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Messages - Kanadyets

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General Discussion / Re: English thread
« on: July 20, 2007, 12:39:33 pm »
The Way I are, sure peeved me off. But I express my rage ususally at songs like 4ever. And Nothing Compares 2 U and 4 Da Fame. God help us all.

I'll grant you, that sort of nonsense is far worse.  My example of The Way I Are just happened to be contextual for me at the time, and then this thread came up.  I had to seize the opportunity to vent.

General Discussion / Re: English thread
« on: July 20, 2007, 12:36:06 pm »
Doesn't it have to be "Fora"? As plural of Forum. I always find it somehow strange when people say "Forums". Yet of course I can, and most likely will(does it have to be "- and most likely will -" ?), be wrong.
In german, I nearly never use Dashes or Semicolons, but many Commas(in german - by the way - it would be Kommata as plural of Komma [=comma]).

Since the word "forums" is so common, many dictionaries list it as correct.  The proper plural of forum is fora, but I think Latin pluralizations seem to be dying in the English language.  It doesn't seem to be as much of a problem for -us words, though.  Most people still pluralize cactus and octopus as cacti and octopi.

Hey Ramsus, what other usage is there for "fora"?  I was unfamiliar with any other meanings for it.

General Discussion / Re: Running shoes
« on: July 20, 2007, 05:31:05 am »

I can always be found sporting my Simple Shoes.  Took me a while to find another pair, since I've been from one end of Canada to the other and can only find the odd pair of women's Simple loafers in Sport Chek from time to time.  Anyways, Simple Shoes is a delightful little outfit based in Santa Barbara, CA.  The make the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn, so I had to buy myself a pair and have them shipped up.  Lousy Canadian government shook me down for duty and GST when the UPS guy delievered them but they were worth it.  Their website has some designs I wouldn't mind trying, but since I don't know how they feel I had to stick with the Old School Runner, as they call it.  Don't much feel like ordering another pair up just to find out they're not as comfortable.  If anybody also happens to wear Simple and can provide me any feedback concerning their other models, I'd be much obliged.

Outside of that, when I'm on my bike, I have a pair of Adidas Wildtrails.  I have to say they were a bit of a disappointment.  Back in '99 Adidas had a shoe called the Sahale with I absolutely loved.  Very comfortable and it lasted.  For me, this was an acheivement.  I run through shoes like crazy.  The Wildtrail is the modern successor to the Sahale, but they're not nearly as good.  I believe I'll have to try another make.

General Discussion / Re: English thread
« on: July 20, 2007, 03:29:56 am »

I'm game.  I express my anger with Timbaland for writing a song called "The Way I Are".  I should mention, however, that the lousy English involved in the title of that song is only the first of many things that raise my hackles.  Since they're not English related, though, I'll leave it at that.

General Discussion / Re: Running shoes
« on: July 20, 2007, 03:27:44 am »

Yeah, I'm with Magus here.  I thought the whole "girl that stole the universe" was a dead give away.

Mind you, it wouldn't be the first time a guy out there had a seemingly female sig, so I suppose it doesn't count for all that much.  Plus the pic could just belong to a Kid fan.

Kajar Laboratories / Re: Chrono Cross Character Ranking Feature
« on: July 20, 2007, 12:46:35 am »
I think there should be a ranking for fan following. After all, we know there would probably be a lot of Kid die-hard fanboy/girls. (Freakyfrankie is on the top of my mind....heh..).

I have to agree here.  I like Mojo for no other reason than he's an animated, funny-moving voodoo doll.

Kanadyets: Oh, I know. I've been familiarizing myself with Canadian politics lately in preparation for an eventual move to Canada. I'm just still working with the American mindset at the moment.

I know, it was more of a general commentary on the uselessness of the whole left-right matter, and I think it goes well beyond the Canadian context.  Plus it was a bit of venting on my part.  Those in my party tend to consider me a left-wing yahoo on account of my social politics, while the my friends on the left think my interests in keeping government out of people's pocketbook firmly identifies me as some sort of ultra-right corporate criminal.  The point is that it's the issues more than the identity that matter.

Oh, and as a hint on moving to the Great, White to get the process started as early as possible if you are serious about doing it.  It's a common misconception that it's easy to emmigrate here.  My sister-in-law was given the run around, and she should have been fast tracked on account of her being married to my sister.  To be honest, they got the impresson she was given a hard time specifically because she's American.  You'll find a lot of latent anti-Amercianism up here.

