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General Discussion / Toxic Chrono community?
« on: December 05, 2021, 08:17:16 am »
I've always been a fan of the Chrono series and this website. At one point I would stop by this website multiple times a day. So long story short Chrono compendium has always had a special place in my heart. Well, I remember in 2017 or 2018 this site went down. Truly, I was panicking that I may never be able to access this wonderful website ever again. I even posted something on this form about it. But, I've never been to active with the forum though. But, then someone commented saying something along the lines of, "It's people like me that are the reason this website was dying". I'm writing this because even to this day that spiteful comment has somehow still tainted my enjoyment of this website and the Chrono series. So please when any of you post a reply to a comment on something... don't be rude about it. Because for me it forever changed how I viewed the Chrono community as being nothing more then toxic.
General Discussion / Can't believe Chester is gone...
« on: July 21, 2017, 04:30:03 pm »
Anyone else sad about Chester from Linkin Park passing away yesterday? I am. Been listening to all my Linkin Park music today. The music is what got me through my teenage years. Wonder what will become of Linkin Park now?
History, Locations, and Artifacts / Re: Let's talk about food....
« on: July 20, 2017, 01:48:25 pm »
It's hard to say what exactly the people of Zeal's diet would be. The people of Zeal are scholars and really focus on the aspects of advancing their knowledge even through dreams. So they probably had a diet that consisted of food that enhanced cognitive functions. Clean eating. Now, if the people of Zeal slept for extended periods of time they would also have to have a diet that could maintain their health for these extended periods. Would they before going into one of these sleep states eat in bulk high calorie foods? Or focus more on keeping a clear mind and go on a body cleanse right before and then while in the sleeping state be given liquid nutrients on an IV drip like someone who is in a coma?
The people of Zeal would want to spend as much time sleeping or studying so food preparation and presentation would mean little to them. It would become more of a burden having to take extended amounts of time to focus on meals. Even though they would have clean eating habits it most likely would just be in the form of some liquid smoothie and it would be consumed only once or twice a day. They most likely would be vegetarians because protein from animals would be rare due to the issues with limited space to raise livestock. Protein most likely came from plants. Also, tea beverages are probably popular with helping to calm and focus ones mind.
Fish... Lots of fish. Why? it's a small fishing village that probably isn't rolling in much dough. I'll go into more detail later on with this and the other area's.
It's hard to say what exactly the people of Zeal's diet would be. The people of Zeal are scholars and really focus on the aspects of advancing their knowledge even through dreams. So they probably had a diet that consisted of food that enhanced cognitive functions. Clean eating. Now, if the people of Zeal slept for extended periods of time they would also have to have a diet that could maintain their health for these extended periods. Would they before going into one of these sleep states eat in bulk high calorie foods? Or focus more on keeping a clear mind and go on a body cleanse right before and then while in the sleeping state be given liquid nutrients on an IV drip like someone who is in a coma?
The people of Zeal would want to spend as much time sleeping or studying so food preparation and presentation would mean little to them. It would become more of a burden having to take extended amounts of time to focus on meals. Even though they would have clean eating habits it most likely would just be in the form of some liquid smoothie and it would be consumed only once or twice a day. They most likely would be vegetarians because protein from animals would be rare due to the issues with limited space to raise livestock. Protein most likely came from plants. Also, tea beverages are probably popular with helping to calm and focus ones mind.
Fish... Lots of fish. Why? it's a small fishing village that probably isn't rolling in much dough. I'll go into more detail later on with this and the other area's.
History, Locations, and Artifacts / Let's talk about food....
« on: July 20, 2017, 01:44:57 pm »
Yes, the topic of the different foods in the Chrono Series may not be as exciting as say, "The Mystery of The Dead Sea." Never the less I am fascinated by the different locations and foods that would be eaten in these regions. Chrono Cross was what first sparked my interest but my curiosity has since spread to Chrono Trigger as well. I'm also gathering information to make a Chrono Series inspired cook book. Why? Eh, I enjoy cooking and the Chrono games so might as well put the two together and see what happens. Any thoughts? So let's begin....
Fan Art / Re: Chrono Trigger VR Tribute - interactive YouTube video
« on: July 10, 2017, 07:19:51 am »
It was really fun to watch. I especially love the Nu near the end of the video. How long did it take to make the video?

Chrono Compendium Discussion / Re: Chrono Compendium... Is the end near?
« on: July 10, 2017, 07:13:46 am »
True, it would be much efficient. Even though we live in a digital age I still trust having hard copies over digital ones. And I think a book collection of all the Chrono encyclopedia info from this site would be pretty damn awesome looking!!! Sigh, I really do love this web site but I've just never really been active in the forums until now.
Chrono Compendium Discussion / Chrono Compendium... Is the end near?
« on: July 08, 2017, 02:55:25 pm »
I've been visiting this site for over 10 years and doing extensive research about the Chrono Series one day dreaming of making my own comic or novalization. But, then I saw all the Chrono fan made games. I then decided that I would make my own game and find a way to also have it made into a SNES game so I could play it and add to my other collection of Chrono Games. But, then Square Enix sent out the C&D letters to the fans who tried to fill in the gaps of the Chrono Universe by making fan games especially since Chrono Break apparently wasn't going to happen. But, this left a lasting impression on me. I am determined to make my own squeal to Chrono Trigger and Cross!!!! So I am here quite often but with ZeaLity's post earlier this year about the Chrono Series and the community being in it's twilight years it's caused me to panic that any day now I'll come to this website and it will be gone. After the web site security had expired or something like that I started to create hard copies aka printing out the Chrono Compendium encyclopedia sections and am going to create an actual book or books depending on how many pages I'm working with. I'm so excited about this project. I'm honestly just doing this for me alone in case this site ever does shut down. If I ever finish this project i'll try to post pictures but it will be awhile. How much longer will this site be here? I'm I wrong to worry?
Kajar Laboratories / Chrono Cross.... for the SNES!!?
« on: July 08, 2017, 02:09:43 pm »
I know I can't be the only one who has ever thought of this crazy idea but what if Chrono Cross was taken and using SNES graphics was redesigned as a SNES game?! WHAT? WHAT?! OH, YES I SAID IT!
Like Final Fantasy 7 being downgraded for the NES Chrono Cross SNES would be for the true old school gamers. So since I put the idea out would I do it? I play games not make them so any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Kajar Laboratories / Re: Chrono Trigger Prequel Project finished!
« on: July 08, 2017, 01:36:59 pm »
Wait, was this the game that I saw on YouTube called, "Chrono Source?" If so then I really liked it! Good job!!!!

Kajar Laboratories / Re: Chronopolis: The Polis War
« on: July 08, 2017, 01:28:39 pm »
Ooooooo this would be The Chrono Series "Rouge One"! I've always wanted a game that shows the events of the time crash and the epic battle of the reptites and the humans.

Chrono Shift RPGMaker Project / Re: Chrono Shift General Progress Thread
« on: July 08, 2017, 02:51:42 am »
The people of Zeal age differently then the earthbound ones. There are sprites of elderly people in the earthbound villages. Or Zeal may have the rule that once you reach a certain age or are unable to contribute to society anymore due to ones age causing mental and physical restrictions then they are banished to be an earthbound one. Kinda like, "Dune"... a little. Except, you may not immediately be banished from Zeal for being blind as long as your still useful somehow.
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