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Messages - Tai001

Pages: [1]
Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / More Cross ruminations
« on: September 20, 2005, 09:32:59 am »
So you know, the Karsh battle had the Boss Music instead of the Normal Battle music. In fact, it was the first Boss fight that the Boss music played in. (The Mama Dragon was too easy for the real Boss Music I guess)

Polling / Whose concept art do you prefer?
« on: September 06, 2005, 08:34:25 am »
I would have to say Chrono Trigger, as I have always liked Akira Toriyama's style. His character's may not look all that real, but they always end up looking impressive none the less.

But don't get me wrong though, as I still enjoy the art for Chrono Cross. It's just not AS good as the art for Chrono Trigger.

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