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Messages - Rufus

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Re: Final Fantasy XII
« on: January 13, 2007, 07:20:18 pm »

My brother got me a copy for Christmas and I'm still not sure how I feel about it.  I mean, the Gambit system is brilliant when it comes to big battles and large parties (guests included), and the graphics are amazing.

But I just can't get into the plot.  I reached the part where Vaan gets on Balthier's airship for the first time and they leave to save Ashe, and finally to the room with the laser boundaries.  Yet I can't get into the whole political turmoil thing.  Most of the time I don't know where I am, what I'm doing, or why I'm even doing it.

Which is what makes it so different from previous FF's.  Every other one I've played has captivated me with the plot as soon as I started playing - even the NES titles.  The plot is what spurs me on, what makes me want to see what happens next.  And this is lost to me with FFXII.  Sad, really.

General Discussion / Re: Baten Kaitos
« on: January 13, 2007, 07:12:59 pm »
Lee: That's actually a really strange coincidence (if it is just that), something that didn't even come to my attention until now.  I believe Melodia's change is just as inexplicable as Schala's, but it's definitely an interesting point.

Speaking of BK Origins, though - should I get myself a copy?  I'm really curious, but I don't want to buy a cruddy rehash.

At least someone at Square-Enix is showing interest in the Chrono series.

I take this as a good sign.

General Discussion / Re: Baten Kaitos
« on: October 03, 2006, 12:11:52 am »
Well, I finally got around to beating it.  Fun, fun.

Quote from: Pyt Fumv
The block puzzle is HELL. I hate it, too.
God, I don't know if anyone didn't hate those puzzles.  Blech.  One of them made me toss a controller.

And those 'fish' you talk to are called Greythornes. Depending on how many you talk to, they change the ending. Also, if you talk nice to your Guardian Spirit, or whatever, it changes the ending, too.
Really?  I didn't know that.  I talked to almost every Greythrone through the game (expecting an easter egg) and always played nice with Kalas, so I guess I got the best ending.

My only major complaint was fighting that guy in gold armor and his goons (I haven't played it in months, forgive me) twice in a row.  Seeing as how that was probably the hardest boss fight in the game, and Namco decides to hit you with a repeat right afterwards.

The final boss (Malpercio...  not forest Geldoblame, haha) exceeded my expectations, though.  He looked cool as hell.  When the party talked about him being a whale, I imagined, you know, a big unthreatening whale.  Then I saw him, and I was wowed.

Yeah, I definitely dug it.  I'm glad I picked it up.

General Discussion / Re: Baten Kaitos
« on: August 19, 2006, 04:56:37 pm »
Anyone played this cliched, little gem?

I thought it was an enjoyable RPG, besides having 'wooden' voice acting.
You know you can turn voices off, right?  I did it after about half an hour of play, and it makes the game all the more enjoyable.  :D

And as the justification for bumping this old thread, I'm obsessed with this game.  The battle system is so unique, with crazy combo cards changing and popping up when you string together things just right.  I'm currently in the castle that you have to sneak into after killing the imperial beetle.  The story hasn't really grabbed me yet, but I'm pretty sure it'll pick up soon.

The artwork and music are incredible, though.

You're welcome, now, somebody lock this topic.
Well, I thought some people at this forum would appreciate the humor of Chrono/Final Fantasy characters conversing in the normal, unintelligent chat room manner with one another, but apparently this is below them.

So go ahead.

My brother and I broke out in this during a normal MSN conversation, as you can see from the beginning.

Ragnarök says:
You don't believe in fate?

Rufus says:
That's not what I'm saying.

Ragnarök says:
How about FATE?

Rufus says:
Of course I believe in FATE.  It set El Nido into motion to create it's paradise, all just to offshoot Belthasar's plan it wasn't even fully aware of.

Rufus says:
And it had blue boobs.

Ragnarök says:
hi im linx wanna cyber

(NOTE: Following "linx"s line, we both broke out into what you're about to witness.  I'll remove the tags of ourselves to make it more understandable.  Pay attention to the screen names and enjoy.  ;P)

