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Messages - CursedSeishi

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Site Updates / Re: August Update
« on: August 26, 2009, 05:43:30 pm »
Hah! Loved the last two comics, I always kind of figured that Lucca liked him, and the only reason she never tried anything (least when he was conscious) was because she was too shy...

Well, at least now I bet Crono will try and sleep in a more secure place from her.

And some of those covers look great, love the second one, while Aerith looks cute as ever, I can't help but snicker at the fatter looking version of Cloud/Zack.

of course Chrono Trigger hasn't sold well in Europe.  SE only translated it into French, whereas most games get translated into French, English, German, Italian, and Spanish.  Neither CT nor CC has ever been officially translated into any of the latter three language groups.  Therefore the Chrono series has never had a huge chance in those lands.  It's SEs own damn fault, how dare he complain about sales.

"Off the top of my head it's around 200,000 in the EU - pathetic numbers - and 600,000 in the US."

how much is CT:DS? 30 bucks? so they made 6 million from EU and 18 million in the US? That's pathetic? That's an eye opener...

€40.00 in Europe... which is a lot to ask for a port of an old game you don't even get translated into your own language.

I agree, it also doesn't help that unlike the Chrono Series, who until now have had only what, 2-3 releases?
While Front mission has Front Mission 1-5, the Armor Core ripoff that was currently announced (Its not front mission to me, just a bloody AC ripoff...), not to mention the DS game, and some collections...? So of course if you throw enough games for one series out there it will eclipse another one.
Plus, not to be offensive, but the Japanese (it seems like) will eat up anything. A re-release of any game? Yep. Twenty reitterations of one handheld? Oh definitely.
While in the US, we are a bit more picky. I only got the DS version because I've only played it on a SNES emulator, and wanted a game I could take with me. I still have my fat DS, still have my thick PSP, if it isn't an actual upgrade instead of some crappy sidegrade, I'll give it the finger.

And that statement is hilarious, about if we really wanted a sequel, we'd buy more of the DS versions, specially during a time the economy isn't strong. Why waste 40 bucks for a game with no changes when you might have it for the ps1 that the ps3 can play, or on your computer with an emulator?
What was the sales behinds the original SNES cartridge, or the FF: Chronicles on the PS1 that had it, along with added animated scenes?

Oh well, SE is slowly poisoning their own franchises. Like I said that new Front Mission game won't be a front mission game, it'll just be a bad Armored Core ripoff made by a company that has made nothing great. No offense, but SH: Homecoming was too easy, and its puzzles consisted of "guess-and-check" wires most of the times. Besides, when I can beat the game in under 5hrs on hard mode, its pathetic...
And just like the Front Mission and Silent Hill before them (at least 1-3), I liked it when I had to try and survive, when the game was threatening to break its foot off in my arse after spitting on me... now excuse me while I go sulk in the corner and wonder what the next series they'll rape is...

Site Updates / Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« on: May 29, 2009, 09:33:53 pm »
Keep trying, and "never compromise, even in the face of Armageddon."

True. Rorschach would've released the game. ...of course, we all saw what happened to him :(

yep, he got pwned by blue p***s man...

Site Updates / Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« on: May 28, 2009, 03:56:48 am »
The issue, Glenn, is that SE explicitly told them to destroy ALL copies, and inform those who had it to do the same. If a Beta tester leaked it, they wouldn't get in trouble, it be these guys. And you cannot say "I'd do it anyways" if it was you having 150k lawsuit staring down at you. Its easy to talk smack when the ball ain't in your hands, but if you're the one with it, and the defense is all around you, well then what?

SE has the edge in every way. Financially, the court costs would be covered by the sale of their worst-selling game alone. Time? They got a whole section just for this, so oodles and ooooodles of it. And, the creators did say if asked, they'd stop work on the game.

Plain and simple Glenn, you are all talk. You wouldn't do it. You can talk all you want, but until you have the beast staring down at you, with flames licking around your boots, and jaws ready to snap shut around you, it means zip, zero, nada, nothing.

I want to play the game as badly as everyone else does, do I wish these guys would go "F*** the system!"? Oh yeah, but I'm not so blinded with stupidity to not understand that these people did this out of love of the series, and its killing them too I bet, they've tried to talk with people at SE, but we see how well its working. Whether or not the lawsuit is a bluff is irrelevant, you can't honestly expect these people to risk such a thing. If they were rich, it might not matter, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Site Updates / Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« on: May 27, 2009, 10:29:18 pm »
Just noting that a second videos has been added to the YouTube account and linked from the first post of this thread. This is a teaser of sorts, but the next videos released (throughout the month of June) will be FW's full playthrough, from the start of the game up to the ending(s) in a linear fashion and with minimal video editing.

Its gonna be from beginning to end? Well, if you can't experience the gameplay, experience the story at least huh? :D

Site Updates / Re: The Month That Could Have Been Announcement
« on: May 27, 2009, 10:17:43 pm »
Wow... I wonder what could of been said in that conversation that would make whoever you were talking to promise a "Response" to this whole fiasco. Eh, eye for an eye I say, they refuse to keep their end of the bargain, post the conversation or whatever. If they whine about it and try anything, you have proof of them breaking said agreement if you have the Emails still.

(and yes yes I know, my first post is on this subject, yall probably suspicious of new people, don't burn me, I don't burn well! I've just been lurking unregistered ever since I read on Joystiq about the C&D letter, and have posted about it here and there on a couple of sites.)

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