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Messages - the_Predator

Pages: [1]

Regarding the first question, I think that the biggest probability is that she was killed after you fought her at the top of the omen... I am not sure, it's been a time since I played... but I recall it that way...

The thing with the mammon machine is... well... I don't know.. maybe a mistake of the designers?

The clones in the room don't apear in any part of CC/CT/RD so It' most probably just for the ambient...

Kajar Laboratories / My guide to CT & CC
« on: March 27, 2006, 11:45:21 am »
Ah ok... thanks and sorry for bothering you again with that... I am just being unpatient :)

Kajar Laboratories / My guide to CT & CC
« on: March 23, 2006, 10:57:26 am »
First of all hello... I might be new in this forum atm, but I am a CT/CC/RD fan for quite some time now... Due to my lack of "conenction to the world" aka internet, I could not be active at such forums. But I had written a guide... a big guide... to both games with character info etc. I asked Zeality for the permission to put in his Chronology in my guide... and he gave it. After finishing the guide I sent it to him, but he stoped answering on my e-mails. I don't have the guide here now to upload it, but I shall do it as soon as possible, and I ask Zeality with this post to answer my mail if posible and to post my guide.

Thank you.  :roll:

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