What games are your playing at the moment?
Me I'm playing The World Ends With You and Lunar: Silver Star Story. I really recommend TWEWY if you have a DS the battle system is wicked fun.
I'm currently playing~
Megaman 1, 2, and 3
Summon Knight: Swordcraft Story 1 & 2
Tetris, religiously.
I beat Chrono Trigger. *squee*
I am currently playing Final Fantasy VI Advance on my DS. Don't worry, Cryo and I are also working on editing the script for Episode 18 of CTU every night as well. I'll begin animating it as soon as it's finalized.
I'm working through FFTA2 and...oh dammit, I'm stuck on LoZ: PH, I need to go look for a FAQ...stupid ghost ship nonsense...V_V
I'm working through FFTA2 and...oh dammit, I'm stuck on LoZ: PH, I need to go look for a FAQ...stupid ghost ship nonsense...V_V
I am currently playing Final Fantasy VI Advance on my DS. Don't worry, Cryo and I are also working on editing the script for Episode 18 of CTU every night as well. I'll begin animating it as soon as it's finalized.
I hate the stylus controls though...Minish Cap rulz Phantom Hourglass' face so far.
Oh, right, Masaru is what he's called in Japan. As I've been watching it on Toon Disney, I've always been calling him Marcus Damon.
And then they began cutting religious references like crazy (Yggdrassil is the Digital World's god, I think the dub calls it... 'Master' or something).
Megaman 9.
Is Summon Night good? I've never heard of it.
...So I could use some more games. I just finished my library of games, and am looking to expand. To make this easier here are my available systems: PS2, PS1, GBA, GBC, SNES, Genesis, DS, and PC. My computer is not an ubergaming machine. So nothing Taxing.
So any recommendations?
Megaman 9.Oooo, that's out? Well that will be added to my list by the end of the month, probably.
Hey V, you seem to keep up with the DS and its games, would you happen to know the name of a game where you buy up towns or something and eventually become king? Or maybe it is you are king and you have to buy up towns or please the citizens or something... I vaguely remember reading a review about it and thought it was interesting but now I can't recall it for the life of me. It might be for the PSP...who knows.
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King beta
I play a male due to the 9 year olds who are desperate for cyber.
Golden Sun - I HAD gotten kind of far when I first played this a WHILE back...I remember being ok with the stupid oldschool targeting system, really enjoying the telepathic stuff, and getting kind of tired as it trudged on because it gets kind of repetitively cliché...I still want to finish this so I can get to the sequel & see if I can carry over this save somehow through the emu...
Which emu are you using? I could free up some space on my entertainment center if I can get rid of my ps2.
Right now playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on DS, but it gets boring after a while. I'm looking desperately for a good DS RPG....
playing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney on DS, but it gets boring after a while.!?!
Phoenix Wright gets boringWhat the hell is with you man!
Why is it meh? I don't have an xbox, but I played the firs tone on the PC. It was ok.
Hey, I'm playing Platinum too! Nearly done with the main story.
My Imported Pokemon Platinum(It's currently not released outside of Japan). Cost me 50 bucks, but it was worth it. I'm planning to go to College soon to learn Japanese, so Importing videogames will probably be a common thing for me later on. There's ALOT of good Japan-Only games out there.
Mega Man 9.
Damn you, Flying Saucer!
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. Best thing since sliced bread.
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. Best thing since sliced bread.
AGREED!! I'm playing the same thing.
And the Korg DS-10 synthesizer.
I will tear the limbs off of anyone who disses FFIX.
I will tear the limbs off of anyone who disses FFIX.
Come now, it is a simple fact that FFIX is inferior when compared to FFX-2 numerically speaking.
But ten minus two would be eight...
Please, 9 is a waaaaaaaaay bigger number than 1, making IT the superior position! :lol:
Please, 9 is a waaaaaaaaay bigger number than 1, making IT the superior position! :lol:
Pfft, 7 ate 9, so obviously 9 is a weakling.
Fallout 3 is just as good as 2 in my opinion. I haven't played 1. I actually am more into 3 than 2 just because a nuked Washington D.C. looks amazing.
I think he meant that the environment had been nuked, thus a post-apocalyptic environment akin to previous Fallout games. Not that you could literally nuke Washington D.C. (then again, I could be totally wrong).
I think he meant that the environment had been nuked, thus a post-apocalyptic environment akin to previous Fallout games. Not that you could literally nuke Washington D.C. (then again, I could be totally wrong).
That is one of their selling points...setting off a nuke in D.C., and seeing the mushroom cloud and all that stuff. 4 teh vishooals.
I think he meant that the environment had been nuked, thus a post-apocalyptic environment akin to previous Fallout games. Not that you could literally nuke Washington D.C. (then again, I could be totally wrong).
That is one of their selling points...setting off a nuke in D.C., and seeing the mushroom cloud and all that stuff. 4 teh vishooals.
Call me an idiot, but I loooove me some senseless violence and murder.I don't mean to get too deep, but isn't that the exemplar of most video games? :wink:
...But you and I have discussed the Fallout series before, placidchap, and I know your opinions towards Fallout 3, hahaha... But it's okay! To each his own.
I think your already convinced not to like it, but give it a try it's pretty familiar with the rest of the series.
Playing 'Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones'.I love that game. Although it's the only Fire Emblem game I've played. Ross for the win!
Now on chapter 15.
So I'm wanting to play something where I can make my own kingdom and expand it. Civilization looks like the answer anyone played it? If so is it extremely challenging for beginners?
I'm fairly sure there are a shitton of .Hack games...whenever I've seen their boxes & looked at them though I get Phantasy Star Online flashbacks and start to convulse in the stores...
And, really, I think this topic should be more than just popping in to list w/e it is you're playing. Leave some comments or something, dudes. Try not to make it so spammy (I know it's hard with this kind of thread)...
This is kind of off topic but does anyone know any good Megaman communities? I googled for some fan sites but they all sucked.
I've been playing the X series again. I seem to suck really bad at the games tho. X3 has induced several instances where I wanted to smack myself with one the large duke xbox controllers. This is kind of off topic but does anyone know any good Megaman communities? I googled for some fan sites but they all sucked.
Super Mario Sunshine is one of the worst games to get a kick on. Some of the shines are really hard to get (WHAT?! I have to clean up this beach in 3 minutes? WHAT?! I have to find a hidden passageway? WHAT?! Red coins on water plus fast moving things equals shine? WHAT?! Impossible secret thing?) and you just need to keep doing it.
I've been playing the X series again. I seem to suck really bad at the games tho. X3 has induced several instances where I wanted to smack myself with one the large duke xbox controllers. This is kind of off topic but does anyone know any good Megaman communities? I googled for some fan sites but they all sucked.
Good lord I'm horrible at the X series. Managed to complete Maverick Hunter X really quickly, but it was still frustrating. X4 is RIDICULOUS. I have no idea how you're expected to even learn to dodge the various shit thrown at you in the levels.
Don't get me started on the non-canon X6 through 8. I still have yet to play 6, but 7 is awful, and 8 is, despite looking absolutely lovely and being presented really well, is evil. Check out the level 'Inferno' sometime on youtube and watch for the room with the spikes. It's laughably hard. The annoying thing is X8 is so cool and fun, yet some levels will really drive you up the wall.
That's my situation too. Mega man 1-8 on GC no Wii so no 9. So far I've BEATEN 1,2,4, AND 8. I have 8 on PS1 too. 8 was hard at first. Now I've beaten it liken 6 times. In comparison to the others it's almost pathetic.
Anyone else here like to play Silent Hill when you are home alone, late at night, the only light source is coming from your screen and taken Red Bull? *twitch*It's been ages since I don't do that. lol I need to get homecoming and 3. And finish 2 yet.
I just finished Megaman Zero, Capcom's demon child. Seriously, this game is one of the most difficult I've ever played. Love the storyline though, and I'm off to look for the second installment now. There's 4 in the series.
If you have a 360 you should rent it, then decide on whether or not to get it.
I'm working through FFTA2 and...oh dammit, I'm stuck on LoZ: PH, I need to go look for a FAQ...stupid ghost ship nonsense...V_V
Actually, I gave up & moved on to newer & better games since then...I may go back to Phantom Hourglass some day, but for now my days are filled with Chrono Trigger & Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff (I just edited all the teams to NFL teams...though not players yet, which I would totally need some kind of FAQ or something to do completely...V_V)...
If you have a 360 you should rent it, then decide on whether or not to get it.
'fraid I don't have a 360, or any console for that matter.
course being the "close minded" person I am, playing fallout on a console or that fact that it can be played on a console says that the game is subpar compared to cRPGs...
meh, whatever. i am going to go sulk in a corner.
Currently Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger DS, and Ace Combat 04.
Actually, I gave up & moved on to newer & better games since then...I may go back to Phantom Hourglass some day, but for now my days are filled with Chrono Trigger & Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff (I just edited all the teams to NFL teams...though not players yet, which I would totally need some kind of FAQ or something to do completely...V_V)...
If you're still stuck in PH, lemme know where you are in the game and what the last objective you completed was.
Currently Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger DS, and Ace Combat 04.
Sarge, you are 2/3 lucky.
Currently Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger DS, and Ace Combat 04.
Sarge, you are 2/3 lucky.
And why is that?
Actually, I gave up & moved on to newer & better games since then...I may go back to Phantom Hourglass some day, but for now my days are filled with Chrono Trigger & Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff (I just edited all the teams to NFL teams...though not players yet, which I would totally need some kind of FAQ or something to do completely...V_V)...
If you're still stuck in PH, lemme know where you are in the game and what the last objective you completed was.
I believe I was supposed to follow the ghost ship into the second map and I did, but then after following it for a bit on that map I got sent back...I think I might be supposed to go to some island on the first map (which I had already gone to before I followed the ghost ship) or something, but I'm not sure & didn't care enough to try before...
Right now, I've gone on a massive, and I mean MASSIVE, Pokemon Crystal kick. In about two weeks I've gone through the Land of Johto, am training for the Elite Four (or Five, depending on if you count the champion), am trying to get that damn Eevee to turn into an Espeon (not going too well), and have solved the three slidy puzzles of the Ruins of Alph. Now I'm hunting down Raikou and figuring out when the bloody train will be here so I can go to Saffron.
You should try and pwn Ash while you're at it. And look it up on GameFAQs for when the Train arrives. More than likely it's there.
You should try and pwn Ash while you're at it. And look it up on GameFAQs for when the Train arrives. More than likely it's there.
That is not Ash, his name is Red. Ash does not exist.
You should try and pwn Ash while you're at it. And look it up on GameFAQs for when the Train arrives. More than likely it's there.
That is not Ash, his name is Red. Ash does not exist.
All right, Raiden, back to MGS with you.
In any case it doesn't matter what you call him.
You should try and pwn Ash while you're at it. And look it up on GameFAQs for when the Train arrives. More than likely it's there.
That is not Ash, his name is Red. Ash does not exist.
All right, Raiden, back to MGS with you.
In any case it doesn't matter what you call him.
Edit: Jesus 75.667 posts per day Shadow... really come on now.
No, but it's just very surprising. That's hours of browsing a forum.
... I am SO PROUD.
My hours spent browsing are ridiculous. I always leave this, myspace, and xbox-scene open in tabs and just leave my pc on.
I've officially hit the 24 hour mark for my total time spent lurking on /b/.
4chan owns one day of my life.
Oh... God.
I've officially hit the 24 hour mark for my total time spent lurking on /b/.
4chan owns one day of my life.
Oh... God.
Ever been to Encyclopedia Dramatica?
Edit: Jesus 75.667 posts per day Shadow... really come on now.
If you say it's spamming, I'll say this. I'm not spamming, I'm just seriously active. Hell, I don't even post on all the boards and in all the threads. However, I serious activity once got me the BanHammer on a Yu-Gi-Oh! forum one.
I've officially hit the 24 hour mark for my total time spent lurking on /b/.
4chan owns one day of my life.
Oh... God.
Ever been to Encyclopedia Dramatica?
That site is a sickening, racist, biggoted abomination.
(Sorry for taking this back off-topic but I needed to mention this.I've officially hit the 24 hour mark for my total time spent lurking on /b/.
4chan owns one day of my life.
Oh... God.
Ever been to Encyclopedia Dramatica?
That site is a sickening, racist, biggoted abomination.
Agreed. I asked b/c Anon raided a friend of mine's GF. Search "Rememberance-the-fox" on that site for what they say about it. When I saw it, and heard her side, I was pissed, and made the pic below in response. Now I'm waiting for the chance to put it in.
Yeah, it should be obvious by now.
That is all.
Just stop with the huge font and pointless posts already.
I know, but she was left very upset when she got raided. Hell, her BF refuses to return to DeviantART out of fear of more flames.
BTW, you forgot something.THE INTERNET IS SERIOUS BUSINESS.(haha disregard that he sucks COCKS) :lol:
SD: Ugh, finally managed to get it right.
I just want someone to come to my place, help me set up this PS2 I got from my sis-in-law, and beat the Hi-Ho Tank in CC for me. I could never beat it myself.
I just want someone to come to my place, help me set up this PS2 I got from my sis-in-law, and beat the Hi-Ho Tank in CC for me. I could never beat it myself.
Plug the PS2 into a power outlet, then connect the Red,White, and Yellow cables to the corresponding ports on the television.
Go grinding/leveling and buy a bunch of green elements, and put a yellow innate and green innate character in your party along with Serge.
Problems solved.
We can't let them do this. We have to save the fairies!
I still have an acc. on Starmen. net.
Advance Wars (all iterations)
Dragon Ball Origins (a DB game that doesn't totally suck. Woo!)
Wait, you fight AirMan and CrashMan on NeedleMan's level? WTF?You've never heard of the Doc robots? In MM3, after you beat the first 8 bosses, you have to go through 4 more levels. Changed versions of Spark man, Gemini man, Needle man, and Shadow man. In each of them you fight two MM 2 bosses. Needle man is the hardest one.
Just finished playing through CT and CC again, trying to decide another RPG to start. Any suggestions?
Twilight Princess ... is ridiculously easy.
Just finished playing through CT and CC again, trying to decide another RPG to start. Any suggestions?
Twilight Princess ... is ridiculously easy.
BLASPHEMER!!! :evil:
I prefer Triforce of the Gods/A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask.
Got my DS back yesterday. I think you all know what that means.
I disagree, Delta. Take into account how much time you spend either in dungeons, or on the high seas. The one place I've spent the most of my gameplay time is the Temple Of The Ocean King, since it's hard to remember what to do next unless you have the guide. I have the guide myself, but I hardly use it, since the next task usually presents itself given enough time.I don't have the guide. But I've memorized where to go in there with all the times they make you do it. And that is like the only place that takes forever to do. The dungeons are ridiculously short. I could probably get through the last dungeon in less than half an hour. And you don't spend very much time at all on the ocean. Especially if you compare it to Windwaker.
A friend of mine has the Fan Translation of MOTHER 3 that Mato made.
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon continues to kick ass...whenever it comes out wherever you are, you had better buy it so that they remake the other hoard of FE games we didn't get in English!!
Europe got itfirst!before the US ...And it isn't even out here anywhere I've looked. Weird.
Okay, seems it's out of stock in UK Game stores.
Anyway, I tried out the rom, and er, lost a guy in the tutorial and was gonna reset but I might just go out and buy the game.
Alundra. How many of you have actually played this gem?
Gods I hope after FFIV-2 they keep making more FF DS remakes...I needs FFVI DS bad.
D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?
My newest addiction: Lords of CreationThe Avalon Hill game? Well if it is you have good taste, they have never made a bad game that I recall.
Its a forum game (on a different forum, obviously), great fun, and utterly addictive (hence why I haven't been around much as of late).
Do you think they ruined CT by making CTDS? My brother thinks so, or used to think so.
D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?
D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?
D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?
The Avalon Hill game? Well if it is you have good taste, they have never made a bad game that I recall.
D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?
Holy fucking shit there's a new FE out?
Yay! Marth will get an English voice come next SSB!
I want to play this:
D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?
Tetsuya Nomura seems to be a whore for his fangirls and Gackt. I don't want to see one of my favorite games turned into a catastrophe like Crisis Core.
D'you think they can remake FF7 (the original) for PS3 without ruining the game?
Tetsuya Nomura seems to be a whore for his fangirls and Gackt. I don't want to see one of my favorite games turned into a catastrophe like Crisis Core.
Catastrophe? Hardly. Dirge of Cerberus was a catastrophe. Crisis Core was the best thing to come out of the entire Compilation. Why did you hate it so much?
And Nomura could do an excellent remake if he wanted to. Look at Re: Chain of Memories for PS2 -- perfect update of the original for GBA. Hopefully he realizes that FFVII needs to be remade for PS3 with the exact same treatment -- nothing more, nothing less.
Alundra. How many of you have actually played this gem?
Alundra. How many of you have actually played this gem?Played it and beaten it twice. Good gameplay, good graphics, okay sound, but the storyline leaves something to be desired. Overall, definitely worth playing.
I'm actually not very far now with all these restarts...The furthest I got in the beginning was Chapter 7...the restart I got to Chapter 4...and now I'm on Chapter 2 or 3...If you have less than 4 party members in Prologue IV you get that second Archer I was talking about (it's a Chapter you have to sacrifice one member of three Cavaliers, a Paladin & another Archer you pick up in that Chapter by talking to him)...
I just played Chapter 6 again and it turns out I was totally wrong! It's not dependent upon just your current Chapter team, but your overall party that has to be under 15...how troublesome...I'm totally going to forget about the x-Chapters and just play through this time (the Paladin was easily the better choice over the Cavalier, btw)...Keep Cain & Able too since their stat growths should be better than the other Cavalier...I'm not 100% on that, but that seems like how things go in the FE world...
Double poster posted twice.
Did they fix Marth's O.A. to match his later appearances? (SSBM and later)
Question: I'm thinking about going and getting an RPG I've never played through before since I'm tired of replaying my old games. I've never played Saga Frontier - is it worth it?
Trying to play through Chrono Cross again, but I keep getting distracted and want to play Xenogears because I've never beat it. So I end up playing for a while and switching and not getting very much progress on either. I keep hearing good things about Xenogears so I guess I'm just wondering if it's really as good as everyone makes it out to be? It just can't seem to hold my attention.
...OA...Original Appearance?
I've given up on trying to find a new and simultaneously worthy rpg to spend my time playing. I'll just play Lunar 2 again.
I've given up on trying to find a new and simultaneously worthy rpg to spend my time playing. I'll just play Lunar 2 again.
I just started Luna 1 for the first time. I was also trying to find a good rpg, and I remembered this series... Good stuff.
I've given up on trying to find a new and simultaneously worthy rpg to spend my time playing. I'll just play Lunar 2 again.
I just started Luna 1 for the first time. I was also trying to find a good rpg, and I remembered this series... Good stuff.
What games are your playing at the moment?
Edit: Felt the topic could use a name change.
Damn I just figured out that I own a copy of Vagrant Story and that I have never even completed that game! I always somehow get distracted and end up playing another game...
Reinforcements? I am the reinforcements.
Anyone here play WoW?
Got the Mana Sword yet, Sarge?
I think so...but I've also read that Flammie refers to the species.
I just started Final Fantasy V. I love this job system, the monks are kickass in human form.
And in SD2 Flammie was the name the Mushroom King decided to call her... :wink:I think so...but I've also read that Flammie refers to the species.
I don't think so. Flammie is a name the Fairy decided to call her.
The only party member with any real personality had their place in the party taken by the stupid kid.
Does SD3's Flammie and SoM's Flammie are the same one?
Does SD3's Flammie and SoM's Flammie are the same one?
No. SD3's Flammie is a girl and SoM's is a guy. Perhaps SD3's Flammie becomes the Mana Beast that Randi kills at the end of SoM?
I just started Final Fantasy V. I love this job system, the monks are kickass in human form.
I REALLY gotta get back to that... I've nearly finished the Advance version. I think I lost most of my motivation after The only party member with any real personality had their place in the party taken by the stupid kid. Just to drive the point home, Dissidia featured Bartz as the FFV hero to square off against the villain instead, despite said other member being the one who fought him alone past 0HP and kept going due to sheer determination. And Gilgamesh was banished to a void (Although he returns, but the last fight with him was the most fun I'd ever had in an RPG battle and he's so damn charasmatic).
I bet how Bartz is in Dissidia will lead to rumors about him being Gogo in FFVI...>_>
Pshhh...He had personality for, like one scene, and it was his death...Though a great death scene, I don't think it really made up for an otherwise lackluster game character-wise...But, yeah, Krylie was stupid...
I bet how Bartz is in Dissidia will lead to rumors about him being Gogo in FFVI...>_>
Nonsense. Gogo is Obama.
Nonsense. Gogo is Obama.
Nonsense. Gogo is Obama.
Obama? WTF?
Nonsense. Gogo is Obama.
What he should of said in response to finding out the cold hard TRUTH.
Y'know, thinking about it, I actually DO really want to see a DS remake of FFV now so that they can inject more into those lame characters...Maybe really go into Faris & Reina's relationship more...I always thought that should have been explored more...Maybe add a Star Wars nod where she kisses Faris before they find out Faris' first secret...God I hate talking about FFV because there's so many spoilers...
I'd even be willing to wait longer for FFVI DS so they could do something like that...
Reminds me of the theory in which Gogo was Adlai E. Stevenson.
Y'know, thinking about it, I actually DO really want to see a DS remake of FFV now so that they can inject more into those lame characters...Maybe really go into Faris & Reina's relationship more...I always thought that should have been explored more...Maybe add a Star Wars nod where she kisses Faris before they find out Faris' first secret...God I hate talking about FFV because there's so many spoilers...
I'd even be willing to wait longer for FFVI DS so they could do something like that...
I see you have a crossdressing lesbian pirate princess incest fetish.
I'm glad to say that Dissidia made Bartz a canonical idiot (I love how the turtle sage in FFV Advance's localization keeps referring to him as stupid and asking too many questions). From what I've played, anyway (he walks into a really obvious trap of Kefka's within the first 5 minutes in Zidane's story, for instance). Oh, and the Japanese version keeps his name spelt as 'Butz'. Plus his gimmick is fairly bizarre... he wields the swords of other FF heroes, although I guess this is keeping with the fact Bare/Freelancer classes in FFV can equip any weapon... Or it's a throwback to Gilgamesh (he made his debut in V, see?) using fake versions of FF hero swords in FFXII!
I would've paid to play as an Ex-death-smashing Monk Galuf instead anyway.Reminds me of the theory in which Gogo was Adlai E. Stevenson.
Shame that one got proven a joke.
It's a site that does speed runs through video games for various charities.
I could speed through Trigger incredibly fast, I lack the means to record such a run though. Also, I'd love to do it for charity, specifically WHAT charity is the question. We should send that retarded guy who thinks Video Games are the source of all wars and evil an email with a link to this in it...
I agree, the whole Cross remake to kill the whines fanboys have about it sounds like a wonderful idea. Personally I love it, and I'm only at Viper mansion, the First time, as I assume that they return...
I just got the boat with Karsha or whatever his name is, after seeing Glenn who is most certainly not green haired, dammit, be angsty about the Einlazer, which was in RD. Is that what you mean? Or is there something in Viper Manor?
So, is anyone into Xenogears? It's a great game for those of you who are tired of predictable shounen-based plots with the same cliché'd characters with no depth. It's also the best game ever made. And Lucca's in it.
I'm sure you all knew that already, I just felt like talking about Xenogears a little. (Which is the best game ever made.)
Yeah, she explains save points in the starting village. Keep your eyes open.
I haven't even made it that far. I just loaded the game decided it looked like crap on the xbox emulator and turned it off after the first cutscene and planned to play it later on the actual ps after I locate the damn thing.
