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Messages - Deus Chisa

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Kajar Laboratories / Re: *Explosion and loud clanging noises
« on: January 11, 2008, 11:43:11 pm »
If I came off an ass, I'm deeply sorry.  All I thought of was, "hey, new version!"  As you can probably tell, despite my most recent insanity, my native skill isn't all that great.  That "newest sacrifice" bit isn't a bluff.  Before September, when someone showed me where my avatar on another forum actually came from, I'd been away from shooters for nearly ten years.  I quickly assimilated the concepts and technicalities, but knowledge is no substitute for experience.  I got my ass kicked, of course, but I enjoy things that do that without being broken.  Makes the victory oh so much sweeter.  I did a CT LLG for pretty much the exact same reason.

This still doesn't change the fact, that in whatever form, I'd love to see (and get wasted by) the full game.  I was a Chrono freak long before I got assimilated by Her Highness, after all.

Kajar Laboratories / Re: *Explosion and loud clanging noises
« on: January 11, 2008, 05:07:03 pm »
Re: Weapons increase
Lucca - Um, sit in the back and kill all the OHKOs.  You basically win until the ogans come out.
Frog - Double spread still doesn't make up for Lucca's triple, Marle's double, and well, Magus.  Useless now.
Crono - A lot less useful thanks to Marle and Lucca.  Still good in limited instances, but I'd rather pierce or spray, all things considered.
Marle - Stupidly good now, and still has the deceptive box.  Remi says hi.
Magus - Is still Magus.  Big shot for big enemies.  Good weapon.
Ayla - So she can attack twice now!  Besides that, no real improvement, though she's still a powerful connect.
Robo - Um, didn't use him, because no one dropped him at the right moment.  So no opinions at the moment.

Re: Factory
Despite the power surge, you're still a bastard anyway.  (To a certain third party, that's a complement, so don't go suggesting any more uberweapons please.) Didn't even make it to MB first try.  Notable lack of Magus/Robo/Marle drops, but that's just my usual bad luck coming into play.  Magus definitely would have helped during a certain part, you know the one.  Now to go back and send MB packing...

Kajar Laboratories / Re: *Explosion and loud clanging noises
« on: December 22, 2007, 12:06:24 am »
Your Ogan timing is diabolical.  It sent me to the boss on my last ship and just Lucca's gun.  Of course, that just meant the boss took a lot longer to die.  Ain't nothing easier to kill than a patterned boss without wide spreads.

Other Topics and the Prerelease / Re: Cross Texture Analysis
« on: December 11, 2007, 03:10:53 pm »

Looks very Greek to me.  Possibly something about the Fates?

Well, I like FF6, but comparing it to Chrono is like comparing apples to hime-sama.  As for the points brought up...

POINT 1: Random encounters vs. triggered encounters.
Well, I personally prefer the Chrono system in this case, but there is a time-tested solution to not fighting battles you don't want to fight - it's called the L and R buttons.  Works in both games.  Also, Sora, moogle charm isn't available until two thirds of the way through the game, which makes that kind of pointless to those who probably haven't gotten out of Magitek Factory yet.

POINT 2: Graphics.
I don't judge based on graphics.  Leave this to someone who cares.

POINT 3: Character design
I take issue with both your views here.  Yes, Crono IS cool, but to say it's because of looking like Goku...that's no point at all.  Toriyama's character designs aren't very varied.  He's got more Goku look-alikes than you can shake a power pole at.  As for Sora's digression on Kefka v. Lavos: What.  The.  Hell!  First off, Kefka was hardly the first villain to start small and become godlike.  The name you yourself brought up, Chaos, did the same thing.  Second, Lavos just a random end boss?!  It's built up throughout the game as an unstoppable force, its influence is felt from the halls of Zeal to the ruins of the future, it freakin' KILLS CRONO, and even after it's annihilated, it just gets more dangerous!  That's no random "big stupid monster", not at all! 
This said, I also love Kefka as a villain, but he's an entirely different kind of villain.

POINT 4: Music
Both soundtracks are godly.  I'd say that out of battle, edge FF6, in battle, edge CT, except for Dancing Mad, which is, well, Dancing Mad.

