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Messages - Mixmasta_K

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Site Updates / Re: Arena of the Ages Explained and Advertisement
« on: October 17, 2008, 03:13:17 am »
Sky --> Lightning --> Light?

Muh. I shouldn't complain, but I really want to... :?

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Strange CT fan-fic. (?)
« on: October 02, 2008, 03:06:09 am »
Looks like someone got the Dream Project ending before the real ending. :lol:

Zeal>>Oh wow, that's pretty damn hilarious. :shock:

Polling / Re: Who is a worthy match for Crono?
« on: September 02, 2008, 03:30:25 pm »
You know what I think? Chrono doesn't stand a chance against a player that doesn't know how to play Chrono Trigger. He'd die at the hands of Gato before he knew what was going on. :lol:

Either that or Kefka. You know, with the "light of judgment" and all.

Polling / Re: What do you hope "Arena Mode" turns out to be?
« on: August 31, 2008, 10:16:05 pm »
I'm down for some 2 player co-op survival mode. It can progress kinda like how lavos's shell changed attack mode over and over again.  :o

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: CTDS... a tad disappointing
« on: July 19, 2008, 07:03:28 am »
I don't really think CT would look that great in 3D, especially with a DS engine. It would lose its nostalgic appeal with me.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: CTDS New Dungeon Ideas
« on: July 19, 2008, 05:51:45 am »
The only thing I care about with the new dungeon is whether or not it will be coherent with the plot.
If it's going to be a generic bonus 99F dungeon you need to have everyone at level ** to beat, then I won't be satisfied or interested.

It would be REALLY nice to turn Lavos' insides into a dungeon, but isn't the dungeon supposed to be optional? That would mean you would have to go through the dungeon in order to beat the game.

I think a good thing to consider is what time era needs a dungeon the most. So, here's the list of time eras and their respective dungeons:

-Mystic Mts.
-Hunting Ground
-Forest Maze
-Reptite Lair
-Dactyl Nest
-Tyrano Lair

Count = 6

Dark Ages:
-Terra Cave/Beast's Nest
-Mt. Woe
-Ocean Palace
-The Blackbird
-The Black Omen*
-Sun Keep*

Count = 4

Middle Ages:
-Truce Canyon
-Guardia Forest
-Zenan Bridge
-Denadoro Mts.
-Cursed Woods
-Magic Cave
-Magus' Lair
-Giant's Claw*
-Sunken Desert*
-Northern Ruins*

Count = 8

-Guardia Forest
-Guardia Castle(prison)
-Heckran Cave

Count = 3


Count = 1

-Lab 16
-Arris Dome
-Sewer Access
-Lab 32
-Proto Dome
-Death Peak*
-Sun Palace*
-Geno Dome*

Count = 6

* = Optional to complete the game

I grouped the dungeons that transcend eras into the time that is most coherent with their purpose. For example, the Sun Keep is grouped into the Dark Ages since that is where you first hear of charging a Sun Stone, as well as the fact that you are first introduced to the Sun Palace there.
Also, since I am biased in favor of the plot, Other things were grouped by relevancy as well, like Lavos being in 1999AD.

So, this leaves us with 3 eras in need of a new dungeon: The Dark Ages, Present and Apocalypse.

My vote goes for the present since you get stuck in Zeal for so long that adding to it would ruin it. I also think that making a 1999AD dungeon would require more elaboration in terms of the world map, NPCs, etc.
I'm all in favor of a Lavos shell dungeon, but that's probably not going to happen since it would be too perfect. D:

So, what amazing secret plot-coherent dungeon can we stick in Chrono's back yard? I have two and a half ideas:

1.) Something that would allude to the upcoming war between Guardia and Porre. Think about getting caught in a secret Porrean base, or even starting the war yourself! There's plenty of potential for some powerful enemies, maybe even a Dragon Tank MKII as a miniboss.

