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Messages - SinisterSpade

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Warped? No. My mind is quite lucid, actually. It's the others out there who are warped.

Whatever dude. You're a troll. You enjoy yourself. We get it. Good luck with all those stupid people, have a nice life.

And yes, I do mean nice.

You keep misusing the word troll. But, oh well. It seems you and your kind simply can't understand. All I am doing is simply being honest.

While you hope I have a nice life, I hope you die young, as to not continue the spread of your genes.

Quote from: SinisterSpade
Call it what you like. It still wont change the fact that I am superior to most. Niggers, spics, Christians, Jews, the mentally handicapped, etc.

After a front like this, truth be told you've proven yourself ignorant and unworth debating with. Your mind is warped, to be quite frank.

Warped? No. My mind is quite lucid, actually. It's the others out there who are warped.

destroys any sort of civil and intelligent exchange on the Internet or in society in general.

I am only civil towards those who have earned it.

Your main flaw in  logic here is that you think, because you knew this tidbit of information that someone else didn't, that they are dumb and you are smart, and therefore are a genetically superior mind.

You are not.

There is no flaw in my logic. In this day and age, with all the wealth of information readily available, when someone represents false information as if it were fact, it shows them to be idiotic.

Also, I am superior to most out there in the world. Let's list off some facts, shall we? An IQ of one hundred and forty six. While IQs are not a perfect representation, they still give a good idea. Hmmm. A college reading level in third grade. And various other accolades and awards I wont bore you with.

That you revel in being called an asshole and overall enjoy being an unpleasant person shows an immaturity

Call it what you like. It still wont change the fact that I am superior to most. Niggers, spics, Christians, Jews, the mentally handicapped, etc.

If you can't bring yourself to debate civilly in the free exchange of information that we call the Internet, you're not worth listening to.

Again, I only show civility to those who earn it. Same with respect. All my life, I have been told to show respect towards people right off the bat. Teachers, principals, etc. Why? Why should I show them any respect without them first earning it in my eyes?

I have no reason to do so.

Also, Bekkler, I have no need. You need not call me an asshole. The others need not call me an asshole. It will not change anything. It will only be contradictory in your own small mind, that need not understand the greater workings of mine.

If I have children, they will be far superior to any you would have, and would post likely spit on yours if they ever saw them on the streets.


Oh, but somehow sticking an emote at the end of your impressionistic rant against stupid people will erase the fact that you're acting like a supremacist for intelligence?

Erase? No. Just saying that I wont go into further detail about my dreams of cleansing the gene pool of certain mindless fools. You definitaly do not want to hear my thoughts about what should be done with those suffering mental retardation.

You had knowledge, and you used it to antagonize someone who was making their best-informed statement in the Wiki. Way to screw up a first impression; now it's gonna stick with you for the rest of the time you post in here.

Oh, my. Whatever will I do? Look. Even my best friends know I'm an asshole. I don't care if a group of people on an internet message board know as well.

Give yourself a pat on a back, you troll.

Again, the correct word you are so feebly grasping for is asshole.

You are asserting that trolls are not generally serious in their acts.

Exactly. I'm going to ignore what you just said, because what you described was an asshole, not a troll. Perhaps you've never experienced a true troll? But oh well.

Well, now you're just being picky and trying to slap a negative label on us for exposing you.  Have you no shame?

Picky? No. Just stating a fact. On a good number of forums, calling someone else a troll is a form of trolling. For example, GameFAQs. I responded to a topic honestly about my thoughts on mental retardation, due to one member speaking of his brother. A large number of users came in calling me a troll for nothing more than my honest opinion on the matter. And, as the rules state, those who called me a troll had their posts deleted and various other things.

And no, shame is for the weak minded with no conviction in their beliefs.

Also, Bekkler, I would care what your point was, if it was correct. However, if your point was incorrect, you'd quite possibly regret it. You obviously don't understand how I am.

Also, sometimes it is much more effective to have the correct point, then follow off with the insult. And much more fun.

Your logic is contrived. If you want to make a point, then make a point. If you want to insult someone, do it.

But what you're saying is that you'd rather make someone feel stupid than help them gain knowledge. In which case, you're a troll. Even if you have more correct information than someone else, that doesn't mean they have to bow to the great and supreme all-knowing Spade. I don't see what you intend to gain other than a hard-on for ruining someone's day. Being mean and having fun are not (/should not be) the same thing.

I can do both at the same time. I need not separate my efforts. If someone is stupid, I shall inform them as to why they are stupid, and then rub it in their face. To me, stupid people are like dogs. If you don't rub their faces in their own piss, they'll never learn. And if eventually they do not learn, they should be put down and removed from the gene pool. But I won't get into that.  :)

People on the internet these days throw around the word troll for every little thing. I am merely being me. I am being completely serious. Trolls generally are not. The correct word your searching for is asshole, which I admittedly am.

And how I love being one.

You owned that article man, you fucking owned it. TAKE THAT ARTICLE, AND YOU TOO, COMPENDIUM.


Also, Bekkler, I would care what your point was, if it was correct. However, if your point was incorrect, you'd quite possibly regret it. You obviously don't understand how I am.

Also, sometimes it is much more effective to have the correct point, then follow off with the insult. And much more fun.

A gentle nudge solves nothing. What is required is a hard smack across the face. That is the only way they'll learn.

My edit was a hard smack. Yours is nothing but a gentle nudge.

Troll: In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response[1] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

Aka, not me.

Also, did you know on some forums, calling someone a troll is considered trolling?

I'm no troll. I'm just an asshole who likes to point out peoples stupidity.

A troll isn't serious when he does things. He just wants to elicit a response, and to make people angry. I do it because it needs to be done.

Chrono Cross

In Chrono Cross, one is lead to believe it is but a mere character whom is also named Belthasar, like Glenn's case. But in fact it is the same Belthasar of Chrono Trigger. When one first meets Belthasar he is welcoming while the girl he is with, Marcy, is not. Later on during the attempted escape with Riddel from the Porre army, Belthasar assists in Serge's escape, only to have the party instead rescued by Grobyc. It isn't until much later in the story that it is revealed that it is the same Belthasar as of Trigger. During the events of Chronopolis it is revealed that Belthasar is in fact the one responsible for and in charge of Project Kid. Also as the keeper of Chronopolis, Belthasar is also the guardian of the Frozen Flame, protecting it from the clutches of the dragons. While his presence isn't always there, he certainly proves to be an extremely important asset to Chrono Cross, especially toward the end of the journey. Oddly he should be in 2300 A.D. not 1020 A.D. because Crono's team changed the future (in regards to Lavos, not the past) but it is possible they brought him to the present with the wings of time. Edit By Someone Smarter: Except whoever wrote this is completely and utterly retarded, because in fact, Belthasar was in 2300, residing in Chronopolis, directing FATE and project Kid. He caused a Time Crash, sending Chronopolis into the distant past, while he remained in 2300. He then made his own Neo-Epoch, and traveled back to 1020 in order to further direct Serge, as well as Project Kid. You can actually see this Neo-Epoch in a secret room in Viper Manor. Use your damn brain.

I made the edit pointed out in bold.

I wonder how long it'll be before they change it back to the incorrect version.

General Discussion / Re: Quote Digest
« on: December 19, 2009, 05:28:13 pm »
"...I swear by my pretty floral bonnet: I will end you."

Malcolm Reynolds.

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