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Messages - Kyoji

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Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« on: June 19, 2007, 03:38:17 pm »
Considering his shape and the positioning, it could be where perhaps a spine of sorts ran. Though it could have just been another of the various openings that fed energy into the larger body and inner core. I'm sure if one were to follow the tubes that extended from the body to the walls or ceiling or whatever they attached to there would be similar entry points. Still, one must wonder why they opted to show this hole in the first place instead of cover it with tissue of some sort. I almost initially thought it was just a little raised platform in which the larger body and core and bits stood upon, however considering the pure black of it, it would be presumed to be an actual hole.

In regards to the back of Lavos, I think the shell is shaped like that of a hedgehog. Somewhat like a dome until it comes to the face, or the 'mouth' in Lavos' case. What I'm more interested in is what is /under/ Lavos. What would be revealed if we turned him upside down? Would it still be the thick armor or would it be tender flesh like the hedgehog or certain insects? Considering what we can see of Lavos, it appears he has some sort of short feet or claws which could be used for digging. Another idea is that those 'claws' or 'feet' are actually part of some large chewing mouth as some insects have, located on the bottom of Lavos. It's a far-fetched idea, but always a possibility, no?

The problem is that the animation was originally created for another language. People are shown with their speaking animation for only so long, and dubbing companies don't take the time to alter the animations--though it would be a simple process, easily as simple as adding the digital underwear to some scenes they enjoy doing as a method of censorship.

As such, people are forced to alter their English speaking to match the length of time that would be used to say the same line in Japanese. The same thing was done by Yuna's voice actress in Final Fantasy X...she lip-synched to the Japanese version instead of waiting for the English version of the various animations to lip-synch to, hence why Yuna would always go around with ridiculously quick "Yes" and other words, and why sometimes she would stretch things out in a ridiculous manner.

How do I know all this? I briefly voice acted for a fandub of .hack//Roots on the Voice Acting Alliance board. I was voice acting for an old man character...I was only featured in the first episode before I left the project due to personal reasons. I was forced to lip-synch to the Japanese version as well, since we could not possibly change the animation at all, unlike how a dubbing company could do so.

In any case, since the animations would be lip-synched to the English voices, there is no worry of a Yuna-like performance.

Though a little late to the party, this is quite true. I actually prefer to watch all anime subtitled, that way I can enjoy the usually more proper voices for the characters while getting a more faithful script to the entire show or series. Plus the fact that it is easier to get underground anime and just released anime subtitled or fansubbed long before it ever comes to the states.

That's a shame. Doesn't anyone here have good taste in anime?  :|

I'd like to say I have good tastes in anime. I usually avoid mainstream anime and stick to those less heard of if I can however.

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Re: On the subject of Nu...
« on: June 19, 2007, 10:39:18 am »
Yes, I realize that the red rock of 3,000,000 B.C. is the Frozen Flame. I said "The Red Rock (not the dreamstone) that..." just incase someone misunderstood and though I was meaning the dreamstone, considering the dreamstone is also literally a 'red rock'.

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« on: June 19, 2007, 10:35:10 am »
They don't jump into the hole unfortunately.

No, they don't sadly, but the idea is still fun to ponder.

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Re: On the subject of Nu...
« on: June 18, 2007, 11:44:31 pm »
The Red Rock (Not the dreamstone) that powers the Mammon Machine is the Frozen Flame, part of Lavos' shell, that was discovered in 3,000,000 B.C.

Wait, could you clarify that?  I thought the Red Rock was Dreamstone.  I can understand how the Mammon Machine could be a device made of Dreamstone with the Frozen Flame as its power source, but I never thought the Frozen Flame itself was the Red Rock.  Didn't Masa/Gran state that Schala's pendant and the Masamune/Granleon was made of the same red rock as the Mammon Machine?  Wasn't Chrono's group able to get some of the same red rock to repair the Masamune before Lavos fell, and thus before the Frozen Flame?

I think you missunderstood me. I was birefly explaining that the Frozen Flame, which came from Lavos' shell and also powered the Mammon Machine and also gave humans the advanced brain developement, is not the same as the red rock from 65,000,000 B.C.. See this article for clarfication: I was simply stating which red rock I was referring to, which was in this case the Frozen Flame and not the Dreamstone. You are right in stating that it was dreamstone that was used to repair the Masamune as well as being used to create Schala's (later on Marle's Pendant). It is due to the dreamstone's mystical properties to work as a conductor of Lavos energy that make it very similar to the Frozen Flame itself.

That aside, sorry, you are quite correct. Perhaps my original statement was worded in a confusing way.

Ugh, but jEdit is so ugly, even if it is a good editor.

I can't deny it being rather ugly and rough in some areas, but it gets the job done. I normally only use it when first starting something up. Afterwards I'll just be lazy and edit things in the cuteFTP editor to save time in the uploading process.

because i don't know much HTML and it supplements that.

Good enough for me. I was just curious as I have a couple of friends that swear by Dreamweaver yet they can never give reason why. But if you're unfamiliar with the html or don't have reference I can see it being useful for rapid developement.

I don't think ZeaLitY liked my random splurge. That, or he just wanted to throw out some Picard.

