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Messages - Sentou Ryoku

Pages: [1] 2
Dammit, my proportions were way off =(  Must practice more then...

Presenting my latest doodle, featuring Chamoro (Nevan) and Lucca from Dragon Quest VI and Chrono Trigger. I'm thinking of doing the rest of the cast in a kind of Chrono Trigger x Dragon Quest thang, so stay tuned for the rest of the cast. Putting these 2 together in this piece just pretty much shows it drew itself.




Pencil art, inked/colored with PhotoShop CS 3.  Comment/complain away!

Submissions / Re: Fan Art - Lucca and Robo
« on: February 20, 2009, 01:34:27 am »
Ack, didn't realize I made a mistake in the colors due to the early morning post I did, haha.  So yah, to the MODS - PLEASE USE THIS ONE FOR MY SUBMISSION.   Thanks.

Also, thanx for all the kind words everyone!  Glad you liked.  I'm working on more CT pair pics so stay tuned. =)

Submissions / Re: Fan Art - Lucca and Robo
« on: February 19, 2009, 04:47:41 am »
Haha, I totally forgot about that gun...In that case, let's go with it being the Zonker-38 =P

Submissions / Re: Fan Art - Lucca and Robo
« on: February 19, 2009, 04:03:57 am »
Colored version up!  Hopefully the mods approve! =)

Submissions / Re: Fan Art - Lucca and Robo
« on: February 14, 2009, 04:26:40 am »
Hehe, glad you liked!  I already had Lucca rock the in-game guns way back in doodle I did in '02 so I thought I'd give her new artillery this time.  Still haven't figured out a name for it though =P

Here's where she's rocking the Wonder shot-

and here's where I got her with the Plasma Gun and Dreamstone Gun (although my colorist, Walker from RoboPirate Studios, at the time didn't get the color reference for the Dreamstone Gun in time for that one)-

I also considered giving Robo one of his in game arms but I thought his regular gun arm looked best, although I would have loved to see official art for the new arms he has from the DS version.

So yah, I hope I've shown improvement over the past 7 years haha, or if I still suck, I guess it's back to the drawing board =)  Now that I thik about it, maybe I'll splash some inks on my old school Lucca pieces once I'm done coloring..

Submissions / Fan Art - Lucca and Robo
« on: February 13, 2009, 06:33:29 pm »
Here's my latest -

Colored version coming soon =)

No info yet on that 'major announcement'?

« on: August 20, 2008, 12:16:34 am »
November 25 can't get here fast enough =)

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Moar CTDS Screens
« on: July 26, 2008, 03:29:35 am »
Oldies but goodies.  Thanx to and VJump for these.

Submissions / Re: Fan Art - Playing With Ourselves
« on: July 10, 2008, 08:32:32 pm »
Hehehe if only it HAD new official art =)  But yah, how flattering hehe

Submissions / Re: Fan Art - Playing With Ourselves
« on: July 08, 2008, 01:29:07 pm »
Here you go, I gave it a shot.  Hopefully still usable =)

Submissions / Re: Fan Art - Playing With Ourselves
« on: July 08, 2008, 12:23:55 am »
Would make a good wallpaper imo.

Aww, Im honored =)

Submissions / Re: Fan Art - Playing With Ourselves
« on: July 07, 2008, 12:51:16 am »
Hey thanx for the kind words everyone!  Glad y'all liked.  As for doing animation work, I'm not sure I can do sequential artowrk as opposed to my regular 'static' work, but sure, I'd love to give it a shot.  Anyways, here's something of a sample if you guys still need help =)

Hopefully this one gets added in the next fan art update =)

Bigger version @

Submissions / Fan Art - Playing With Ourselves
« on: July 05, 2008, 11:48:16 pm »
Just thought I'd submit this doodle.

Or, for the clicking-impaired -

Hope you guys like =)  Colored version coming soon too, 'natch!

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