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Messages - Edward

Pages: [1]
Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Custom game music idea
« on: March 14, 2008, 03:25:23 pm »
Your music player would be set to repeat for looping. When you change the address with your event code, the song changes. I tried to choose a pretty useless address (nagaette bromide?). If not set to looping, it would only play the song once.


Well now... it seems the addresses change on each emulator boot... that sucks...  :shock:

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Custom game music idea
« on: March 14, 2008, 02:43:28 pm »
Oh, I know putting MP3 files into the ROM is impossible.
I'm talking about an emulator noticing when a value in SNES RAM changes, it plays an external MP3 to match that value.

I have written a program that will do that, and so far it works pretty well. I'll need to hardcode the address though.
You open the program, and open snes9x and your ROM will play custom music. That's my plan anyway.

In Temporal Flux, you write a value (the song value you want to play) to a memory address, my program watches that address while you play, and launches an MP3 in the background when that value changes. Write a value of 00 to 7E0000 and 00.mp3 will play in your media player in the background.

It's close to my original idea of having it actually in an emulator, but eh.

Try the attatched file.

Place the music files in the same folder as the program.
Name your mp3's in Hex (00.mp3 - FF.mp3)
Set the location music to silence.
In the event code, write the value of the song you want  to mem address 7F00FE.
That song should start playing, and any song you throw at that address.

It needs alot of work, play in fullscreen for now, etc...
But it should give an idea of what I'm attempting.

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Chrono Trigger Modification / Custom game music idea
« on: March 14, 2008, 07:40:51 am »

Working on a custom music program for use with snes9x.
would read  a SNES RAM address and play a music file according to that value. You write 23 to that address in the event code, and 23.mp3 would play in the background. Details still being worked out below this post...

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Memory MAP
« on: February 23, 2008, 07:38:32 pm »
It may be a leftover from prototypes, and they decided to not use the feature, or went about it differently for the demo sequences in the final. Perhaps an event command sets that byte before a battle in one of the many events? It's neat that it's there now for our usage if it is indeed unused.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Memory MAP
« on: February 03, 2008, 10:11:47 am »
Is there a battle in the game without rewards?

Do the scripted battles count, the automatic ones from the opening demo sequences?

Shouldn't be too hard to count the sub-tiles. Next step is to get as many tiles as possible without overwriting the next packet. I think we will have to put the tiles in directly as they appear from SD3 and then arrange them in TF as they appear in the savestate. It seems it would be easier to do it that way than to try to match ground tile for ground tile, cliff edge for cliff edge.

Here is a picture of how the tiles are arranged in the SD3 savestate from VSNES, so we insert the tiles as shown and arrange them pretty much like this in TF. That's my plan at least, the hardest part may be arranging them in TF as shown. Not hard perhaps... just tedious. Worth the effort if it all works out though. Once this project is done, we can possibly create an archive of patches that replace tilesets or something, or donate tilesets to hacks in progress, like CE.

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I don't think I missed any packets with graphics...

These were decompressed using the addresses from the debugger emulator, and viewed in the graphics viewer.

Tiles in the packet - SNES Address - Tile Address and Range in the ROM

We are aiming to fit the new tiles in the original space? That is, not have the new graphics exceed the size of the old packets? If there are 3 packets, we would need to split the new tileset into 3 pieces then, but what would be a good way to do that... count the tiles exactly and divide by 3? Even then we may have to sacrifice a tile or two.

0x362220 ~ 0x3624BF   "Pointers to Location Tiles (224 addresses, first at 0x252000)"   

We would only need to worry about these if our new packets were bigger than the old, and needed slight repointing, I imagine we will try to avoid this if possible for now.

Eventually, we will need to use that breakpoint and make a master list of offsets for every tileset in the game (well, it would make things easier in the long run).

Thanks for the savestate Justin!

Open the savestate up in Tile Molester, the tileset we want is at offset 00023CB3.
The Codec used to view/edit the graphics is 4bpp planar, composite (2x2bpp).

To apply the correct palette to the graphics, go to the menu... Palette - Import From - Another File.
Browse to and open the same savestate, and cycle through the palettes untill the proper one is applied (I couldn't get the Use This File option to work for me).

It looks like different chunks of the tileset have different palettes, and the tileset looks nice in several of them.

So, I imagine the next step is to locate and decompress the tilesets we want to replace. Tile Molester can have multiple files open at once, and you can copy and paste between them quite easily.

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It won't be untill later tonight sometime, but yes, I have everything I need to acquire a savestate with that tileset in it. No later than tommorow morning I should have it posted and we begin from there.

I have yet to dig into SD3 in the same way I've molested SOM and CT. I am unsure about Eagle's sprites, though it shouldn't be to hard to find out with some hacking. I was on that site earlier today myself, there just aren't enough good sprite rip resources on the net these days, some of my favorite sites are MIA.

Lets decide on a tileset from SD3 to import, post a savestate for all to download, and work on that one tileset as a project, posting notes, screens and tips as we go untill we get it in, fully functioning. Then, we can take the best bits we post and make a tutorial. Savestates are a good place to start, since they contain all the graphics and palette information for the tilesets.

(just noticed you mentioned rabite forest, how about that one? It does look very nice...)

Yeah, I saved a state from Prophet's Guile for the screenshot shown, and other areas of graphics viewable showed sprites and everything else graphics related (fonts, status affects, window graphics...). Clicking the different palette entries applies that palette entry to the displayed graphics, overall a spiffy program. Works with Snes9x and ZSNES savestates I believe.

Ironically, I used this program to view the tilesets of Secret of Mana and SD3 not too long ago with the same idea of importing them to CT.

A program I came across on lets you view tilesets from emulator savestates, and save them as an image file, among other neat stuff.

Perhaps it can be of assistance in importing other games tilesets?
Now that I think about it, tilesets could be ripped right from the tileviewers available (like tilemolester) and put in directly or somesuch.

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