Chrono Compendium

News and Updates => Site Updates => Topic started by: Agent 12 on June 02, 2009, 04:00:37 am

Title: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Agent 12 on June 02, 2009, 04:00:37 am
Get a little Glenn action :)

Video 13 (
Video 14 (

Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Agent 12 on June 02, 2009, 04:11:06 am
FW, I'm not sure how to add new videos to the playlist :(

Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: anonymouse on June 02, 2009, 04:35:41 am
Is there footage of the other two branches that FW did not choose? *curious*
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: IAmSerge on June 02, 2009, 04:50:36 am
probably not but Im sure we could be given a general summary of the differences
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Chrono'99 on June 02, 2009, 05:37:06 am
probably not but Im sure we could be given a general summary of the differences

# 605 - The party must track back to save two Vanguard, while Glenn continues the raid alone. He finds Vanguard and Porre troops discussing what to do with a small Mystic Den claiming to be fed up with Kasmir. The three Vanguard captains have differing opinions, and Glenn must side with one of them:

# Renault’s option: Help Porre raid the village
# This option will show Glenn giving into his distaste for the Mystics, and ravaging the village. Porre will give you thanks for helping them. You get attack-oriented armor/accessories. In 1005 A.D., tensions with Porre will have backed down somewhat, while Medina will become unfriendly. Montcrief will have been reprimanded for starting hostilities and demoted to Lieutenant General.

# Luther’s option: Prevent Porre from raiding the village
# Porre will express incredulity at this course of action and will send forth some soldiers that Glenn will defeat. The Mystics will thank you and give you a reward (magic-oriented armor/accessories). In 1005 A.D., however, you will find Porre to be much more hostile to you. Montcrief will be promoted to High Commander of the Armed Forces of Porre.

# Roget’s option: Declare neutrality
# This provokes a dismissive reaction from both sides. When it's over, the Mystic and Porre fighters will have been eradicated to the last man. The corpses are available for looting, and thus you obtain far more items than you would with either of the first two options. In 1005 A.D., both Porre and Medina will be unfriendly. Montcrief will be normal.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: anonymouse on June 02, 2009, 05:55:28 am
Thanks!...though I guess this answers my question whether or not there is footage  :(
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Katie Skyye on June 02, 2009, 10:47:45 am
Ah, but Schala, obviously you are NOT safe there! One Porrean has already come and gone through there...and we all know where you end up, anyway! So...the only question is, what goes wrong?

Actually, I have another there any sequence of events possible that prevents Chrono Cross as we know it? The TD and Project Kid and whatnot...Lynx burning down the orphanage...
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Agent 12 on June 02, 2009, 12:24:28 pm
We'll talk endings later.

Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: vicbear on June 02, 2009, 12:58:01 pm
I wonder if there's an ending that leads to the CC story and one that leads to RD? That would be cool! =D
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Katie Skyye on June 02, 2009, 01:44:20 pm
We'll talk endings later.


-sigh- Fine, of course you can't spoil it for all of us now...I'll wait just like everyone else!
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: DarknessSavior on June 02, 2009, 06:27:02 pm

If you guys were told by SE that regardless of how, if any version of this leaked, you would face legal consequences, why not release the more updated, and bug-free version? >.>

Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: RySenkari on June 02, 2009, 06:55:33 pm
Square might be lenient because only the buggy, 75% version got out. If the more complete, more fun 98% beta got out they might be more inclined to sue.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Katie Skyye on June 02, 2009, 07:08:43 pm
Square might be lenient because only the buggy, 75% version got out. If the more complete, more fun 98% beta got out they might be more inclined to sue.

Hm...this is really a worst-case scenario, but what if they DO press charges? Would you just go ahead and release the 98% one then? I'm just saying...once you're sued, you're sued.

I sincerely hope it doesn't happen. Really! Don't take this as "Gee, I hope they get sued so I can play CE!" I would never want that!

