Author Topic: Save Anywhere  (Read 4350 times)


  • Architect of Kajar
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Save Anywhere
« on: August 05, 2005, 08:55:34 am »
I made this for fun last night.
I killed off a check the game made to see if saving is allowed or not, thus enabling you to save your game just about anywhere.

I'm not sure if it will bork certain events if you save and reload during an event, so use at your own risk.

Patch to an unheadered CT ROM.

$C2/CEDC   AD 34 0D   LDA $0D34  [$7E:0D34]   // 7E:0D34 - Byte that holds Yes or No (can you save here?)
$C2/CEDF   0D 94 02   ORA $0294  [$7E:0294]      
$C2/CEE2   0D 99 02   ORA $0299  [$7E:0299]      
$C2/CEE5   0D 9E 02   ORA $029E  [$7E:029E]   
$C2/CEE8   29 40      AND #$40      
$C2/CEEA   F0 09      BEQ $09       
$C2/CEEC   64 67      STZ $67       
$C2/CEEE   A9 01      LDA #$01      
$C2/CEF0   85 68      STA $68       
$C2/CEF2   4C CC EA   JMP $EACC  [$7E:EACC]  // Play the Menu Error sound
$C2/EACC   08       PHP                  
$C2/EACD   E2 30      SEP #$30   
$C2/EACF   A9 01      LDA #$01      
$C2/EAD1   20 03 EB   JSR $EB03  [$C2:EB03]


  • Acacia Deva (+500)
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Save Anywhere
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2005, 11:07:29 am »
Very interesting.  Somewhat "pointless" as if you're applying it to a Rom, then you're gonna use savestates anyway.  But not pointless in the sense that that is a fine piece of hacking right there.


  • Architect of Kajar
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Save Anywhere
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2005, 11:21:15 am »
Yeah, savestates pretty much make the entire save routine pointless (if you use savestates). I never thought of it that way though. :)

Here is a piece of the Seraph Song accessory's code.

$C1/8B86   A2 05 00   LDX #$0005  // Change the 0005 to whatever MP you want restored.   

Custom Accessories could be cool.


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Save Anywhere
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2005, 11:34:35 am »
Save anywhere in CT has been very stable in my experience.  You can save at the programmer's ending, and between battles when fighting Lavos first form, as a few examples.  Anywhere you can access the status menu, basically.