I haven't even made it that far. I just loaded the game decided it looked like crap on the xbox emulator and turned it off after the first cutscene and planned to play it later on the actual ps after I locate the damn thing.
It probably won't look much better. Despite the graphics, I'll have to agree that it is one of the greatest games ever made. Definitely the greatest intricate RPG story ever made. Seconded only by Chrono Cross in my opinion.
And here's something that I'll probably get royally made fun of for but:
I actually liked Xenosaga 3 as much as if not a tiny bit more than Xenogears.
And here's something that I'll probably get royally made fun of for but:
I actually liked Xenosaga 3 as much as if not a tiny bit more than Xenogears.
Actually, that's not the first time I've seen a Xenogears fan say that. I've never played Xenosaga mainly due to lack of time, but the more I read Xenogears fans' opinions about the third game, the more I want to play it.
It's a shame Masato Kato didn't work on the series, though.
and I've gotta say Xenosaga III is a tiny, tiny bit better story wise and gameplay wise than Xenogears.
If the second disc of Xenogears wasn't the way that it is (I don't mind it, but still...) Xenogears would probably win.
Xenosaga I and III are so good that I would have bought a Playstation 2 just for them.
And I know people hate Star Ocean 3 but I actually enjoyed it quite a lot. It's my favorite Star Ocean next to Star Ocean 1 on the SNES. That's another awesome PS2 RPG. (The plot twist in the game didn't really bother me at all. I don't understand why so many people hate the plot twist)
I gots tons of space for PS2 games. I'm sure I can find all 4 of those games at gamestop in the Rot Rack.
The same with me. Maybe something about more emphasis on graphics did it...Meh... it seems to be the trend(VII-XII; excluding IX) that the protagonists are either whiney or antisocial -- or both.
And that the main charecters of X and XII whined like Crazy, more than Luke Skywalker!!
And that they both had terrible direct sequels.
What do you consider Antisocial?unfriendly, withdrawn or simply not sociable; Squall's(FF8) inherent withdrawal/aversion from the social structure is a good example.
I like to ignore my Parents and General Family occasionally when they are annoying me to talk to you guys and play RPGs. What would that be?(Healthy?) Normal human behavior.
I like being friendly, but my friends and I at school and in General are withdrawn from regular society. We have a good reason, and we sort of formed our own little society.Then you are not truly anti-social. Counter-culture sounds similar to what you are speaking of.
What do you consider Antisocial?unfriendly, withdrawn or simply not sociable; Squall's(FF8) inherent withdrawal/aversion from the social structure is a good example.
...blocked by VII's Shadow.
So was Cloud, Tidus and Vaan -- Tidus most of all. :lol: Although, I would admit Cloud was pretty alright for the majority of the game.What do you consider Antisocial?unfriendly, withdrawn or simply not sociable; Squall's(FF8) inherent withdrawal/aversion from the social structure is a good example.
I hate Squall.. He's such a cry baby bitch.
That chick looks like a dude.
How do you type with Boxing gloves on?
Sorry, I didn't know you did that.
I was apoligizing for not being original and posting off topic crap.Is that game worth buying? I've never played a Dragon Quest before, but I've heard this one's story is actually pretty good.
Anyways, I posted a picture of the game I'm playing currently a few pages back. I'll post it again.
I still think the final case in the second one is my favorite thus far though.
Grandia II was horrific in my memory. Though I played it at a younger age, so I don't think my opinion is completely correct...
Grandia II was horrific in my memory. Though I played it at a younger age, so I don't think my opinion is completely correct...
Really? I had a blast with Grandia II. The battle system is fun, and even if the voice acting isn't so great, it had a solid story and characters driving things.
Grandia II has voice acting and is for the PS2 (and Dreamcast and PC but who cares?).
EDIT: To my genuine surprise, there are apparently two more Grandia games - Grandia Xtreme and Grandia III, both of which I have never even heard of. Which means they probably horrendously suck.
Hey! I will de-rail this thread faster then the failure of the 3DO if you bash the Dreamcast.
God, I love Seaman.
I doubt any of you have heard of it but I recently replayed Freespace 2 the sequel to Descent Freespace. I forgot how awesome it was.
God, I love Seaman.
Was this a deliberate pun or do you in fact actually love the game? Or both?
Heres a question for you Fire emblem players. Do you let people die? Every Fire Emblem I've played I always make sure everyone survives, regardless of their usefulness.
PM a link to me if you find a vid of it.
I recently dug out Age of Mythology. My brother got it like last year but we played it very little. I can't decide if I like it better than Star wars Galactic Battlegrounds or not. I think they're made by the same company and they're the same kind of game.
What is Cloud doing?
Hey, Pyt?Quote from: Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2, when Sora "Approach"es himWhat is Cloud doing?
Age of empires and Age of Mythology were both made by Ensemble. Star wars was made by Lucas arts but it used the Age of empires engine. Just looked it up.I recently dug out Age of Mythology. My brother got it like last year but we played it very little. I can't decide if I like it better than Star wars Galactic Battlegrounds or not. I think they're made by the same company and they're the same kind of game.
I don't know age of mythology was made by Esemble Studios from Microsoft. Same studio that made Age of Empires. So I don't think that miscrosoft made that Star wars Game.
I'm considering posting a MASSIVE list of Video Games that I own here
I'm close to finish Sealed Sword. After, I think I'll continue with Re:CoM.
Hey, Pyt?Quote from: Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2, when Sora "Approach"es himWhat is Cloud doing?
Um... yes?
I'm close to finish Sealed Sword. After, I think I'll continue with Re:CoM.
How different is Re compared to the original CoM...? I just can't really imagine it being a PS2 title...
Hey, Pyt?Quote from: Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2, when Sora "Approach"es himWhat is Cloud doing?
Um... yes?
Read the quote.
How different is Re compared to the original CoM...? I just can't really imagine it being a PS2 title...
It's good so far. I find it hard, but only because I have yet to find high value cards, and that the whole 3D thing makes me turn the camera too much in battle. And that Sora sounds like in KHII, despite being the same age as in KH. Well, it was too late for that one.
Star Ocean: Till the End Of Time
I also got Metroid II, Star Ocean: Till the End Of Time, and Legend Of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.
I love the Star Ocean series, but you will hear from many fans of the series that they hate Star Ocean: TTEOT. Have you played Star Ocean 2 on the PSX and the original Star Ocean (via ROM and Dejap translation) on the SNES? I'd recommend playing those first.
It may have had something to do with me getting the lame characters (Peppita & Roger), I'd suggest not getting those two to HyperNerd...I'm not sure about SO2, but it seemed like SO3 had less character branches than the previous two from what I've heard...The pacing is also just dreadful and I don't remember disliking the battle system like I did in TtEoT....
I also got ... Legend Of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons.
Also, I thought you were anti-Spoiler, Shadow...
If you don't like it, then don't read it, but if you're gonna bitch and whine about it, all I can tell you is "Whiny bitch needs to get the fuck out."
Also, I thought you were anti-Spoiler, Shadow...
I'm not, but that's no reason to be discourteous. If he doesn't want it spoiled, then I won't spoil it for the sake of it.Quote from: Shadow's Motto Concerning Readings People Hate (Like Spoilers)If you don't like it, then don't read it, but if you're gonna bitch and whine about it, all I can tell you is "Whiny bitch needs to get the fuck out."
And don't forget that if you get Adray you are potentially screwed from getting the awesomeness which is Albel.
In my experience, Fayt, Cliff and Maria make the most destructive combo in the game; all the way to 4-D mode even. Edit: Of course, could just solo in 4-D with just Peppita. She completely owns everything with her dances.And don't forget that if you get Adray you are potentially screwed from getting the awesomeness which is Albel.
Ah, that too. He takes up a slot that could be used for someone useful and also stops you getting an 8th member if you wander into that village (that one on Elicoor II where the monsters and fairies live) after the big plot twist.
Yeah, I recall one or two of Maria's moves being an absolute game breaker that I've seen abused in low level solo videos of the game's optional bosses.Energy Burst, I believe.
| Angel's Burst |----------------------------------------------------
1) Archangel Fayt: Excelent damage potential, max HP and very high defence. The
Tank (Damage Dealer)
2) Max Cliff: Magnificent juggling and damage, long ranged. Absolutely amazing,
brilliant and necessary for Freya (Stunlocker/Damage Dealer/Support)
3) Burst Maria: Superb damage potential, durability and support with Healing
and Protection (Damage Dealer/Support)
Loose Line
POWER: *****
SINERGY: *****
OVERALL: *****
One of the best teams, doesn't achieve a perfect score in balance because of
its ultra offensive nature: sometimes you'll miss having a pure Healer. Still,
which he apparently stole from Frog and elongated to massive size.
You could always play one of the other Panzer Dragoon games...?
I always thought Aerith was a stupid Mistranslation in Kingdom Hearts... I do think of her as Aerith initially, but I have to force myself to think of her as Aeris. Is Aeris a mistranslation?
How does that make it the same him...?
It is not too late! Let us turn back! Yes, but I...I cannot accept it.
Where is the sense in all this? But...there must be another way! Your deaths
will mean nothing! You must live!
"It is not too late! Let us turn back!"
"Yes, but I...I cannot accept it."
"No! Where is the sense in all this? Braska believed in Yevon's
teachings and died for them! Jecht believed in Braska and gave his life
for him!"
"Sin always comes back. It comes back after the Calm every time! The
cycle will continue and your deaths will mean nothing!"
You could always play one of the other Panzer Dragoon games...?
Panzer Dragoon Saga was an RPG, unlike the other games. Not only an RPG, but it is considered by many (including myself) to be one of the greatest RPG's ever made. Because I haven't played it in such a long time, I can't rightfully judge it with relation to greats like Chrono Trigger/Cross, Star Ocean, or Final Fantasy - but at the time I recall thinking it was better than every one of them except Chrono Trigger.
all that crap Acacia Sgt quoted & said last
Don't remember clearly, who is he talking about?Depends on which KH. But yes it has been a few years, still they used the EXACT same line as fanservice.
I played Panzer Dragoon Saga, and badass it was. I never finished it though as it belonged to a friend of mine. I would definitely put it up there with the great RPGs, and it might be among my top RPG's if I had the opportunity to finish it.
teenybopper flavored jailbait bitch.
They should just do a Square-Enix vs Capcom fighting game. If you're going to do a fighting game, you might as well do it right.
They should just do a Square-Enix vs Capcom fighting game. If you're going to do a fighting game, you might as well do it right.
Sakura vs Lucca or Harle... my heart might not be able to take that much awesomeness.
because of how highly people regard it: The "Best" Game ever, it makes me look at it with some contempt. It's still a really good game, but it hasn't aged very well. Chrono Trigger was a billion times better, and Cross was just as good.
The Materia system was basically just the Esper system for every ability with the added bonus of negative attributes (h-hooray?)...? So much was just recycled FFVI...Materia->Espers...Magitek Knights->SOLDIER...Desperation Attacks->Limit Breaks...Kefka's awesome god of magic seraph form->Ol' Sephy-head's stupid angel missing a wing form...
They're Australian?
for many people FF VII was their first RPG ever and so it has that "nostalgia factor" associated with it.I remember mine well, I jumped right in to shark infested waters. Planescape: Torment was my first RPG. With Phantasy Star 4 being my first JRPG.
for many people FF VII was their first RPG ever and so it has that "nostalgia factor" associated with it.I remember mine well, I jumped right in to shark infested waters. Planescape: Torment was my first RPG. With Phantasy Star 4 being my first JRPG.
SoM was my first Action-RPG, then came Chrono Trigger as my first RPG. SO:TSS, FFT and PS:T were the three games that I attribute to my addiction to RPGs.for many people FF VII was their first RPG ever and so it has that "nostalgia factor" associated with it.I remember mine well, I jumped right in to shark infested waters. Planescape: Torment was my first RPG. With Phantasy Star 4 being my first JRPG.
I heard FFVIII Sucks.
- Check that, I guess technically my first RPG was this horrible game on the Atari that involved you going around and finding keys to fight dragons or something. I remember it had only two colors per level - the color the level was made out of and the character, and then the floor of each level was a different color. Damn that game sucked. I wish I could remember what it was called.Wasn't it called 'Adventure'; I remember playing it once.
If I have one major gripe about FF VII it is the ending. It felt incredibly half-assed to me, and I was like "What I played the game for innumerable hours on end for this?"
...the ultimate White Magic. Magic that might stand against
Meteor. Perhaps our last hope to save the planet from Meteor. If a soul seeking
Holy reaches the planet, it will appear. Ho Ho Hoooo. Meteor, Weapon,
everything will disappear. Perhaps, even ourselves.
Holy is
having the opposite effect.
I heard FFVIII Sucks. Care to tell me why it's good? Also- HOW CAN A GAME BE TOO LONG!!!?? It's means you're getting more out of your money! If i spent 60 bucks on FFVII and it was only 30 hours long, I would KILL.
The Phantasy Star game series doesn't get enough credit compared to some of the bigger names.
It's a little something called pacing...Just because something is good, there is such thing as too much of a good thing. If you took your favorite movie, for instance and instead of 1 & 1/2 or even 2 (*groan*) hours stretched the fucker out to 4, you'd notice how drawn out & boring everything was getting.
Speaking of, when me and my friend were talking about who might be in KHIII, My Friend (Asafigow) said randomly, "I dunno, maybe someone from Chrono Trigger?" I believe he was joking, but it's always good to hope...
...which is WAY better than crappy SSB which I never liked.
Oh fuck's sake, I was gonna make that joke.
Has anybody played the game Rogue Galaxy on the PS2? It's a goofy, cartoonish RPG about space pirates that fly around in what is literally a normal pirate ship equipped with a rocket engine (why they don't all die from the vacuum of space is anyones guess). The story is rather cliche but the game itself is beautiful and really damn fun. Since I play RPG's for the story, it's not up there as one of my favorite RPG's, but I'd recommend it to anyone who is in an RPG slump and wants something new to play.
The battle system was so bland and repetitive I couldn't stand it.
Never got in to it, my brother really liked it. My god the DMV quest pissed me off more then the real quests to the DMV does.
One of these features is the Scenario Overlay (SOL) system. This system encourages the player to return to previous points in the game, restart the game, and/or replay the game in order to unlock hidden areas, view additional story scenes, and make the characters more powerful so that the player can deal with the game's considerable difficulty level.
Meh, personal choice I suppose. To me, it was much less bland than the traditional rpg/final fantasy click and choose and watch turn-based battle systems.
An RPG that really irritates me is Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter. It's a really nice game, but the whole "use D skills too much and you die" thing was an absolute travesty. You can't even lower the percentage, so you have to keep this in check for the entire game. And even using the Dash function in the field fills it up. Worse still, the game encourages it; check this out:Quote from: WikipediaOne of these features is the Scenario Overlay (SOL) system. This system encourages the player to return to previous points in the game, restart the game, and/or replay the game in order to unlock hidden areas, view additional story scenes, and make the characters more powerful so that the player can deal with the game's considerable difficulty level.
It's more of a pain in the ass than it sounds.
Meh, personal choice I suppose. To me, it was much less bland than the traditional rpg/final fantasy click and choose and watch turn-based battle systems.
You mean the kind of battle engines that are centered around strategy and thought instead of mashing X and O repeatedly?
Kingdom Hearts Battle System pwns all other kinds, even CT's.
I liked FFX-2 combat the most I think. It was very fast paced for a tradition combat system, plus the class system was like a revamped version of FFIII but more useful classes.
X-2 was the first RPG that used the ATB that I played. But I hated trying to get 100%.Because its impossible without a full walkthrough?
X-2 was the first RPG that used the ATB that I played. But I hated trying to get 100%.Because its impossible without a full walkthrough?
Is it when you have to discover the culprit of the Mi'ihen Highroad incident, right?
Speaking of bland video games, how about that Xenosaga Ep 1 & 2? I still have Ep 3 in its plastic from like almost 2 years ago. Is it better than the first two? Xenosaga 1 & 2 were very boring for me, but I would force myself to complete the games because they both have increadible music and storyline. :D
The tragic reason I stopped Mother 2 and eliminated all Emulation for a period of time? Savestates. I never used em, exept at the beginning of the game. I was in the Desert, but then I accidentally pressed F2. And, guess what? Oh shit, beginning of the game with no saves and no way to return. God, I was so pissed I killed all emulation on my Compy.
Hah, a friend of mine showed that to me. I can't download it onto this laptop b/c the restrictions won't let me install the GBA emulator.
Hah, a friend of mine showed that to me. I can't download it onto this laptop b/c the restrictions won't let me install the GBA emulator.
I don't believe you need to install anything with Visual Boy Advance.
I just like to think none of them are connected, or they are tales of lore in some unkown world. Probably the Chrono world :wink:
Well it has been confirmed (through an Ultimania guide I think?) that FF X and FF VII are directly connected, in that the people of Spira left that world and journeyed through space to VII's world. Also, Final Fantasy XII, Revenant Wings, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Vagrant Story are all chronologically connected - in that order - in the world of Ivalice.
Anything else is speculation until someone says something about it. I personally imagine that they will try to connect all of them in one way or another, especially with all of these re-releases happening.
Well it has been confirmed (through an Ultimania guide I think?) that FF X and FF VII are directly connected, in that the people of Spira left that world and journeyed through space to VII's world. Also, Final Fantasy XII, Revenant Wings, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Vagrant Story are all chronologically connected - in that order - in the world of Ivalice.
Anything else is speculation until someone says something about it. I personally imagine that they will try to connect all of them in one way or another, especially with all of these re-releases happening.
I never heard of that. Though Shinra in FFX-2 does make an interesting observation when he was examining the farplane, but that is supposedly not canon.
****Translations concerning the plot-related connection between FFVII and
FFX/X-2**** (005)
As some fans of Final Fantasy VII, X and X-2 may or may not know, the worlds
of the two games share a plot-related connection. The connection's existance
was established during an interview with Yoshinori Kitase (lead developer of
the Final Fantasy series) and Kazushige Nojima (the scenario writer of Final
Fantasy VII, Before Crisis, Advent Children, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy
X, Final Fantasy X-2 and the Kingdom Hearts series) in 2002, as featured in
the Final Fantasy X Ultimania Omega guidebook, an official Square-Enix
This interview established that there would be a connection between the two
worlds, though it didn't detail it. However, based on what was later revealed
to be the connection, it's clear that it had already been conceived, as
Kitase hints at it with his final word on the subject. In 2003, the exact
nature of the concept was finally revealed in the Final Fantasy X-2 Ultimania,
having been hinted toward by a few elements of the game.
Nojima revealed that Shinra of the Gullwings, an Al Bhed child prodigy and
inventor of various machinery, would attempt using the remains of Vegnagun --
the behemoth machina Shuyin tried to destroy Spira with -- to extract life
energy from the Farplane and use it to power machines. Shinra would attempt
doing this as a result of his analysis of the Farplane late in the game.
During this diagnostic, Shinra concluded that there was a great deal of energy
floating around inside the Farplane, and that it was most likely the life
force of Spira, which could be extracted and used as a power source; however,
he concluded that it would take generations to properly implement the idea.
Further of note is that Nojima explained that the Al Bhed entrepeneur Rin also
was interested in extracting mako from the Farplane, and that he provided
Shinra with the funding to make the attempt. For his part, Rin's desire to do
this is revealed during the game should he be uncovered as the culprit behind
covering up the malfunctioning machina disaster on the Mi'hen Highroad.
Nojima went on to say that Shinra's attempts to use Vegnagun's remains failed
and that he was unable to complete the concept of mako-extraction, just as
Shinra had predicted. However, some 1000 years later, once space travel became
possible, Shinra's descendants would go on a voyage to the world of Final
Fantasy VII. There, at some point in the future, they would be successful in
utilizing the concept, and would provide electricity from the Planet for a
price; these descendants would found the Shin-Ra Company of Final Fantasy VII.
The connection would again be hinted toward in the Final Fantasy X-2:
International+Last Mission (released in 2004) game's Last Mission scenario, in
which Rikku revealed that Rin and Shinra had begun working together. Finally,
the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega guidebook (released in 2005) also brings
forth mention of the concept.
I will here present the dialogue from Final Fantasy X-2 that hints at the
connection, as well as the interviews and other translations that establish
its existance as part of official Final Fantasy continuity.
***Dialogue with Rin from Final Fantasy X-2***
"You are suggesting that my decision to upgrade the machina resulted in a
number of casualties... ... and that I tried to cover it up?"
"You put the investigation in our hands because we were amateurs. You hoped we
would botch the case."
"And then, I kept calling you even though I didn't have any leads."
"You would have objected to the meaningless interruptions, if you really
wanted to solve the case."
"I see. It appears that I have underestimated you, Yuna."
"Why, Rin?"
"If word got out that machina pose a danger, people would fear them and stop
using them."
"So Yevon's not alone in sweeping things under the rug."
"I firmly believe that machina are an indispensable part of Spira's
"Even if there is another incident, I intend to conceal the evidence."
"You really think people will follow you that way?"
"I am not alone in my thinking."
"We are researching ways to extract the vast energy that sleeps in Spira, and
use it to power machina."
"You're a jackass."
"I will take that as a compliment."
***Dialogue with Shinra from Final Fantasy X-2***
"What are you looking at?"
"Farplane data."
"The more I study it, the more fascinating it gets. There's limitless energy
swirling around in there."
"Limitless energy?"
"The life force that flows through our planet...I think."
"With a little work, we could probably extract the energy in a useable form."
"Of course, that'd take generations."
"That's no fun!"
"Well, still, it is something worth shooting for."
"Think how much Spira would change if we ever got it to work!"
"Maybe one day we could build a city full of light, one that never sleeps!"
"No doubt about it."
***Dialogue with Rikku from Final Fantasy X-2: International+Last Mission***
"These days, people are always looking for sunken machina."
"Oh? Has Shinra been helping you with that?"
"Ahh, now that you bring it up..."
"Well, he left the ship and got together with Rin, and what do you think all
that research they've been doing is about?"
***Interview with Yoshinori Kitase and Kazushige Nojima in the Final Fantasy X
Ultimania Omega*** (Page 191)
**FFVII and FFX are connected?!**
--"Previously, with a conversation in the FFX Scenario Ultimania, you made
certain inferences, and since it's been about half a year since then, is there
anything new you'd like to clarify about FFX?"
"That's true...... Now that FFX International is out and we're in the future,
I'm in a predicament; it really isn't that hard to think of another story
[set] in that world; room for expansion was left possible there without too
much difficulty, don't you think? Speaking conversely, FFX received a splendid
reception and made us think of adding to it."
"After FFVII was finished, we were easily able to add Zack's open[-ended role]
into the International version. But, with X, there was an older story with a
partly-finished world and an opening that this new one could be added to and
[, in doing] so[,] complete it."
"So, you could say [in terms of] time, Nojima-san decided to designate it to
act as a sequel to VII, if you follow me."
--"It's a sequel to VII!!"
"Well, there was a joke right there. Simply put, in VII's ending, Holy came,
and the next thing you knew, it was over without closing things up, and then
it was the "500 years later" [scene] in the future. There's a large margin
buried there. A margin for the imagination. Nojima-san and Toriyama are going
to be filling something of that with VII, though, while they're at their best
and can do it."
--"So, will it become a sequel to VII's story?"
"I have a strong feeling that they're going to be connected."
--"Huh, so VII and X ARE connected?"
"Well, there's not many specifics to it. I know that what becomes of people
when they die is among them; you could say that it's basically the same. Both
[concepts came to] function along the same line of thought as I wrote the
stories. Sometimes my thoughts just flow out like that, even though pyreflies
distinctly aren't green."
