Chrono Compendium

Zenan Plains - Site Discussion => Polling => Topic started by: Leebot on April 16, 2005, 10:37:10 am

Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: Leebot on April 16, 2005, 10:37:10 am
Since in every previous poll, the winner had a majority, we'll just be using those for the finals. (If the winner here doesn't have a majority, we may do a run-off round, just so there's no doubt.)

My thoughts on this one:

Serge is out, as I really hate silent protagonists.
Fargo's out, as his stealing ability is all he had going for him, and Kid can steal as well, beating him out.
Kid also beats out Harle in the end, based on storyline considerations. They both had decent stories, but Kid's is more extensive.
Norris, while still good, just isn't all that outstanding in the end.

Which leaves Kid vs. Glenn.

In storyline terms:
While Glenn has more backstory than most characters, it just doesn't compare to Kid. Kid wins here.

In battle terms:
Kid's only saving grace is her ability to steal. Glenn, on the other hand, is one of the two most powerful characters in the game (along with Serge; it's hard to say which is better). His Green-innate also allows him to use healing elements well. Glenn wins here.

Kid looks like a british harlot. Glenn is a noble knight who wields two legendary swords. Glenn by a long-shot.

In the end, my vote goes to Glenn.
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: saridon on April 16, 2005, 10:49:52 am
Kid has more of a pesonality than serge since being a silent protagonist he cant really have much of one and Kid can steal as for glenn meh serge's stronger and Orlha is almost as strong as glenn and Orlha is hotter than glenn and isn't a choice Kid wins more of a pesonality and Kids hotter than serge and glenn and is a main character
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: GreenGannon on April 16, 2005, 08:01:35 pm
I'm going to go with Serge on this one. It's no contest for me.
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: SilentMartyr on April 17, 2005, 01:28:02 am
As much as I like Serge, Kid is much cooler. And that accent is awesome.
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: Sentenal on April 17, 2005, 06:38:00 pm
all i have to say is "bah, karsh>glenn"

anyway, glenn i guess.  though karsh is still my favorite.
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: razor's edge on April 18, 2005, 12:27:49 am
I gotta go with Serge, but Kid and Glenn are both close seconds.
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: V_Translanka on April 21, 2005, 06:25:55 pm
Serge - Emotionless hack with a double-sided weapon

Fargo - Pirate (which is a plus) blowhard (which is a drastic negative) that can steal (big whoop, so can Mel, and that doesn't make Mel any cooler)

Kid - Wow! Actual descent character development! Kick ass!

Harle - Again, pretty good/fair character development (2 outta 30+ aint bad, right?)!

Norris - Bleh, besides the nice little wink to Magus by being part of Porre's Black Wind, he wasn't much of anything special...

Glenn - Cool swords...not much else...It was kind of neat to find out that he liked Riddel, but who cares? Nothing else really happens because of this knowledge...Seems like everyone around her had an effing crush on her...I bet she got pounded by big daddy Viper in the manor when she was naughty...But that's getting a little off-topic, isn't it?

So, in the end, I go with...*drum roll* Harle. Where as I found Kid to be mostly annoying and whiney, I thought Harle's character was a lot more fun...Plus, she makes fun of Korcha instead of agreeing marrying him like Kid does (/can do). And, out of most of the 30+ playable characters, Harle was one of the few whose character design I thought was actually good looking and kind of original. Plus, I learned later that the whole French accent was actually not part of the original Chrono Cross over in Japan, which made me feel 10x better about her character...
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: SilentMartyr on April 22, 2005, 01:37:06 pm
I would have liked to see an ending where Harle and Serge get married. Now thats comedy!
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: Leebot on April 23, 2005, 03:05:30 pm
Alright, it doesn't look like a run-off will be reasonable, seeing as behind Glenn it's a three-way tie, so I think we can just declare Glenn the winner here.
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: Ed on April 27, 2005, 12:35:31 am
But..... Harle should win....

