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Messages - Quinsisdos

Pages: [1]
History, Locations, and Artifacts / About Death Peak...
« on: May 18, 2005, 08:32:23 pm »
Smaller things always join together to form bigger and stronger entities.

I can't remember where it was suggested, but it could be stated that a being that could be considered "God" could be created by the amalgamation of many smaller things, into one single large. Perhaps "Lavos" in whatever form, has a sort of expanded consciousness that allows it to communicate with others of its kind (A sort of hive mind), assuming all Lavos wants to do is travel throughout the universe, absorbing everything as it goes, and producing offspring to continue the cycle, couldn't we conslude that the overall goal of the Lavos creature, as a species, is to (effectivly) become God.

1. I don't mean any offense to any religions out there
2. Its late, and my brain feels funny...

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Wow (Dead Sea and other stuff)
« on: May 09, 2005, 09:07:17 pm »
Hmmm, Miguel referres to both in the same sequence.

Could that mean that the Time Crash and the Dimensional Split have both attributed to the eventual existance of the Dead Sea? The fact that Chronopolis resides in the same area in other dimensions/times can't be a coincidence.

Chrono Trigger Modification / Re: Zeal Battle 2.0
« on: May 09, 2005, 07:45:37 pm »
Quote from: Chickenlump
Have fun with it. Apply to an unheadered American ROM.

Might explain why I just foomed Lenne Square in my "Headered" version. Oopsie ><;

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Wow (Dead Sea and other stuff)
« on: May 09, 2005, 07:36:20 pm »
Quote from: Sentenal
The time crash did not cause the dead sea, the time split did.  The time crash was the event that connected 7,600bc with 2,400ad.  The time split was Serge's survival that created Home World.  Chronopolis theorizes that there are countless other dimensions out there, but it was just speculation.

Why does Miguel refer to the Dead Sea as "Time Crash Ground Zero" then?

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Wow (Dead Sea and other stuff)
« on: May 09, 2005, 04:40:50 pm »
We know that the Time Crash caused a massive destabilisation in space-time, across dimensions. We know from the ghosts and the research computers that Chronopolis interacts with more than Home and Another.

The Time Crash effected "Home" by creating the Dead Sea, as we know. But rather than pulling this area from the "ruined timeline" that Home could become (Because Serge has undone Chrono's actions), its pulled from the DBT as a discarded future. This could partially explain its "compressed" and frozen nature. Although this little thought fails to answer some of the other questions, particually why the Home version of the Frozen Flame resides there.

I've just finished the Chronopolis section in CC, and its making my head hurt thinking about it sometimes ^^b

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Wow (Dead Sea and other stuff)
« on: May 09, 2005, 08:19:58 am »
Yes, I wondered about that.

If Lavos' existance follows the pocket dimension theory, so he exists outside a normal time flow. Doesn't defeating him in any period between 12000BC and 1999AD destroy the pocket dimension he lives in, regardless of time period.

-Crono lived.
-Crono changed time.
-The dimensions split.

If this is true, then Home and Another should be saved from Lavos. Is there a way that the Dimension Split overrides the changes already done to the Lavos Timeline that changes it to Keystone T-1?

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Wow (Dead Sea and other stuff)
« on: May 08, 2005, 05:24:07 pm »

Its orginally "Highwayman", but when you defeat it, it leaves this.

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Wow (Dead Sea and other stuff)
« on: May 08, 2005, 03:49:15 pm »
Quote from: ZeaLitY
4. And to elaborate, it's theorized that Chronopolis didn't physically come back in time, but that the entire Sea of Eden area of EARTH was shifted back, meaning anyone who enters it is actually stepping 10,000 years into the future. The destruction of the Dead Sea is theoretically the nullification of this Gate effect, returning the Sea of Eden to its own chronological time. I don't think this issue has been specifically addressed, so someone correct me.

Is the 10,000 years a kind of Arbitary number? Or just one installed for convienience. Is it possible that in entering the Dead Sea you are entering an area "A" that actually exists frozen somewhere in the timeframe 2300 AD < "A" < (∞-n)? (∞ being the End of Time)

History, Locations, and Artifacts / Wow (Dead Sea and other stuff)
« on: May 08, 2005, 07:43:10 am »
I've been reading the articles here for quite a while, but it wasn't until I got into Chrono Cross that I now feel like posting here. I've only experianced CC upto the questing after the Dead Sea collapses, any futher assumptions are based on what i've read here and elsewhere.

I've just been through the Dead Sea for the first time. Possibly the spookiest place i've ever seen in an RPG, props to Square for that one. But I have a couple of questions/points about this area.

- When you defeat Highwayman, a robot is left on the road, now unless i'm hallucinating, it looked a lot like Johnny  from Chrono Trigger.  Are my eyes playing tricks on me? (It was late at the time)

- Why are the Dragoons frozen outside the temporal distortion inside the tower? I know Miguel said something about them becoming "Salt for the Dead Sea". If indeed the resting place for the Home version of the Frozen Flame is Nadia's Bell, is that some kind of defence mechanism, and why is Lynx(Serge) allowed inside to meet with Miguel, and the ghosts of Chrono, Marle and Lucca?

- What is the Masamune doing guarding the entrance to the Dead Sea? When you bring the Einlanzer back, i'm assuming it returns to Dario on the Forbidden Island (I've just finished that side quest), so what does he have to do with the Masamune guarding the Dead Sea?

- I've read the FAQs regarding the Dead Sea, so i'm not sure if this theory fits in with what has already been discussed.
From what I gather here, it is assumed that because of the dimensional split caused by Serge living on in Home world, he undoes the work of Chrono and causes the eventual disaster to happen. In Another World, Chronopolis exists in a future that doesn't have Lavos in it. In causing the Time Crash, both dimensions are effected somehow, cauing the area where Chronopolis should be in both Dimensions (Home and Another, assuming the split effects all subsequent time) to fly backwards in time. at this point, the ruined world of Home's future becomes the Dead Sea, and the Sea of Eden in Another has Chronopolis.

Of course, i'm probably wrong about this, as this doesn't address what happens after the defeat of Miguel and the destruction of the Tower of Geddon/The Dead Sea. I'll continue playing and attempt to gain an understanding though ^^b

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