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Chrono Compendium Discussion / Compendium RSS/Atom Feeds...
« on: June 02, 2009, 01:53:24 am »
Hi Everyone!

I have been a long time fan of the compendium (even more so of the Chrono Series), and I would like to humbly suggest an improvement to the site. I think it would be of great benefit to add an RSS Feed to the site. I frequent many sites and this would help me to keep abreast of the latest news here at the Compendium. I don't know if anyone else feels the same, but I certainly hope so. Let me know what you think, O Mighty Web Site Administrators!

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: The road to Level **
« on: May 14, 2006, 05:09:34 pm »
I have maxed out all of the stats of all of my CT characters on the SNES cart (except Lucca and Marle's Str. I think that my only be in the 80's somewhere, but since it doesn't help them at all I never really saw the point)

On the PSX version I haven't done it yet, but I am working on it here and there. My favorite place to build up is the black omen. I run through to the point where the Frog's will send you back out and then I repeat over and over again. It was faster for me (or at least less boring) than the conveyor run, though I usually hit that up several times through on my first few runs in the game.

I do have a question though, what are the pink and red Nu that everyone's talking about? I know Spekkio takes on the form of a Nu, but I don't remember what color it is. I am fascinated to hear anything about the gameplay I didn't already know.

I feel very unoriginal saying this, but....

CT: Magus was my favorite. He was my favorite character and also my favorite villain. Lavos was great, but he was too impersonal for me to hate. Magus, now Magus was a person I could hate and every good story needs a personal villain to loathe. (The again I pitied and admired him by the end of the game, but I'm speaking of my first time through. (Runner ups include the Mystic Trio, MasaMune, Azala and the Black Tyrano, Dalton and of course Spekkio in his many forms.)

CC: The Dragon God has some of the most epic battle music I have ever heard and it was a very cool creature to battle as well. So I suppose it would be my favorite in Cross, since Cross in general just didn't have the charm of the original for me. (Fate would be my runner up)

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Who would you talk to?
« on: May 14, 2006, 04:29:48 pm »
If I could talk to anyone with the entire scope of the chrono universe, it would definitely be the Nu. Even though we see multiple Nu throughout the course of the game even side by side at some points, I am still convinced that, as the game quote says "All life begins and ends with Nu..."

I think that the Nu could tell me everything I ever wanted to know about Lavos, magic, Zeal, the gurus, Dalton, Spekkio, and even the mystery of whether the chrono series will continue.

So what would you like us (the fans) to do in order to help you?

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