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Pages: [1]
Polling / Re: Toughest enemy in the game? (1st encounter)
« on: May 24, 2006, 06:04:34 pm »
Embarassingly enough I had a huge amount of trouble with the Heckran on my first play through. In my defense I'd like to imagine that Robo was in my party and I was working with some pretty low level characters, but 11 years is a long time to remember excuses.
Fan Project News/Updates / Re: Threads of Time
« on: May 24, 2006, 05:39:31 pm »
You mention that the project is going to be set in some sort of alternate dimension from chrono trigger. I am excited to see how you are planning on tieing this in without stepping too much on Chrono Cross. Keep up the good work my man.
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