*Weeps softly*
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: Daniel Krispin on April 27, 2005, 01:57:46 am
Harle? The bloody jester? It is true she had more character than most, but she had not the beauty of some, nor quite the character strength of others. She was too much an oddity for my liking.
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: Ed on April 27, 2005, 02:10:23 am
I have a thing for oddities... what can I say?
<3 Harle...
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: Daniel Krispin on April 27, 2005, 02:58:53 am
That I can plainly see by your avatar...
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: jotabe1789 on July 14, 2005, 04:16:51 am
Harle, no doubt. Even though that, while you can have her in your party it would mean an excess of black innates, she really "kicks-ass". She has high strength, and her best weapon is very powerful. Furthermore, she acquires her last tech earlier than anyone. Of course, she lose some punch respect other chars when you are in high levels (new game +), but in your first play through, she is a force to be reckoned with.

She is very humorous, but like a good harlequim, the eternal smile is just make-up, and inside she weeps greatly, torn between her feelings and her destiny. She is also the philosopher of the game, and leads and helps Serge in his identity change. Also, the endings with her and Serge-Lynx are so moving! For me, they are second to the "good ending".

Overall, i like Harle the best... i cried for her lol  :oops: And i always try to retrieve it for the good ending (what requires 3 consecutive playthroughs lol :D).
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: Lordchander on July 14, 2005, 07:03:17 am
glenn everytime, hands down winner! As you can tell by my avatar, i think he is great! Kinda looks like Serge with blone hair though...o well. He is the coolest.

~Darth LC :twisted:
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: DarkBlade13 on July 25, 2005, 01:36:26 pm
I like Norris because he uses a gun.  It just seemed odd to have everyone else use some sort of melee weapon then Norris comes and uses a gun.
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: V_Translanka on July 25, 2005, 03:27:14 pm
Starky also uses a gun...And, really, how odd is anything when everyone's using magical Elements? Hmmm?
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: Zaperking on July 25, 2005, 06:30:53 pm
I'd go either Kid or Harle.

But in the end I chose Harle. She's like this freaky by cool jester, with dark elemental powers and is one of the dragons, which is a cool backstory, even though it comes late into the game, and she leaves.
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: pokemon_45_79_1 on August 18, 2005, 04:33:25 am
Harle is the best because of her High magic stat. Its second to Riddell's Magic Stat. When you can fight with her once you summon her with the Crono Cross she does kick butt in battle because of her level 7 technique. It puts enemies in multiple status changes. :D [/code]
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: V_Translanka on August 19, 2005, 06:11:38 am
Perhaps you are unawares, but as I've always known it, stats are pretty much random and varying depending on who you play with...
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: DeweyisOverrated on August 19, 2005, 10:32:16 am
That's not entirely true.  Characters do have a set base on magic.  Harle is a decently high magic user, along with Guile.  Now, the bonus stats you get for playing through battles only apply to the characters in the actual party.  So, if you use a lower magic level user, and keep a higher one out, eventually they can balance out to be near the same.
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: V_Translanka on August 20, 2005, 07:50:33 am
Yes, well, but since some characters (i.e. Harle inparticular) aren't w/you long enough to gain a lot of stats (not to mention Harle then leaves the party), it's kind of hard to say that any one is going to be better than anyone else w/o going out of your way to make whoever so...I think...w/e...I hardly played the damn thing...:wink:
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: Azarath on August 27, 2005, 08:00:36 pm
Well, that poll really narrowed it down. There was at least 47 characters. Anyways, 1st is Glenn, and Serge was a close 2nd.
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: V_Translanka on August 27, 2005, 09:08:05 pm
Azarath, this was the result of several other polls...Each of which started w/a specific Elemental color and then we were left w/these winners...Or, wait...Were you being serious or sarcastic?
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: BlueThunder on September 13, 2005, 01:01:02 am
The magition guy is cool.He's my Avatar. 8)
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: cupn00dles on February 24, 2006, 10:21:08 am
Harle 4 life :D
Title: 4/23/05 - Which is your favorite Chrono Cross character?
Post by: Resurrected Ice on March 10, 2006, 03:17:13 pm
I like Serge, but as Leebot said, he doesn't talk so I'm not going to make him the winner.  Glenn rocks in just about every way though.  His strength is probably the closest to Serge overall, the honesty and loyalty aspects of him, but at the same time going by his gut feeling.  Of course, the two Einlanzers are a pretty good trait too.  To me, characters that use two swords just flat out rock.

Kid looks like a british harlot.

That's not necessarily a bad thing.  ;) :D