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Messages - Will VIIII

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I also whipped up a couple of placeholder sprites for the two. Height wise they match up with the standard Chrono Trigger sprites but are unfortunately less detailed. I just used the charset generator at charas project. I suppose Miguel is so plain looking that his kinda works anyway.

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That's an interesting story to tell -- especially considering it ends up as a tragedy. And Chronopolis is an incredible game location! It would be somewhat hard to pull off, but it's such a fascinating place, I'd love to see more exploration of it.

I would be using the Crimson Echoes Chronpolis layout for the most part, but would have to expand it.

I have chapter 'outlines' made up for a general plot.

I think the hardest part is going to be implementing a good battle system. I have next to no RMXP experience at all.

This will be useful for me as well once I get to that step

Kajar Laboratories / Chrono Tides - an RMXP fangame in its early stages
« on: February 25, 2011, 12:28:48 am »
Hello everyone! I'm new here and I've been looking to get some feedback on an idea I've been playing around with.

I am in the early stages of an RMXP game which would take place after Crimson Echoes but before Chrono Cross featuring Wazuki and Miguel as the main characters. They would encounter some CC and CT characters in their short journey, Lucca and Magus being playable too! It would take place 3 months after the Fall of Guardia from the view point of Wazuki, a young fisherman who goes out with his friend Miguel who often set out on fishing expeditions to provide for their respective families.

To not spoil much, they would encounter a pirate Fargo, make their way onto Zenan (which would be rare for most El Nido residents), and eventually play out the events we see in Chrono Cross flashbacks.

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