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Messages - Snoogins24

Pages: [1]
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Leah/Zoah
« on: July 08, 2007, 12:44:20 pm »
Has anyone else ever taken zoah to gaea's navel? the dialogue seems to like hint that leah and him are related somehow or that he recognizes her or remembers her from somewhere. I know there's something about her father like"going up into the sky" but that doesnt necessarily mean he died it could be he left on a wingapede or something like that maybe. Also Zoah's like one of the only people whose origin says El Nido, hes not like from the zenan mainland or whatever. I know Leah says she'll have a baby named ayla and stuff so they think she comes from the past and is her mom but couldnt that just be an homage or whatever? Ive never taken anyone else to gaea's navel so i dont know if thats just how everyone talks but zoah says like "Leah...." or well "LEAH..." real dramatic a bunch. Plus their names are similar. Ive checked other places and havent even seen anything about this. just seeing if anyone knew anything.

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