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Messages - Kuroikaze

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Time, Space, and Dimensions / Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« on: August 15, 2005, 03:17:10 pm »
then why do we never see Home's Lynx?

In fact, how can he even exist, Lynx is FATE. With the Dead Sea there, for all intents and purposes, chronopolis and FATE don't exist in Home.

Time, Space, and Dimensions / Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« on: August 14, 2005, 08:03:19 pm »
Quote from: Chrono'99
Quote from: Kuroikaze
Remember, Lynx/FATE died at the same moment, too.

I don't remember this :?

Well, how do you think Kid saved Serge? Wauki/Lynx/FATE was trying to drown him. You think Kid could've just pulled him out without any resistance?

She obviously killed him, it's the only option.

Quote from: AuraTwilight
Uh....yea >_> I don't like Playstation. Tis why I' don't have it. I'd play like, what, one game for the PSX?

You dont like Final Fantasy at all?
Or Einhander? Or FFTactics? or Soul Reaver? Or the FF1/2 remake that isn't a complete bastardization?

Or the Remake of Chrono Trigger?

ePSXe is a free program. You dont have to buy a PS1, just download ePSXe and buy the one or two games you'd play, like Chrono Cross. It's easy to find Chrono Cross for very cheap.

Magic, Elements, and Technology / What makes someone an Innate?
« on: August 14, 2005, 04:45:04 am »
Who can say? People say that everyone is capable of ESP, but not everyone can do it.

You can't deny the existence of a 6th sense in some people, just knowing when something is going to happen, having uncanny instances of intuition, "feeling" someone following you.

It could be that Innates are the rare and in the future almost impossible mutation where someone uses more of their brain then 10%, and like people who have been documented to see magnetic fields similar to those in Kleiner photography, can see elemental forces, and use their mind to manipulate them.

Time, Space, and Dimensions / Why didn't Another World get sent to DBT?
« on: August 14, 2005, 04:37:21 am »
It could always be that it wasn't just Serge's living that caused it.

Remember, Lynx/FATE died at the same moment, too. This has a TON of implications. Leaving Serge aside, losing FATE tosses the future to the four winds. Without FATE to guide people, Chronopolis' future is suddenly jeapordized, but it's not yet certain that FATE's absence will cause the chronopolis of the future to not exist.

Anything can happen, and the future become uncertain. It's possible that Serge's world is a world with no past prior to 1010, and no future past the present.

First off.

Awesoem stuff guys, this is some nice info. And I personally think that schalla was in the Tesseract/DBT for thousands of years, and was fairly aware of it.
This makes sense, especially given how she is able to use the Chrono Cross to successfully and (hopefully) correctly to create an ideal timeline.

Also, Aura, you should buy Chrono Cross used for liek 10 dollars and get a program called ePSXe, it will let you play Playstation games on your computer. dont even need a horribly fast compy for it either.

It's a little confusing to learn how to use it at first, but the creator has a huge forum with lots of helpful people.

Best of all, ePSXe is 100% free and legal. As long as you BUY YOUR GAMES.

In fact, great thing about ePSXe is that you can make games look BETTER then PS1 by upping the resolution and making the game textures smoother or applying shader effects and full screen filters. You can also save the game at any time by pressing F1 and load at any time with F2.

You guys here should build an archive of Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross saves/savestates of certain scenes so you can reference them easier.
I own Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross on PS1, I'd be willing to help. give me an excuse to play them both again.  :D

Aura - "If it isn't my old nemesis, A TRUCK!" *FAPPO!*

the whole "fourth dimension" thing is really fascinating. You should look up things liek Moebius Strips, Kleiner's Bottle, and Tesseracts.

These are all conceptual models of 4 dimentional space.

Time, Space, and Dimensions / 2 Time Traveling Theories
« on: August 12, 2005, 01:57:40 pm »
Shadow, you're talking about the Butterfly Effect.
you know, "A butterfly flaps its wings in china and a tornado touches down in nebraska".

We've kindof established the Chrono series doesn't allow for casual changes to the timeline. Certain key events can only be acted upon. I call this the Kain's Theory of Paradox Introduction, because it follow's Legacy of Kain's idea that history can only be altered when a distinct and somewhat rare 50/50 chance happens. A point where something teeters on the edge of free will.

whereas in LoK this only happens when a temporal paradox is present (IE: two Soul Reavers in the same place at the same time) In the Chrono series, this happens during predetermined key events (because it's a game, but we could also argue this is the Entity preserving the timeline as much as possible)

Quote from: Chrono'99
*a whole bunch of stuff*

So, you're trying to say that the Time Devourer DID travel from 12,000 BC to 100X(When serge was bitten by the panther).

