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Messages - squallstorm

Pages: [1]
Chrono Cross Modification / Re: Innate Type Modification
« on: November 16, 2019, 06:20:35 am »
Wow, thank you for the quick and very informative response Grobycftw  :)  Now I hate to sound stupid.......but I feel like it right now.....I have to ask how would I convert those raw offsets into a gameshark code?

Chrono Cross Modification / Innate Type Modification
« on: November 14, 2019, 08:11:53 pm »
Hello, I'm new here, I've used this site for information for a while but this is the first time I posted.  I have a question....a few websites have innate type modifying codes but they don't change two key things.....the techs for that character stay the same color, so if I change Kid to Blue, her steal tech is still red....which I figured might happen cause the techs are hard coded to be that way.  But what annoys me is that innate elements, like Cure All or MagNegate still can't be used after you change their color.  I know I could just hack them into their element slots but I was wondering if anyone has played with this when modding the game? Is there another offset to "prove" they are actually Blue etc. Innate? Or has anyone figured out an offset that can actually change the color of an element?  I think it would be awesome to change certain characters to a more suitable color for them.....Kid is a big example.....Being the clone of Schala shouldn't she be using a better color in relation to her abilities....Blue was my guess, but White could make sense too considering what type of person and Mage she was in Zeal. But yes sorry for the long post.....any info on this or really any sort of offset for changing character attributes would be appreciated.  On another note has anyone used the enemy editor extensively? I would think the big stat is action points.....if you lowered that to a minimum I bet many enemies would be way harder, I'd love info on how those stats affect difficulty too....again sorry for a long first post. :shock:

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