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Messages - swbpro

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swb, that was an early demo build, right? Hopefully those issues won't crop up in the final build, to appear this May.

No, this is in the 92% complete demo posted last month.  These aren't glitches so much as design issues.  Most of these problems can be easily fixed by changing a few lines of text, clarifying something - or adding a speech event, whereas Chronos Mother "reminds you" of your chores.  Mostly it's just dialogue that makes figuring out the next task difficult.

I STILL can't find the next place to go, and I have no reference to help me. It's a problem.

This might not be the place for this, but am I the only one noticing the pitfalls of armature game development?

Most of this hack is pretty good, the minor collision issues that come up on occasion are expected, the occasional typo - no big deal but i'm finding the structure of the gameplay and direction of the narrative a big problem.  The next task or location is not always clear.

For instance, the opening missions were a hassle, and there was no place to "refresh your memory" as to what tasks you had to accomplish before you could head up to the castle.

Once AT the castle, you aren't sure where in the castle you are supposed to go. I went up both towers and to the basement on the LEFT side of the castle before finding Marle in the east wing.

In the Magas Story Dalton says something about the "Ruins behind the mountain," and as of now I am lost looking for these ruins, unable to find any new area that resemble the remark and unable to trigger the next event.

It takes way too long to "try everything," i think these directions need to be clearer, or the events modified so a player can't get lost so easily.  This is common in large scale rom hacks - it also happend in the Legend of Zelda Parallel Worlds hack - like this one it's a GREAT hack, but these "directionless" flaws make it quite frustrating.

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