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Messages - cdhtrigger

Pages: [1]
I just finished the game again and will be starting New Game plus to get the secret endings. I noticed something that I'm not sure has been addressed here or elsewhere and what seems to be multiple occurrences of the same character. What I mean by this is in relation to when the 3 Gurus were sent into different time periods by the Mammon Machine. Melchior is present in the present but he is also imprisoned in Mt. Woe in the Dark Ages. How come Janus got sent into the Middle Ages to become Magus but when you visit Zeal, Janus is still there? I thought by the time you went to Zeal the awakening of Lavos that caused the 3 Gurus to be sent in different time periods had already happened? Also I noticed when I completed the Rainbow Shell sidequest that Toma was in the cafe in Choras in the present? Has anyone else noticed this? I thought he was supposed to be dead in this period hence his grave; maybe it's his great-great grandson? I welcome thoughts not trying to start a debate but I'm wondering what the explanation for this is?

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