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Plus they didn't attack the fairies, nor appear to be fighting or hindering them at all.Whereas the dwarves outright attacked the village, killing everyone in sight, and attempting to claim the island as their own.At that point in the game, when the Lagoonates appear, the fairies no longer exist on the island. Whether that means they are simply not seen or have in fact been killed may be indeterminable, but a quote in-game suggests the latter.Quote [Water Dragon Isle (Home) - If you never visited, don't have Razzly)] Member: A monster!? W-what's going on?Member: The fairies of this isle have them...? Heaven forbid! Logged Beach Bum Guardian (+100) Posts: 143 Re: I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves. « Reply #16 on: April 08, 2012, 02:05:57 pm » That is odd. I chose to not do the Hydra Marshes quest, but did visit Water Dragon Isle for the Ice Breath and fought the dwarves. Then way later while coming back to fight the Water Dragon, the fairies were still there and the Lagoonates were only roaming around the other areas. Logged Acacia Sgt Guru of Reason Zurvan Surfer (+2500) Posts: 2655 Forever loyal to the Acacia Dragoons Re: I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves. « Reply #17 on: April 08, 2012, 02:09:39 pm » Quote from: Beach Bum on April 08, 2012, 02:05:57 pmThat is odd. I chose to not do the Hydra Marshes quest, but did visit Water Dragon Isle for the Ice Breath and fought the dwarves. Then way later while coming back to fight the Water Dragon, the fairies were still there and the Lagoonates were only roaming around the other areas.Because you need to completely avoid the island until it is necessary. Getting the Ice Breath is optional after all. And as the script says...Quote [Water Dragon Isle (Home) - If you never visited, don't have Razzly)] Member: A monster!? W-what's going on?Member: The fairies of this isle have them...? Heaven forbid!There, if you never visited. Logged Beach Bum Guardian (+100) Posts: 143 Re: I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves. « Reply #18 on: April 08, 2012, 02:31:39 pm » Hmmm.... So which version is canon?Fairies are attacked and dwarves repent after hearing of the Hydra child ? Fairies are attacked but survive albeit with a hatred for humans ? Or fairies are attacked and completely wiped from the island forever ?I guess this is another one of those "choose what you like best" things. Logged gatotsu911 Guardian (+100) Posts: 190 Where Angels Lose Their Way... Re: I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves. « Reply #19 on: April 09, 2012, 01:58:41 am » Quote from: maggiekarp on April 07, 2012, 08:09:23 pmI think it was more a thematic thing hinting towards the fact that the humans weren't entirely "native" to the planet, since their evolution was controlled by Lavos, and Cross completely did away with hope and free will ideas.I was with you up until that last part. Logged Lennis Chronopolitan (+300) Posts: 396 Re: I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves. « Reply #20 on: April 29, 2012, 05:58:24 am » It seems to me that Kato went out of his way to paint humans in a negative light. The assertion that humans essentially evolved from Lavos conveniently ignores the question of Ayla. There is also no mention of dwarves or faries in Chrono Trigger, so their inclusion in Cross strikes me as unnecessary. They only serve as humanity-despising devices by the author. We can only speculate as to why he was compelled to go in this direction. Logged utunnels Guru of Reason Emeritus Zurvan Surfer (+2500) Posts: 2797 Re: I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves. « Reply #21 on: April 29, 2012, 07:54:06 am » Such theme that humans are harmful to the nature can be found in many works. I wonder why they had to play with the cliche. But anyway that doesn't mean I hate it. Some Ghibili anims also have similar views, I recall. For example, Nausica(if it counts), mononoke hime, or even Pom Poko. Logged skylark Poet of El Nido Black Wind Agent (+600) Posts: 640 Re: I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves. « Reply #22 on: August 11, 2012, 02:57:22 pm » Quote from: Lennis on April 29, 2012, 05:58:24 amIt seems to me that Kato went out of his way to paint humans in a negative light. The assertion that humans essentially evolved from Lavos conveniently ignores the question of Ayla. There is also no mention of dwarves or faries in Chrono Trigger, so their inclusion in Cross strikes me as unnecessary. They only serve as humanity-despising devices by the author. We can only speculate as to why he was compelled to go in this direction. Hmmm...Maybe Kato had a sudden crisis of faith in humanity during production, kinda like Anno did with Evangelion?*shrugs* Logged chapapote Earthbound (+15) Posts: 23 Re: I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves. « Reply #23 on: June 01, 2013, 02:19:29 pm » Quote from: Beach Bum on April 08, 2012, 02:05:57 pmThat is odd. I chose to not do the Hydra Marshes quest, but did visit Water Dragon Isle for the Ice Breath and fought the dwarves. Then way later while coming back to fight the Water Dragon, the fairies were still there and the Lagoonates were only roaming around the other areas.One can assume then that the Lagoonates never take a place on the fairies' dissapearance, the dwarves have already killed them by the time they appear.Quote from: Beach Bum on April 08, 2012, 02:31:39 pmHmmm.... So which version is canon?Fairies are attacked and dwarves repent after hearing of the Hydra child ? Fairies are attacked but survive albeit with a hatred for humans ? Or fairies are attacked and completely wiped from the island forever ?I guess this is another one of those "choose what you like best" things.Most likely the Hydra Marshes quest is canon, and that hydra is killed, that's the only thing for sure. « Last Edit: June 01, 2013, 02:23:01 pm by chapapote » Logged IHBP Architect of Kajar Chronopolitan (+300) Posts: 379 Re: I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves. « Reply #24 on: October 05, 2013, 02:57:43 pm » Odd that there is so much animosity toward humans considering that those are all man made islands they live on. Logged Acacia Sgt Guru of Reason Zurvan Surfer (+2500) Posts: 2655 Forever loyal to the Acacia Dragoons Re: I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves. « Reply #25 on: October 07, 2013, 12:31:19 am » True, they're man-made, but it's not like anyone outside the staff that remained in Chronopolis knew. Even then, it's still an ecosystem that humans have harmed, so they have reasons to be angry at them. Logged EgyLynx Enlightened One (+200) Posts: 298 Re: I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves. « Reply #26 on: July 02, 2015, 12:57:31 pm » Oh no... no these cute fairys... why them MUST die? Logged MoliereS2 Iokan (+1) Posts: 3 Re: I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves. « Reply #27 on: September 30, 2015, 11:09:26 pm » Maybe what they wanted to show was how real life is unfair? in other words, the game tried to take the reality and put it in. Logged EgyLynx Enlightened One (+200) Posts: 298 Re: I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves. « Reply #28 on: January 10, 2016, 02:23:26 pm » Well... I hope that was viceversa... Logged Print Pages: 1 [2] « previous next » Chrono Compendium » Enhasa Halls - Chrono Series Analysis » Characters, Plot, and Themes » I really, really hate those fairies / dwarves.