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Messages - HartleySan

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Magus22, for the two circled parts that are still in Japanese, the one for Dalton says something along the lines of, "He powers up after he gives his little speech." I can't make out the rest with the quality of the scan. Sorry.

Alright, I'm getting tired of posting on this board and simply reporting that I have accomplished nothing, while you all are working your butts off, doing a ton of translation. I also realized that my problem is that I only check these boards when I'm at work and bored. So, 一石二鳥 ("kill two birds with one stone"), I'm gonna bring in those darn scans to work tomorrow and start working on them at work (especially since the translation work at work has been slow recently). (I used the word "work" too many times in that last sentence.) Anyway, with that said, once I get the two scans knocked out, I will start checking out people's stuff, as well.

While I have not actually read most of your guys' translations thus far, I think you all are are doing a super job and look forward to joining the effort (as soon as I do some actual translation, that is)!

I also just realized that I don't have any information about Schala on those scans either. Whoops!

Good lord! I just realized that in my previous post, I said "there is little tidbits". Grammar win! Anyway, if people deem it important, than I will do my best to get around to it when I can. It's one of those things where it really wouldn't take that long to do, but at the same time, for me to really be able to sit down in front of my computer and just focus without any distractions, that's the trick. Well, I'll get around to it someday. Sorry for the wait. I'll recheck Schala, in particular, tonight.

Yep. Just describes a little bit about the characters' personalities, etc. The thing is, there is additional little tidbits about the characters' general personalities, but I don't think they're anything official. I mean, I don't think the original script writers for the game licensed the descriptions. I think it's really just a matter of the people who wrote the guide making something up that coincides with the characters. Could be wrong.

Hey. Sorry I haven't reported back on those pages yet. Been so flippin' busy recently. I haven't forgotten about them though. Just kinda saving 'em for a rainy day. Like I said, there's really nothing insightful in them, and if someone else is itching to translate them, by all means. Otherwise, I'll get around to it when I get around to it. Sorry for the delay.

Well, I looked at it and it's pretty straight forward. Don't think translating it will bring any insight, but I'll go ahead and look at it all the same. Gimme a bit, as I'm pretty busy these days, as this isn't a huge priority, honestly.

Wow, FaustWolf! Glad you're so gung-ho about the whole thing. Lemme see what I can do.

Just read this whole post. All 10 pages. Great work, Lorenz. You're a pretty good translator. As someone said before, I think it was someone named GlitterBear or something, translation is an art, not a science. Too, too true. I work as a professional translator in Japanese myself and I try to explain the same thing to my Japanese co-workers everyday. Anyway, I came here some time ago and help out a little with some translations, but got too busy with other stuff to really help.

Anyway, Lorenz, I think you're doing good and certainly don't wanna steal your thunder. However, if you're feeling overworked, which I can understand, wouldn't mind helping out myself. So, for anyone that might still be even reading this post, if there's anything left to be done that Lorenz or someone else isn't already doing, I don't mind helping. I'll try and check back on a regular interval for any updates to this post. Thanks.

Lorenz, did I mention, nice work!

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Finding Lumicite Shard in Lost Sanctum
« on: January 07, 2009, 09:16:56 pm »
Where exactly in the Middle Ages woods does it appear? Thanks.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Slight Amendment to the CT DS Page
« on: December 16, 2008, 03:48:38 am »
That's cool. Anyway have a script dump for the DS version yet?

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Slight Amendment to the CT DS Page
« on: December 16, 2008, 01:54:14 am »
Yeah, you can say whatever you want. I just wanted to make it clear that the Japanese name has nothing to do with the word "infinity".

Also, Darkman, I think you're being a little hard on the SE translation team. Really, I think something like this is just a matter of preference. There are a million different things that they could have called it and the first rule of translation is that the most direct translation is usually NOT the best.

While I'm on the topic of translations, I briefly looked at the Excel file provided by Zeality that has the original Japanese script, Woolsey's translation and then someone else's translation. By the way, whoever typed that all up, congrats! Must have taken forever. Anyway, I don't have the time to look at the whole file, but I briefly looked at the beginning and noticed a small...I wouldn't say mistake, so much as an oversight:

In Japanese, if you use the word 不思議 ("fushigi", strange/wonderful/mystery) as an adjective, the correct grammar is 不思議な. In other words, it's a na-adjective, not a no-adjective, which is the standard. However, there is also an expression in Japanese, 不思議の国 ("fushigi no kuni", Wonderland), in which they purposefully break the rules of grammar and say 不思議の. This expression always, always means "Wonderland" and it was taken from the Japanese translation way back when of Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland". For whatever reason, the Japanese translators purposefully used 不思議の, because it sounds "wrong" and weird, and strange, like the Wonderland world of the novel.

Point being, with all that said, I think the fan translation is a bit off and they should note that. That's all.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Slight Amendment to the CT DS Page
« on: December 15, 2008, 11:58:19 pm »
I wasn't sure where else to post this, so here goes:

I found a slight error on the CT DS page with the following sentence:

Dreamseeker - A mystical blade said to be forged of dreams (Critical Rate: 90%) ~240 Attack~ (NEW: Complete the new ending.) ("Mugen" in the Japanese version; literally dream + fantasy, or also "infinity".)

Be aware that the kanji and meaning for 夢幻 (dreams/fantasy) and 無限 (infinity) are completely different and unrelated, even though both are read as むげん ("mugen").

There are a lot of homophones in Japanese. Anyway, Crono's new, ultimate sword, the Dreamseeker, is the former (夢幻) of the two kanji above in the Japanese version.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Fastest Way to Get the Arena-Only Items?
« on: December 15, 2008, 12:31:34 am »
I'll be honest, I'm not big on the new arena. Anyway, has anyone found an easy/fast way to get all the arena-specific items? Thanks.

Chrono Trigger DS Analysis / Re: Most Reliable Wonder Rock?
« on: December 09, 2008, 08:49:49 pm »
Yes, you're right. I made a mistake. So, it'll take twice as long. Still, you can definitely do two battles there faster than going down the conveyor belt. And it's slightly more experience. Anyway, thanks for correcting me.

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