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Messages - Antonius

Pages: [1]
Ok, so I tried to duplicate the posters "battle", so I used a Dark Eternal on the whole group for around 4200 dmg and then I just sat thier healing myself to see if the right bit would act the same way. Well after about 5 minutes sure enough the right bit disappears with the message "The bit disappears..." and soon after so do the others. Weird thing is though I cant get this to work on the PSX remake,only my cartridge and emulation.

Hmm, good to hear it's not just mine. It was much sooner than 5 minutes, though. The way i dealt the damage was my usual opener on the center bit: Crono confuse, Robo uzzi punch and Magus dark bomb, which summed up to about 4000 (most likely more than that) then.

I was under the impression that the bit heals the main part.

The bit on the left heals the Lavos bit. The bit on the right is the one that revives any of the other two bits if you destroy them.

General Discussion / Re: Dream thread
« on: May 02, 2006, 02:37:54 pm »
Lucid dreaming is kinda weird for me. Usually when I'm having a nightmare or a dream I don't like, at some point I just think "ok, this dream sucks" and consciously force my eyes open (usually I stay asleep during nightmares because they're usually the most interesting ones). It's weird because I kinda know I'm dreaming, but then in a way I don't.  :o

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Quick question about Lavos
« on: May 02, 2006, 02:28:29 pm »
I was battling the Lavos core and I had dealt about ~4000 damage to the center bit. Everything went normally until the right bit (the one with high defence) died without me having dealt any damage on it! After it was gone for a while, the rest disappeared too saying "Bit disappears" or something like that. Is this supposed to happen?

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