It's hard to sound sincere through a chat board; even so, SINCERITY OOZES FROM THIS POST.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Mikisho on June 02, 2009, 07:15:40 pm
I don't think so.  Square would probably just sue them AGAIN for the release of the Beta.  so it would just be getting double the fines, and maybe even Jail time for being a repeat offender.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: RySenkari on June 02, 2009, 07:17:08 pm
If they put these guys in jail I would personally see to it that Final Fantasy XIII's sales were cut at least in half.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: IAmSerge on June 02, 2009, 09:34:21 pm
I don't think so.  Square would probably just sue them AGAIN for the release of the Beta.  so it would just be getting double the fines, and maybe even Jail time for being a repeat offender.

what do you mean "Again"?
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Acacia Sgt on June 02, 2009, 09:38:47 pm
That SE would sue them for the leaked Alpha, then if they released the Beta, sued again.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: phelph on June 02, 2009, 09:42:59 pm
Square might be lenient because only the buggy, 75% version got out. If the more complete, more fun 98% beta got out they might be more inclined to sue.

assuming the C&D was real, i cant imagine square would know the difference between the 98% and the alpha. Its not as if square saw any version of the game when they sent that letter (besides maybe the demo). So why would the early version be any different to them than the finished product? The letter also made square appear to have minimal understanding of what the mod even was (temporal flux overriding copy protection). So if they did care about this, no reason to think theyd look at a download of a rom that said "98% finished" and then go "oh, this must only be the 75% version, its okay to release that. Oh, its also okay to use our copyrighted music, and content and images in youtube videos and promote those as the game we told you to cease all activity on, do that as much as you want too."

in other news, i called again yesterday, the receptionist doesnt even talk to me after saying how can i help you, and transfers me to leave a message for one of their PR people.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Agent 12 on June 02, 2009, 10:33:25 pm

Did she literally not even let you talk to her? What did you say/ask?

Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: IAmSerge on June 02, 2009, 10:53:26 pm
That SE would sue them for the leaked Alpha, then if they released the Beta, sued again.

...though they haven't already been sued right?

unless I missed something
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Acacia Sgt on June 02, 2009, 11:01:58 pm
They haven't. However, someone commented how if SE would sue for any version leaked, then they should release the Beta since they already are for the leaked Alpha.

Yet, I don't think they should
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Corpse69 on June 02, 2009, 11:29:26 pm
i really think they wouldent care if it got released or not now because of the amount of damage they brought on themselves from the C&D and because of the leak people are going on about some random group that will finish the alpha off but hey that would be good but just wouldent happen with out kajar labs info to aid  and some one who knows how to use it well

but hey if its really happening that may be a good thing

Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: kattrali on June 02, 2009, 11:39:08 pm
Isn't the amount of damages (whether one lawsuit or two) still dependent on the value lost or damages incurred by Square Enix?  I have a hard time believing that they could get 150k (let alone 300k) from this. The Alpha is said to be missing some dialogue and scenes, and lacks any "polish". No one is going to get it and say, "This is way better than [insert new/random SE game here].  I'll play this instead of paying for a game!"

...Actually, that scenario is perhaps possible if the game in question is Last Remnant, but that's beside the point.  In any case, I'd still not want to find out in front of a judge. Having a real life is vastly more important.

As a side note, what is the status of Temporal Flux in all this?  Was it discussed at all in negotiations?  I suppose it doesn't matter if you can't make games with it, but it still requires a copy of the game to begin with.

*Returning to watching amazing footage*
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: KebreI on June 02, 2009, 11:46:14 pm
Temporal flux is perfectly safe from SE, it has been established. You can still do what you want with it, but the compendium will no longer provide the resources.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: kid123 on June 03, 2009, 12:05:45 am
The amount of damage could be increased when 'random' people get a hand on the games and polished it up.In addition this issue has been wide spread even in Japan, I meet upon someone who said a plenty of Japenese disliked SE, that could mean there are a lot of die-hard Japanese fan of CT and even CE. Heck, I could assume that there might be a Japanese translation of leaked games in progress. That might increased the damage.

