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Messages - Vaij

Pages: [1]
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: THE TIME HAS COME...
« on: January 25, 2008, 08:48:09 pm »
I'm personally a little doubtful of its authenticity. Nice piece of art, though, even if Lucca's mouth looks a little odd.

Time, Space, and Dimensions / Re: Lavos and Guardian (boss) paradox?
« on: September 27, 2007, 10:47:28 pm »
I believe that most of the articles here feel that Lavos in 2300 A.D. is lying dormant as Death Peak after giving birth to its spawn, and given the sheer size of him, I wouldn't be surprised if Crono and friends did not initially realize that the mountain was actually Lavos' shell. As for the Guardian, I personally feel it's possible that the robot could have been built to defend something in 1999, so Lavos may have seen it and it's attacks when attacking civilization, and decided, for reasons of its own, to rebuild it.

Things I would like to see in the next Chrono game?

1. Finish the story of Magus(possibly main playable character?)
2. A battle system more similar to CC.
3. Maybe exploring Lavos' home planet?
4. Yasunori Mitsuda on the soundtrack.

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