General Discussion / Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« on: July 19, 2007, 01:40:22 am »

You know, since there seems to be a pretty reasonable crowd of people here discussing politics, I'm surprised you're all still wasting your time trying to identify "left" and "right".  The political continuum really does nothing to help identify voters or levels of support.  Voters will look at the issues that hit closest to home and vote based on the tendancies of the parties in question.  None but the most ardent idealogues will vote for a party because it simply professes itself to be on the right or the left.  Here in Canada, you'll find more libertarians in the Conservative Party than any other, and we all get lumped in with the hardcore social conservatives.  Imagine our frustration when we get denounced as homophobes when we work within our own party to acheive goals like support for same-sex marriage (or better yet, getting the State the hell out of that business altogether).  Ahh well, so-cons are usually old and will die soon...

Anyhow, before I digress further, you all probably shouldn't bother with the left and right business so much.  That's just something campaigners aim towards people who just don't know any better.

Wow, Kyronea, and I never thought I'd see the day.  Probably shouldn't think too much of it.  Really, is this a battle even worth fighting?

Hm, whatever. What is more important is what Projecto said about the books and science holding back society, or what not. I guess he doesn't realize that everything around him that is artificial has come through science, and his entire understanding of the world too.

Hee hee...did I just get pwned?

I always pick the hardest battles. I'm very much a Don Quixote in that sense and I don't think I'll ever change, nor do I want to. It always turns out for the better in the end. I've converted hardcore racists into nice people, after all.

Well, it beats the heck out of being a pushover.  Besides, if you experienced success, then it's not entirely quixotic.

It took me two days to finally get over my reaction about just how stupid this is. I'm a firm believer in a philosophy of no one being beyond redemption, be it ignorance--of any sort--criminal activity, or anything else under the sun...but you're pushing the line, Ro. You are really pushing the line.

Wow, Kyronea, and I never thought I'd see the day.  Probably shouldn't think too much of it.  Really, is this a battle even worth fighting?

General Discussion / Re: Humanity: Good News, Bad News
« on: July 17, 2007, 04:15:06 pm »
Yes, thank you MsBlack.  I realized it after the fact.

I should know better.  I know exactly how it came into the English language in that form from German.  Ahh, the shame.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Hiya.
« on: July 17, 2007, 09:31:25 am »

In any case, it's still a better call than Alanis Morissette.  Thank you, Kevin Smith.

At least he got one part of it right: just like in real life, when she opens her mouth, people's heads explode.

Or at least mine feels like it's going to.

So, that tends to settle things significantly on what is possible. That's not to say that interdimensional travel couldn't be possible...after all, there are plenty of realities out there that are equal to ours on a physical level but simply have, say, different events on our planet. One where Al Gore was elected President, or one where Stephen Harper was assassinated shortly before becoming Prime Minister of Canada. So, these universes could intermingle.

Wow.  This may be slightly off-topic, but I need to contextualize this information.  We've had one political assassination in Canada at the federal level.  Just one.  No less, it was a Member of Parliament who had come from Ireland, severed his Feinian sympathies, and then was shot, supposedly by a another Feinian, so it really had little to do with Canadian politics at all.

I'm not being critical here, Kyronea, I just thought the concept was humourous.  To put something into terms like that almost seems harder for me to grasp than an alternative Chronoverse.

General Discussion / Re: The "WTF? Check this link out!" thread!
« on: July 16, 2007, 04:23:09 am »

To me, the article seemed to be not so much a general criticism of the Potter franchise so much as a lament for the state of literacy.  He also seemed to have his guns aimed at the nature of book marketing.

To be fair, I highly doubt there's all that many Potter fans out there who consider the entire phenomenon to be in any way artistic or enlightening.  At least I hope there isn't.  In fact, amongst adult fans (and I count myself in this number), the attitude towards these books seems to be that they're a guilty pleasure.

And if I may be so bold as to criticize a seemly intelligent (and quite naturally well read) book critic, I don't think someone should bring up such things as writing with a "wit-free tone" in an article peppered with an abundance of lame, Potter related metaphors.

Having said all that, I'm just a guy who enjoyed those books, so I may have a bit of a bias.  Despite the fact that, as the writer shows, this so-called Potter-mania has not encouraged more reading, I still think it's a superior alternative to fixing one's self in front of the TV.

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