--"When you speak of the dead becoming [something] green, do you perhaps
"Yes. In my mind, pyreflies and VII's Lifestream are the same substance."
"Nojima-san's even considering making use of an idea like this -- [with] an
addition to the idea of life origin -- in a sequel to FFX International.
That's just a little bit of the thought that's been going into what to do with
"That's right. There's something like the Lifestream [in X's world
--"'An addition to the idea of life origin'......does that mean you're going
to revise life origin concepts or something?"
"I can't say......it's a secret (laughs)."
"It's a surprise with how someone from the story conducts theirself with
regards to the Farplane."
***Interview with FFX-2 creators from the Final Fantasy X-2 Ultimania***
(Page 723)
**"So, what of this child, Shinra......"**
--"Among these latest stories, 'connected' is one of the key words becoming
applicable, isn't it?"
[Daisuke] Watanabe
"I personally like the word 'connected,' but there's one aspect where that
applies well."
"During the game's progression, various vague things will be tied together to
reveal it."
--"For example, the name 'Shinra' suggests a connection with VII? There's
[what's said] in the 'Graduation Mission' scenario [ -- 'graduation'
referring to Shinra being soon to leave the Gullwings -- ], and the 'I am not
alone in my thinking' line from the 'Rin's Detective Work' scenario seems to
have some particular significance."
"Actually, it does. After quitting the Gullwings, Shinra received enormous
financial support from Rin, and began trying to use Vegnagun to siphon Mako
Energy from the Farplane. But, he is unable to complete the system for
utilizing this energy in his generation, and in the future, when traveling to
distant planets becomes possible, the Shin-Ra Company is founded on another
world, or something like that....... That would happen about 1000 years after
this story, I think."
--"So VII's story is after that?"
"Well, you could say the feelings I have are like that. When I think about the
characters, those are the kinds of feelings I already have. Shinra is a good
child, but his descendants are going to end up becoming like the president [of
Shin-Ra] (laughs)."
"With you said about VII, after seeing your episodes with Shinra, one of the
people on the [development] staff said that the first shot of the Bevelle
Underground 'gives the impression of somewhere else.'"
[Motomu] Toriyama
"Certainly; it looks like the opening shot of Midgar in VII."
***Information on Shinra of the Gullwings in the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania
Omega*** (Page 563)
Shinra is a boy who supports the Gullwings, the group which the main
protagonist, Yuna, belongs to. He carries a name that gives him an association
to the Shin-Ra Company, and he is researching a method that could utilize the
energy of "the life force that flows through our planet." The results of this
cannot be seen in FFX-2, but maybe one day his descendants will establish a
"company that supplies the energy of the planet"?
(Accompanying screenshot caption)
The words of Shinra, which can be heard at the end of the story. This world
has something similar to the Lifestream that is worthy of attention.
***Interview with FFVII creators from the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania
Omega*** (Page 571)
--"At E3 (the world's largest game show, which was held in America), as a demo
for the PS3, the opening of FFVII was shown; was its purpose to serve as
something of a preliminary announcement?
"Well, in regard to that, please think of it as a mere demonstration. Because
the production period for its imagery was [going to be] so short, we made the
opening of FFVII, as it was easy to represent. Beyond that, there is no
particular deeper meaning.
--"In that case, it's not a remake; when might you be making something to
serve as the direct continuation of FFX-2?"
"Producing something like that holds the same problem as a remake [of FFVII],
as our schedule just isn't open for it [right now]."
You ignorant traitor. I'll tell you. This was an itinerant race.
They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on… At the end of their
harsh, hard journey, they would find the Promised Land and supreme happiness.
But, those who stopped their migrations built shelters and elected to lead an
easier life. They took that which the Cetra and the planet had made without
giving back one whit in return! Those are your ancestors.
Long ago, disaster struck this planet. Your ancestors escaped… They
survived because they hid. The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After
that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is
in these reports.
Quote from: SephirothYou ignorant traitor. I'll tell you. This was an itinerant race.
They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on… At the end of their
harsh, hard journey, they would find the Promised Land and supreme happiness.
But, those who stopped their migrations built shelters and elected to lead an
easier life. They took that which the Cetra and the planet had made without
giving back one whit in return! Those are your ancestors.
Long ago, disaster struck this planet. Your ancestors escaped… They
survived because they hid. The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After
that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is
in these reports.
VII had all of it's people as descendants of the Cetra who went against their current way of life.
How does Shinra's descendants fit into this? They can't be the Cetra do they?
Quote from: SephirothYou ignorant traitor. I'll tell you. This was an itinerant race.
They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on… At the end of their
harsh, hard journey, they would find the Promised Land and supreme happiness.
But, those who stopped their migrations built shelters and elected to lead an
easier life. They took that which the Cetra and the planet had made without
giving back one whit in return! Those are your ancestors.
Long ago, disaster struck this planet. Your ancestors escaped… They
survived because they hid. The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After
that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is
in these reports.
VII had all of it's people as descendants of the Cetra who went against their current way of life.
How does Shinra's descendants fit into this? They can't be the Cetra do they?
Is there any way to tell if the Cetra arrived from outer space or originated in the planet.
They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on….
The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After
that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is
in these reports.
You ignorant traitor. I'll tell you. This was an itinerant race.
They would migrate in, settle the Planet, then move on… At the end of their
harsh, hard journey, they would find the Promised Land and supreme happiness.
But, those who stopped their migrations built shelters and elected to lead an
easier life. They took that which the Cetra and the planet had made without
giving back one whit in return! Those are your ancestors.
Long ago, disaster struck this planet. Your ancestors escaped… They
survived because they hid. The Planet was saved by sacrificing the Cetra. After
that, your ancestors continued to increase. Now all that's left of the Cetra is
in these reports.
They then travelled through space, eventually coming to VII's planet, with Shinra's descendants, possibly among others, branching off from the nomadic tendencies of the Cetra (possibly changing their identity from the Cetra, to something else), as they found a planet that suits their desires, with an abundance of Mako. Around that same time, Jenova comes down.
Time, there was a huge amount of time between the Cetra first appearing, some Cetra stopping following their ways, and Jenova's arrival.
Now, if all happens in one planet, it makes sence the Cetra were killed. Had the Cetra moved from planet to planet, they would have been away from Jenova, and would have lived. Yet, without the Cetra, how does the planet would have lived?
Would I be hugely flamed if I said I actually liked FF XII better than FF X?
What did you like about it? The main complaint I hear from people is that it lacks the character development that FF X had - and that's a legitimate complaint. But I felt like XII revitalized the series and the world was much more massive than X's (which I felt was way too tiny and constrained). Also the storyline and the cities in XII really drew me into the world of Ivalice, unlike X's storyline which I was mostly uninterested in, and the locales which I thought were hugely lacking.
Would I be hugely flamed if I said I actually liked FF XII better than FF X?
Would I be hugely flamed if I said I actually liked FF XII better than FF X?
I just got my hands on the International Zodiac Job System version...and all of the text is in Japanese...dur...
Time to look into hex editing now...see if I have any chance whatsoever to make some kind of translation patch...
i got dissidia
i got dissidia
Read this or the battle system is going to confuse the hell out of you. (http://faparchive.com/images/Dissidia_Mini_Guide.jpg)
I thought we already knew it was going to heavily tie with FFI because of Chaos...>_>
By the way, has anyone played the PSP port of Star Ocean: Second Departure yet?
...I'm playing Pokemon Blue again.
If I do I'm going to finish the game first. I don't want to risk glitching up the game before I've finished it....I'm playing Pokemon Blue again.
Gonna go for MissingNo? ;)
I really want to find my copy of Yellow, but IDK where it is.
-Diamond & Pearl is WiFi! :DAh, one of the few improvements besides graphics in Diamond and Pearl.
I don't really care about remakes as long as I get one of Gold and Silver some day.
You mean they should just remake Yellow like they did with Red & Green? I always thought that (and wondered why they didn't also do Blue...)...
I don't really care about remakes as long as I get one of Gold and Silver some day.
If I'm not mistaken, there is a fan-made remake of Gold.
There's a new one launching in March, the Platinum version. It centers around Giratina. But really, he just looks like a giant Sir Krawlie made out of roughly hewn tin plates. The new pokemon and legendaries are ridiculous. But, I have to get it... Pokemon is a poison. I don't think these games will ever stop selling.
I don't really care about remakes as long as I get one of Gold and Silver some day.
If I'm not mistaken, there is a fan-made remake of Gold.
Its called Shinygold and it isnt finished yet
By the way, what's so different about the Green version of Pokemon? You could only use Bulbasaur?
I don't really care about remakes as long as I get one of Gold and Silver some day.
Platinum is to Diamond and Pearl what Emerald was to Ruby and Sapphire or Crystal to Gold and Silver.I don't really care about remakes as long as I get one of Gold and Silver some day.
That's what I thought Platinum was going to be. It would have made the most sense, but apparently it's the update to Diamond and Pearl. The fuck was the point?
There may be hope yet for the FFIV sequel to get an english release! (http://www.qj.net/Direct-sequel-to-FFIV-coming-as-Final-Fantasy-IV-The-After-Years-/pg/49/aid/129112)
There may be hope yet for the FFIV sequel to get an english release! (http://www.qj.net/Direct-sequel-to-FFIV-coming-as-Final-Fantasy-IV-The-After-Years-/pg/49/aid/129112)
I still don't understand why they would release it on mobile phones.
There may be hope yet for the FFIV sequel to get an english release! (http://www.qj.net/Direct-sequel-to-FFIV-coming-as-Final-Fantasy-IV-The-After-Years-/pg/49/aid/129112)
I still don't understand why they would release it on mobile phones.
The cell phone is a more viable platform in other countries than it is in the States.
I still don't understand why they would release it on mobile phones.
The cell phone is a more viable platform in other countries than it is in the States.
I've never even seen a good cellphone game.
In the Lufia series, is there at any point where you meet Arek, that 5th sinistral that you see in the intro of Lufia 2?
Gears of War and Gears of War 2 are shooters with pretty interesting storylines, but some of the game mechanics are hard to get used to.
Star Ocean 4 is supposed to be a prequel right? Gosh I'm tired of prequels after #3 in series... Just like Suikoden, f**k they can't make a sequel after #3? I liked Suikoden 4 a lot even though it was 150 years before Suikoden 1, but when Suikoden 5 came out, I was so disappointed when I found out it was 6-8 years before Suikoden 1... *grumble* Enough with the prequels dammit! *sigh*
I am thinking of getting a 360 whats good? I am already look at maybe buying BioShock, Eternal Sonata, Dead Rising, or Fallout 3.Fallout 3 is pretty addictive. Also Oblivion if you like that style of RPG. Blue Dragon is excellent, as is Lost Odyssey for the RPG fare. Also, though it had mixed reviews, I loved Enchanted Arms.
The Miles Edgeworth game Gyakuten Kenji has a playable demo, check it out on the official site:
Yeeees I know it's only in Japanese so far, for the impatient here's a fan translation from the lovely people at Court Records:
I am thinking of getting a 360 whats good? I am already look at maybe buying BioShock, Eternal Sonata, Dead Rising, or Fallout 3.Fallout 3 is pretty addictive. Also Oblivion if you like that style of RPG. Blue Dragon is excellent, as is Lost Odyssey for the RPG fare. Also, though it had mixed reviews, I loved Enchanted Arms.
Tales of Vesperia is good, although I'm not too far into it, so I can't say anything for the story. The gameplay is very reminiscent of the others in the series.
The Force Unleashed is, IMHO, the best post-SNES Star Wars game I've played so far.
Soul Calibur IV is another from my library that I enjoy.
Fable II is... Good, but short and easy. The final level left too much to be desired. (Still have yet to play the expansion)
GTAIV is another one I have mixed feelings for. It's good, it's fun, but it grows old fast for me. Gameplay is better than Vice City and San Andreas, story is weaker though.
There's also a few guilty pleasures to be found, like the Dead or Alive series, and one fun gem in my collection, Conan. A good R-rated hack and slash game similar to God of War and the like. A good game to satisfy a thirst for blood, tits and violence.
For shooters, Halo 3, Gears of War 1 and 2 (Especially fun with 2 players), Army of Two, Dead Space, F.E.A.R series, etc. So many to choose from if that's your thing.
I do want to try Eternal Sonata myself. Played the demo, and the battle system seems okay. Can anyone here vouch for that game?
Mega man 9 is probably going to be one of the first things I get on Wii ware if I ever get a Wii.
Don't want one. At least I'd much rather have a Wii or PS3.Mega man 9 is probably going to be one of the first things I get on Wii ware if I ever get a Wii.
Get a 360.
I can't wait til Elder Scrolls 5.Have there even been any announcements about it yet?
Not anything past the fact that they are working on one. Seeing as how Bethesda copyrighted the term "Skyrim", it may end up taking place there.So if that's the case we can expect a lot of Nords in the next one eh?
Outside of that, nothing. Not even a formal announcement.
I just borrowed .Hack//GU 1, 2 and 3... Are they good? Decent? Terrible? I'm not really expecting to get any replies, but they would be nice, please...I played through the original .hack games completely. They were decent. The story and characters were excellent, though the gameplay was repetative and broken in a few areas.
I just borrowed .Hack//GU 1, 2 and 3... Are they good? Decent? Terrible? I'm not really expecting to get any replies, but they would be nice, please...
Is Henry Hatsworth a sequel or a rip-off of Professor Layton (since it says EA in the corner, I'm going to guess the latter)?
I just borrowed .Hack//GU 1, 2 and 3... Are they good? Decent? Terrible? I'm not really expecting to get any replies, but they would be nice, please...I've only played .hack//INFECTION. Great game, if you ask me. Hurts your head a bit, though. I mean, come on! It's a game about hacking a game!
I actually enjoyed that anime, although it was a very surreal experience at certain points in the plot, and understanding the backstory behind the games and such helps loads. Wonderful soundtrack to that one.I just borrowed .Hack//GU 1, 2 and 3... Are they good? Decent? Terrible? I'm not really expecting to get any replies, but they would be nice, please...I've only played .hack//INFECTION. Great game, if you ask me. Hurts your head a bit, though. I mean, come on! It's a game about hacking a game!
Almost as freaky as .hack//SIGN. That's just messed up.
I can't wait til Elder Scrolls 5.
I bet placidchap can, though.
I can't wait til Elder Scrolls 5.
I bet placidchap can, though.
Haha, yea I can wait...forever. OHHH how they raped Fallout!>>!>1!!!!! Not to say I didn' t play Morrowind or Oblivion, mind you...but they were both an empty and forgettable experience. Their game making is the equivalent of Chinese food. OHHH, How I loathe that company and their douchery.
I thought it was great
I don't know any reviewer that gave it lower than a 9.
They really should have made their own post apoc. IP. They did not do the series justice.They did the series fine. Clean off those nostalgia goggles once in a while.
It's called hype.I had zero hype going into this game. My brother wanted it for Christmas, I got it for him. A month or two later I asked him how it was. He described the gameplay mechanics and such to me and I thought it was something that I could get into. Two weeks ago I found out he was right.
I've also had Star Ocean 3 for a while, and started it yesterday... Finally, a main character I can sympathise with... All he wants to do is play video games but his girlfriend won't let him!!!!
And thanks for the replies, everyone.
They really should have made their own post apoc. IP. They did not do the series justice.They did the series fine. Clean off those nostalgia goggles once in a while.
Okay recently I got a DS flash card(yes a legal one) And got the PC version of Sonic Mega collection on it. I have to say, Ristar is awesome. It doesn't look like it would be that fun yet somehow it is.
They really should have made their own post apoc. IP. They did not do the series justice.They did the series fine. Clean off those nostalgia goggles once in a while.
Did you ever play the original two games? All the way through? And you say that Fallout 3 is in the same class as either 1 or 2?
I am open to change, no need to clean off any goggles. They just did not do the series justice. They fucked it, period. They don't have the creative skills to come up with a good Fallout game. They turned it into an action based wandering game, for those who like Halo, Gears of War and Left 4 Dead or their Elder Scrolls games, not for those who like the Fallout series. I don't have a problem with those action/FPS games or gamers, except when they encroach upon an already existing franchise that has nothing to do with them and then go convert the bloody thing into one of their breed. Fucking make your own or buy one that is already that kind of game.
As for hype...I was talking about the reviewers and so was Jutty, not Joe Blow off the street, so I don't see where you are going with that.
Yes we bought both of them. The only stuff I've downloaded is home brew stuff.Okay recently I got a DS flash card(yes a legal one) And got the PC version of Sonic Mega collection on it. I have to say, Ristar is awesome. It doesn't look like it would be that fun yet somehow it is.
The flashcard itself isn't the ethically (and at times, legally) problematic component. Did you purchase your copy of the Sonic Mega collection? If not, the legality of your flashcard does not absolve you of having used it for piracy.
This question is open to anyone: What if the Chrono series was bought by a company (such as Beth) and turned it into a first person, adventure-wandering game with RPG elements and a weak story that does not come close to the original two games? Would you be pissed or would you welcome it with open arms, saying "Thank God someone finally made another one." Or would you rather that company make their own time travelling, dimension crossing series?
This question is open to anyone: What if the Chrono series was bought by a company (such as Beth) and turned it into a first person, adventure-wandering game with RPG elements and a weak story that does not come close to the original two games? Would you be pissed or would you welcome it with open arms, saying "Thank God someone finally made another one." Or would you rather that company make their own time travelling, dimension crossing series?
I would try it, regardless of difference. Maybe it's not the same case, but is similar in asking 'Would you play RD even if it's not the same like CT?'. It would still be a Chrono game, and deserves a chance like the rest.
I would try it, regardless of difference. Maybe it's not the same case, but is similar in asking 'Would you play RD even if it's not the same like CT?'. It would still be a Chrono game, and deserves a chance like the rest.
RD is not considered part of the core series though, it was more of a "gaiden". So maybe I should modify the question "and the direct sequel to Cross and Trigger". Offshoots of the main series can be wild and different...FF: Dirge of Cerebus was fine as a gaiden FFVII, but if they marketed that game as a direct sequel to FVII, or not even a "direct" sequel but a sequel nonetheless, I am sure it would be a huge disappointment (more so than that game already was).
To give another hypothetical example: Blizzard is currently making Diablo 3. Assume that Blizzard went in a completely different direction with it and as it turns out, the game "Hellgate:London" is what Diablo 3 turns out to be(so the assumption there is that Diablo 3 already came out as the current Hellgate:London). How do you think fans of the original 2 games would feel? If Blizzard made a gaiden Diablo that was like Hellgate, say Diablo: Hellgate, then that game would be taken in its own right and probably not compared (as much) to the original 2 games).
Or even: if id software made Doom 3 like what the upcoming Diablo 3 (point and click 3rd person view)...fans of the original 2 games would be like "wtf did you do??" But again, if they made "Doom: Point-n-Click Action Fest", it would be taken as its own game.
The problem with my hypothetical is that id software made the first 2 Dooms and Blizzard made the first 2 Diablos...but Bethesda did not make the first 2 Fallouts...so it isn't exactly a fair comparison but hopefully it gets the point across. Once you toss that number after the game, it is compared to the ones that came before, not gaiden games in that series. Hopefully that gives an idea of where I am coming from. I am not against change or new ways of doing things, but if a developer is going to touch an already existing series, one where the original games were good/great, they better be fucking careful with what they do. Beth was not, in my opinion anyway. The masses think otherwise.
What exactly did they do that ruined the game? Have you even played it and if so how far in?They changed it from overhead to 1st person. That was the major kick to his balls. Nevermind how many other aspects and conditions between the games remained unchanged, the fact that it's a 3-D 1st person console game instead of an overhead PC/Mac game means they raped and mutilated the dead series that hadn't seen a new title in over decade.
What exactly did they do that ruined the game? Have you even played it and if so how far in?They changed it from overhead to 1st person. That was the major kick to his balls. Nevermind how many other aspects and conditions between the games remained unchanged, the fact that it's a 3-D 1st person console game instead of an overhead PC/Mac game means they raped and mutilated the dead series that hadn't seen a new title in over decade.
He is assuming that I am getting my panties in a bunch 'just' because the view went from isometric to first person and that it was not a PC exclusive. He is wrong.Thanks. I have such a hard time reading words in regular fonts.
I am pissed because they turned an intricate and intelligent RPG into a medicore FPS/RPG (emphasis on the BOLD words, just in case you missed it, Fou).
It doesn't sound like you played the originals or at least you don't appreciate them.
Honestly, you come across as a typical fanboy who was disappointed before you even had a chance to be let down. As soon as you saw the name Bethesda, you knew what you were going to say about this game, because you knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that the resulting product would be below your well established standards on what a game with the name Fallout should be.
Oh you got me. I hadn't played the original Fallout games. I hadn't even heard of the damn things before 3, because Interplay's advertising is about as compotent as a two year old working a job in rocket science. I'd heard of Blizzard's similar RPG-fare like Diablo, and even heard of less popular games (Apparently) like Septerra Core, but the Fallout series was dust in the wind before the 360 sequel.
Not to say that they're bad games or anything. I watched a few playthrough videos and they certainly look like something I'd check out, if not a bit dated.
Just out of curiosity, have you played Fallout 3 at all even? Gotten through the main story questline? Completed any of the side quests? Even gotten out of the vault yet? If you have your complaints will hold a bit more validity, but if not it just hammers in the point that you came into this game with harsh judgements from the start.
But when you get down to it, the only reason you hate this game so adamantly is because of your mindset from playing the first two.
I'm sorry to beat a dead horse, but that's nothing but nostalgia. You wanted Fallout 2 - Part 2, not Fallout 3. You didn't want a first person shooter with RPG elements, you wanted an RPG with gun elements.
I don't know why you seem to be so hung up on something done wrong. You bold the words intricate and intelligent. Was 3 too easy? Was it too much geared towards a crowd of gamers who like to jump into a game and not be bombarded with complex battles that require deep thinking and in depth strategies else you discover a game over screen right off the bat?
True, but how is that any different than how most people react? People become attached to the first version of a TV show, movie, game etc (assuming it is good) that they see and they compare past and future versions to the one they saw first. If I never played the originals, I may be liking Fallout 3 right now. And if you played the originals, especially back when they came out, you might be singing a different tune yourself. We are at different starting points. I started with Fallout in ’97 and I thoroughly enjoyed (and still do) the games, so much that they are among my favourite games of all time. I will naturally compare any future iteration to my beloved originals. Fallout: Tactics, lacked the feel of the originals…but hey it is a “tactics” game and as such it is OK (certainly not a favourite though)...if they labelled that one as Fallout 3 back in 2001, well I’d have less nice things to say. Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel…never played it, don’t think I need to play to know that it is a crap Fallout game, again easily ignored because it wasn’t trying to be a continuation of the core series. Fallout 3, again I compare it to the originals. Obviously Fallout 3 reigns supreme in graphical detail and environment. But it is missing the intricate dialogue options, meaningful choice and consequence, interesting plot and quests (for the most part). Instead they chose to focus on graphics, explosions, blood, gore, guns (portable nuke launcher...seriously?) and combat in general.
