu was -- Tifa or Aerith. Now it's even harder to pick one, as Jessie was standout in this game. Man, she was such a tease and I'm here for it.
-My only real negative was with the flow of the plot. I feel like it was stop and go, and the build up to the end events didn't really feel like a true third act. The ending events after the fall of Sector 7 and storming the Shinra building felt really... anticlimactic, maybe? I'm not sure what word I'd use there.
-There were also parts of the plot that felt really unfriendly to newcomers who didn't play the original FF7 - Sephiroth and Jenova being two of them. They weren't really even explained in the game, so that's a gripe that may not even be legitimate.

Overall I really, really enjoyed the game, though. It's probably my favorite FF7 game next to the original. Some of the complaints with FF7R are similar to ones I'd have with Crisis Core and Dirge of Cerberus.

I have additional thoughts, but those would be diving into spoiler territory. :)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: VidKid369 on November 08, 2022, 07:09:24 am
Hello,—I’m here to peddle how good the Atelier games are. I’ve always had Atelier Rorona in my collection and I’ve been sleeping on it this whole time!! Completely fell in love with the gathering of materials, the mixing of items and everything about this game! I beat that and Atelier Totori, and now I’m waiting for Atelier Meruru to be delivered. *twiddles*

I’m actually looking to upgrade to a PS4 Pro but I’m definitely gonna try to beat all the PS3 Atelier games first!! I’m so addicted.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Lennis on November 11, 2022, 10:10:48 pm
I recently dusted off my old X-Box 360 and popped in a somewhat obscure JRPG called Eternal Sonata.  The graphics are amazing for a game released in 2007, and the ost stands out even more.  It's unique in that the story focuses on the dreams of an historical figure; a famous composer and pianist named Frédéric Chopin.  It has a fairly large playable cast, and most all of the characters have names based off of musical terms.  The battle system is also unique, combining aspects of turn-based and real-time combat.  Characters have no MP, but instead use special attacks based on whether they are standing on lighted ground or shaded ground.  You can use a special attack at any time, but those attacks are more effective if you deliver a few regular attacks first during your character's turn.  Alternatively, you can build up a combo gauge using regular attacks with one character and then have another character spend the built-up energy on a special attack, leading to huge damage.  There's no other JRPG quite like it.  I'm about 40 hours into it, and I find the game charming, though the narrative can get a bit preachy in places.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on November 13, 2022, 03:04:53 am
somewhat obscure JRPG called Eternal Sonata

Ah, the weird fever-dream of Frederic Chopin! I actually own this game and played the first few hours. I really enjoyed what I played, and I remember the battle system having a unique light/dark strategy element. The soundtrack and characters were amazing, although I admit I never got far. We moved and I never picked the game back up afterwards.

Please let me know what you think when you're done! I'd love to get a review, and perhaps I'll restart it sooner or later.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Acacia Sgt on November 14, 2022, 01:26:09 am
Eternal Sonata? Oh, I've always wanted to play that one.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Boo the Gentleman Caller on December 07, 2022, 10:50:44 pm
VidKid369 and I have been chatting...

LUNAR: Eternal Blue Complete fun-time group playthrough is OFFICIALLY HAPPENING in 18 days. Mark your calendars, boys and girls.

December 25th we start a New Game.

I'm gonna start a separate discussion thread for it, but if you are interested in joining, feel free. We'll be playing somewhat slowly and have milestones we'll try to hit every day, and then discuss the plot and anything else we feel like covering. Sort of like a group Let's Play without the livestreaming. Haha!
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: VidKid369 on December 07, 2022, 11:48:28 pm
Be there or be square, you guys!

Boo and I have been talking and this's been in the works since earlier in the year... we're both looking forward to doing this group-play project as playing LUNAR on Christmas has always been a tradition in my house since I was 13 years old. I'm glad to be able to share it with people as I've been a huge-time Lunar fan since forever. :)
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: Zennit_1 on June 21, 2024, 08:31:39 am
Wonder why this thread died. I'll revive it.
What are you guys playing now? I'm playing God of War Ragnarok.
Title: Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
Post by: EleMesmo on June 21, 2024, 12:33:58 pm
I'm playing 7 Days To Die. Can't wait for the 1.0 update to drop. People have been waiting years (10, to be specific) for this to come out.

I'm playing it with my friends, and we have a private server from to play without lagging. We'll continue renting it after the update comes out. It costs $10, so not much, but totally worth it.