In which case, the incarnation of the TD we see in the Tesseract is still young, and has barely begun the process of merging with Schalla.

Quote from: Sentenal
If that was indeed him seeding the planet, then how come the only place where you find Lavos Spawns at is on Death Peak?

Migration, probably. They would want to go to the area where their spawner was last, as there would be easy access to the PD so they could start siphoning off the remaining vestiges of energy in the planet before launching themselves into space.

Also, as stated above, Death Mountain may be Lavos' corpse after splitting off into several pieces.

And as for the "why destroy the planet?" thing, I imagien young lavos are very vulnerable, and probably only have the shell of their creator's spire as their initial protection. By devastating the dominant lifeform of the planet, it increases each spawn's chance for survival.

This kind of "spreading seeds" thing is seen alot in nature, especially in insects and reptiles, and other species that dont reer their young. I highly doubt Lavos reers its young, or even stays alive much longer after reproduction.

Edit - another explanation may be that the Lavos Spawn at Death Mountain are the last remaining ones, and that being at the point of exit means the area there isn't as energy ripe as the rest of the world was in 1999, thus they've not yet met their energy requirements for interplanetary launch. The others had probably left decades before, having a wealth of area and energy at their disposal.

calm down, dudey. I never said that it's a 4 dimensional representation of a cube, the developers just named it after one.

This obviously has SOME signifigance, because I dont think the developers just chose the name because it sounded cool.

Quote from: Legend of the Past
Not quiet. Tesseract is something of a waste-bucket for all things deleted due to Time Travel, not a dimension of travelling through time...

Umm, you misunderstood me. Go look up Tesseract in the dictionary, then o a Google image search for it. That is a 4 dimensional cube. The designers of CT/CC obviously chose the name for a reason. Theory states that the 4th dimension is time itself, and traveling in the 4th dimension allows free movement through time.

This isn't hard to understand, 3rd dimensional movement allows for flight, as humans can now use vessals to travel along the Z axis.
2 dimensional movement allows humans to turn around and change direction while walking.
1 dimensional movement allows humans to travel in a straight line without changing direction.

Quote from: AuraTwilight
Like Kid is any valid source of information on the Tesseract. Sure, the time she's been waiting may equate to 10,000 years in OUR world, but it's pretty obvious the Tesseract works on a different time frame (how it works is debateable) and I just don't think that Schala, no matter how noble, can keep sane for 10,000 years of existence. Come on.

I think time in the Tesseract is relative, like in Ender's Game series by Orson Scott Card. Traveling at light speed or faster makes time pass much slower than those outside the vessal, or in this case, the tesseract. I'm not sure what the ratio would be.

But lets assume that for each year spent in the Tesseract, the relative difference outside would be 1000 years. In that case, Schala might have spent at the most, 10 years there. This is most likey VERY wrong, though.

The idea behind the Tesseract is that it's empty 4 dimensional space. The term Tesseract describes the 4 dimensional equivalent of a cube. you can find pictures of it on google, and it's pretty brilliant.

If you view the Tesseract as a vessal that is capable of moving in the 4th dimension, you can assume that all time is within reach from within it, also because it has a 4th dimension itself, it is essentially limitless in size. Moving within the tesseract in our basic 3 dimensions would get you nowhere, the only way to enter and leave is via gates, which are 5th dimensional tunnels. 5th dimension being theorized to be a dimension of movement in which one can travel instantly to any location, like a kind of subspace. Imagine a rat in a maze, it moves in two dimensions, but if ti were capable of the third, it would simply rise out of the maze to reach the end. A nigh instataneous mode of transportation that avoids the normal obstavles of matter.

so, while the 3rd dimension allows one to move uninhibited by the obstacles of mass, the 5th dimension of movement would theoretically allow one to move freely of the other element that impedes all movement, energy.

Remember, this is just a theory.

Edit - Also, for mitosis to occur, the orginal doesn't have to be destroyed, it's simply reduced in size until it can re-form. Like I said, starfish. Cut off a starfish's leg, wait several weeks, and you'll now have two complete starfish, both genetically identical. With the huge amount of energy that lavos has been storing, I think it's possible that it uses it to reform its lost pieces after reproducing.

interesting information.

Tesseract is a 4 dimensional equivalent of a cube. It's pretty well theorized that by moving in a 4th dimension, time travel is possible, because the 4th dimension IS time.

This could mean that the Portals in CT utilize the Tesseract for Time Travel, and you DO fight Lavos in the tesseract, as you're time traveling as you're fighting him.

I could be wrong, though.

in Temporal Flux, it's location 1DF, and it's labeled "Tesseract".

Of course, this could just be a mistake on the part of the maker of TF, but it's plausible.

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