See there is a slight error in how you think of the Fallout series. Yes it has been geared towards a crowd of gamers who like to “jump right in” but Fallout wasn’t about complex battles that kill you off in a matter of seconds. Most of the battles were not complex and hell, it didn’t even have to be about combat. What was “complex” (at least by today’s standards) was managing and fore-planning of stats, skills, traits and perks and how you use those in the game. Those defined what character you played and thus how you played. Perks you only gained every 3 levels (so choose wisely). Traits gave you a positive and a negative effect and couldn’t be changed except once through one perk. (e.g. Finesse Trait: “Your attacks show a lot of finesse. You don't do as much damage but you cause more critical hits.”). Stat and skill checks also played a more important role in the originals (but I know they are still present in FO3) Beth chose to give a perk every time someone levelled up and chose to eliminate traits altogether (or at least roll them into perks and take out the bad part) (e.g Finesse Perk: you have a higher chance to score a critical hit on an opponent in combat, equivalent to 5 extra points of Luck.) They also gave less importance to the SPECIAL stats, as you can more readily boost them throughout the game, whereas in the original, you were pretty much stuck with what you picked in the beginning, save a few +1 items along the way and the power armour (both mid/late in the game). So yes, they did gear it more towards the casual gamer as it is more flexible/less rigid but that isn’t where my argument lies. The originals had multiple dialogue paths and meaningful and usually permanent results to different paths. Beth has different dialogue options as well, but they basically lead to the same outcome. And even worse, negative outcomes don’t always stick! You just leave and return and hostiles become friendly!!! Are you kidding me? This is where my panties are bunched, the lack of meaningful choices and consequences.
The good:
* One of the most ambitious and enjoyable open-world games yet
* Well-written script backed up by top-notch voice acting
* More voice actors than Oblivion
* Beautiful graphics with stunning atmosphere.
* V.A.T.S. is actually fun to use.
* The main story line offers 20 to 25 hours of gameplay; with side quests there's up to an additional 75.
* Enemies do not respawn or automatically level.
* Dogmeat
The bad:People whining over details that I don't think I have even noticed? The screens to small? Of course its too small it supposed to look like that? It ends? Well duh it has an actual plot beginning, rising action, climax, and conclusion.
* Fighting in most situations without the V.A.T.S. system can be tedious.
* Some collision detection issues
* Pip-Boy 3000 screen could be a little bigger.
* The game eventually ends.
The ugly:It gives you a bonus,(to crit. chance I think) why the hell did they give it a bonus!?!
* The Bloody Mess perk. The results are both bloody, and messy.
Was that sarcastic or did you really not know of the original games? It is true that they were not very well advertised…even I randomly came across Fallout 1 when I went to the store looking for a game to buy, way back in ’97. I didn’t see it on TV or hear about it anywhere…just by chance but that shouldn’t be held against anyone. Some of the best products are the ones that don’t need to be advertised.I was actually serious. 3 was the first I'd heard of the series. I'm jumping in fresh here. My stance is that FO3 is a fun game. I've put 27 hours into my current game, and still have at least 1/2 of the quests undiscovered. It's fun to play, it has its charm, and I dare to call it a good game.
Septerra Core is a game I have been wanting to play for a while actually…have you played that one?
I was actually serious. 3 was the first I'd heard of the series. I'm jumping in fresh here. My stance is that FO3 is a fun game. I've put 27 hours into my current game, and still have at least 1/2 of the quests undiscovered. It's fun to play, it has its charm, and I dare to call it a good game.
I'm not arguing whether FO1 or 2 is better or worse. What I'm saying is just because you feel FO3 doesn't stack up to FO2, that doesn't make it a bad game.
Also, I'm not saying this game is without its faults. Not comparing it to its predecessors, I can point out several stand alone problems.
1. The voice acting is hammed up and pretty awful at parts. Better than some games, but a lot of times it could use some work.
2. I've always hated the save functionality of Bethesda games. The autosave and overwrite features are sloppy, and I prefer save functions with more organization.
3. The game is buggy as hell. Clipping issues, physics malfunctions, graphical errors, and game freezes happen a lot. The result is you wind up having to save plenty to avoid losing play time to lock ups. It's seriously bad. Hell, when I started up the Anchorage DLC there were trees floating in the Alaskan sky.
4. The main questline is the least interesting of all the questlines you can do. Maybe it picks up soon, but so far the only part that I was even remotely entertained by was the Tranquility Lane segment. Helping Moira with her wasteland guide on the other hand, was fun, humorous, and paced well enough that it wasn't boring to me.
5. I wish there were more songs for the GNR station. The old timey tunes are nice and set a good tone for the game, but there's only 5 or 6 of them altogether.
Most of those seem to be the same issues with their other games. Add poor animations to that list...
and holy crap I just realized I never played Baldur's Gate 2...
Dark Alliance? I played through that one a few years back. It was enjoyable, but I could definitely tell it wasn't meant to be the first title in that series to jump into. Still pretty fun, but not too challenging. I cleared through it in about a week.
8 - Chrono Cross
In a strange twist of storytelling brilliance, the classic RPG establishes the villanous nemesis of Lynx, then promptly sense main character Serge into a mind/body exchange with the cat-like man. With your own friends aligned against you, you must travel in the body of your greatest enemy, gathering power and new allies to confront Lynx, who waits in the guise of your former self.
Yay, Lynx!Avoid playing any light gun games on a flat screen TV. They don't work right with them from what I've heard.
Lately, I've been meaning to play Duck Hunt again. Just so that I don't go out, steal a rifle, and kill my whole family with it (JUST KIDDING). I haven't yet because I need to set up the TV and probably the NES, and the whole damn thing is just plain OLD...
But I would love to shoot ducks again.
Good luck, and just so you know, punching the television screen will not faze the dog... I know this...I much prefer shooting the damn thing. I'm out of ammo anyways, so...
Damn dog.
I've also been trying to play Find a Good Publisher for your Novel but it's not going too great. Not finding much. It's all... complicated...HAH. Told you it was aa good idea.
Playing Left 4 Dead on PC. Such a good game...
Final Fantasy XII is beginning to get frustrating...
I've never played FFVI over an hour I just can't get into it. I've tried to force myself to like it too. I just can't.
Persona 3 if you're cool with PS2 emulation.
Persona 3 if you're cool with PS2 emulation.
Will I be able to understand and follow it? I haven't played any previous entry.
Persona 3 if you're cool with PS2 emulation.
Will I be able to understand and follow it? I haven't played any previous entry.
Yeah, each one is unconnected 'cept for the occasional reference or easter egg. 3 can be played standalone.
Lost Odyssey - is that game any good? Since you stopped playing it midway through I'd assume not. I've heard mixed things about it.I think it's wonderful. I stopped playing halfway through because I'm a crazy 100%ist, who got to a point where many different skills became available to train. So the last time I had the game picked up I had spent literally a few days power levelling skills in the same area. I got a bit tired of doing that, so I moved on to playing a few other games for a while.
Lost Odyssey - is that game any good? Since you stopped playing it midway through I'd assume not. I've heard mixed things about it.
but I am asking honestly, after just finished an awesome game yet again (CC), what game should I jump into next from that list? Should I go back a "couple generations", or keep up with the times now with PS3 games?
I just recently finished another playthrough of Chrono Cross (because of the DS re-release of CT) and I need some help picking out another game.
The story of CC is simply compelling and outstanding, and I can't seem to pick up on a next gen game for my PS3 at the moment. Every time I play an RPG as good as that, I feel incomplete afterwards - almost like I am missing something when it is only in my head. I guess after all the gameplay and cutscenes of CC, I just always expected more at the end. But I need to get my mind off it and focus on other things... (the CTDS:U translations and Compendium discussions are keeping me sane!)
My PS3 cache contains about 10 games, but I still have PS1/PS2 RPGs I have yet to play.
The following list are the games I currently own that I have NEVER played/have yet to play (currently collecting dust on -the shelf):
-FFVII (7)
-FFVIII (8 )
-FFIX (9)
-FFXII (12)
-FFIV (4)
-FF Origins (1 & 2)
-FF Anthology (5 & 6)
-Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
-MGS3 and MGS4
-Star Wars The Force Unleashed
-Valkyria Chronicles
As you can see, I am very behind with the Final Fantasy series, and I have only played X (10) and X-2 (10-2) a couple years ago. I simply have never gotten to them, and just recently discovered them (only about 5 years ago. I have never seen Advent Children either... (Zeality is going to kill me), but I am asking honestly, after just finished an awesome game yet again (CC), what game should I jump into next from that list? Should I go back a "couple generations", or keep up with the times now with PS3 games?
EDIT: Grammar... :picardno
Persona 3 if you're cool with PS2 emulation.
Will I be able to understand and follow it? I haven't played any previous entry.
Yeah, each one is unconnected 'cept for the occasional reference or easter egg. 3 can be played standalone.
Sweet I'll definitely give it a try. Is 3 better than 4?
And I'm back to FFVII! Restarting the game.Name Aeris 'Sephiroth'.
Sounds almost as fun as naming everyone in CT Lavos.And I'm back to FFVII! Restarting the game.Name Aeris 'Sephiroth'.
Bought the 360. I'm excited. Got a bunch of games too, including Star Ocean 4. We'll see how that one turns out. I've been craving a decent RPG lately, and my expectations are high, so I hope it doesn't let me down.360 RPGs to try.
I just can't get in to Lost Odyssey myself, I highly recommend both Eternal Sonata and Mass Effect.
I like Fallout3 better but Mass Effect is not that bad it just take too long to talk to everyone and stuff.
When in fallout is all about killing guys and monsters to level up.
Star Ocean 4: DONEBoth are great, so I'd say an even toss up.
Should I play Lost Odyssey or Mass Effect next?
Uh... Odyssey. I've never played either of them, so...What's the problem? I know the old NES zappers don't work well on most newer TVs.
I really wish I could figure out my damn TV. I want to play Duck Hunt soooooo bad... ugh.
In other news a new Fallout game has been announced. Fallout New Vegas. http://kotaku.com/5219584/new-fallout-announced
New DLCs coming for Fallout 3 and Fable II next month, and all I really want is a DLC for Mass Effect...
*Sigh* :?
I LOVE STRONG BAD'S COOL GAME FOR ATTRACTIVE PEOPLE!Finally, someone else on here who has played it! :D
I just got season two of Sam and Max, I have to say it is almost as awesome as Strong bad's cool game for attractive people.
Just two.I just got season two of Sam and Max, I have to say it is almost as awesome as Strong bad's cool game for attractive people.
That's...just barely a video game discussion post, but I want to know how many seasons of Sam & Max there were.
Actually, Sam & Max Season 2 - in this case - refers to a five episode 'season' of episodic short Graphic Adventure games that take roughly 5-6 hours to play each; not the TV show from the 90's.We were talking about the game.
They said something about a new element. Is there anything new aside from Dark and Steel?
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKIs that a bad thing?
Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver got confirmed!
Translation of home page by DigitalJolteon (http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs43/f/2009/127/a/b/GS_reamke_confirmed_by_DigitalJolteon.jpg)
The games'll be shown on Sunday on Japan's "Pokémon Sunday". So we'll get our first look at the Johto remakes.
well that is all for now, hugs and kisses for everyone !
Is that a bad thing?
well that is all for now, hugs and kisses for everyone !
See ya Boo.
You will NEVER find a cheap copy of Marvel vs Capcom 2, NEVER!!! That game is also one of the few games worth the price too.I honestly can't remember what I payed for mine. I think I got it at retail though, back a few months after release.
I want to play a pokemon game again but I don't know anything past the original pokemon stuff.
As for MvC2...If you've got a DC, it's freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~!!:picardno
I want to play a pokemon game again but I don't know anything past the original pokemon stuff.
and apparently there are about 7 character specific sidequests that will become available over the next few months each costing an additional 300 Wii Points, along with a final story costing another 800 Wii Points.
Persona 3 (for the 3rd time lol), Duke Nukem 3D, The Longest Journey, Resident Evil 2, and Rallisport Challenge 2
I am not a big fan of that, I am paying in the end several times more for a game thats only slightly longer then normal.and apparently there are about 7 character specific sidequests that will become available over the next few months each costing an additional 300 Wii Points, along with a final story costing another 800 Wii Points.
They're not even sidequests, you have to do them each in order, plus the final chapter takes the save data from the rest and unites the whole party. So... each chapter is a character-focused story. Kinda odd, but I like the idea. I'll download it soon.
Golden Sun DS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGVDyDNicDs&fmt=18
Sorry to split the current conversations, but I felt like this deserved a post:
"Metroid: Other M". Strange name, but the trailer is incredible. In my opinion, it has the potential to outdo the whole Prime series. Time will tell, but I'm really hopeful!
Currently, I'm playing read-the-fanfic. Other than that, I'm playing Chrono Trigger (deep into the bowels of Lavos we go, screw Magus!) and SoulCal 3 (Xianghua SMASH!!! ... or not. Xianghua... run away screaming at the wrath of Seung Mina. ... Seung Mina SMASH!!!). It's fun!Yeah, I agree with that, because I played soul caliber 3 and 4 and I get to beat Seung-Mina and cassandra and all the women fighters in that game.
Dissidia english trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApcqYhhAGOg&fmt=18)
FFVI is probably my favourite classic after CT, and seeing as the re-release often sells for over $60 I figured it was too good a chance to miss. Never did own the original cart back in the SNES days.Ditto there buddy. I picked up FF6 before the CnD and before vowing not to buy SE games anymore. But really, that's not an SE game. It's a Squaresoft game. And it's great. :lol:
Heard lots of good things about the Golden Sun games, so I'm looking forward to playing the first one.Lemme know how that one is.
I am loving me some Mass Effect. I had never played it before... My goodness, I love it.
FFVI is probably my favourite classic after CT, and seeing as the re-release often sells for over $60 I figured it was too good a chance to miss.
This also made me get Seiken Densetsu 3 (aka "Secret of Mana 2")...Which I've tried to play through over 6 times...I'm not sure who I'll go with quite yet though...
I'm currently playing through Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All for the first time, just got to case 4. I hope this'll pick up the slack of the other cases in the game, all of which were horribly boring. I went ahead and picked up Trials & Tribulations along with Apollo Justice, and I'm making myself play them in order.
This also made me get Seiken Densetsu 3 (aka "Secret of Mana 2")...Which I've tried to play through over 6 times...I'm not sure who I'll go with quite yet though...
Man, I remember trying to beat Seiken Densetsu 3 and getting stuck several times, then saying "fuck it" and giving up. One particularly frustrating time was when you have to fight some sort of giant boss in a moonlit city or something. But then again, maybe that was really easy and I just sucked horribly at SD3. It was a long, long time ago.
I'm currently playing through Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All for the first time, just got to case 4. I hope this'll pick up the slack of the other cases in the game, all of which were horribly boring. I went ahead and picked up Trials & Tribulations along with Apollo Justice, and I'm making myself play them in order.
Yeah, the second game/JFA is widely considered the worst of the series... I especially dislike the circus case. You'll be glad to know, however, that JFA ironically has the best case ever as its last one. T&T is awesome, and AJ is pretty great too, except for the rather obvious fact some bigwigs in Capcom demanded Phoenix be shoved back into the spotlight for half of the game.
Yeah JFA wasn't that great until case 4. That still reigns as my second favourite AA case. Although I haven't played Apollo Justice. Number one is still case 5 from Trials and tribulations. Both of those I just thought were really good finishers for the games.I'm currently playing through Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All for the first time, just got to case 4. I hope this'll pick up the slack of the other cases in the game, all of which were horribly boring. I went ahead and picked up Trials & Tribulations along with Apollo Justice, and I'm making myself play them in order.
Yeah, the second game/JFA is widely considered the worst of the series... I especially dislike the circus case. You'll be glad to know, however, that JFA ironically has the best case ever as its last one. T&T is awesome, and AJ is pretty great too, except for the rather obvious fact some bigwigs in Capcom demanded Phoenix be shoved back into the spotlight for half of the game.
Tact plays AA:JFA Case 4!:
*blah blah blah Nickel Samurai*
T: i thought the last case was supposed to be exciting what the hell
*Words, words, words*
T: Oh god this game suucks so much shit why can't I just move on to Trials & Tribula-
I LOVED THAT ONE!I'm currently playing through Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Justice For All for the first time, just got to case 4. I hope this'll pick up the slack of the other cases in the game, all of which were horribly boring. I went ahead and picked up Trials & Tribulations along with Apollo Justice, and I'm making myself play them in order.
Yeah, the second game/JFA is widely considered the worst of the series... I especially dislike the circus case. You'll be glad to know, however, that JFA ironically has the best case ever as its last one. T&T is awesome, and AJ is pretty great too, except for the rather obvious fact some bigwigs in Capcom demanded Phoenix be shoved back into the spotlight for half of the game.
Tact plays AA:JFA Case 4!:
*blah blah blah Nickel Samurai*
T: i thought the last case was supposed to be exciting what the hell
*Words, words, words*
T: Oh god this game suucks so much shit why can't I just move on to Trials & Tribula-
Does anyone else feel as if they're growing out of video games? I haven't sat down and really played one in weeks, and I really don't have any urge to. I tried to play some ROMs I had downloaded in a .rar, thought I'd be able to get back into the swing of things because there were maybe 30 or so in the pack, but I tried playing them and got bored really fast.It ain't just you pal...I haven't sat down and played a game in months. And the last two games I played were SNES classics. Hell, the last time I played an RPG was around a year ago and the last "new" game I played was FFIX. I don't wanna say I grew out of 'em, but it's certainly feeling that way...
Maybe it's just me.
What about the Dragon's Den that you can go to after you kill Kefka?
I actually have an honest question about Sonic the Hedgehog.
When did Robotnik lose all pretense of cool and change his name to Eggman?
In Japan, the character has always been known as Doctor Eggman. However, in early American and European games and media, he is known as Doctor Robotnik. Yuji Naka has explained that "Robotnik" is the character's real name while "Eggman" is a "common name taken after his shape."... Beginning with Sonic Adventure, Sega began referring to him as Eggman in both languages, with the use of the name Robotnik becoming rare.
Eggman has been known by different names in various Sonic media depending on region. In Japan, the character has always been known as Doctor Eggman. However, in early American and European games and media, he is known as Doctor Robotnik. Yuji Naka has explained that "Robotnik" is the character's real name while "Eggman" is a "common name taken after his shape."[5] It should also be noted that the original English instruction manual for Sonic the Hedgehog briefly gave the full name Doctor Ivo Robotnik by Sega of America localizers.[6] Despite this, Japanese profiles still list his full name as unknown.[7] Beginning with Sonic Adventure, Sega began referring to him as Eggman in both languages, with the use of the name Robotnik becoming rare.
Robotnik already had an insult nickname, Robuttnik.
Saying Eggman makes me feel like one of those eleven year-old "ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL" Sonic fans.
Lately I have been playing nothing but Fire Emblem games (well, with an exception here and there).
I may probably play through Radiant Dawn again. I'm not sure if I can still use my Path of Radiance file again for the data transfer, but just in case I copied it before, to be able to do it a second time. (Since there is no way I will play through Path of Radiance again, especially not if Chapters 8 and 13 barely allowed me the first time... and let's not start with Chapter 27...)
I'm still not sure if I would try to recruit Lehran or not. Well, I will see while playing.
Which FE game do you like the best?
I believe Arkanoid is older than 16-bit...I think it was one of the original Atari arcade machines even. Or else around that same era. Good enough game to while away some time with.
Well after like 4 or 5 years I finally got Pokemon Fire red. But when I actually get it I realize the one I got is counterfeit. It hasn't had any problems yet, but I can't help be a bit frustrated.
Yeah. That's the main thing I'm worried about. In some ways I wish it would just do that so I could know 100% that it's a bad cartridge. We found out because the cartridge itself isn't shiny like the real one, it's transparent on this one, and the label is different. Oh, and the number on the back is the wrong number.Well after like 4 or 5 years I finally got Pokemon Fire red. But when I actually get it I realize the one I got is counterfeit. It hasn't had any problems yet, but I can't help be a bit frustrated.
Sorry to say it, but it's likely the data will randomly become corrupt... Get a refund if you can.
I am so close to completing Persona 3! I am on January 5, and am pumped to clean house with Nyx. Damn I've got 13 S.Links maxed and two others at half and one at one, ALL of the request except for a few of the fusion ones and the reaper are finished.
Question: does this have a new game plus feature like Persona 4?
Yeah. That's the main thing I'm worried about. In some ways I wish it would just do that so I could know 100% that it's a bad cartridge. We found out because the cartridge itself isn't shiny like the real one, it's transparent on this one, and the label is different. Oh, and the number on the back is the wrong number.I just had exactly the same thing happen to me, with a copy of FFV for GBA / DS. Only paid $10 plus a small shipping fee thankfully, but it had the same sort of precarious cosmetic defects about it. That, and it didn't play. Just said there was no game pak inserted. I knew I was in for bad news when I saw the return address from China, seeing as the seller had been listed as from San Fran. Hopefully I can get a refund. :picardno
THe odd thing is that it was from a site I know to be good and I made sure it was not from China or some place like that. I'm pretty sure it was somewhere in America. Well, I'll probably try to contact the person within the next couple days.Yeah. That's the main thing I'm worried about. In some ways I wish it would just do that so I could know 100% that it's a bad cartridge. We found out because the cartridge itself isn't shiny like the real one, it's transparent on this one, and the label is different. Oh, and the number on the back is the wrong number.I just had exactly the same thing happen to me, with a copy of FFV for GBA / DS. Only paid $10 plus a small shipping fee thankfully, but it had the same sort of precarious cosmetic defects about it. That, and it didn't play. Just said there was no game pak inserted. I knew I was in for bad news when I saw the return address from China, seeing as the seller had been listed as from San Fran. Hopefully I can get a refund. :picardno
Oh well. Still got Golden Sun to kick around with. Quite playful, but a good nostalgia feel to it.
I've spent some time in the past week playing Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga. A very good game, in my opinion. Really brought out the RPG in Mario, aside from the Paper Mario series and Super Mario RPG.
An overall good game, I must say. A lovely style to it, especially the battle system. Not to mention the storyline. Very good plot, with a insanely interesting twist to it. Not to mention, comical! It still brings me great humor when Luigi freaks out over something simple, or the expressions of the characters look goofy and cartoon-ish.
An all-time classic, it has become.
Isn't BlazBlue made by them Guilty Gear peeps? They've made themselves one of the most impressive new fighting game series of the last couple gens.
Isn't BlazBlue made by them Guilty Gear peeps? They've made themselves one of the most impressive new fighting game series of the last couple gens.
Sure is. I play; the game is fantastic. It's my main fighting game at this point, which means after Monster Hunter, it's probably the game I play most. Ragna is my main at the moment. Who do you all play?
Recently I rented Kirby superstar ultra for DS. A good game, but I'm glad I didn't buy it because I practically did everything except get all the treasures on the great cave offensive. (I hate that thing)
I think the only mini games from GBA games are the samurai Kirby thingy and the one about chopping bricks. I think it's like Megaton punch or something.Recently I rented Kirby superstar ultra for DS. A good game, but I'm glad I didn't buy it because I practically did everything except get all the treasures on the great cave offensive. (I hate that thing)
Ha, same with me (though replace rent with emulate)...I didn't get as far on the DS version, but I hear that there's new stuff once you've done more unlocking...I personally didn't like the new mini-games as much as the old ones (which I hope are part of available unlocking)...
I'm currently playing through the .hack//G.U. series for the first time. I'm on Volume 2, about 7-10 hours in, and at level 61. I got the Doppelganger's item in the previous volume as well. I just finished the second round of the Holy Palace tournament.
Lol, Play FFV. I still haven't beaten that one. I beat every single FF. With a little luck I got lost in FF1, 2, and 3 so I was strong, but in FF4 I was like screw you Zeromus, I rule! FFV on the other hand... ExDeath is almost impossible without grinding WHICH I REFUSE TO DO!!! FFVI can be difficult, But I used every character equally so I was lucky. But the Vanish-Doom trick doesn't work on two bosses in the final dungeon. Kefka and some Robot thing. FFIX isn't hard but Ozma sure is, so are the WEAPONs in FFVII. Omega isn't in VIII, I remember beating him pretty easily. But seriously FF5 = Hardest FF ever
\Omega isn't in VIII, I remember beating him pretty easily.
