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Messages - OkashiraShinomori

Pages: [1]
Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Extent of English on JPN CT DS
« on: December 04, 2008, 03:35:00 pm »
Perfect! Exactly what I was hoping for; that cements it, the JPN version has everything I want, haha. Thanks!

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Extent of English on JPN CT DS
« on: December 04, 2008, 03:05:59 pm »
I've read that the Japanese release of Chrono Trigger DS contains the English script, toggle-able at any point and all, but just how far does the English extend? To the Beastiary? Is the script the same as the NA release?

I'd prefer to get the Japanese copy so as to have the Japanese script (since I've heard it's excluded from the NA and EU releases), but there are occasionally times when I don't want to worry about conjugation and kanji and all that and just play for a few hours, haha. I'll probably still get that copy over the NA, but I was curious how far and how exact the English script is.

Thanks! And my apologies if this has been asked but wasn't like, immediately viewable in this forum when I glanced through. >.>;

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Welcome, welcome!
« on: December 04, 2008, 01:46:59 am »
I signed up waaaay long ago, then had some incredible life problems kill me and my internet off for like...well it seemed like forever, but it hasn't been quite that long. Things've stabilized, and with CTDS released (though I don't get it 'till Christmas T.T) I find my way back here!

So yeah, hi everyone!

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