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Messages - Hayden

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General Discussion / Re: So, I Had This Interesting Dream...
« on: November 27, 2011, 07:56:34 pm »
I just had this dream today. somebody called me. I was not sure who it was. but He or she was talking to me about something I forgot. Finally I had the time to say "Who are you anyway" All I heard was hehehehhehehe...I kept saying "Well who are you" and then the reply was everytime "heheheheheh"
It was weird. because my friend Paul. said that to me on facebook 4 days ago.

General Discussion / Re: Video Game Discussion Thread
« on: November 27, 2011, 07:40:35 pm »
What games are your playing at the moment?
Me I'm playing The World Ends With You and Lunar: Silver Star Story. I really recommend TWEWY if you have a DS the battle system is wicked fun.

And Halo 3 online religiously...

Edit: Felt the topic could use a name change.

My RPGMAKER2003 game. Has no name right now. its just called "Project1"

Kajar Laboratories / Progress of Darkness Rising!
« on: November 27, 2011, 01:19:34 pm »
I know its been a long time. but school has basically made me not focus on this alot. But I am focusing on the RPG now. I found many ways to get mp3 and all. I must thank


This will be kinda easy because of you guys. If you guys want. you can test out the second last boss. If you really wanna just PM me.. Kinda working on it. If you wanna just read this tip: Always use Destined Spell. (( Couldn't think of a better name. ))

EDIT: Changed Title to the Game name (( Game is chrono related )) Download will be up soon. Please help me find a better name for the game now. this name is just temporarily.

EDIT2: Thanks The mage for your human glenn forms. Human glenn will be a main character in the game. Robo, Magus and Ayla are also in this game!

EDIT3: Magus starting area is almost complete 98%!

General Discussion / Brawl Friend Exchange HERE!
« on: July 26, 2011, 06:06:42 am »
Hey guys its been a long time. Yes I am working on the games I was making from like a long time ago. Also working on a new game. Now to the friend Codes Mine is "1205-9636-5421" I really need alot of Friends in Brawl because The Basic Brawl Online won't work because everyone is always stuck in a match or people say its broken. so now we have to add people as friends

Just in case you do not wanna hear me Yapping on and on. Here is my friend code again


Be sure to post your friend code too! because for some reason I have to add the code of yours and you have to add my code in order for it to work.

Kajar Laboratories / Re: "Darkness Rising" Chrono-Related Game.
« on: May 26, 2011, 12:46:04 am »
I am back!

Females or males?

Sorry I haven't responded. I took a big break. also had school. Tyr is a male And Jin is a female. My gothic friend is a female so yeah.

Heh.... sounds like how I'd talk to a Viacom executive if I ever met one.

Ha real right, Viacom got Invader Zim cancelled, ima fuck they bitch up if i ever get the chance...used to love watchin that green kid and his dog doin wacky shit LOL  :lee: :grimm :cry:

Yo Hayden. I think yo new chrono spinoff game looks tight. Never give up on yo dreams, if you know them to truly come from deep down in ya heart. N above all....Fuck Da Haters!!!  :twisted:

hahahaha! I just remembered I put "Stoned" ahahaahahaha! dude you made me cheer up a little.

Hayden, man, I understand you may be frustrated but remember that you have to uphold a certain standard in forum etiquette. Threads laced with angry tirades and profanity won't go over well around here. It's okay to be frustrated, but watch how you are interacting with the other forum member's. I'd hate to see you end up banned or place your forum social status in jeopardy. Just hang in there and remember to play nice. :)

No. I am not. I am sick of people acting like their a damn bigshot. I do not care if I get banned. I just have a free game to myself. meaning I do not have to credit you guys.
therefore. making my life easier.

The sprites you pasted over frog were already on the sprite sheet. There is nothing significantly new or different at all, and somebody (not me) worked really hard to make all of those. Its simply not right to take credit if that person is not you. And trust me, I'm no troll. I'm actually making a game and custom sprites, I know how much work goes into them.

seriously can you just learn to fuck off man? I just told you can you not fucking read correctly? Chrono'99 and the rest of them Are getting credit. I am not even using it anymore so there is no fucking point of arguing over shit. so shut the fuck up. and if you look in my deviantart profile you'll see that I am putting him in Glenn grey clothese because you are keep bitching your ass to new york.

You don't have to swear, and no I won't go away. I am on this forum more than any other website. If you could hold your temper and answer a question in english I wouldn't ask more than once. Calm down and if you're going to make a game, just make it. Jeez.

its not my fault you are too blind to look on the screen and see that I put that I already talked to the owner. I am not even gonna use it. so quite blabbing your mouth. And the whole fucking time I have been spelling this. It was in english. go to a doctor.

The sprites you pasted over frog were already on the sprite sheet. There is nothing significantly new or different at all, and somebody (not me) worked really hard to make all of those. Its simply not right to take credit if that person is not you. And trust me, I'm no troll. I'm actually making a game and custom sprites, I know how much work goes into them.

seriously can you just learn to fuck off man? I just told you can you not fucking read correctly? Chrono'99 and the rest of them Are getting credit. I am not even using it anymore so there is no fucking point of arguing over shit. so shut the fuck up. and if you look in my deviantart profile you'll see that I am putting him in Glenn grey clothese because you are keep bitching your ass to new york.

Okay, my gothic friend wants to be in the game. I am not sure how she would like her character.

I also have these 2 characters in bleak ((Thieve town)) that are named Tyr and Jin they should be just looking like evil.

whoever can help me can
earn this you get to pick at least 2.

1)Credit in the game
2)You get to be a Main Character.
3)You get to be a villian
4)Your character is the most important.
5)Your character is the main villian.
6)You will be mentioned in the ending.
7)My new projects will have you be the best character there is.

I need someones help totally. and if you do not like any of these above. I will allow you to make at least one of your OWN reward,

Kajar Laboratories / Re: "Darkness Rising" Chrono-Related Game.
« on: March 15, 2011, 02:41:51 am »
Yes as you can see. the another post had Mr.Bekkler and LadyMarle going Off-Topic just to make sure things are good. I made a new post.

I wouldn't say asking about your project in your project thread was off-topic. Sorry you feel that way.

well have you felt working on a great hack of a link to the past. worked so hard
and it gets downed?

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: My birthday is in 2 days!
« on: March 11, 2011, 07:03:10 pm »
Depends on your age. How old are you going to be?

Well all I do in my life right now is edit pictures. but I did a special one for Justin Bieber. not to be rude at all. but I made hes true form.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / Re: Faustwolf's Birthday...
« on: March 11, 2011, 06:26:25 pm »

Odysseus has joined your party!

Gonna play Breath of Fire 2 now.
CYA! wait I might.

Welcome / Birthday / Seeya! Forum / My birthday is in 2 days!
« on: March 11, 2011, 06:23:40 pm »
Its march 11. and its almost my birthday! 2 more days.

How should I celebrate?

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