Persona 3 Portable, an enhanced port of the original PlayStation 2 version, has been announced by Atlus for the PlayStation Portable for release in Japan on December 1, 2009; a Western release of the game is not yet announced.[1] The announcement in Famitsu reveal that the player will be able to select a female protagonist as their playable character alongside the male character. This selection will alter some aspects of the game; the first Persona gained by the protagonist, Orpheus, will be female if the female protagonist is selected, and a male version of the Velvet Room's Elizabeth will be used. The gender choice is also expected to alter some aspects of the Social Links. In addition to the new character, some elements from Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 will be added, such as the ability to control each party member in battle.[37]
Your Male Elizabeth scan isn't working. I noticed that they skipped Persona 2.
Yeah, I never bothered with Omega from VIII because it was so close to the end that I was like eff that, I just wanna see the ending! And I was glad too because VIII has one of the best endings in the series. I remember I kept beating it to show my friends (who were understandably somewhat less impressed by it).
It all depends on how strong you believe love is as to whether Squall lives or dies.
The Problem with Muse is they always remind me of their song Supermassive Black Hole (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xsp3_a-PMTw). The song sounds like it should be played as some pedophile in a banana hammock goes strutting his stuff down a urban street.
TWEWY is one of the few RPGs that I've been motivated to complete more than once. Dunno if that means anything to any of you, but, hey. :D
On an another great game note, did anyone play The World Ends You? I just beat it and WOW! Great story, music(usually not a fan of hiphop), characters, and gameplay.
Persona 3 Portable opening (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MRkM-fM7wg&fmt=18)I don't own a PSP :(
I only just heard about the new Mega Man game coming out in Japan in November: Rockman.EXE Operate Shooting Star. Apparently there's going to be some time traveling allowing Geo & Omega Xis (WarRock is a totally cooler name) to go back in time to Lan & MegaMan.EXE's time. The battle system is also apparently going to be more Battle Network rather than Star Force, which is cool. There's going to be a playable demo at TGS this year as well. Can't wait!:picardno Another stinking Mega Man EXE game. The time they spent on that they COULD have been working on a Mega man legends 3! Sorry, just Capcom frustrates me with the Legends series and I need to vent occasionally.
Hey check out the Digipen institute of technology website for many downloadable freeware games, a number of them being quite professional.[/selfishplug]
If you do go there, you should check out atleast Narbacular Drop and TAG. They're pretty good, ill give them both a thumbs up
Hey check out the Digipen institute of technology website for many downloadable freeware games, a number of them being quite professional.[/selfishplug]
If you do go there, you should check out atleast Narbacular Drop and TAG. They're pretty good, ill give them both a thumbs up
fire emblem is officially the shit man. i dont know where i was before i picked it up.
Which FE are you playing?the first one htey put on the gba. i havent gotten to the other ones but i love this one so far.
Hey check out the Digipen institute of technology website for many downloadable freeware games, a number of them being quite professional.
If you do go there, you should check out atleast Narbacular Drop and TAG. They're pretty good, ill give them both a thumbs up
www.darkdaysarecoming.comAs a rule of thumb, I never get hyped about MMOs.
'www.darkdaysarecoming.comAs a rule of thumb, I never get hyped about MMOs.
I just have to say it. Scribblenauts=Awesomeness on many many levels. Where else can you beat a level in which you are supposed to get a cat off the roof by burning the house? :DI absolutely adored that game, I followed it from its first media break to release. When I got it it was what I was expecting and had a blast just messing around....7 hours later I was bored out of my mind and was trying to find something new but wait that's all the game is!
(& the RPG trying to be a FPS Fallout 3)...
Has anyone here played Borderlands for the X-Box 360?
The. Most. Random. Game. I've Played. To Date.
sorry to bring it up in 2 different threads but has anyone else here played Cave Story?:D *Raises hand* I think I've mentioned my love for the game a couple times previously, but who cares? I love the game. It's probably one of, if not my favorite side scrolling shooter. I have a saved game of it on one of our computers in which I am up to the Sacred grounds (aka Hell) and have played it enough where it's not really even that much of a challenge anymore. There is one last challenge I've yet to try. Beating it with just the Polar star.
If anyone wants to play a game, you should play Cave story. Amazing platformer, and its freeware.
In fact, Quote, the protagonist, has recently surpassed Serge in terms of my favorite protagonist.
sorry to bring it up in 2 different threads but has anyone else here played Cave Story?
If anyone wants to play a game, you should play Cave story. Amazing platformer, and its freeware.
In fact, Quote, the protagonist, has recently surpassed Serge in terms of my favorite protagonist.
I long for the day it gets a glorious remake.
FFXIII is only a couple months away! And XIV is only a little more.
At least come somewhere close to FF VI, which is the best IMO, sorry Dark3mx.
At least come somewhere close to FF IX, which is the best IMO, sorry Dark3mx.
Fixed it. You had an extra I in that game title.
At least come somewhere close to FF IX, which is the best IMO, sorry Dark3mx.
Fixed it. You had an extra I in that game title.
Silly billy, you're supposed to drop the V and add an X next!
At least come somewhere close to hopefully not an FF game, IMO, sorry Dark3mx.
Fixed it. You had an extra I in that game title.
Silly billy, you're supposed to drop the V and add an X next!
Haha! You got me! :lol:
I long for the day it (FFIX) gets a glorious remake.
Eh, I wouldn't want a remake of this gem seeing that a lot of Squeenix's remakes end up being an overkill. And why fix something that's not broken anyways?
sorry to bring it up in 2 different threads but has anyone else here played Cave Story?
If anyone wants to play a game, you should play Cave story. Amazing platformer, and its freeware.
In fact, Quote, the protagonist, has recently surpassed Serge in terms of my favorite protagonist.
I have been waiting for the WiiWare version of Cave Story (with DLC! *wistful distant gaze...*) for a long, long time. It should be released any week now. (So they say. :roll:)
...Okay, I knew they were starting to run out of ideas for robot masters, but Sheep man?! :roll:
Anyway, I recently started The legend of Zelda oracle of Ages. I've gotten pretty far before, but I finally finished it for the first time. Then I got the password and am playing through oracle of Seasons which I have beaten many many times, just never with the password, so that's made it at least semi new.
I think you have to finish both games passworded but I'm not sure...
I wasn't denying that there have been terrible ones. Just I think this one surpasses many of the previous ridiculous ones....Okay, I knew they were starting to run out of ideas for robot masters, but Sheep man?! :roll:
Anyway, I recently started The legend of Zelda oracle of Ages. I've gotten pretty far before, but I finally finished it for the first time. Then I got the password and am playing through oracle of Seasons which I have beaten many many times, just never with the password, so that's made it at least semi new.
Oh come on, Sheep Man looks awesome. The fourth game had Junk Man and Toad Man. Plus there HAVE been worse.
Sheep Man...Huh. I hadn't thought of that. I don't know but it's possible.
Possibly a reference and/or indication to the Maverick Bosses in MMX, which were pretty much almost all animals? :shock:
I smell a conspiracy theory!
*gets bricked*
Actually you don't. Last night I finished Seasons with the password and got to the extra dungeon. You just need to get the password after beating one of the games, enter it in the other, and you go through the game and get to fight Twinrova and Ganon and all that.I think you have to finish both games passworded but I'm not sure...
Yes, you have to. That means playing through three times. One for the other game's password, two for the first game's password, and finally three for the true ending.
I liked Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.
...or were you talking about a different OVA?
Planning to finish up Persona 4 soon and start a new game+. I'm in the last dungeon (the normal ending one anyway, aiming for the true ending afterward), so that won't be long off. Speaking of Persona, I'm working on a game in RPG Maker that mixes the Pokémon world with elements of the Persona games. It's turning out pretty well so far.Oh God, I loved that games sound track. The true final fight's song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl-QXNTH83I)is epic, the end portion that is a instrumental remix of "Reach Out to the Truth". My spine melts.
Oh God, I loved that games sound track. The true final fight's song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl-QXNTH83I)is epic, the end portion that is a instrumental remix of "Reach Out to the Truth". My spine melts.
It should be against the law to import FF13 and post videos on youtube of it! Its so enticing!
OH!!! Final Fantasy XIII sold over 1 million copies in japan 1st day... damn... O.O
Now i want the game more than ever XD
...and three spin off games, only one of which was available on a platform console, and therefore, capable of the same quality overall as the original.
TK, HAVE you played the old Megaman games? If not, they have 1, 2, and 3 (which are the best, honestly) on Virtual Console, and 1 - 8 and some weird extra crap are on one disc for PS2, GC, and XBOX. Or, Emulators work. You should play them, it's like a gaming Mecca. I'll warn you though, if you're not a retro gamer, these games will kick your ass. Maybe just the first one.
Mega Man 10 has a third playable character... BARACK MAN OBAMA! He's fed with the democratic bills being blocked in Congress and is taking his revenge on Wily's robots! Man, that's be a damn good game. I'd pay full price for that one.
Oh, gods...the Yellow Devil. I remember that brute.
Nine is good, but it is as hard as crap. I played the first level and I don't know how many times I died. Me and a close buddy tried it out, taking turns playing it.
Edit: I'd really like a remake of Chrono Cross on the Wii...or at least put on the VC. That would be great. They remade Chrono Trigger, didn't they? *laughs*
m. faf, you will like this.
i started playing ff9 the other day.
i cannot put it down.
im already on disc two. going up the cleyra trunk after that kuja chick was creepy over our dead bodies. did you know that burmecians only have three fingers and a thumb on their hands?
:shock: :oops: :shock:m. faf, you will like this.
i started playing ff9 the other day.
i cannot put it down.
im already on disc two. going up the cleyra trunk after that kuja chick was creepy over our dead bodies. did you know that burmecians only have three fingers and a thumb on their hands?
Lol, Kuja's a dude. And congrats FF9 is the greatest RPG after Chrono Trigger!
m. faf, you will like this.
i started playing ff9 the other day.
i cannot put it down.
im already on disc two. going up the cleyra trunk after that kuja chick was creepy over our dead bodies. did you know that burmecians only have three fingers and a thumb on their hands?
Well, as long as he's not referring to me.
Also, I think the Sega Genesis had some really great games on it, such as:
Zombies ate my neighbor
Sonic the Hedgehog 1-3 plus Sonic & Knuckles (I still have the cartridge for S&K)
Altered Beast
Comix Zone (Which I've never beaten to date)
...just to name a few.
Hell, yes. Eternal Sonata. You play that, and you get trapped in it. :kamina
Well in Pokemon you can save anywhere so that's one example.
That's gotta be one of the biggest problems in RPGs of any type: not enough save points for those longer expeditions and grinding for experience.
Can anyone think of an RPG that didn't have this problem? I can't seem to remember playing such a game.
I bought a 360 because it was on sale and I wanted to play Mass Effect, I say it was worth it, but as I sadly found out later, there are not really that many RPGs for the 360, mostly shooters and sports games, I enjoy the occasional shooter(I have both Gears of War) but I am not that crazy about them, I have finsihed DOA 4 and Soul Calibur, so am really not looking for action or fighting games, what I have been yearning for some time is some good role playing opportunities, my time is yet to come in the RP threads, and I already beated Dragon Age 3 times, so I am a bit hungry for some quality role playing here...
Well in Pokemon you can save anywhere so that's one example.
That's gotta be one of the biggest problems in RPGs of any type: not enough save points for those longer expeditions and grinding for experience.
Can anyone think of an RPG that didn't have this problem? I can't seem to remember playing such a game.
That's gotta be one of the biggest problems in RPGs of any type: not enough save points for those longer expeditions and grinding for experience.
Can anyone think of an RPG that didn't have this problem? I can't seem to remember playing such a game.
I bought a 360 because it was on sale and I wanted to play Mass Effect, I say it was worth it, but as I sadly found out later, there are not really that many RPGs for the 360, mostly shooters and sports games, I enjoy the occasional shooter(I have both Gears of War) but I am not that crazy about them, I have finsihed DOA 4 and Soul Calibur, so am really not looking for action or fighting games, what I have been yearning for some time is some good role playing opportunities, my time is yet to come in the RP threads, and I already beated Dragon Age 3 times, so I am a bit hungry for some quality role playing here...
Fallout 3, Oblivion, Lost Odyssey, Eternal Sonata, and Tales of Vesperia are all really good. There are others I haven't played like Star Ocean: The Last Hope and Infinite Undiscovery that look good. If you liked Mass Effect and DAO then I recommend Knights of the Old Republic for xbox.
Mother 3 needs to be emulated and patched with the Fan Translation, which is quite a bit better than most official translations.
BTW I always hated Genesis...
I'm playing Arkham Asylum too.
I got my PS3 today (with the aforementioned Batman, plus Mirror's Edge). I want a good game for online play, but MW2 looks so... gritty. I dunno... I'd like to play it online though, I did really enjoy a CoD game online once... Help me out here. D:
Just played Mirror's Edge, what a piece of shit. It's a nice concept but I'm finding it near-impossible to make it through the second level.
Cancel bonus occurs when you go directly form an attack to a battle skill, or a
battle skill to another battle skill. Say you attack with x, then hold x and
immediately use Blade of Fury, it will say 'Cancel Bonus 175%' meaning your
Blade of Fury did 175% normal damage, and will increase if you go from skill to
skill. It increases in the following manner:
100% (Normal attacks)
It remains at 300% for all other skills you chain after that.
What Games is everyone looking forward to getting in 2010 then ? :P
Why is FF tactics so hard? Like seriously is it necessary.
What Games is everyone looking forward to getting in 2010 then ? :P
One word. Velius.Why is FF tactics so hard? Like seriously is it necessary.
:shock: REALLY? What is it about the game you find hard?
What Games is everyone looking forward to getting in 2010 then ? :P
Star Ocean TtEoT is really that hard, yeah... It was a nightmare for me, but my advice is learning to do Cancel Bonuses.Oooh Dimension Door and Side Kick were my favorite combo--extremely devastating early on.QuoteCancel bonus occurs when you go directly form an attack to a battle skill, or a
battle skill to another battle skill. Say you attack with x, then hold x and
immediately use Blade of Fury, it will say 'Cancel Bonus 175%' meaning your
Blade of Fury did 175% normal damage, and will increase if you go from skill to
skill. It increases in the following manner:
100% (Normal attacks)
It remains at 300% for all other skills you chain after that.
Side Kick works WONDERFULLY with this method ("Side Kick spamming" being one of the most popular ways of killing bosses quickly). Sooo in short, just have Side Kick on both O and X (close-range) and alternate between them till your Fury runs out. The damage you'll dish out from this is insane.
Maria is a great character to do long-range Cancel Bonuses with, by the way.
Oh, and make use of the EXP boosts you get from Bonus Battles. It doesn't take too long leveling up if you find a good area. You sound like you miiiight be close to the Lava Caves, it's worth fighting the zombie enemies there to fill up your Bonus Battle gauge.
I didn't know about this till near the end of the game since it's NEVER EXPLAINED IN-GAME. Star Ocean 3 is really, really stupid, which is a shame; it's so fun.
What Games is everyone looking forward to getting in 2010 then ? :P
Top of my list is ff13 !
Why is FF tactics so hard? Like seriously is it necessary.
I can just say, that indeed, whereas I’m still working on Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Agito XIII and a little later on The 3rd Birthday (this year), we will announce other games this year and one is terribly awaited from everyone and often “REQUESTED” by fans and even by the press crew that I meet all over the world.This was taken out of recent interview with a Japanese Gaming Magazine, not as conclusive as ZK makes it sound but the possibility is there.
My offer still stands Jutty, if you tell me where exactly are you having problems I may be of assistance n_n
Quote from: Tetsuya NomuraI can just say, that indeed, whereas I’m still working on Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Agito XIII and a little later on The 3rd Birthday (this year), we will announce other games this year and one is terribly awaited from everyone and often “REQUESTED” by fans and even by the press crew that I meet all over the world.This was taken out of recent interview with a Japanese Gaming Magazine, not as conclusive as ZK makes it sound but the possibility is there.
My offer still stands Jutty, if you tell me where exactly are you having problems I may be of assistance n_n
I'm only like 3 hours in. I just now found out that there are random battles lol. Now that I have upgraded my classes and learned some abilities it's not as impossible.
Hey, maybe the special fan wanted game is an ACTUAL sequel to FFT (or Vagrant Story for that matter)! ^_^
I've been playing a lot of Modern Warfare 2 lately, I wasn't really a big fan of the Call of Duty series until this latest one. If you haven't played it yet I strongly recommend it, it's amazing.
Also, I pre-ordered Mass Effect 2 collectors edition today, I hope the bonus DVD with the making of and all that good stuff isn't shitty like the one that came with the Far Cry 2 collectors edition, that was a real letdown.
Well I hope he can still live long :S , but without the draught Babi died ...so I sorta expect the same of Piers :(
I've been playing a lot of Modern Warfare 2 lately, I wasn't really a big fan of the Call of Duty series until this latest one. If you haven't played it yet I strongly recommend it, it's amazing.
Also, I pre-ordered Mass Effect 2 collectors edition today, I hope the bonus DVD with the making of and all that good stuff isn't shitty like the one that came with the Far Cry 2 collectors edition, that was a real letdown.
I think the last 3 (MW, WaW & MW2) were really pretty interesting, good CoD games, but I have never been much of a CoD fan either...Too many times online I feel like it's either me crying getting caught in constant snipers because I have no real clue about their map layouts and little time to learn them or else other people constantly whining about whoever else is sniping...and then I say fuck it & just go back to Halo...>_>
The Mass Effect platinum edition I got came with an extra disc with that kind of junk and an extra scenario (& gamer pics! OOoooOOOoooo...*eye roll emoticon*)...
I've been playing a lot of Modern Warfare 2 lately, I wasn't really a big fan of the Call of Duty series until this latest one. If you haven't played it yet I strongly recommend it, it's amazing.
Also, I pre-ordered Mass Effect 2 collectors edition today, I hope the bonus DVD with the making of and all that good stuff isn't shitty like the one that came with the Far Cry 2 collectors edition, that was a real letdown.
I think the last 3 (MW, WaW & MW2) were really pretty interesting, good CoD games, but I have never been much of a CoD fan either...Too many times online I feel like it's either me crying getting caught in constant snipers because I have no real clue about their map layouts and little time to learn them or else other people constantly whining about whoever else is sniping...and then I say fuck it & just go back to Halo...>_>
The Mass Effect platinum edition I got came with an extra disc with that kind of junk and an extra scenario (& gamer pics! OOoooOOOoooo...*eye roll emoticon*)...
Today I started to play Legend Of Dragoon and I must admit that game it's awesome.
I have never played it before, and it's just stunning.
The graphics are beautiful, when I saw the water I was like. Is this PS1?
The gameplay is really cool too but it took me a while to push the button right when the square reaches the center.
Now everything with zombies or necromorphs(dead space) is considered Survival Horror.
Resident Evil 5 was a mess...
I finished it once and that's it...
It's only good to play with friends.
Left 4 Dead 2 is good but I would be awesome if it had offline multiplayer. That would be just awesome.
Anyone play Sands of Destruction yet? I think it went on sale January 12?
Not so - my copy arrived in the mail today.Anyone play Sands of Destruction yet? I think it went on sale January 12?
All GameStops in the city told me it was shipped on the 12 but they wont recieve it till friday.
Arkham Asylum is consistently amazing. I don't think anything in this game has disappointed me so far.
What about Plants vs. Zombies?
Wow, kudos on sticking with that...I had to give up after a couple days. To think they could get so much right with the series and then flush it all away again...
I still can't get into fucking L4D2...it all seems very...samey...
I'm not sure exactly how I pulled the hoses so I'm not sure if I'm supposed to continue trying to do that, but w/e, I'll get through it once I feel up to dying some more...
And that's still not all! In a recent interview with a Japanese newspaper, the president of Nintendo commented that the DS's successor "[will have] highly detailed graphics" and "a sensor with the ability to read the movements of people playing." Recently, Gamefreak, the creators of the main Pokemon games, solicited to hire 3D artists. Perhaps they were seeking these employees to help with the 5th generation games since they will be on an apparently powerful 3D handheld. As Gamefreak currently only makes Pokemon games, where else would the 3D artists go?
Faust , I played Sands of Destruction yesterday (I downloaded the rom ...but I will buy it when it comes to Europe )I've tired of the voices after about 2 hours and turned them off. Some of them are pretty decent, but the main girl drives me nuts! It's too bad, as some of the characters are voiced pretty well, like the main guy - such a wiener! They have personality though. The translation at times seems like it might be a bit too literal - things like 'you're a world-destroyer! What are you waiting for? Go on. Destroy the world!' They tend to overkill the word - makes it a bit hokey at times. The music makes up for it though. Great atmosphere between the colours and the tunes.
The voice acting and style of the game is fantastic ; keeping in mind I played an hours worth so far , definatly an rpg which should be a staple in everyones ds game case !
the president of Nintendo commented that the DS's successor "[will have] highly detailed graphics" and "a sensor with the ability to read the movements of people playing."
Anyone know the music composer for Sands of Destruction ?It's Yasunori Mitsuda, so no wonder. :lol: And people thought Kato and Mitsuda can NEVER be together.
The world map theme makes me quite emotional feeling kinda like when listening to Star Stealing Girl :oops:
The music is a real highlight for me so far. Makes up for some of the mediocre dialogue as far as atmosphere goes.Anyone know the music composer for Sands of Destruction ?It's Yasunori Mitsuda, so no wonder. :lol: And people thought Kato and Mitsuda can NEVER be together.
The world map theme makes me quite emotional feeling kinda like when listening to Star Stealing Girl :oops:
Been playing some GTA4 and noticing how much smaller VC feels after being so in awe of San Andreas...I'm still relatively early in (I was only just introduced to the internet cafe, even though I had already found it on my own while exploring), but there seems like there's less side missions, but I imagine that will open up more as the game progresses as always...I really hated GTA4 so much I just sold it a few weeks back. It's just bad...
Just wondering... but has anyone seen this yet?And this...Surprises you?
http://www.playfire.com/a/forum/final-fantasy-vii/thread/65775 (http://www.playfire.com/a/forum/final-fantasy-vii/thread/65775)
I knew it... we'll get a FF7 remake before a new Chrono title for sure :x
Just wondering... but has anyone seen this yet?
http://www.playfire.com/a/forum/final-fantasy-vii/thread/65775 (http://www.playfire.com/a/forum/final-fantasy-vii/thread/65775)
I knew it... we'll get a FF7 remake before a new Chrono title for sure :x
FF-Reunion updated with a quote from and a summary of the story from the Famitsu issue in question (which is about Cloud's popularity, not FFVII).
Nomura tells Famitsu that there is no remake. Cloud might appear in other games (like Dissidia -Final Fantasy-) but not a remake.
Great.. Just what we need. A new generation of Sephirothitis
Manado: Begining of the World. By Monolithsoft. Now we know they made Baten Kaitos and Xenosaga, but is Kato involved in this too?
New Pokémon main game announced:
New Pokémon main game announced:
The moment it got past 150 Pokemon for me to count and collect... hmm... let me put it this way. It's what Peter Griffin did at the end of this clip:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BtFScDdki0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BtFScDdki0)
FFXIII comes out next month. Anyone excited? I personally am thrilled.I don't think I've even batted an eyelid since FFIX, with its nostalgic appeal... Square Enix grind out the FF games so regularly now, it's diluted things to the point where It's about the same appeal as EA's annual updates of their sports franchises. For me, anyway. :/
Im estatic about ff13 , im so glad it changes everything FF stood for
....after all playing the same game over and over is going to get boring .