POINT 5: Engine
Seconding Zeal here - while they are both 2D RPGs with 3D effects from Square, the engines are NOT the same.  Field engine is different, battle engine is different, graphics engine is different.

Finally, comparing debate to sexual violation?  That's rude, wrong, and probably grounds for the law of the land to come into play.  Bye-bye, kid.

Kajar Laboratories / Re: *Explosion and loud clanging noises
« on: December 01, 2007, 11:11:05 pm »
The princess's newest sacrifice approves.  Here's looking forward to the full version.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Next Theme
« on: October 08, 2007, 08:04:42 pm »
That just puts the idea for Chrono EVO in my head.  Don't like your genetic draw?  Use the POWER OF LAVOS to go back and change it!

Well, I was reading Dante's Divine Comedy the other day, and one of the annotations referred to an "Acacian heresy."  Well, my Chrono senses started tingling, so I looked it up.  Apparently, Acacius was one of the Patriarchs of Constantiople, and in trying to forge a compromise between those who believed Christ was purely divine and the orthodox opinion that He was also human, he got himself excommunicated.  This led to a sizable schism in the Church thanks to a deacon named Photinus advising the Byzantine Emperor to go along with Acacius, although the heresy seems to have mutated into denying divine paternity for some reason.  Don't ask me, I'm no religious scholar.  Of course the Church gets angry and brands them heretics.  Eventually the Church won, but it was the first step toward the break between Orthodox and Catholic, or so the internet tells me.

Now, I see parallels here, but they might not be very good ones.  The first is the thing with Photinus and the Emperor paralleling Lynx's advice to General Viper regarding Serge and the Frozen Flame.  And since the goal of this is FATE regaining control with the Flame's power and becoming a god, that would nicely go under "denying divine(Lavoid) paternity."  The more tenuous connection is to Serge himself, and his role as Arbiter of the Flame.  Serge was "excommunicated" from his world, and later his body, for his association with the schism between Home and Another worlds.  Also, Acacius' heresy was resolved with orthodoxy winning out, and Christ being declared both divine and human.  The Time Devourer is both Lavos and human, being part Schala and all.

Hopefully someone who knows a bit more about dark ages Christianity can clean this up into something concrete.  And if I'm completely wrong, that's good to know as well.

General Discussion / Re: It's that time for Final Fantasy again...
« on: August 09, 2007, 06:47:31 am »
Personally, I thought FFX had the best characterization since VI and VII.  Admittedly, some of the cast members' distinctive traits are quite annoying, but as human beings, they are believable and solid.  Well, except for the one who isn't a human being, but he's a believable and solid blue anthro tribal panther.  Plus, the CTB + Sphere Grid system allows for a lot of personal tailoring in the game play.  You want seven uber mages, you can do that.  You want five  physical powerhouses and two healers, you can do that.  You want to give no one any stat ups or learned techniques at all, or summonings, or overdrives(FFX version of limits), and still win the can do that too.  Also, if you want atmosphere, you get it by the metric ton.  Zanarkand, in both forms, should do the trick quite nicely.  All in all, the only real downsides are that the voice acting is very bad, and skating down wires from moving airships is impossible.  :roll:

Its sequel, however, is pure ass and fails on so many levels.  The characters are mere shells of their former selves.  World-spanning organizations and religions are being led by hipsters.  The main threat is, for all intents and purposes, a rusty super robot.  And of course there's the so called plot line.  Full of stupidity, including trying to make the inhabitants of the FFX planet out to be


the ancestors of the Cetra, not by reasonable plot development, but by a single slight reference and a directorial fiat via Ultimania.  This is contradicted not only by both core games, VII and X, but external plot related materials as well.


The only good point is the return of the job system, and guess what, they managed to break that as well, with the ultimate character jobs.  So yeah, like I said, pure ass.

FFIX is a good game.  Unlike many of the recent games, I can't point to something and say "That really sucks."  True, Necron does kinda jump out from nowhere, but that isn't so much a plot hole as you'd think.  Unfortunately, neither can I point out a particular feature and say "That rules."  The closest thing that I'd put to that is the chocobo minigame, and that's not only optional, it's basically there to lead you to the ultimate superboss of the game.

