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Messages - Rutt

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Earth-Like Planet Discovered!
« on: May 05, 2007, 10:59:14 am »
That's very interesting indeed. But I highly doubt that there live creatures like us. Or maybe it's a parallel world and what I'm writing write now, the other me on that planet writes it too.
..Mhh, guess not XD.

General Discussion / Re: What games did you guys play this year?
« on: May 02, 2007, 12:27:40 pm »
You finished that many? Mhh.. I only finished Tales of Eternia and Tales of the Abyss. I'm playing Digital Devil Saga now. I just don't have enough free time, I guess.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Hihooo..
« on: May 01, 2007, 10:07:11 pm »
Well, hello! I'm new here.
I first played CT a few years ago on Snes and loved it! Then I played CC and I became a fan of the Chrono series. Well, Chrono 3 never came though..
To be honest I hope they never make a third one.
I mean, SE only wants to make money at the moment and I doubt Chrono 3 would even be good anymore but yeah.. What am I even blabbering about here XD.
Anyway, both CT and CC still have a special place reserved in my heart.

Mhh, I honestly don't really remember. I always wanted to play CT because everyone talked about it and said it was great. So I played it and immediantly thought it was awesome.
Later then I bought CC. Both games still have a special place in my heart.

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