How so...? The FF games are barely even a series...Most of the time I feel like the only thing actually connecting the games are Easter eggs for the fans...OMG there's a chocobo in that dude's fro! What were we talking about?!
I love the 2D gaming upsurge, but I don't care for the dated sprites...The 16-Bit era happened...and it was good. There are enough Megaman hacks out there, give me something pretty too and I'll still get it. The Zeroes & ZX games were 2D and still good without the gimmick of nostalgia-driven graphics.
I'm more amped for Super Street Fighter 4 & Metroid: Other M in those terms...But I hope Sonic can come back and not be lame...seems easy enough to make a fast Mario game, right? Although I doubt there as many Sonic hacks as SMB...>_>
About the whole FF discussion(wich is my favorite series) I'll quote a friend of mine:
"Chocobos and Mogs are the only thing separating chrono trigger from the FF Series"
Has anyone noticed that both FF13 and Resonance of Fate are being released on the same day? WTF? Why would Sega do that. In the end Resonance of Fate may just be the better JRPG but they have no publicity and Sega is a dieing company. They screwed themselves. I don't have the money for both currently and it wont look good for the developer and investors when it doesn't sell well at release but only months later after everyone has finished 13 for the second time.
Not by much. I heard somewhere that CT was intended to be a FF game early on in development.About the whole FF discussion(wich is my favorite series) I'll quote a friend of mine:
"Chocobos and Mogs are the only thing separating chrono trigger from the FF Series"
That... and the CTB system and ATB system which distinctly separates the two.
CT was originally intended to be FFVII, but they felt that it would be better as a "stand-alone game"(at the time, that's what it was) and that FFVII should be on 3-DBah. I think I'm the only one on the planet that dislikes FF7.
CT was originally intended to be FFVII, but they felt that it would be better as a "stand-alone game"(at the time, that's what it was) and that FFVII should be on 3-DBah. I think I'm the only one on the planet that dislikes FF7.
\Yeah, I'm talking to all of you graphics-whores out there. Don't get me wrong, I love good graphics, but at the time, that was the only thing that really made it great.
Bah. I think I'm the only one on the planet that dislikes FF7.Hardly. It was right up there with Titanic as far as overhyped fanboy media was concerned, at the time it came out. I'm willing to bet that there are still kids who can't read roman numerals and are convinced that it's the first game in the series. Probably they think it's a made up word pronounced "Vii" or "Vee".
Zelda, you can't do better than A Link To The Past. I've enjoyed the last few though, from Twilight Princess on.
That's actually one of my least favorites in the series. MM is my favorite, followed by OoT.Zelda, you can't do better than A Link To The Past. I've enjoyed the last few though, from Twilight Princess on.
YES. Another LttP fan. I liked Ocarina of Time a lot, but LttP will always be my 2nd favourite game of all time (second only to CT).
For me...
1. A Link to the Past
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Majora's Mask
4. Link's Awakening
5. The Wind Waker
Mine are
1. Majora's Mask
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Wind Waker
4. Twilight Princess
5. Oracle of Seasons
I never really understood the obsession with Halo. I enjoy the multiplayer on occasion, but it's really just a generic, Sci-Fi FPS to me. With the way the market has been flooded with Generic FPSs, which almost all of them have the same control scheme, I find it hard to understand modern gamer. A lot of them only play FPSs, and that bothers me.
Yeah, what exactly is going to be different with Halo now that Reach is getting released?
Aside from the storyline (or spin-offs from said story line), different weapons, and grenade peripherals, not much has changed in the series.
I think what sets Halo apart from, uh...other sci-fi FPSs? Wait, how many of these are there? I guess Unreal is one...Doom could sorta count...and AvP...? I guess I'm out of the loop, idk...Well, anyways, what sets Halo apart from whatever other generic sci-fi FPSs that are out there is attention to detail & balance. The story is good (if you care to pay attention to the canon there certainly is a lot of it) and the music matches the epic, alien landscapes. Add to that one of the largest communities (one that Bungie actually pays attention to! *shock*) and you've got a very solid FPS franchise. I also played the demo for Halo Wars just for kicks and actually enjoyed it (though I only played the first level) which is saying a lot because I UFCKING HATE RTS!! But that's besides the point...Every FPS plays the same nowadays. It's kinda sad.
I'm sorry, ZombieBucky, but Tetris is clearly a commie conspiracy...I'll stick with lame ass Bejeweled. >_>
Welll, this just arrived on the mail:)Nice! Both games are fantastic! Kefka FTW!
33 euro, sealed
Kekfa is from VI.I thought the US version had 6 as well? regardless, Kefka AND ExDeath are both awesome.
The european version has IV and V
VI was sold separate(wich I also own)
Kekfa is from VI.I thought the US version had 6 as well? regardless, Kefka AND ExDeath are both awesome.
The european version has IV and V
VI was sold separate(wich I also own)
...FPSs, which almost all of them have the same control scheme...
So I listened to all of Final Fantasy XIII's Soundtrack right here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bAN5Ni46Cs&feature=PlayList&p=4E4FCFF11A7B3993&index=0&playnext=1
If anyone knows me I am a hardcore FF VII fan and everything about it I love. (Fanboy... not really.)
Anyway, the soundtrack of FF VII has been my favorite of all time till today. Now it comes in a VERY CLOSE second. If FF VII's tracks were orchestrated then it would be number 1 again, but for now... Final Fantasy XIII has my favorite sound track of all time.
My favorite songs are Lightning's Theme, The Boss Theme, The Battle Theme, Fang's Theme, Sulyya Springs, The Cradle Will Fall, and The Sunleth Waterscape
Every song is beautiful and unique in it's own right although there are a few replays. The soundtrack is great and I can't wait to get the game.
I think VI showed off Uematsu's scope a lot better than VII (though to be fair, that's how I feel about most everything when comparing the two)...VI in MIDI is still wondrous, but VII is barely tolerable...wtf were they still using MIDI for on a CD anyway?
Visit any thread regarding the topic, and I mean any thread, and it won't be three posts until someone raises the Goddamned Jolly Roger and says they'll pirate the game
Can anyone please enlighten me about what I asked?I'm not familiar with the worth of a Euro. D:
PSP sales have dropped tremendously. They would have been better off going to the PS3 or Wii. I feel those crowds would pick the game up.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep is coming to the US, but ONLY for the PSP. (I own a DS and an Xbox 360. Go figure...)
I really love the series. It's one that I can actually look forward to having and playing, especially since I played the first two Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories and 358/2 Days. But come on! JUST the PSP? I seriously thought they'd go for the PS3, making the cutscenes THAT much cooler!
I guess Squeenix put it up for a PSP release how its parent, the PS3, has worse sales. At least they have THAT much common sense to follow the platform market.
Jesus Christ, that's idiotic. Are they trying to put places like Gamestop out of business? I mean, they only have an equal amount of NEW games as well as old games.
Jesus Christ, that's idiotic. Are they trying to put places like Gamestop out of business? I mean, they only have an equal amount of NEW games as well as old games.
I used to work at Gamestop, and we had plenty of PC games. They were just all in a small area.Jesus Christ, that's idiotic. Are they trying to put places like Gamestop out of business? I mean, they only have an equal amount of NEW games as well as old games.
Game publishers hate the used game market, and particularly the efforts of retailers to push used games on people, because the publishers don't see any money from used game sales. Although that's somewhat tangential, isn't it? I don't think Game Stop really sells many PC games. It has been a while since I've been in one though, so I could be wrong about that.
Woo! Mega Man 10 on monday! Anyone else excited?Only if they do it right and give Megaman at least the slide. The charge shot I'm fine without. But the slide I want. It's kind of become one of my pet peeves about the obsession with Megaman 2 and Capcom went way out of their way to make it obvious who they're trying to appeal too.
Woo! Mega Man 10 on monday! Anyone else excited?Only if they do it right and give Megaman at least the slide. The charge shot I'm fine without. But the slide I want. It's kind of become one of my pet peeves about the obsession with Megaman 2 and Capcom went way out of their way to make it obvious who they're trying to appeal too.
That's exactly what I mean. They do it right with Protoman giving him a slide and even a charge shot. If they're going to make it go back to Mega man 2 style at least make it universal for the game. I mean if they gave it to him why did they bother not giving it to Mega man?Woo! Mega Man 10 on monday! Anyone else excited?Only if they do it right and give Megaman at least the slide. The charge shot I'm fine without. But the slide I want. It's kind of become one of my pet peeves about the obsession with Megaman 2 and Capcom went way out of their way to make it obvious who they're trying to appeal too.
Play as Protoman.
9 days till final fantasy 13 !!!*crickets chirping*
Whose excited ?! I AM !!
9 days till final fantasy 13 !!!
Whose excited ?! I AM !!
Beat Mega Man 10 earlier today. Definitely a good one.
It's still a fun ride. I just beat Proto Man's game on normal. Easily the hardest thing I've had game-wise in a while, but it was still a blast.Beat Mega Man 10 earlier today. Definitely a good one.
Just got started on a Mega Man/Normal run.
And the reason you don't give Mega Man charge and slide, but you do for Protoman is to vary up the game play and give players some choice/replayability.
I HATE STRIKE MAN'S LEVELI had a lot of problems with that one as well.
Than why not do the sensible thing and give Mega man the upgrades and make Protoman different. That makes more sense character wise also being that he came first so we can only assume he wouldn't have as many upgrades especially being that he (At least according to the Power battle) won't let Dr. Light operate on him.Beat Mega Man 10 earlier today. Definitely a good one.
Just got started on a Mega Man/Normal run.
And the reason you don't give Mega Man charge and slide, but you do for Protoman is to vary up the game play and give players some choice/replayability.
I haven't heard of this, exactly what is wrong with FF13? can't find it on google.People have been complaining it's to linear. It got a 39/40, which is nothing bad. People just like to complain.
Than why not do the sensible thing and give Mega man the upgrades and make Protoman different. That makes more sense character wise also being that he came first so we can only assume he wouldn't have as many upgrades especially being that he (At least according to the Power battle) won't let Dr. Light operate on him.Beat Mega Man 10 earlier today. Definitely a good one.
Just got started on a Mega Man/Normal run.
And the reason you don't give Mega Man charge and slide, but you do for Protoman is to vary up the game play and give players some choice/replayability.
Got ff13 today.I heard it returns to the ATB type battle system. Is this true?
..........It's amazing . :D :)
idk, I hate the idea of an FF where I don't actually control my party members in battle...RPG A.I. is rarely smart enough to wipe its own ass...The one, glaring flaw of action-oriented RPG battle systems...I feel the FF series was much better 4-6, and then 9. For some reason, I just don't like 7. I haven't played enough of 8 to pass judgment.
idk, I hate the idea of an FF where I don't actually control my party members in battle...RPG A.I. is rarely smart enough to wipe its own ass...The one, glaring flaw of action-oriented RPG battle systems...
One question about FFXIII: Is there a ninja character?
You know I had to get this off my chest; Regarding FFXIII...**Little SPOILERS**
**SPOILERZZ of intro and first chapters below**
I couldn't help but notice how much the beginning resembles FF7. Did anyone else put the pieces together? We have the main character and a black guy getting off a train. The black guy wields "guns" like Barret. Together with Snow you had those dudes that were almost like Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie (Godat and Lebrau... for example). And I really thought Lightning resembled Cloud. I don't know why... but meh...
But also, when that lake froze and that weird structure pops up out of the water... didn't it remind you of that scene from Chrono Cross when the Dead Sea was frozen in time? It's just so crazy!!
I once bore witness to the "limit breaks" in FFVI.
Trouble is, they're so rare and hard to get that even an advanced gamer can playthrough until the second Kaiser Dragon and never see one.
Dunno if I misinterpreted this ...but I think I came across a possible Chrono reference in FF13That sounds really suspicious coming from them... maybe just a tribute.
People in the town of Nautilus mention a place called the "Fiendlords Keep" ....which is the name of the castle where Magus is in the Ds port.
The people also say its under construction ....................
Possible hints at eventual remake?
or ....just a tribute like the other things in the game . E.g Palumpolum ....being Palom and Porom
Dunno if I misinterpreted this ...but I think I came across a possible Chrono reference in FF13
People in the town of Nautilus mention a place called the "Fiendlords Keep" ....which is the name of the castle where Magus is in the Ds port.
The people also say its under construction ....................
Possible hints at eventual remake?
or ....just a tribute like the other things in the game . E.g Palumpolum ....being Palom and Porom
"Final Fantasy II" (SNES) has appeared on the Virtual Console. I'm glad to see Square-Enix finally releasing their classic titles in the original...Seriously? That's awesome! I will be all over me some FF6. One of my favorite RPGs hands down.
And hey, if they put that one out, they might later follow it up with FF3/6... and maybe even Chrono Trigger. Who knows?
I thought that putting an arrow through a finished cave/dungeon/whatever's door (or doorstep) was a clever way of letting me know if I had been there or not only to find out that arrows will eventually disappear! Nuts!
That's about all I got out of it. As a whole, I kinda wish I hadn't payed $12 for it considering you can the original for free.
Been playing some Oblivion again after stopping for a while after hitting a couple terrible bugs (and I thought Fallout 3 was bad! V_V)...Now I'm level 3, hooray! Even though leveling isn't important in the game, I can't abide having to constantly cast spells so I can carry things and such...Got to Apprentice in both Mage & Fighter Guilds as well (I had to wait on the Mage because I wanted to increase some abilities since one of the missions required sleeping)...Also, I thought that putting an arrow through a finished cave/dungeon/whatever's door (or doorstep) was a clever way of letting me know if I had been there or not only to find out that arrows will eventually disappear! Nuts!
chrono cross anyone? final fantasy vii?
#2: The new translation was stupid for 2 main reasons one being minor the other major. The minor is they changed Grass town to Bush land. Come on, seriously?! The Major. I'm still ticked about it. Thay changed Balrog's awesome and classic "Huzzah!" to "Oh yeah!" Yay we went from one of my favorite video game villains to the Kool-Aid man. *Groan*
#3: The sacred grounds speed run. I suppose this is minor but it still bugs me. Every time you die you have to pick up your guns, health, and they don't even give you the option to use the Machine gun, Snake, or Missile launcher. Alone those would be bad, but together they're downright stupid.
I downloaded Cave Story for the Wii on release day. I'm still on my first playthrough, which I've decided to make a complete playthrough. That is to say I'm taking all steps necessary to open up the secret Sanctuary level at the end of the game. I forgot just how frustrating getting to the Sanctuary is, as it denies you so many useful weapons and items throughout most of the game. The new soundtrack, though it took some getting used to, is superbly done, and I cannot complain about the graphics updates one bit.What items/weapons do you have to leave behind to get to the "sanctuary?" Really the only thing you lose is you have to go without the booster for a while.
Not sure how many others here have played it or are even interested, so I will leave off there.
Edit: Oops! Forgot to check the previous page.Quote from: Delta Dragon#2: The new translation was stupid for 2 main reasons one being minor the other major. The minor is they changed Grass town to Bush land. Come on, seriously?! The Major. I'm still ticked about it. Thay changed Balrog's awesome and classic "Huzzah!" to "Oh yeah!" Yay we went from one of my favorite video game villains to the Kool-Aid man. *Groan*
I do wish they hadn't gone the Kool-Aid Man route with Balrog. Also, I think I noticed an unintentional grammatical error in the Physician's dialog. The translation does leaves something to be desired.Quote#3: The sacred grounds speed run. I suppose this is minor but it still bugs me. Every time you die you have to pick up your guns, health, and they don't even give you the option to use the Machine gun, Snake, or Missile launcher. Alone those would be bad, but together they're downright stupid.
At least you got there! I'm still struggling in the Labyrinth. Come to think of it, that may be due to the fact that I'm using the Wiimote instead of the Classic Controller...
I understand how fans of the original might not like the new soundtrack. At first listen it seems to lack the energy of the original, but I came to appreciate its subtlety, especially in the Core Room before the beginning of the fight. Such a haunting melody...
I found VI to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than VII. I feel it had a much better cast, better plot, music, etc. It was just a better experience in my opinion.
If you haven't even played all of it I don't think you should go around saying how it's overrated...How can you accurately judge something without experiencing all of it? It makes it look as though YOU have too much FFVII bias going into it.
Well, off the top of my head (not in a particular definitive order, but vaguely the order they'd go in):I need to play Xenogears. My fiance has Episode 2 for PS2, and we're gonna start living together this summer, so I may give it a try.
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy Tactics
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy IX
Chrono Cross
Guardian's Crusade
Dragon Warrior Monsters
And I'm not sure these guys count, but if they do:
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Tomba 1 & 2
Brave Fencer Musashi
I've got to agree with Lance VII's assessment of VII being dull. I just never cared about the characters more than I was annoyed by them. Clod was an idiot I was constantly seventeen steps ahead of, teh Yuffster was an embarrassment to both Thief and Ninja job classes and Ol' Sephy-head...well, I know too many actual fans of the game that can't even tell me when he was doing what or when he was just sitting up there in his crater...I admit he looks cool when he sets fire to things and he DID kill Aeris, so that's some bonus points (though I cannot believe they took so long to kill her)...
I do agree that characters are a big part of what makes VI great, but I do not agree that VII's soundtrack is better than VI. There's just too much variety & greatness in VI...Partly due to the fact that almost every character is tied to an equally awesome theme from the biggies like Terra, Locke & Celes down to the more side characters like Cyan, Shadow & Relm. What was neat was that even though the cast was quite large they still managed to flesh out so many of them and make them unique and stand out from one another (even though like half of them could equip swords...or at least knives...)...
If you haven't even played all of it I don't think you should go around saying how it's overrated...How can you accurately judge something without experiencing all of it? It makes it look as though YOU have too much FFVII bias going into it. Even I eventually powered through VII (though I cheated my way around having to actually go through the crater myself)...though I haven't quite mustered up the fortitude to conquer Mystic Quest or FFII (I got close once for FFII though!)...lol
I can't believe we've been discussing FFVI all this time and NO ONE has mentioned Kefka.
Easily my favorite villain of all time. :D
You son of a submariner!I can't believe we've been discussing FFVI all this time and NO ONE has mentioned Kefka.
Easily my favorite villain of all time. :D
You mean The Joker?
You son of a submariner!
I can't believe we've been discussing FFVI all this time and NO ONE has mentioned Kefka.
Easily my favorite villain of all time. :D
V_Translanka, nice avatar.
But yeah, I totally dig Kefka and think he's pretty awesome...but he's basically The Joker.
...it's nowhere near as good as VI, or even VII for that matter. However, as an overall game, I'll still rank it above VII.
VI, thus far, still ranks in my lower tier of Final Fantasy games. Not even close to touching VII, IV or Tactics...
I think something that sets me back from VI a lot is what I percieve as stupdity and unrealistic actions by the main cast, like them actually trusting the empire. Honestly, Locke, Celes and Terra seem to make consistently bad decisions. And I have no idea what Setzer's motivations for hanging out with the party are.
I think something that sets me back from VI a lot is what I percieve as stupdity and unrealistic actions by the main cast, like them actually trusting the empire. Honestly, Locke, Celes and Terra seem to make consistently bad decisions. And I have no idea what Setzer's motivations for hanging out with the party are.
Actually, both situations aren't what you think. True, they decided to trust on the Empire, however, not entirely, as they were still suspicious about it. In fact, if they hadn't, they probably wouldn't have been able to escape Vector when the Empire dropped their act.
And then, about Setzer, he himself mentioned he liked the risk the party was doing in confronting the Empire. Being a man to place gambling above all else, it certainly sounded like he would enjoy it if he joined (despite the fact he indirectly thanked the Empire for being in the position he was, but for him, the risk would increase, and as such, the motivation to join in). And then... well, you have yet to arrive there, you'll see.
-Is it just me, or did they add in a ton of innuendo into the dialog, especially regarding the fishing rods?
-I used my most under-equipped party in history(i.e., no legendaries, no pokemon above level 46, 3 full restores and only a couple of max revives) and beat the Elite Four with very little trouble. The challenge is kind of lacking there.
All around however, I loved the plot and the characters of the original Silver and Gold, and with all of the new generations, levels, items, features and graphics, etc. this is probably the best Pokemon game that they've come out with since the original Silver and Gold.
Yeah, Setzer is after Edgar
Yeah, Setzer is after Edgar
Thanks for ruining the game for me. I am never playing it ever again.
Until later today.
BearFrog, know that I say this with all of the care in the world, but either use Arabic numerals or learn how to use Roman numerals right.Quote from: BearFrog...it's nowhere near as good as VI, or even VII for that matter. However, as an overall game, I'll still rank it above VII.Quote from: BearFrogVI, thus far, still ranks in my lower tier of Final Fantasy games. Not even close to touching VII, IV or Tactics...
The fifth generation Pokemon games were literally just announced on the official Pokemon website, and we translated the information within only a few seconds - they will be named Pokemon Black and Pokemon White! The two games will be released in the fall for the Nintendo DS and new information about them will be released on April 15th on their new official website. However, Pokemon Sunday and CoroCoro magazine will likely have information regarding them later this week, which we will post as soon as we get. This is so exciting!!http://pokebeach.com/2010/04/pokemon-black-and-white-announced-as-fifth-generation-games
-Hey, mom, glad to see you called. Can you do me a favor? QUIT SENDING ME F*CKING BERRIES!
-"I'm Cameron the Photographer! I like taking pictures of ten year old boys/girls, out in the field and even offer to let them use my private studio so they can dress up. There's NOTHING sketchy about that!"
-I used my most under-equipped party in history(i.e., no legendaries, no pokemon above level 46, 3 full restores and only a couple of max revives) and beat the Elite Four with very little trouble. The challenge is kind of lacking there.
the available space between the Daycare and Goldenrod is comparatively much shorter than it is in the last two generations, so hatching eggs becomes a daunting task.
Sadly the new Pokemon doesn't work on muh emulator past the introduction segment with Professor wtf cares...I just get shrunken down into a black screen of death...I still haven't played through all of the last gen anyway though, I guess...Works on the lastest version of the R4 software so it should work on any emulator, tried updating?
Sadly the new Pokemon doesn't work on muh emulator past the introduction segment with Professor wtf cares...I just get shrunken down into a black screen of death...I still haven't played through all of the last gen anyway though, I guess...
Speaking of, I need to finish Spirit Tracks. I got lazy with it somewhere around the water dungeon.
Speaking of, I need to finish Spirit Tracks. I got lazy with it somewhere around the water dungeon.
I think the water dungeon in any Zelda game makes everyone want to quit D:.
I'm currently replaying the Mother series, starting with the first game. I remember it being brutally hard, but it's really not that bad. You just have to do a lot of grinding.
Playing these games really makes me miss old school JRPGs. I don't want to sound like a geezer, but they really don't make them like they used to. I also think there needs to be more games that don't take things too seriously. The quircky humor in the Mother series is priceless.
It's harder to make more lighthearted games now because the only way to make them cost-effective is to put them on a handheld...I wish they'd gravitate back towards the Wii, myself...Make the genre less about the current FF-style of big story & pretty graphics...
The more I see of 3D Dot Game Heroes (http://g4tv.com/games/ps3/63009/3d-dot-game-heroes/index/), the more interested I get (and the more I wish I had access to a PS3, lol)...It's good to be a nostalgia whore in the gaming world now it seems. Hooray!
Also, MvC3 is finally announced! How cool is that? I hope that some Breath of Fire characters make it in this go around...Although I was more a fan of CvSNK2 than MvC2...and I still don't even have TvC...and I want SSF4 too!