2.)Give Chrono his own red portal. I mean, he gets next to no character development in the game besides being a fearless hero that has no problem saving the world right from the get-go. Instead of performing a single task like in Lucca's red portal, you could have the party go through some kind of cloister of trials. It can be in order to prevent something horrible, like a baby Chrono from being killed by someone(maybe a decedent of Lynx? That would be an interesting link to Chrono Cross).

2.5)Either that, or make the portal something along the lines of Cyan's Dream (FFVI). It could be the first defective gate in the game and can allow the party to go to a crazy place, such as inside Chrono's head. I want to find out why Chono is the only guy in the game with massive spiky red hair and have a pure sky-elemental magic heritage. He had to come from somewhere juicy, and I think he is the most mysterious character in the entire Chrono series. Just anything where the party can float around Chrono's past (maybe a nightmare from when he was a kid?) and figure out why he was chosen by the Entity to be the real hero of time (Eat your heart out, Link).

suprisingly i am the only one who said that i wouldn't mind seeing crono talk.
Well, he did talk in the slideshow ending...but I guess one line can be seen as not enough.

The only thing I want out of this game is for the new dungeon to be integrated into the storyline and not some bonus dungeon that lacks any type of coherence possible. I think I'm referring to FFVIA's dragon's den here, but I'm sure you all get my point.

Other than that, I just want my favorite game without the need of a TV, my SNES, and a grounded power source. :lol:

What about music? nobody's discussing music? That' s an important part too.   Music can make the emotions of the settings.
I just hope they don't tart up the instruments like they did in the FF ports. The original soundtrack was flawless and beautiful the way it was, and I'm yet to hear any remakes that I can say are better than the original sound with the original SNES instruments. Maybe it's just because I'm too much of a fanboy, or maybe I'm just worried that they will stomp all over it just like FFVI-A. :?

Myst>>The only thing that looks remotely different in those shots could be the trees along with a few touchups on the telepods. Other than that, the quality of the scan is too crappy to draw any conclusions. :(

Let's all hope that Chrono Trigger DS is not half-a**** excuse for Squeenix to milk the cash cow. We have begged, petitioned, and waited patiently for years. I sincerely hope this will turn out to be the ultimate love letter to us fans. <3
To me, it sounds like they could be using this to test the waters of CT's popularity after 13 years. I bet if this game sells extremely well, we might see an effort to get the Dream Team back together for a full-fledged sequel. :o

I'm going to value this release the same way I valued FFVI Advance. I have a feeling the extra dungeon will either be along the same lines as FFVIA's Dragon Den, since nobody would want to mess with the Singing Mountain/Zeal Dungeon without the dream team.

I am pretty confident that they'll put in the Battle 2 music in there somewhere, however. :lol:

« on: July 02, 2008, 05:42:15 am »
THANK GOD they brought it back to Nintendo, where it belongs.

I have a reason to buy a DS now. :)

I have a reason to upgrade to DS Lite...more battery life = more time to play.
Right...that's what I meant to say, then. A DS lite for sure. :lol:

« on: July 02, 2008, 05:30:53 am »
THANK GOD they brought it back to Nintendo, where it belongs.

I have a reason to buy a DS now. :)

My god, I can't pick just one from each... D:

CT -- End of Time, Balthazar's Theme, Corridors of Time, Schala's Theme, Secret of The Forest, The Trial, To Far Away Times....and the rest of the OST. :P

CC -- Home Guldove, Lizard Dance, Time's Scar and pretty much anything else that is fun to play on guitar.

RD -- It's essentially all of the CC songs in a different format, so it's all very good too.

I'm never a big fan of the angsty-badass-dark types. He is still a very amazingly developed character just like everyone else in CT, and I really don't mind all the hype.

I want to see more love for Lucca though. D:

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Zeromus + Lavos
« on: March 14, 2008, 07:05:42 pm »
Wow, that was pretty awesome work!
It strikes me more as a medley at times, though.. :?

Oh, jeez. You guys made me update my ZSNES after years of using outdated stuff.  :lol:

I've just dipped into the game, but I'll post any findings as I play on.

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