harle6d: omg stfu
wazukilynx: lol cum on
braves_fan_zoah23: ASL PLZ
i_have_nude_kid_pix: ........
salt_n_peppor_muah_4ever:  rofl!11
sexfr0g4u: lol mite i m8ke a query to thine planz 4 the nite?
emo_janus: stfu frog u faget
@qu33nz3al: LOL i am supr mawd
the1lavos69: ur all fagets im teh most asum. now blow me plz lol
the1lavos69: u first skala lol
timedevoror-a7xrulz: lol u suk lavos
the1lavos69: lol u suk faget
timedevoror-a7xrulz: scala asl??
teh_reel_sephiroth69: ur all fagets!!!!1  *summons meteor8  lol ur all gun die
clod_strife_ff7-ac2: omg seprith!
teh_reel_sephiroth69: clold! u feget!!1 suck on my swrod rofl!!!!!11
the1lavos69: omg..
braves_fan_zoah23: LOL ME 1ST JJ
wazukilynx: sum1 plz cyber w/ me
timedevoror-a7xrulz: lol pm me waz
wazukilnx: k
sexfr0g4u: werr da fien maidens lol!
teh_reel_sephiroth69: fuk my moms callin time for bed
clod_strife_ff7-ac2: lol night dude
teh_reel_sephiroth69: l8r
braves_fan_zoah23: LOL 32/M/CC
123squall_aka_leon123: ...
emo_janus: sup squal
123squall_aka_leon123: whutever lol
emo_janus: omg fuk u dude
emo_janus: sis hold me
blitzdudewakka: who has the nood lulu pix ya
ruroniauronffx: lol this is my story u faget
tidus.a.k.a.jen: lol janus i no how u feel
tidus.a.k.a.jen: my dad hates me rofl
*zanarkandjeckt has entered the room*
zanarkandjeckt: lol son get ur faget ass out her and go make dad prod
zanarkandjeckt: get me a beer u lil shit
zanarkandjeckt: rofl 2 girls!!!1 this faget lieks doods
tidus.a.k.a.jen: omfg dad
tidus.a.k.a.jen: i l u
the1lavos69: omg jeckt stop floodin shit
potc_jack2dmc: fag
zanarkandjeckt: FLUD
zanarkandjeckt: FLUD
zanarkandjeckt: FLUD
zanarkandjeckt: FLUD
zanarkandjeckt: FLUD lol
keyblademaster_sora_finalform: stop it u dood im on dialup
zanarkandjeckt: (removed porn link)
*zanarkandjeckt has been kicked by @qu33nz3al*
@qu33nz3al: no porn linx
braves_fan_zoah23: PRON KOOL IMA CHECKIT
*zanarkandjeckt has entered the room*
braves_fan_zoah23: O SHIT ITS GAY STUFF LOL
blitzdudewakka: lol
*robo1999ad has entered the room*
robo1999ad: hello room how r u
sexfr0g4u: werr da fien maidens lol!
*luccarobolover has entered the room*
luccarobolover: robo!!1
timedevoror-a7xrulz: promtheus gtfo
timedevoror-a7xrulz: plz
luccarobolover: lets cyber plz!!1
timedevoror-a7xrulz: omg zel kickem
@qu33nz3al: stfu tiem
robo1999ad: i did nuthin

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Father?
« on: July 05, 2006, 05:49:18 pm »
Crono = Anakin Skywalker

So if Crono were to speak, he'd have monotonously-performed, dead dialogue?


Characters, Plot, and Themes / Re: Father?
« on: July 03, 2006, 04:01:19 am »
Man, Schala is like the Chuck Norris of Chronoverse. She could probably kill Lavos by roundhouse-kicking him in the FACE, and then undo his entire existence.


That would explain where Dalton ended up at...

And why Crono doesn`t have a father  :o

Would it?  Or could it mean that...  Dalton is Crono's father?!

That's right.  When he was pulled into that warp in 12,000 BC, he was transported to 983 AD, where he proceded to make crazy love to Crono's mother.  Then left and never returned her calls.

Case closed.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Most Used CT Party
« on: July 03, 2006, 03:27:45 am »
Crono, Glenn/Frog and Magus is my favourite line-up by far.
Same here.

The only drawback was the lack of Triple Tech.  That would've been awesome.

Quote from: Sir Frog
For instance, the consensus here is that the Entity is responsible for Marle's temporary disappearance in 600 A.D. But if the Entity has that power, why not send Queen Zeal and the Gurus to that demension and avoid the Day of Lavos altogether?

I think Lavos interferes with the Entity's control, limits it's power.  The Entity, if it was responsible for this at all, could make the Queen's disappearance look like the cause of Marle's disappearance, thus being able to...  "slip it by" Lavos.

I also think Marle went to the Darkness Beyond Time in her disappearance anyway - the Entity didn't have much say in it.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Legend of the Hero Medal
« on: July 04, 2005, 02:24:40 pm »
I'm not sure about the medal's influence, but the writing on it looks Japanese.  Anyone care to take a shot at translating?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Gaspar : The Guru of Time
« on: July 04, 2005, 02:09:14 pm »
Quote from: Translanka
Easy Answer: Because he can't.

No Time Key=No Time Travel

Exactly.  When Gaspar first arrived, there was NOTHING there.  No gates, no platform, no Spekkio, no nothing.  By the time the gang arrives, those three gates were created for them.  I doubt Gaspar would up and leave while they were out through one of the gates meant for them after he promised to guide them, if he could.

On top of that, Gaspar says, near the end of the game, something along the lines of "I wish I could join you, but sadly I must watch from my vintage point here".

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Was the epoch dismantled?
« on: May 22, 2005, 08:30:39 pm »
Quote from: V_Translanka
I hold that the "true ending" (if you must) is NOT an ending where the Epoch exists. The Balloon Ending is in fact the most "ENDING" of them all, the loose ends are all tied up, and those lovable kiddos are flyin into where-ever. So, in that ending, the Epoch is sacrificed. I have always thought of this as the "true ending".

I don't...  Don't you get that ending by flying the Epoch through Lavos?  I prefer any ending that comes from battling through the Black Omen, because that seems most like what the heroes would do...  Destroy Zeal and Lavos.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Serge = Janus Theory
« on: April 26, 2005, 10:41:18 pm »
While it's an interesting theory, and it sounds fun, I think I distinctly remember the hair of the man beside Schala being blonde, because you could see the side of his head...  Right?  Maybe my memory's fuzzy.

Anyway, on top of that, Serge grew up in Arni, and was born to Wazuki and Marge.  Wazuki looked a lot like him - I think it's safe to say the man who gave up his life for Serge is his REAL father.

I don't see a possibility.

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