That's the route lots of Indie developers have covered. If you need a new 2D RPG, I suggest either the Phantasia Series or Hero's Realm.It's harder to make more lighthearted games now because the only way to make them cost-effective is to put them on a handheld...I wish they'd gravitate back towards the Wii, myself...Make the genre less about the current FF-style of big story & pretty graphics...
Yeah. Other genres have seen things switch focus to a more retro style. I wish we could get the same from RPGS. 2D Fighters are back in full force. I never really liked 3D fighters and I'm glad things are shifting back thanks to games like SSFIV, Blaz Blue, KoF, TvC, MvC...etc. Old school platformers are even
making a comeback.
I'd love to see RPGs go the retro route. I mean SNES was really a golden age for RPGs. DS is doing a good job, but it'd be great to see Wii, 360, and PS3 get involved. I'd love to see some more RPGs with some classic looking 2D sprites. Graphics can still be visually impressive without being 3D.
I recommend picking up Red Dead Redemption, it does take about an hour or so of playing to get into it (much like a GTA game) but once you do get into it you'll be hooked I assure you. It runs really smoothly, not a whole lot of load screens and gameplay is near to perfect, the only real flaws being the lack of any real HP GUI and the horse controls are a pain to get used to but you'll get used to them fast no less. Another few games that are coming out this year that I'll be snatching up are Halo Reach, Fallout: New Vegas and Fable 3 all of which look to be shaping up awesomely.
As far as RDR goes, I've been playing the game for about 20+ hours, and I haven't even touched the main game yet. The online mode is so fun!You're so right there, the online multiplayer is extremely fun. I started playing the multiplayer the other day and haven't gone back to the main game since.
Hehe, I heard 5 is more like an enhanced version of 4 (the systems have many similarities).
However I'm afraid I won't be able to play it unless I upgrade my PC (I don't plan to buy PS3 or Xbox3660).
Hehe, I heard 5 is more like an enhanced version of 4 (the systems have many similarities).
However I'm afraid I won't be able to play it unless I upgrade my PC (I don't plan to buy PS3 or Xbox3660).
I got 5, and barely played it. Four is better in almost every way. The only thing 5 has going for it is online Co-op.
Sooooo, anyone else here played Ace attorney investigations? Very Happy I just beat it yesterday. All in all I think I prefer the regular ace attorney system but this one still rocked.
Are you referring to their bigger sprites? As a whole I though most of them were pretty good. In more than one it seemed there was a lot of detail. Especially in people like Detective Badd and Ambassador Alba. It just seemed like they added details to them that they probably wouldn't have in earlier games.QuoteSooooo, anyone else here played Ace attorney investigations? Very Happy I just beat it yesterday. All in all I think I prefer the regular ace attorney system but this one still rocked.
I like it too - its fun to actually run around (anyone else wish the player had better control of how fast the text scrolls?? ARGH, gets annoying five titles later...!).
I do think, however, the sprite work (which, IMO is a real highlight of the series) reaaallly took a step back. Kay looks awful in most sprites, let alone other characters. Especially given how fabulous the Apollo Justice sprites looked.
I want to try Planescape: Torment. That will be first Black Isle Studios game.
Since I know little about this game, I can only hope it can surprise me in a good way.
Thought you folks might enjoy this.
What games are your playing at the moment?
Me I'm playing The World Ends With You and Lunar: Silver Star Story. I really recommend TWEWY if you have a DS the battle system is wicked fun.
And Halo 3 online religiously...
Edit: Felt the topic could use a name change.
Nintendo literally exploded with news during their performance. I swear a puddle of water came down my shorts after seeing a New Zelda, DKC, the 3DS, etc. Oh yeah, who agrees that the 3DS might get Chrono Cross?
Oh yeah, who agrees that the 3DS might get Chrono Cross?
Did either version of Tales of Hearts ever get a translation...?
What games are your playing at the moment?
Me I'm playing The World Ends With You and Lunar: Silver Star Story. I really recommend TWEWY if you have a DS the battle system is wicked fun.
And Halo 3 online religiously...
Edit: Felt the topic could use a name change.
You know what's great? Portal, I played that for the first time ever earlier this year, and I just fell in love with it. If you haven't played it seriously consider doing so.I've played around half of it via the demo. And a while ago I bought the game, but haven't really played it much. Liked what I did play though. Oh, by the way, same company, different game.
The article specifically says that Matsuno is personally revising the script and making all the additions and changes to the original script. There will be a lot more text in the remake script, and there will be new side stories and characters to flesh out the world and feelings of the characters in the original game.
But why would they need the power of the PSP if they're just using those little Super Nintendo sprites? Wouldn't the DS have been a better choice due to market penetration, or something?They have strong line-up for PSP, also there is a major portable game on PSP called Agito XIII, it is a full-spec FF title which means it has a world map, Airship unlike the recent FF : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DNOK31mI7Y
Any Dragon Quest fans here? I've been playing IX the past few weeks, and it has been enjoyable. However, after completion it appears to be just grind and quest, grind and quest. Which isn't bad for all players. My biggest complaints are not being able to edit my characters' appearances (with the exception of equipment) and lack of my favorite monsters (Unicorn, Great Drake, etc.).I picked up IV awhile ago... I have a certain fondness for the series as the original on NES was the first RPG I played. I dig the spruced up look, I like that they've kept so many of the old recurring characters (Slimes!) and am glad to still have some old-school level-grinding RPGs making the rounds. But I have to say that I'm disappointed in the translations for the DS ports. The accents and dialects, and some of the names ('Ragnar McRyan'?) just kill parts of it for me. I'm sure the NES originals were nothing to brag about in terms of dialogue (been so long since I played them...) but the mock-medieval style was at least consistent. Now it just varies between silliness and the occasional bad effort at being poetic.... I still cringe upon thinking of VII, with the line (paraphrasing slightly) "it appears that a black mass of depravity exists where Matilda's soul once stood." :picardno
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift is blowing my mind. The story has so many twists it wrecks my face at every turn.
BlazBlue: Continuum Shift is blowing my mind. The story has so many twists it wrecks my face at every turn.
I stick to Capcom fighters mainly because I'm too old to get good at anything else, but the BlazBlue community seems pretty awesome. I've watch a few tournies and the gameplay looks pretty intenese.
Bioshock Infinite, anyone...?!
BTW Sega beats Square Enix in graphics and awesomeness. Square Enix is finally "square".The Square fanboy inside me say," no" (: Did you see FF14 online at Ultra setting ? I don't talk only about graphics but also how they realized a Dynamic world, I just don't think Sega is capable of that when i see how they reuse RGG3(Awesome game) assets in every sequel, Also, that trailer remind me of 『Versus』 then something from Sega except with guns (:
Bioshock Infinite, anyone...?!
It feels like it's been forever since the debut trailer for a game contained absolutely no gameplay whatsoever. It's a hell of a throwback.
Dammit, Boo, I'm jealous. I somehow lost that game a couple years back and I got pretty far and wanted to beat it. I love me my strategy games.
Wow, so has anyone played Metroid: Other M yet? I won't be able to since I don't have a Wii, but I'm reading a lot of forum chatter about how Team Ninja completely ruined Samus' character in the minds of a lot of fans. Any Metroid fans here want to give their take?
Wow, so has anyone played Metroid: Other M yet? I won't be able to since I don't have a Wii, but I'm reading a lot of forum chatter about how Team Ninja completely ruined Samus' character in the minds of a lot of fans. Any Metroid fans here want to give their take?
Haven't played it yet (it just came out today, and I'm not even in the country) but I'm pretty apprehensive about the whole story aspect. The general impression I've gotten from reviews is that it's a decent game, but disappointing for a Metroid title. If the story sucks, though, Team Ninja isn't to blame - the story was handled entirely by Yoshio Sakamoto. It was also his stubborn insistence that led to the game being controlled entirely with a single Wii remote instead of the more logical remote-and-Nunchuk combo, which seems to be the other major sticking point in nearly every review. I have a feeling Nintendo may come to regret granting him protection from editors if the fallout from this game is sufficiently bad.
Metroid: Other MI recommend you to use install and switch the overclock to 333mhz
(I'm even more excited about Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep, though.)
So KH:Birth by Sleep... Is that suppose to be our KH3? Or they just not doin it?You can say they can't do it anytime soon, the team behind KH games works on Final Fantasy now and they are taking their time with it apparently because stuff like World map, airship, day and night cycle, actual fields and so on are Built from Scratch.
The secret ending of Birth By Sleep sets up the events for Kingdom Hearts 3, as Kingdom Hearts games tend to do. Kingdom Hearts 3 hasn't been officially announced, but it's going to be made. I could give spoilers, but I won't. Unless you ask.
I've been really impressed with the quality of KH:BBS, seeing as how it's a PSP game. I heard it had horrible load times and complaints concerning the "install feature" (in which you install data onto the PSP in order to decrease on the load times); so far it's been super fun!I've put the CPU to "Accelerated" (333 mhz) and max setting from configuration menu to get more out of this game.
http://shoryuken.com/content/final-fantasy-dissidia-gets-sequel-still-psp-1691/ (http://shoryuken.com/content/final-fantasy-dissidia-gets-sequel-still-psp-1691/)
Well, can't say I didn't saw it coming...
I would like the spoilers as to what you know about KH3. I hate those handheld games. I can't play an RPG on a handheld.What we know so far, KH3 is not in development yet. The problem is that the major staff that had contributed to KH development is very busy right now developing "Versus XIII". Nomura was even honest to say "there isn’t much I can do on KHIII" in terms of full production, But he confirmed certain things about it. First, Regardless what is the platform it has to be on console. Second, KHIII will be the conclusion of the Xehanort and that Sora will still be the main character.
Did Square Enix even have a press conference at TGS? I was kind of curious to see if they'd reveal any projects for the 3DS (like, say, a FF6 or, if we really want to dream big, Chrono Cross remake).No, there wasn't any conference scheduled. This year was all about playable booths for The 3rd birthday, Tactics Ogre , FF14, Dissidia012 and so on. There will be a conference on 1/11/11 for Versus XIII, Agito and they will announce a number of titles but i am not sure if FF6 or Chrono will be one of them.
I finally found revanent wings : D. Turns out it was in my CTDS case. Whoops! I hope to get back into that soon. Otherwise, I'm still mostly poking around at old nintendo games. I'm going through Mario 2 right now. I don't know why I'm not playing it on the SNES. The game was a lot nicer to you on Mario Allstars. I think maybe when I was little, I used to better at platformers, but now I seem to suck a lot more at them. Maybe it's because when I was younger, I only used to play platformers. Now I have more varied interests, I suppose. I'm so loyal to Toad that he's the only character I use. I should just use the Princess at the hard parts, but I can't seem to bring myself to abandon my little annoying mushroom retainer.
I finally found revanent wings : D. Turns out it was in my CTDS case. Whoops! I hope to get back into that soon. Otherwise, I'm still mostly poking around at old nintendo games. I'm going through Mario 2 right now. I don't know why I'm not playing it on the SNES. The game was a lot nicer to you on Mario Allstars. I think maybe when I was little, I used to better at platformers, but now I seem to suck a lot more at them. Maybe it's because when I was younger, I only used to play platformers. Now I have more varied interests, I suppose. I'm so loyal to Toad that he's the only character I use. I should just use the Princess at the hard parts, but I can't seem to bring myself to abandon my little annoying mushroom retainer.
I've been playing older Nintendo stuff as well. Started playing Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time. I kind of want to do a Zeldathon and play every game in the series.
I finally found revanent wings : D. Turns out it was in my CTDS case. Whoops! I hope to get back into that soon. Otherwise, I'm still mostly poking around at old nintendo games. I'm going through Mario 2 right now. I don't know why I'm not playing it on the SNES. The game was a lot nicer to you on Mario Allstars. I think maybe when I was little, I used to better at platformers, but now I seem to suck a lot more at them. Maybe it's because when I was younger, I only used to play platformers. Now I have more varied interests, I suppose. I'm so loyal to Toad that he's the only character I use. I should just use the Princess at the hard parts, but I can't seem to bring myself to abandon my little annoying mushroom retainer.
I've been playing older Nintendo stuff as well. Started playing Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time. I kind of want to do a Zeldathon and play every game in the series.
Jutters my darling, what have you been up to? :3. I don't come on MSN anymore at all, so sadly we can't talk D:. Hope you're doing well.
Anyway, if you're doing a Zelda marathon, I recommend skipping that horrid Zelda II. Fuck that game. Seriously ;_;. Zelda 1 is amazing, though. Beat it twice in a row. I still have yet to beat Ocarina of time and Link to the Past XD;. I'm such a slacker. I usually beat my games!!
BTW, I have tried another metroid game. Supposedly the most popular one- Super Metroid. My friend and I got stuck pretty much within the first 5 mins. I don't think I'm ever going to try another metroid game again.
I been doing alright. I'm never on MSN anymore either lol. Work and school has kind of taken over my life lol. I was really thinking about skipping Zelda II, but I might take a shot at it and see if I can make it through. I haven't played it since I was a child, but I remember getting so pissed off while playing it haha. Super Metroid is great. I still haven't beat it I always start it and get to a spot where I can't figure out what to do and end up deciding to take a break, but I never seem to pick it back up.
Just got Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon and it is BEAUTIFUL.
Pokemon GRAY!
Did anyone here about Cave Story Wii? Nicalis finally got around to fixing it. The soundtrack is actually a decent alternative to the original, and they made the game actually work. Normally I'd give them a high five, but for taking 7 months to make your game worth playing, you get a nod of approval.
I made a post about it back when it came out. It's on page 110 if you're interested. But in a nutshell, at least compared to the original, the soundtrack sucked, the translation was annoying with some of the things they changed, and most of the new modes they made are dumb which basically meant that the only reason to spend $12 on a game you already have for free is slightly upgraded graphics. There were also a bunch of other glitches and all around annoying additions that just made the game annoying.Did anyone here about Cave Story Wii? Nicalis finally got around to fixing it. The soundtrack is actually a decent alternative to the original, and they made the game actually work. Normally I'd give them a high five, but for taking 7 months to make your game worth playing, you get a nod of approval.
What was wrong with it in the first place? I bought it on day one and loved it.
Mr. Bekkler, I had not been aware of that Sonic fangame. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus. I just wanna know how those people afford food while they create something that magnanimous. Looks like it's from scratch too, though I'm not familiar with the post-Genesis Sonic games at all. Here's to hoping that team has a bright future in the industry.
Super Mario Bros 3 REBOOT! XD
Two guys decided to do their own HD sonic. Some call it the "Real" Sonic 4.
Look here, Sonic 4 Official Screenshots:
Where is the real talent? In the hands of people who love what they do and don't give a damn about money. I hope they don't see the same fate as CE.
Two guys decided to do their own HD sonic. Some call it the "Real" Sonic 4.
This isn't directed at you, but people will bitch endlessly about how 4 is a "rehash" and there's "nothing new" and it just takes everything from Sonic 2... then they go and defend a fangame that's a remake of 2. Fanremix does look really awesome though, but I'll continue to defend 4 as a decent game, albeit one that needs a lot of polishing. I've been reading that Sega have been asking fans where they went wrong so that Episode 2 can be improved, so I'm hopeful.
Fanremix is ridiculously gorgeous, I'll give you that. Sonic 4's graphics probably had to be dumbed down to allow for the Wii, but christ the 3D models look lifeless.
PANDORA! Now we're talking! (http://www.openpandora.org/) :lol:
Currently plugging away at no less than three different RPGs on my handhelds: Persona 3 Portable, Final Fantasy VIII and Dragon Quest V. All superb games (well, except maybe FF8, which is *almost* boring enough for me to stop playing, but I'll make it to the end of the first disc and see if it picks up), but man, it'll be a while before I'm playing anything new. I still have Final Fantasy IX but haven't started yet, and I want to pick up Dragon Quest IX before I go to a con next month, not to mention Tactics Ogre and Radiant Historia when they come out, and Vagrant Story and Xenogears when they come out on PSN. Man, I'm gonna be set for handheld RPGs for like, a year. And that's before I get my hands on a 3DS.
I like this game.
I don't even know why, as I hate a lot of the songs.
But I really, really, like this game.
Phoenix Wright is one of those games I always wanted to get, but then every time the opportunity presented itself I always got something else instead. One of these days I swear I'll play it... ONE OF THESE DAYS.
Then again, there's that whole "Squall's been dead since the end of disc 1" theory... http://squallsdead.com/
Then again, there's that whole "Squall's been dead since the end of disc 1" theory... http://squallsdead.com/
Those theories are just dumb. But I'd still give them credit for having that many free time and effort to make all that stuff, as wrong as it may be...
I like this game.
I don't even know why, as I hate a lot of the songs.
But I really, really, like this game.
I really enjoyed Elite Beat Agents too. Some of the songs made me rage tho.
http://whois.domaintools.com/finalfantasy13-2game.comNot surprised at all, If Versus XIII is an exclusive title then they need to make a more mainstream-ish FF title, FFXIII has a lot of unused elements (Locations, summons and skills) so here we go...
...and travel back to four minutes before a person was killed in order to change their fate.Wasn't there a SIMILAR theme in a movie coming out this year? What was it called again... Ah, Source Code! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkTrG-gpIzE)
http://whois.domaintools.com/finalfantasy13-2game.comOh, Godammit. FFXIII was awful. Why are they making another one?
1-Reuse old environmental assets.http://whois.domaintools.com/finalfantasy13-2game.comOh, Godammit. FFXIII was awful. Why are they making another one?
http://whois.domaintools.com/finalfantasy13-2game.comOh, Godammit. FFXIII was awful. Why are they making another one?
So, totally switching to a different game, it was announced on Christmas that NamcoBandai is going to make a Soul Calibur V. Thoughts and theories?
You think Vanille didn't have an Aussie accent? My girlfriend is Australian and yeah they sound like that. She actually complains about Fang having the most fake accent ever. Maybe you're just American? And actually Vanille is my favorite character. I just felt the story was odd. It didn't flow correctly at all. Sometime I was confused as to why a character felt a certain way. Their dialogue was odd to the situation. OTher than that some small things like the weapon system, ability system, and lack of content in both the jobs available per character and stuff to do besides kill random monsters. Just overall didn't work out.It may have been that it was a woman trying to voice a teenage girl, but her voice just sounds so weird. I do have family from Australia, I have been to the country, I know what the accent sounds like. She just sounds awkward as hell. Like she's reading off a piece of paper pretending to be a teenager a wee bit more "foreign" than australian. I find her to be extremely annoying. No offense to you.
All in all, I'd say the problems all stem from the lack of a unified vision among the developers of what the game should be, and the fact that all big decisions were obviously made by some sort of board or committee instead of someone who may have been able to make it all make sense.
On top of all that, SE publicly complained about how "hard" it is to make a game on current gen HD capable consoles.
...Which is why milking new games with extra DLC, that already should have been in the game to begin with, could explain the need for companies to short-hand the consumer in the shameful attempt at acquiring a greater profit to cover their heavy expenses. It's a great way to swindel the ever-increasing younger generation of gamers, and so far, it has been working. The DLC era may even be an enormous bank heist.
I don't care about graphics. I care about being able to fall into a good story, having a little say in how it pans out(being able to explore and interact), and having some fun in the process. I don't want new battle systems if it means the game will be less fun to play. My point is that if so much money is being poured into these games, and they aren't faring well, that's all the more reason to scale back to the old, working formula.
Don't fix what isn't broken. They looked at previous versions of Final Fantasy and said "well, clearly this is all garbage and we should start from scratch." It's unnecessary and inefficient at best.
So that's what it was, lack of unified vision. Pressure from the committee of leader-men to get the game out "on time" anyway. Why make obscure pointless deadlines if it works adversely on the quality of your product, and worse, why stick to them when you see what you're doing isn't getting finished on time?
I'll leave the subject alone now.
Sorry to break up an engaging conversation, but...
I just managed to snag a copy of Xenogears on eBay for $29.99 (plus $4.00 shipping) from a vendor with 100% feedback. Score! It was closer to $80 at my local game store, and the average eBay price was closer to $50-$60. :D
After the game's release, Square Enix has revealed that Final Fantasy XIII's development was a difficult one and ridden with miscommunication between different sections of the development team. Final Fantasy XIII had the largest development team of any previous Final Fantasy game, with some of the work also done in conjunction with the Final Fantasy Versus XIII team. According to the October 2010 issue of Game Developer magazine, a big problem during the game's development was the lack of unified vision.
http://www.siliconera.com/2011/01/18/gilgamesh-joins-the-chaos-side-in-dissidia-012duodecim-final-fantasy/I gotta get me a PSP.
All trailers here from fan event
FFXIII-2 this year (JPN) on PS360
Versus XIII from Kingdom hearts team on PS3
Type0 on PSP (2 UMDs) this summer
With the criticism surrounding XIII and the utter disaster that was XIV, this is make-or-break for Square/Enix and they know it. Let's hope they don't hold anything back. We need them to get this right so Chrono doesn't die.
So that's what it was, lack of unified vision. Pressure from the committee of leader-men to get the game out "on time" anyway. Why make obscure pointless deadlines if it works adversely on the quality of your product, and worse, why stick to them when you see what you're doing isn't getting finished on time?
I'll leave the subject alone now.
The DLC era may even be an enormous bank heist.
Indeed, scaling-back graphics in exchange for content is a possible solution, but the gaming press won't look very kindly on it.
Huh. For some reason I was under the impression that Type-0, Versus, and XIII were all greatly related, such as through characters.
Versus has certainly caught my eye. It's visually the most original Final Fantasy game I've seen in a while. I also hear that a world map is being brought back, along with an airship to use. That's great, as hopefully the story won't be so linear. Guess I'll wait for more information though to see if the gameplay actually is boring.
Studio Archcraft did such a good job with it, even if the characters did block each other during battles. I thought it would be darker than it was, but maybe the lightheartedness will play better with most fans anyway. You might just get a Chrono nostalgia kick while playing it Mr Bekkler!
Do any of you guys play 'warcraft'?I did, back when it first came out for PC... but then I'm showing my age there. :shock:
Do any of you guys play 'warcraft'?
Despite it not using any new material it was still quite a fresh experience for me however, Im actually A bit annoyed that the game is using memory loss so many times during the whole series , it basically makes every game pointless if the events can't be remembered by the characters after it (note those weren't spoilers ...its something along those lines which happens)
(woah lots has happened with the gaming talk ..pity I check this forum less and less due to school)
I actually had a fanboy moment when I found out about ff13-2 being real.
Alot of people hated the original, because it was too different than its predecesors , but its 2010 , its a new generation and games are obviously not gonna be aimed at the older fanbase .
I loved ff13 , and I'm already excited for its sequel. I've also recently completed Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded.
Despite it not using any new material it was still quite a fresh experience for me however, Im actually A bit annoyed that the game is using memory loss so many times during the whole series , it basically makes every game pointless if the events can't be remembered by the characters after it (note those weren't spoilers ...its something along those lines which happens)
Not sure whether this is the right thread. 8)HELL YEAH! :D
Can anyone recommend me some most hot-blooded VGM (don't have to be battle themes, though).
I really don't have much time to play video games anymore, but lately I've been playing Donkey Kong Country Returns. It's a pretty hard game that reminds me of the old days when games were a lot harder.DKCR is a fantastic game. Have you managed to beat it yet?
Alundra. How many of you have actually played this gem?
No, I've been too busy. But I've made it to world 6.Nice. I think world 6 was my most hated world aside from 8.
WOO HOO replying to a two year old post!
The battle system for the Mother ("Earthbound") series is basic RPG (I would almost go so far as to say stolen from DQ, lol)...plus it has the AWESOME instant win easy battles feature which I still say should have been in EVERY RPG SINCE!!! I don't even think ANY other RPG has used that, which is sad...
