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Messages - solarfuse

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Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Hi... new member
« on: April 03, 2010, 07:27:46 pm »

hmm... I have some 15 year old artwork of Chrono Trigger I did when I was younger sitting around somewhere collecting dust....  I wanted to submit it to Gamefan (best mag ever) but never did.  If I find it I'll submit it.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Hi... new member
« on: April 03, 2010, 06:59:51 pm »
Thanks guys :)

I still have yet to play Chrono Cross (actually I pretty much stopped playing games after N64).  I don't own a playstation.  If I were to get a PS3 I could play PS1 games on it right?  (Is it even worth it?  I probably wouldn't buy too many PS3 games... though I suppose I can use it to play bluray movies..).

Anyway, here's one of my favorite scenes in my current play-through:

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Hi... new member
« on: April 03, 2010, 01:32:02 pm »
Hi all.  I've been lurking here for a little while.  I used to be a lurker on a website called "zeal archive" - what ever happened to that site?  I remember being really jealous of a guy there who owned the subdomain haha.  I'm a huge CT fan (obviously) and just recently I decided to pick up CT and play through it one more time when I found this website... and then crimson echoes...  WOW.  I'm only halfway through watching it but I can't believe I never heard of CE before.  It's amazing!  It's too bad square never released a SNES sequel in a similar fashion (using the same engine, graphics, etc).  It's too late now for them to make a sequel that depends upon the storyline of the original...

Anyway, here's my CT story.  I hated RPG's back in the day.  CT was really the first RPG I ever played.  I rented CT and was hooked instantly.  My first play-through of CT was the best - my characters were very weak (because I had no idea what I was doing!) and every battle was epic.  When frog flew down to save my ass in the church (all my characters had like 5HP) I fell in love with this game.  I still remember running into the kitchen screaming after that scene and I tried explaining the whole story to my mom - hahah.  I was so excited (she must have thought I was crazy rambling on about a frog).  The masa-mune battle in the cave was possibly my hardest fight in the game - it must have taken me ~30 attempts.

So I'm playing through CT again right now (just reached zeal) and I seriously forgot how good this game really is.  The artwork is simply amazing - I've been taking screen captures the whole time hahah.  The last cut scene with lavos falling from the sky... wow.  Anyway, before I forget... the one major disappointment is the "legendary" masamune.  The hype built up in the game surrounding the masamune made it seem like the ultimate weapon.  You spend all this time flying around time to obtain pieces of the masamune so melchoir can repair it, frog goes insane and cuts a mountain in half, you enter the cave that leads to Magus' castle... and a small fight breaks out with a few puny bats.  Here it goes, Frog unleashes the masamune and BAM, WTF!!! it only did 4HP damage to the bat wtf!  Chrono attacks the bat and does DOUBLE the damage that the masamune did with his crappy sword!?!  Then there's that awkward moment later on in the game when you find better swords for Frog and you're not sure if you should equip them... because after all, how can any sword be better than the masamune!?!   That's my rant..!

So anyway, nice website :)  And maybe in the future I can contribute to kajar laboratories :)

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