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Messages - Prince Valmont

Pages: [1]
Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: Breakthrough CT Wii VC News
« on: June 04, 2008, 01:53:19 am »
Are you trying to insert the CT re-translation into a Virtual Console file again? Can it handle a 48 megabit ROM?

Yes, I'm attempting to get it to work within a Virtual Console game.
The whole process is still relatively new, and parts of the game are playable, but because of the freezes, it gets me to wonder about the VC's compatibility.

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: Breakthrough CT Wii VC News
« on: June 04, 2008, 01:11:42 am »
Ok, another update:

I've been learning more about injecting smc roms into the Virtual Console, and here are my findings.

Upon loading up Chrono Trigger ReTranslation (CTR), the game starts off without the opening message from Compendium (Not sure why), but the pendulum begins to swing back & forth and then the demo will proceed. After the demo plays all the way through once, the screen will turn black and freeze until you reset the VC.

If you start a new game, it will load up normally, but it will freeze to black once the screen is supposed to fade open to Crono's room with his mother opening the blinds.

I had the original version of Chrono Trigger already on my VC, so I was able to load up that save file and continue there. I didn't play much, as I tried starting a new game.

I figured this would be an issue to bring to the Compendium's attention. Is there any thing you could think of that may cause this to happen? I hope that the factors aren't too large to determine a reason.

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: Breakthrough CT Wii VC News
« on: May 30, 2008, 11:02:09 am »
I actually played through the entire game, passed the blackbird, to the end of the black dream and lavos. No hangups.
It was beautiful.

Now I'm attempting Prophet's Guile; I just started.

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: Breakthrough CT Wii VC News
« on: May 29, 2008, 10:53:39 pm »
Well, by using the same method of installing VC games on the wii, you can also install emulators. This case, being a version of Snes9x. It runs virtually every SNES game flawlessly and at full speed. Complete with save states.

So it's one way of playing Chrono Trigger Retranslation.

What sounds better to everyone here, though? Emulator or it's own specific channel?

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: Breakthrough CT Wii VC News
« on: May 24, 2008, 04:45:37 pm »
Any news?

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: Breakthrough CT Wii VC News
« on: May 19, 2008, 06:33:53 pm »
Are you guys worried about legal ramifications at all?

There are ways around this.
For one, we can inject the CT Rom into a Virtual Console game we have already bought (but one that has been uploaded and customized for installation).

This way, all that could possibly be shown is that we've been playing a Virtual Console game that we have already bought, but rather with another game injected in it.

I consider this a movement on behalf of the gamers; A wake-up call to Square-Enix, Nintendo, and others who are withholding that the gamers want to play the gems we grew up with, and it would be a financial setback for them to withdraw and hold out. If the actual game were to be officially released, it's in my faith and good graces that we would all purchase it (myself included).

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Breakthrough CT Wii VC News
« on: May 19, 2008, 07:13:08 am »
Hello, I'm Prince Valmont, and I'm a fellow fan of the Chrono Trigger game and a new member aboard Chrono Compendium.

I'm also an active member in the Wii Homebrew community, and I would like to share some breaking news that could give Chrono Trigger new life on the Wii.

Due to an exploit in a specific Wii game, people are now able to install any VC game that has been ripped. Because of this discovery along with some specific tools provided by homebrew development, we are now able to "inject" certain SNES, N64, NES, Genesis, TG16, etc roms into the VC Games.

Of course, being avid gamers, one of the first titles we tried was Chrono Trigger. It worked flawlessly.

Now, personally, I wanted to see Chrono Compendium's ReTranslation on the big screen. However, this is where we have a problem.  The romfile size is too large to inject into the highest sized SNES .wad (wad being VC's file format)(21MB). The original rom is 4 MB and will fit. The ReTranslation is 6 MB and is too large.

My question for the Compendium: Is there any way we can possibly shrink or compress the rom size? For the sole  purpose of bringing the ReTranslation to the Virtual Console.

Please contact me if you can help.

For more information, be sure to check out the following links:

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