Hehe, I suppose that'd be a good reason... :lol:
How is it a good reason? That only happened in NG+...and it's only activated when it would only take one round to beat something, so you aren't missing out on a battle, you're missing out on clicking 3 times (or less)...That sounds like a good reason to have it to me!
JANUS! I must know where you found that profile Pic!!! :o
I just can't wait for Portal 2! :D
I just can't wait for Portal 2! :D
Hey guys, anyone heard of this yet?
http://www.americanart.si.edu/exhibitions/archive/2012/games/ (http://www.americanart.si.edu/exhibitions/archive/2012/games/)
A videogame art exhibition, and there is a chance for voting which games will be present there. It looks you need to be registered there in order to vote and see the options, so I don't know if either of the Chrono games were nominated.
But I'd say we must not let this chance go by! :o
What do you guys think?
I am currently playing Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor, it's like, the best RPG on the DS, imo. :roll:
and realized I never saved !:P
Day of Lavos in 3D anybody? I could see a port of Chrono Trigger to the 3DS. It makes sense now that Yoshi's Island isn't on the Virtual Console.
Hold up, what if Break/Brake were to be on the 3DS?!http://3dsconnect.com/2010/08/05/classic-nes-and-snes-titles-confirmed-for-3ds/
Day of Lavos in 3D anybody? I could see a port of Chrono Trigger to the 3DS. It makes sense now that Yoshi's Island isn't on the Virtual Console.
I'm not buying a third port. Even if it is in 3D. Maybe a Cross port, but not Trigger.
Not sure they'd port Trigger for 3DS due to recently porting it to DS. Could they get away with it...?
Goddamn, I wanna buy Pokemon White. D:
Goddamn, I wanna buy Pokemon White. D:
RACIST! :lol:
Of course not, but I do think it's funny!
Did anyone ever comment on how Dragon Quest VI looks very similar to Chrono Trigger's characters? Was Toriyama even involved?
Crono and Marle anyone? Maybe a little Ayla over to the right? ...heck even the dude on the "Choose from over 15 classes" section in yellow/purple looks like the garb worn by one of the Guru's!
I just beat Pokemon Black. Awesome, awesome game. :D
I love it. It's very much story driven this time around. The game ACTUALLY HAS A CLIMAX.I just beat Pokemon Black. Awesome, awesome game. :D
Really? I can't seem to get into it. I mean, the upgrades from previous versions are great, and I even caught a shiny Roggenrola just starting out, but it all seems repetitive to me.
Anyway, I heard Radiant Historia is pretty fuckin' great. I'm definitely gonna try it out soon.
I have finished Radiant Historia and I'd love to buy a 3ds to make it look even betterYou might not want to do that, as from what I understand due to the differing screen resolutions between the two systems DS games tend to look significantly worse when played on the 3DS.
If you see the original demo videos, they used to have a more realistic idea in mind for the cell stage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8dvMDFOFnA), but EA wanted something more simplistic and accesible. Also they cut-out the sea-creature stage, so they just mixed both stages in one (what a shame).
I finished Dragon Age 2. It was terrible and brilliant and frustrating. I'm still recovering from the weighted feeling the storyline gave me -- god, it was depressing -- but it attempted things that no other game I'm aware of has tried and I love it. This review sums it up best for me, I think: http://www.popmatters.com/pm/review/138283-dragon-age-ii-making-the-case-for-quality-games/ (http://www.popmatters.com/pm/review/138283-dragon-age-ii-making-the-case-for-quality-games/)
Just found a great site that keeps tabs on indie game devs (http://www.indiedb.com/jobs). It lists job opportunities too!
My boyfriend just beat Dead Space 2 on the hardest difficulty, where you only get three saves in the entire game. So. Kick. Ass.
Promises are like pie crusts. Easily made, easily broken.
Man, sometimes you just have to say, "holy shit!" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqQE6f2BzTs)WTF INCEPTION!! (Or Elephant's Dream; whatever you call the style) I love that style! Each step you take the tiles come to your aide. Never get tired seeing this. XD AND NOW IT'S A GAME!
While it seems incredibly experimental - possibly to a fault - it's still pretty damn intriguing. Can't wait for this one.
Also they should start worrying about how they number the installments, it's gonna be silly hearing things like "Final Fantasy Seventeen" in a few years.
That's why it bothers me when people say "Final Fantasy is ruined forever!!", since really, it isn't, they're trying (good) new things and making mistakes with them. 13 is really like it or hate it, but certainly not love it. 14 however, WAS a mistake, but at least they fired the development team and gave it a new one, so it's being adjusted and improved.That's exactly what I needed to hear. XDDD
Also they should start worrying about how they number the installments, it's gonna be silly hearing things like "Final Fantasy Seventeen" in a few years.
Nah, that's what makes the irony more funny with each passing number... :lol:
That's why it bothers me when people say "Final Fantasy is ruined forever!!", since really, it isn't, they're trying (good) new things and making mistakes with them. 13 is really like it or hate it, but certainly not love it. 14 however, WAS a mistake, but at least they fired the development team and gave it a new one, so it's being adjusted and improved.That's exactly what I needed to hear. XDDD
All right, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these?! Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!
Just finished playing Portal 2 and getting all the single player achievements, and let me tell you... it was worth the wait! Gladdos is still as sarcastically funny as ever, and the in-depth history of Aperture Science is intriguing, especially with the rantings of Cave Johnson. I loved his anti-"When Life Gives You Lemons" rant
Soul Calibur V's (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkFk3r-NhQY) just been announced today. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/may/11/soul-calibur-iv-namco)
http://nintendoscene.com/2011/05/15/project-cafe-leaked-games-list/ (http://nintendoscene.com/2011/05/15/project-cafe-leaked-games-list/)
Rumor or truth...? I wonder... :?
Does anyone ever get anything else like that? Games you love to look at, but never got that far because they were too hard/too confusing?
So who was completely disappointed with jrpgs being practically non existent at E3?Sounds downright alarming. New times we're living it; I never would have guessed we'd come to this point when there were enough JRPGs to go around for everyone back in the 1990s and early 2000s!
I never heard before about the Itadaki Street series and I was actually surprised when they announced a Dragon Quest/Mario Party game, I wasn't expecting that from SE :P I wonder if we could ever get Crono in a Smash Brothers game...
The developers need to innovate more
Crap, so Nintendo of America isn't releasing Xenoblade stateside. Nor The Last Story for that matter.
Apparently that giant buzzing sound you hear is every US citizen downloading the Wii emulator...
Grrrr... I read this news today on IGN. A shame they aren't coming Stateside, despite the fan outcry. I wonder what their logic is. Good companies should really meet the demands of their consumer-base.JRPGs on the Wii have had a hard time selling 200,000 copies in the US.
Grrrr... I read this news today on IGN. A shame they aren't coming Stateside, despite the fan outcry. I wonder what their logic is. Good companies should really meet the demands of their consumer-base.JRPGs on the Wii have had a hard time selling 200,000 copies in the US.
Call of Duty 3 and CoD: World at War both sold over 1,000,000 copies each on the Wii, and CoD: Black Ops has sold over 600,000 so far.
Games like "Just Dance" have sold over 2,000,000 copies.
Logically, which is the best investment? There's no money in JRPGs in the states. Nintendo is a business; money comes first.
JRPGs on the Wii have had a hard time selling 200,000 copies in the US. Call of Duty 3 and CoD: World at War both sold over 1,000,000 copies each on the Wii, and CoD: Black Ops has sold over 600,000 so far. Games like "Just Dance" have sold over 2,000,000 copies.
Logically, which is the best investment? There's no money in JRPGs in the states. Nintendo is a business; money comes first.
Why not let everyone just win?Because for some reason, every corporation runs with an only me attitude.
Translated, yes, but localized for Europeans. They would have to localize it for the U.S. as well as whatever tweaks they need to make to the DVD's due to the consoles being region locked. I am fairly certain NoA isn't even able to borrow the European translation and use it as a starting point for their own, meaning they'd have to start with the Japanese version like everyone else.Grrrr... I read this news today on IGN. A shame they aren't coming Stateside, despite the fan outcry. I wonder what their logic is. Good companies should really meet the demands of their consumer-base.JRPGs on the Wii have had a hard time selling 200,000 copies in the US.
Call of Duty 3 and CoD: World at War both sold over 1,000,000 copies each on the Wii, and CoD: Black Ops has sold over 600,000 so far.
Games like "Just Dance" have sold over 2,000,000 copies.
Logically, which is the best investment? There's no money in JRPGs in the states. Nintendo is a business; money comes first.
It has already been translated... What do they need to invest?
However, what do they do after they make money off of the key franchises? With the explosion that casual games have made on Facebook and the App store, Nintendo seems like they're taking a "me too" initiative. They invest in casual games now, because those sell more than hardcore epics. That was pretty much the whole point of the Wii, if you remember. Bring gaming to non-gamers. How do you do that? By making/porting games for non-gamers.QuoteJRPGs on the Wii have had a hard time selling 200,000 copies in the US. Call of Duty 3 and CoD: World at War both sold over 1,000,000 copies each on the Wii, and CoD: Black Ops has sold over 600,000 so far. Games like "Just Dance" have sold over 2,000,000 copies.
Logically, which is the best investment? There's no money in JRPGs in the states. Nintendo is a business; money comes first.
That's true, but Nintendo is known for porting games that commonly sell only 200,000 copies. I mean, much of the Wii library is pretty weak. This has been the case since the days of the Gamecube. Nintendo itself reaps massive profits from a few key franchises and third party development fees.
Crap, so Nintendo of America isn't releasing Xenoblade stateside. Nor The Last Story for that matter.
Apparently that giant buzzing sound you hear is every US citizen downloading the Wii emulator...
Interesting article.
When my kids encounter a boss that requires grinding, they think the game is broken, or that they're just missing something. I've seen them spend up to two hours trying to kill a Deathclaw in Fallout: New Vegas because they don't consider the idea that they should come back when they're more powerful. It's there, so we should be able to kill it.Quote
LMAO, but seriously grinding sometimes is for those who are less tactical.QuoteIf They Want to Read, They'll Buy a Fucking Book
Hmm, that is too bad. But yeah, there should be some workaround if you missed the text.
My conclusions from reading the "5 lessons" article: The author is a hardcore gamer. His kids are the type of casual gamers who (as adults) would play Farmville and Angry Birds, but would never buy a console left to themselves--they only play GTA because their father has it in the house. Two different audiences, with different interests that can't be easily satisfied by the same game.Yeah, but he/she also speaks for the majority. Okay, granted, we played RD (and sat through the monologues at the end of CC) mostly because we're a fan of literature, are fans of Chrono series and were curious, or at least we simply tolerated, but the majority of people, whether gamers or not, would only play what's instant fun.
I....I just.. don't believe that it happened...dammit. :picardno
Inafune left, was it really a surprise? I've been upset about this since then, now I'm over it. But I'm sure Capcom was really scared to announce that. They probably tried to find someone else to do it, but who else really could?
http://shoryuken.com/2011/07/20/umvc3-all-twelve-new-characters-leaked/ (http://shoryuken.com/2011/07/20/umvc3-all-twelve-new-characters-leaked/)
Usually I'm not that interested, until I saw Phoenix Wright among those new characters. What the...? :?
Ah, I didn't know about Inafune leaving. Small wonder why Capcom didn't go into specifics. Does that mean the MegaMan franchise is effectively dead? If so, it's been a very long and interesting ride.
Found this at Omori-kun's desk. What's this?
Lovin' the look of this one!
Limbo is incredible! I have never, ever in my life seen a storyline expressed so well on a platformer.This is going to sound funny, but for those in the know, does Limbo actually have any words in it? I've become curious about the idea of expressing storyline without using dialogue lately, and I'm looking for examples where it's been done well. Cirque du Soleil's Ka does this pretty brilliantly, and then there are Piotyr Kamler's films (e.g., Chronopolis (http://www.viddler.com/explore/ManooN/videos/2/)). But when it comes to videogames I keep having to go back to the original Sonic the Hedgehog series. I think I'll look into Limbo more after hearing this.
There may be limits to how deep a story can get when it must be told completely through actions and atmosphere rather than words. On the other hand, it should make the language barrier more permeable, pending the use of non-universal gestures and motifs and so forth.Pictures speak a thousand words, mate. :wink: It all depends on the cinematographer / concept artist. For one thing, I take inspiration from old-school FMV's such as FF7 and FF6; the opening and cutscenes may not have words in them, but they certainly told a lot!
Lovers of Doom, rejoice!
Download the game legally HERE. (http://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Chocolate_Doom) Oh, and you can freely hack/mod the game legally too, since it's OpenSource. :D id Software are nice people.
Xenoblade Chronicles is amazing. I want to say it's my favorite rpg since CT, but I think the huge rpg drought as of late is making me think that. It's definitely up there with the greats tho.
I got wind of a new game by a friend of mine called Radiant Historia. It has, from what I can tell, the time traveling/parallel universe system that Chronos Trigger and Cross had, plus the human/beastman duality and sand motif that Sands of Destruction had. I searched the archives here and found that Jutty was playing it. So, based on what you played, Jutty, would you recommend it to me, someone who's loved Chrono and Sands of Destruction?
No. No. Nonononono. Nooooo. I don't want a sequel. The game is perfect as it is! Nomura, please stay away... :cry:
Those with DSi / 3DS who don't download the FREE Anniversary Edition of Zelda: 4 Swords fail the interwebs, gaming, and geekdom in general.
D and I been playing through Alundra and wow, that is one MESSED-UP game.
How are you guys liking it so far? I loved, loved, loved that game, in the design sense at least. The only way it could have been better would have been if Lady Gaga made an appearance in Alundra's dream walks!
Hi. I R confuzzled.
Messed up as in how, exactly? Like End of Evangelion messed up? :?
Their musician lists Mitsuda among his influences, and I can only wonder where the writers' inspiration for the term "Earthbound" came from, hmm...
Just think, in half a year from now, Chrono Break will expire. Also;
Could you see FFVII on the 3DS? I rather see Chrono Cross or some new Chrono game first, but then again FFV and FFVI. I do believe it's Dragon Quest VII since it was quite remarkable.
What games are your playing at the moment?
Me I'm playing The World Ends With You and Lunar: Silver Star Story. I really recommend TWEWY if you have a DS the battle system is wicked fun.
And Halo 3 online religiously...
Edit: Felt the topic could use a name change.
^have you watched the streams of playing? looks kinda dumb in my opinion. all the characters were uninteresting and the true ending may be the worst ending in video game history. (worse than SO3's ending which totally ruined the whole star ocean series for me)
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is probably the closest thing to come to a combination of CT and CC...
I have been playing for about 25 hours now and have barely scratched the surface trying to do everything possible in each area. It is really good, better than most of the negative reviews are making it out to be. Has anyone played it yet? I really think every compendiumite should try it out. There's no harm in renting it, right?
Final Fantasy XIII-2 is probably the closest thing to come to a combination of CT and CC...
I have been playing for about 25 hours now and have barely scratched the surface trying to do everything possible in each area. It is really good, better than most of the negative reviews are making it out to be. Has anyone played it yet? I really think every compendiumite should try it out. There's no harm in renting it, right?
I have been saying this exact thing for a while now, based off playing the demo. I don't own a copy of the game yet but I will when there are ample used copies available, absolutely.
I've been doing everything in all the times, minus the things that require new game plus. Its gameplay is what I wanted with 13.
Speaking of, I see the reviews of XIII-2 are starting. I'm interested, but I don't have the time at the moment, and I don't want to enter expecting "the next best thing" to CT/CC. I also never played XIII.
RPGFan: Vic, you worked on Miami Law - do you think that visual novels can be successful in North America?Aww, man!
Victor Ireland: Miami Law was a weird title in that I originally was just helping the Japanese team as a coordinator, before it was even called Miami Law. After taking them to law enforcement meetings in Miami, doing gun training, and a bunch of other research in Miami I facilitated for them, they asked me to help localize the title, so I did. It would not have been the visual novel I would have chosen for Gaijinworks, but it turned out okay. I think there is a place for visual novels in the US market, but it will take time to give them a chance to grow. In fact, a number of titles on my "to do" list would be classified as visual novels. Whether or not they actually happen isn't sure, but I definitely have my eye on a handful of them I really would like to do.
Oh, Victor Ireland... The first RPG I ever played was Chrono Trigger. The second was Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. You all have no idea how big of a soft spot for Working Designs I have! I am tempted to donate funds to this, which is something I have yet to do in the video game arena. I trust Ireland's video game interests (and intent) and can totally buy into his endeavors.
Here's hoping for more Lunar games from Game Arts and localizations from Ireland's friends! :)
Even Square, who I once loved, has become a massive disappointment on so many levels. I honestly couldn't tell you the last Squareenix game that really excited me. FFXII was the last decent game they've done, and that was six years ago. FFversusXIII could be interesting, but 5-6 years in development is simply too long. I'll care about it if/when it finally gets released.
Even Square, who I once loved, has become a massive disappointment on so many levels. I honestly couldn't tell you the last Squareenix game that really excited me. FFXII was the last decent game they've done, and that was six years ago. FFversusXIII could be interesting, but 5-6 years in development is simply too long. I'll care about it if/when it finally gets released.
Here's another level of disappointment: S/E CEO Wada says there will be no Final Fantasy 7 remake until they make a new game that surpasses FF 7 in sales.
How do we respond to such logic? I'd like to think Wada's just stirring up fans to gauge the demand for a remake. But I think he really believes what he says... :(
Well Versus is pretty much so hyped that it will probably sell as much ...
how does it happen?? when your fuckin ceo wada listens to a fortune teller, alienating one of the greatest vgm composers and countless other staff members, thats how it happens.
Why would anyone want to be a AAA game developer? This is a long overdue editorial on the working conditions of the video-game industry.And here I thought it would be my dream to develop games via our grandest ideas. So much for happiness...
Why would anyone want to be a AAA game developer? This is a long overdue editorial on the working conditions of the video-game industry.And here I thought it would be my dream to develop games via our grandest ideas. So much for happiness...
The moment gaming became more about sales than satisfaction... was the moment gaming died... some people just haven't realized it yet.
They have Bravely Default: Flying Fairy coming out on the 3DS and this game alone makes me want a 3DS. The graphics are absolutely beautiful and have me completely entranced.I can agree to this statement completely. Probably not worth it alone to buy a 3DS, but I can definitely see the appeal. With painted backgrounds like Chrono Cross (which will look gorgeous in 3D, I'm sure) and writing done by Naotaka Hayashi, it's a game I want to try. Maybe my friend will lend me his 3DS.
They have Bravely Default: Flying Fairy coming out on the 3DS and this game alone makes me want a 3DS. The graphics are absolutely beautiful and have me completely entranced. I wish the name was a little less wacko, but this game is one of my most-wanted games right now. This one trailer alone doesn't do it justice.
I can't imagine the name would survive the crossing.
What, never heard of the game before? :lol:
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but rumor is that Versus XIII has been cancelled.
EDIT: Whoops, turns out the rumor is false!
Now would you be interested in a Chrono Theatrhythm game?
I have been craving a hardcore fantasy title for a few days now. A long time ago I played the likes of Diablo 2 and Ultima Online (nearly a decade ago), and I'm craving that kind of "immersive" fantasy game (without it being World of Warcraft). I don't really care what style of game, although I am leaning against an MMORPG, simply due to the amount of time it would require. I can be swayed, however. I don't care if it's hack and slash, first person, third person isometric view, etc. I just want an old school RPG with a decent story and beautiful, hard fantasy locales. I'm talking dark forests, menacing caves, glowing mushrooms, fairies, and all the other things that make those hard fantasy games so great. I care first and foremost about the environment, I guess. :)
I'm leaning towards the old Icewind Dale games or Baldur's Gate. I have an old PC that can't handle the likes of Skyrim, Diablo III, etc., so that's something else for me to consider.
Has anyone played through (and enjoyed) the FFXIII games?
I've been amazed at the complex story and plot twists, but most recently now, they had announced the next (and last) title in the series. I got to say it looks mighty interesting, if one has been following the story.
I have not fully understood why they've received such mixed reception, but they must be doing something right if they can afford to create another game from the ground up.
What games are your playing at the moment?
Me I'm playing The World Ends With You and Lunar: Silver Star Story. I really recommend TWEWY if you have a DS the battle system (http://web-dorado.com/) is wicked fun.
And Halo 3 online religiously...
Edit: Felt the topic could use a name change.
It seems that there is a curious amount of job security if you are a big time executive in the video game industry.
Not long ago, we got word that former Square-Enix CEO Yoichi Wada was named Chairman of the Board of that company. Now comes news that Don Mattrick, recently ousted head of Microsoft's X-Box division, has a new job as Zynga's CEO. As a reward for what is probably the most disastrous console reveal since people started caring about such things, Zynga offered Mattrick the following compensation: One million dollar base salary. Five million dollar signing bonus. Forty million dollars of stock options.
http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2013-07-04-mattricks-USD50-million-welcome-from-zynga-laid-bare (http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2013-07-04-mattricks-USD50-million-welcome-from-zynga-laid-bare)
It's enough for the struggling independent developer to put a gun to his head and say "persona". How many millions would they get for failing their most recent job?
The first thing I thought of when I read that line was, "how do we fix it?"It seems that there is a curious amount of job security if you are a big time executive in the video game industry.
Not long ago, we got word that former Square-Enix CEO Yoichi Wada was named Chairman of the Board of that company. Now comes news that Don Mattrick, recently ousted head of Microsoft's X-Box division, has a new job as Zynga's CEO. As a reward for what is probably the most disastrous console reveal since people started caring about such things, Zynga offered Mattrick the following compensation: One million dollar base salary. Five million dollar signing bonus. Forty million dollars of stock options.
http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2013-07-04-mattricks-USD50-million-welcome-from-zynga-laid-bare (http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2013-07-04-mattricks-USD50-million-welcome-from-zynga-laid-bare)
It's enough for the struggling independent developer to put a gun to his head and say "persona". How many millions would they get for failing their most recent job?
This particular problem is not unique to the game industry. It's a structural problem in how corporations operate.
Best that you start looking for solutions sooner rather than later.Which is why I thought I'd check you for opinions. I'm aware that there will be a lot of hurdles in the line of entrepreneurship, and I don't even have a "fortune" to begin with currently -- I'm hoping to create my foundation with at least one solid content / brand that people can trust and love (not unlike Spawn, which helped McFarlane), and thus propelling me further.
I just love the text, and the dialogue and how the characters exchange interactions a lot. I know WD gets flack for their 'Surfer lingo' but I find that absolutely normal where I'm from.
I was thinking that the bulk, a majority of my childhood was impacted by two people: Ted Woolsey and Victor Ireland. I've always loved LUNAR ever since I was younger.
I check their forums frequently quite a bit and it seems like there hasn't been an update in almost 4 years and a lot of the forum-goers are concerned about the future of Gaijinworks.
A new action RPG has recently been announced, the name of which got my attention. It's called Trinity Trigger. No relation to the Chrono series, sadly, but I thought it was worth mentioning. The plot centers around changing one's destiny. It has quite a Secret of Mana look and feel to it.
So I beat Uncharted 1, 2 and 3 for the PS3
Atelier Rorona: The Alchemist of Arland (PS3)
Haha. I didn't bother posting about Uncharted since it wasn't really RPGs, so that's a reason why I haven't been on and posting much! Yes, I liked it I thought it was enjoyable.
Metroid Dread - I got to the end of the game last October but couldn't beat the final boss. I've restarted a new file on an easier difficulty (which wasn't available at launch), and this is first on my "to do" list.
Boo, what did you think of the FFVII remake? Just curious what your thoughts are.
somewhat obscure JRPG called Eternal Sonata