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Messages - soulsurfer

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I just got a chance to read this article...very well put together, especially for something that was purely for the fun of it. I really got a lot out of the existentialist reading and I think it hits on some of why I love this game so much -- it deals with topics that are normally left for theologians and philosophers, and it throws in some very well developed characters to play it out.

The idea of free will vs determinism is so much more interesting and emotionally relevant than your typical hero story, especially these days when neuroscience and scientific materialism seem to be bankrupting the idea of free will, leaving nothing but cells and atoms obeying physical laws and consiouness as nothing more than the playback of our brain's deterministic activities.

Thanks WWFGD for making such a great contribution to the compendium!

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« on: October 15, 2008, 09:10:31 pm »
Hey all,

I'm new to this forum but have been a loooong time chrono fan. First of all, I'd like thank Zeality et al for such a great site...very complete and well laid out :)

I'd love to see a new game out, but I wan't too optimistic until I saw the CT-DS game coming out this November. Made me wonder why, of all the hit games Squaresoft had to choose from, did they remake this and not, say another FF game (the DS is powerful enough to pull this why not?). In addition, the kids that play DS were probably not old enough to know CT from the SNES, so why re-introduce it with all the work that goes into porting a game (especially to a more eye-candy intensive generation)? It's almost like if there were a port of "Kid Icarus" for the would make you wonder.

My guess is that they are gauging interest in CT not just from us stalwarts, but also from new, younger gamers. If the game's sales beats their markeing expectations, I'd expect Chrono Break to be slated for production once Square-Enix has the resources in place to do it (Kato being the primary creative necessity). buy buy as many copies as you can! ;-P

Anyway, here's to being hopeful of a new game in this great series...I just hope the plot is a little less complicated and better paced than CC (although I still liked that one too).

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