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Messages - secondrate

Pages: [1]
Already been done.
 "00" == black color in blender.
 "00" == transparent color in a PS1.
Blender does not understand transparent UV maps. 

Sorry for making you repeat yourself...

I had another thought: I wonder...can a fourth UV coordinate be made, to transform the triangles into quads, and then overlay that coordinate to the 2nd UV coordinate?

Perhaps someone could make a intermediate seperate version of the python script
that does remove the black parts.For now this is OK.

The problem is that "the black parts" are part of the model. In a PS1, the black zones are understood as being transparent, and in blender, it doesn't understand that UV maps can have transparent data. You can't "cut out" the black parts. All blender knows is "Make a triangle here" and "cover with this texture". It can't "look" at a texture and figure out what needs to be "cut". Blender can't "cut" things. It only make or remove triangles that are already there.

So, you can't go back, and edit those portions into code "00", like back on page 12?
By the way- very well done! Reading this whole thread, was like trying to make sense of to me, it was like magic! :?

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: Cursed Masamune
« on: May 13, 2008, 04:08:33 am »
Huh. I suppose Lavos could have "absorbed" the sword, but why?

I always assumed that after Lavos was summoned, the sword was supposed to be like Schala's original pendant; lost to the ages (until someone finally found it). But, as asked above, why would Lavos have bothered to absorb the sword assuming it wasn't lost (and, more importantly, could it have?)

Masamune obviously made contact with the Mammon Machine at some point during the Dark Ages. It was Melchoir's intention to actually use it to destroy the thing. There's no floating kingdom of Zeal in the beginning of the game. There's no Black Omen or Ocean Palace, neither. On top of that, Lavos isn't dead, because he shows up in 1999 AD. The three Gurus and Janus must have been warped before the Masamune was used on the Mammon Machine, otherwise it would contradict the above.

If the piece of Dreamstone from the Prehistoric Era was made into the Masamune in the Dark Ages, then Masamune's power must have weakened when the CT team took it with them. This would also lead to a different scenario in the Dark Ages. But, if this were true, then the broken sword would've dissapeared (which it doesn't) and the Black Omen would appear in all the time lines (which it doesn't) *unless* something along the lines of what you said, as well as the destruction of the Mammon Machine, happens. This is, of course, only hypothetical.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: Cursed Masamune
« on: May 11, 2008, 03:25:53 am »
I believe that the Dreamstone (of which Masamune was forged with) is the cause of it's existence after time was altered in the Dark Ages. Its as if The Entity preserved the natural flow of time through the Dreamstone, and Lavos only temporarily altered time. But, in doing so, creating an alternate Masamune by taking it with him to DBT during that time.


The Dreamstone, of which the CT team acquired in the Prehistoric Era, was initially used to forge the Masamune in the Dark Ages. This wouldn't effect the natural timeline, since time had already passed to the Present. So instead, a time relapse occurs in which Lavos intends to change the past. But then I wonder...what would make that piece of Dreamstone so special? Maybe I'm thinking too much...

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: Cursed Masamune
« on: May 09, 2008, 07:58:59 pm »
Back at the Ocean Palace, the CT team had no time to recover the sword after it was used on the Mammon Machine- Lavos was summoned. And during the scene, when the CT team are teleported back to the Mammon Machine, the sword is nowhere to be seen. I assumed that Magus' red-colored weapon was Doreen, and it too shared the same fate as Masamune.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: Cursed Masamune
« on: May 09, 2008, 05:17:02 pm »
Why does everbody think that the Masamune FMV in CT's ending took place after the malfunction of Chronopolis? Maybe the sword was corrupt from the very begining after the deminsional split. Remember- both Masamune and Doreen (speculation) were absorbed by Lavos during CT, but Frog still had his Masamune afterward. Then, that ending would've never happened, if the CT team hadn't repaired the sword for Frog.


Secondrate, you're suggesting that Yakra XIII lent some kind of high-tech knowledge to the Guardia Development Dept., and with Yakra XIII's death, Guardia lost its technological edge?

It's a possibility. Who knows if he left behind any schematics...but seeing how he was a Mystic, he would've kept all knowledge to himself.

Wasn't Chancellor really Yakra XIII? He seemed to have knowledge that had been passed down from his ancestor. Now, what was the earliest Yakra ancestor responsible for? That's right! The abduction of Queen Leena! What if that Yakra came from the Dark Ages, or maybe...the Future?

Hey, justin... hope you don't mind, but your excellent work with Kid got me motivated.



How about a Riddel?

General Discussion / Re: Oh no. Oh God no.
« on: May 01, 2008, 06:31:20 pm »
A person cannot be "ranked" based on their passions and interests.

As for responding to the argument, back on page 1:

Dreams/Wishes spawn religion. Curiosity spawns science.

Plain and simple.

Naturally, the religious are curious about their dreams. This spawns their science.

Those who set goals achieve them through trial and error.

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