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Messages - Muffins

Pages: [1]
Characters, Plot, and Themes / Where is Magus?
« on: November 02, 2005, 10:59:37 pm »
Quote from: fxar99
Quote from: Burning Zeppelin
Some theories are though that Guile is Magus

 He has magic stronger than Schala's by the way...

Not to hijack the thread or anything but; Proof?

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / More Cross ruminations
« on: October 07, 2005, 11:36:09 pm »
Quote from: Kazuki
Though it's possibly because I've been immersed on my first playthrough of Chrono Cross, and I haven't played Chrono Trigger, I may actually be finding myself enjoying Chrono Cross more than 'Trigger.

If so, than I must be in the extreme minority, and I think I would be eaten alive at GameFaqs...

Played CC long before I played CT as well. I have always held CC above CT.

I've only had the time to read the first 2 pages and last one of this topic.

But it seems to me that it's fairly accurate that Lavos's emergence is a sped-up time display. I honestly think that something as large as lavos moving through the planet would actually be detected.

Thus I would see a massive military build up in the expected area. The eruption taking out several 10s of thousands of lives in an instant, followed by a knee-jerk reaction nuclear strike.

Judging from the fact that 1999 didn't have the firepower to take out lavos, I really doubt we do as well.

Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities / Time Devourer
« on: October 06, 2005, 11:05:28 pm »
So, how and when did Lavos devour the original Dragon God?

Although Belsthsar contradicts me here. I've often believed that Lavos, consumed the Dragon God using the Frozen Flame's link. Also I've also thought of the term consumed not in the sense of "eating" so much as Lavos used it a way to drain the Dragon God's body of it's energy and thus eventually consume it's mind and soul. Problem is that under my thought under the matter Lavos/TD would have had to work quickly since it seems that at the most a week passes from the death of FATE to the fight against the Dragon God.

The fundementals of the idea is based off of FATE "consuming" Wazuki into it's own puppet. Only I figure the dragon god to fall quicker as Lavos/FF exploited the Dragon's hatred to be used as a tool whereas Wazuki was conquered but didn't want to bring harm.

Sociopathic Machine conquering pure heart therefore needs more time to corrupt then a Sociopathic Planet Core powered Monsterous being able to withstand wierd and inconsistent amounts of damage.

Quote from: AuraTwilight
As you can see at this point, the AuraTwilight has melted it's own brain. No longer able to make understandable posts, it will continue to roam untill death.

"To further elaborate, this is the session in it's life cycle when it gets it's brain replaced with a positronic matrix and links with all the world's computers and destroys humanity. CRICKEY! Are those men riding skeletal horses?"

I have the Frozen Flame in my basement. I got it at a garage sale for 1 rainbow shell.

Characters, Plot, and Themes / Dalton in Lavos Timeline
« on: October 05, 2005, 10:52:42 pm »
Quote from: AuraTwilight
Yea. She TOTALLY wanted to destroy her kingdom and new it would happen. Yee-yup. >_>

Or truer to her character. Simply didn't care about the rest of it by such a point as when our spikey friend got annoyed about being woken up.

Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion / Re: Your Chrono Cross Favorite Team
« on: October 03, 2005, 10:43:46 pm »
Quote from: Anonymous
Pre Dragonia:

Most Common Team:Serge,Kid,Guile

Post drag pre body;
Black:Lynx and Harle

Most common team;


Most common team

Mods, if you will be so kind. Delete the above post. I didn't realize I wasn't logged in.

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