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Messages - Grobycisgod

Pages: [1]
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: A BIG favor
« on: December 12, 2007, 04:03:21 pm »
Exactly. My brother needs saving. :P It looks really cool. That's why I want it.

he looks like a freeza space man.

I always thought this too. They really shoulda just kept the outer shell as the whole beast. His first form looks pretty cool, but he's really lame in his final form.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Cross, too many characters?
« on: December 09, 2007, 07:50:51 pm »
I have to say there is a point where there's too many characters. Like the Sukeden games (sp?), you have like 255 characters or something...that's way to many. I feel chrono cross didn't cross that line. I really hate when games force you to play with certain characters because they don't feel like creating enough (Legend of Legaia is a great example). I also feel trapped when get the CT thing going on where you get a pretty limited cast of playable characters. I like having enough people to choose from. I also enjoy questing to find them all. So, I think they did good. Though it would be AMAZING if they looped a few of them into their own story just to kinda make them related to each other.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: A BIG favor
« on: December 09, 2007, 07:13:59 pm »
You're in luck:

That's the native resolution in Chrono Cross; it doesn't come any bigger.

Hah. A starts a start. Thank you very much.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / A BIG favor
« on: December 09, 2007, 06:54:54 pm »
Hey everybody. I couldn't really think of a better place to post this other then here...but here it goes...

I've wanted to get a new tattoo for awhile now, and couldn't think of anything I wanted too badly. I've been playing through Chrono Cross again. I got up to where you get sprigg and made her use dogglegang (what else is she good for?). I realized, I want the big triangle with all the crazy cryptic looking stuff on it that appears under her as a tattoo. That or the big triangle with stuff on it that's in the middle of Holy Light when you cast that.

Anybody know any way I could begin trying to get a good pic of one of those two?

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