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Messages - L33t Ninj4

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Politics, from "When Zealians Sleep" topic
« on: August 01, 2005, 11:48:05 am »
I always thought Canada hated America. But then, it seems many countries tend to dislike America.

Atleast, until some massive disaster strikes them. Then it's hugs and kisses all around  :wink:

General Discussion / Politics, from "When Zealians Sleep" topic
« on: July 31, 2005, 09:34:15 am »
Come to think of it, every Canadian woman I've ever met was pretty good looking. Share the love, my Canadian brethren!  :D

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Schala and Lavos
« on: July 31, 2005, 09:25:39 am »
Quote from: Zaperking
I don't think so. Their idea of magic was probably that it could do anything, but if one of them talked to Spekkio, he'd probably show them their true type of magic that they'd specialise in. It's kind of like school. We have maths, english, p.e, science etc. We learn all of these, but it doesn't mean that we're the best. And to get a job later, we need to specialise in one of many catagorise.

Why was Magus able to cast spells outside of his specialty then?

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Why Crono?
« on: July 31, 2005, 09:16:02 am »
Guns never struck me as staples during the 1000AD era. Granted Lucca had one, but she was uber-genious inventor girl. It was clear she built hers. However, you never really came across guns much in either game if I remember correctly. Guns seemed either very hard to come by, or extremely expensive to own. So when you consider having to supply an entire army with them, it just doesn't come together.

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / why is he stronger?
« on: July 31, 2005, 09:05:58 am »
Either way is valid. Perhaps Lavos is indeed stronger stat-wise when you face him in the Ocean Palace. But thanks to the glory of new game+, it's negated when you return fully equiped and more powerful. Besides, if you weren't playing a new game+, you probably wouldn't notice anyhow. Lavos would mop the floor with you.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Schala and Lavos
« on: July 31, 2005, 08:43:34 am »
Quote from: Legend of the Past
I already explained why Marle and Lucca got their types of magic. Janus is dark at soul, thus he gets Dark Magic. Lucca uses machines, thus she uses fire, the heart of all machinary. Marle is a girl who can be both gentle and both very moody, thus she gets water.

I'm reminded of Spekkios' reasoning behind each characters' magical properties. Perhaps, like Legend said, ones' magical abilities are based on who they are at the time that they discover magic.

I have to side with V_Translanka though, it would kind of suck if that truly was how your powers were decided. I mean, what if you were just having a bad day, like Magus? Now you're a dark wizard. Or what if you were feeling extremely compassionate one day, and WHAMO.. now you have a bunch of support magic when you really needed offensive type magic.

Quote from: V_Translanka
I'm fairly sure that the inside of Lavos gate only appears when you go through the Black Omen. Even if you leave and then go through Lavos via different means, the gate is no longer there (unless your 'other means' is another Black Omen that is...).

Not necessarily, you can take the bucket gate to the gate inside of Lavos as well. Atleast, you can do it in a new game+.

Either way, how you get there is actually irrelevent. It's the fact that you can use it after defeating the shell and that afterwards it never brings you back to the moment Lavos actually erupts that I was attempting to illustrate.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Why Crono?
« on: July 31, 2005, 08:01:43 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka
There is no 'normal' in a world of Magic, Mystics, and giant intersteller cosmos destructors.

Understandable, but if the piece fits the puzzle...

It was just a theory, afterall.  :wink:

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / why is he stronger?
« on: July 31, 2005, 07:42:56 am »
I don't think Lavos is any stronger, it's probably just because your party is much weaker at this point in the game as opposed to when you fight him after completing all the other main and side quests.

I'd bet if you beat Lavos at the end of the game with a level-55 party and then started a new game+ and fought Lavos in the Ocean Palace with the same level-55 party, you'd probably lay the smackdown on Lavos just like you did beforehand.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Why Crono?
« on: July 31, 2005, 07:32:35 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka
That's funny, I don't remember anywhere in the game where they fully map out Guardia's inheritance...

True, but if King Guardia XXXIII had a son, he sure did miss alot of screen time. Nor did Marle ever speak of a brother. I think at this point it was safe to assume Marle was an only child. With that in mind, Crono marrying the princess of the Guardia Kingdom would automatically place him at the top of the chain as next in line for the crown, by normal standards.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Schala and Lavos
« on: July 31, 2005, 07:24:43 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka
Quote from: Syna
Here's the quote from

"The Guru of Life said that Sir
Janus has stronger powers than
even Miss Schala!

Janus must be using her and the
Queen to get to Lavos..."

So there you are.

Quote from: V_Translanka
Ok...So, is that the translation? Because I totally don't remember that...I mean, why would Janus want to get to Lavos???

Wasn't that just some Zealians' thoughts on the matter?

Quote from: V_Translanka
And also, I still don't really get that stuff you're talking about too much LotP because I dont' really see Magus as being evil...but he's definately...SHADY (is there an E in that?)!!!

Agreed. I don't think Janus was every really evil, just reserved and mysterious, not to mention he was looking out for number one before all else. But then as Magus he did have access to a broader spectrum of magic as well.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Why Crono?
« on: July 31, 2005, 06:43:13 am »
Quote from: V_Translanka
What makes Crono the heir?

If I remember right from the PS version of CT, there was a cutscene in the ending where Crono and Marle were getting married. Thus, Crono would have been marrying into the royal family, and would then become the next King.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Why Crono?
« on: July 31, 2005, 06:18:28 am »
Quote from: Legend of the Past
Say Crono and Marle are dressed in all their best armor and wear their best weapons. 100,000 Porre troops come at them, each of them takes down one HP, and they all fire at once. Even with 9999 HP each, Crono and Marle would still bite the dust.

By these standards, both Crono and Marle would only by down to 50% HP.

I do feel that the Porre uprising is still a viable possiblity as to explaining the whereabouts of Crono and Marle in the Keystone-2 timeline. At that time, Crono was the heir (or maybe already King) to the throne and from the speculation I've read on the motivation behind his personality, he probably would have gone to fight the good fight for King and Country. Marle.. maybe, maybe not. But I would think she would go as well.

If they had access to their magical abilities, at this point the Porre army would probably have experienced massive amounts of ownage. But had they not had that access, Crono and Marle could be pushing up daisies.

Did the Porre uprising happen in both Home and Another? If so, it may have unfortunately been inevitable. Otherwise I'd agree that the travellers would have been restored in the ideal timeline.

Quote from: CatchRBFivy
Perhaps Lavos' eruption affects time whereas it causes the gate to lapse and only lead up to that moment.  Because things you do in other time periods are already completed and cannot be done again (time bastard?)

I've always assumed it was the Entity that was in control of the bucket gate and was the reason the Epoch always travelled to the same exact moment in time when you jumped to 1999AD. Assuming it was the Entity that wanted the travellers to defeat Lavos in the first place, it probably didn't want them to be tardy or unprepared for their appointment with destiny. Note that when you show up in 1999AD you are usually granted the option to fight or leave, and wouldn't it suck for a level-22 Crono to show up with Aeon Blade in hand and be stuck there. Mad beatdowns would ensue.

I also think that's why after you defeat the Lavos shell, that gate inside of the shell appears. After that, when you return to 1999AD, you don't have to fight the shell again. It's like christmas everyday with the Entity.

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