March forward to the footage ~~~
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Corpse69 on June 03, 2009, 12:11:50 am
this whole mess is becoming confuzzling with the leak and SE sitting idle i really think they would have sued regardless it was an alpha or 98% complete version so it probably was just a threat to scare you guys. i don't think there looking for anymore trouble then what was already dished out

the damage for them is already bad for SE it cant get much worse even if the 98% beta was leaked
and die hard fans would fix the alpha up given enough time
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: phelph on June 03, 2009, 12:45:57 am

Did she literally not even let you talk to her? What did you say/ask?


she said her little introduction, and then i told her i was looking for information about a c&d that was issued to chronocompendium, and whether she or someone else could confirm it, and she said nothing and hit the transfer button.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: utunnels on June 03, 2009, 12:51:36 am
Maybe they've received too many calls?
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: FaustWolf on June 03, 2009, 12:53:41 am
Wow phelph, sounds like your call hit a nerve. Square might be pissed at how the C&D backfired on them politically.

Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: phelph on June 03, 2009, 01:03:16 am
either their receptionist is rude, or its a call theyre tired of hearing. I dont really know what to think.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: FaustWolf on June 03, 2009, 01:06:46 am
If this weren't real, it would have been far easier to say: "No. We never sent such a Cease and Desist." Just hanging up, essentially, is a sign of desperation.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: phelph on June 03, 2009, 01:11:39 am
not necessarily, a receptionist isnt supposed to discuss that kind of thing anyway. A simple "i cant speak on legal matters, would you like to be transfered to voicemail?" (a response that iv gotten from other representatives) wouldv been nice, but if she'd been hearing this call alot she may have been sick of it.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Corpse69 on June 03, 2009, 01:23:53 am
i really think they've given up on it from they way that sounds phelph

it backfired majorly hasn't it
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Mikisho on June 03, 2009, 02:55:09 am
interesting...  We may get CE yet xD.  Maybe a couple months, possibly even a couple years late...  But I think we could get it...  But enough of false hope, the videos are amazing Faust.  So far my favorite moment however, is you accidently going into the end game portal xD.  The commentary makes it that much funnier X3
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: FaustWolf on June 03, 2009, 03:04:35 am
Yeah, I'm processing these videos on the fly, which is much easier to do when you leave the video compressed. The downside to that is, if you want to edit the video you have to work around "keyframes"; essentially you can't delete segments smaller than the number of frames between one keyframe and the next. So there's the occasional blooper or two I could have edited out if I just uncompressed the video, which we simply don't have time for. The commentary really takes advantage of these oddities though.

Man, can't wait til videos 19 through 33 pop up. Those should be a real treat in every possible way. They're really the best chapters of the game (my faves anyway), and I was inspired to throw some goodies in those through painstakingly severe audio processing. Hopefully the result isn't obtrusive, but you can all be the judge when those come up I guess.

For those of you who would appreciate a transcript of Agent 12's interview with axtruse, I'll be whipping that up today. It's really amazing to hear Agent 12 actually talking about it on a serious radio program because it lends the whole situation so much more credence than simple posts on the web.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: IAmSerge on June 03, 2009, 03:08:11 am
I'm just waiting to see the next few vids.

should be up soon... right?
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: FaustWolf on June 03, 2009, 03:09:31 am
The CE team's been releasing them at pretty steady 24 hour intervals. I'd expect it to within 12 hours or so.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: IAmSerge on June 03, 2009, 03:13:08 am
well on a basis of 24 hours.... wouldnt that make it within the next hour?

Though I REALLY wouldn't blame them for not having a midnight release this time
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Dialga_Palkia on June 03, 2009, 03:46:34 pm
question, if there wasn't a conflict between porre and guardia in the future of 1005 ad, wouldn't the porre agent not exist? :? also i had a dream about this chapter last night. 0__0 Fighting this Kasmir guy.
Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Agent 12 on June 03, 2009, 04:04:44 pm
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the cyborg has Time Travelers Immunity. 

Cyborg stole lucca's gate key
Cyborg Portaled To chronopolis
Cyborg Came back through portal       ****** This is the part the changes**********     When the timeline changes he comes back to a new 1005
Fixed Tank           <=== old timeline
Attacked Guardia  <=== old timeline

Title: Re: The Month That Could Have Been -- Chapter 4
Post by: Chrono'99 on June 03, 2009, 05:17:41 pm
There is a conflict/tension with Guardia either way. Siding with Porre in 605 makes Porre "less" hostile in 1005 but Montcrief still attacked with the Chimera tank regardless.