Haven't played XII, and as of right now, have no plans to.  Busy with some other stuff.  I've heard both good and bad about it, and my only real exposure to it has been videos of challenges and the like.  Of course, this has led to a slightly skewed perspective.  One in which I don't think much of S-E making a game where you can just set your characters to auto-do-this-and-that, sit back and watch the extended version of Return of the King, and then when you get back to the game you're about to land the death blow on the ultimate superboss. Superbosses should not work that way.  You should actually have to fight them.   Of course I have no trouble with setting random encounters with much lower levels than mine to auto-kersplode, it removes the annoyance of random spawning weenies.

Anyway, there's my two cents.  Do with them what you will.

~ Sophie

Polling / Re: Magus Vs. Sephiroth
« on: July 29, 2007, 04:22:39 am »
Let's assume this is max power Magus.  That is, the version of him in the Ocean Palace right before he gets owned.

Vs. Nibelheim Sephiroth - Magus wins.  In this form, Sephiroth is just another mortal, albeit one with great strength from Jenova cells.  Yes, he torched the town.  But he had a mastered fire materia to do it with, it wasn't all his power.  Whereas Magus could have atomized the place with dark matter.  Just too great a power disparity.

Vs. FFVII Main Story Sephiroth - Once again, a huge power difference.  But in this case, Sephy does the victory dance.  Why? Jenova, by itself, is a Lavos-level opponent.  It survived the Northern Crater impact.  It messed with the lifestream and people's minds.  It massacred most of the Cetra race, which could draw upon the planet's power to an extreme level.  And Sephiroth made it his slave.  Yeah, our favorite warlock is screwed.

Vs. AC Sephiroth - ...umm, I haven't seen AC.  This shames me as a devoted.  Can someone else take this one?

Arg.  That was just nasty.  Worse than DED's stuff, which is rank amateurity.  I'd third the opinion to scrap it and start anew.  And yes, with the crew we've got hanging around here, we could pull something real sweet off.  But one trouble, as has been said, is getting people interested with this at the same time CTU's actively releasing stuff.  Another trouble is, if we do get the manpower, there's the possibility that this being the Compendium, we run the risk of going into Servo Head Explosion Overkill.  By which I mean, picking every nit extant in the game.  All well and good in analysis, but ugly in a MSTing.

As for the other thing, I have no knowledge of Radical Dreamers, not having played it, and don't intend on spoiling myself via the script until I have.  The spoilers I've picked up just from being here don't qualify me, at least I don't think.

Site Updates / Re: Chrono Trigger Unglued 14 & 15 Out
« on: June 03, 2007, 01:02:01 pm »
It's not strictly a Wii problem...I'm using Firefox and CTU 14 doesn't work on the Compendium.  Oddly enough, it works just fine on NG though.

General Discussion / Re: partiacl physics
« on: May 07, 2007, 12:30:22 pm »
When paints, or color filters for that matter, mix, their *absorptions* are combined, not their reflections or transparencies.  This as well has been proven.  Now, if we can get back to the complicated particle stuff please...

General Discussion / Re: partiacl physics
« on: May 06, 2007, 11:06:28 pm »
Photons are the carrier of the electromagnetic force.  This has been proven.  I believe the reason you think they are pure energy is because when matter and antimatter annihilate, they release photons of energy equal to their mass via Einstein's famous equation.
As for the Higgs boson and mass, that gets into something I'm not very up on.  Several sources say the masses that the Higgs boson is associated with are its own and the mass of the W and Z particles which govern the weak nuclear force.  Other sources say it is the primal particle that governs mass and creates the Higgs field which makes the four fundamental forces possible.  The truth is probably parts of both, and is related to this "electroweak symmetry problem" that is quite frankly beyond my present understanding. 

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: The MSTing Of ChronoTrigger!
« on: April 22, 2007, 12:39:49 am »
MSTing of Chrono Trigger...Chisa head go boom!  In a good way.

I actually did some MSTing back in the day under a couple names, and even got up on the Vault once.  If you remember a half-assed MSTing called "The Alien Computer Virus" that featured Marle as one of four riffing Princesses, that was me.  Overall, I sucked then, and now I'm way out of practice and have very sporadic internet access.

I'm in.

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