- Total Time Spent Online:
- 4 days, 22 hours and 7 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 1172 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 132 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 1 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 9 votes
- 12 am
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- 12 pm
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- 2 pm
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- 11 pm
- General Discussion
732 posts of the member's 1172 posts (62.46%)732
- Chrono / Gameplay Casual Discussion
89 posts of the member's 1172 posts (7.59%)89
- Characters, Plot, and Themes
54 posts of the member's 1172 posts (4.61%)54
- Fan Project News/Updates
48 posts of the member's 1172 posts (4.10%)48
- Submissions
40 posts of the member's 1172 posts (3.41%)40
- Site Updates
30 posts of the member's 1172 posts (2.56%)30
- Kajar Laboratories
28 posts of the member's 1172 posts (2.39%)28
- Time, Space, and Dimensions
23 posts of the member's 1172 posts (1.96%)23
- Chrono Cross: A Love Story Across Time
23 posts of the member's 1172 posts (1.96%)23
- Lavos, the Planet, and other Entities
19 posts of the member's 1172 posts (1.62%)19
- Chrono Cross: A Love Story Across Time
23 posts of the board's 70 posts (32.86%)32.86%
- Fan Project News/Updates
48 posts of the board's 982 posts (4.89%)4.89%
- Chrono Trigger: The Movie
1 posts of the board's 29 posts (3.45%)3.45%
- Chrono Trigger OSV Remake Project
1 posts of the board's 49 posts (2.04%)2.04%
- Prior Contest Archive
1 posts of the board's 74 posts (1.35%)1.35%
- General Discussion
732 posts of the board's 68034 posts (1.08%)1.08%
- Fan Fiction
18 posts of the board's 1807 posts (1.00%)1.00%
- Submissions
40 posts of the board's 5501 posts (0.73%)0.73%
- Fan Art
18 posts of the board's 2689 posts (0.67%)0.67%
- Time, Space, and Dimensions
23 posts of the board's 4491 posts (0.51%)0.51%