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Messages - Jeff Zero

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Doesn't Legacy of Kain already have five games? The last time I played that was when the first Blood Omen came out..

Yeah, but after the first game finished, the series became just that -- you had to play the previous installments to make sense of things, but more often than not you were in for a treat if you did. Unfortunately, somewhat weaker sales and some internal company politics led to Legacy of Kain: Defiance being the fifth and final installment, despite it not being meant as such. Although on the bright side of things, some issues were finally resolved. All sorts of stuff was left hanging, though.

And frankly, Xenogears turned ten last year and there's been no port, nothing, to more literally follow in its footsteps.

Xenogears was released on the PlayStation Network last year.

Snap, I forgot about that. Thanks for clearing it up.

Also, since we're now on the subject of non-Japanese games that need a new entry, I'd like to bring Legacy of Kain into the discussion.

Flippin' brilliant. Thanks for the link. I cannot wait.

Yeah, I just read in another topic that the demo portion was basically some three years ago, so a.) obviously they don't need help polishing; b.) I think I'm going to stop playing and just wait until the official release later this month!

General Discussion / Re: Fuck Buddhism
« on: May 04, 2009, 03:18:37 pm »
Drat, I arrived entirely too late to post most everything ZeaLitY already said.

Science. It works. Amen.

@V: Oh. Hear, hear, then. I'd imagine you're right in figuring how they're doing the poll, too. Obviously series that are definitely continuing shouldn't bother being listed, because it's not like they'd think to revitalize a brand if they're already going through with it. (Wishful thinking that Square is even remotely interested in starting up old series again based on a Famitsu poll, but considering how powerful a name Famitsu is over there, I'd not be totally floored if that were the case.)

Unfortunately, Chrono being so low on the list is a bit depressing. I think it might be bigger here in the United States than in Japan, and then bigger in Japan than in the UK (as evidenced by some fairly disappointing European sales; much of which I'm sure has to do with the fact that so many Europeans aren't remotely familiar with it.)

Not to mention, the Japanese are notorious for noting first and foremost their country in regard to sales, at the expense of what I'd think would be fairly decent profits overseas. That might be changing now that the climate for the industry is at least temporarily waning a fair bit compared to other countries, but as evidence I'd like to bring up the Mega Man X hiatus. Claiming X8 and the remake of the original didn't sell as well as they'd thought it would, Capcom put the series on an indefinite hiatus; IIRC, however, they sold pretty nicely in the US. Just not so overwhelmingly grand in Japan. *shrugs* But then, that series is one higher than Chrono, even, so maybe interest has been revitalized in the Land of the Rising Sun. Either that, or that's not a good sign. >_>

Or maybe I'm just analyzing something to death.

@Faust: It certainly might be. It's a shame the Xeno community is so fractured; I think the real reason is, the Xenosaga trilogy really wound up alienating more people than Chrono Cross could ever have done with the fans of Trigger. In Xenosaga's case, it's not a sequel, not in the literal sense. Nor a prequel, as all sorts of fans will try to tell you to this day. It's set in a universe very reminiscent of the earliest portions of Xenogears Perfect Works' definitive timeline, but it isn't the same universe by a long shot, and some of the things the designers did just really did a number on Xenogears fans. Myself included, for the record. I loved the depth of characters such as Albedo, but beyond a few good lines and an awesome soundtrack, that trilogy is nothing to the titan that was Xenogears IMO.

If a lot of people concur, then there will be all sorts of fracturing. And frankly, Xenogears turned ten last year and there's been no port, nothing, to more literally follow in its footsteps. Xenosaga basically took over the name, and got some terribly mixed reception. And not in the 'GameFAQs has reviews that are either 10/10 or 1/10' for Chrono Cross sort of way... 'Saga just really pissed a lot of people off.

So all that combined surprised me to see Xenogears so highly ranked over there. Indeed, perhaps it is quite different in their country, and I can cross my fingers that that means something eventually. But Takahashi wouldn't be involved; he runs the show over at Monolith Soft now. Masato Kato could presumably work on another Xenogears iteration, I suppose, but I'd much rather he just help with an updated port or something, and instead devote his talent to a third Chrono title. Xenogears, while dramatically incomplete in many aspects, was also a true work to itself that answered virtually all lingering questions. Chrono Cross created several questions that fan projects like Crimson Echoes can tentatively answer, but I'd love to see something new in the 'canon' universe someday.

On an unrelated note, I'm also surprised Shenmue still has so many fans, and it's interesting to see that something like Sakura Wars, which is by no means big overseas, is enormous over there.

I'm with alfador. I have zero interest in imagining myself as a character; I'd much rather experience their stories from an outside perspective, as I feel all stories should stick with. To me, if a video game story happens to be good enough, it's the rough equivalent to pretending you're the lead in a book; it's just kind of silly in all aspects. I realize it's a throwback and all, but I'd vastly prefer a version in which Crono and Serge actually spoke.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Want a new Chrono game?
« on: May 04, 2009, 12:29:16 pm »
I did the emails to Square's USA and Japan sites, tweaking the former to make it a bit more individualized so no one starts thinking it's spam from the same person. Kept the latter as-is for obvious technical reasons.

When I have the opportunity, I'll start with the hand-written schpiel. This isn't the first time I've done all this, mind, but it's fun to do it again.

Eh, I like both. But certainly neither deserves a sequel more than Chrono.

I'm impressed Xenogears is up that high, though. It will never happen, especially not after the Xenosaga trilogy and the fact that so much of the core team is with that company now, but still.

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: Encyclopedia needs Editing
« on: May 04, 2009, 12:25:38 pm »
Well, paint me dead tired last night and ring in a blunder. I didn't realize.

In that case, yeah, I'll start jotting things down when I get the chance.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Welcome, welcome!
« on: May 04, 2009, 12:24:27 pm »
Yeah, the show's producers do indeed love them some Firefly, but in terms of deep characterization and worthy execution, I'll believe it when I see it.

See, I enjoy the Stargate franchise tremendously, but something it often lacks is the raw, visceral feel of such works as Firefly and BSG. Supposedly, that's what they're aiming for with this third series, so I'm looking forward to it.

And yes, I'm Jeff without the calories. Or perhaps this was a lame alias idea I had when I was like eleven. Or both. The world may never know.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Welcome, welcome!
« on: May 04, 2009, 07:01:44 am »
Ooh, shiny. I'll check it out... tomorrow. I have a rather late appointment with my bed.

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: Encyclopedia needs Editing
« on: May 04, 2009, 07:00:18 am »
Let me know if by chance you're willing to let me have a swing at things as well. I'm quite obsessive over these matters, and I've caught a few issues in my browsing.

Gotcha. Good times.

Well I got up to Chapter 2, but I'm going to call it quits for tonight. Been up for a couple of hours now running around in the demo. Great fun, though. I'll have a more thorough analysis once I'm done. Also, I'm assuming this is no longer an issue, but if by chance you need someone to spot grammatical issues within the demo, let me know. Again, I can't imagine it'd matter anymore, but still.

I'm just now grabbing the demo and giving it a whirl. I'm very early in, but loving what I see from the dialogue -- which, I'll be blunt, I'm the kind of person that this is what matters most.

I did wish to inquire about one formatting alteration, though. Is there a reason the 'h' on 'house' is no longer capitalized in regard to Crono's and Lucca's locations? Or was it always like this for the SNES version? It's been a very long time since I played it on anything aside from the DS, so maybe my brain's foggy and you decided to uphold that. Or was it just a stylistic preference?

These are the sorts of things that grab me well before gameplay, so yeah.

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