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Re: Lavos' umbilical cord
« on: June 18, 2007, 05:56:22 pm »
This is certainly an interesting idea. I always thought that when the larger inner body of Lavos was destroyed and the bits and core appeared, the battle background appeared because of Lavos' time shifting ability. However the idea that the party passed through the hole left by the larger inner body is completely possible and the various flashing of time periods, especially when the core finally dies, could be to the flashing memories of the Entity. Still, as the party once discusses the idea of ones life flashing before their eyes before death, it could be Lavos' memories flashing before his eyes just as he is dying, so to speak. Still, the idea that this hole and the various tubes lead to something of an umbilical that leads to the planet's core, or at least reserve of 'energy', is still a plausible and interesting point to be explored.

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Re: On the subject of Nu...
« on: June 18, 2007, 05:51:31 pm »
Some very interesting points and ideas, Radox Redux. I never thought that the Nu could be a puppet of the Entity, or at least the eyes and ears of the Entity, but it does make some sense. It doesn't fully explain the lack of plentiful Nu in 600 A.D. and 1000 A.D., but that may be due to the fact that at those times things were peaceful (ignoring the Mystic war) and there was nothing that was a real threat to the life of the planet (Unlike Zeal and Lavos).

The Red Rock (Not the dreamstone) that powers the Mammon Machine is the Frozen Flame, part of Lavos' shell, that was discovered in 3,000,000 B.C.. This lead to the advanced developement of the human brain and the ability to use magic among the enlightened ones. Without the Frozen Flame the humans would have developed much slower and would have never discovered magic (or at least it would have taken a /lot/ longer). The Nu never show magic ability as their attacks are physical and show no supernatural abilities (ignoring Belthasar's Nu), thus I do not consider them to be in relation to magic in any way.

Taking Belthasar's various notes and saying on the Nu however, it does seem that they are a species that are unaffected by the flow of time (might explain the Nu in the blue pyramid) and have relations to life itself. All things begin and end with Nu, which might point back to your idea of Nu being a puppet of the Entity/Planet. It is completely possible that the Nu in 2300 A.D. had begun to change to better serve Belthasar and also reflect the changes the planet was taking. It was becoming a desolate, dead place only filled with mechanical beings and the dying mutants and survivors. That seems to be stretching it however, so I'll stand by my idea that Belthasar's Nu was more of an automaton than anything else.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« on: June 18, 2007, 05:38:18 pm »
Actually.........Magus can travel through Time on his own(by luck that is) using Lavos he just has to stop summoning him before he awakens. Maybe he used it to his advantage so could find Schala. Not to mention there is no point to look for her in 12,000 B.C. after he investigated the last couple of islands and glaciers there was no point to stay. I dought the resources were a problem, I mean he has been practicing the spell for almost his whole life.

That seems like /really/ risky way of time travelling. Originally in the Lavos timeline Magus was presumably killed when he summoned Lavos at his castle, thus his sudden disappearence to the Mystics. In the Crono & Co. timeline however his summon was interrupted and he lost control of whatever gate he was using to summon Lavos and was sucked in with the rest of the party. It was pure luck he landed in 12,000 B.C., at least from what I can tell. Considering the amount of time and effort he placed into the initial summoning of Lavos, I don't consider this risky attempt to time travel a very good idea, especially considering that Magus would hopefully have learned that facing Lavos alone would more than likely mean death.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Fabulous Mystic Style
« on: June 18, 2007, 05:33:56 pm »
He's to cold to be a sub. From my experience, subs are never cold(not as much as he is, at least).

Yeah, that's true, but I never imagined him as being THAT cold all the time.  I figured he had to let his guard drop at some point or another.  Just never when he's "on".

I agree. It's obvious Magus has a wide range of emotions just as every other human has, it just seems he enjoys playing the tough guy act.

... A disturbing afterthought with the whole 'sub' thing is him and his sister. Wow.

That thought aside, I'm sure that alone Magus has some pretty emotional moments.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: "Unofficial" TF Exports Thread
« on: June 18, 2007, 05:16:56 pm »
I think it was noted earlier in the thread by Kyronea that you first have to speak with the Chancellor in the castle before the pin will appear in the cathedral. At least, that's what I can recall anyway.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Temporal Flux?
« on: June 18, 2007, 04:42:56 pm »
And I don't mean to sound mean but just look around the site. There are several articles going over the basic usage, features, and tutorials.

Basically, it is a set of tools designed for easily hacking the CT rom.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Magus' Time travel enigma solved!
« on: June 18, 2007, 11:29:59 am »
Magus068 makes a good point with the fact that the mountain in the background is very similar to the one viewed in the Guardia Castle Prison Break sequence. However, due to the fact that the ending with the Epoch flying through the sky has it do so in each time period for the game, Magus would have to be seen in 12,000 B.C. for the series of scenes to make sense. This doesn't rule out the possibility for Magus to hitch a ride back into the future later on such as others may have done considering the pictures of the characers in Lucca's Orphanage.

Being stupid means just accepting whatever odd ideas people come up with, like "pyramid power" or that New Age stuff.

I don't think any of us are accepting the idea to be truth. We were just stating the point that even though extremely unlikely there is always the very remote possibility that Lavos is resting peacefully in his pocket dimension inside our planet. And even if Lavos isn't, that doesn't mean in some other reality that such an event didn't occur. All possibilities can be reality somewhere at some time.

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