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Messages - Soyovar

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Crimson Echoes / Chrono Trigger: Crimson Echoes Feedback Thread
« on: August 23, 2005, 02:44:13 pm »
I would suggest maybe a bit more explanation, a bit slower pace. Everything seemed to happen very quickly. Jumping across continents and whipping through time... It seemed sort of silly to me that the group decides to time travel after getting bombed.

All in all though, I love that you guys are doing this. Love it.

Time, Space, and Dimensions / A bit confused
« on: July 31, 2005, 07:25:48 pm »
Quote from: Legend of the Past
Hmm, if I understand correctly, you think that after Crono owned Lavos, and you see him wake up you're actually at the day of the fair.

No, I was just trying to say that the timeline they arrived at in the end is a completely new one from the one Crono was in at the beginning of the game.

And yes, I haven't played Chrono Cross... I sort of dismissed it as not really being related to Chrono Trigger. I guess it was.

Thanks for not calling me stupid guys. This is pretty fun.

But my second question about the Entity's past vs. the group's past is unanswered. And this brings up another question. If all of these timelines are being sent to the DBT, do all of them belong to a single Entity? Crono and Co. are writing new history for new timelines all over the place... is each new timeline automatically connected with the Entity?


Time, Space, and Dimensions / A bit confused
« on: July 31, 2005, 06:16:01 pm »
I read through the parts of the article I could understand... some of the theories I was too lazy to work out in my head.

Another question then.

Am I correct in assuming that the original time Crono woke up in has been sent to the DBT and the one they arrive in at the end of the game is really a new timeline created by the defeat of Lavos?

And am I also correct in assuming that the creation of those new timelines is the reason they needed the Chrono Trigger to get Crono back? Because the group could not really go "back" to a previously visited timeline? They had to use the Chrono Trigger to go to a specific point in their own past, rather than a specific point in the Entity's past.


Time, Space, and Dimensions / A bit confused
« on: July 30, 2005, 08:14:15 pm »
Hey, I'm new here. If this has been discussed, just point me in the right direction.

Is Time as it exists in the Chrono Trigger dimension linear or non-linear? A better way to phrase the question might be: are all instances of time traveled to (65 million b.c., 12,000 b.c., etc) part of the same timeline? Considering that what the party did in the past affects the future (note: Robo helping with Fiona's Forest, restoring Cyrus, leaving the moonstone to store energy), it would have to be linear. This can be proven by the fact that when you return to 600 a.d. after getting Robo from Fiona's Shine in 1000 a.d., you can still see the old Robo working the fields.

My dilemma is this: If the above is all true, then Lavos could never truly be stopped. Lavos arrived on the planet in 65 million b.c. If they had killed him at any instance of time after that, he would still have existed at any point in time before they killed him.

The only way to dismantle the paradox is to assume one of two things.

1. There are multiple time-lines and each instance of time traveled to is following a different time-line.
2. Lavos exists outside of time.

Choice one cannot be true because Fiona's Shine in 1000 a.d. would not exist. Cyrus would still be an angry ghost in 1000 a.d. The sunstone would not exist in any instances after they had dropped it off back in 65 million b.c.

Choice two cannot be true either because once the group had defeated Lavos, he would have ceased to exist at all, thus rendering the whole adventure nonexistant, Chrono would have no reason to save the world, because he already did it. If then he had no reason to save the world, he wouldn't have gone on the adventure in the first place, thus Lavos would still exist.

Maybe I'm missing something. I just really confused myself when I typed that.


Note: I just realized in reading this over that in order for choice one to be true, the party would also be screwing over multiple timelines... they would have killed lavos in one timeline and then stayed in that one in order to ensure that lavos wouldn't bother them anymore. Thus Lavos would destroy earth in all other timelines.

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