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Messages - WingedDestiny

Pages: [1]
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Serge = Janus Theory
« on: June 27, 2005, 06:01:38 pm »
Well, unless Magus mastered time travel which I can't remember if it said he appeared to Lucca and handed her the letter or not... [ Could be like Back to the  Future where he sent a letter to a place he knew Lucca would be. Or left it somewhere she would find. ] Then he most likely would of died a long long time ago. However, if he can time travel then well.. Its doubtfull he died sime time seems to move equally no matter what time it is. It could be the past and a minute passes but in the future that same minute will pass. >>; So basically what I'm sayin is he wouldn't die from old age then. As for the blue hair.. O.o Well wasn't it said that they dye their hair? IT could be natural for Serge.. Maybe even Janus for whatever reason.

General Discussion / Pictures of Lucca in Xenogears
« on: June 26, 2005, 12:16:23 am »
Maybe its just me, but did anyone else get reminded of Zeal when inside of that floating city? Or town or whatever it was? It reminded me alot of Zeal especially since I think they talked down bout the people who lived on the ground alot like the whole Zeal/earthbound thing.

Isn't there a law out there that protects parodies and whatnot? As long as they don't make any money off of it, wouldn't this be considered to fall somewhere in there? Thus pretty much making Squeenix not able to do anything besides issue a cease and desist?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Did crono die when porre attacked
« on: June 23, 2005, 12:56:00 pm »
Even if Crono was able to still use his magic and was still at the top of his game when it comes down to fighting one also have to remember how many people hes fighting. One person alone cannot stop an entire army.. Even if they only did say.. 1 point of damage gameplay wise eventually even a high leveled Crono would be taken down if enough of them came at him. Not to mention that his magic would eventually run out as well.. And I'd doubt they'd give him a chance to rest in between battles. It would all come down to endurance if he tried to face them.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Melchior
« on: June 23, 2005, 07:59:16 am »
I have a question.. Been quite a while since I played but, how is it Melchoir ends up in the future? I mean, all the gurus as well.. How did they travel in time? If Schala had sent them there in replace of the CT crew in the original timeline, then how in the new one did they get displaced? And if I'm forgetting somethin please correct me..

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Dalton of Zeal - Who Was He?
« on: June 21, 2005, 07:16:33 pm »
Is it possible that had Zeal had an army it would consist of monsters and summonables? Dalton himself seemed to be able to summon creatures to do his own dirty work, so I would think that should anyone try to rise up against Zeal others like him may have had the power to summon creatures to take care of the threat. Also, I think the only reason that noone rose up against Zeal was for the simple fact that she was the most powerful, magically, that no person could stand against her.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Impossibilities?
« on: June 21, 2005, 06:23:27 pm »
And if you notice, the king doesn't tell her that shes right. Probably doesn't even know himself. Shes just going on the assumption that they would be her decendants since shes next in line. However if she were removed from the timeline when time traveling then they wouldn't have been decended from her.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Serge = Janus Theory
« on: June 21, 2005, 04:56:40 pm »
One thing I've noticed is how people in this thread keep saying that Magus and Serge are far too different to be the same person. Personally, I've never even thought of this possibility before, and really don't intend to persue it anymore than I will here.. But I must say some things before I forget.

If Serge was a clone, reincarnation or whatever of Janus then it should be obvious why they differ so much. First off, both were raised in different time periods under different circumstances. Janus was raised as a prince for the first half of his life, and lost the only person he held dear. Serge on the otherhand was raised entirely differently as the son of what? A simple fisherman? Eitherway, this would easily explain the differences in personality. Secondly, the source of their magic itself.. If I remember right.. [ And please do correct me if I'm wrong. ] Zealians seemed to have come to rely on Lavos's power. Therefore I'm assumeing that in a way, Magus and all Zealians drew their power from Lavos in a way. Perhaps if Magus hadn't been drawing from this source he may have had a different innate. Or perhaps magic is based on ones personality itself and therefore through the different upbringings they were able to have two seperate types of magic.

Anyways, just to make this clear, I do NOT support this theory at all, however I do think its a bit interesting and wanted to put my two cents into it.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Impossibilities?
« on: June 21, 2005, 01:54:35 pm »
Quote from: DarkGizmo
Marle: Lucca!
   You brought them here, didn't you?

KING GUARDIA: Our kinsmen told me all
   about your incredible mission.

Marle: Kinsmen?!
   You mean these're MY ancestors...and

KING: Here I was fussing about my
   kingdom, and my daughter, and you
   were saving past, present and

it doesn't tell you that they are, she's just asking, no?

It calls them her kinsmen, she calls them her decendants. Atleast according to the qoute we have here.. Granted I wouldn't blame Marle for thinking that, but still I'd say its likely that they are related to her, just not decended from her. More like decended from someone else in her family line.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Impossibilities?
« on: June 21, 2005, 01:11:49 pm »
Isn't it possible that Doan may not be Marle's decendant? I mean, sure he may of been related to her, but I mean maybe with Marle out of the picture the king either A. Had another child to pass on the throne to [ Not Likely ] or B. That some relative of his assumed the throne when he passed on? Making Doan still related to Marle, just not decended from her persay.

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